Get inspired T he Research Fellowship Program at Winterthur

Get inspired
The Research Fellowship
Program at Winterthur
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Research fellows live on the museum grounds within easy
walking distance of the library and museum. Winterthur offers
the following funding opportunities:
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships
One or two semesters. Applicants must be US citizens or residents.
Stipend: up to $40,000.
This fellowship is supported by the NEH Fellowship Programs at Independent Research Institutions.
Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily
represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Winterthur Dissertation Fellowships
One or two semesters for doctoral candidates conducting
dissertation research and writing. Stipend: $7,000 per semester.
: Jean
Short-term Research Fellowships
One- to three-month fellowships for academic, independent, and museum
scholars. Stipend: $1,500 per month. Applicants need not apply for a named
fellowship, but we do designate certain awards:
Faith Andrews
Study of Shaker life
and material culture
Robert Lee Gill
Neville McD.
Thompson Fellowships
Research on American
Study of domestic life,
decorative arts, painting,
late 19th- and early
architecture, or historic
20th-century design,
and material culture
For more information, please contact
Rosemary Krill at 302.888.4637 or
Please Post
Extraordinary Collections • Peaceful Environment • Stimulating Colleagues
Office of Academic Programs
5105 Kennett Pike • Winterthur, Delaware 19735
A p p lic a t
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think... research... read... write...
think... research... read... write...
The Research Fellowship Program at Winterthur provides
scholars with opportunities to work in one of the great repositories of research
materials on social and cultural history, art and architectural history, decorative arts
and design, and topics in the history of everyday life. Collections are rich in material
relating to the colonies of British North America and the United States from the
seventeenth to the mid-twentieth centuries.
American Material Culture
Decorative Arts and Design
Art and Visual Culture
Consumer Culture
Garden & Landscape Studies
Shaker Studies
Travel and Tourism
The Atlantic World
Childhood and Family Life
Literary Culture
Food History
Conservation Studies
Other areas of social &
cultural history
A p p lic a t
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For application materials and a list of recently funded projects, visit
WINTERTHUR • 800.448.3883 • 302.888.4600 •