Brand and Graphics Standards Manual LAST UPDATED 8/13/14 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION2 OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITS 3 UNIVERSITY NAME 5 UNIVERSITY LOGO 6 • Why have a unified visual identity? • What’s wrong with having multiple identities? • Values and themes • Graphics standards oversight • Approval and usage • Accepted uses • Formal name • Informal name • Main elements to the new Fresno State visual identity • Basic rules LOGO COMPONENTS8 • The complete logo • Logo size • Typography COLOR9 • Color palette • The logo on a photograph • Color variations and background ALTERNATE LOGO CONFIGURATIONS11 • Request a digital logo file • Unacceptable uses misuse of the logo SUB-IDENTITIES13 • School and College logos • Centers, Institutes, Departments and Programs • Faculty and Staff Organizations/Associations logo usage • Multiple logos BANNERS, BOOTHS AND DISPLAYS 16 UNIVERSITY SEAL 17 • Campus Banners Exterior and Interior • Booths, Backdrops and Displays • Usage guidelines • What it symbolizes • Academic Seal Letterhead STATIONERY19 • Desktop Printing and Electronic Letterhead • School and College Printed Letterhead • School and College Electronic Letterhead • Envelope • Business Cards - Single and Double-Sided PHOTO SERVICES GUIDELINES FOR REQUESTING PHOTOGRAPHY 25 • Summary of basics • Requesting a photo shoot • Requesting an existing photo from the photo archive • Working with freelance photographers and using stock images • Conducting or using your own photography for your department’s use • Our style • Copyright and usage information STUDENTS29 • How do students fit into the identity of the campus? • Student Organization logo usage • Student business cards WEB STANDARDS 30 ATHLETICS31 TRADEMARK LICENSING PROGRAM 31 CONTACTS32 In 2009, Fresno State began examining its marketing and communication practices. Led by the campus Integrated Marketing and Communications Council, we discovered more than 100 individual logos for campus units or departments, and countless instances of the official campus logo being distorted, misplaced or misused. There were many variations of the University name, as well. All this meant Fresno State had a fractured identity. An Integrated Marketing Steering Committee was appointed by the President, comprising faculty, staff, administrators and students, plus alumni with marketing expertise. Based on quantitative and qualitative research through surveys, focus groups and reviews of existing communications materials and strategic objectives, the Steering Committee worked to develop an integrated approach to marketing and branding that is authentically Fresno State. The committee drew upon the key points in the University’s strategic plan and conducted focus groups with all our stakeholders to help shape marketing and branding elements. This research guided formulation of our identity program and standards. Our own graphic design students worked with the Steering Committee to develop the wordmark portion of the new logo. By consistently communicating who we are, we build strong recognition and familiarity that benefits all areas of our University community. We can more effectively promote Fresno State to all audiences, support our recruitment efforts, build an enduring connection between our students and the University, strengthen regional and national awareness and add private financial support. This Brand and Graphics Standards Manual will guide you in understanding and employing these new resources effectively to help strengthen every facet of the University. Your support is critical to our overall success, and the sustainability of our identity. Watch the video at: 2 OBJECTIVES AND BENEFITS Through the proper and consistent placement of our University logo and its affiliated designs, we have the opportunity to communicate to the world messages about what Fresno State means. Our visual identity reflects more than artistic designs and thoughtful typestyles; it speaks about our values and image. Consistent use of our visual identity, as outlined in this manual, will help our University to reinforce the image we hope to portray. A visual identity is much more than a logo. It’s more than colors and fonts. It’s everything we produce that presents the name of the University. When individual units and departments seek unique, individualized logos instead of paying special attention to the University’s logo (not just how it looks, but what it means), then it sends the wrong message. There is not a clear statement as to the University’s visual identity when it presents itself with numerous logos and thus, the University is viewed as unorganized. Moreover, when units and/or departments use their own logos, the University is perceived as secondary, when in reality, those units/deptartments are dependent on the University for their existence. Research has proven that multiple logos from a single institution dilute the core identity. The look and feel of Fresno State materials – whether publications, advertisements, video productions or Web pages – show our personality and strengths. Unfortunately, they also can show our weaknesses if we do not present them properly. A true unified visual identity will happen for Fresno State when all of our visual communications come together to reinforce the core identity of the University. The purpose of this manual is to help you understand the University’s need to present a unified visual identity. No, things don’t need to look the same. But there are elements that need to be consistent, and that starts with the University logo. And even with the logo, there are variations we have provided for you that allow you more flexibility than ever before. The Office of University Communications is happy to work with the campus community to meet the standards outlined in this manual. WHY HAVE A UNIFIED VISUAL IDENTITY? The simple reason is to help the University communicate more clearly to all of its audiences. By clearly communicating who we are and what we stand for we are better able to: • Raise the University’s profile in the region and across the country • Communicate as a whole instead of in parts • Support donor cultivation • Help recruit new students • Connect current students to the University • Keep alumni connected after they graduate WHAT’S WRONG WITH HAVING MULTIPLE IDENTITIES? • Additional logos put the University second to those other logos – and weakens our identity as a whole • Makes us compete with one another • Inefficiently uses limited budgets and resources • Dilutes the institution’s sense of itself • Confuses the students, alumni, donors, influencers and community 3 VALUES AND THEMES APPROVAL AND USAGE The visual identity that is presented in this manual is the result of more than a year of development, including research and testing sample designs. Concurrent with this project, members of the design team have been involved with projects that also measured opinions about our campus. The themes of these messages are also the focus of the Fresno State recruiting video and the foundation for the new campus website. While this manual is intended to set policies and guidelines for the use of the University’s visual identity, it is also meant to provide users with flexibility and assistance so they can visually portray the University in a consistent manner. GRAPHICS STANDARDS OVERSIGHT The visual identity program is administered through the Office of University Communications, which oversees the University’s publications and graphic design. Policy questions about the rules contained within this manual should be directed to The Office of University Communications works within the division of University Advancement in cooperation with the offices of Printing Services, Mail Services and Purchasing to oversee implementation of these guidelines and to provide consultation and ensure compliance. General questions about these guidelines and use of the marks should be directed to the executive director of Web communications and publications or email 4 To ensure that materials are in compliance with this manual and Fresno State policies, all printed materials must be officially approved by the Office of University Communications. It is the policy of the University that the Purchasing Department will not issue payment to a print vendor unless this approval is received in advance of publication regardless of funding source. Letterhead, business cards and similar materials printed by the University’s Printing Services office are not required to go through the Office of University Communications for approval, since templates for such materials have already been approved. However, special exceptions to the standard models must be approved by the executive director of Web communications and publications before printing. The Office of University Communications encourages campus units to use its graphic design services, but departmental and off-campus designers are also welcome. Publications created outside of Fresno State’s Office of University Communications MUST be approved before the material is printed. Please allow at least two working days for review. To schedule a meeting to discuss design and printing needs, email UNIVERSITY NAME ACCEPTED USES The Fresno State visual identity is much more than a graphic appearance; the University’s visual identity represents an important component in its unique personality. It is important to use the name correctly and consistently to distinguish the University from others in the system and around the country. Through consistency, Fresno State can continue to establish name recognition locally, regionally and on a statewide and national level as well. California State University, Fresno This is the University’s formal name that identifies it as part of the California State University system. California State University, Fresno is one of 23 campuses in the CSU system. This name is trademarked by the University. Fresno State This is the acceptable shorter, less formal name for the University. It is acceptable as a first text reference, as well as subsequent references. This name is trademarked by the University. The Comma Because there are different uses of the University name, there are also different rules for use of the comma. When the formal, full name appears on a single line title or in copy, the comma is always used, separating California State University from its location in Fresno. It is incorrect to replace the comma with “at” or “of” or any other connecting word or symbol. In addition, when California State University, Fresno appears in a sentence such as this one, there is no comma following Fresno. Acronyms No acronyms are allowed. Examples: FORMAL NAME CorrectIncorrect California State University, Fresno California State University Fresno California State University at Fresno California State University of Fresno California State University in Fresno California State University – Fresno California State University: Fresno Cal State University Fresno Cal State Fresno CSU Fresno CSUF INFORMAL NAME CorrectIncorrect Fresno State Fresno State College Fresno State University FS F.S. FSU F.S.U. Fr. State Fr. St. 5 UNIVERSITY LOGO The Fresno State logo is the primary graphic identification mark that visually distinguishes the University. Its design is intended to identify the campus in a modern, clean fashion and should be used by all campus units to convey a sense of the whole University through uniformity and consistency. The University logo must be displayed prominently on the cover on all multi-page University documents and publications unless superseded by the University seal (See Page 18 for guidelines on when the seal is an option). On single-sheet publications and documents such as fliers, postcard mailers etc., the logo must be on the primary informational side of the publication. The logo must be no smaller than 1.25 inch wide and proportional in height. If multiple logos (for event sponsors etc.) are necessary, the University logo must be in the superior position. Multiple University logos are not permitted on the same publication (please see Page 16 for examples of how to brand with multiple University entity sponsors). Questions about logo placement, size and color options should be sent to Other logos are not permitted. Research proves that