K-State MPH Faculty Advisory Council Meeting Location: Union Rm 205


K-State MPH Faculty Advisory Council Meeting

Location: Union Rm 205

Monday, December 14 2015 – 10:30 AM


Ct Committee Member

1 Cates, Michael

Stevenson, Barta

2 Jafarian, Sohaila

3 Hanson, Jennifer

4 Hsu, Wei Wen

5 Larson, Robert

6 Nguyen, Annelise

7 Sanderson, Michael

8 Open

9 Kastner, Justin

10 Nutsch, Abbey

11 Chapes, Stephen

12 Renter, David

13 Haub, Mark

14 Rosenkranz, Ric


MPH Director

MPH Staff

MPH Student

Core Instructor

Core Instructor

Core Instructor

Core Instructor

Core Instructor









Non Voting





Larson Proxy





Not Present






15 Wang, George

16 Irwin, Brandon



Rosenkranz Proxy X


17 Mailey, Emily

18 McElroy, Mary


PHPA + Core Instructor



Ms. Stevenson called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM. There was a quorum present.

1. Approval of Minutes. Minutes from the September 14, 2015 meeting were approved and will be posted as distributed.

2. Program Director’s Report. Dr. Cates provided an e-mail concerning transition to a new director (Attachment 1).

3. Items of Business: o MPH faculty application for Dr. Lina Mur Gil (Attachment 2) was approved. o Curriculum review for Public Health Nutrition (Attachment 3). Dr. Rosenkranz reviewed the proposal as attached with rationale for the changed and answered questions. The proposal was accepted and approved as submitted. The MPH office will prepare the documents to move the changes to the next step and be approved by the MPH faculty, Graduate School and Faculty Senate effective Fall 2016.

o Curriculum update for Public Health Physical Activity (plans for KIN 801, required course no longer taught). Dr. McElroy reviewed the curriculum changes proposed for Public Health Physical Activity and explained the rationale. The proposal was accepted and approved as submitted (Attachment 3, last page). The MPH office will prepare the documents so the proposed changes go forward and be approved by the

MPH faculty, Graduate School and Faculty Senate effective Fall 2016.

K-State MPH Faculty Advisory Council Meeting

Location: Union Rm 205

Monday, December 14 2015 – 10:30 AM

Minutes o Other.

Dr. Nguyen requested a discussion about Field Experience, specifically filling out the form and finding a suitable location. Dr. Renter reported that he actually pulls up the form and discusses i t with the students. Dr. Rosenkranz uses Bloom’s Taxonomy as a way to help them understand the different cognitive processes.

There was a brief discussion about IRB’s.

As a separate item and for discussion in the future, the Curriculum Committee suggested that courses, workshops, or other educational opportunities are identified to assist MPH students to learn proper survey construction or selection for their field placements. o Training is needed related to asking valid questions, program evaluation, or other research-grade data. o The question is “Are we adequately preparing our students to be able to collect data in a field setting?”


The Faculty Advisory Committee specifically requested a Thank You be given to Dr.

Michael Cates for his invaluable service to the program over the last 7 years and that it be acknowledged and included in these minutes. It was recognized that his superb leadership and tenacity was the force that got the program accredited by CEPH.

5. Next Meeting.

January 2016 meeting was cancelled.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:37 AM.

Attachment 1 – MPH Program Director’s Report

In April 2015, I advised Drs. Richardson, Beckham, and Chengappa on planning for transitioning my duties that I have performed. As we approach my January 2, 2016 resignation date, I’m sending this list to you so that you also know the duties to be transferred to the new director and/or other faculty members. The main one will be the transfer of advisor duties. I offered to assist in any of these items after January 2, but I have been told that will not be necessary. Let me know before January 2 if there is anything I can do to be of assistance to any of you.

I will not be in the office anymore, and I will not attend the next council meeting because of a conflict I have with my final KPHA Board of Directors meeting.

Thanks again for all you have done for the program and our students. Best wishes, Mike

Here are the things I listed for them back in April:

Current public health graduate student advisees: 47, with 8 more admitted for the summer/fall semesters. (NOTE: number is still about 50 or so; Barta has the list).

