Conference Schedule Participant Registration Katzen Rotunda Session One

Conference Schedule
Participant Registration
Katzen Rotunda
8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Session One
9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Science Potpurri: From Sewers toSsleep to Synthesis (and more)
The Sociology of Emotions: Interaction and Identity in Contemporary Society
Health: Getting There, Staying There, and Once It Is Gone
Shaping Identity
Imagining Equality: Global Articulations of Survival, Identity, Rights
Katzen 112
Katzen 115
Katzen 123
Katzen 128
Katzen 151
Morning Poster Session
Katzen Rotunda
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
Session Two
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Self and Other: Images and the Construction of Identity
Images of Race, Nationality, Gender, and Sexuality in the Mass Media
Space, Quanta, and Computers
Visual Arts Across the Humanities
Defining Heros, Justice, and Political Systems
Economic, Health, and Environmental Policy Issues
(Professional Presentation Panel)
Female Body
Katzen 112
Katzen 115
Katzen 123
Katzen 128
Katzen 151
Katzen 154
Katzen 210
12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Session Three
1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Bug, Drug, and Debug
The Perpetuation of Gender and Family Roles in American Popular Media
Katzen 112
Katzen 115
Cost/Benefit Analyses and Game Theory: Applications across the Globe
Through the Literary Lens
Meditations on Form: Literary, Artistic, Social
Figuring Identity and Difference
(Professional Presentation Panel)
Quantitiative and Analytical Methods
Katzen 123
Katzen 128
Katzen 151
Katzen 154
Katzen 210
Afternoon Poster Session
Katzen Rotunda
12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Session Four
3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Discourses That Make a Difference: Race, Gender, Class
Deconstructing Sociological Trends in Education and Child Development
Gendered Bodies, Identities, and Rituals
Interrogating Discourses of Race and Gender
Evolution, Development, and Behavior
Responses to Catastrophe: WWI, the Atomic Bombings ,and the Holocaust
Katzen 112
Katzen 115
Katzen 123
Katzen 128
Katzen 151
Katzen 154
Session One:
9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Science Potpurri : From Sewers to Sleep to Synthesis (and More)Katzen 112
Chair: Professor Anthony Riley, Psychology
Infant Feeding and Sleep Practices and Childhood Symptoms of ADHD
Maria Antoshina, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience Psychology
Investigating Sewage Pollution on the Coral Reefs off the Coast of Guam
Jamey Redding, MS candidate, Environmental Science
Novel Synthesis of Small Biotinylated Monocyclic Lactams
Ross Kuskovsky, MS candidate, Chemistry
The Effects of Extinction Generalize Over the Conditioned-Response-Eliciting and
Conditioned Reinforcing Effects of an Appetitive Conditioned Stimulus
Brendan Tunstall, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience Psychology
Water Quality Characteristics of Fire Sprinkler Systems
Nicole Condon, MS candidate, Environmental Science
The Sociology of Emotions: Interaction and Identity
in Contemporary Society
Chair: Professor Kim Blankenship, Sociology
Facebook v. Face-to-face: The Effect of Online Social Networking on Interpersonal
Andrew Carson, Senior, Sociology
Juvenile Incarceration and Self-Esteem: An Analysis of Anonymous Poetry
Alexandra Dobin, Senior, Sociology
Military Marriage: Patterns and Stressors in a Peacetime Lifestyle While at War
Samantha Acebal, Senior, Sociology
With This Phone, I Thee Wed: The Positive and Negative Effects of Mobile
Technology on Marital Relationships
Tia Chang, Senior, Sociology
