Stochastic Processes in Gene Regulatory Circuits (II) Kyung Hyuk Kim Systems and Synthetic Biology, 498A Overview • Modeling of stochastic processes. – Assumptions – Reaction rate equations: Deterministic vs. stochastic • When to implement stochastic models • Gillespie Algorithm 2/6/2009 2 The Origin of Stochasticity Stochasticity: • Thermal motion: Intracellular macro-molecules collide with each other and with water molecules. • At a time scale of 10-6 sec, velocity information of typical proteins is lost due to the random collisions. • Interactions between water molecules and macromolecules are often modeled with white noise and friction force. Homogeneity: • At a time scale of 1 msec, typical small proteins floating in the cytoplasm of E. coli will diffuse throughout the cell. Position information of the proteins is therefore quickly lost due to rapid diffusion. • Non-specific binding of TF’s to DNA strands ~ 5msec (lifetime). • At a time scale of minutes, we assume that TF’s are uniformly distributed in cytoplasm. 2/6/2009 3 Model of the Homogeneous System • • • • • • • The state of a Homogeneous System is described by numbers of molecules of each species. Reactions occur randomly with a probability given by rate constants and the number of combinatory cases. No force fields No velocities No spatial variation Markov process : all the previous information is lost and current information determines the next future events. V Nred , Nblue Rate Constants Very idealized systems! 2/6/2009 4 Stochastic Reaction Systems When the numbers of molecules (n) are small: • Concentrations fluctuate in a discrete manner. • Concentrations fluctuate significantly. 2/6/2009 5 Discrete Noise for Small n – The number of LacI tetrameric repressor protein in E.coli ~ 10 molecules. – If one LacI repressor binds to a promoter region, the number of free LacI repressors = 9. – 10% change in its concentration and number! The change becomes discrete. 2/6/2009 6 Significant Noise for Small n • Consider proteins that are translated from mRNA and degrade. mRNA r0 Protein r1 =k1 n r0 is assumed to be constant. r1 is proportional to the number of protein molecules, n. 2/6/2009 7 Poisson Distributions in Steady States mRNA r0 Protein r1 =k1 n The stationary statistics of n follows a Poisson distribution. The variance of n [Var(n)] = The mean of n [Mean(n)]. Standard deviation of n [Std(n)] = [Var(n)]1/2 = [Mean(n)]1/2. As the Mean(n) gets larger, the distribution becomes narrower in the relative terms. Mean=100 Mean=10 0.12 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 1.4 0.1 1.2 0.08 Mean=10 0.06 Mean=100 0.04 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.02 0.2 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 0 2/6/2009 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.75 0.9 1.05 1.2 1.35 1.5 1.65 1.8 1.95 0.14 Reaction Rate Equations • • • When the number of reactant X is 4, v=k2 4*3. 2/6/2009 9 Gillespie Algorithm Exact simulation algorithm for chemical master equations. At each time point we must answer the following two questions: 1. Determine when the next reaction will occur. 2. Determine which reaction will occur. 2/6/2009 10 Gillespie Algorithm 1. Determine when the next reaction will occur. Compute the time of next reaction: mRNA r0 Protein r1 =k1 n What is the probability distribution of ¿? y The probability that the next reaction will occur at [¿ , ¿ + dt] = exp[-rtot ¿ ] rtot dt. (rtot : normalization factor) 2/6/2009 ¿ 11 Gillespie Algorithm 2. Determine which reaction will occur. The probability to choose a reaction ri among all possible reactions Therefore, The probability that next reaction r0 will occur during 2/6/2009 12 Alternative Simulation Approach mRNA r0 Protein (n) r1 =k1 n The number of proteins are updated at each time step tm = m dt. Probability to jump from n to n+1 = r0 dt n-1 n n+1 Probability to jump from n to n-1 = k1 n dt n-1 n n+1 Probability to stay = [1- (k1 n + r0 ) dt ] 2/6/2009 n-1 n n+1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. At t=0, start from n=10. Generate a random number “rand” between (0, 1]. If rand < r0 dt, n=11. Else if rand < (r0 + k1 n) dt, n=9. Else if n=10. This new n is the number of protein at t1=dt. Repeat step 3-6 and t2=2dt. ….. This can be less efficient than the Gillespie algorithm. It is possible that reactions do not occur. 