Course Coordinator: DMP 753, Veterinary Public Health (NOTE: Chengappa has given this to


Current leadership roles at university:

Chair, MPH Board of Directors

Chair, MPH Faculty Advisory Council

Member, MPH Executive Council

K-State representative:

Kansas Public Health Systems Group

Kansas Public Health Workforce Development Coordinating Council

Kansas Public Health Workforce Assessment Work Group

Kansas Public Health Academic Health Center Work Group

Flint Hills Wellness Coalition

Other appointed/elected public health-related activities that I have done and the new director may consider working toward:

Kansas Public Health Association (KPHA) Board of Directors

KPHA Executive Committee

Riley County Public Health Advisory Council

Via Christi Hospital Manhattan Board of Directors

Via Christi Hospital Strategic Planning and Finance Committee

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Attachment 2: Faculty Application for Dr. Lina Mur Gil

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Attachment 2: Faculty Application for Dr. Lina Mur Gil


Kansas State University

College of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology

1800 Denison Ave.

Manhattan, KS, 66506



2004: DVM, Doctor Veterinary Medicine, University Complutense of Madrid.

2010: MSc, Master on Research in Veterinary Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid.

Title of the thesis: “ Quantitative assessment of the risk of introduction of African swine fever virus into the European Union by legal imports of live swine and pig meat products”.

2014: PhD, Veterinary Sciences, University Complutense of Madrid.

Dissertation title: “Development of new strategies for preventing and controlling African swine fever”.


Dr Mur research focus on the application of epidemiological methods for the prevention and control of Foreign Animal Diseases, specially focused on African swine fever (ASF). This research includes the characterization of the disease in affected territories (disease measures’ and risk factor studies), risk assessment, spatial analysis and surveillance methodologies including risk-based and syndromic surveillance approaches.

During her PhD research in the OIE reference laboratory for African swine fever (ASF) she was also involved in ASF animal experiments, laboratory diagnostics, field work and technology transfer in affected territories (Russia, Sardinia and Africa). These experiences gave her an extensive knowledge about ASF disease characteristics, its epidemiology, diagnostics and transmission mechanisms that would be applicable for other animal diseases.


Research Assistant Professor

September 2015 –

Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University

Manhattan, KS.

Epidemiologist/Research scientist January to July 2015

Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases, a Department of Homeland Security Science and

Technology Center of Excellence and OIE Collaborator Centre . Texas A&M University System,


Research assistant/doctoral student September 2009 to

November 2014

VISAVET Center and Department of Animal Health , Universidad Complutense de Madrid,

Spain. OIE Reference Laboratory for ASF and AHS .

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Attachment 2: Faculty Application for Dr. Lina Mur Gil



Sánchez-Vizcaíno, JM., Mur, L., Penrith, ML., 2015: New insights of the role of ticks in African swine fever epidemiology. Rev. sci. tech. Off. int. Epiz. 34 (2), 503-511


Mur, L., Igolkin, A., Varentsova, A., Pershin, A., Remyga, S., Shevchenko, I., Zhukov, I.,

Sánchez-Vizcaíno, J.M., 2015: Detection of African swine fever antibodies in experimental and field samples from Russian Federation, implications for control. Transb Emerg Dis . In press, doi:



Martínez-López, B., Perez, A.M, Feliziani,F., Rolesu,S., Mur, L., Sánchez-Vizcaíno, J.M., 2015:

Evaluation of the risk factors contributing to the African Swine Fever occurrence in Sardinia,

Italy. Front Microbiol. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00314


Sánchez-Vizcaíno, JM., Mur, L., Gomez-Villamandos, JC, Carrasco L., African swine fever.,

2015: Epidemiology and pathology update. J Comp Pathol . 152(1):9-21


Mur L., Atzeni, M., Martínez-López, B., Feliziani, F., Rolesu, S., Sánchez-Vizcaíno, J.M., 2015.

35-year presence of African swine fever in Sardinia: history, evolution and risk factors for disease maintenance. Transb Emerg Dis . In press. doi:10.1111/tbed.12264.


Mur L., Martínez-López B., Costard S., de la Torre A., Jones B.A., Martínez M., Sánchez-

Vizcaíno F., Muñoz M.J., Pfeiffer D.U., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M. Wieland B., 2014: Modular framework to assess the risk of African swine fever virus entry into the European Union. BMC

Vet Res.



Martínez-López B., Alexandrov T., Mur L., Sánchez-Vizcaíno F., Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M., 2014:

Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model. Geospatial Health 8(2), 2014, pp. 489-



De la Torre A, Bosch J, Iglesias I, Muñoz MJ, Mur L, Martínez-López B, Martínez M, Sánchez-

Vizcaíno JM., 2013: Assessing the Risk of African Swine Fever Introduction into the European

Union by Wild Boar. Transb Emerg Dis . doi: 10.1111/tbed.12129.


Mur L., Gallardo C., Soler A., Zimmermman J., Pelayo V., Nieto R., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM.,

Arias M., 2013: Potential use of oral fluid samples for serological diagnosis of African swine fever. Vet Microbiol . 165 (1-2):135-9


Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM, Mur L, Martínez-López B., 2013: African swine fever (ASF): Five years around Europe. Vet Microbiol .165.45-50.