Your So-Called “Friends:” An Analysis of Facebook Privacy and its Effect on
Madison Bannon, Senior, Sociology
Health: Getting There, Staying There, and Once It Is Gone
Chair: Professor Keith Leonard, Literature
An Edible Sense of Community in Washington, DC
Kathryn Bohri, Senior, Sociology
An Intoxicating Position: Interviewing Bartenders to Understand Attitudes and
Experiences Regarding Alcohol and Substance Use within the Northwest
Washington, DC, Service Industry
Rusty Sticha, Senior, Sociology
Another Form of Intimacy: When Cancer Enters the Marital Bed
Shirin Karimi, Senior, Literature
Positive Effects of Bellydance
Alice Kerby, Senior, Health Promotion
The Reality of Life in a Food Desert: A Closer Look through the Lens of a
Washington, DC, Neighborhood and its Implications on Health
Molly Gray, Senior, Sociology
Shaping Identity
Chair: Professor Brian Yates, Psychology
“A Rose by Any Other Name:” The Stigmatization of Intellectual Disability through
Sarah Fugate, Senior, Sociology
A Study of Individuality and Sibling Perception in Twins
Sophie Cassell, Senior, Psychology
Crawfish, Y’all: The Construction of Cajun Ethnic Narratives 1960-1990
Callan Quiram, Senior, International Studies
Narratives of Violence: Crisis Pregnancy Centers and the Language of “Life”
Taylor Cowey, Senior, Sociology
Imagining Equality: Global Articulations of
Survival, Identity, Rights
Chair: Professor Brenda Werth, Language and Foreigh Studies
Feminism from the Margins: For the Common Good but Lacking in Identity
Meghan Meros, MA candidate, Spanish: Latin American Studies
Julia Snyder, MA candidate, Spanish: Latin American Studies
Necropolitics, A State Mechanism: Creating the Good Latin American Gay
Rafael Lainez, PhD candidate, Anthropology
Paradoxical Intentions: Does Inclusion Provide a Mandate for Exclusion?
Dave Neagley, MA candidate, Teaching
Kate Clonan-Roy, MA candidate, Teaching
Women’s Roles: Agriculture, Food, and Nutrition in Rural Central Malawi
Abigail Conrad, PhD candidate, Anthropology
Women and the Colombian Drug Trade: The Untold Story of Narcotrafficking
Catalina Esguerra, MA candidate, Spanish: Latin American Studies
Session Two:
10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Self and Other: Images and the Construction of Identity
Chair: Professor Juliet Bellow, Art History
Gabriele Münter, The Polish Woman (1909): Fusing Nature and Culture
Patricia Bray, MA candidate, Art History
Leonora Carrington: the Resilience of a Feminist Consciousness
Adriana Lema Polo, MA candidate, Art History
Models of Maternity and Modesty: Colonial Portraiture and Women’s Roles in the
New World
Kellie Burris Walton, MA candidate, Art History
Natvar Bhavsar: Indian Modernism and the American Avant-Garde
Orin Zahra, MA candidate, Art History
Rookwood Vases: An Exchange between East and West
Mary Cameron, MA candidate, Art History
Images of Race, Nationality, Gender, and Sexuality
in the Mass Media
Chair: Professor Natalia Ruiz-Junco, Sociology
Criminal Refugees: The Construction of Race in the New York Times following
Hurricane Katrina
Lauren Christie, Senior, Foreign Language and Communication Media
Making Sense of Cuba: The New York Times, Discourses of a Changing Country,
and a People’s “Interior History”
Chris Lewis, Senior, Economics
Miniature Giraffes? Constructions of Russianness in American Media
Anastasia Voskresenskaya, Senior, International Studies
The Gay Agenda: The Prevalence of LGBT Issues in Straight Television
Abby Kizer, Junior, Sociology
Views of Gender in a Transitioning Society: A Content Analysis of Czech
Magazine Advertisements
Lori Sommerfelt, Senior, Sociology
Space, Quanta, and Computers
Chair: Professor Philip Johnson, Physics
Automated Hacking via USB
Reid Cumbest, Sophomore, Computer Science
