

Day One


3–4 pm

4–6 pm


Arrival . Team arrives at hotel.

Team Meeting . A sample agenda:


Welcome and member introductions (Chair)


The Pilot 2 process and visit parameters (WASC liaison) a.

Overview of the Institutional Review Process (IRP) and the i.

The Retention and Graduation Committee and Financial Review Committee ii.

The OSR Effort: Primacy of documents and data b.

Accreditation history of the institution and current status c.

Decision options for the team at the time of the Accreditation Visit d.

Deliverables from the OSR i.

Summary of Lines of Inquiry for the institution ii.

Preliminary Team Report (drafting of sections) e.

Policy on public disclosure


Review of institution’s history, highlights of the Introduction in the institutional report, review of institutional response to previous Commission actions (Team discussion leaders)


Identification of issues, review of assignments, and modifications of Agenda for Day Two (Assistant Chair)

6 pm

Day Two


6:00-7:45 am


Team dinner in Chair’s suite. Team continues to work.

Breakfast .


7:45-8:00 am

8:00–8:15 am

Transport to WASC office .

8:15–9:15 am

9:15 – 9:45 am


Orientation to Conference Room, WASC facilities, and technology resources.

Review under the Standards : Discussion of institution’s’ Self-Review under the Standards. (Team discussion leaders)

Essay 1 : Defining the Meaning of the Degrees and Ensuring their Integrity, Quality and Rigor. (Team discussion leaders)

9:45 – 10:15 am Essay 2: Achieving Core Competencies. (Team discussion leaders)

10:15 – 10:30 am Break

10:30 – 11:00 am Essay 3: Defining and Promoting Student Success (includes Retention and Graduation Review) (Team discussion leaders)

11:00- 11:30 am Essay 4 : Ensuring Institutional Capacity & Effectiveness in the Future (includes Financial Review) and Planning for the

Changing Environment in Higher Education (Team discussion leaders)

11:30 – 11:45 am Compliance Checklist. (WASC liaison)

11:45 – 12:30 pm Lunch

12:30 – 1:15 pm Portfolio.

Discussion of elements of Electronic Portfolio not addressed in other sections, e.g. Required Data Exhibits, Credit

Hours, Student Complaints, and Marketing and Recruiting Practices (Team discussion leaders)

1:15 – 2:45 pm Team response . Team prepares principal response to institutional report including initial commendations/recommendations, scope of Accreditation Visit, and further information to request of institution. Team uses Summary of Lines of Inquiry template. Team identifies questions for the institutional representatives. (Team)

2:45 – 3:00 pm Break

3:00–3:45 pm Conference call.

Team conducts video conference call with President, Chief Academic Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and, and Accreditation Liaison Officer. Chair of the team conducts the call and facilitates introductions. Chair invites the President to comment on any new developments or continuing activities related to the institutional report. Chair then communicates: (1) commendations; (2) the general sense of the team’s direction and its current thinking, signaling the key issues on which the team intends to focus during the AV [this should be done at a ‘macro’ level]; (3) the kind of information and data that the team will be requesting in advance of the AV. While questions are posed by the team chair and/members, this call is not designed to be an in-depth fact-finding activity. (Team)

3:45 – 4:30 pm Conclusion . Team finalizes Summary of Lines of Inquiry and discusses next steps including deadline for submitting written sections of the preliminary team report narrative. (Team)

4:30 pm Departure.

Team members are transported to airport/hotel/ground transportation.

Rev 3/2014
