Branding FAQs

Branding FAQs
Why do we need to integrate the university’s marketing and communications
As Fresno State moves into its second century with a new Strategic Plan in
place, it is an appropriate time to review, update and strengthen our brand
and move the institution forward. Beginning in 2009, the Integrated Marketing
and Communications Council (IMCC) involved faculty, staff, students, alumni
and community members in hundreds of hours of discussion about Fresno
State's image, communications and visual identity. We issued invitations on
campus for forums and discussion groups, held dozens of meetings,
conducted online and in-person surveys, workshops and individual interviews
with students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and community members, and
conducted research to determine the best practices in university branding in
the U.S.
We already have a university “brand” – why change what seems to be
At the onset of the project, a research team headed by Dr. Tamyra Pierce
(Mass Communications and Journalism) and Jim Lowe (Jeffrey Scott Agency)
conducted research to determine the current communication process and
examine perspectives and understanding of the existing Fresno State identity.
The research shows that there is confusion about the University's identity, as
the campus is referred to by many different names (e.g., Fresno State, CSU
Fresno, CSUF, Cal State Fresno) and utilizes a variety of logos. An integrated
marketing and communications effort will provide instant recognition and
identification, build a strong identity, and communicate with a consistent
voice. Our goal is uniformity, consistency, and simplicity in our messaging.
When many different logos are used to represent the university, our image
becomes a disjointed and visually confusing "house of brands." Consistent
use of a singular logo will instead present our university as a unified "branded
What is the university’s name?
Our official name is not changing – California State University, Fresno. With
the new logo, we are also embracing the use of “Fresno State” in all usages
related to the university.
How was the new logo developed?
Using a broadly inclusive process, the Steering Committee of the IMCC took
information gathered from all of the sources mentioned above and asked a
group of graphic design students guided by campus Senior Graphic Designer
Todd Graves, and a local design agency providing free consulting to prepare
possible new logos. They created more than 50 variations, which were tested
in focus groups.
The final selection includes a newly designed font for “Fresno State." The
three words in the tagline, “Discovery. Diversity. Distinction,” were selected
from a long list of words and phrases that embody the essence of the
academic experience at Fresno State, as laid out in our new Strategic Plan
for Excellence. These tagline words were frequently mentioned in the focus
In the same way, the Bulldog paw was incorporated into the new logo
because many of our constituents said they related to the Bulldog mascot,
independent of any athletic connection to the campus. In fact, the paw used
in the new logo is the same paw that was originally designed for the Fresno
State Alumni Association by Jeffrey Scott Agency in 2004 and is still in use
today. There are tens of thousands of paw pins in circulation as a result of an
ongoing Alumni Association campaign and these pins are worn proudly by
Fresno State alumni and supporters all over the country.
How did the group communicate and consult with the university’s
Faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members were invited to
participate in meetings, focus groups and surveys throughout the process.
Calls for participation were sent through campus Bulletin Board system, the
Provost’s faculty listserv and through personal contact.
Announcements and updates were made via Bulletin Board, including calls
for participation in stakeholder meetings with our consultant Jeanette
DeDiemar, Ph.D., focus groups and other meetings. The President’s
Reflections, Academic Assembly remarks, University Roundtable and
University Journal were also used to communicate progress.
In May 2011, consultant DeDeimar’s meetings on campus included:
Integrated Marketing and Communications Council (IMCC), IMCC Steering
Committee, faculty group, all-campus group, students, Cabinet, Web redesign
team and University Communications.
Calls for faculty focus group and staff focus group participants were made in
June and September 2011 and the groups were conducted by MCJ Chair
Tamyra Pierce and volunteer Jim Lowe, executive vice president Jeffrey Scott
Agency, a Fresno Advertising, branding, marketing, new media and public
relations firm.