Creating New Quantum Superpositions: The Role of Mutually Attractive
Interactions Between Atoms
David Menasche, Senior, Physics and Mathematics & Economics
Crystals of Light -- Optical Lattices, What They Are, and What They Can Do
Michael Roberts, Senior, Physics
Sulfur in the Interstellar Medium
Betsy White, Senior, Physics
Testing Quantum Mechanical Wave-Particle Duality
Robert Van Kirk, Senior, Physics
Visual Arts Across the Humanities
Chair: Professor Jonathan Loesberg, Literature
Film Noir and the Teen Film: A Generic Link
Dewey Musante, Senior, Literature
Kuroda’s New Nude
Kate Bodman, Junior, Art History
The “Floating World” Revealed: Bijin-ga and Shun-ga in Edo, Japan
Jordan Hillman, Junior, Art History
The Father of Literary Postmodernism’s Painterly Upbringing: Donald Barthelme
vis-à-vis Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg
Christina Farella, Senior, Literature
Who You Gonna Believe, Me or Your Own Eyes? Gilles Deleuze Meets the Marx
Chris Lucibella, Senior, Philosophy
Defining Heros, Justice, and Political Systems
Chair: Professor Richard Sha, Literature
Answering Atatürk and Wilders: Reconciling Islam and European-style
Nationalism from a Historical Perspective
William Zeman, Senior, History
Augustinian Influences and the First Crusade
Amanda Gustafson, Senior, History
Historical Readings of Ambition in Beowulf and Macbeth
Leah Pope, Senior, Literature
Nine Days on Yggdrasil: Poetic Reinterpretation of a Norse Myth
Matthew Makowski, Junior, Biology
The Psychosis of Guilt in Crime and Punishment
Courtney Neville, Senior, Literature
Economic, Health, and Environmental Policy Issues
(Professional Presentation Panel)
Chair: Professor Robert Feinberg, Economics
Effectiveness and Efficiency of Mental Health Services for Children in Foster Care
Ashley Provencher, PhD candidate, Economics
Exchange Rate Misalignment in Nepal
Anjan Panday, PhD candidate, Economics
Exposure to Alcohol During Adolescence or Adulthood Alters the Rewarding
Effects of Cocaine in Adult Rats
Mary Anne Hutchison, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience
Manatee Bones: A Look Back at Florida’s Recent Environmental Conditions
Through Stable Isotopes
Vince Bacalan, MS candidate, Biology
Relationship Between the Rewarding and Aversive Effects of Drugs of Abuse in
Individual Subjects
Andrey Verendeev, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience Psychology
Unlike Retrospective Memory, Prospective Memory Is Sometimes Immune to
Build-up of Proactive Interference
Joyce Oates, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience Psychology
Female Body
Chair: Professor Katharina Vester, History
Changing Times: How the Gibson Girl Revolutionized Fashion and Society
Meredith Hollingsworth, Junior, American Studies
Killer Couture: Fashion, Social Justice, and the Body
Sarah Caffey, Senior, Anthropology
Symbolism in Dress: The Glove and the Handkerchief in Little Women
Hallie Borstel, Sophomore, History
The Homespun Confederacy: Necessity or Patriotism?
Sarah Adler, Sophomore, History
The Sexualization of the Female Body in Breast Cancer Awareness
Abra Burkett, Senior, Sociology
The Treatment of Obesity and the Normative Physical Standards in Comic Books,
1940 to the 1990s
Arie Serota, MA candidate, History
Session Three:
1:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Bug, Drug and Debug
Chair: Professor Michael Black, Computer Science
A Survey and Comparison of Teaching Simulators
Priyadarshini Komala, Junior, Computer Science
Constructing a BOINC Client on the iPhone
Josh Reese, Senior, Computer Science
Evaluation of Chirality on the Activity of Novel Antimicrobial Compounds
Zoe Fleischmann, Junior, Biochemistry
Lactams v. Carbamothioates – Is the Lactam Really Essential for Activity?
