President’s Commission on Human Relations & Equity DRAFT Meeting Minutes

President’s Commission on Human Relations & Equity
DRAFT Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Francine Oputa
Angel Sanchez
Cynthia Teniente-Matson
Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi
Jenelle Pitt
Brian Tsukimura
Susana Hernandez
Ronald Avedisian
Judy Clements
Gwen Burks
Marisol Patino
Moses Menchaca
Susan Elrod
Ivan Pagan
Janice Brown
Dawn Lewis
Jan Parten
Paul Oliaro
10:00 a.m. – 11:30 pm
Michael Caldwell
Christina Roybal
Library 3212
Meeting commenced at approximately 10:15 a.m. A quorum was present.
I. Welcome
Chair Matson welcomed the commission and asked for a review of the meeting minutes from the September 25th PCHRE
II. Cultural Climate Survey
Dr. Angel Sanchez distributed a proposal for next steps regarding the Cultural Climate Survey. He suggested that interviews be
conducted with Executives, Vice Presidents, and MPP’s in order to gain in understanding of the campus climate from an
administrative perspective. Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzalez suggested that data collection could begin as early as the summer term and
since administrators are one of the few groups on campus during that time, it might be a good place to start data collection. Dr.
Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi stated that focus groups might be biased, since some colleagues don’t agree with the charge of the
commission and may not participate in the Climate Survey. Dr. Sanchez stated that in every study there will always be groups not
willing to participate and that the climate survey should move forward with a focus on students as the primary focus group. Dr.
Juan Carlos Gonzalez suggested that groups to be studied should be discussed with the PCHRE since resources will be limited. He
also stated that part of the purpose of the study is to give a voice to those that are passionate about this topic.
Chair Matson suggested creating a faculty specific sub-group to ensure that the methodology of the study is sound. This will
ensure that while the topic of the study may receive criticism, the methodology will not. Dr. Fancine Oputa agreed and also
suggested that more religious groups are represented in the focus groups, such as Muslim and Jewish groups. Dr. Ronald
Avedisian suggested sampling focus groups of faculty by college, not just by title.
Dr. Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi asked if a budget or allocated resources existed to help plan the scope of work. Dr. Angel Sanchez
stated that in this stage, the proposal will drive the conversation regarding the budget. Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzalez suggested pulling
resources from graduate students willing to do the work as part of projects within courses, which would help to minimize the cost
of the study. Dr. Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi suggested using the internships of colleges to support the study.
Gwen Burks stated that the staff focus groups might be more specific to consider classifications different from MPP’s. Judy
Clements thought the list of student groups would help to include more students on campus. Chair Matson stated that a list of
student groups would be provided to the Cultural Climate Subcommittee. Chair Matson asked Dr. Angel Sanchez to follow up
with the faculty on the PCHRE to ensure that the research design in sound.
Chair Matson recognized the quorum present at the meeting and asked for a confirmation of the meeting minutes. Dr. Fancine
Oputa voted for confirmation and Gwen Burks seconded the motion.
PCHRE Meeting
October 15, 2013
Page 2
III. Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)
Dr. Francine Oputa stated the need for adding more voices to the BIRT team and informed the commission that Dr. Jody
Hironaka-Juteau has agreed to participate on a limited basis. She also stated that she would like Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzalez to join
the team. She stated that she would be bringing the group together during the first week of November to discuss next steps. Chair
Matson suggested looking at UC Merced and UC Santa Barbara for insights into their programs. Dr. Suzanne Kotkin-Jaszi asked
if bullying would be considered by the team. Dr. Brian Tsukimura informed that commission that the term “bullying” refers to K12 policies and when discussing adults, “harassment” is a more appropriate term. Chair Matson stated that the team should
navigate the difference between bias and harassment, since the university has formal processes for harassment.
Chair Matson suggested inviting Dr. Alma Clayton-Pedersen into the conversation and development of BIRT. Dr. Francine Optua
stated that Marisol Patino will follow up on researching the programs at other campuses. Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzalez offered his
support for the program.
IV. Goals for the Year
Chair Matson asked the commission to look at the list of potential speakers to come to campus. She asked if the commission had
other ideas to add to the discussion. Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzalez asked if Karen L. Daces and Rusty Barcelo could be added to the
list of potential speakers. Chair Matson also thought hosting an event in the spring would allow more time for planning.
Chair Matson also shared the online module on civility, which University of Missouri had developed. She asked the commission
to consider these when developing similar modules for our campus.
Brian Tsukimura discussed attending SACNAS and the positive response to the ASPIRE brochures.
IV. Follow Up for Next Meeting:
Methodology of Cultural Climate Survey
BIRT next steps
Campus-Wide Diversity Event Planning