Homeland Security, Certificate of Adv Study - Continuing & Global Education DEPARTMENT Department of Criminology Emma Hughes, Chair Science II Building, Room 159 559.278.2305 FAX: 559.278.7265 www.fresnostate.edu/criminology MN in Criminology, Minor MS in Criminology, M.S. - Continuing & Global Education MS in Criminology, M.S. BS in Criminology - Victimology Option, B.S. BS in Criminology - Corrections Option, B.S. BS in Criminology - Law Enforcement Option, B.S. - Continuing & Global Education BS in Criminology - Law Enforcement Option, B.S. BS in Criminology - Forensic Behavioral Sciences, B.S. CERT in Homeland Security, Certificate of Adv Study - Continuing & Global Education The Department of Criminology provides undergraduate and graduate education in criminology for students planning professional careers in the criminal justice field. The program is diversified and integrated, reflecting the wide range of job opportunities in the field, including direct service and administration in law enforcement, corrections, victimology/victim services, juvenile justice, and forensic behavioral sciences. The department offers the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and a minor. The department will not accept a student with a GPA less than 2.0 as an undergraduate major. Undergraduate Program Criminology courses at the undergraduate level include integration of theoretical and applied materials of an interdisciplinary nature. The undergraduate curriculum is designed to prepare students for beginning professional work in criminal justice and to provide preparation for graduate work. The corrections option is designed for students interested in careers in probation, parole, correctional institutions, and other affiliated forms of work. The law enforcement option is designed for students interested in careers with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, or law enforcement careers within the private sector. The victimology option is designed for students interested in careers in domestic violence programs, rape counseling programs, victim/witness programs, or other victim-related programs at the local, state, or federal level; these programs can either be criminal justice based or community based. The Forensic Behavioral Sciences option prepares students interested in traditional criminal justice careers. However, it is also designed for students who are interested in the application of other behavioral sciences - such as psychology, anthropology, and linguistics - to the criminal justice system. An internship course is required in corrections, law enforcement, and victimology options. Graduate Program The Master of Science degree in Criminology is a 30-unit, flexible program which provides a solid core in the field of criminology while permitting students to pursue specialized areas of interest. The master's program is designed to prepare students for service and responsible administrative and professional positions in agencies in the criminal justice system. The master's program also prepares students for a wide variety of occupations including in-service education; administrative education and management; community college teaching; predoctoral studies; and research. Off-Campus Degree Program The department offers its B.S. via compressed video at the university satellite campuses located at College of the Sequoias in Visalia, California and West Hills College in Lemoore, California. This degree is also offered at law enforcement facilities in the city of Fresno. Joint Center on Violence and Victim Studies The Joint Center on Violence and Victim Studies (JCVVS), an inter-university consortium of California State University, Fresno, Washburn University, and the University of New Haven, addresses issues of violence and victimization. The Center www.fresnostate.edu California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 1 offers professional development, consultation, education, training, and research and analysis to students and working professionals locally and nationally. REQUIREMENTS Homeland Security Certificate of Advanced Study Requirements The Department of Criminology and Division of Continuing and Global Education offer the Certificate of Advanced Study in Homeland Security. The primary objective of the program is the development of scientific and technical knowledge and research skills in this growing field of academic study. A secondary program objective is the preparation of graduate students for future professional careers and advanced education programs in Homeland Security and related doctoral programs. The Department of Criminology seeks to prepare administrative operational specialists, and policy analysts with a firm background in the role of government in protecting society; the strategy and assumptions driving homeland security policy; and related important principles of preventing, responding, mitigating and recovering from natural or