Provost Covino reviewed the logo and graphic standards with the Provost's
Leadership Team (Deans, Associate vice presidents, directors) on three
Research conducted as part of the effort included:
Surveys (2009-2012): a total of 2,772 respondents (faculty, staff, students,
administrators, community and alumni)
Focus groups: A total of 194 participants volunteered to be part of our focus groups
between 2011-2012. These respondents included faculty, staff, students, parents and the
community. We conducted more than 11 different 1-hour focus group sessions on
campus – these included general sessions asking about identity of Fresno State and
then several focus group sessions to test various logos and taglines.
The "paw" design, in various forms, was a favorite among students. "Bulldogs" was the
word continuously used to identify the "identity" among all groups. In addition, although
most said "California State University, Fresno" was more formal, a majority identified the
campus as "Fresno State."
Content analysis: Reviewed websites and printed publications on campus. As a result,
we found 100+ different individual logos being used on campus and the absence or
incorrect use of the university name.)
Survey & focus groups' samples:
The following is a distribution of the total number of members in the various groups that
participated in surveys:
Faculty: 485+
Staff: 454+
Students: 529+ (heavy participation in the focus groups)
Community: 1000+
Administrators: 141+
All participants in the focus groups were asked the same questions to ensure
Research also included reviewing the Strategic Plan for Excellence for
keywords and possible taglines, which were tested with students, faculty, staff
and community using focus groups.
To review the full research report, click here.
What happens to other university logos that are currently in use?
In order to create a unified institutional brand, most of the individual
school/college, program and institute logos will no longer be used. Instead,
their program name will be included on the new university logo as a subbrand.
Can I still use the sunburst and medallion logos?
Going forward, the sunburst and medallion logos should not be used on any
new materials.
What about the University seal?
The University seal remains unchanged in design, but its approved uses have
been restricted. It may be used by the Office of the President; University-level
formal and official documents such as diplomas and certificates, transcripts,
resolutions and Commencement invitations.
University-wide stationery with the seal may be used for correspondence
internationally, and with academic societies, publishers and for reference
letters. All other correspondence will use newly designed stationery with the
new logo.
Restriction of the university seal is in line with the practice of other
universities. To see a review of other universities’ seal usage, click here.
Can I create a version of the logo for my department?
No new logos or variations of the new logo are permitted. One of the main
goals of this branding effort is to raise the profile of the University by having a
consistent visual representation of our schools/colleges, departments,
administrative units and research centers and institutes. The new logo allows
for all units to be co-branded with the main university visual identity.
How will the new logo be used on campus websites?
The new logo and graphic elements will be transitioned into the universal
header on all campus websites as they move into the new Web content
management system. When sites are moved, the new branding will
automatically be included so site owners will need to do nothing to have their
site branded according to the new graphics and Web standards.
How will the new logo be used on third-party websites?
The new logo will be permitted for use on third-party websites following the
same guidelines that govern the current logos. The logo cannot be used to
indicate a product or service endorsement, either real or implied, and must be
presented according to the same color, size and non-alteration standards that
are found in the Brand and Graphics Standards Manual.
How much is this initiative costing Fresno State? Considering the financial
challenges facing the university, is this the right time to be focused on this
Instead of focusing on the relatively inexpensive cost of this effort, we
considered the value of our image and its effect on the university. After
celebrating the University's Centennial, now is the ideal time to focus on our
future and ensure that we project an image that reflects our vision, mission,
and goals. The branding effort is an investment that will provide long-term
value for our institution.
To conserve financial resources, a campus committee is doing 100 percent of
the work in this effort, aided by a consultant who is an expert in integrated
marketing in higher education. It would be typical for a university of our size
and scope to hire an external consulting firm or marketing agency at a cost as
high as $250,000. Instead, using a consultant offered us the benefit of
minimal expense ($15,000 of non-state funds over the course of one year) for
experienced and professional guidance. This guidance helped ensure that
our efforts in rebranding the University are both efficient and effective, without
unnecessary missteps or financial waste. We are also utilizing ongoing
marketing consulting services provided free of charge by a local agency,
Jeffrey Scott Agency.
