APPENDIX A Inspection Reports r\lovemoer ,jU, LUUtt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sta\e Information BDEPT#=" 047 CASEY OVERPASS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Classificalion Agency Br,No, 816367 047 B.f.N= 4EX AASHTO= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Identification (104) Highway System 031.2 FHWA Select list::: (8) Structure Number (100) Defense Highway B163674EXDOTNBI (101) Parallel Structure 131002030 (5) Inventory Route 04 07000 COMB WASH ST&AMTK&ORNG (6) Features intersected ST203 MONSGR CASEY .5 MI E OF BUSSEY ST (9) LocaUon (11) l(lIomelerpoint 0001.979 (12) Base Highway Network y (13) LRS Inventory Route & Subroute (26) Functional Class- Y (2) State Highway Department District (3) County Code 025 (4) Place code (7) Facility Carried Y Y (112) NBIS Bridge Length L.O. MDC Town= Boston Urban Arterial 14 o N 2 2-waytraffic (102) Dlrectfon of Traffic - N (103) Temporary Struclure (105) Federal Lands Highways o (110) Designated NaUonal Network N 3 On free road (20) TolI(21) Maintain - State Highway Agency 01 (22) Owner- State Highway Agency 01 built after 1949 presumed to be not eligil Z (37) Historical Significance _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Condilion Code 000000000000 (16) Latitude 420EG 18 MIN 04.99 SEC (58) Deck 5 (17) Longitude 71 DEG 06 MIN 49.86 SEC (59) Superstructure (60) Substructure 5 (98) Border Bridge State Code % (99) Border Bridge Structure No. # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Structure Type and Material (43) Structure Type Main: N (61) Channel & Channel Protection N (62) Culverts _ _ _ _ _ _ Co<Ie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Load Rating and Posting Code Steel Stringer/Girder 4 JoinUess bridge type: 302 Not applicable (44) Structure Type Appr: 2 2 H 15"M 13.5 (31) Design Load - (63) Operating Rating Method - Allowable Stress (AS) 35,6 (64) Operating Rating Other Code (45) Number of spans in main unit (46) Number of approach Spans (107) Deck Structure Type- 000 (65) Inventol)' Rating Method - 020 (66) Inventory Rating 0000 15.9 5 (70) Bridge Posting for other restrict (41) _ _Structure· _ _ _ _ _ _ _Posted ___ Appraisal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CodeR Code Concrete Cast·in-Place 2 Allowable Stress (AS) (108) Wearing Surface 1 Protective System: A} Type of wearing surface - Latex Concrete 8) Type of membrane - 3 Code None 0 Code C) Type of deck protection· None Code 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .Age and Service _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (57) Structural Evaluation 2 (68) Deck Geometry 4 N N (69) Underclearances, vert, and hafIz, (71) Waterway adequacy (72) Appto3ch Roadway Alignment (27) Year Built 1951 (106) Year Reconstructed 1991 (42) Type of Service: OnUnder- HIghway Code HWY-RR (28) Lanes: On Structure 05 (29) Average Daily Traffic 1997 (30) Year of ADT 14 Under structure 04 N_ (113) _ _Scour _ _CriUesl _ _Bridges _ _ _ _ _ Inspeclions _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 01/30/08 (90) Inspection Date MOA) % 00 MOB) 00100100 Y 06 MOC) 07127/09 00509.0 M 02.9 M RI9ht 02.9 M (51) Bridge RoadwayWfdlh Curb to Curb 016.5 M (52) Deck Width Out 10 Out 024.4 M (32) Approach Roadway Width (w/shoulders) 020.7 M (33) Bridge Median(34) Skew Closed median (no barrier) 00 DEG (e) Other Special Inspection N 00 MO") 00/00100 (") Closed Bridge N 00 MO~) 00100100 (.) UW Special Inspection N 00 MO") 00/00100 0 08.2 M (53) Min Vert Clear Over Bridge Rdwy (54) Min Vert Underclear ref H (55) Min Lat Underclear RT ref N (56) Lal T _ _ Navigation Data _ _ Min __ _Underclear _ _ _ _L_ (38) Navigation Control- Not applicable, no watelWay (39) Navigation Vertical Clearance (116) Vert-lift