Fast Track To Work Newsletter Free Personal Counseling Available at FTTW!

Cabrillo College
Fast Track To Work
F AL L 2006
Free Personal Counseling Available at FTTW!
By Dena Taylor, Program Manager
This year, Fast Track is very
fortunate to have two social
work interns working in our
office. Nana Montgomery and
Jennifer Walker are both in the
master‟s program in social work
at San Jose State University.
They can connect you with
services you may need both at
Cabrillo and in the larger
community, as well as offer
personal counseling in times of
stress. If you are experiencing
difficulty at school, at home,
with your family, or emotionally,
please do not hesitate to contact
them at the FTTW office.
Jennifer‟s number is 477-5294;
Nana‟s is 477-5627. The
counseling is confidential, and
private rooms are available.
To Our WIA, CalWORKs and Grove Scholar Students
By Catherine Lachance, Services Coordinator
When I was in college and
struggling along with my classes
and life challenges I had no idea
I would have the privilege of
working with all of you some
day. How lucky I am to learn
from you and celebrate with you.
Keep showing up to class, keep
asking questions, and keep
coming into Fast Track To
Gr ov e
My book group has done it
I am touched by each one of you
and amazed at your patience and
determination to continue your
education. We have less than 7
weeks to go…
again! We have a holiday gift
for each of your children. Please
come in between now and
December 21st to pick up your
children‟s gift.
New Office Hours
Fast Track To Work office will
now be open during the lunch
hour on Mondays.
*FTTW Office Hours*
Monday 8:00am -5:00pm
Tuesday -Thursday 8:00am-12
& 1:00pm -5:00pm
Friday 8:00am -12 noon
Scholar s : T his
semester started with 15 grove
scholars and all 15 will complete
their first semester at Cabrillo.
Go Grove Scholars!
favorite quote:
“There is no such thing as a
„natural.‟ A natural dancer has
to practice hard. A natural
painter has to paint all the
time…” Joe Louis
From Claire Rubach’s Desk
Hope your fall semester
went well for you.
Please call or make an
appointment if you
have any concerns or
questions about any
matters that may have
come up this last
semester. Maybe there
techniques that you
could benefit from?
Perhaps you are
wondering if you may
have a learning
disability. These are just
a couple of examples of
topics that can be
covered in an academic
c o u n s e l i n g
appointment. I also
have a binder full of up
to date scholarship
If your education plan
needs updating please
make an appointment
as soon as possible.
Remember that the
sooner you sign up for
winter and/or spring
classes, the more likely
it is that the class will
still be available.
Enjoy your holidays and
take time to relax with
family and friends!
Looking forward to
seeing you.
Fast Track Student Employment Awards Are Available Now!
By Karen Farrow, Job Developer
We have jobs on and off campus
for CalWORKs students who are
enrolled in at least 6 units. The
great thing about this program is
that the money does not count
against your cash aid. We will
work with you to find a job that
will get you experience in your
chosen major. Please call Karen
Farrow in the Fast Track office at
477-5626 or come by room 802
for information or to schedule
an appointment.
“Small opportunities are often the
beginning of great enterprises.”
Demosthenes, Greek orator &
politician (384 BC - 322 BC)
“The big secret in life is that there
is no big secret. Whatever your
goal, you can get there if you're
willing to work.” Oprah Winfrey,
actress & television talk show host
Interested in making some
extra money that won’t
count against your
CalWORKs benefits?
*** Important *** Registration Timeline
10/30/06-1/1/07: Registration dates
for Wintersession 2007
12/4-1/31: Registration dates for
Spring 2007
12/11-12/16: Fall Final Exams
12/16: End of Fall Semester
12/22-1/1: Cabrillo College Closed
1/2: Wintersession Begins
It is once again time
1/2-1/3: Late registration for Winter
to register for
1/15: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
upcoming classes!
1/29: End of Wintersession
Page 2
2/5: Spring Semester Begins
2/5-2/20: Late registration for Spring
2/16 & 19: Presidents‟ Holidays
2/20: Census Day
3/23: Deadline to apply for a degree/
4/2-4/7: Spring Break
5/28: Memorial Day Holiday
5/29-6/2: Spring Finals
6/1: Graduation
6/2: End of Spring Semester
Fall 2006