Throughout the branding process, the committee has been extremely careful
to keep costs at a minimum while ensuring that the effort has been thoughtful,
inclusive, and consistent with the results of our marketing research. Some
items, such as campus banners, were already budgeted and scheduled for
replacement and were postponed in order to feature the new brand. Other
items, such as letterhead and business cards, will feature the new brand as
supplies are replenished. Our festive launch ceremony had a budget of nonstate funds of less than $4,000.
Our unit has staff working on marketing and communications. What resources
are available to help them implement the new logo?
We believe an integrated marketing and communications effort will help
individual departments, units and programs by providing established
guidelines, principles, structure and materials that are common for the entire
campus. They will have the assurance that their efforts are part of a united
effort to create a strong Fresno State identity. That broadens the circle of
those who know what we are doing and benefits us all.
A library of resources and a guide to using them will be available on the
university's website and accessible to everyone who has a need to create
materials featuring the new brand. In addition, workshops will be scheduled to
help members of the campus community learn how to use the new brand to
gain maximum value for their college, department, or unit.
Digital versions of the new logo, guidelines on how to use the new brand, and
sample templates will be provided on the website, Error! Hyperlink
reference not valid.. The new Brand and Graphics Standards Manual will be
available through a link on the home page. LEAD training workshops will be
available for those who wish to learn how to use the new branding within their
own unit.
What is going to happen to our existing supply of letterhead, stationary,
business cards, brochures, etc.?
We will move through a transitional phase-out of materials. Many of the
materials that will result from the new brand are materials that would be
needed to replace existing supplies as they are used. We encourage you to
begin using the new logo as soon as possible, although you may use up your
current stock through Dec. 31, 2012. Please recycle old materials.
How do I obtain stationery with the new brand?
University stationery with the new Fresno State logo as letterhead has been
designed and may be used for all correspondence. Customized stationery for
all campus units may be ordered from Printing Services.
Existing stationery with the university seal may be used until Dec. 31, 2012,
and then should be recycled.
The seal letterhead may continue to be used only for the following: items from
the Office of the President; University-level formal and official documents
such as diplomas and certificates, transcripts, and resolutions; and
Commencement-related uses. It may be used for correspondence
internationally, and with academic societies, publishers and for reference
letters. It may be ordered from Printing Services. All other correspondence
should use stationery and envelopes with the new logo.
Will electronic templates be available for letterhead?
In addition to ordering customized stationery from Printing Services, campus
units may now use a new template for letterhead that allows printing from a
user’s desk. Customized templates for each campus unit may be ordered
at The templates allow units to compose and
print their own letters on their desktop or department printers in color, using
standard copy paper.
The letterhead template has the new logo at the top and a footer with
department personalization at the bottom. These fields are unalterable. These
same templates may be used for e-communications.
Those who choose desktop printing should set their printer properties for the
highest color and dpi settings to ensure that quality images are produced.
University Printing Services will continue to supply pre-printed letterhead with
the new logo upon request.
Will Fresno state be changing its Web URL and email addresses?
We have secured as a new URL for the university’s website.
Many web pages will reflect that change immediately and others will transition
later to the new URL. Searching with both “” and
“” will take you to our website. The email for faculty and staff
will not change immediately and will transition to the new URL later since that
effort will take careful planning and a sufficient phase-in period.
What about the wayfinding signage on campus?
The campus recently selected a vendor to design a comprehensive and
completely new wayfinding signage program. This initiative is an outgrowth of
the Campus Master Plan and is a step toward meeting the goals outlined in
that document. This project will include campus "gateway signage," which
encompasses our main entryway as well as a full integration of all wayfinding
signs throughout the exterior of the campus; from large vehicular directional
signage, parking, biking and pedestrian wayfinding signage, to the large
campus map signage and street banners. This design initiative and the
signage itself are funded using non-state monies.
What is the timeline?
The IMCC Steering Committee recommendations have been approved by the
full IMCC and President Welty and are in effect now. Efforts will be ongoing to
help all areas of the campus understand how integrated marketing works and
what their role is.
Who is leading this initiative?
