THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO Table of Contents 2012- 13 Page Number Corporate Information Independent Auditor's Report Statements of Financial Position - Assets Statements of Financial Position - Liabi lities and Net Assets Statements of Activities Statements of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements Additional Information for California State University, Fresno Schedu le of Net Position Schedule of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position Other Information 2-3 4 5 6-7 8 9- 16 17 18 19 20 - 2 1 THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO CORPORATE INFORMATION For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Boyer H. Clay Daulton Daniel Enotabere Larry D. Layne Richard Matoian Pat V. Ricchiuti Jolm D. Welty Fresno, Califomia Madera, California Fresno, Califomia Sanger, California Fresno, California Clovis, California Fresno, Califomia CORPORATE OFFICERS Pat V. Ricchiuti Larry D. Layne Daniel Enotabere Jolu1 D. Welty Deborah S. Adishian-Astone Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Executive Director AUDIT COMMITTEE Daniel Errotabere Lynn D. Hemink Lany D. Layne Richard Matoian Fresno, California Fresno, California Sanger, Califomia Fresno, California EXECUTIVE STAFF Ms. Deborah S. Adishian-Astone Ms. Kate Tuckness Mr. John Melikian Executive Director Auxiliary Controll er Staff Counsel CORPORATE DATA Executive Offices 2771 East Shaw Avenue Fresno, California 937 10-8205 Telephone (559) 278-0800 Auditors Price Paige and Company 677 Scott Avenue Clovis, California 93612 Telephone (559) 299-9540 PRICE PAIGE & COMPANY Accountancy Corporation The Place to Be INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Board of Directors of The Agricultural Foundation of California State University, Fresno Fresno, California We have audited the accompanying financia l statements of The Agricultural Foundation of California State University, Fresno (Ag Foundation). a nonprofit organization, which comprise the statement of financial position as of June 30, 2013, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements . Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the Un ited States of America; this includes the design , implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an op1mon on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Ag Foundation 's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design aud it procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Ag Foundation's internal control. Accordingly , we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. 6 77 Scott Avenue Clovis,CA 93612 tel 559.299.9540 fax 559.299.2344 2 Opinion In our opinion , the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Agricultural Foundation of California State University, Fresno as of June 30 , 2013, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Other Matters Additional Information Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. The information reflected on pages 18-21 is presented , as required by the Chancellor of the California State University, for purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the financial statements. Such information was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements and has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the financial statements or to the financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the Additional Information is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the financial statements as a whole Clovis, California September 6, 2013 3 THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION JUNE 30,2012 AND 2013 20 12 20 13 Assets Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents (Note 2) Accounts Receivable Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Prepaid Expenses Inventories at Cost and Unit Livestock Method (Note 3) $ Total Current Assets Noncurrent Assets: Restricted: Temporarily Restricted Cash (Note 2) Total Restricted Assets Other Assets: Long-Term Receivables (Note 4) Investments (Note 'i) Total Other Assets Fixed Assets: (Note I) Breeding Herd Equipment Capitalized Development Costs Construction In Progress Total Fixed Assets Less: Accumulated Depreciation Total Fixed Assets,Net Total Noncurrent Assets $ Total Assets I ,496,864 209,289 (3,500) 2,363 705,391 1,656 ,418 309,447 (3,500) 