Catherine Koenigsknecht, Junior, Biochemistry
Sick as a Dog: An Epidemic Model for a Local Canine Kennel Cough Outbreak
Kathleen Kimball, Senior, Biology
The Perpetuation of Gender and Family Roles
in American Popular Media
Chair: Professor Michelle Newton-Francis, Sociology
Crowning Objects: Toddlers and Tiaras and the Objectification of Young Girls
Katie Stoner, Certificate Student, Women, Policy & Political Leadership
Objects of Interest
Ross Weistroffer, Junior, Literature
Pageant Moms and Glitzy Girls: The Mother/Daughter Relationship in Children’s
Glitz Pageants
Meg Lorenzen, Junior, Sociology
Star Culture: A Blueprint for Hegemonic Motherhood
Donna Gatesman, Senior, Sociology
Cost/Benefit Analyses and Game Theory:
Applications across the Globe
Chair: Professor Maria Floro, Economics
Evaluating Ultimatum Game Behavior in Germany
Hannah Hennighausen, Senior, Economics
Generosity, Anonymity, and Religiosity: A Dictator Game Analysis
Ayal Chen-Zion, Senior, Mathematics & Economics
Punishing Their Future: A Study of the Employment of Ex-Convicts in the
Washington, DC, Area
Alyssa Trempus, Senior, Sociology
Sustainable Development in the North of Argentina: Mujeres Warmi Sayasjunqo
Alyssa Hansen, Graduated, International Studies
Water Fluoridation: A Cost/Benefit Analysis
Carly Montanero, Sophomore, Biology
Through the Literary Lens
Chair: Professor Anita Sherman, Literature
“What Can Never Be Again:” Edward Thomas and the Transience of Human
Konrad Riecke, MA candidate, Literature
Language, Connection, and Melville’s Bartleby
Ashley Foerster, MA candidate, Literature
Reading Melville Pragmatically
Lauren Becker, MA candidate, Literature
Why Weep for Gojira? The Scars of Forgetting in 1950s Japanese Cinema
Chuck Sebian-Lander, MFA candidate, Creative Writing
Witnessing the Wars of Our Fathers: Halbwachs and the Third Form of Memory
Hannah Oliver, MA candidate, Literature
Meditations on Form: Literary, Artistic, Social
Chair: Professor Ellen Feder, Philosophy & Religion
“Laughter Is Not Just Funny:” Examining the Value of Humor in the Field of Mass
Nazran Baba, Junior, Economics
Emily Dickinson, the Dash, and Negative Capability
Emily Prince, Senior, Literature
Social Dance and Protocol in Elite Washington Society, 1920-1940
Bridget Miskell, Senior, History
The Gaze and Subjectivity in Frances Burney’s Evelina
Emily Poor, Senior, Literature
Theme and Variations: Towards An Explorative Poetic
David Pritchard, Senior, Literature
Figuring Identity and Difference
(Professional Presentation Panel)
Chair: Professor Fiona Brideoak, Literature
Discoveries in L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E: The Possibilities of Between in Lyn Hejinian’s
A Border Comedy
Mary Sweeney, MA candidate, Literature
North Korean Defectors in China: Contradictions and Harmonization of State and
International Refugee Policies
Joowon Park, PhD candidate, Anthropology
Philanthropy, Religion, and Control in the Ann Yearsley Debate
Sarah Papazoglakis, MA candidate, Literature
Threat and competition: US and Oriental women during 50s and 60s
Nguyet Nguyen, PhD candidate, History
Quantitiative and Analytical Methods
Chair: Professor Elizabeth Malloy, Mathematics and Statistics
Q-Squared Analysis of Poverty Dynamics
Emcet Tas, PhD candidate, Economics
Scatterplot Smoothing Methods and the Super Learner
Philip Gautier, MS candidate, Statistics
Melissa Bergeron, MS candidate, Statistics
Shannon Sampling in Spherical Geometry
Bill Moore, MA candidate, Mathematics
Erin Koch, MA candidate, Mathematics
Survival of the Wealthiest: A Survival Analysis of the Forbes 400, 1982-2010
Kevin Capehart, PhD candidate, Economics
Trade and Gender Wage Gaps in the United States
Erin Hinchey, PhD candidate, Economics
Session Four:
3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Discourses That Make a Difference: Race, Gender, Class
Chair: Professor Celine-Marie Pascale, Sociology
Talk about Crisis: Everyday Life in Detroit
Chris Lewis, Senior, Economics
The Discourse of Light-Skin Privilege
Ami Patel, Junior, International Studies & Anthropology
The Invisibility of Color and Colorism in a White Privileged Society
Joseph Hornig, Senior, Communication Studies
The Souls of White Folk: The Social Gospel and Jim Crow in Washington, DC,
Kurt Karandy, Senior, History
Vampires, Race, and Two Literary Traditions
Meg Breihan, Senior, Literature
Deconstructing Sociological Trends in Education
and Child Development
Chair: Professor Andrea Brenner, Sociology
A Child’s View: How Children’s Picture Books Depict Death and Dying
Emmalyn Smith, Senior, Sociology & Spanish Studies
Against All Odds: Social Factors & Urban Education - Southeast DC’s Most Gifted
Graduating Seniors
Katherine Streit, Senior, Psychology & Sociology
Counseling Children of Incarcerated Parents
Shelby Legel, Senior, Sociology & Justice
Gendered Philosophies in Self-Defense
Caleb Huey, Senior, Sociology
Promoting Service in Teacher Recruitment: The Powerful Perception of Prestige;
Social Insights Learned from Teach for America, Inc.
