Revenue and Expense Report Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2012 (FY2012) - Legislative Report Chapter 6, Section 28 - Prepared By: MassDOT Fiscal Office October 31, 2012 Table of Contents MASSACHUSETTS TRANSPORTATION TRUST FUND OPERATING REVENUE AND EXPENSE* .......................3 MASSACHUSETTS TRANSPORTATION TRUST FUND OPERATING EXPENSES BY DIVISION* ..........................4 CAPITAL SOURCES AND EXPENSES* .......................................................................................................................5 CAPITAL EXPENSES BY PROGRAM* .........................................................................................................................6 FEDERAL GRANT REVENUE*....................................................................................................................................7 ADDENDUM MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY STATEMENTS OF REVENUE, EXPENSES, AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (PAGE 5 OF MBTA FINANCIAL STATEMENT)** ((( SOURCES: *Massachusetts Management, Accounting, and Reporting System **Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority Audited Financial Statements NOTES: (1) Totals may not add due to rounding. Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund Operating Revenue and Expenses - FY2012 OPERATING REVENUES: Operating Revenue Toll Revenue - Metropolitan Highway System (MHS) Toll Revenue - Western Turnpike (WT) Toll Revenue - Tobin Bridge MHS & WT Departmental - Permits, Fees MHS & WT Rental/Lease Income Non-toll Departmental Non-toll Rental/Lease Income Subtotal Operating Revenue Commonwealth Fund Transfer Commonwealth Transportation Fund Transfer Contract Assistance Pledged to Metropolitan Highway System Contract Assistance for Central Artery Operations/Maintenance Contract Assistance for Regional Transit Authorities Subtotal Commonwealth Trust Fund Transfer Investment Income ACTUAL FY 2012 183,182,715 116,706,159 33,337,356 31,112,681 33,907,175 8,559,743 3,925,926 410,731,755 188,934,869 100,000,000 25,000,000 15,000,000 328,934,869 1,990,578 TOTAL REVENUES 741,657,202 EXPENSES: Operating Expenses (See page 4 for expenses by division) Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Paygo Maintenance Snow & Ice Subtotal Operating Expenses Debt Service MHS and WT Principal, Interest, and Refinancing Cost of Issuance 158,192,382 54,312,486 69,381,649 9,626,780 61,162,454 85,182,684 38,046,985 475,905,420 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES AND DEBT SERVICE 628,724,926 NET REVENUE BEFORE TRANSFERS Transfers In Transfers Out NET REVENUE/(EXPENSE) 112,932,276 112,932,276 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 152,819,506 3 Massachusetts Transportation Trust Fund Operating Expenses by Division - FY2012 OPERATING EXPENSES BY DIVISION: Aeronautics Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Subtotal Aeronautics ACTUAL FY 2012 278,370 9,332 57,206 344,908 Highway Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Paygo Maintenance Snow & Ice Subtotal Highway 98,741,904 42,369,849 24,384,062 5,374,844 88,379 81,276,726 38,019,041 290,254,804 Rail and Transit Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Subtotal Rail and Transit 59,235,055 59,235,055 Registry Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Subtotal Registry 41,509,576 9,257,651 29,055,138 79,822,364 Office of the Secretary Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Paygo Maintenance Snow & Ice Subtotal Office of the Secretary 17,662,533 2,675,654 15,885,243 4,251,936 1,839,020 3,905,958 27,945 46,248,288 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES BY DIVISION Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 475,905,420 4 Capital Sources and Expenses - FY2012 CAPITAL SOURCES: Restricted Non-Toll Road Sources Special Obligation Debt (Gas Tax, ABP) General Obligation Debt (GO Debt) Federal Reimbursement - Highway Federal Reimbursement – Office of the Secretary Federal Railroad Admin. Reimbursement Transportation Infrastructure Fund Defeased Debt (Chapter 27 Non-budgetary) TOTAL SOURCES ACTUAL FY 2012 298,086,824 744,281,539 530,262,658 19,159,643 26,323,749 2,919,620 1,621,034,033 CAPITAL EXPENSES (See page 6 for expenses by program) Aeronautics Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Subtotal Aeronautics Highway Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Subtotal Highway Rail and Transit Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Subtotal