Costard S., Mur L., Lubroth J., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Pfeiffer DU., 2012: Epidemiology of

African Swine Fever Virus. Virus Res . 2013. 173: 191-197.

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Attachment 2: Faculty Application for Dr. Lina Mur Gil


Costard S., Jones BA., Martinez-Lopez B., Mur L., de la Torre A., Martinez M., Sanchez-

Vizcaino F., Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., Pfeiffer DU., Wieland B., 2013: Introduction of African

Swine Fever into the European Union through Illegal Importation of Pork and Pork Products.

PLoS ONE 8(4): e61104


Mur L., Martinez-Lopez B., and Sanchez-Vizcaino JM., 2012: Risk of African swine fever introduction into the European Union through transport-associated routes: returning trucks and waste from international ships and planes. BMC Veterinary Research.



Mur L., Martínez-López B., Gallardo C., Gortazar C. and Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM., 2012:

Monitoring of African Swine Fever in the Wild Boar Population of the Most Recent Endemic

Area of Spain. Transb Emerg Dis . 59 (2012) 526–531


Sánchez-Vizcaíno JM., Mur L., and Martínez-López B, 2012: African Swine Fever: An

Epidemiological Update. Transb Emerg Dis . Volume 59, s1: 27-35.


Mur L., Martinez-Lopez B., Martinez M., Costard S., Wieland B., Pfeiffer DU. and Sanchez-

Vizcaino JM., 2012: Quantitative Risk Assessment for the Introduction of African Swine Fever

Virus into the European Union by Legal Import of Live Pigs. Transb Emerg Dis . 59(2):134-44.



Sánchez-Vizcaíno J.M, Mur L. (2013). African Swine Fever Diagnosis Update, in Vaccines and

Diagnostics for Transboundary Animal Diseases Vol. 135, pag.159-165. ISBN: 978-3-318-


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Attachment 3: Curriculum Review – Public Health Nutrition

10 December, 2015

Michael B. Cates, DVM, MPH, DACVPM

Director, Master of Public Health Program

311 Trotter Hall

Manhattan, Kansas 66506

RE: MPH curriculum committee report regarding Public Health Nutrition Emphasis area

Dear Dr. Cates,

During October 2015, the MPH curriculum committee (hereafter called the committee) conducted a review of the Public Health Nutrition emphasis area, plus one core course (MPH 720). The committee reviewed all available recent course syllabi alongside the stated programmatic competencies. Here are our observations and recommendations: o All the courses listed in the Public Health Nutrition Core Competencies Course

Alignment Matrix ( http://www.kstate.edu/mphealth/pdf/competencies/PHN%20Competencies%20updated%20F2015.pdf

) which are also listed on the Public Health Nutrition Emphasis Area web page on the MPH site

( http://www.k-state.edu/mphealth/areas/human_nutrition.html

) are currently being offered at least on an every-other-year basis. o Based on recommendations arising from the IDZ review in 2014, the curriculum committee suggests maintaining and updating (for each emphasis area) separate webposted statements, entitled “Summary of how the MPH FS&B/IDZ/PHN/PHPA courses meet core public health competencies.” o The committee agreed that there is a need to revisit PHN area competencies - especially

#3 with regard to PH administration. o It is currently very difficult to assess competency fit. o We need to clarify the wording of each competency and ensure logical composition. o Based on this, we have initiated a more formal review among the PHN faculty, and they will put forward recommended revisions in 2016. o There is a concern regarding the accessibility to GP IDEA courses o Our students are often not able to get into a course because KSU students are low in priority for enrollment. o The title of HN 718 needs to be updated in all MPH materials to Physical Health and

Aging. o HN 718 is a valuable course, and the committee suggests that it is made available on campus or frequently and predictably online. o The committee recommends that HN 700 International Health and Nutrition should be added to the list (middle section) of HN courses. o The committee recommends that KIN 805 Physical Activity and Human Behavior is a more rigorous alternative to PSYCH 518, and should be added (right-side section). o The committee recommends that HMD 891 Environmental Scanning and Analysis of

Current Issues in Dietetics should be added (right-side section).

