Tue 19 November 2013 10.00 - 12.00


Tue 19


November 2013

10.00 - 12.00

Room CB103

Laser Composite Surfacing for Improved Wear Resistance

Jyotsna Dutta Majumdar

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur, W. B. – 721302, India e-mail: jyotsna@metal.iitkgp.ernet.in


Laser, as a source of coherent and monochromatic radiation may be applied for the modification of microstructure and/or composition of the near surface region of any component. Laser composite surfacing aims at development of in-situ or externally added ceramic/intermetallic particles in metallic matrix to improve its wear resistance property. The process parameters play an important role to determine the microstructure, composition and phase distribution in the composite layer. The advantages of laser composite surfacing over conventional composite materials include development of homogeneous microstructure, precision control over the thickness of composite layer, negligible heat affected zone and superior properties due to the development of refined microstructure.

The process could significantly improve wear resistance without deteriorating its ductility. In the present talk, with a brief introduction to the composite surfacing, a detailed study on the development of ceramic dispersed metal matrix composite surface on aluminium (by both exsitu dispersion of silicon carbide and in-situ dispersion of titanium boride), steel (by both exsitu dispersion of silicon carbide and in-situ dispersion of titanium boride), magnesium (by ex-situ dispersion of silicon carbide, chromium carbide and alumina) would be discussed.

Finally, the future scope of research in this direction would be stated.

Prof. Jyotsna Dutta Majumdar

Dr. Dutta Majumdar, completed her PhD in Engineering in May, 1999 from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and subsequently, Dr.-Ing. in the faculty of Mechanical, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering from Technical University of Clausthal in April 2000

(defended thesis in December 1999). Currently, she holds the position of Professor at I. I. T.


Her areas of speciallization include corrosion and environmental degradation, laser materials processing, surface engineering, bio-materials and advanced processing of materials. She is focused on cutting edge research activities related to solving technological problems of practical importance.

Her excellent research outcome has been recognized in India for which she was awarded the Young Scientist Award (awarded by the Indian Science Congress Association in

2000), Young Metallurgists Award (awarded by the Ministry of Steel, India in 2000), Young

Engineer’s Award (awarded by the Indian National Academy of Engineering in 2003), FAST

TRACK Grant for young researchers (awarded by the Department of Science and

Technology in 2001), BOYSCAST Fellowship for carrying out research on laser materials processing at the University of Manchester, UK (awarded by the Department of Science and

Technology in 2004), Metallurgist of the Year- 2012 (awarded by the Ministry of Steel, India in 2012) and Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal – 2013 (awarded by the

Materials Research Society of India). She has published over 100 papers in international journals of repute, 4 book chapters (invited), 40 in the Conference Proceedings and has delivered 32 invited lectures to date.
