1 Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 1:00 PM MassDOT Planning Conference Room State Transportation Building, 10 Park Plaza, Boston 1. Welcome and Introductions: Catherine Cagle chaired the meeting that began at 1:05 PM with the MassDOT safety briefing. She also led a brief remembrance in honor of Danny O’Brien, long-time Board member and DCR railtrail planner. In attendance: Members: Rosalie Anders, Cameron Bain, Glen Berkowitz, Catherine Cagle, Tom DiPaolo, Melissa Dullea, Steve Heinrichs, Janie KatzChristy, Wendy Landman, Josh Lehman, John McQueen, Steve Miller, Lea Susan Ojamaa, Joe Repole, Jim Tozza, David Watson Attending by Conference Call: Jeff McCollough Members Absent: Ken Brissette, Dan Driscoll, SGT Shawn Lydon, Rob Miceli Guests: John Allen (Waltham), Christine Bettin (CTPS), Pat Brown, Cathy Garnett (DCR), Bill Hanson (FBPAC), Jeremy Hanson (BikesNotBombs), Peter James (DPH), David Loutzenheiser (MAPC), Al Miller (MassDOT), Alison Pultinas, David Shedd (MassDOT), Ben Wood (DPH) 2. Work Plan: Project Input: Discussion first focused on Board input to MassDOT and the Regional Planning Agencies (RPAs) on projects in design, and the projects’ consideration of walking and bicycling. Wendy Landman suggested that Stan Wood and Lou Rabito of the MassDOT Highway Division Design Section be invited to future meetings. Catherine Cagle suggested that members send specific project information to Josh Lehman, copying her. She added that the GreenDOT Policy Implementation Plan was being finalized and would be published next month. Work Plan: 25 MPH Speed Limit in Urban Areas: A presentation on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for a proposed reduction of urban speed limits to 25 MPH followed, provided by Ben Woods (Department of Public Health, DPH), and Peter James (Metropolitan Area Planning Council, MAPC). Lea Susan Ojamaa stated that HIAs are designed to shape projects at their outset and to provide a broader view than, say, a legally-mandated instrument, such as an Environmental Impact Statement. The HIA that was presented is currently under review, but will be finalized and made public shortly. It was funded by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and represents a collaborative effort between DPH, MAPC and the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS). The 25 MPH HIA examined a number of factors to be considered, and a range of potential outcomes, such as more positive perception of bicycling and walking conditions on speed-reduced roadways, reduction of fatalities and non-fatal 2 crashes, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. The study recognizes that enforcement plays a major role in actually reducing speeds. Work Plan: Culture Change to Reduce Driving: Board members suggested that the emphasis be shifted to “Culture change to increase walking, bicycling and transit use.” Other boards, it was noted, address transit, and this Board should engage with them. There are a number of ways to promote walking, bicycling, and transit, namely: better health; economic vitality; reduced expenses; environmental justice; fun, enjoyment and social benefits; and, independence. There was agreement that current, effective marketing tools should be applied to increase walking, bicycling and transit use, and that a positive approach may have more wide-ranging and lasting results. 3. Moving Together 2012: Josh Lehman noted that JudyAnnBigby, MD, Secretary of Health and Human Services, would be the Keynote speaker. More detailed workshop information is being posted on the conference website. Space for registrants is still available, so he urged Board members and guests to help spread the word to their colleagues. 4. Public Comments: Bill Hanson announced an MAPC MetroWest Subregional meeting to discuss the use of MA Water Resources Authority (MWRA) rights of way for walking and bicycling. Joe Repole announced the Hub on Wheels events this coming weekend, 9/22-23. 5. Future Meetings: Attendees were reminded that the Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) will host the meeting in Lowell on 11/14. This meeting is scheduled 1 – 3 PM. 6. Adjournment: Josh Lehman adjourned the meeting at 3:05 PM.