1,727 752,158 2,410,407 2,716,250 12,734 37,438 12,734 37,438 32,364 672,700 31,144 738,942 705,064 770,085 188,813 2,092,290 63 1,464 2,400 173,403 2,293 ,5 16 631,464 25,001 2,9 14,967 (1,791,925) 3,123,384 (1,978,461) I, 123,042 1, 144,923 1,840,840 I ,952,446 4,251,247 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 4 $ $ 4,668,696 THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORN IA STATE UN IVERSITY, FRESNO STATEMENTS OF FINANC IAL POSITION JUNE 30,2012 AND 2013 Liabilities and Net Assets 20 12 Liabilities: C urrent Liabilities: Accounts Payable Agency Funds $ Total Current Liabilities Net Assets: Unrestricted: Undesignated Designated: Agricultural Foundation Endowment Fund (Note 6) Incentive Funds Contingency Reserve Total Designated Net Assets Total Unrestricted Net Assets Restricted: Temporarily Restricted Net Assets (Note 10) Total Restricted Net Assets Total Net Assets $ Total Liabilities and Net Assets 530,358 5,259 $ 252,269 5,259 535,617 257,528 2,847,081 3,455,756 672,700 33,115 150,000 738,942 29,032 150,000 855,815 917,974 3,702,896 4,373,730 12,734 37,438 12,734 37,438 3,715,630 4,411 , 168 4,251,247 The accompanying notes are an integra l part of the financial statements 5 20 13 $ 4,668,696 THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALI FORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS EN DED JUNE 30, 20I2 AND 2013 20 12 Changes in Unrestricted Net Assets: Revenues: Gross Sales Agricultural Operations Support/(Deficit) Donated Income Interest Income Unrealized Gain(Loss) on Investments $ Total Revenues Expenses and Losses: Cost of Sales Salaries/Wages Employee Benefits Advertising Audit Fees Awards/Prem iums Bad Debt Capitalized Development Costs-Depreciation Custom Harvesting Depreciation Donations Equipment Rental/Repair Incentive Fee Transfers Infrastructure Improvements Insurance Legal Fees Licenses/Dues/Fees Livestock Expense Management Services Fee Miscellaneous Office Supplies/Duplicating Postage/Freight Supplies Travel Util ities Unrelated Business Income Tax Total Expenses and Losses lncrease(Decrease) in Unrestricted Net Assets 4,793,366 (53,736) 67,976 24,521 (37,83 1) $ 5,347,892 123,344 2 13,585 27,703 44,806 4,794,296 5,757,330 1,399,498 1,227,247 76,54 1 13,694 17,070 30,405 1,405 52,R62 101,204 181 ,1 76 0 466,224 1,572 17,900 52,170 0 51,555 73,274 124,100 62,793 3,025 10,087 61 1,942 2,428 72,4 12 1,166 1,506,322 I ,408,787 74,001 10,879 18, 145 29,899 3 19 25,870 9 1,622 169,419 37,779 446,302 4,083 13,543 54,070 0 58,748 96,871 128,500 65,086 3,340 5, 154 740,375 4, 153 87,922 5,307 4,65 1,750 5,086,496 142,546 670,834 The accompanying notes are an integra l part of the financia l statements 6 20 13 THE AGRJCULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS EN DED JUNE 30, 2012 AND 2013 2012 Cash Flows From Operating Activities Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Adjustments to Reconci le Increase in Net Assets to Net Cash Provided (Used) By Operating Activities: Depreciation Unrealized (Gain) Loss on Investments Changes In: Accounts Receivable Prepaid Expenses Inventories Accounts Payable Agency Funds $ Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Cash Flows from Investing Activities (Increase) Decrease in Long-Term Receivables Net Change in Breeding Herd Acquisition of Equipment and Capitalized Development Costs Net Cash Used by Investing Activities Net Increase(Decrease) in Cash Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Year 20 13 105,482 $ 695,538 234,038 37,83 1 195,289 (66,242) 44,747 (439) I 1,559 250,532 (622) (I 00, 158) 636 (46,766) (278,090) 0 683, 128 400,207 1,673 (23,440) (8,33 1) 1,220 6,658 (223,827) (30,098) (215,949) 653,030 856,568 184,258 I ,509,598 Cas h and Cash Equiva le nts at End of Year $ 1,509,598 $ 1,693,856 Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information Cash Paid During the Year for Taxes $ 1, 166 $ 5,307 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 8 THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 2012 and 2013 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The Agricultural Foundation of Cali fornia State University, Fresno (The Agricultural Foundation) was incorporated on December 3, 1954 as a non-profit corporation . The Agricultural Foundation was formed and is operated exclusively to receive, hold, invest, and administer property and to make expenditures to or for the benefit of California State University, Fresno (the " University"). The organization is supported primarily by sales of products from the various operating units. For the year ended June 30, 20 13, approximately 16% and 12% of the organization's support was from sales by the Mature Orchard and Farm Market, respectively. The Agricultural Foundation maintains its accounting records and prepares its financial statements on the accrual basis of accounting. Therefore, revenues are recogn ized when earned and expenses are recognized when goods or services are received. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the fmancial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents consist of demand deposit accounts and money market funds with financial institutions. The Agricultural Foundation considers all highly liquid investments with maturities of three months or less, when purchased, to be cash equivalents. At June 30, 2012, the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insured cash balances held in interest-bearing accounts up to $250,000 and unlimited amounts for noninterest bearing accounts. Effective January I, 20.13, the FDIC insures cash balances held in interest and non interest-bearing accounts combined up to $250,000. At June 30, 2012 and 2013, the Agricultural Foundation's uninsured cash balances at Citibank totaled $810,752 and $1,574,997 respectively. Donor Imposed Restrictions All contributions are considered to be available for unrestricted use unless specifically restricted by the donor. Amounts received that are designated for future periods or restricted by the donor for specific purposes are reported as temporarily restricted or permanently restricted support that increases those net asset classes. When a restriction expires, temporari ly restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets. Net Assets Undesignated Net Assets: This category is maintained to account for those transactions related to all activities not covered in a specific fund and which relate in general to the full scope of operations of the auxiliary organization, including accounting for the revenue and expenses of various agricultural units. These funds are appropriated in accordance with the policies established by the Trustees of The Cali forn ia State University (Trustees), the campus, and the auxiliary organization. Designated Net Assets: When appropriations are made by the Board of Directors (the "Board") for a specific purpose, they are classified as designated net assets. Temporarily Restricted Net Assets: Th is category represents net assets whose use has been limited by donors to later periods of time or after specified dates or to specified purposes. 9 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, continued Pem1anent Net Assets: This category represents net assets required by the donor to be maintained pennanently and invested in perpetuity. There are currently no permanent net assets. Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable are stated at the amount management expects to collect from outstanding balances. Management provides for probable uncollectible amounts through a provision for bad debt expense and an adjustment to a val uation allowance based on its assessment of the current status of individual accounts. Balances that remain outstanding after management has used reasonable collection efforts are written off through a charge to the valuation allowance and a credit to accounts receivable. Allowance for doubtful accounts at June 30, 20 12 and 2013 were $3,500 each year. Inve ntories Raised and donated inventory of animals held for sale is carried at maximum raised value established by the Board. Such values for all animal units were last reviewed in 2006. Inventory values are equivalent to average cost to raise to maturity. Purchased animals held for sale are valued at cost. Cost of supply inventories are detennined using the first-in, first-out method (FIFO). Donated Services The Agricultural Foundation receives various donated services. The estimated fair values of donations in excess of $1,000 are recorded as support and expense in the period received. Expense Allocation The costs of providing various programs and other activities have been summarized on a functional basis in Note II - Expenses by Natural Classification. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among programs and supporting services. Fixed Assets Fixed assets represent mi lking livestock, breeding herds, and equipment. Raised and donated milking livestock and breeding herds are carried at maximum raised value established by the Board. Purchased milking livestock and breeding herds are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation of livestock and herds is computed using straight line rates established by the Board, and the costs are depreciated down to the maximum raised value. The Agricultural Foundation capitalizes all expenditures for equipment in excess of $5,000. Equipment is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. Depreciation of equipment is computed using straight line rates based upon estimated useful lives. Equipment includes the value of Construction in Progress which is not depreciated until the project is completed. Cap italized development costs represent costs incurred for producing vineyards and orchards. The costs are depreciated over I0 years as the vineyards and orchards commence production. Depreciation expense amounted to $234,038 and $195,289 in 20 12 and 2013, respectively. Gross Sales Sales of crops are recorded net of certain custom harvesting costs. 10 Note 1 -Summary of Significant Accoun tin g Policies, continued Investments Investments in marketable securities are recorded at cost when purchased and at market value, thereafter. Market value is based on quoted market prices. Tax Status The Agricultural Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes and is thus allowed tax exempt status under provisions of section 50 I(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and section 2170 I(d) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code. However, income for certain activities not directly related to the organization's tax-exempt purpose is subject to taxation as unrelated business income. Advertising Costs Advertising costs are expensed as incurred and totaled $ 13,694 and $10,879 m 2012 and 20 13, respectively. Note 2- Cash a nd Cash Equivalents Cash and Cash Equivalents at June 30 consisted of the following: Deposits: Cash in Banks $1 ,401,987 $ 1,585,30 I 104,311 I 04,655 3,300 3,900 U .509 598 $1.693 856 Pooled Funds: Cash in State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Cash on Hand Total The Agricultural Foundation maintains some of its cash in The State of California Local Agency Investment Fund. The State pools these funds with those of other organizations and invests the cash. These pooled funds are carried at cost which approximates market value. Interest earned is remitted quarterly to the Agricultural Foundation. Any investment losses are proportionately shared by all funds in the pool. Of the total cash amount of $ 1,509,598 and $ 1,693,856 in 2012 and 2013, temporarily restricted cash was $ 12,734 and $37,438 in 20 12 and 2013, respectively. Temporarily restricted cash represents amounts held to comply with donor- imposed restrictions in the Poultry unit and is not for avai lable for general use. There is no requirement that cash be held in separate accounts. Note 3 - Inventory Inventory at June 30, 2012 and 2013 consists of the following: Winery Dairy Beef Others $267,396 197,959 126,622 113 414 rnli.121 Total 11 $326,383 193,550 107,870 124,355 $752. 158 Note 4- Long-Term Receivab les The Agricultural Foundation is a member of a milk cooperative known as the California Dairies Inc. Members of the cooperative must maintain a permanent capital fund to provide the necessary capital to finance the California Dairies' operation and growth. This equity account is refundable in five annual payments upon the Agricultural Foundation's withdrawal fi·om the cooperative. Long-Tenn Receivables are composed of the following: Cali forn ia Dairies Inc. l l i 144 $32.364 Note 5 - Investments Investment securities, stated at market value, are summarized as follows at June 30: 20 12 Cost Basis Market Value Fresno State Foundation Endowment Pool $737.645 $.612..1illl 2013 Cost Basis Market Value Fresno State Foundation Endowment Pool $111,645 Unrealized Appreciation/(Depreciation) ($64.945) Unrealized Appreciation/( Depreciation) ($) 297) $738.942 Note 6- Endowment The Board designated the Agricultural Foundation Endowment Fund to support the mission of the