The President’s Organizational Engagement - Work/Life Review Task Force

The President’s Organizational Engagement - Work/Life Review Task Force
The foundation for establishing the Task Force comes from Theme 4 of the Strategic Plan for
Excellence which includes the following strategies:
• Support faculty and staff in exploring a multiplicity of career paths
• Create appropriate recognition and reward programs for the whole campus community
• Encourage a culture of health, wellness and life balance
• Promote faculty and staff development in response to a rapidly changing world
The need for this Task Force stems from President Castro’s commitment to support employee
engagement and work/life initiatives by promoting and advancing wellness programs and
professional development across all faculty, staff and administrators at Fresno State. It is further
supported through current discussions regarding the challenge of enhancing the sense of
community and perceived sense of campus citizenship among faculty, staff and administrators.
The campus community is fortunate to have a number of sources for services, programs and
assistance that have served faculty, staff and administrators for the past several years. A number
of these services have achieved national recognition from the Wellness Council of America
(WELCOA). The purpose of this initiative is to review current services and identify priorities for
additional programs or structures with a goal of enhancing these services for the campus.
The charge to the Task Force includes the following:
1. Assemble a complete inventory of active programs serving the work/life needs of faculty,
staff and administrators. Information compiled on each should be uniform in its content.
2. Review outstanding Work/Life programs at eight peer campuses and incorporate that
information into discussions with the off campus professional who will be identified and
supported centrally.
3. Conduct an assessment to determine the needs and potential use patterns of a range of
programs and services that could be offered through an effective work/life balance or
blending program.
4. Develop and conduct an assessment that addresses a baseline of current organizational
engagement such as the Gallup Q12 tool. This will include an assessment of campus
climate and send of community.
5. Work with the review panel to assess information regarding existing and potential
programs, develop a summary of information collected, and complete a set of
recommendations that will inform the President and Division leadership regarding the
future of work/life balance programs at Fresno State.
Task Force Membership will include:
Five staff representatives recruited by the Staff Assembly
Five faculty representatives recruited by the Academic Senate
One representative from Wellness Advisory Committee
One representative from PCHRE
One administrator from each of the four divisions
Associate Vice President for Human Resources (or designee)
Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs (or designee)
Vice President for Administration (ex officio)
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs (ex officio)