the use of multiple and differing logos dilutes the impact and effectiveness of the primary identify of an institution and confuses the target audiences. Variations of the Fresno State logo allow campus entities to be associated with the University visual identity. See the following page. Student leadership organizations (i.e. student clubs, Greek organizations) are not required to use the university identity or logo. Students wanting to align their groups with the University identity are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of University Communications for consultation and more information. If student groups would like to use the University identity, they must request and receive written permission from the Office of University Communications. If permission is granted, the identity cannot be modified in any way. Design elements of the identity are not allowed to be extracted and used in designs. For instance, portions of the logo may not be extracted and used as part of another design. Logo usage evaluation is based on the goals and missions the organization has in place. If they are consistent with the University goals and missions, that will increase the likelihood of approval. 6 THERE ARE SEVERAL MAIN ELEMENTS TO THE FRESNO STATE VISUAL IDENTITY: • The design of the wordmark, which is simply our name expressed in a specific font • The design of the paw icon • The tagline: Discovery. Diversity. Distinction. • The lettering style (or font) • The correct colors • The correct size, proportion and spacing • The correct background No logos other than the official Fresno State logo and those logos recognized as officially approved logos are authorized for use on any letterhead, business cards, publications, websites or other applications representing the University or a unit of the University. This manual includes chapters that address the logo (the proper combined use of the icon and wordmark), along with specific guidelines for its proper use. A wide variety of accepted uses of the logo have been accommodated, allowing campus units tremendous flexibility in how they present the University’s visual identity. However, all applications of the logo must follow the guidelines set forth in this manual, and such uses must be approved by the University’s Office of University Communications. Consistency in the use of the logo and wordmark elements assists in protecting the University’s visual identity against plagiarism. Please refer to the sample logos on the following pages for proper usage. BASIC RULES • Don’t alter the proportions or spatial relationships of the logo or its parts (paw icon and wordmark); • Don’t change the color of the logo; • Don’t lighten or darken the logo; • Don’t use the logo in outline form; • Don’t add an outline to the logo; • Don’t distort, skew, morph or italicize the logo; • Don’t use artificial dimensional effects (such as making the logo three-dimensional or using the digital embossing effect). Having the logo actually embossed is acceptable but using artificial dimensional effects can reduce the legibility of the logo and change the logo design. • Don’t make a pattern or decorative device out of the logo or its parts (wordmark); • Don’t use any part of the logo or its styling as the basis for another design; • Make sure there is enough contrast between the logo and any background it is against to ensure proper legibility; • Avoid busy, complex backgrounds that interfere with legibility; • Don’t use a logo unless it is in perfect condition (no jagged edges, blurriness, missing parts). Please consult with the Office of University Communications to clarify any of the basic rules at 559.278.8595 or email 7 LOGO COMPONENTS The primary Fresno State logo consists of the paw icon, the wordmark and the tagline. There are instances when the logo will not use a tagline and instances when the tagline will be replaced by the name of a campus unit. 1. THE ICON The paw image represents campus pride in our mascot, the Bulldog. 2. THE WORDMARK The wordmark has been crafted in all-caps in a specially designed variation of the font, Friz Quadrata. Imbedded in the wordmark is the Bulldog paw print. 3. THE TAGLINE A tagline is a memorable phrase that expresses a brand. Our tagline is “Discovery. Diversity. Distinction.” It declares the uniqueness of Fresno State as an institution. The University tagline is part of the official Fresno State logo. When the tagline appears with the wordmark, it must appear as an integral component of the logo, either in the approved horizontal version or the stacked version. THE COMPLETE LOGO Please see the sections about proper and improper uses of the logo and wordmark on the following pages to understand the accepted applications. The logo or wordmark should not be repositioned in relation to each other in any way other than designated by these guidelines. The logo can be used with the name of a college, department or other campus unit, as explained in this manual on page 14. This allows those units to have their own identity while linking to the overall identity of the University. The purpose is to project the University as a whole, with its relationship to individual units in the form of an extension logo. However, please do not create this extension logo yourself. Please consult with the Office of University Communications to have your individual unit name created in unison with the primary logo to assure the correct type face, size and spatial relations. The official Fresno State logo should appear on all University printed and online communications. It should always be displayed clearly but not necessarily conspicuously, on the front and/or back of a brochure or newsletter, and on advertisements and fliers. LOGO SIZE The full logo should be used no smaller than 1.25 inch in width with no proportional loss in depth. Exceptions to the size restriction will be made on a case by case basis for smaller marketing items such as writing pens, keychains etc. TYPOGRAPHY The Friz Quadrata typeface was modified to create the “Fresno State” logo. The tagline “Discovery. Diversity. Distinction.” appears in Helvetica Neue. Other typefaces recommended: Myriad Pro, Frutiger, and Futura. 