Agricultural Foundation. Since the fund resulted from an internal designation and is not donor-restricted, it is classified and reported as unrestricted net assets. Endowment assets are invested with the California State University, Fresno Foundation (the "Foundation") in their endowment Pool A, a well diversified fund that is intended to result in a consistent inflation-protected rate of return. Each year, the Foundation either approves an appropriation for distribution from its endowments or a reinvestment in the pool. For fiscal year 20 13, the Board authorized a reinvestment in Pool A. The distribution or reinvestment is measured as a percentage of its endowment fund's average fair value over the prior 12 quarters through the calendar year-end preceding the fiscal year in which the distribution is planned. In establishing this policy, the Agricultural Foundation considered the long-tenn expected return on its endowment. Accordingly, over the long tenn, the Agricultural Foundation expects the current spending policy to allow its general endowment fund to grow consistent with its return objectives and risk parameters. The Agricultural Foundation expects its endowment assets, over time, to exceed the rate of inflation by approximately 4%. Actual returns in any given year may vary from this amount. Composition of and changes in endowment net assets for the year ending June 30, 20 12 and 20 13, were as follows: Board-designated endowment net assets, Ju ly I Net appreciation (depreciation) Amounts reinvested Amounts appropriated for expenditure Board-designated endowment net assets, June 30 $7 10,531 ( 17,923) 0 (19,908) $672 7QD 12 $672,700 44,806 21 ,436 0 $]3 8.242 Note 7- Fair Va lue Measu rements Effective May I, 2008, The Agricultural Foundation adopted Statement No. 157, Fair Value Measurements, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. I57 (FAS 157), subsequently included in the Codification as ASC 820. ASC 820 applies to all financial statements that are being measured and reported on a fair value basis. ASC 820 defmes fair value as the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. ASC 820 establishes a fa ir value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level I measurements) and the lowest priority to measurements involving significant observable inputs (Level 3 measurements). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are as follows: Level 1 - Inputs are quoted market prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Valuations for assets and liabilities traded in active exchange markets. Valuations are obtained from readily available pricing sources for market transactions involving identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices within Level I that are observable, either directly or indirectly. Valuations for assets and liabilities traded in less active dealer or broker markets. Valuations are obtained from third party pricing services for identical or similar assets or liabilities. Level 3 - Inputs are unobservable. Valuations for assets and liabi lities that are derived from other valuation methodologies, including option pricing models, discounts cash flow models and similar techniques, and not based on market exchange, dealer, or broker traded transactions. Level 3 valuations incorporate certain assumptions and projections in determining the fair value assigned to such assets or liabilities. The table below presents the balance of assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis at June 30: Fair Value 20 12 Investment, Fresno State Foundation Endowment Pool Cash and Cash Equivalents Totals Level I 672,700 I ,509,598 $.__2 182,228 $ $ $ $ $ Level 3 0 I ,509,598 I 5Q2 528 $ 672,700 0 $ 612 :ZQQ 0 $ 738,942 0 $ 1ll 242 20 13 Investment, Fresno State Foundation Endowment Pool Cash and Cash Equivalents Totals 738,942 1,693,856 $___2 432,728 1,693,856 ~623 .856 Note 8- Related Parties The Agricultural Foundation receives management services from the California State University, Fresno Association, Inc. (the "Association"). The Agricultural Foundation had the following transactions with the following entities during the years ended June 30, 20 12 and 2013 : Administrative fees paid to the Association for management services were $1 24, I 00 and $ 128,500 for the years ended Ju ne 30, 201 2 and 201 3, respectively, based on a flat fee arrangement. The amounts due the Agricu ltural Foundation from the Association at June 30, 2012 and 2013, were $982 and $315, respectively. The amounts due the Association from the Agricultural Foundation at June 30, 2012 and 2 013 , were $0 and $750, respectively. 