Rail and Transit Office of the Secretary Employee Payroll and Benefits Materials, Supplies, Services Office and Administrative Expenses Construction and Maintenance Grants, Subsidies, Contract Assistance Subtotal Office of the Secretary TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES BY DIVISION 458,377 108,835 4,149 283,385 13,423,337 14,282,083 160,331,706 38,537,828 14,748,249 1,039,259,740 203,836,221 1,456,713,744 6,043,966 8,960 29,529,607 27,828,020 63,410,553 30,949,675 3,294,780 31,654,935 8,041,668 12,686,593 86,627,652 1,621,034,033 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 5 Capital Expenses by Program - FY2012 CAPITAL EXPENSES BY PROGRAM: ACTUAL FY 2012 Accelerated Bridge Program Aeronautics American Recovery & Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Chapter 90 Department of Transportation Federal Aid Interstate Federal Aid Non-interstate Intermodal Mobility Assistance Program Public Works Economic Development Rail and Transit Regional Transit Authority Capital Assistance State Implementation Plan Statewide Road and Bridge Small Town Road Assistance Program Transit Oriented Development Central Artery Project TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES BY PROGRAM 298,086,824 14,282,603 66,370,945 199,947,937 815,689 60,510,639 544,716,057 1,030,983 3,059,937 12,265,852 10,583,660 6,285,770 40,767,909 330,985,499 2,203,983 2,795,996 26,323,749 1,621,034,033 Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 6 Federal Grant Revenue Report - FY2012 GRANT REVENUES BY FEDERAL AGENCY: ACTUAL FY 2012 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program Subtotal FAA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Enhancing Information Safety Data Improvement Commercial Driver’s License System Information Modernization Commercial Vehicle Info Systems Performance/Registration Information System Subtotal FMCSA 151,631 151,631 308,288 65,410 23,099 574,972 221,172 1,192,941 Federal Rail Administration (FRA) ARRA –Tiger Grants ARRA-Knowledge Corridor Restore – Vermonter Project Subtotal FRA 8,791,243 4,775,632 13,566,875 Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Jobs Access/Reverse Commute Section 16B2 Elderly Handicapped Section 8 Planning Grant Section 18 Rural Public Transportation New Freedom Program ARRA-Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas ARRA-Formula Grants for Other Than Urbanized Areas Subtotal FTA 1,391,449 8,746,626 3,051,266 3,367,493 898,018 160,870 6,377,440 23,993,162 U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DOHS) Real ID Demonstration Grant Subtotal DOHS TOTAL GRANT REVENUE Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence 323,177 323,177 39,227,786 7 DRAFT 113990_12 MBTA FS 10/4/12 12:10PM MASSACHUSETTS BAY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (A Component Unit of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation) Statements of Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets Years ended June 30, 20 12 and 20 I I (Dollars in thousands) 2012 Operating revenue: Revenue from transportation Other $ 2011 465.755 63,151 448,81-1 62,321 528,906 511,135 410,156 77,350 183,676 91,988 36,760 7,989 1,346 (22,353) 399,292 67,227 141,035 79,568 34,990 11,125 1,987 (19,351) 786,912 715,873 366,559 212,146 13,122 431,262 8,292 358,679 198,375 3,270 398,010 5,020 1,031,381 963,354 I ,818,293 1,679,227 (1,289,387) (1,168,092) 779,092 160,000 152, 125 1,230 32,599 43,947 (284,560) 767,057 160,000 150,429 1,809 17,457 32,470 (282,651) Nonoperating revenue. net 884,433 846,571 Loss before capital grants (404,954) (321,521) 246,574 239,361 ( 158,380) (82, 160) 2,761,832 2,843,992 2,603,452 2,761,832 Operating expenses: Wages and related employee benefits: Wages Medical and dental insurance Other postemployment benefits Pensions Social security taxes Workers' compensation Other Capitalized costs Other operating expenses: Depreciation and amortization Materials, supplies. and services Injuries and damages Commuter railroad and local subsidy expenses (note 4) Other Total operating expenses Operating loss Nonoperating revenue (expense): Dedicated sales tax revenue (note 14) Contract assistance - Commonwealth of Massachusetts Dedicated local assessments (note 14) Fair value change in investment derivative~ Other income Interest income Interest expense Capital grants and contributions Decrease in net assets Beginning of year net assets $ End of year net assets See accompanying notes to financial statements. 5