8 1.25” Recommended Clear Space FRIZ QUADRATA ABCDEFG abcdefghi 123456789 HELVETICA NEUE ABCDEFG abcdefghi 123456789 COLOR COLOR PALETTE PMS 187 Web #C41230 PMS 187 C0 M100 Y79 K20 Web #C41230 R196 G18 B48 C0 M100 Y79 K20 R196 G18 B48 PMS 288 Web #002C76 PMS 288 C100 M67 Y0 K23 Web #002C76 R0 G75 B141 C100 M67 Y0 K23 R0 G75 B141 PMS Cool Gray 6 Web #BABCBE PMS Cool Gray 6 C0 M0 Y0 K31 Web #BABCBE R186 G188 B190 C0 M0 Y0 K31 R186 G188 B190 THE LOGO ON A PHOTOGRAPH Photographs can produce an extra challenge to legibility with color variations in images. The contrast between the logo and the image should allow for legibility and readability of the logo. Under no circumstances should any outlines or effects be added to the logo. 9 COLOR VARIATIONS AND BACKGROUND Fresno State’s official colors are cardinal red and blue. The logo is to be used in its original approved color format. The logo may also be foil-stamped in gold, silver, bronze, red and blue. Use caution in matching foil colors to the matching color palette. In all applications, the contrast between the logo and the background should allow for legibility and readability of the logo. FULL COLOR It is acceptable to apply the full color logo to white and other background colors providing adequate contrast. TWO COLOR It is acceptable to apply the 2 color logo as shown to white and other background colors providing adequate contrast. TWO COLOR It is acceptable to apply the 2 color logo as shown to a red background only. TWO COLOR It is acceptable to apply the 2 color logo as shown to a blue background only. ONE COLOR It is acceptable to apply the one color (black) logo to white and other background colors providing adequate contrast. REVERSED It is acceptable to apply the reversed logo (white) to black and other background colors providing adequate contrast. 10 ALTERNATE LOGO CONFIGURATIONS Shown below are four approved configurations of the logo, allowing additional flexibility. Do not create applications other than those outlined below. Other configurations are incorrect and unacceptable: LOGO WITH TAGLINE AT RIGHT LOGO WITH TAGLINE UNDER THE RULE LOGO WITHOUT UNDERLINE OR TAGLINE REQUEST A DIGITAL LOGO FILE SUB-IDENTITY LOGOS The logos are available through the Office of University Communications. To request a digital logo file email brand@ or call 559.278.8595. To check for any updates to the visual identity standards visit Logo with rule and a unit name under the rule. See page 14. 11 UNACCEPTABLE USES MISUSE OF THE LOGO The logo must not be redrawn or modified in any way. It must not be decorated, represented in perspective, outlined or used for frivolous decorative purposes. Do not use the DON’T USE OLD LOGOS (Sunburst, Medallion) DON’T APPLY EFFECTS (drop shadow, bevel and emboss, glows...) DON’T WATERMARK DON’T STRETCH DON’T SQUEEZE/CONDENSE DON’T OUTLINE DON’T CHANGE COLORS DON’T TRY TO RECREATE OR CHANGE FONTS 12 logo on a background that interferes with the legibility of the logo. Contact the Office of University Communications for assistance. SUB-IDENTITIES To help the University convey a unified visual identity and keep our core identity from being diluted, it is necessary to preclude most logos that have been created by individual campus units. All academic and administrative departments and divisions, as well as centers and institutes, research, outreach, student services and support services units of Fresno State, and its auxiliary operations may not design their own individually styled logo. However, all are entitled to associate their names with the Fresno State logo. Subidentities are restricted to no more than two lines (except where a unit name requires additional lines) below the Fresno State and underlying rule and cannot be a font size greater than 40 percent the height of “Fresno State.” “Office of,” “Department of,” will not be displayed in the sub-identity. Do not try to reproduce the logo; please contact University Communications for your sub-identity logo. Any taglines or mottos of campus offices or programs may not be used directly with the Fresno State logo. However, they may be used if placed at a distinct distance away from the Fresno State logo, such as at the bottom of a page if the Fresno State logo is on the top portion. An identity extension is a graphic identification mark that features the primary Fresno State identity and includes the identity of a unit. For example: SCHOOL AND COLLEGE LOGOS College of Arts and Humanities Craig School of Business College of Health and Human Services Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology College of Science and Mathematics Kremen School of Education and Human Development College of Social Sciences Lyles College of Engineering 13 CENTERS, INSTITUTES, DEPARTMENTS AND PROGRAMS Here are several examples of sub-identities for use by departments, programs, centers and institutes. For specific print-ready logos for your department, program, center or institute, email your request to CENTERS AND INSTITUTES DEPARTMENTS AND PROGRAMS 14 FACULTY AND STAFF ORGANIZATIONS/ASSOCIATIONS LOGO USAGE Faculty and staff organizations that do not maintain a national identity association are encouraged to use a text treatment for their organization’s name. A separate logo is not allowed. Please contact the Office of University Communications for assistance. EX. 2 MULTIPLE LOGOS EX. 1 Fresno State understands the importance of creating a consistent look to brand or market an event. For posters, ads, or other material, the primary sponsor logo must be displayed with all other participating schools, colleges, departments etc. listed underneath. (See examples 1 and 2) 15 BANNERS, BOOTHS AND DISPLAYS CAMPUS BANNERS - EXTERIOR The University encourages the use of the logo throughout campus. University Communications will work with campus entities wishing to display University-themed banners, which may be affixed to light or other poles, outside buildings or in other locations, to help design banners meeting both graphic and branding standards as well as Facilities Management requirements. Working with University Communications on your banner design will ensure your