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Attachment 3: Curriculum Review – Public Health Nutrition


MPH 720 o The committee recommends that FSHS 714 Program Design, Evaluation and

Implementation should be added (right-side section). o The committee suggests that KIN 610 Program Planning and Evaluation be added

(right-side section). o The committee suggests that flexibility is added within the curriculum, such that students would be able to substitute at least one HN course (from middle section), for one non-

HN course (from right-side section). o This shifts the recommendation for the middle section from “select 2-3 courses” to “select 2-4 courses.” o This shifts the recommendation for the right-side section from “select 2-3 courses” to “select 1-3 courses” o The committee expressed that the detail provided in the syllabi from Statistics courses was generally lacking, and in most cases, could be improved by inclusion of more explicit student learning outcomes. See notes below in table. o The committee suggests that courses, workshops, or other educational opportunities are identified to assist MPH students to learn proper survey construction or selection for their field placements. o Training is needed related to asking valid questions, program evaluation, or other research-grade data. o The question is “Are we adequately preparing our students to be able to collect data in a field setting?” o The curriculum committee members reviewed course syllabi and the following table, and discussed whether or not changes were warranted:

HN 600

HN 844

HN 820

HN 880

HN 620

HN 631

HN 632

HN 635

HN 700

HN 718

HN 726

Notes from review

CEPH core knowledge requirements not well demonstrated in this course

Statements need to be reevaluated, course could be revamped to better align with CEPH requirements

SLOs need to be examined; course needs to be reexamined in light of PH Administration

Recommend change to SLOs to reflect MPH competencies

Recommend a SLO pertaining to interpretation of research for a general audience; be able to communicate key issues to general public.

Change primary (P) 1 & 4; reinforcing (R) #2,3,5.

List these in SLO, improve clarity, highlight connection to MPH

Clarify prerequisites compared with recommended or pre-suggested, permission of instructor

Recommend adding a paragraph related to content area, as it’s currently too generic.

Reinforcing #4; primary #5; Consider assigning writing of a lay audience abstract, communicate to a variety of audiences. Consider having MPH students present to a lay audience.

2 syllabi, distance and campus

Campus- Make SLOs more explicit to MPH

Distance- Entirely different set of course objectives, not relevant to MPH program competencies

Department should investigate discrepancy

Online and on-campus, individual oriented, but heavily relevant to PHN

P for #4, R for #5

Online and on-campus, individual oriented, but heavily relevant to PHN

P for #4, R for #5

No changes, R #1,4

Add to “select from” middle list

R for #1, P for #4

Online in fall. HN 718 is a valuable course, make it available on campus.

R for #1,4

No changes, R for #1,3,4

Increase frequency of offerings. Spring of odd years.

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Attachment 3: Curriculum Review – Public Health Nutrition

HN 735

HN 780

HN 782

HN 800

HN 810

HN 812

Offered by GP Idea, and also on campus

R for #2,3

Independent study, limit to 1-3 hours.

Potentially reinforcing for #1-5, depending on how constructed

Temporary course or one taught by visiting professor, not necessarily PHN topic

Potentially reinforcing for #1-5, depending on construction of course

Good syllabus and objectives, R for #2,3,5

Great course, R for #4,5 (students required to do presentation)

Need to update SLOs.

Food safety, immune side, one health could be brought forward and emphasized

Great course, need to improve syllabus, expand SLOs relevant to MPH

R for #4, 5

Add phrase “related to population health” or common in US populations, for diseases

HN 841

HN 862

MC 750

F2015 is best version of syllabus, SLOs good, could be more explicit

R for #2,3,5

SLOs from previous syllabus not as explicitly related to MPH-PHN

Only online GPIDEA in summer of even years

R for #4,5 (consumer education materials)

No changes to syllabus

R for #1,5

MC 760 Not sure when taught, clarify course number

R for #5

PSYCH 518 R for #5

SLOs relevant to MPH-PHN

SOCIO 541 R for #1

Social inequality course, not clearly relevant to nutrition, but no changes

SOCIO 570 Not clearly relevant to nutrition, but R for #1

STAT 705 Stat course, R for #3

Greater detail and clarity of activities and learning outcomes needed.

STAT 710 Stat course, R for #2,3

Course objective given, but SLOs should be added

As per recent email, consider adding this course to IDZ emphasis area.

STAT 713 Stat course, R for #2,3

Course objective given, but SLOs should be added

STAT 716 Stat course, R for #3

Course description given, but SLOs should be added

STAT 717 Stat course, R for #3

Many SLOs given for each section of course, but overarching general SLOs could be added.

STAT 720 Stat course, R for #2,3

Course objective given, with brief two-pronged SLO. This could be expanded.

STAT 725 Stat course, R for #3

Course objective given, but SLOs within could be made more explicit

STAT 730 Stat course, R for #3

Course objective given, but SLOs within could be made more explicit

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Attachment 3: Curriculum Review – Public Health Nutrition

In addition, a subcommittee was tasked with reviewing emergent issues for Public Health Physical

Activity, and has recommended the following changes:

1) Drop Kin 801 from the required course list (We will now have only 3 required courses).

