Clach An Truiseil/The Trushal Stone by C MacLeod Clach An Truiseil The Trushal Stone Dhìrich iad oir na tràghad leatha, a’ They climbed the shoreline with it, chlach mhòr ud ’s lad ga slaodadh ’s ga that great stone they were dragging togail thar chreig is thar mhonadh. and lifting across rocks and moorland. Seachd fichead dhlubh air an còmhdach One hundred and forty of them le clòimh mar charoraich. Dà thrian covered in fleece like sheep. With two- dhith fon talamh is trian ri aghaidh na thirds of it underground and one-third grèine chuir iad an sàs i; le faram neo- facing the sun, they set it; with a chumanta chaidh iad timcheall oirre le strange chanting they encircled it with adhradh Dhraoidhean. the worship of Druids. Chunnaic i ceusadh, marbhadh, mort, It has seen sacrifices, death, murder, geamhraidhean, samhraidhean is winters, summers and springs, earraich, ach cha do ghluais i ’s i uaine unmoving and green with age. le aois. C MacLeod C NicLeòid