banners also will comply with signage policy, as well as ensuring your banners are consistent in size, material, durability and mounting hardware with generic University pole banners already displayed across campus. Available locations for exterior banners vary across campus and will be determined in consultation with University Communications consistent with the campus signage plan; however, specific exterior banner locations cannot be guaranteed. All associated expenses, including production costs and labor to install, if any, are the responsibility of the school, college or department seeking to produce banners. Once banners are installed, University Communications will work with you to determine when banners should be removed based on damage, discoloration, expiration of message or other factors. Email for more information on exterior banners. CAMPUS BANNERS - INTERIOR Campus entities wishing to display banners inside University buildings will work with University Communications for design approval and Facilities Planning for placement and compliance with signage policy. Interior banners must meet University branding standards but may be produced in a variety of materials. Mounting hardware type and location must be approved by Facilities Planning to ensure compliance with building or other applicable policies or codes. Banners may not confuse or conflict with existing interior wayfinding signage and may not be allowed in high traffic or visually “busy” areas. All associated expenses, including production costs and labor to install, if any, are the responsibility of the school, college or department seeking to produce banners. Once banners are installed, University Communications will work with you to determine when banners should be removed based on damage, discoloration, expiration of message or other factors. Email for more information on interior banners. BOOTHS, BACKDROPS AND DISPLAYS The University encourages the use of the logo on trade booths, backdrops and other types of displays. University Communications will work with campus entities wishing to produce artwork for these booths, backdrops and displays, and by working with University Communications you will ensure your banners comply with University Brand and Graphics Standards. Email for more information about artwork for booths, backdrops and displays. 16 UNIVERSITY SEAL The seal signifies the academic character of the University and is appropriately used in support of official University policies, decisions, ceremonies or other formal actions as an academic institution. To maintain its integrity and effectiveness, the seal may not be used for relatively informal, routine or promotional materials or for materials not directly related to academic purposes without written permission by the vice president for University Advancement or the executive director of University Web Communications and Publications. During the campuswide re-branding initiative, the University seal remained unchanged in design, but its approved uses have been reserved for specific applications. The seal, in full color or line art, is restricted to (but not required on) the following: • the Office of the President; • University-level formal and official documents such as diplomas, academic awards and certificates, transcripts, resolutions and Commencement invitations, University reports; • all faculty correspondence; • international correspondence; • correspondence with academic societies and publishers; • letters of reference If you choose, the University logo may be used for the above instead of the seal. WHAT IT SYMBOLIZES The official seal symbolizes formal authority vested in the University. The seal is a mark of authentication and institutional sanction. The official seal was designed by artist and Fresno State Professor Emeritus Darwin Musselman. FULL COLOR OR LINE ART USAGE GUIDELINES For questions or to submit a request for exception review, contact University Communications. It includes the “lamp of learning” and the “book of knowledge.” The Latin inscription “Lvcem Accipe Vt Reddas” translates as “Receive the light that you may give it forth.” The University’s official name, California State University, Fresno, encircles the seal. The date 1911 refers to the founding year of the University. A campus stationery template with the Fresno State logo is available in the Downloadable Resources section of this website. This template may be used for both printable and electronic (email) letterhead uses. 17 ACADEMIC SEAL LETTERHEAD Letterhead - 8.5x11” Shown here at 65 percent of actual size August 23, 2013 Mr. or Mrs. Address goes here Dear Mr. or Mrs.: PL E Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In suscipit bibendum massa sed tincidunt. Ut sagittis nisi eget turpis ullamcorper porttitor. Sed dui nisl, volutpat vitae gravida sit amet, ullamcorper sit amet sem. Sed sollicitudin, libero adipiscing scelerisque commodo, nulla nisi tincidunt dui, nec aliquet tortor augue eu nisl. Nulla pharetra tincidunt varius. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur felis odio, convallis nec tempor eget, tincidunt quis sapien. Morbi dui dui, faucibus porttitor ultrices eu, suscipit in sem. Vestibulum arcu massa, egestas sed sodales et, rhoncus quis metus. Donec vel justo velit, quis facilisis erat. Mauris sed sapien purus, non bibendum libero. Sed blandit, metus quis tempor ullamcorper, lorem purus congue lectus, vel aliquet nisi massa eu ligula. Suspendisse eget enim quam. Aliquam eu volutpat lacus. SA M Praesent dignissim dapibus dolor sed consectetur. Morbi id eros quis lectus ornare facilisis. Ut aliquet vehicula nunc eget commodo. Etiam tincidunt fringilla metus sed tincidunt. Vivamus tellus arcu, ultrices ac cursus sit amet, ultrices at mauris. Morbi nec arcu sed erat bibendum sodales sollicitudin quis arcu. Sed sagittis lacinia laoreet. Pellentesque ac nulla ut libero pulvinar facilisis sed ac elit. Suspendisse potenti. Ut fermentum adipiscing justo, et gravida dui sagittis et. Sed non enim urna, sit amet faucibus sem. Vestibulum ac tincidunt diam. Nunc eget velit est, vel aliquet enim. Mauris quam metus, tincidunt ut tristique eu, dapibus nec sem. Aenean cursus bibendum blandit. Quisque id lacus nisi. Aenean scelerisque porta ante pretium consectetur. Duis orci diam, feugiat pellentesque lacinia et, luctus at sem. Vivamus lacinia mauris at ante hendrerit feugiat. Fusce at nibh id velit pretium volutpat. Sed eu metus arcu. Curabitur vitae tempor lorem. Ut in sapien id magna congue elementum sit Include amet ac justo. Sincerely, your return address within the body or close of your correspondence. Joseph I. Castro President Office of the President California State University, Fresno Harold H. Haak Administrative Center Henry Madden Library 5200 North Barton Ave. M/S ML48 Fresno, California 93740-8014 Electronic versions of the Academic Seal letterhead are not permitted. 