2) Add Kin 851 Topics in the Physiological Basis of Kinesiology to PA electives list (Students without undergraduate class will be advised to take this course).

3) Add Kin 852 Topics in the Behavioral Bases of Kinesiology to PA electives list (Students without undergraduate class will be advised to take this course).

4) Drop the exercise physiology competency (No longer have exercise physiology as a required course).

5) Add a "primary designation" for the population health competency to Kin 612 Policy,

Environment and Physical Activity.

Respectfully submitted by committee members,

Richard Rosenkranz, PhD

Mary McElroy, PhD

Abbey Nutsch, PhD

Mark Haub, PhD

Michael Sanderson, DVM, MS

Jennifer Hanson, PhD

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Attachment 3: Curriculum Review – Public Health Nutrition



Public Health Nutrition Core Competency Alignment Matrix

Select 2-4 Courses Select 1-3 Courses

MPH Emphasis Area:

Public Health Nutrition

P=Primary Course

R=Reinforcing Course

Information literacy of public health nutrition

Demonstrate information literacy through the acquisition of public health nutrition knowledge and skills necessary to locate, understand, and evaluate and use that information efficiently and effectively for public health practice.

Translate research into practice

Translate research into practice through skills in nutrition surveillance, policy, program planning and evaluation, management, information dissemination and oral and written communication.

Population-based health administration Utilize advanced principles of health literacy, including critical thinking skills, literature searches, data collection and interpretation, necessary for the implementation and administration of populationbased food, nutrition and health services.

Integrate knowledge of human nutrition principles

Integrate knowledge of human nutrition principles with epidemiological concepts in order to improve population health and reduce disease risk.

Effective communication

Develop and illustrate effective strategies to communicate public health/nutrition issues to a variety of audiences.
























































*Due to inherently flexible course structure, areas could be reinforced within the course if purposefully selected or designed to do so.

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Attachment 3: Curriculum Review – Public Health Nutrition

Key to Course Titles

PHN Emphasis Area Competencies and Course Alignment Matrix document:

Requirements and Credit Hours Needed

Required courses 10 hours

HN 600

HN 844

HN 820

HN 880

Select 2-4 courses

HN 620

HN 631

HN 632

HN 635

HN 700 (to be added)

HN 718

HN 726

HN 735

HN 780

HN 782

HN 800

HN 810

HN 812

HN 841

HN 862

Select 1-3 courses

MC 750

MC 760

KIN 610 (to be added)

KIN 805 (to be added)



HMD 891

FSHS 714 (to be added)


STAT 705

STAT 710

STAT 713

6-11 hours

3-6 hours

STAT 716

STAT 717

STAT 720

STAT 725

STAT 730

Course Titles

Public Health Nutrition (3 hrs) (may substitute an elective if already taken)

Nutritional Epidemiology (3 hrs)

Functional Foods for Chronic Disease Prevention (3 hrs)

Graduate Seminar in Human Nutrition (1 hr)

Select from these Courses

Nutrient Metabolism (3 hrs)

Clinical Nutrition I (3 hrs)

Clinical Nutrition II (3 hrs)

Nutrition and Exercise (3 hrs)

International Health & Nutrition (3 hrs)

Physical Health and Aging (3 hrs)

Nutrition and Wellness (3 hrs)

Advanced Energy Balance (3 hrs)

Problems in Nutrition (variable)

Topics in Human Nutrition (3 hrs)

Nutrition Education and Communication (3 hrs)

Advanced Macronutrient Metabolism (5 hrs)

Advanced Micronutrient Metabolism (3 hrs)

Consumer Response Evaluation (3 hrs)

Maternal and Child Nutrition (3 hrs) (Great Plains Program)

Select from these Courses

Strategic Health Communication (3 hrs) (alternate years)

Communication and Risk (3 hrs) (alternate years)

Program Planning and Evaluation (3 hrs)

Physical Activity and Human Behavior (3 hrs)

Introduction to Health Psychology (3 hrs)

Wealth, Power and Privilege (3 hrs)

Environmental Scanning & Analysis of Current Issues in Dietetics


Program Design, Evaluation and Implementation (3 hrs)

Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA (3 hrs)

Regression and Analysis of Variance (3 hrs)

Sample Survey Methods (3 hrs)

Applied Linear Stat Models (3 hrs) (same as STAT 705 only more mathematical)

Non-parametric Statistics (3 hrs)

Categorical Data Analysis (3 hrs)

Design Experiments (3 hrs)

Intro to SAS Computing (1 hr)

Multivariate Statistical Methods (3 hrs)

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