California State University, Fresno Campus Master Plan Purpose, Goals and Objectives Framework Plans

California State University, Fresno
Campus Master Plan
Purpose, Goals and Objectives
Framework Plans
Development Analysis
Ten-Year Program
Long-Range Master Plan
Athletic Master Plan
Landscape Master Plan
• Key Design Guidelines
Campus Master Plan Report
Purpose, Goals and Objectives
Looking beyond the immediate future
Matching University needs
with suitable facilities and a
campus full of good places
Consultation of the University
Approximately 100 meetings with different campus and community groups
Master Plan Goals
Goal One – Make optimal use of campus facilities and
Master Plan Goals
Goal Two – Improve Pedestrian Circulation.
Master Plan Goals
Goal Three – Develop an Image respectful of the Agricultural
Master Plan Goals
Goal Four – Accommodate diversity with strategic initiatives and
Approximate growth in headcount over 10 Year planning
horizon = at least 5,500 students
The Master Plan - 2017
Framework Plans
Proposed Building Uses
Major Utility Routes
Existing Service Areas
Objective: Efficient service with minimal conflict
Service Concept
Vehicle Circulation
Pedestrian Circulation
Pedestrian Priority Area
The Arboretum
Open Space
Proposed Campus Shuttle Service
Campus Master Plan Report
Development Analysis
Building Inventory –Buildings Removed in 10
2,500 Students within 1.5 Miles
Student Resident Locations
Landscape Master Plan
Landscape Concept and the Region
Parking Lot Trees
Pedestrian and Street Tree
Shade Tree
Hedgerow Tree
The Master Plan -2016
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Classroom and Faculty Office Building
and Parking Garage
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Multiple Decks to
Preserve campus
Quadrangle Buildings and Parking Garage
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Satellite Student Union
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Agricultural Research
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Corporation Yards
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
University High School
Ten Year Implementation
Chestnut Avenue
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
Equine Center
Expansion of the Walking and Hiking Trails
Soccer Stadium
External Affairs and Administration Buildin
Bulldog Diamond (Softball)
Bulldog Stadium
Bulldog’s Walk of Fame
Warmerdam Field
Student-Athlete Center
Beiden Field
Spalding G. Wathen Tennis Center
Athletic Master Plan
Key Design Guidelines
Site buildings to enhance open space and activities.
Each addition to the campus should increase the sense of vitality
New buildings are at-least three stories to conserve developable
land and open landscape.
Key Design Guidelines
Each building project must include improvement of adjacent
landscape, pathways, lighting, signage and infrastructure.
Key Design Guidelines
Take greater advantage of transit services….establish a
transit center near the Library.
Key Design Guidelines
Reunite Schools and Colleges. Allow the identity of the Schools
and Colleges to re-emerge.
Key Design Guidelines
Improve pedestrian and bike access to campus, reduce
conflicts and improve intersection crossings.
Key Design Guidelines
Present an appropriate image of the University at campus edges
Key Design Guidelines
The University should be a regional leader in stewardship
and sustainability. Shade Paving and reduce heat island
Key Design Guidelines
Locate water features on the main east-west pedestrian mall. Use
water sparingly and in creative ways that demonstrate conservation.
Key Design Guidelines
Temper the campus microclimate, make outdoor spaces
usable year-round.
Key Design Guidelines
Use consistently designed lighting fixtures throughout the
campus. Develop a comprehensive way-finding system.
Library Parking Garage and Campus
Ten Year Implementation Recommendations
California State University, Fresno
Campus Master Plan
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