18 STATIONERY University stationery with the Fresno State logo as letterhead has been designed and may be used for all correspondence. Customized stationery for all campus units may be ordered from Printing Services. University stationery (see sample page 18) with the seal may be used for correspondence internationally, all faculty correspondence, and with academic societies, publishers and for reference letters. The preprinted stationery may be obtained from Printing Services. Electronic (email) versions of the University seal are not permitted. All other correspondence will use University logo stationery with matching envelopes. DESKTOP PRINTING AND ELECTRONIC LETTERHEAD In addition to ordering pre-printed customized stationery from Printing Services, campus units may use a template for both desktop letterhead printing and electronic (email) letterhead. Customized templates for each campus unit are available from University Communications upon request. The letterhead templates have the logo at the top and a footer with department personalization at the bottom. These fields are unalterable by the user. The letter body area is formatted in Word for ease of typing. The email letterhead templates for schools/colleges include a blue bar across the bottom of the sheet with the words “Discovery Diversity Distinction” (see sample Page 21). These templates allow each campus unit to compose email and print correspondence on desktop or department printers in color using standard copy paper. To request an electronic letterhead template for your department, program, institute etc., email Those who choose desktop printing should set their printer properties to the highest color and dpi settings to ensure that quality images are produced. 19 SCHOOL AND COLLEGE PRINTED LETTERHEAD Letterhead - 8.5x11” Shown here at 65 percent of actual size Type here… Download electronic letterhead at (See sample Page 22) 20 School or College sub-identity logo will appear in the header and address in the footer. SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ELECTRONIC LETTERHEAD Letterhead - 8.5x11” Shown here at 65 percent of actual size School or College sub-identity logo will appear in the header and address in the footer. Download electronic letterhead at 21 ENVELOPE Envelope - 9.5x4.125” Shown here at actual size Kremen School of Education and Human Development Education Student Services Center Certification & Graduate Programs California State University, Fresno 5005 North Maple Avenue M/S ED301 Fresno, California 93740 Shown here at 75 percent of actual size Kremen School of Education and Human Development Education Student Services Center Certification & Graduate Programs California State University, Fresno 5005 North Maple Avenue M/S ED301 Fresno, California 93740 22 A SINGLE-SIDED BUSINESS CARD (TWO CHOICES) • Smaller font size • Longer email addresses wrap to two lines • One website ONLY! • Back side of business card is white for extra writing space Joseph I. Castro, President Office of the President California State University, Fresno Harold H. Haak Administrative Center Henry Madden Library 5200 North Barton Avenue M/S ML48 Fresno, California 93740-8014 P 559.278.2324 F 559.278.4715 C 559.278.4715 Joseph I. Castro, President Office of the President California State University, Fresno Harold H. Haak Administrative Center Henry Madden Library 5200 North Barton Avenue M/S ML48 Fresno, California 93740-8014 Kremen School of Education and Human Development Education Student Services Center When using a School orPrograms College name Certification & Graduate California State University, Fresno Center, with a Department, Program, 5005 NorthState Maple Avenue M/S ED301 Fresno etc. California University, Fresno, California 93740 shifts down P 559.278.2324 F 559.278.4715 C 559.278.4715 Kremen School of Education and Human Development Education Student Services Center Certification & Graduate Programs California State University, Fresno 5005 North Maple Avenue M/S ED301 Fresno, California 93740 Please remember to keep business card information as concise as possible. Joseph I. Castro President Office of the President California State University, Fresno Harold H. Haak Administrative Center Henry Madden Library 5200 North Barton Avenue M/S ML48 Fresno, California 93740-8014 Joseph I. Castro P 559.278.2324 F 559.278.4715 C 559.278.4715 President Office of the President California State University, Fresno Harold H. Haak Administrative Center Henry Madden Library 5200 North Barton Avenue M/S ML48 Fresno, California 93740-8014 P 559.278.2324 F 559.278.4715 C 559.278.4715 Please contact Printing Services for assistance. 