UNDERGRADUATE COURSES COMMENCING IN OCTOBER 2008 FACULTY/ INSTITUTE COURSE DURATION FULL-TIME DURATION PART-TIME TUITION AND FOR COURSE OTHER FEES PER CODE REFER YEAR TO PAGE Architecture and Civil Engineering Bachelor of Engineering and Architecture (Honours) 5 yrs x Arts Bachelor of Arts/ (Honours) : 3 yrs x Anthropology, Arabic, Archaeology, Classics, Communication Studies, Contemporary Mediterranean Studies, English, French, Geography, German, History, History of Art, International Relations, Italian, Linguistics, Maltese, Music Studies, Near Eastern Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Social Studies, Sociology, Spanish Studies, Theatre Studies 5 yrs eve Bachelor of Arts (at Gozo Centre) : € 232.94 x Classics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology Dental Surgery Bachelor of Dental Surgery (max. 6 students) Economics, Management Bachelor of Commerce/ (Honours) and Accountancy Bachelor of Commerce (at Gozo Centre) (for holders of Diploma in Commerce) Bachelor of Accountancy (Honours) Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Management (for holders of B.Sc. (Bus. & Comp.) Bachelor of Science (Business & Computing) 5 yrs x 3 / 4 yrs x 3 yrs € 232.94 x B.Com + 2 yrs x 1yr x 3 yrs x FACULTY/ INSTITUTE COURSE Bachelor of Arts/ (Honours) in Tourism Studies (also offered for holders of Diploma in Hospitality Management awarded by the Institute of Tourism Studies) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Policy/ Social Work Education DURATION FULL-TIME DURATION PART-TIME TUITION AND FOR COURSE OTHER FEES PER CODE REFER YEAR TO PAGE 3 / 4 yrs 1 / 2 yrs 4 yrs x 6 to 8 yrs day x Diploma in Commerce (at Gozo Centre) 2 yrs eve € 232.94 x Diploma in Management Studies 3 yrs eve € 232.94 x Diploma in Marketing 2 yrs eve € 232.94 x Bachelor of Education (Honours) : 4 yrs x 3 yrs x Primary Education Secondary Education: Art, Computing, English, French, Geography, German, History, Italian, Maltese, Mathematics, Music Studies (max. 4 students), Nutrition, Family & Consumer Studies (max. 12 students), Personal and Social Development (max. 15 students), Physical Education, Religious Education, Science with specialisation in Biology, Science with specialisation in Chemistry, Science with specialisation in Physics, Technical Design and Technology Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Youth and Community Studies 5 yrs eve € 232.94 x Diploma in Facilitating Inclusive Education (max. 110 students) 2 yrs eve € 465.87 x FACULTY/ INSTITUTE Engineering COURSE Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) : DURATION FULL-TIME DURATION PART-TIME TUITION AND FOR COURSE OTHER FEES PER CODE REFER YEAR TO PAGE 3 yrs x Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (Honours) 4 yrs x Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information and Communication Technology : Communications & Computer Engineering, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, Information & Communication Technology 3 yrs x Electrical and Electronic Engineering Mechanical Engineering Information and Communication Technology Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information and Communication Technology (including 2 summer sessions) (for holders of Diploma in Information Technology) 3 yrs eve € 1,164.69 - yr 1 € 582.34 BF - yr 1 € 1,397.62 - yr 2/3 € 815.28 BF - yr 2/3 x Diploma in Information and Communication Technology (successful completion of the Diploma gives access to the next stage of the B.Sc. (Hons) in ICT when next offered) 2 yrs eve € 1,164.69 € 465.87 BF x Laws Bachelor of Laws 3 yrs x Medicine and Surgery Doctor of Medicine and Surgery 5 yrs x Bachelor of Pharmacy (Honours) 5 yrs x FACULTY/ INSTITUTE Science Theology COURSE DURATION FULL-TIME TUITION AND FOR COURSE OTHER FEES PER CODE REFER YEAR TO PAGE Bachelor of Science (Honours) : x one area of study: Chemistry two areas of study: Banking & Finance, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics & Operations Research 3 yrs 4 yrs Bachelor of Sacred Theology 5 yrs Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Theology 3 yrs Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Human Studies 3 yrs Diploma in Religious Studies Agriculture DURATION PART-TIME Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mediterranean Agro-Eco System Management Diploma in Agriculture Centre for Communication Bachelor of Communications/ (Honours) Technology Diploma in Journalism Centre for Labour Studies Diploma in Social Studies in: Occupational Health and Safety 5 yrs eve € 232.94 x x 2 yrs eve 3 yrs eve € 232.94 x € 1,397.62 x 1 yr x 2 yrs eve Diploma in Rural Entrepreneurship (offered also at the Gozo Centre) Preparatory Course for Diploma in Agriculture x € 232.94 x 1 yr x 3 yrs/ 4 yrs x 2 yrs day 2 yrs eve x € 232.94 x FACULTY/ INSTITUTE Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage COURSE Bachelor in Conservation and Restoration Studies (Honours) : Area A – Paintings and Polychrome Sculpture (max. 8 students) Area B – Ceramics, Glass, Metals and Stone (max. 8 students) Area C – Textiles (max. 4 students) Area D – Books and Paper (max. 4 students) DURATION FULL-TIME DURATION PART-TIME TUITION AND FOR COURSE OTHER FEES PER CODE REFER YEAR TO PAGE 4 yrs x European Documentation Bachelor of European Studies and Research Centre 3 yrs x Forensic Studies Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology 3 yrs x Health Care Bachelor of Science (Honours) : 4 yrs x Communication Therapy Medical Laboratory Science Mental Health Nursing Midwifery (max. 10 students) Nursing Physiotherapy (max. 15 students) Podiatry Radiography (max. 18 students) Bachelor of Science (Honours) : (for holders of the diploma in the specialised area) Community Nursing / Community Midwifery (max. 20 students) Mental Health Nursing (max. 15 students) Midwifery (max. 15 students) Nursing (max. 35 students) x 3 yrs day 3 yrs day 2 yrs day 2 yrs day FACULTY/ INSTITUTE COURSE Diploma in Health Science (including Preparatory course): Environmental Health Nursing (max. 50 students) International Institute for Baroque Studies Islands and Small States Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies Physical Education and Sport DURATION FULL-TIME DURATION PART-TIME TUITION AND FOR COURSE OTHER FEES PER CODE REFER YEAR TO PAGE 4 yrs x Diploma in Baroque Architecture 2 yrs day x Pre-Tertiary Certificate in Baroque Architecture 2 yrs day x Diploma in Lace Studies (at Gozo Centre ) 2 yrs eve € 232.94 x Certificate in Islands and Small States Studies 1 yr eve € 232.94 x Diploma in Diplomatic Studies 2 yrs eve € 232.94 x Diploma in Sport and Leisure Studies 3 yrs eve € 232.94 x Institute Pre-Tertiary Certificate: Foundations in Coaching 1 sem eve € 116.47 x Public Administration and Diploma in Public Administration Management 2 yrs day x