Bridge Nav Min Vert Clear (40) NavIgation Horizontal Clearance N _(0) _Damage _ _ _Inspection _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Raling Loads _ _ _ MO") _ _ _ _ _ _00100/00 _ __ 04/02179 Report Date Operating H20 Type 3 Type 352 Type HS 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 Inventory 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FleldPosling _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Status Posting Date POSTED 99.99 M (47) Inventory Roule Total Horlz Clear (111) Pier Protection 2 Code (35) Structure Flared (10) Inventory Route MIN Vert Clear 00/00/00 00 N 0029.0 M Left MO N 000 KM (49) Structure Length 06 (93) CFI DATE (A) Fracture Critical Detail (") Other Inspection (50) Curb or sIdewalk: (91) Frequency (92) CrlUcal Feature InspecUon: (B) Underwater Inspection 01 (48) Length of maximum span 6 0 0 0 032600 (109) Truck ADT (19) length _ _Bypass, _ _ _detour ___ _ _ _ _ 'Geometric Data o (3S) Traffic Safety Features 2 Axle 16 Actual 04/19179 5 Axle 2S 3 Axle 21 99.99 M Recommended 02.99 M MiSSing Signs N _ _ _ _ _ ,Mlsc. ....:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ ___ 00.0 M 01.BM Code N Code 000.0 M M 0000.0 M Bridge Name N 047 CASEY OVERPASS Anti-missile fence N Acrow Panel N Jointless Bridge Freezeffhaw Accessibility (Needed/Used) NIN liftbucket NIN Rigging N/N Ladder N 1N Staging N/N 80at NIN Traffic Control N/N Wader NI N RR Flagperson NIN Inspector 50 N/N Police Inspection Hours: 006 MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1 2 - OIS1 1 fB1.N.l S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 07-F ACILITY CARRIED 26·FUNCTIONAL CLASS COMB WASH ST&AMTK&ORNG Urban Arterial 43-STRUCTURE TYPE 302 : Steel Stringer/Girder f:~~v J07-DECK TYPE WEATHER 1 : Concrete Cast-in-Place 11 ! 27-YR BUILT 047 CASEY OVERPASS 06-FEATURES INTERSECTED ~tate DEF "'8@Cd,' 0 SUPERSTRUCTURE DEF S-A 2.0eck Condition 5 Sop 2.Floorbeams N '. ~ •. 'in place forms 3 M-P 3.Floor System Bracing N - 6 M-P 4.Girders or Beams 5 M-P N - .. 4 M-P • 7 M-A I. 5 M-P a.Railing 9.Anti Missile Fence 7 M-P N - 5.Trusses ~ General a. Upper Chords N b. Lower Chords N c. Web Members N d. Lateral Bracing N e. Sway Bracings N f. Portals N g. EndPosts N - - 4 Sop 4 Sop 12. Utilities 4 Sop 6.Pin & Hangers N 13.Deck Joints 4 Sop 7.Conn Pit's, Gussets & Angles 5 110. 111.' ,_ ••,. ,System Standards 14. N - a.Cover Plates 15. N - N 16. 5 N CURB REVEAL (In millimeters) 1 254 1 1 254 APPROACHES 1 5 M-P b. Appr. Roadway 5 M-P I c. Appr. Sidewalk 7 - N d. - M-P 5 M-P 9.Bearing Devices 5 M-A 10. Diaphragms 3 S-A 11. Rivets & Bolts 12. Welds 5 M-P 13. Member Alignment 5 M-P 14. PaintlCoating 4 Sop 5 DEF a. Appr. pavement condition 15. M-P N I 1Year Painted INone ( ILOAD ) Minor ( - I X p,., •• ..... /. 1nn ".'n •• DAMAGE: ) PROJ MGR HNTB Corporation B. O'ARTISTA, M. BEINTUM _1°C 3 . 0000 D. J. Consentino TEAM MEMBERS TEMP. (air) 1.Stringers -.. 1991 TEAM LEADER J. Carney M-P _._L I06-YR REBUILT YR REHAB'O (NON 106) 1951 5 surface JAN 29,2010 Highway IIiDi1BI 0 90-ROUTINE INSP. DATE O:OPEN DISI. BRIDGE INSPECTION ENGINEER 21-MAINTAINER Varied 41-STATUS 001.979 MEMORIAL NAME/LOCAL NAME ST203 MONSGR CASEY B-16-367 II-Kilo. POINT B16367 -4EX-OOT -NBI DECK BR. DEPT. NO. ROUTINE & SPECIAl. MEMBER INSPECTION CITyrroWN IIiii11D I STRUCTURES INSPECTION FIELD REPORT ~ 04 PAGE_1_ OF 70 ,( X)Severe( I Please explain ) Minor ( X ) Moderate ( ) Severe ( ) 0 SUBSTRUCTURE 11. ""u, IDiv,lcu, 1 a. N N I b. a,idae Seats I c. N N N 6 6 6 6 N 6 H H N 7 m. N N a. N 3 b, CaDS c N 5 N i N d. N N N N ' e. f. .,- a. Pointina h. N i. Piles I / Seou, N 6_ M-P M-P M-P M-P M-P - .. .. i k ' I 12. Piers or Bents I d. I e. Pointino I f. Footinn I a. Piles I h.Seou, Ii N N N H N 7 5 5 1 a. PII. "an< N N I b. Piles I c, n' Irl I e. N N N N ~Bents M_P H N ,S"cko M_P N N N N ' "', M_P •6 N / 3~ M_P N.