23 Fresno, California 93740 B • • • • DOUBLE-SIDED BUSINESS CARD (TWO CHOICES) Bulldog Pride - Red reverse Fresno State Logo Larger font size Two websites maximum White area for longer website domains/email addresses or extra writing space Joseph I. Castro President Office of the President California California State University, Fresno Harold Harold H. H. Haak Haak Administrative Center Henry Henry Madden Madden Library 5200 5200 North North Barton Avenue M/S ML48 Fresno, Fresno, California California 93740-8014 24 P 559.278.2324 F 559.278.4715 C 559.278.4715 PHOTO SERVICES Photography is a powerful medium of expression and communication. Roughly 90 percent of information that comes to the brain is visual, which explains why people often look first to images then to words. Visual aids can improve learning by up to 400 percent. With these facts in mind, it is important to understand that every image communicates a message, and does so with maximum impact. At Fresno State, photography’s primary goal is to tell our stories, stories that showcase Fresno State’s people, their achievements, and their impact within our community. Secondly we look to showcase the campus atmosphere, which is especially important to prospective students by depicting compelling scenes of campus life. When you need original photography, we recommend using our campus photographer, whenever possible. If the campus photographer is unavailable for your photo request, contact: to obtain a list of recommended freelance photographers. Our photo release form is required for all recognizable subjects. For your convenience we have provided a pdf of the release form to download. 25 GUIDELINES FOR REQUESTING PHOTOGRAPHY SUMMARY OF BASICS • Clients should contact the University photographer at least two weeks in advance to schedule a photo shoot using the photo request form online. • Allow two to five working days to fulfill requests for existing digital photography from the photo archive. • Using or distributing a photograph from the University’s collection without consent is prohibited. • Upon using a photo, clients should use highresolution photos (high-resolution files measure at least at the size you want them to display at 300 dpi or higher. For websites, low-resolution images (at 72 dpi) should be used. REQUESTING A PHOTO SHOOT The University photographer is available for certain strategic on- and off-campus photo shoots for University clients. If your request is for a project that is being coordinated or managed by the Office of University Communications, tell your contact that you need new photography or a photo shoot and he/she will help with the scheduling arrangements. Because we have only one staff photographer paired with one student photographer, you may be referred to a freelance photographer. Although photo shoots conducted by the University photographer are free of charge to our clients, you (as the client) must pay freelancers for their services. You must contact the University photographer at least two weeks in advance to schedule a photo shoot. For weekend requests a month notice is recommended to avoid scheduling conflicts. Fill out the photo request form online. 26 REQUESTING AN EXISTING PHOTO FROM THE PHOTO ARCHIVE Allow three to five working days to fulfill requests for file photography; additional time will be needed for requests for multiple photos. University Communications receives a large number of requests for this service. Photos are archived in a database, but the original files are stored on DVDs. It takes time to locate, edit, copy and distribute each request. To help expedite the process, please provide any details that would help locate the photo such as the date of the event, the persons depicted in the photo and the photographer who took the photo. If your request is for three or fewer images, we can send them by email. Otherwise, a CD will be created for pickup or mailing. Please verify whether the images you request will be for print or Web publication. We will save the images in highresolution JPG format unless otherwise instructed. WORKING WITH FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHERS AND USING STOCK IMAGES Use of University Communications stock photography and the work of the University photographer are deemed acceptable for on-campus clients, but the Office of University Communications is not responsible for any charges billed by off-campus photographers for the use of their photographs or for charges for any stock photography requested by our clients. If you use the work of an outside photographer, copyrighted photographs, or other copyrighted art in your publication or on your website, you as the client are obligated to pay for it. The Office of University Communications is not responsible for any charges incurred for the use of images provided to us by our clients without proper permission. CONDUCTING OR USING YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY FOR YOUR DEPARTMENT’S USE Signed model releases are necessary for every recognizable person shown on your website. You are required to obtain releases to prove that you have the legal right to use those images of that person to promote or advertise Fresno State. OUR STYLE Photos should tell a story and present subjects and topics in the most intriguing and effective way. The most obvious method to achieve this is by taking photos of people doing the work that is related to the story. Posed shots lose precious energy, which translates into weaker impact. We encourage our subjects to walk, talk, move, to be him/herself, to be comfortable. Our goal is for the viewer to see a photo and feel as if the photographer happened upon the person doing an activity and just snapped a picture. We discourage simply taking a mug shot or “grip-and-grin” pose and instead prefer to photograph relaxed poses in a relevant setting that helps tell the subject’s story. We try to use natural lighting, interesting framing, and depending on the image, to separate our subject from the background to help the eye identify the primary focal point of the photograph. Examples are shown below that describe atemplate that creates a unique brand and supports our main goal to tell a story: COPYRIGHT AND USAGE INFORMATION Photographs on the California State University, Fresno website and those otherwise provided by the Office of University Communications are copyright of the contributing photographer and Fresno State. They are only for use related to California State University, Fresno and are not for commercial reproduction. The photographs in the University archive are not necessarily available for use simply because they are archived. This is a working photo archive of the University photographer and, therefore, includes proprietary photographs, daily photo assignment archives, photos with limited model releases, and photos created for single, exclusive use. The University photographer will deny or authorize the use of any photo based on set