History, B.A. DEPARTMENT Department of History Ethan Kytle, Interim Chair Social Science Building, Room 101 559.278.2153 www.fresnostate.edu/socialsciences/historydept/ MN in History, Minor BA in History, B.A. MA in History, M.A. MA in History - Teaching Option, M.A. CERT in American History, Certificate of Adv. Study History History is the study of humanity’s recorded past. It encompasses all aspects of human behavior, social organization, and cultural development. The arts and the sciences, the development of technology, and changing economic forces are as much a part of history as is politics or social conflict. Students of history are engaged in a journey through time in which they can witness and compare the development of a variety of cultures and the interrelations between people in many different circumstances. Through the study of past events, history provides a great storehouse of experience by which the theories of the other social sciences can be tested. And through its analysis of the development of institutions and cultures, it provides one of our best tools for understanding social phenomena. History is also one of the broadest and most universal of the humanities. Just as the personalities of individuals are shaped through the totality of their past experiences, so cultures and institutions also develop in time. The study of history can help students understand themselves and their culture better and develop a more tolerant and humane spirit toward others. In this way, as in so many others, a knowledge of the past can help all of us meet the problems of today with greater understanding and compassion. Program The History Department offers a major and minor in history for the Bachelor of Arts degree, a graduate program leading to the Master of Arts, and courses for use in the teaching credential program. It participates in the interdisciplinary programs and minors in Armenian studies, Asian studies, classical studies, Latin American studies, Russian area studies, and women's studies. History courses may also be used as electives toward graduation in most other majors, and the History Department encourages students to take minors and second majors in other fields as well. The History Department is a chartered member of Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society. Our chapter is Alpha Kappa Beta. REQUIREMENTS Bachelor of Arts Degree Requirements History Major A grade of C or higher is required for all courses to be counted toward the major. Major requirements (45 units) Lower-division requirements: HIST 4, 20, and 21 (9 units) Select two: HIST 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (6 units) Upper-division requirements: HIST 100W (3 units) Select nine courses from the fields listed on this page (27 units) General Education requirements (51 units) www.fresnostate.edu California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 1 Electives and remaining degree requirements* (27 units) (see Degree Requirements); may be used toward a double major or minor Total (120 units) Advising Notes 1. HIST 4 is required before enrollment in HIST 100W for all students catalog year 2004-05 to present. 2. It is strongly recommended that history majors take both HIST 11 and 12. 3. No General Education Integration or Multicultural/International course offered by the Department of History may be used to satisfy the General Education requirements for history majors. 4. History majors are not permitted to take history courses by CR/NC grading. 5. General Education and elective units may be used toward a double major or minor (see double major or departmental minor). Consult the appropriate department chair, program coordinator, or faculty adviser for further information. 6. Students who are planning to do graduate work in history are advised to take a foreign language as an undergraduate in consultation with the History Department. 7. HIST 100W should be scheduled in consultation with faculty. 8. All majors must take a total of 27 units from the three fields listed below, taking into account the following requirements: • Students must take a minimum of two courses (6 units) in each field, with at least one from A and one from B in the European History Field. • Up to 3 units of HIST 190 may be applied toward the major. • HIST 190 may not be taken in lieu of a course offered by the department. Students should have taken courses in the appropriate field prior to taking HIST 190. • No more than 3 units of HIST 193 can be applied to any one field. Fields United States History: HIST 101, 102T, 146, 153, 156, 158, 159, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179T, 180, 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 190, 193, 194. European History: (A) HIST 103, 111, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119T, 121, 122, 124T, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 139, 150, 181, 190, 193. (B) HIST 104, 129T, 132, 133, 134, 135, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 149T, 151, 152, 190, 193. World Regions: HIST 102T, 105, 106, 107, 108A, 108B, 109T, 110, 115, 157, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169T, 176, 190, 191, 192, 193, 199T. FACULTY The Department of History has more than 15 faculty members offering a wide variety of courses in the history of Europe, the United States, Latin America, the British Empire, Africa, the Middle East, and the Far East, as well as courses in intellectual and cultural history, social history, military history, and the history of women. Name Degree Email Phone Anderson, Donald K Master of Arts donalda@csufresno.edu 559.278.2153 Arvanigian, Mark E Doctor of Philosophy marvanig@csufresno.edu 559.278.2297 Bermio, Rowena R Master of Arts rbermio@csufresno.edu Cady, Daniel Doctor of Philosophy dcady@csufresno.edu 559.278.6817 Carden, M A Doctor of Philosophy acarden@csufresno.edu 559.278.2153 Chang, Sidney H Doctor of Philosophy schang@csufresno.edu 559.278.2153 Clune, Lori A Doctor of Philosophy lclune@csufresno.edu 559.278.8895 www.fresnostate.edu California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 2 Name Degree Email Phone Creviston, Vernon P Master of Arts vcreviston@csufresno.edu 559.278.2153 Eissinger, Michael A Master of Arts meissinger@csufresno.edu Farrell, John P Doctor of Philosophy jfarrell@csufresno.edu 559.278.7346 Fields, Jill S Doctor of Philosophy jfields@csufresno.edu 559.278.5414 Garza, Jose A Master of Arts josegarza@csufresno.edu Jessie, Mildred M Master of Arts mjessie@csufresno.edu Johnson, Andrea S Doctor of Philosophy anjohnson@csufresno.edu Jones, Bradley Doctor of Philosophy brajones@csufresno.edu 559.278.2351 Jordine, Melissa R Doctor of Philosophy mjordine@csufresno.edu 559.278.5418 Kytle, Ethan J Doctor of Philosophy ekytle@csufresno.edu 559.278.6876 Lopez, Maritere Doctor of Philosophy mariterel@csufresno.edu 559.278.2601 Maischak, Lars Doctor of Philosophy lmaischak@csufresno.edu 559.278.2153 Malko, Victoria A Doctorate of Education vmalko@csufresno.edu Orbock, Joseph A jorbock@csufresno.edu Person, Sandra M Bachelor of Science sperson@csufresno.edu Reese, DeAnna J Doctor of Philosophy dreese@csufresno.edu Rivera, Alicia J Doctor of Philosophy alrivera@csufresno.edu Roberts, Kathleen B Doctor of Philosophy broberts@csufresno.edu Rodriguez, Elvia Doctor of Philosophy erodz2@mail.fresnostate.edu Simba, Malik Doctor of Philosophy maliks@csufresno.edu Sischo, Robin A Master of Arts rsischo@csufresno.edu Skuban, William Doctor of Philosophy weskuban@csufresno.edu Smoot, Carole E Second Master of Arts csmoot@csufresno.edu Torosian, Kathleen Bachelor of Arts katorosian@csufresno.edu Vallis, Annamarie Master of Arts avallis@csufresno.edu www.fresnostate.edu 559.278.2153 559.278.6358 559.278.8677 559.278.6237 559.278.2153 559.278.2153 California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 3 Name Degree Email Vermote, Frederik Doctor of Philosophy fvermote@csufresno.edu www.fresnostate.edu Phone California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 4