- ,/ anJeina UNDERMINING (YIN) N N N N - - If YES please explain I N nl:'l:'l OVERHEAD SIGNS (Attached to bridge) (YIN) 0 DEF ,fWelds i I a. I b. Condition of Bolts N c. Condition of Signs N N X=UNKNOWN RTN(1)7-9S § INone ( ILOAD VIBRATION: INone ( ) Minor ( X Please explain ) Moderate ( ) Severe ( Any Fracture Critical Member: (YIN) Any Cracks: (YIN) 0 N=NOT APPLICABLE 0 ) ) COLLISION DAMAGE: None (X ) Minor ( ) Moderate ( ) Severe ( ) SCOUR: Please eXl2iain None (X ) Minor ( ) Moderate ( ) Severe ( ) /·60 (Dive Report): 0 93B-UIW (DIVE) Insp H=HIDDENIINACCESSIBLE /·60 (This Report): 1 0 00/00/00 R=REMOVED 1 PAGE B.l.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI BOSTON 2 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 (V/N/P) ACCESSIBILITY 0 ~~13~21Isin~le I Not Applicable Actual Posting Recommended Posting Waived Date: I 00100100 ~~~~ IEJDMT Date: I 00100100 Signs In Place (y=Yes,N=No, NR=NotRequired) Legibility/ Visibility TOTAL HOURS PLANS Not Applicablf ~ Actual Field Measurement STREAM FLOW VELOCITY: Tidal ( ) High ( ) Moderate ( ) Low ( ) None ( (V.C.R.) Posted Clearance X (yIN): (Y/N)~ TAPE#: ITEM 61 (Dive Report): ~ 93b-UIW INSP. DATE: Rating Report (YIN) Date: I ITEM 61 (This Report) I 00100100 G List of field tests performed: Visual, Hands-On; D-Meler I (To be filled out by DBIE) ~ 04/19/1979 Signs In Place f'{=Yes,N=No, NR=NotRequired) Request for Rating or Rer.ting (YIN): I ~ If YES lease ive riori : HIGH ( ) MEDIUM ( REASON: Inspection data at time of existing rating 158: - 159: - 160: Date :01/02/1979 CONDITION CONDITION C 2 c T NG GUIDE DEFECTS CRITICAL "IMMINENT' FAILURE o FAILED Qut of service - beyond corrective action. DEFICIENCY REPORTING GUIDE CATEGORIES OF DEFICIENCIES: M= Minor Deficicncy- '~:I:.e~~osr ::~~~ ;;Ii~IO:~,~ ~~~~~e$.;;,cu~~g~I~:;~ I~~~~~~~ e~~~c1ural integrity of the bridge and could easily be mpaTrnd. Examples Include but arc not !imilml 10: Spalled concrete, Minor pol S= Severc/M aj or Dcficicncy- ~~~:~::d~j~r:,~~n~~:~;I~S!~~I~;:~~~~~~~I~:~~;;~:~~nngn~?u~~~:~~n~~ ~~:rn~~:;:~:~~i~~::~::;: t~O~I~m~I::~;:;:;mV:I~~!~~~~;~d~:~~~;~o~i~~~~~te. Exposed C-S= Critical Structural Deficiency _ ~t:~~yC~~rh~ ~~I~~ural element of a bridge thai poses an exlmme unsafe cond~ion due \0 the failure or ImmInent failure a/the element which will affect the structural e-H= Cri ti cal Hazard Defi deney - ~~~:~~~fu~e~~Pao~e~~t,f~~:~~~; ~~~s~~:!~! k~~~n~nd~:~~V~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~:~~IiC:n~~~o~~I~ ti~e/su~!a~~~~;t~~~t:1s~;~fueli:~~~~~~~~:~~;:Z ~I~~rn~~eg~ion of bridge railing, etc. URGENCY OF REPAIR: I = Immediate- [Inspector(s) Immediately contact District Bridge InspecHon Engineer (DalE) 10 reporlthe Deficiency and 10 receive further instruction from hlmlhcr]. A=ASAP~ !Actlon/Rcpairshould be Initiated by Dislrict Mainlenunce Engineer orlhe Responsible Party (if not a Stale owned bridge) upon receipt ollhe Inspection Report]. P = Prioritize- [Shall be prioriltzcd by D~lrict Maintenance Engineer or Ihc Responsible Party (if not a Siale owned bridge) and repairs mude when funds and/or manpower is available]. RTB(2)04-07 PAGE MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 12-DIS11~ STRUCTURES INSPECTION FIELD REPORT 04 ~ 3 BR. DEPT. NO. ROUTINE & SPECIAL MEMBER INSPECTION CITvrroWN S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 07-FACILIrY CARRIED B-16-367 II-Kilo. POINT 90-ROUTfNE INSP. DATE 001.979 Jan 29, 2010 93*-SPEC. MEMB. INSP. DA Jan 29, 2010 MEMORIAL NAl\I1EILOCAL NAME ST203 MONSGR CASEY *YR REHAB'O (NON 106) 047 CASEY OVERPASS 06-FEATURES INTERSECTED 26-FUNCTIONAL CLASS COMB WASH ST&AMTK&ORNG Urban Arterial 1951 1991 0000 D. J. Consentino