Measures of Evaluation 07/29/11 Mission Provide better modal connections, reconnect the historic landscape for the Emerald Necklace, improve Statement: access and circulation for transit, pedestrian and bicycle without creating unacceptable vehicular traffic congestion/delays. Mobility: The ability to reach a destination and to use, choose and transfer modes within reasonable time and costs. Mobility is higher when average travel times, variations in travel times, and travel costs are low. The provision of multi-modal opportunities is essential for good mobility. Guiding Principles: Livability: The use of transportation investments to improve the standard of living, the environment, and quality of life for all communities. Livable communities are places where transportation, housing and commercial development investments have been coordinated so that people have access to adequate, affordable and environmentally sustainable travel options. 1. Improve safety for all users. 5. Integrate artistic elements in designs. 2. Improve quality of life for residents. 6. Adopt the principles of Universal Design (accessible and barrier-free design). 3. Address a structurally deficient bridge. 7. Protect and respect the design for Arborway Yard. 4. Strive to have an inclusive process for the sharing of information. 8. Develop alternatives that meet ABP budget and schedule. Any comments received prior to 7/12/11 were considered while consolidating the 12 MOE's presented at the WAG 4A meeting on 7/13/11. Those comments received after that time that are applicable to the 12 MOE's presented at the WAG 4A are shown below. Goal 1 # Improve Roadway Geometry to Enhance Circulation for all Modes and Users Objective 1.01 Minimize local street impacts of cut through traffic 1.02 Enhance pedestrian and bicycle environment 1.03 3 Goal 2 # Improve roadway and intersection operations for vehicles Total Objective 2.01 2.02 Improve bikeability and walkability, bicycle and pedestrian access Goal 3 # 3.01 3.02 2 Changes in forecast traffic volumes on key local streets Increase in forecast traffic volume Projected pedestrian level of services (PLOS) Type/quality of bike path Projected bike level of services (BLOS) Vehicle level of Service (LOS) and overall delay Simplify network - number of turns between specific destinations Improve Access, Modal and Intermodal Local and Regional Corridor Connections to Promote Transportation Choices Maintain or improve surface loading points for passengers at Forest Hills Station 2 Measure Measure Number of and access to Forest Hills Station loading points Connectivity of bike paths - quality of connections Number of lanes crossed between respites Minimum sidewalk width Total Remove Barriers for Neighborhood Connections and Integrate Transit into Economic Centers and Residential Areas Objective Measure Support access to future development Allows curb access to development parcels Promote modal connections that reduce use of personal Number of modal connections created vehicles Total Goal 4 # Integrate Sustainability into Design Concepts Objective Measure 4.01 Increase tree canopy 4.02 Minimize adverse environmental impacts 4.03 3 Minimize life cycle costs Total Number of net trees planted in the study area Reduce Stormwater run off Minimize Light pollution Comparison of life cycle costs Goal 5 # Create a Destination and Sense of Place and Celebrate the Area's Architectural, Transportation and Open Space History Objective Measure 5.01 Total amount of contiguous space Increase space for community gatherings or activities and create a sense of place (e.g., parks, farmers/artists Creation of areas for community gatherings markets, outdoor public gathering space, or similar uses) Design solution creates a sense of place 5.02 Enhance value of commercial and residential buildings through improved visual or aesthetic changes. Level of infrastructure intensity resulting in market conditions Increase in opportunity for new homes, places of work, and access to goods, services and community resources in the Forest Hill Business District 5.03 Create a bridge or at grade design which reestablishes Emerald Necklace connections and reinforces the Olmsted's Emerald Necklace vision Compliance with Olmsted's vision and connection to the Emerald Necklace 3 Goal 6 # Total Improve the Visibility, Connectivity and Access to Gateway Open Spaces Objective 6.01 Enhance visual quality - (Edge) - and increase open vistas, views, view corridors and access to light and air 6.02 Increase amount of green and landscaped area 2 15 Total Total number of MOE's Measure Measure of visual quality along New Washington Street Area of shadow cast by bridge Amount of new vistas, views and view corridors created Total amount of landscaped areas (green space) by alternative Total amount of contiguous green and open space