AC21: 3rd Biennial International Research Festival 4th-7th July 2006 : SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING FORUM International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK DATE: 6th July 2006 REGISTRATION FOR THIS SYMPOSIUM IS NOW OPEN Registration is free but places are strictly limited to 200 Registration form available from: ASSOCIATED INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FESTIVAL AC21 3rd Biennial International Forum, July 4-6, 2006: See for further information on Symposia on Health Wealth & Nutrition, Nanotechnology, Maths and Media, Personalised Medicines, Global HE Research. FORUM SCOPE The Forum will provide a major opportunity to consider the rapidly increasing importance of sustainable manufacturing. The increasing political and social demand for a more sustainable society, coupled with emerging global legislation is affecting the way in which fuels, materials, chemicals and products are manufactured, used and subsequently disposed of. The development of enabling technologies to address the problems of environmentally friendly and sustainable manufacturing requires a broadly based multi-disciplinary approach that is unlikely to arise spontaneously. The interaction of engineering with complimentary sciences such as chemistry and microbiology and with economic, policy and education issues needs to occur to provide new avenues of research in critical areas. Global complexities result from inherently different local materials, processes and skills capabilities being available to any nation, resulting either in the use of inferior materials production and utilisation, or (more often) the import of alternative materials from abroad – a situation that is costly in economic and environmental terms. Legislation is stimulating the search for alternative crop-based materials, which are more environmentally friendly in production and use and can be disposed of more easily and cheaply. This offers significant future opportunities to the growers of crops. Potential new products and services could include new feedstocks for polymers used in packaging and automotive applications, reduced landfill and incineration due to improved composting potential, naturally derived pharmaceuticals and health-oils that require much reduced processing before application, reduced toxicology and health issues through the use of natural fibres rather than glass or carbon, improved land management and maintenance through increased agricultural revenue – the potential knock on effects for successful development and application in this area is large. The Forum will combine policy, industry, academic and education perspectives, culminating in a round table discussion. FORUM CO-ORDINATOR - Miss Stephanie Williams: +44 (0)24 76 575842 AC21: 3rd Biennial International Research Festival 4th-7th July 2006 : FORUM PROGRAMME Chair Dr Kerry Mashford, Ove Arup 09.00 Keynote Presentation Sir Nicholas Scheele - Chancellor, University of Warwick 09.30 Integrated Product Policy – Impact on UK Orsolya Csorba, Sustainable Production and Consumption, European Commission 10.00 Development of Car Components using Kenaf and a New Evolution in Biomaterials Dr Takuya Nishimura, Toyota Motor Corporation 10.30 Research Tour and Poster Session 11.30 The Helix of Sustainability – A multi-disciplinary collaborative research agenda Dr Guy Barker and Dr Kerry Kirwan, Warwick HRI and WMG, University of Warwick 12.00 Sustainability and Education Sara Parkin, Director, Forum for the Future 12.30 Round Table Discussion 13.00 Close WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This Forum will be of interest to: Academics and researchers in all aspects of sustainable manufacturing Managers in organisations seeking to understand the drivers of sustainable manufacturing National and regional policy makers Senior academics and officials from AC21 Universities Individuals interested in the future of manufacturing and its interaction with the environment. Sustainable Manufacturing Forum Registration Information Method of Registration: Please choose only one of the following methods to register for the Forum: By E-mail – e-mail the completed registration form to the Sustainable Manufacturing Forum Office. By Fax - fax the completed registration form to the Sustainable Manufacturing Forum Office at +44(0)24 76 524307. By Mail - Send your completed registration form to: Sustainable Manufacturing Forum Office International Manufacturing Centre University of Warwick Coventry, CV4 7AL UK Confirmation: All registrants will receive receipt of registration via e-mail. FORUM CO-ORDINATOR - Miss Stephanie Williams: +44 (0)24 76 575842