NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Modern Studies Added Value Unit: The Assignment Advice and Guidance for Practitioners [NATIONAL 4] This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications (NQ) framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Practitioners should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit government-licence/ or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Section 1: Introduction to the Advice and Guidance 4 Section 2: Curriculum for Excellence National Qualifications 5 Section 3: Added Value 7 Section 4: What learners need to do in the Added Value Unit at National 4 9 Section 5: How learning can be presented for assessment 10 Section 6: Making use of ICT for recording and presenting learning 13 Section 7: Considerations for planning 15 Section 8: Exemplification of potential approaches to learning and teaching for the Added Value Unit in National 4 Modern Studies 16 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 3 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 1: Introduction to the Advice and Guidance This advice and guidance offers information on national qualifications and in particular the added value element of courses in Soci al Studies. The focus here is to provide advice for practitioners to consider and reflect on in planning for learning and teaching as appropriate to the context of their learners. The information contained in sections 1-7 is identical in the advice and guidance documents for National 4 Added Value in Geography, Histor y and Modern Studies. Section 8 contains subject specific exemplification of potential approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners should note that these examples represent possible approaches to consider in reflection and professional dialogue. They do not represent assessment standards or prescribed approaches. Reference should be made to the appropriate SQA documentation regarding assessment requirements and standards. The exemplification provided in section 8 of these documents varies in style, content and level. This allows practitioners to reflect on what may be most appropriate within their own context and to consider ways of helping learners progress in their learning through National 4 and beyond. Practitioners are encouraged to engage with the exemplification provided for Geography, History and Modern Studies in order to reflect on the variety of approaches they may wish to develop in their own settings. 4 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 2: Curriculum for Excellence National Qualifications Curriculum for Excellence aims to achieve transformational change, allowing flexibility for learners and the development of the four capacities. Throughout the broad general education, learners develop skills an d knowledge through programmes of learning and teaching planned using the Experiences and Outcomes, informed by the Principles and Practices. To ensure a smooth progression into and through the senior phase, practitioners should reflect upon the principles of curriculum design and ensure that learning experiences reflect these. The National Qualifications have been designed to provide learners with opportunities to continue to develop the attributes and capabilities of the four capacities as well as skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. They offer flexibility, provide time for learning and focus on the development of skills and application of learning. They allow for progression from learning that has happened through the broad general education and allow opportunities for learners to develop breadth, challenge and application. National 4 qualifications are benchmarked against level four of the SCQF framework and are internally assessed. For more information on the course, unit and assessment specifications, practitioners should refer to the appropriate SQA documentation. Progression from National 4 may lead to study at National 5 and/or Higher level qualifications. The principles of design are the same; therefore the skills development and learning experiences at National 4 will support the learning journey. At National 5, mandatory content is prescribed and external Course assessment is introduced. In planning for skills development, practitioners may find it helpful to refer to Bloom’s taxonomy ( ) and the related work of Morag McGinlay ( ). McGinlay’s skills path draws on Bloom’s taxonomy and demonstrates how learners can progress through their learning and develop higher -order thinking skills. ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 5 ADDED VALUE UNIT Reflective questions Consider your current approaches to learning and teaching in National Qualification courses: - How active is the learning in your current courses? - In what ways are the skills of learners effectively developed? What evidence do you have to support your conclusions? - What aspects could be improved through increased use of active learning? - What would the impact on learners be? 6 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 3: Added Value The Added Value is what makes the course more than simply the sum of its parts. Added Value assessment describes how the breadth, challenge and application of the skills, knowledge and understanding developed by the learner throughout the Course will be assessed. For National 4 courses, the Added Value unit serves as the asses sment and is internally assessed on a pass or fail basis. At National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher the Added Value is externally assessed through the Course assessment. The Added Value Unit for Geography, History and Modern Studies ta kes the form of an assignment. SQA define an assignment as: a problem-solving exercise with clear guidelines and structure. An assignment is particularly suited to the assessment of outcomes based on applying practical skills and related knowledge and understanding to a situation that involves task management. Assignments are more structured and less open-ended than projects. They differ from practical activities in that they do not have to conform to a prescribed procedure and they are not concerned exclusively with technical skills. For further detail on the requirements of the unit, practitioners should refer to the relevant SQA course and unit specifications. These can be found on the SQA website – Practitioners should note that the Added Value assignment is not necessarily an end of course activity, but rather it can be undertaken at any point. It involves selecting appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding and presenting the learning in a chosen format. The topic or issue chosen by the learner may relate to a single unit or may emerge from learning across units. The assignment should be seen as an opportunity for learners to demonstrate their abilities. They should make use of the knowledge, understanding and skills that have been gained during the Broad General Education and that they are gaining through their studies in the National 4 course. It should allow learners the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the topic chosen. The assignment also allows for personalisation and choice within the curriculum. It gives learners ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 7 ADDED VALUE UNIT the opportunity to choose the topic or issue for study and the method of presentation. Reflective questions - How will you facilitate for personalisation and choice in topic choice? - What kinds of approaches to learning and teaching will best prepare learners for undertaking the assignment? - How can you support all learners in achieving success in the Added Value Unit? 8 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 4: What learners need to do in the Added Value Unit This section of advice and guidance provides a brief overview of what learners need to do for the assignment, however, practitioners should refer to SQA documentation for detail on assessment requirements of the Added Value unit assignment. In Modern Studies, learners will: - Choose a topic or issue for study from political, social or international contexts - Use sources of information relevant to the topic or issue being studied - Collect and organise information from the sources - Evaluate information on the topic or issue - Present their findings ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 9 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 5: How learning can be presented for assessment Learners can present their assignment in a way that will allow them to best demonstrate their knowledge and understanding and skills in order to meet the outcomes of the unit. There are many methods available. Practitioners should refer to the relevant SQA documentation regarding the detail of assessment requirements. It should be noted that the assignment presents opportunities for learners to engage with topics of their choice and s hould be an enjoyable experience of moving into more depth in an area of interest to the learner. Therefore, over assessment should be avoided. The following list of potential presentation methods is in no way prescriptive and simply outlines some of the many possibilities. Learners may demonstrate achievement of the outcomes of the unit in any appropriate form. Digital presentation Video 10 Learners may choose to present their assignment through a presentation to the class, a group or the practitioner. A variety of digital presentation programmes could be used depending on availability and the expertise of the learner. Could be a short film which contains the learner’s response. Could allow the learner to make use of filmed interviews or recorded interviews. Could involve the use of software such as Movie Maker to include a variety of information. Could take the form of a stop–go animation with voiceovers. ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Written piece A written report could be carried out with a range of possible options, including: - essay (possibly employing writing frames) - newspaper/magazine article - blog/wiki - learning log or journal - Comic Life. Podcast This could be used to record the learner’s talk or presentation. Could take the format of a scripted or unscripted interview with a peer or expert in the subject. Could be presented in the style of a news broadcast. Wall display This could include a range of styles of presentation of learning. May facilitate a creative response that would allow for wider presentation of the learning with others. Displays can be employed in an interactive fashion as questions can be asked by anyone who views this. Oral presentation/ interview with the practitioner This could take the form of a short talk to the class, a group or the practitioner. A talk may be expected to last around 5 minutes. A well-organised talk will be structured in a manner that will satisfy the demands of the Added Value Unit. Following any form of presentation, it may be appropriate for the learner to answer some oral questions from peers and/or the practitioner. ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 11 ADDED VALUE UNIT Care should be taken not to over-credit such factors as IT skills and oral/written communication skills as opposed to the subject specific skills, knowledge and understanding. The activity is primarily about developing the skills of the subject but, of course, presentation and communication skills are also important in the context of developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. 12 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 6: Making use of ICT for recording and presenting learning Blog A blog can also be described as a ‘web log’. There are many ways in which learners could use a blog to communicate their progress and findings with practitioners, peers and parents. Blogs allow learners to update their progress from a computer or smart phone and provide a platform for keeping a log or journal if desired. You may wish to consider using Glow Blogs: Wikis Wikis provide opportunities for learners to collaborate with other learners and teachers, and share what they have learned. A wiki is a website that lets any learner (or indeed anyone else you want) become a participant: you can create or edit the actual site contents without any special technical knowledge. A wiki is continuously under revision. One famous example is Wikipedia, an online encyclopaedia with no authors but millions of contributors and editors. Wikis have controlled access to ensure learner information remains private. If a learner uses a wiki to present his/her findings, then the wiki can be built up throughout the research process. There are many examples on the internet of learners effectively using wikis for learning. You may wish to consider using Glow Wikis: Digital Presentations If learners opt to present their assignment in the form of a presentation, they may wish to support this by employing some presentation software. In many cases this will take the form of a PowerPoint presentation. However, learners may have the ability to create their presentation in some of the many other formats available, such as Keynote, Prezi, Empressr, Powtoon. ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 13 ADDED VALUE UNIT Other ICT Learners may make use of other ICT in their assignment. Software such as Comic Life allows learners to create comic strip style documents and presentations where the detail of their learning can be demonstrated in creative and engaging ways. Programmes such as Photostory or Movie Maker allow learners to create presentations that can capture and display t heir learning. The use of video cameras and USB microphones allow for a flexible approach to gathering material and presenting learning. Reflective questions - How will you facilitate for personalisation and choice in methods of presentation for learners? - What strengths do you have in using ICT to support learners? - What considerations will you need to discuss regarding assessing the Added Value unit? 14 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 7: Considerations for planning In planning for the Added Value assignment, practitioners sho uld bear in mind, as noted previously, that learning developed throughout the course can be drawn upon, that sources and materials gathered in the other units can be utilised and that the assignment can be carried out at any point during the course. It will be important to allow learners the opportunity to engage in dialogue and reflection over their choice of topic or issue and to consider in detail what they will need to do. It may be beneficial for some learners to work with peers on many aspects of the assignment before producing an individual final piece. A collegiate approach to thinking about and planning the assignment may help to foster an ethos that supports quality peer and self evaluation of learning and may support learners in developing their higher order thinking skills through discussion. There is an expectation that practitioners will support learners, as appropriate, throughout all stages of the assignment, including in the phase of choosing topics and issues. Allowing learners the opportunity to engage in activities that help the class consider potential assignment topics and issues, sources of information and ways of carrying out research, processing research and presenting findings, will support learners and encourage engagement. Practitioners may consider ways of helping learners to benefit from opportunities to learn outwith the classroom when working on the Added Value unit. There may be local people, places, groups, organisations that would be useful places either for classes, grou ps or individuals to visit as part of their course that would contribute to the assignment, or purely to inform research for the assignment. ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 15 ADDED VALUE UNIT Section 8: Exemplification of potential approaches to learning and teaching for the Added Value Unit in National 4 Modern Studies This table outlines the exemplification provided. The examples are designed to encourage reflective thinking for practitioners in considering the Added Value Unit in their own contexts. They do not represent prescribed approaches or assessment standards. A presentation is included along with this document. The presentation contains one potential approach to creating a ‘Learner Guide’ to the assignment. Topic Research skills Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom Social Issues in the United Kingdom International Issues 16 Interview with an MSP and notetaking Emailing MSPs Diary of an MSP from textbook Twitter Interview with local Community Police Officer Survey of local young people Research poster display Internet research Film / Programme viewing Speaker from NGO Gathering graphical information Movie Maker documentary Staged interview ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 Processing and Presenting Techniques Diary of an MSP Blog Podcast Tweets Presentation ADDED VALUE UNIT Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom and Social Issues in the United Kingdom Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom and International Issues Internet research Community survey Speaker Blog Design a campaign webpage Internet research and graphical representation Interview with MSP/MP or video clips / newspaper/web interviews Debate Discussion Questioning ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 17 ADDED VALUE UNIT Exemplar 1 – Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom Work of an MSP Give learners a topic, eg the work of an MSP. From the topic, learners can come up with an issue for research, eg In what ways do MSPs represent their constituents. Invite an MSP to come to the class. The class should prepare questions for the MSP, including appropriate questions about the work they do. The class write up some notes based on what the MSP discusses, linking this into the issue they are researching. Reference and date the notes. The diary of an MSP (in several modern studies textbooks) can then be used to look at what sort of work they do. Again, learners take appropriate notes that will help them with their research. Many MSPs tweet on a regular basis and following these may be an interesting way of gaining insight for learners. Practitioners may wish to explore social media as a way of contacting and / or conversing with elected representatives. The other MSPs can also be contacted via email to ask them some relevant questions. The class can agree on three or four key questions to send. Any responses should be studied to ascertain if there is relevant information. This can again be noted by the learners. Learners can then present their learning in a range of ways and individuals may choose to explore this area in more depth and for their assignment. They may choose to present their findings in their own version of the diary of an MSP, possibly in a ‘Twitter’ style, blog or podcast, or through a presentation on the work of MSPs. 18 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Exemplar 