Page 1 of 3 From the National Pork Board The National Pork Board is soliciting research proposals in the category of International Trade: Variety Meat Microbiological and Residue Study of Products for Human Consumption in Export Markets The purpose of the research requested here is to determine current microbiological and chemical residue status of pork offal products destined for export to allow for establishment of a baseline industry benchmark related to safety and quality. Request: NPB is requesting proposals for a comprehensive microbiological and residue survey of pork offal products, including but not limited to hearts, livers, lungs, kidneys, brains and intestines. Microbiological evaluation should focus on: -Salmonella -Yersinia -Toxoplasma -Total Plate Count -Aerobic Plate Counts Researchers should include a detailed description of: • Sampling scheme • Methodology for measuring bacteria Page 2 of 3 Residue depletion analysis should focus on: -Ractopamine -Tetracycline Researchers should include a detailed description of: • • • • Levels of ractopamine and tetracycline in the feed/water Duration of ractopamine and tetracycline pigs are fed Withdrawal period of ractopamine and tetracycline Analysis of the feed/water and environmental samples for ractopamine and tetracycline • Methodology for measuring ractopamine and tetracycline Preference will be given to projects that involve academic and commercial collaboration. Researchers can propose work as independent consultants or as part of a university. Click here for link to RFP details and submission instructions: STAFF MEMBERS: INTERNATIONAL TRADE: Becca Nepple • • 515-223-2621 NOTES: Proposal Submission Deadline: Monday, January 11th, 2016 – 5:00 pm CST Proposal selection will occur in January 2016. Notification of grant awards will be done in February 2016. Project funding will begin March 1, 2016. If you have questions specific to the content of the proposal, please contact the staff manager for the category to which you are submitting. If you have questions specific to the site and submission process, please contact Bev Everitt at or 515/223-2750. If you encounter problems with the site, note specific information about the browser type and version you are using, what you were doing when the problem occurred and the exact text of any error messages you encounter. Page 3 of 3 Copyright © 2015 National Pork Board, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list