The university takes all allegations of discrimination and harassment seriously and is committed to thoroughly investigating and resolving any alleged instance(s) of which it becomes aware, including taking necessary corrective action to stop the offending conduct, and proactive steps to prevent its recurrence.
Any student who believes he or she, or another student, has been subjected to sexual discrimination or harassment, including sexual assault or physical violence, by another member of the campus community, or by any other person in the course of a Fresno State-sponsored event, program or activity, should immediately report the incident to the campus’ Title IX Coordinator, Associate Vice President of
Human Resources:
Janice A. Parten
Joyal Administration Bldg., Room 211
5150 N. Maple Ave., M/S JA41
California State University, Fresno
Fresno, CA 93740-8026
Students may make such a report to the Title IX Coordinator by informing a faculty member or appropriate management personnel. Victims and community members are also urged to immediately report any criminal activity related to the incident to the campus police department or other appropriate law enforcement agency.
For those affected by an act of sexual discrimination/harassment, including an act of sexual violence,
Fresno State provides confidential counseling services through its University Psychological Services and
Women’s Resource Center.