Community Briefing Weld Hill Neighborhood February 4, 2014

Community Briefing
Weld Hill Neighborhood
February 4, 2014
Today’s Agenda
Welcome & Introductions
Final Design Overview
Traffic Concerns
Upper Bus-Way Changes
A Brief Video
Construction Coordination
Question & Answer
Where We Are Today
Where We Will Be in 2016
Traffic Concerns
• Things we heard from you:
– “Exiting Weld Hill Street in the morning is
– “Hyde Park Avenue is congested already.
What will happen when this job is done?”
– “School buses are moving to Forest Hills
Station. What does this mean for traffic on
Hyde Park Avenue?”
Today’s Traffic Problems
Extensive data gathered for the planning and design process
shows that traffic problems:
Traffic Improvements
• Very briefly: the Casey Arborway design serves 2035 traffic volumes
better than today’s design. Why?
– Standard 4-way intersections are instinctive to drivers.
– Standard 4-way intersections improve signal coordination.
– Median accommodation of east/west left turns make key intersections
more efficient.
– Improved, up-to-date signal equipment connected to BTD control.
• What does this mean for Weld Hill residents?
– More predictable, even traffic flow on Hyde Park Avenue.
– Easier exits from streets like Woodlawn and Weld Hill.
• Want to know more?
– See
School Bus Operations
• 2011 – Planning Process:
– WAG notes school buses as traffic and
student safety issue
• 2012-2013 – Design Process:
– Conversations with BPS, METCO, MBTA
• 2013-2014 School Year:
– School buses operate from New Washington
– Curbside throughout the corridor
School Buses 2016
• Operations consolidated at
Forest Hills Station offstreet.
• Benefits:
– Safer student
– Better security from MBTA
• MBTA PD likes this approach.
– No more roving stop signs for
– Waiting parents off roadways
Upper Bus-Way
• What we heard from you:
“What will this mean in terms of noise?”
“What will this mean in terms of air quality”
“What about development at Forest Hills Station?”
“How will the view from the Hyde Park Avenue side of
the station change?”
Upper Bus-Way Detail
Why the Change?
• Route 39 bus must be relocated for bridge
• Pulls taxis away from Asticou/Martinwood/South
Street neighborhood.
• Improves operations at Washington Street/South
• Consolidates MBTA bus operations at Forest Hills
• Neutral impact on Route 39 headways.
– Significant discussions with MBTA bus operations
• Upper bus-way patrons still board/alight under
cover as today.
Minimal Impacts I
• Noise:
– Noise changes from the upper bus-way shift will not be
perceptible to the human ear on Washington Street west of
the station.
– Weld Hill neighborhood further away.
– Major elements between Weld Hill neighborhood and
upper bus-way remain:
• MBTA parking area
• Mature trees along Hyde Park Avenue
• Hyde Park Avenue
• Want to know more?
– See
Minimal Impacts II
• Project does not lead to changes in air
– Air quality study by CTPS.
– Environmental justice study by CTPS.
– Certification of project by Executive Office of
Energy and Environmental Affairs through MEPA
• Bus-way changes do not change
development potential at Forest Hills Station
• Want to know more?
– See
Visual Impacts
Some Views of Today
Ukraine Way
Ukraine Way
Weld Hill Street
Weld Hill Street
Woodlawn Street
Woodlawn Street
Tower Street
Tower Street
Visual Impacts
A Short Film
Simplified Construction Timing
What to Expect During Construction
• Public involvement does not end when construction begins:
– Public involvement staff from MassDOT and contractor team.
– MassDOT resident engineer on site at all times when work is
– Updates through public information meetings, neighborhood
briefings, project website, email blasts and MassDOT social
• Other important elements:
– Today’s Washington Street/New Washington Street intersection
to remain open and operating throughout construction.
– Contractor must submit for approval by MassDOT and then
abide by dust and noise control plans.
– Ongoing traffic monitoring during project, especially around
major milestones, to check for developing cut-through issues.
Question & Answer