2 – Social Issues in the United Kingdom Youth Crime in Dundee Research poster The headings in the research poster should be the same no matter what form of presentation the learner chooses to use. Topic/issue: Causes of youth crime in Dundee: Some young people in Dundee commit crimes because they are bored. Introduction: why did you choose this topic/issue? Did you work on your own or with some others? What did you do to collect information? etc Source 1 Source 2 What is source 1? What is source 2? eg. Interview with Community Police Officer eg. Survey of local young people What useful information have I got from this source material to help me answer my question? What relevant knowledge have I got to help me What useful information have I got from this source material to help me answer my question? answer my question? Describe… Explain…. Conclusion: Using all the information I have gathered, I have reached the following conclusion about why young people in Dundee commit crimes. Here are my findings: ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 19 ADDED VALUE UNIT Exemplar 3 - International Issues All learners may be researching something within International Issues, eg child soldiers, lack of safe water, conflict etc. As the class progress through the International Issues unit, there will be opportunities for gathering sources, for example internet research, watching a TV programme/DVD, speaker from a non-governmental organisation, graphical information such as map of conflicts in Africa, notes from newspaper articles. These sources can be gathered and put in a folder for when the learner needs to use the material. More than two pieces of source material can be gathered but it is not necessary for the assessment of the assignment to use more than two. The source material should be referenced, ie where it came from and the dates accessed. Learners also need to ensure that they have the relevant knowledge and understanding to support their research. This can probably be done by carrying out all the activities set by the teacher or there may be some opportunity for further research time in school. At an appropriate time during the International Issues unit, time can be set aside for learners to work on their research. Learners may then choose to present their findings in any of the wide variety of ways available to them. By way of example, two learners researching issues around child soldiers may choose to create a documentary utilising images or clips they have viewed and internet research. They might create the film on Movie Maker and then each provide voiceovers to explain their individual areas of study. Another learner may ask a peer to ask them scripted questions to present a news room style interview, either in the class or on camera. 20 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 ADDED VALUE UNIT Exemplar 4 - Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom and Social Issues in the United Kingdom Sections: Rights and responsibilities of pressure/interest groups when influencing decision making in Scotland/United Kingdom and responses to crime from the Crime and Law option in Social Issues in the United Kingdom. It is possible to teach units concurrently and to integrate sections of them into something meaningful such as researching a pressure gr oup like the Howard League for Penal Reform, looking at how they respond to issues such as alternatives to custody. Learners may gather information and opinions about alternatives to custody. Investigating how the group works can be done by looking at the website, for example it has sections on taking action and becoming a member. Using a recent campaign, ‘Community Sentences Cut Crime’, as a case study, learners could look at the rights and responsibilities of a pressure group and how successful such a gro up is. The website has a very useful blog section that may also encourage learners to consider th is as a way of presenting their findings. Surveys could also be carried out to see what others think about community sentences etc. It may also be possible to get a speaker so that learners can ask specific questions to help them with their own individual research. There are many more examples similar to this one that could be used to engage learners – almost any pressure group could be linked with a social issues topic in both Social Inequality and Crime and Law. Learners may choose to present their finding in this area through creation of a blog that details their findings and thoughts. They may choose to design a webpage in the style of a campaign group. ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012 21 ADDED VALUE UNIT Exemplar 5 –Democracy in Scotland and the United Kingdom and International Issues Political Systems (India) and Participation in the Political System From the topic, learners can come up with an issue for research, eg. participation of women in politics in Scotland/United Kingdom and India. Learners may use the Scottish Parliament and/or United Kingdom Parliament websites to get statistics on the number of female MSPs/MPs. This can be done individually by the learner, or as a class. Graphs can be drawn to compare the numbers. This will encourage learners to think about different ways to graphically present their findings. It may be possible to invite a female MSP/MP to the class so that they can be questioned as to why they wanted to be a politician etc. The learners can devise the questions and write up their findings in a blog or a wiki or a podcast. Otherwise, online video clips of female MSPs/MPs or newspaper interviews and websites may be incorporated. There are some accessible resources, especially o nline, about female participation in politics in India and other countries. Using a webquest is a good way for learners to research constructively. 1 A class debate could be set up with a motion decided on by the class. This would allow both sides of an argument to be heard. It may be possible for learners to demonstrate the learning required for the assignment within a debate setting or in a small group or one -to-one discussion. If the debate is to be the format for the learner to present their findings, it may be appropriate for peer and/or practitioner questioning to follow this in order to draw out all required information. 1 22 ADDED VALUE UNIT (NATIONAL 4, MODERN STUDIES) © Crown copyright 2012