Taryn Hochleitner, Senior, Sociology
Gendered Bodies, Identities, and Rituals
Chair: Professor Lance Greene, Anthropology
Bridentity Display: Femininity, Performance, and Agency in the American
Linda Monahan, Junior, American Studies
Discursive Study on Centrality of Dutch Society, Religiosity, and Female Body
Mollie Garber, Junior, Psychology
He, She, Zie, and Hir: Language of a Trans Identity
Jill Ravey, Senior, Sociology
The Soundtrack to FIFA
Alaina Mulhearn, Sophomore, International Studies
Too Gay to Function?: How Heteronormative Gender Stereotypes Impact Samesex, Male Relationships
Nirvana Habash, Senior, Law and Society & Sociology
Interrogating Discourses of Race and Gender
Chair: Professor Kimberly Sims, History
On the Standards of a Slave Woman: Transgression, Shame, and Care
Amy McKiernan, MA candidate, Philosophy
From Exclusion to Inclusion: Race in Contemporary Society
Skye Frontier, MA candidate, Philosophy
Interrupting Racist Myth by Narrative Means
David Anderson, Junior, Philosophy
Johann von Leers: The Life and Crimes of a Nazi-Muslim Propagandist of
Kit Crawford jr., PhD candidate, History
The Stubborn Professor: Woodrow Wilson’s Controversial Leadership at
Andrew Chatfield, PhD candidate, History
World War II Pin-up G.I.—rls: Propaganda and Servicewomen’s Identities
Loren Miller, PhD candidate, History
Evolution, Development, and Behavior
Chair: Professor David Angelini, Biology
Quantifying Mutualism in Tropical Reef Corals
Alyssa Frederick, Senior, Marine Biology
Development of Microsatellite Primers for Freshwater Cave and Spring Amphipod
Gammarus minus
Andrew Frank, Senior, Biology
Neurotransmitters Found in Cavefish Brains and Retinas: Due to Evolution?
Erica Ford, Senior, Biology
The Influence of Bantam microRNA on the Evolution of Size
Jenny Knauss, Senior, Biology
Responses to Catastrophe: WWI, the Atomic Bombings,
and the Holocaust
Chair: Professor Allan Lichtman, History
Nagasaki and Hiroshima: Distorted Memories
Zachary Lancet, Senior, History
A Nice, Fine Day: Christmas 1914 and It’s Development in Modern Warfare
Jeanie Gordon, Senior, History
Cuba and the Imagination of the 1960s Left
Austen Walsh, Senior, History
“Old Isaiah” the Reticent and the Gathering Storm: Louis Brandeis's Reactions
to Nazi Anti-Semitism.
Gregory Chapman, Junior, History
The Avenger: An Exploration into the Literary Value of the German Pen
Erica Sailor, Senior, Literature
Morning Poster Session:
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Differential Expression of Opsins, Visual Pigment Genes, in Surface and Cave
Populations of the Amphipod Gammarus minu.