DIST. BRIDGE INSPECTION ENGINEER TEAM LEADER J. Carney 43-STRUCTURE TYPE OF 70 PROJ MGR HNTB Corporation 302 : Steel Stringer/Girder I07-DECK TYPE TEAM MEMBERS 1 : Concrete Cast-in-Place B. D'ARTISTA, M. BEINTUM WEIGHT POSTING At brid e Signs In Place (y=Yes,N=No, Actual Posting Waived Date: NR=NotRequired) Legibilityl Visibility iru;m;;-;n;;=r; Advance 8Si@Si RATING Rating Report (YIN) 158: _ ~ Request for Rating or Rerating (YIN): Date: 1L-_O_4_'_19_'_19_7_9_-, Inspection data at time of existing rating 159: _ 160: _ 162: _ Date :01/02/1979 MEMBER CRACK (YIN): N N N REASON: 0 PLANS (V.C.R.) TAPE#: If YES please give priority: IHIGH ( ) MEDIUM ( I LOCATION OF CORROSION, SECTION LOSS ("ho), CRACKS, COLLISION DAMAGE, STRESS CONCENTRATION, ETC. See remarks in comments section. See remarks in comments section. See remarks in comments section. INV. RATING OF MEMBER Deficiencies 3 3 Not Rated S-A 3 3 Not Rated S-A 6 3 Not Rated C-S-I I-58 List offield tests performed: Visual, Hands-On; D-Meter ) LOW ( (Overall Previous Condition) (Overall Current Condition) I-59 1-60 1-62 QJ~~D 0000 CA TEGORIES OF DEFICIENCIES: 1\:1= Minor Deficiency- '~:I~~~e~~~~~:Si~r:: ::;~t~~:~ ~f~~~~g,~~r;:;.lItl~~;:j! integrity of the bridge and could easily be repaired. Examples include but are notlimiled to: Spalled concrete. Minor pot S= Severe/Maj or Defi cien cy- ~:~:=:dw~~~~.r~:~~:::I~S!~~U~;:~~,~~~~i~:~tl~~~~~an~n~~u~~~~~~~n~~ ~:~~7:~:~~:~~le~:~~I~~ t~O!t~~t:lt~e~~~t~~!~s~~~~ed::~~~~o~i~~~rc~te, Exposed C-S= Critical Structural Deficiency _ ~1~~~~e~ITh~ :~I~~tum! element of a bridge that poses an extreme unsafe condition due 1(1 the I~ilure or imminenl failure of the element which will affect the structural C-H= Critical Hazard Deficiency- A deficiency In a component or element of a bridOfl that poses an extreme hazaro or unsafe condnion to the publiC, but does nol impair the structural integrity olthe bridge. Examples include but are not limited to: Loose concrete hanging down over Imffic or pedestrians, A hole in a sidewalk Ihat may cause Injuries to pl!deslrians, Mtssing section of bridge raUing, etc. URGENCY OF REPAIR: I = Immediate-A = ASAPP = Prioritize-- Iinspector(s) Immediately contact Dtstrict Bridgo Inspection Engineer (DBIE) to report Ihe Deficiency and to receive further instruction from himJher]. [ActionlRepair should be X=UNKNOWN F.C.(1)7-96 In~iated by District Maintenance Engineer or the Responsible Party (if not a Slate owned bridge) upon receipt olthe Inspection Report]. IShall be prioritized by District Maintenance Engineer or the Responsible Party (if not a Slate owned bridge) and repairs made when fundS and/or manpower is available]. N=NOT APPLICABLE H=HIDDEN/INACCESSIBLE R=REMOVED PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT -NBI 4 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS aRID~<1E~OJ~LEf>lIATIQI:lI This bridge carries State Route 203 in an east/west direction over several city streets, a parking lot for the West Roxbury Municipal Court and the MBTA in the City of Boston. This bridge is a twenty span structure and each span consists of fourteen rolled steel beams, two built-up steel fascia girders, two rolled steel sidewalk stringers and two rolled steel median stringers (see sketches 1 and 2). The spans are numbered east to west and the beams are numbered south to north. The fascia girders, sidewalk stringers and median stringers are designated as south or north. The piers are lettered A to U from east to west (omitting letters I and 0) and the abutments are labeled east and west. The piers consist of two solid stem piers, twelve concrete hammerhead piers and five two column concrete bents. Span 3 spans over a turnaround roadway for the Arborway. Spans 4 through 9 are over the courthouse