WASC Committee

WASC Committee
December 6, 2012
Members Present: Shirley Armbruster, Nagy Bengiamin, Michael Caldwell, Michelle Den Beste, Tracy Garza,
Daniel Griffin, Bob Harper, Asao Inoue, Andrew Lawson, Jane Magee, Jim Marshall, Maxine McDonald, Arun
Nambiar, Dennis Nef, Philip Neufeld, Jim Prince, Peggy Trueblood, Terence Wan, Lynnette Zelezny and Laura
Members Absent: Thomas Boeh, Sharon Brown-Welty, Carolyn Coon, Xuanning Fu, Arthur Montejano, Bob
Murphy, and Fariborz Tehrani.
Call to Order: 1:06 p.m.
Dr. Lynnette Zelezny, WASC ALO welcomed the committee and called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m.
At the last meeting there was a recommendation to expand the committee membership. Dr. Lynnette
Zelezny presented the group with a list of additional members and informed the committee that the
Provost and the Senate Chair had approved the additional members. The committee discussed the
membership list and committee member J. Prince moved a motion to approve the additional members for
this committee. Committee member J. Marshall seconded his motion and Dr. Zelezny received the
approval of the committee to send appointment requests to these members.
The minutes were reviewed and approved by the committee.
Review Revised Fresno State’s Accreditation Timeline – L. Zelezny
a. Undergraduate Retention/Graduation Rate Data
Committee member X. Fu received has already reviewed the template and at this point this is the
most up to date template available in the WASC website. L. Alcantar contacted WASC and there
is no set deadline at this point.
b. Financial Data Update
Dr. Lynnette Zelezny advised the committee that Fresno State will not be required to submit any
additional financial data as part as our accreditation. We currently report our financial reports
every year during our annual report.
Call for Subcommittee Members
A. Lawson introduced the importance to start working in separate subcommittees. He explained what
San Jose State University has been doing to approach the “Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of the
WASC Meeting
December 6, 2012
Page 2
Degree” issue that we will be required to report on at our final report to WASC. Other campuses are
doing subcommittees, campus open forums to try to approach this issue. We are not behind in our
timeline, but it is important to start discussion at a subcommittee. A member requested to have the most
up to date WASC Accreditation handbook. L. Alcantar will send the revised committee membership and
the revised handbook to the committee. Then discussion began among the members to be part of the
subcommittees listed below:
1. Meaning, Quality, and Integrity of the Degree Subcommittee – A. Lawson, D. Nef, J. Prince
and S. Moore was nominated.
2. Core Competency Subcommittee – A. Inoue, X. Fu, L. Zelezny and M. Ram was nominated.
3. Website Subcommittee – J. Marshall, A. Nambiar, S. Armbruster, P. Neufeld and L. Alcantar.
Upcoming Workshops
Dr. Zelezny announced the list of upcoming workshops and asked if they were interested to be part of a
team to email L. Alcantar at lalcantar@csufresno.edu.
1. Jan. 23 - 26 ~ “The Quality of the US Degrees” – AAC&U, Atlanta, Georgia
2. Jan. 30 ~ “Assessment 101 – Berkeley, CA
3. Jan. 31 – Feb. 1 ~ “Retreat on Student Success– Berkeley, CA
4. Feb. 14 – 15 ~ “Retreat on Assessment of Learning” – San Jose, CA
5. April 9 – 12 ~ “WASC Academic Resource Conference” – San Diego, CA
Spring 2013Meeting Schedule
Wed, February 13, 2013
Thurs, March 14, 2013
Wed, April 24, 2013
Wed, May 8, 2013
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Haak Center Boardroom
Haak Center Boardroom
Haak Center Boardroom
Haak Center Boardroom
Dr. Zelezny asked if there were any questions or concerns, then wished everyone Happy Holidays!
Adjourn: 1:58 p.m.