1 Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 1:00 PM
MassDOT Planning Conference Room, STB, Boston
Welcome: Catherine Cagle (MassDOT) called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM.
In attendance: Members: Rosalie Anders, Glen Berkowitz, Catherine Cagle,
Tom DiPaolo, Melissa Dullea, Steve Heinrichs, Janie Katz-Christy, Wendy
Landman, Josh Lehman, Jeff McCollough, John McQueen, Steve Miller, Lea
Susan Ojamaa, Joe Repole, Jim Tozza Member participating by conference
call: Rob Miceli Members Absent: Cameron Bain, Ken Brissette, Dan Driscoll,
SGT Shawn Lydon, Danny O’Brien, David Watson Guests: John Allen
(sheldonbrown.com), Frank Dong (MassBike), Tom Evans (MassDOT), Kevin
Horgan (HNTB), Ed Kross (FBPAB), Colleen McGuire (DPH), Arnold Sapenter
(DEP), Aaron Villere (BCU), Trey Wadsworth (MassDOT) Guest participating
by conference call: Tim Kochan (MassDOT)
1. MassDOT Safety Information: Cagle reviewed the standard MassDOT
procedures designed to ensure safety in the event of an emergency.
2. Announcements
 Landman announced that the WalkBoston Annual Meeting, including a
walk with the U.S. Surgeon General, will be held 3/22. A bicycling and
walking summit is also planned for Thursday, 5/17, 10 AM – 1 PM, at the
State House.
 McGuire announced the formation of a task force on bicycling and walking
injuries and requested that anyone interested contact her.
3. Mode Shift:
Wadsworth addressed the following:
 The mode shift plan will be presented to Secretary Davey on 4/30
 Greater mode choice will produce greater safety
 Mode shift performance measures are being established
 The new draft Board logo was used in his PowerPoint presentation
 Members noted that:
o proposed MBTA service reductions will move people to cars and
reduce walking
o travel projects must be prioritized to favor bicycling and walking
o intersections should be redesigned to improve bicycling and
walking movement and safety
4. WeMove Massachusetts: Wadsworth announced that this initiative is part of
the MassDOT strategic plan. Its purpose is to prioritize investment across modes.
Tools are being developed for needs-based, rather than project-based,
discussion. Members commented:
Transportation for MA and Transportation for America guidance should be
There should be greater transparency in project selection
Cuts to transportation budgets should be factored in
Looking beyond Boston to strengthen Regional Transit Agencies (RTAs)
should be encouraged
Data mining techniques can be put to better use for transportation
5. Draft Work Plan: Cagle provided background on the work plan, and the
products it may provide. She noted that the Board has expressed its support of
the Work Plan. She also mentioned that three Board meetings are scheduled at
Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs): CMRPC in Worcester, 5/16; OCPC in
Brockton, 7/18; and, NMCOG in Lowell, 11/21, to gain greater familiarization with
regional initiatives. Members suggested that Highway Division Directors and
District Bicycle-Pedestrian Coordinators attend these meetings at RPAs, and that
others with local involvement and expertise also be invited to participate.
6. Comments and Questions: Landman announced that today was the last day
for the proposed legislation to reduce the speed limit on local roads to 25 mph
from 30 mph to be read out of committee. Ojamaa added that Health Impact
Assessments (HIAs) supported lower speeds, so DPH supports this legislation.
Allen expressed concern that proposed Federal transportation legislation would
prohibit bicycling on Federal roads with a speed limit greater than 30 mph. Input
was provided to legislators at the National Bicycling Summit.
Cagle summarized current Bay State Bicycle Week BSBW) plans. Its web page
is being populated. (www.baystatebikeweek.org). Bells and other items will be
distributed to participants during the week.
Anders mentioned International Car Free Week; Landman suggested a highvisibility event such as closure of the Kennedy Greenway corridor, jointly
sponsored by MassDOT and the City of Boston.
7. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled Wednesday, May 16, 11 AM –
1 PM, at the Central MA Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC), Union
Station, 2 Washington Square, Worcester.
The remaining 2012 meetings are tentatively scheduled as follows: July 18
(Brockton), September 18 (Boston), and November 21 (Lowell). The meetings at
the RPAs are accessible by transit, and consistent with the Board’s charge to
represent interests Statewide.
8. Adjournment: Cagle adjourned the meeting at 3:00.