NAME:_________________________ ID________________________ TEL_________________________ DATE_____ Social Work Advising Form (Catalog years fall 2013 - present) Revised July 2014. List of approved GE courses subject to change. ALWAYS check current schedule of courses (online) to be sure a course meets GE for the semester. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (51 UNITS) Social Work Degree Req. (42 units) Units FOUNDATON (12 UNITS) passed with CR or “C” CORE Social Work (’03 min C) A1____ Oral Communication: Comm 3, 7, 8 _______Social Work 20* 3 A2____ Written Communication: Eng 5B, 10 _______Social Work 123** 3 A3____ Critical Thinking: AFRS 20; Anthro 30; CLAS 30;CSM 10; Comm _______Social Work 135** 3 5; CSCI 1; Geog 25, Interdis 50; Nat Sci 4; Philos 25, 45; Soc 3; _______Social Work 136** 3 WS 12 _______Social Work 160** 3 B4____ Quantitative Reasoning: DS 71; Math 45, 70 75,75A _______Social Work 161**(prereq 160) 3 BREADTH (27 UNITS) [Breadth + UDGE: max of 2 courses from one dept * prerequisite for major or program] ** prerequisite to Senior Year Classes Area B - Physical Universe & Its Life Forms (1 in B1, 1 in B2, & 1 lab (B3) _______Social Work 170 3 B1____ Physical Sciences: (Prerequisites for B1: Completion of B4). Chem _______Social Work 171 3 1A & AL, 3A, 10; Env Sci 1, 4; Phys Sci 21; Physics 2A, 4A & 4AL, 10 B2____ Life Sciences: Bio 1A, 10, 11, 12 B3____ Laboratory Component: B1 or B2 must have a lab SENIOR YEAR COURSES (’03 min C) Area C-Arts and Humanities (1 in C1, 1 in C2, & a third from C1 or C2 ______Social Work 180 3 C1____ Arts: Arm Studies 20; Art 1, 20, 40, 50; Art Hist 10, 11; CLAS 9; st ______Social Work 181(1 Sem) 6 Drama 22, 62; Eng 41, 43, 44; Music 9, 74,75 nd ______Social Work 182 (2 Sem) 6 C2____ Humanities: (Prerequisite for C2: Completion of A2). Arab 1A, 1B; ______Social Work 183 3 Arm 1B, 2A, 2B; Chin 1A,1B; CDDS 90, 92; Eng 20, 30; Frch 1B, 2A, 2B; Ger 1B, 2A, 2B; Grk 1A, 1B; Hmong 1B; Hum 10, 11, 15, 20; Ital ADDITIONAL MAJOR REQ (18 Units) 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B; Jpn 1A, 1B; Lat 1A, 1AH,1B; Ling 10; Pers 1A, 1B; a a a A. Phil 1 , 20 , Geron 100 , 103 3___ Philos 1a, 2, 10, 20a; Port 1A,1B; Span 1B, 2A, 2B, 3, 4A, 4B. b b b B. Phil 120 ,131 ,150 Geron 134, 3___ C1or2_____ 139 Area D-Social, Political & Economic Institutions & Behavior, Historical Background. One course in each sub-area (Prerequisite for D1, D2, & C. Approved upper division D3: Completion of A2) electives D1____ American History: Hist 11, 12 1. Cultural Diversity* 3___ D2____ American Government: Pol Sci 2 2. 2 Upper Div. Courses 3___ D3____ Social Science: AFRS 1, 10, 15, 27, 36; AB 1; AIS 50; Anthro 2, 3; (Select 1 each from 2 of 3___ 1 Arm St 10; As Am 15; CFS 31; CLAS 3, 5; Crim 10; CDDS 98; Econ these 4 Depts: Anthro , 2 3 25, 40, 50; Geog 2, 4; Hist 20, 21; IT 20; MCJ 1; MES 10; Poli Sci 1, Crim , Psych , or 4 71; Psych 10; Soc 1 or 1S; WS 10 Sociology ) Area E-Life long Understanding and Self-Development: (min of 3 units) D. Approved upper division 3___ E_____ Animal Sci 67; Art 13; CFS 38, 39; CSM 15S; Dance 16, 70; Drama elective in Social Work. Select 32; Fin 30; Geron 10S, 18; 111*; PH 90 91, 110; Kines 32 (& one from these 4 classes: concurrent enrollment in KAC 6, 21, 24, 31, 33, 39, or 103); Ling 30: SWrk 125, 128, 129, 137 Nutr 53; PCS 110; Psych 61; RA 80; Univ 1; WS 18/Geron 18 UPPER DIVISION G. E. (12 UNITS): (Taken no sooner than the term in which 60 units of coursework are completed. Prerequisite: completion of Foundation and appropriate Breadth Area courses) Integration: Three upper division courses—one in each area. IB____ Physical Universe and Its Life Forms: Anthro 1611; Chem 170; CSCI 100; Geog 115, 128; EES 112, 167, 168; NSCI 115, 120, 121, 125; PH 161; PSCI 131, 168; Physics 100; Plant Sci 105; Psych 1263 IC____ Arts and Humanities: AFRS 129*; AE 100; Arm 148; Art 102; Dance 171; Drama 163; Eng 101, 102, 103, 112, 113, 114, 174; French 109*, 149*; Hum 104, 108, 110, 118; Int Art St 108;Ling 115, 130, 138; Music 170A, 171, 187; Philos 120b,150b, 151; Spanish 125*, 129* ID____ Social, Political and Economic Institutions and Behavior, Historical Background: AIS 103*; AFRS 144*; AB 155; Anthro 116W 1, 1451; CLAS 114*; Crim 1012, 1202, 120S,1532; Econ 146,167,176, 183; Geog 173; Geron 100a; Hist 101/WS101*; Kines 111; MCJ 178; Soc Sci 110*; Soc 1314*, 1434, 1634 Multicultural/International. One course with prefix M/I M/I____ AFRS 150*, 164*; Anthro 105W 1, 1201, 1231, 1251; As Am 110*; Bus Adm 104; CLAS 160*, 170*; Comm 164; CDDS 139*; Econ 181; Geog 167; Geron 161*; Hist 186*; Hum 105, 140; Interdis 177; Ling 147; MCJ 175, 176, 179; PH 104, 128; Philos 131b, 132; Poli Sci 120; RA 130; Soc Sci 180*; Social Work 136; Soc 1114, 1424; Women’s Studies 110*, 120*, 135* ADDITIONAL UNIVERSITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Upper Division Writing Skills: Must be completed prior to enrollment in S Wrk 181 but no sooner than term in which student will complete 60 units ____ A. UDWS exam (Eng 100W - 1 unit, CR) OR W B. UDWS course _______________ (Any "W" class, 3-4 units) 2. Electives depending on number of GE courses double counted for Additional Major Requirements Date:___________ Units earned:_________________ Units in progress:______________ ____ UNITS REMAINING:___________ 120 (*) and superscripts match GE courses with approved additional major requirements. Social Work Majors may not count S Wrk 136 toward GE M/I. A Total 120 units for degree for catalog year fall 2013 and on. (rev. July, 2014)