President Welty is the chair of the IMCC, with Provost Covino and University
Communications AVP Shirley Armbruster co-chairing the Steering
Committee. The IMCC members are students, faculty, staff, and
administrators representing every area of the campus, plus community
volunteers who are alumni and public relations professionals. While this
group heads the initiative, truly the entire campus is leading the charge. Every
time we send an email, hand out a brochure, or wear Fresno State apparel,
we are actively promoting the Fresno State brand and communicating our
message with the wider community. We each play a vital role in how we
choose to carry this message forward.
Integrated Marketing and Communications Council
John D. Welty
Office of the President
Michelle Nelson
Office of the President
Ellen Junn
Academic Affairs
Dawn Lewis
Academic Senate
Bernie Vinovrski
Admissions/Student Outreach
Peter Robertson
Fresno State Alumni Association
Paul Ladwig
Deborah Adishian-Astone
Auxiliary Operations
Kent Clark
Comprehensive Campaign
John Bushoven
Digital Instruction
Shirley Melikian-Armbruster
Strategic Communications
Cynthia Teniente-Matson
Administrative Services
Susan Hawksworth
Division of Continuing & Global Education
Ron Durham
Kennel Bookstore
Dave Tyckoson
Madden Library
Kathleen Schock
Comprehensive Campaign
Bruce Whitworth
University Communications
Betsy Hays
College of Arts and Humanities
Tamyra Pierce
College of Arts and Humanities
Lanny Larson
University Communications
Philip Neufeld
Information Technology Services
Peter Smits
Jennifer Sobieralski
Gibson Farm Market/Agricultural Foundation
Sally Ramage
Student Affairs
Valerie Gomez, Yesenia Carrillo
USU Student Representatives
Pedro Ramirez, Selena Farnesi
ASI Student Representatives
Tracy Newel
Sandra Witte
Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences & Technology
Jose Diaz
College of Arts and Humanities
Lynnette Zelezny, Kathleen Moffitt
Craig School of Business
Janell Morillo
Kremen School of Education and Human Development
Ram Nunna, Manoochehr Zoghi
Lyles College of Engineering
Jody Hironaka-Juteau
College of Health and Human Services
Steve Walker, Xuanning Fu
College of Social Sciences
Rick Zechman
College of Science and Mathematics
IMCC Steering Committee
William A. Covino
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Shirley Melikian-Armbruster
University Communications
Bruce Batti/Jim Lowe
Community members
Bernie Vinovrski
Admissions/Student Outreach
Peter Robertson
Fresno State Alumni Association
Paul Ladwig
Deborah Adishian-Astone
Auxiliary Operations
Susan Hawksworth
Division of Continuing & Global Education
Philip Neufeld
Information Technology Services
Tamyra Pierce
Mass Communications and Journalism
Bruce Whitworth, Todd Graves,
Phillip Matson
University Communications
Sally Ramage
Student Affairs
Nkeiru Uzebgu, Estevan Gutierrez, Valerie Gomez
USU Student Representatives
Selena Farnesi
ASI Student Representative
Jeanette DeDiemar
How will the university measure success?
Our goal is greater consistency in both the messaging and the look and feel
of Fresno State’s communication efforts across campus. The main goal of
integrated marketing is becoming more strategic.
Success entails reducing the amount of time and money spent on marketing
across campus by providing tools and templates for consistent messaging.
We can measure the success of our efforts by providing case studies of
departments that have adopted integrated marketing principles and the new
Fresno State brand. Individuals throughout campus will have the ability to
access the new graphic elements through a branding website with templates
and other resources. The effort will be considered successful when people
use these resources.
In addition, post-adoption surveys will be conducted to evaluate the
effectiveness of the new branding effort.
How can I be involved/contribute?
We welcome involvement by students, faculty, staff, and administrators!
We’re looking for “Brand Champions” to help us positively impact the
perception of our institution. If you’re interested, let us know by visiting the
IMCC webpage ( and clicking on
the Provide Feedback link on the left-side navigation bar.
Where and how can I provide feedback?
Please go to the IMCC webpage and click on the Provide Feedback link on
the left-side navigation bar.