Innovation and Enterprise Policy in Russian Universities Nikolay R. Toivonen St. Petersburg State University AC21, Warwick, 06.07.2006 Comparative analysis (year 2004) R&D (% of DGP) Competitiveness index (place in the world) High-tech share in export (%) Raw materials share in export (%) Finland 3,6 1 21 - USA 2,69 2 32 8 Japan 2,98 11 26 1 UK 1,87 15 31 - China 1 44 20 4 India 1,23 56 6 11 1 70 8 67 Country Russia Source: McKinsey R&D in the world HR R&D ($ billion) Country Researchers Engineers USA 2004 2006 (forecast) Patents 2004 2006 (forecast) 1 328 413 - 301,50 320,70 167 414 169 100 China 820 685 - 108,93 139,63 43 455 Japan 649 680 - 119,84 126,40 342 808 350 000 France 190 096 - 43,58 45,43 13 270 14 600 Germany 266 237 118 575 51,96 53,64 55 487 57 800 UK 159 859 - 35,64 37,88 12 290 13 000 Russia 487 710 330 614 16,84 - 19 297 21 200 Finland 38 752 18 101 - - 1 412 1 200 48 000 Source: R&D Magazine, Battelle, World Bank, OECD, Thomson Scientific, Derwent World Patents Index Global Innovation Index, 2003 HR USA 4 Innovation policy 3 Business strategy 1 Finland 3 2 8 UK 17 7 5 Japan 2 17 4 Germany 12 10 5 Russia 9 69 72 Source: M .Porter, S. Stern Ranking National Innovative Capacity, Global Competitiveness Report 2003 Financing of R&D (by fields of knowledge) Field of knowledge USA Japan Germany Sweden Russia Total on natural and technical science: 93,7% 65,6% 78,4% 76,3% 88,3% Natural science 41,8% 11,4% 29,2% 21,0% 59,0% Technical science 15,5% 25,0% 20,3% 21,9% 26,7% Medicine 29,1% 24,6% 24,7% 27,4% 1,7% Agricultural science 7,4% 4,6% 4,2% 6,1% 0,9% Total on humanities and social studies: 6,3% 34,4% 20,6% 17,6% 11,7% Social studies 6,3% - 8,5% 11,5% 6,6% - - 12,1% 6,1% 5,1% Humanities Source: OECD, Science & Technology Statistics database 2003, Centre for Science Research and Statistics, Russian Science & Development at a Glance (Moscow, 2001) Patents and High-Tech Companies in Russia year Patents Created High-Tech Used High-Tech Profits from hightech export, USA $ mln Payments on hightech import, USA $ mln 2000 2001 2002 2003 11 592 13 779 15 140 17 326 688 637 727 821 70 069 80 012 93 412 107 015 203,5 241,5 211,4 237,4 182,9 395,3 572,4 666,1 Source: Russian Science in figures, 2005 Research/Higher Education Institutions in Russia (year 2002) Totally: 3906/1039 590 136 1539 Northern347 Central Western Privolzhsky Southern Far-Eastern Ural Siberian 325 146 597 160 260 75 444 115 151 60 R&D Institutions, year 2004 Number of Organisations 1 230 258 078 Share of national R&D (%) 25,3 Business sector 1 851 537 473 69,1 State higher education sector Private nonprofit sector Total 533 43 414 5,4 42 373 0,2 3 656 839 338 100.0 State sector HR in R&D Source: Russian Science in figures, 2005. с.15, 51, 79 Diversification and Opportunities . Central Asian Region International organizations and initiatives in the Northern Europe BEAR EU Northern Dimension CBSS 7-th Summit of Baltic Development Forum, 16-18.10.2005 CO-ORGANISER SUMMIT PARTNER The Baltic Sea Region as a Role Model – Achieving Global Excellence in Competitiveness and Innovation by 2010 STRATEGIC PARTNERS ScanBalt BioRegion – a Network of Networks - 11 countries Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sunrise Valley Norway, Poland, Sweden, СПАСИБОЗ АВН И МА Н И Е North Germany, Northwestern Russia. - 85 million people - 67 universities - > 800 biotech companies Biggest ICT Cluster in Europe “Technology Corridor” in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area Four waves of Outsourcing Western Europe Russia USA Japan China South Korea Taiwan МЕКСИКА Philippines India Malaysia Brazil First wave Second wave Third wave Contracted manufacture $ 150 billions Outsourcing IT-infrastructure $ 181 billion Outsourcing of business processes $ 112 billion Forth wave Outsourcing of engineering Source: Жу рнал«Компания», № 22 (368) 6.06.05 Fourth wave of Outsourcing . What Russia has to do to catch the forth wave of outsourcing?: * To support knowledge-based enterprises * To stimulate R&D investments * To promote its image abroad * To create a system of venture funding * To modernize the system of education Priorities 1. Development of National and Regional Innovation systems 2. Development of Infrastructure 3. Development of Financial Tools 4. Development of Triple Helix Partnership 5. Introduction of Tax Remissions 6. Organization of Training (Innovation managers etc.) Governing of Research and Innovation in Russia FEDERAL ASSEMBLY OF RUSSIA 1 level 2 level FEDERATION COUNCIL COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE, CULTURE, EDUCATION, PUBLIC