Mobola Oyefule, Senior, Biology
Fatty Acid Synthase Inhibition Is a Promising Multiple Myeloma Therapy
Peter Roehrich, Cartificate Student, Postbaccalaureate Premedical
Genetic Patterning of the Genitalia in the Milkweed Bug Oncopeltus fasciatus
Ariel Aspiras, MS candidate, Biology
Hybridization of Cave and Surface Populations of Gammarus minus
Clint Rice, Senior, Biology
The Behavioral Study of Zebrafish through Conditioned Place Preference with
Gena Turner, Senior, Biology
Analysis of Beta-Lactam Fragmentation in Electrospray Mass Spectrometry
Steven Moss, Senior, Biochemistry
Chiral Synthesis of a Sulfoxide Beta-Lactam Derivative
Susan Schultz, Junior, Biochemistry
Effect of Ether Groups on the Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) of Novel
Antimicrobial Compounds
Jeanette Minah, MS candidate, Chemistry
Novel Synthetic Approaches for Florescent Tagging of Monobactam Derivatives
Victor Schultz, MS candidate, Chemistry
Programming Patterns with Perl
Shannon Christie, Senior, Biochemistry
Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) of Assorted Fluorinated and Carbamylated
Beta-Lactam Derivatives
Dina Lloyd, MS candidate, Chemistry
Substantive Intumescent Flame Retardants From Modified L010-4 Cellulose
Laura Flynn, Junior, Biochemistry
Toward Inhibitors of L, D-Transpeptidases
Juliana Fritz, MS candidate, Chemistry
Substrate Specificity of E. coli Aspartate Aminotransferase
Tim Borbet, Graduated, Biochemistry
Cell Wall Schematic for Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Charles Stull, Junior, Biology
Computer Science
A Server as Heater
Chris Barnes, Senior, Audio Technology
Optimum Sampling Method for Estimating the Dynamics of Caribbean Coral Reefs
Kisei Tanaka, MS candidate, Environmental Science
As Time Goes By: Time to Adoption as a Result of Dog Temperament and Shelter
Processes and as a Predictor of Adoption Success
Lennea Bower, MA candidate, Psychology
Escalation of Cocaine Self-administration in the Lewis, Fischer and SpragueDawley Rat Strains
Zach Hurwitz, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience Psychology
Examining Individual Costs of Female Patients in Inpatient Substance Abuse
Sarah Hornack, PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology
Spontaneous Withdrawal in Opiate-dependent Fischer 344, Lewis and SpragueDawley Rats
Jennifer Cobuzzi, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition, and Neuroscience Psychology
Investigation of Dopamine on Cocaine-Induced Taste Aversions
Maria Briscione, Sophomore, Biochemistry
An Examination of the Association Between Prolactin Levels and Estrogen Levels
in Non-cycling and Cycling African Elephants
Xinyi Deng, Senior, Statistics
Maximum Likelihood Regression with Censored Data
Scott Piraino, Sophomore, Mathematics & Economics
Afternoon Poster Session:
1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Gender Differences in Asset Ownership in Ghana, India, and Ecuador
Marya Hillesland, PhD candidate, Economics
Optimal Search Modeling Under Stochastic Observation Conditions
David Menasche, Senior, Physics and Mathematics & Economics
The Impact of the Thirty Years War on Book Printing in Germany
Russ Gasdia, Senior, History
Political Authority in Mid-20th Century British Women’s Magazines
Emily Poor, Senior, Literature
Ease of Learning and Piano Performance
Niels Knutson, MA candidate, Psychology
Effects of Expectations on Loudness Judgements
Julianne Moore, Junior, Psychology
Overgeneralized Memory and Event Segmentation
David Falco, Junior, Psychology
The Effects of Attractiveness and Age on Female Tolerance for Male Unsolicited
Sophie Cassell, Senior, Psychology
The Impact of Normal Aging on Boundary Flexibility in Autobiographical Memory
Tim Hohman, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition and Neuroscience Psychology
Effect of Artificial HPA Activation on Dominance Formation in Rats
Alex Rose-Henig, Senior, Psychology
The Effects of Smoking Availability On Urge, Mood, and Reaction Time.
Katy Edwards, PhD candidate, Behavior, Cognition and Neuroscience Psychology
Lexy Carlson, Sophomore, Psychology
US Clubhouse Employment Outcomes: Costs of Member Employment and
Jay Gorman, PhD candidate, Clinical Psychology
School of Education, Teaching and Health Promotion
Steps to “AhealthyU”: American University’s Pedometer Program
Margaret Gallen, MS candidate, Health Promotion Management
Matthew Barresi, MS candidate, Health Promotion Management
Jeremiah’s Lamentations: Race and Religion in a White Supremacist Nation
Kurt Karandy, Senior, History