TEACHER GUIDE Introduction Landscapes comprises six sections which cover the physical requirements of the Intermediate 1/2 Geography Course, Unit 1 People and the Environment: Scotland/British Isles. Section Section Section Section Section Section One: Two: Three: Four: Five: Six: Weathering and Erosion Rocks Glaciated Uplands Upland Limestone Landscapes Coastal Landscapes Volcanic Landscapes Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4, combined with the relevant Case Studies make up ‘Physical Landscapes and Land Use’. Sections 1, 3, 5 and 6, combined with the other Case Studies make up ‘Landscapes and Tourism’. Student Materials The following exemplar materials have been provided: Student Guide This tells the student how to use the course materials. Information on assessment is given and flowcharts are provided so that students can keep a record of work done. Student Activity Sheets These are non-consumable student worksheets consisting of core and extension exercises. Completing the core exercises alone should allow students to achieve the Outcomes at both Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2 levels. The extensions are non-essential exercises designed to improve the knowledge, understanding and skills of more able students. GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES 9 TEACHER GUIDE Student Information Book This is a non-consumable booklet which provides the student with background information. Many of the core exercises in the Student Activity Sheets are based on readings from the Information Book. Workcards These are non-consumable cards which give instructions on how to carry out an experiment or some other activity. Student Answer Sheets These provide answers to questions in the Student Activity Sheets. The Answer Sheets allow students to check on their progress. A few of the questions can be checked only by the teacher. 10 GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES TEACHER GUIDE Learning and Teaching Approaches Role of the Teacher While the exemplar materials are strongly student-centred, there are many places where teacher-led discussions would be invaluable. There are also places where teacher demonstrations are required. Use of Additional Resources The use of additional materials (for example, filmstrips, videos, transparencies, computer software, leaflets, maps, etc.) will enhance the provided materials, especially when backed up by worksheets written by the teacher. The filmstrips Coasts and Man and River Landscapes issued by the Geography Standard Grade CSG and the two Geology Short Course filmstrips issued by the Geology CSG contain various transparencies of use with these materials. Exercises based on fieldwork would be of special value and teachers should take every opportunity to allow students to develop their skills in the field. Differentiation The Outcomes for Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2 are laid out at the start of the Activity Sheets in each Section. It is recommended that teachers gauge the general ability of their class and amend the materials accordingly. For example, a class of entirely Intermediate 1 students could have all the materials relating to the Intermediate 2 Outcomes removed, although they could provide useful extension work. Geographical Methods and Techniques An indication of the GMTs covered in each Section is given at the start of each set of Activity Sheets. Use of Answer Sheets The Student Answer Sheets have been divided into small sections each of which corresponds to a Checkpoint in the Student Activity Sheets. GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES 11 TEACHER GUIDE Teachers should ensure that students do not complete the Activity Sheets simply by copying from the Answer Sheets. For example, teachers should ensure that the sheets to be checked have been completed. The teacher may also wish to issue the answers a Checkpoint at a time. The Answer Sheets do not provide complete coverage of the Activity Sheets so teacher checks have to be made where indicated. Experiments and Videos To preclude difficulties which may arise during course work it is recommended that teachers try out experiments in advance. Also, strict safety precautions should be enforced and due regard given to COSHH regulations. Teachers are encouraged to do the experiments since they enhance the course and provide variety. However, if time or other circumstances pose insuperable difficulties most of the experiments (or ones very similar) are included on two videos produced by the Auchterderran Staff Development and Resources Centre, Fife for the Geology Short Courses: Video 1 – Geology: The Study of the Earth (GSE) Video 2 – covering the other five Short Courses Geology and Scenery (GS) Geology, People and the Environment (GPE) Earth Materials: Rocks and Minerals (EMRM) History of the Earth (HE) Earth Physics and Earth Movements (EMRM) The relevant video and Short Course is indicated in the next section of this guide, Resource Use in Activity Sheets and Workcards. Ordnance Survey Maps In the Activity Sheets care has been taken to select maps that schools are already likely to have in stock. Details are given in the next section of this guide, Resource Use in Activity Sheets and Workcards. 12 GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES TEACHER GUIDE Resource Use in Activity Sheets and Workcards Questions/Workcards Materials Section One: Weathering and Erosion 3 Sandstone, shale (or Video 1 GSE with sandstone, mudstone and basalt) 9 Limestone or chalk, 2 test tubes (or Video 1 GSE) 14 Workcard 1 Plastic guttering, 2 wooden blocks of different thicknesses, red dye, protractor, water, stopwatch (or Video 2 GS) 15, 16, 17 Workcard 2 As Workcard 1 plus sand and gravel (or Video 2 GS) 18, 19 Workcard 3 As Workcard 2 (or Video 2 GS) 25-29 Workcard 4 Sand tray (or A4 cardboard box lined with polythene), fine sand, water bottle with pourer, plastic carton, bucket and milk top 53 Piece of hardboard painted with emulsion paint, ice cube with sand grains frozen into one side (or Video 2 GS) 62-65 Workcard 5 Hairdryer, sand and fine gravel, water, sheet of paper or tray 50cm long (or Video 2 GS) GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES 13 TEACHER GUIDE Section Two: Rocks 1, 2 1 sedimentary rock, 1 igneous rock, magnifying glass, cloth, penknife, hammer, safety goggles 7 Workcard 1 Microscope, safety goggles, urea, 4 glass slides, cloth, hot plate (or Video 2 EMRM or a similar experiment on Video 1 GSE using salt solution and metal) 23 Screwtop jar, soil, salt (or Video 2 EMRM) 26 Damp clay, dried clay, fired clay 27, 28 Workcard 2 Plasticine, safety goggles, rice, squeezing can be either manual or mechanical (or Video 2 EMRM) 38 Relief map of British Isles Section Three: Glaciated Uplands 1 Atlas 28 OS Project Map 1:50,000 Aviemore 30 OS Project Map 1:50,000 Fort William 31 OS Project Map 1:50,000 Torridon Section Four: Upland Limestone Landscapes 7 Atlas 32 OS Map Extract 1:25,000 Malham (NB This map is on page 167 of Core Themes in Geography – Physical, Broadley and Cunningham) 33 OS Map Extract No 1056/OLM2 1:25,000 Ingleton (Higher Grade Paper 1 1997) Extension OS Project Map 1:50,000 Wensleydale 14 GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES TEACHER GUIDE Section Five: Coastal Landscapes 2 Atlas 4-6 Workcard 1 Sand tray, sand, clay, a wave maker made of hardboard or strong cardboard (or Video 2 GS) 15 OS Map Extract No 830/0148-9 1:25,000 Banff/ Macduff (Standard Grade General Level 1991) 16 (and E1) OS Map Extract No 645/66 1:50,000 Haddington (Ordinary Grade Paper 1 1986) 29 OS Map Extract No 866/134 1:50,000 Great Yarmouth (Standard Grade Credit Level 1992) 33 OS Map Extract No 972/195 1:50,000 Bournemouth (Revised Higher Grade Paper 1 1995) 36 Atlas Section Six: Volcanic Landscapes 1 Bottle of soda water or lemonade 22 Glass slide, Bunsen burner, beaker, safety goggles. The glass is heated then plunged into cold water. The glass is fractured by forces generated by rapid contraction (or Video 2 EMRM) 25 Atlas 39 Atlas 46 OS Project Map 1:50,000 Edinburgh GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES 15 16 GEOGR APHY: LANDSCAPES