13 Note 8 - Rela ted Parties, continu ed The amounts due to the California State University, Fresno Foundation by the Agricultural Foundation for expenses at June 30, 2012 and 20 13, were $0 and $26 1, respectively. The amounts due to the Agricultural Foundation by the California State University, Fresno Foundation at June 30, 2012 and 2013, were $19,908 and $0, respectively. The Agricu ltural Foundation operates the Un iversity Farm, which serves as an instructional laboratory. As such, the Univers ity is req uired to pay fo r certain operational expenses during the fi scal year. The amounts paid by the University were $85,287 and $239,209, for the years ended June 30,2012 and 20 13, respectively. These payments were used to reduce farm operation expenses. The amounts due from the Agricultural Foundation to the University at June 30, 20 12 and 20 13, were $272,861 and $1 15, respectively. The amounts due from the University to the Agricultural Foundation at June 30, 20 12 and 2013, were $0 and $6,358, respectively. The amounts due from Fresno State Programs For Chi ldren at June 30, 20 12 and 2013 , were $397 and $0, respectively. Note 9- Leases The Agricultura l Foundation has entered into several leases and subleases as follows: Use of San Joaquin Experimental Range for cattle grazing, with the USDA, expiring March 17, 2020. Ground and Facility Lease between the Trustees of the CSU, expiri ng June 30, 20 17. Land for grazing purposes ( Millerton Lake), with the United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, expiring June 30, 2015. Land for grazing purposes, sublease with Runn ing T Ranch, expired June 15, 20 I I with automatic renewal unless term inated by either party through June 15, 2013 . Note 10- Tempora ri ly Restricted Net Assets Temporarily restricted net assets at June 30, 2012 and 20 13, are availab le for the following: 20 12 Hackney Horse Unit Organic Farming Poultry Un it $4,797 7,937 __ 0 Total $J.l.ll4 14 2013 $ 0 0 37.438 $.ll,438 Note 11- Ex~enses b:r: Natural Classification For The Years Ended June 30: !;;xQenses Program Cost of Sales Salaries/Wages Employee Benefits Advertising Audit Fees Awards/Prem iurns Bad Debts Capitalized Development CostsDepreciation Custom Harvesting Depreciation Donations Equipment RentalfRepair · Incentive Fee Transfers Infrastructure Improvements Insurance Legal Fees LicensesfOues/Fees Livestock Expense Management Services Fee Miscellaneous Office Suppl ies/Dupl icating Postage/Freight Student Profit on Projects Supplies Travel Unrealized Loss on Investments Utilities Unrelated Business Income Ta.x $1,399,498 1,227,247 76,541 13,694 0 30,405 1,405 Totals 52,862 101 ,204 181,176 0 466,224 1,572 17,900 19,996 0 48,648 73 ,274 0 59,983 1,0 19 10,087 0 61 1,942 2,428 0 72,412 1.1 66 $4 ':!ZQ 683 2012 General & Admin istrative $17,070 32,174 0 2,907 124, 100 2,8 10 2,006 $18 1 Q6:Z Total Program $1,399,498 1,227,247 76,541 13,694 17,070 30,405 1,405 $1 ,506,322 I ,408,787 74 ,00 1 10,879 0 29,899 319 52,862 10 1,204 18 1,176 0 466,224 1,572 17,900 52, 170 0 51 ,555 73,274 124, 100 62,793 3,025 10,087 0 611 ,942 2,428 0 72,412 1.166 25,870 91 ,622 169,419 37,779 446,302 4,083 13,543 23 ,086 0 55,092 96,87 1 0 61,444 1,113 5,154 0 740,375 4, 153 0 87,922 5.307 $':! 65 1 :ZSQ $':1..8.2.2,3':12 2013 General & AdminiW!Itive $18,145 30,984 3,656 128,500 3,642 2,227 $182 15':1 Total $1,506,322 I ,408,787 74,001 10,879 18,145 29,899 319 25,870 91 ,622 169,419 37,779 446,302 4,083 13,543 54,070 0 58,748 96,87 1 128,500 65,086 3,340 5,154 0 740,375 4,153 0 87,922 5 307 $5 Q86.lli Program expenses are incurred by various instructional farm laboratories, whose purpose is to provide students with hands-on experience in world-class agriculture. These enterprises provide students with opportunities in production, processing and marketing in crops and livestock. The Agricultural Foundation provides support for the financial management of the enterprise units and student projects operated wi thin the context of the Fann Laboratory. Responsibilities include ensuring prudent financial management of the