criteria and the type of photograph. Using or distributing a photograph from this collection without authorization is prohibited. Photographs in this collection contain metadata that marks them as property of California State University, Fresno. Photographs may not be altered in any way other than minimal cropping. Photographs may not be used in any way other than in their intended context and for the promotion of California State University, Fresno. Photographs that are copyrighted by the photographer or the University and published in off-campus media or public relations pieces must include a credit. “Courtesy of California State University, Fresno” is preferred, but a credit must appear within style guidelines. “Photo Courtesy of California State University, Fresno” would be the minimum acceptable credit. If you have any questions regarding appropriate use of a photograph, please contact the University photographer. 27 NATURAL LIGHTING EMOTION INTERESTING FRAMING AMBIANCE FRESNO STATE LOGO 28 STUDENTS HOW DO STUDENTS FIT INTO THE IDENTITY OF THE CAMPUS? Students are central to the identity of the campus, and various groups may want to use the logo as part of their organization’s identity. We ask that you contact the Office of University Communications for clarification. In cases in which student groups would like to utilize the University identity, the following rules apply: STUDENT ORGANIZATION LOGO USAGE STUDENT BUSINESS CARDS Official business cards are issued to students, student assistants, or interns on rare occasions for students who have significant contact with the public as a representative of a University office. Official University business cards are meant to serve as identification for business purposes and should contain basic contact information. Alternate business cards containing the Fresno State name and/or logo are strictly prohibited. Only official University business cards are allowed. Student leadership organizations (i.e. student clubs, Greek organizations) are not required to use the University identity or logo. Students wanting to align their groups with the University identity are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of University Communications for consultation and more information. If student groups would like to use the University identity, they must request and receive written permission from the Office of University Communications. If permission is granted, the identity cannot be modified in any way. Design elements of the identity are not allowed to be extracted and used in designs. For instance, portions of the logo may not be extracted and used as part of another design. Logo usage evaluation is based on the goals and missions the organization has in place. If they are consistent with the University goals and missions, that will increase the likelihood of approval. 29 WEB STANDARDS Campus websites are essentially electronic publications that represent and reflect the University image in the same manner as a brochure, a pamphlet or a video. Websites should be created with the same quality and branding standards as University publications, presenting the University’s image in a unified and consistent manner. Fresno State Web standards are available at the University Communications website at 30 ATHLETICS The athletics logo is used as a graphic element only in relation to intercollegiate athletic communications and materials, including on facilities and team uniforms. It should not be confused with, or substituted for, the official University logo. It shall be used only for business relating to the Fresno State Department of Athletics, which may utilize the athletics logo for things like letterhead, envelopes, business cards, banners, uniforms, publications, promotional items and other applications relating to the intercollegiate athletic program. The athletics logo may be used for commercial purposes promoting Bulldog athletics and must be approved in advance by the Office of Athletics Marketing and Promotion. Consult with the marketing office at 559.278.4603 for proper permission and fee assessment. TRADEMARK LICENSING PROGRAM Fresno State has contracted with the Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) to be the University’s exclusive licensing agent to administer the licensing program and to ensure quality control and overall compliance. Fresno State will allow the production and distribution of merchandise bearing its name and marks only through official licensees. Anyone wishing to produce merchandise must be licensed to do so. Please direct any vendor that you wish to place an order with to the Office of Licensing and Trademarks or downloadApp.html to begin the licensing process by completing the necessary application. The Collegiate Licensing Company, in conjunction with Fresno State personnel, including the Office of Licensing and Trademarks and the Athletic Department, will administer the licensing program and oversee the approval of artwork, the issuance of license agreements and the collection of royalties due to Fresno State. Only authorized vendors should be used for any purchases of Fresno State merchandise. For more information, contact the Director of Licensing and Trademarks, Clarence Chiong at 559.278.4451. 31 CONTACTS OVERALL PROGRAM Office of University Communications Bruce Whitworth 559.278.5029 GRAPHICS GUIDELINES Office of University Communications Bruce Whitworth 559.278.5029 WEB STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES Office of University Communications Dawn Truelsen 559.278.6857 CAMPUS SIGNAGE Facilities Planning Lori Pardi 559.278.7742 CAMPUS PRINTING Printing Services Clinton Moffitt 559.278.8640 LETTERHEAD AND BUSINESS CARD ORDERING Printing Services Kevin McNeill 559.278.2740 MAILING REQUIREMENTS Mail Services Lenora Young 559.278.2941 32 TRADEMARKS AND LICENSING: MERCHANDISE, PROMOTIONAL ITEMS, COPYRIGHT RESOURCES ATHLETICS MARKETING Clarence Chiong 559.278.4451 KENNEL BOOKSTORE Cathy Simpson 559.278.4270 INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Clarence Chiong 559.278.4451 USE OF THE FRESNO STATE NAME AND IMAGERY Office of University Communications Bruce Whitworth 559.278.5029