THE MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE ACADEMIC SENATE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO Fresno, California 93740-8023 Office of the Academic Senate FAX: 278-5745 Telephone: 278-2743 (EC-21) April 8, 2013 Members Present: Jacinta Amaral (State-wide), Kevin Ayotte (ViceChair), Shawn Clark (ASI), Provost William Covino, Magda Gilewicz (At-large), Michael Jenkins (At-large) Excused Absent: Gena Gechter (University-wide), Melanie Ram (At-large), President John Welty, Lynn Williams (Chair) Visitors: Venita Baker, Associate Vice President Michael Caldwell, Paul Crosbie, Mamta Rawat The meeting was called to order at 3:06 p.m. by Vice Chair Ayotte in ML 3212. 1. Agenda. MSC to approve the Agenda. 2. Minutes of 3/18/13. MSC to approve the minutes of 3/18/13. 3. Communications and Announcements. A. Faculty Representatives to Associate Vice President for University Communications Search Committee. Vice Chair Ayotte reported that no nominations were received for faculty representatives to the search committee. The Executive Committee agreed that Vice Chair Ayotte would repeat the call for nominations at the April 8, 2013 Senate meeting; if the two faculty representatives required by the university policy on administrative appointments are not nominated, the Senate will waive its right to faculty representation in this case. Executive Committee Meeting April 8, 2013 Page 2 B. Memo dated March 11, 2013 w/correction, from William Covino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: Request to Officially Discontinue a Program. This item will be discussed as item 7 on today’s Executive Committee agenda. C. Memo dated March 21, 2013, from William Covino, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: Corrected March 11, 2013 Memo. Memo has been received. As a result of consultation between Dean Nunna (Lyles College of Engineering) and Dean Nef (Undergraduate Studies), Provost Covino is withdrawing the previously submitted request to consider voluntary discontinuation of the Industrial Engineering program. D. Memo dated March 18, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Senate Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: APM 302, 306, 307. The consolidation of these three policies will appear as an item on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. E. Memo dated March 18, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Senate Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: APM 357. This item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. F. Memo dated March 18, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Senate Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: APM 360, 361. This item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. Executive Committee Meeting April 8, 2013 Page 3 G. Email dated March 20, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams Chair Academic Senate re: APM 315. This item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. H. Email dated March 20, 2013, from Mamta Rawat, Chair Senate Personnel Committee to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: Revised Policy and Procedures for Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (APM 369 and G-25). This item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. I. Memo dated March 19, 2013, from J. Constable, Chair University Budget Committee to Dr. Lynn Williams re: Proposed new MS options and Certificates of Advanced Study in the Nursing Department of the College of Health and Human Services. This item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. J. Email dated March 21, 2013, from Anil Shrestha, Chair Research Subcommittee to Lynn Williams, Chair Academic Senate re: APM 510 Research Misconduct Policy. This item will appear on the next agenda of the Executive Committee. K. Email dated March 22, 2013, from Michael Caldwell, Associate Vice President Faculty Affairs to Lynn Williams, Chair and Kevin Ayotte, Vice Chair Academic Senate re: APM 322 Revision. Email has been received. This item will be discussed as part of item 6 in today’s Executive Meeting 4. APM 235 Honor Code. Continued Second Reading. No further discussion was offered. MSC to place this item on the next agenda of the Academic Senate. Executive Committee Meeting April 8, 2013 Page 4 5. General Education (GE) Policy, Procedures, and Program Description Revisions. Second Reading. Dr. Paul Crosbie (Chair, GE Committee) summarized the decision of the GE Committee (previously distributed to the Executive Committee via email) that because Learning Outcomes in the GE Policy were approved by faculty through extensive consultation among departments and the Senate, changes to Learning Outcomes during Executive Committee review would circumvent that due process. Proposed revisions to the Learning Outcomes for Area A2 in the current draft are therefore withdrawn. MSC to place this item on the next agenda of the Academic Senate. 6. Interim Policies (APMs 301, 304, 325, 332, Voluntary Suspension of a Graduate Program, Blended/Accelerated Undergraduate and Graduate Programs). First Reading. Professor Mamta Rawat (Chair, Personnel Committee) summarized the interim policies and changes made from the previous versions of each policy. A friendly amendment was offered and accepted, per the request from Associate Vice President Caldwell (Faculty Affairs) referenced in Communication item K above, to delete all references to a “Range Elevation Form” in the policy because the form was never created and is unnecessary to implementation of the policy. The title of Table 2 on p. 3 was also amended to change “faculty” to “lecturers.” MSC to waive second reading and place all of the interim policies on the next agenda of the Academic Senate. 7. Department of Political Science Request to Discontinue the Public Administration Program. First Reading. MSC to waive second reading and place this item on the next agenda of the Academic Senate. Professor David Schecter (Chair, Political Science) or designee will be invited to present this request. Executive Committee Meeting April 8, 2013 Page 5 8. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering Option in the Civil Engineering Graduate Program. First Reading. Professor Marilyn Wilson (Chair, Graduate Committee) presented the proposed new option. MSC to refer this item to the University Budget Committee for review. 9. Name Change for the Marriage and Family Therapy Program. First Reading MSC to waive second reading and place this item on the next agenda of the Academic Senate. The meeting was adjourned at 3:58 p.m. The next meeting of the Executive Committee will be announced. An Agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting. Submitted by: Kevin J. Ayotte Vice-Chair Academic Senate Approved by: Lynn Williams Chair Academic Senate