System IO CAS CS210 Ying Ye Boston University Files In Linux, all I/O devices are modeled as files All input and output is performed by reading and writing the appropriate files When a file is opened, system returns a file descriptor, which is used to access the file Standard I/O getchar(), putchar(), scanf(), printf()...... When each process is created, three files are opened: standard input standard output standard error Standard I/O int getchar(void): read a character from standard input stream, return it as int int putchar(int c): write the character c to standard output stream Usage: char a = getchar(); putchar(a); Practice: Standard I/O input.c: output.c: char string[6]; int len = 0; int i; while(string[len] != '\0'){ for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) string[i] = getchar(); len++; } string[i] = '\0' int i; printf(string); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) putchar(string[i]); File I/O File object in Standard C library: FILE it contains the current position indicator in the file Open file: FILE *fopen(char *name, char *mode); mode: "r": read only "r+": read and write e.g. FILE *fp = fopen("file_name", "r+"); File I/O Read: int getc(FILE *fp); returns a character from the current position in file, current position moves one byte forward e.g. char c = getc(fp); Write: int putc(int c, FILE *fp); writes a character c to file fp, current position moves one byte forward e.g. char c = 'a'; putc(c, fp); File I/O Close file: int fclose(FILE *fp); Download: First, create an empty file: vim testfile, then save and quit it Open testfile after you run your program File I/O fp = fopen("testfile", "r+"); fprintf(fp, string); //doesn't put terminator to testfile buffer = (char *)malloc(29 * sizeof(char)); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); int i = 0; while(i < 28) buffer[i++] = getc(fp); buffer[i] = '\0'; fclose(fp);