HEALTH AND ECOLOGY PRESIDENT OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION STATE DUMA COMMIT TEE ON EDUCATION AND SCIENCE GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIAN FEDERATION MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE SECTORAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCE 3 level PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS PUBLIC ACADEMIES GOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION ON THE SCIENTIFIC AND INNOVATION POLICY RUSPATENT MINISTRIES AND DEPARTMENTS REGIONAL AUTHORITIES IN SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL SPHERES REGIONAL EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES Innovation and High-Tech Legislation in Russia Federal Law on State forecasting and programs on social-economic development in RF (July, 20, 1995, №115-ФЗ) Patent Law of the RF, September, 23, 1992 Federal Law on privatization of State and municipal property, December, 21, 2001, №178-ФЗ Federal Law on Trade secret, July, 29, 2004, №98-ФЗ Budget codex of the RF Custom codex of the RF Innovation and High-Tech Legislation in Russia Federal Law on Capital Investments in the RF, February, 25, 1999, №39-ФЗ Federal Law on Foreign Investments in the RF, July, 9, 1999, №160-ФЗ Federal Law on Information, Informatization and Information Security, February, 20, 1995, №24-ФЗ Federal Law on Foreign Commerce, December, 8, 2003, №164 Federal Law on Science and Scientific and Technical Policy, August, 23, 1996, № 127–Ф3 Source: Presentation by G. Shepelev Innovation Development Support Legislation in the Russia Examples of the Federal law drafts to be approved in the year 2006-2007: I. Stimulation of the innovation activity in the Russian Federation; II. Technology Transfer; III. Science and innovations support funds; IV. Tax code changes in innovation activity in the Russian Innovation Development Infrastructure Апат ит ы St. Petersburg Арханг ельск Пет роз аводск Moscow НижнийНовг ород Воронеж Яку тск Cаранск Ханты-Мансийск Казань Ростов-наДону Самара Ек а т е ринбур г Челябинск Волг ог рад Ст а врополь Томс к Омск Новосибирск Барнаул Ке меров о Хабаровск Vladivostok Innovation-and-Technology Center – 61 Technology Parks – 44 Technology Transfer Office – 66 Technology Transfer Office (in 2005) – 20 Source: Presentation by S. Mazurenko Special Economic Zones (SEZ) SEZ financing: 50% - Federal Government 50% - Regional Government In the year 2006 ~ 1.5 Billions of USD is succeeded from the Russian Federation Budget for SEZ development Special Economic Zones SaintPetersburg Dubna Zelenograd Lipetsk Elabuga Tomsk 1. Technology Inculcation Zone: - Moscow, Moskovskaya oblast’, Saint-Petersburg, Tomsk 2. Industry – Production Zone: - Lipetskaya oblast’, Tatarstan Under discussion: 3. Tourist – Recreation Zone 4. Ports Venture Funding Ministry of Economic Development and Trade 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 regional state-private venture funds ($10 - $50 mln each) venture investment development funds Locations: - Moscow 50% Private investors 25% Regional budget 25% Federal budget - Moscow County - Krasnoyarskij Kraj - Tomskaya oblast’ - Permskaya oblast’ - Tatarstan In Processing: Venture Funds Russian Venture Company (RVC) 8-12 venture funds (50-100 mln of rub) 100-200 Russian “start-ups” Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE) “Start” Programme – 12 years of activities Applications Contracts Average turnover Average growth rate Inculcated patents Registered patents Companies with total turnover: More than US$ 1mln. More than US$ 5 mln. More than US$ 30 mln. - more than 10000 more than 3000 US$ 500 000 20% per annum more than 1000 more than 1000 - about 100 - dozens -3 Source: Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Russian Universities 1. Coordination: Russia Federation Ministry of Education and Science Federal Agency on Science and Innovation 2. Russian Law: Restriction: it is prohibited to invest tangible assets [estate, non-budgetary funding] of a state higher education institution into a commercial company Conclusion: it is allowed to invest “non-tangible asserts” (for example IP) Proposal: a university can change the status from being state higher educational institution to “state nonprofit organization” Conclusion: in the case a university would lose all state guarantee if it failed within a commercial project Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Russian Universities 1. Innovation: Creation of Technology Transfer Offices: Federal Goal-Oriented Research-and-Technical Program CRDF program etc. Creation