1 Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 1:00 PM
MassDOT Planning Conference Room
State Transportation Building (STB), 10 Park Plaza, Boston
1. Welcome and Introductions: Catherine Cagle chaired the meeting that
began at 1:05 PM with the MassDOT safety briefing.
In attendance: Members: Rosalie Anders, Cameron Bain, Catherine Cagle,
Rick Corsi (representing Dan Driscoll, DCR), Tom DiPaolo, Steve Heinrichs,
Janie Katz-Christy, Linda Lally, Wendy Landman, Josh Lehman, John McQueen,
Rob Miceli, Steve Miller, Lea Susan Ojamaa, Joe Repole, Jim Tozza, David
Watson Member attending by conference call: Jeff McCollough Members
Absent: Glen Berkowitz, Ken Brissette, SGT Shawn Lydon Guests: Johanna
Blue, Becca Cyr (both MassRIDES), Tom Evans, Trey Wadsworth, Steve Woelfel
(all MassDOT), Brent Whelan (Charles River Conservancy) Guest attending by
conference call: John Allen
2. The Way Forward: A 21st-Century Transportation Plan: Catherine Cagle
introduced Steve Woelfel, MassDOT Director of Strategic Planning. He provided
an overview, based upon a 1/18/13 PowerPoint presentation, on the recentlyreleased statewide transportation plan released at UMass-Boston.
 Finances are a central issue, as is the increased consolidation and
coordination of MassDOT’s constituent agencies.
 A number of initiatives, designed to increase technological innovation –
such as transit apps, electronic tolling, and production of transit rolling
stock in Massachusetts – are outlined in the plan.
 The initiatives addressed in the plan are designed to be implemented with
State funding, although Federal funds will also be accessed.
 The Bay State Greenway (BSG) network will shape shared use path
 A number of other key initiatives – South Coast Rail, expansion of South
Station, rail service between Boston and Springfield, Cape Cod summer
rail service, and Pittsfield-NYC rail service - are also designed to prompt
mode shift.
 MassDOT is taking a multi-modal approach to improving transportation
 New projects will be identified and developed using the resources of
MassDOT’s Research Section and Bay State Roads.
 The plan will likely be modified through the legislative process.
3. Meeting Notes: The draft meeting notes from the 11/14/12 meeting at the
Northern Middlesex Council of Governments (NMCOG) in Lowell were distributed
and approved.
4. Mode Shift Meeting: Catherine Cagle reviewed the follow-up meeting on
Mode Shift held with Secretary Davey after the Moving Together 2013
She was greatly encouraged that the meeting lasted 1 ½ hours though
originally scheduled for 30 minutes.
Steve Miller observed that the Secretary appeared incredibly open to and
interested in the recommendations for change.
David Watson noted that ongoing mode shifts will require embedding and
institutionalizing changes.
Wendy Landman added that transit changes were central to encouraging
and increasing the use of other modes.
5. Board Composition:
 Catherine Cagle stated that the Board representatives from the State
Police and the Office of Travel and Tourism (MOTT) had not been
attending on a consistent basis.
 She added that there is still one opening for a pedestrian representative,
as well as an opening for a bicycling member who represents the bicycling
industry. Board recommendations for these openings are welcome.
 Lehman added that draft letters from Secretary Davey to the State Police
and to MOTT had been prepared, seeking new agency representatives. In
addition, a draft letter had been prepared to the Executive Office of Energy
and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) requesting that a new member be
appointed to replace Danny O’Brien.
6. 2013 Work Plan: Trey Wadsworth covered potential topics:
 New Pedestrian Plan
 Bay State Bike Week and Bay State Walk Week
 Highway Design Guide Update
 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
 Engaging 351 Partners: Towns & Cities in Massachusetts
 Demography/Social Justice/Equity
 Transit Access
 Innovations in Bicycle & Pedestrian Design
Catherine Cagle touched upon ways in which the Board could potentially assist
with developing and delivering these work items, all of which will be discussed
more fully at subsequent meetings to be held throughout 2013. The Safe Routes
to School (SRTS) program may also offer the potential to supplement these
The primary focus of the March 27 meeting will be:
 New pedestrian plan: scope and desired outcomes
 Bay State Bike Week and Bay State Walk Week
7. Next Meeting: The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 27,
at the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), 3rd floor conference room, 60
Temple Place, Boston. Additional information will be distributed in advance.
8. Adjournment: Catherine Cagle adjourned the meeting at 3:05 PM.