enterprises, and providing other related assistance to the Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology. The Agricultural Foundation comprises over 27 enterprises, which constitute the University Agricultural Laboratory. Note 12 - Subsequent Events Subsequent events have been evaluated through September 6, 20 13 noting no matters requiring disclosure in the financial statements for the year ended June 30,20 13. Note 13- Un ce rtain Tax Positions Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requires organizations to determine and assess all material tax positions taken in any income or information returns, includ ing all significant uncertain positions, in all tax years that are still subject to assessment or challenge by relevant taxing authorities. GA AP addresses the recognition and measurement of income tax positions using a "more-likely-than-not" (MLTN) threshold. The MLTN threshold means that: • A benefit related to an uncertain tax position may not be recognized in the financial statements unless it is MLTN that the position will be sustained based on its technical merits; and 15 Note 13 - Uncertain Tax Positions, continued • There must be more than a 50 percent likelihood that the pOSitiOn would be sustained if challenged and considered by the highest court in the relevant jurisdiction. Management evaluated all material tax positions as required by GAAP and determined that this requirement had no impact on the Agricultural Foundation's financial statements. The Agricultural Foundation files income tax returns in the U.S. federal jurisdiction and the State of California. The Agricultural Foundation 's federal income tax returns for the tax year 2010 and beyond remain subject to examination by the Internal Revenue Service. The Agricultural Foundation's California income tax returns for 2009 and beyond remain subject to examination by the Franchise Tax Board. 16 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO 17 THE AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALIFORN I A STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO SC HEDULE OF NET POSITI ON JUNE 30,2013 (for inclusion in the Califo rnia State Unive rsi ty) Assets: Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents Short-Tenn In vestments Accounts Receivable, Net Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets Total Current Assets $ I ,55 1,763 104,655 305,947 753,885 2,7 16,250 Noncurrent Assets: Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents Accounts Receivable, Net Endowment Investments Capital Assets,net Total Noncurrent Assets 37,438 3 1, 144 738,942 1,144,922 1,952,446 Total Assets 4,668,696 Liabilities: Current Liabilities: Accounts Payable Accrued Salaries and Benefits Payable Accrued Compensated Absences, Current Portion Other Liabilities Total Current Liabilities 240,907 6, 161 1,000 5,259 253,327 Noncurrent Liabilities: Accrued Compensated Absences, Net of Current Pmtion Total Noncurrent Liabilities 4,201 4,201 Total Liabilities 257,528 Net Position: Net Investment in Capital Assets Restricted for: Expendable: Other Unrestricted 1, 144,923 37,438 3,228,807 $ Total Net Position See accompanying independent auditors' re port. 18 4,41 1, 168 THE AG R IC ULTURAL FOUNDATION OF C AL IFORN IA STATE UNIVERS ITY, FRESNO SCH EDULE O F R EVENUES, EXP ENSES AND C HANGES IN NET POSITION YEAR ENDED J UNE 30, 2013 (for inclusion in th e Califo rn ia State Unive rsity) Revenues: Operating Revenues: Sales and Services of Auxil iary Enterprises Other Operating Revenues $ 5,437,982 206,466 Total Operating Revenues 5,644,448 Operating Expenses: Auxiliary Enterprise Expenses Depreciation and Amortization 5,064 ,419 195,289 Total Operating Expenses 5,259,708 Expenses: 384,740 Operating Income Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses): Gifts, noncapital Investment Income, net Endowment Gain(Loss) Other Nonoperating Revenues 90,566 6,267 2 1,436 44,806 Net Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) 163,075 Income before Other Add itions 547,815 147,723 Grants and Gifts, Capital Increase in Net Position 695,538 Net Position: Net Position at Beginning of Year, as Previously Rep01ted 3,715,630 $ Net Position at End of Year See accompanying independent aud itors' report. 19 4,41 I,I68 T il E AGRICULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CALI FORNI A STAT E UNIVERSITY, FRESNO OTHER INFORMAT ION J UNE 30, 201 3 (for inclusion in the Califo rn ia State Un iversity) I. Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents at June 30.2013: Not Applicable 2.1 Composition oflnvestments at June 30,2013: State of California Local Agency Investment Fund (LALF) Debt and Equity Securities Total Investments Unrestricted 104,655 0 104,655 2.2 Investments held by the University under contractual agreements at June 30,2013: Not Applicable 2.3 Restricted Current Investments at June 30.20 I 3 related to: Not Applicable 2.4 Restricted Noncurrent Investments at June 30,20 13 related to: Not Applicable 3.1 Composition of Capital Assets at June 30,2013: Balance June 30,2012 Non-Depreciable Capital Assets: Capitalized Development Costs Construction Work in Progress (CWI P) Total Non-Depreciable Capital Assets N 0 Depreciable Capital Assets: Breeding Herd Capital ized Development Costs Personal Property-Equipment Total Depreciable Capital Assets Total Capital Assets Less Accumulated Depreciation: Breeding Herd Capitalized Development Costs Personal Property-Equipment Total Accumulated Depreciation Total Capital Assets, Net Restricted 0 0 0 Prior Period Adjustments Current 104,655 0 104,655 Unrestricted Balance 20 12 Restated Reclassifications Restricted 0 738,942 738,942 0 0 0 Additions Noncurrent 0 738,942 738.942 Reductions Total 104,655 738,942 843.597 Transfers Comeleted CWIP 0 2,400 2,400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,400 2,400 0 25,001 25,001 0 (2,400) (2,400) 188,813 631,464 2,092,290 2,912,567 2,914,967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 188,813 63 1,464 2,092,290 2,9 12,567 2,914,967 0 0 20 1,226 20 1,226 226,227 (15,410) 0 0 ( 15,41 0) (1 7,8 10) 0 0 173.403 631,464 2.293,516 3,098,383 3,123,384 ( 18,492) (549,608) ( I ,223,825) ( 1,791,925) I, 123,042 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (18,492) (549,608) ( 1,223,825) (1,79 1,925) 1,123,042 0 (25,870) ( I 69,419) ( 195,289) 30,938 8,753 0 0 8,753 (9,057) 0 0 0 0 0 (9,740) (575,477) ( 1,393,244) ( 1,978,46 I) 1,144,923 Note: Additions and Reductions includes $8,884 adjustment for Breeding Herd changes in valuation recorded in Cost of Sales. 3.2 Detail of Depreciation and Amortization Expense for the Year Ended June 30, 2013: Depreciation and Amortization Expense Related to Capital Assets 195,289 Amortization Expense Related to Other Assets Q 195,289 Total Depreciation and Amortization 3.3 Detail of intangible Assets for the Year Ended Ju ne 30,2013: Not Applicable See accompanying independent auditors' report 0 Balance June 30, 2013 0 0 0 0 25,001 25.001 TilE AG RICU LTURA L FOUN DATION OF C ALIFORN IA STATE UN IVE RSITY, F R ESNO OTII ER I N FORMATION JUNE 3 0,2013 (fo r inclus io n in the Califo rnia S tate University) 4. Long-Term Liabilities Activity Schedule: Accrued Compensated Absences 5. Balance June 30,2012 4,903 Prior Period Adjustments Reclassifications 0 0 Balance 20 12 Restated 4,903 Additions 1.000 Reductions (702) Future Minimum Lease Payments: Not Applicable 6. Long-Term Debt Obligation Schedule: No t Applicable 7. Calculation of Ne t Position : 7. I Calculation of Net Position - Net Investment in Ca1>ital Assets: Auxiliary Organizations GASB FASB 0 1, 144,923 Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation 7.2 Calculation of Net Position - Rest ricted for nonexpendable endowments: Not Applicable 8. Transactions wit h Related Entities: Payments to University for salaries of University personnel working on contracts, grants, and other programs Payments to University for other than salaries of University personnel Payments received from University for services, space, and programs Gifts-in-kind to the Univers ity from Auxilary Organizations Gifts (Cash or Assets) to the Unive rs ity from recognized Auxiliary Organizations Accounts (pa yable to) University Accounts rece ivable from Univers ity 9. Other Postemployment Benefits Obligation (OPEB): Not Applicable 10. Pollution remediation liabilities under GASB Sta tement No 49: Not Applicab le I 1. The Nature and amount of the prio r period adjustment(s) recorded to beginning net position: A mounts 421,330 214.175 0 0 2 1,280 ( 11 5) 6,358 Not Applicable See accompanying independe nt auditors' report Total Auxiliaries 1, 144,923 Balance June 30,20 13 5,20 1 Current Portion 1,000 Long-Terrn Portion 4,201