of Innovation-and-Technology Center Creation of Science Parks Creation and Development of Science Cities Creation of Joint Innovation and Technology Center of Russia and Foreign countries Development of Regional Innovation System Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Russian Universities 2. Entrepreneurship development by any HEI: Higher Education Institution (HEI) IP Nonprofit Organization (Development Fund) Co-Founders Know-How etc. IP Joint Venture (JV) Investors Funding Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Russian Universities 2. Entrepreneurship development by HEI which has already JV: Higher Education Institution (HEI) IP Commercial company Co-Founders Know-How etc. IP Joint Venture (JV) Investors Funding Innovation development in the North-West Russia Innovation infrastructure in St. Petersburg: А. Institutes of higher education: a. 432 scientific-research institutes, including 57 state and 38 private institutes (2002) b. Total people ware more than 94 000, including 45 000 researchers in technical and natural sciences B. Innovation Technology Centers (ITC): a. 8 institute ITC b. 5 non-institute ITC С. Funds and programs: a. 6 financial institutes b. 3 programs Innovation development in the North-West Russia Innovation technology centers (ITC) based on: Saint-Petersburg State University SPb State Electro-Technical University SPb State Polytechnic University SPb State Academy of Forestry Engineering SPb State University of Information Technology, Optics, Mechanics ITC “Baltic”, Baltic State Technical University ITC “High-tech in medicine”, SPb State Pediatric Medical academy ITC “Aerospace”, SPb State Aerospace Industry Academy TT and commercialization of research in the Tomsk Polytechnic University Ministries, Departments, Funds Long-term programs Strategic partners Contract payments Innovation infrastructure HR Shares ИС ОП EDU Profit IP TPU SBI ITC Innovation infrastructure Customers TTO HR innoprod Technology incubator of the TPU Shares, profit Scie nce innoprod Shares IP Shares Royalty, profit M A R K E T Profit Spin-out companies innoprod Licenses Source: VIII Vsesibirskij Innovation Forum, Tverskoj InnoCenter, 2005 Science Park of the Moscow State University 1. Year of foundation: 1992 2. Legal position: closed joint-stock company 3. Founders: Moscow State University State Committee of Science and technology, Ministry of Science 4. 2000 – certificate of state and public accreditation № 001 5. Total areas: 11 500 m² for offices, manufacture and laboratories 6. Companies: 38 high-tech companies and services 7. People ware: more than 2500 8. Total turnover per annum: more than USA $50 mln. Orel State Technical University 1. Enterprise development – started in 1989 2. Mechanisms: * development of education, research and industrial centers/clusters * merger of business companies 3. Support factors: * significant reduction of budget funding in HE system * bankruptcy of business companies because of economic crisis * full support from both Ministry of Education and Regional Authorities * strong university leadership (young and ambitious Rector and his team) * absence of opposition from Academic staff because of … “non-serous” attitude toward initiatives * strong research – more than 100 patents are registered annually Orel State Technical University University is shareholder of the following companies (25-100%): * production of research and laboratory equipment * production of medical equipment (X-rays etc.) * tractors production and metal processing factory * light industry factory (dress tailoring) * food production factory * building company and production of construction equipment * processing of precious metals and stones * expertise and certification * electronics and ICT * advertising and Mass-Media etc. Totally – more than 50 companies Tractor Industry 20 Conclusions In Russia, there are lack of: * legislation in the fields of innovation and enterprise development as well as IP * strategic view and models of national and regional innovation systems * well-developed infrastructure (management, funding etc.) * well-developed relations between business and R&D institutions * competence and experience “on the grass level” * special funding to support innovation and enterprise etc. But: * There is understanding of Russian Authorities in necessity to support innovation and enterprise development * Russia has a significant potential for commercialization of R&D results * Russia is big market and advanced geo-strategic partner * Russia … has money (for example stabilizing fund) Thank you for attention