13 Alternative Simulation Approach k1 n r0 n-1 n n+1 • Initially, the number of proteins = n. • What is the probability that no reaction occurs up to time ¿ = m dt? The probability that next reaction r0 will occur during [¿ , ¿ + dt] is 2/6/2009 14 Two different simulation approaches • Gillespie – Prob[ No reaction occurs until ¿ and any single reaction occurs between ¿ and ¿ + dt] * Prob[ a specific reaction (i-th) should have occurred ] • Alternative approach – Prob[ No reaction occurs until ¿] * Prob[ a specific reaction (i-th) occurs between ¿ and ¿ + dt ] 2/6/2009 15 Example 2 rg X Y (nY) r0=k0nY Z (nZ) r1 =k1 nz • State: “n” “(nY , nZ)” nZ + 1 r0dt nZ + 1 rgdt nZ nZ - 1 r1dt nY - 1 nY nY + 1 nZ nZ - 1 1- (rg+r0+r1)dt nY - 1 nY nY + 1 • The probability that next reaction r0 will occur during [¿ , ¿ + dt] is 2/6/2009 16 Gillespie Algorithm Exact simulation algorithm for chemical master equations. At each time point we must answer the following two questions: 1. Determine when the next reaction will occur. 2. Determine which reaction will occur. 2/6/2009 17 Stochastic Phenomena • Stochastic Focusing • Stochastic Switching • Single Events (¸ Phage) • Multiplicative Noise Effects 2/6/2009 18 Stochastic Focusing • Stochastic Focusing: Sensitivity increase due to stochastic effects. [Paulsson, et al. PNAS 97, 7148-7153 (2000)] • Two step cascade reactions: 2/6/2009 19 Stochastic Focusing • Stochastic Focusing: Sensitivity increase due to stochastic effects. • Sensitivity: % Change of Response Signal Sensitivit y % Change of Source Signal The sensitivity can be used to estimate how a system responds due to changes in the environment. dX Y d lnX Sensitivit y dY X d lnY . d ln f ( x) 1 df ( x) , where we used dx f ( x) dx 2/6/2009 1 d ln f ( x) df ( x). f ( x) 20 Stochastic Focusing • Stochastic Focusing: Sensitivity increase due to stochastic effects. [Paulsson, et al. PNAS 97, 7148-7153 (2000)] Two step cascade reactions Source Signal = S1 Response Signal = S2 Sensitivit y 2/6/2009 d S2 S1 d S1 S2 d ln S 2 d ln S1 x Mean(x) 21 Stochastic Focusing Fluctuations in the concentration of S leads to fluctuations in the reaction rate v(S). How does the mean rate of reaction change with the noise? E.g., S v(S) X k2 S v( S ) KM S 2/6/2009 22 Stochastic Focusing • We can change mean S. • The change of mean rate increases with stochastic noise. • Sensitivity increases. “Stochastic Focusing”. S v(S) 2/6/2009 Deterministic Case Stochastic Case Deterministic Case X Stochastic Case 23 Stochastic Focusing-Defocusing Compensation • Stochastic focusing can occur in one region of the curve and stochastic defocusing in another region. 2/6/2009 24 Stochastic Focusing Two step cascade reactions [Paulsson, et al. PNAS 97, 7148 (2000)] Sensitivit y d v3 S1 d S1 v3 d ln v3 d ln S1 . Stochastic Case Deterministic Case 2/6/2009 25 Stochastic Focusing Consider these effects in a pathway such as the one below. 2/6/2009 26 Stochastic Focusing Two step cascade reactions [Paulsson, et al. PNAS 97, 7148 (2000)] Sensitivit y d v3 S1 d S1 v3 d ln v3 d ln S1 . Mean(v3 ) p4 Mean( S 2 ). Mean( S 2 ) Mean(v3 ) . p4 ln[ Mean( S 2 )] ln[ Mean(v3 )] ln[ p4 ]. d ln[ Mean(S2 )] d ln[ Mean(v3 )] d ln[ p4 ]. 2/6/2009 27 Stochastic Focusing Two step cascade reactions [Paulsson, et al. PNAS 97, 7148 (2000)] Sensitivit y d S2 S1 d S1 S2 d ln S 2 d ln S1 . Stochastic Case Deterministic Case 2/6/2009 28