human threats and hazards. In addition, the department also seeks to answer the important questions of balancing civil liberties and the protection of Constitutional rights within our liberal democracy with the needs of national security and homeland defense. The Certificate of Advanced Study in Homeland Security is a multidisciplinary program designed to give students an understanding of the depth and complexity of this critical field. This 12-unit (four-course) graduate certificate program engages students who are seeking homeland security positions throughout federal, state, and local governments. These courses will help balance the perspective of first responders, middle-level supervisors, and executive managers and policy makers on the inherent challenges of societal protection from natural and human caused disasters. Up to three units of related homeland security courses may count. toward the completion of the certificate program based on individual evaluation by the program director. Program Prerequisites. Admission is open to students with a bachelor's degree in a related field from an accredited university. Program Requirements. A student must. complete the four course sequence including CRIM 216 (the core course), CRIM 217, CRIM 218, and CRIM 219 for a total of 12 units (four courses) as offered in the Homeland Security Program. CRIM 216 - Essentials of Homeland Security (3 units) CRIM 217 - Radical Ideologies (3 units) CRIM 218 - Intelligence Theory (3 units) CRIM 219 - Border and Homeland Security (3 units) FACULTY The criminology department consists of 13 full-time faculty members whose expertise includes numerous specialties in the criminal justice system, including corrections, counseling, victimology, juvenile delinquency, theory, legal studies, supervision and management, and criminal justice administration. Various part-time faculty members from major criminal justice agencies also instruct in the department. Name Degree Email Acosta-Mabrey, Rosalinda Master of Science racosta@csufresno.edu Azizian, Allen Doctor of Philosophy aazizian@csufresno.edu Blohm, Joseph K Master of Science josephbl@csufresno.edu Button, Lynn E Master of Science lynnb@csufresno.edu 559.278.2243 Clement, Keith Doctor of Philosophy kclement@csufresno.edu 559.278.1011 Dadian, Neil G Master of Science nedadian@csufresno.edu Dussich, John P Doctor of Philosophy jdussich@csufresno.edu www.fresnostate.edu Phone 559.278.6046 California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 2 Name Degree Email Phone English, Peter Doctor of Philosophy penglish@csufresno.edu 559.278.2329 Farmer, Patrick F Doctor of Psychology pfarmer@csufresno.edu Flores, Jose G josef@csufresno.edu Frausto Heredia, Delia Bachelor of Arts dheredia@csufresno.edu Herbert, James E Master of Arts jherbert@csufresno.edu Herzog, Marilyn S Master of Science marimm@csufresno.edu Hickey, Eric W Doctor of Philosophy erich@csufresno.edu Hickman, Katherine A Doctorate of Education katherineh@csufresno.edu Hughes, Emma J Doctor of Philosophy emhughes@csufresno.edu Irwin, Christopher M Juris Doctor christopheri@csufresno.edu Jackson, Jerome E Doctor of Philosophy jeromej@csufresno.edu James, Chadley Doctor of Philosophy chadleyj@csufresno.edu Kams, Timothy A Juris Doctor tkams@csufresno.edu Kieckhaefer, Jenna M Doctor of Philosophy jkieckhaefer@csufresno.edu Kikuchi, George Doctor of Philosophy gkikuchi@csufresno.edu 559.278.4223 Kissner, Michael J Doctor of Philosophy mkissner@csufresno.edu 559.278.2369 Leahy, Jennifer G 559.278.2370 559.278.2807 jleahy@csufresno.edu LiCalsi, Ernest J Juris Doctor elicalsi@csufresno.edu Magarian, Steve D Master of Science magarian@csufresno.edu Marshall, Hollianne E Doctor of Philosophy holmarshall@csufresno.edu Masters, Ruth Doctorate of Education ruthm@csufresno.edu McDonald, Robert E Master of Science bobmc@csufresno.edu Owen, Barbara A Doctor of Philosophy barbarao@csufresno.edu Owen, John M Juris Doctor joowen@csufresno.edu Park, Gordon M Juris Doctor gopark@csufresno.edu www.fresnostate.edu 559.278.2803 559.278.5712 559.278.5715 California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 3 Name Degree Email Parker, Lissa H Doctor of Philosophy liparker@csufresno.edu Patton, Steven H Master of Science spatton@csufresno.edu Price-Sharps, Jana L Doctorate of Education jpricesharps@csufresno.edu Ryan, Kenneth J Doctor of Philosophy kjryan@csufresno.edu Salveson, Amber R Master of Arts salvesona@csufresno.edu Schweizer, Harald O Doctor of Philosophy haralds@csufresno.edu Shuler, Charles J Master of Science cshuler@csufresno.edu Skrapec, Candice A Doctor of Philosophy candices@csufresno.edu Snow, Donna M Master of Science dsnow@csufresno.edu Takahashi, Yoshiko Doctor of Philosophy ytakahashi@csufresno.edu Torres, Stephanie N Master of Science storres@csufresno.edu www.fresnostate.edu Phone 559.278.2379 559.278.8880 559.278.3985 559.278.4800 California State University, Fresno 2015-2016 CATALOG | 4