parking lot. Spans 10 and 11 span over Washington Street and an associated turn for the Arborway. Spans 12 through span 17 are over the MBTA Forest Hills subway station property. Span 18 spans over South Street. The bridge labeling system follows the convention set in the previous inspection reports. {iENEBAI.J~I;MABKS At the time of this inspection, a contractor (SPS New England, Inc.) was performing repairs to this structure which included the installation of fabric wrapping around whole U/S deck including the fascia girders and parapets above roadways that pass under the bridge and some repairs to the concrete wearing surface. The area beneath span 1 is being used as a dwelling for homeless people; refer to Item 60.1.d. The spans located above the courthouse parking lot should be inspected on weekends or at night as the lot fills to capacity when the court is in session (coordinate with Chief Court Officer, Jack Cahill). The spans located above Forest Hill Station and the approaching busway lanes were inspected at night using a UB-60 snooper. The MBTA required a bus inspector to be on site until termination of MBTA service at about 1:15 am. ItjlI!L5Jl.j-,,-W~e~a.J:i ng~s~llrfac~e The concrete filled steel grating is overlain with a latex modified concrete (LMC) wearing surface. There are numerous locations of hairline to 1/8" transverse cracks (up to 3/16" wide in a few locations) in the wearing surface. These cracks are typically about 4' to 6' on center and become more closely spaced at the ends of the spans adjacent to the deck joints (see photo 1). Span 9, eastbound roadway, was noted to have the highest concentration of transverse cracks extending over the majority of the span. The grid deck is noticeably bowed upward approximately 1 1/2" to 2" adjacent to the deck joints which creates an uneven riding surface (see photo 2); this condition was most prevalent on the eastbound roadway. See Item 58.13 for additional comments. Extensive concrete repairs have been performed to the wearing surface, many of which extend the full width and length of the spans. Some of these concrete repairs contain hairline to 1/16" wide transverse and longitudinal cracks and some minor deterioration along the edges. There are scattered longitudinal cracks, up to 1/8" wide, and also some widely scattered 6" diameter by 1/2" deep minor spalls in the wearing surface. Below the deck, there is a visible longitudinal gap of 1" to 4" between the outer edge of the grid deck and the cast-in-place concrete of the center median. A 2" wide strip of the concrete wearing surface above this gap, adjacent to the median curb, is typically heaved and in the process of breaking up or has spalled (see photo 3). In many locations this 2" wide portion has become punky and is filled with sand allowing for water infiltration to the superstructure below (see photo 4). The localized wearing surface deterioration was noted to be prevalent along the median curb of the eastbound roadway and occurring in scattered locations along the median curb of the westbound roadway. REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 5 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS The following is a summary of additional specific locations of deterioration: Span 2, E.B. Roadway: There is an 8" long by 2'-2" wide by 1 1/2" deep spall, left lane, at the 1/3 point from east. Span 5, E.B. Roadway: There is a 2'-9" long by 3'-3" wide by 2" deep spall at a location of a partial spall repair. Span 7, E.B. Roadway: There is a 3/16" wide by 11'-0" long longitudinal crack in the left lane at the 1/4 point from east. Span 7, E.B. Roadway: There is a 4'-0" long by 6'-0" wide by 1" high heave of the concrete repair adjacent to the median near midspan. Span 11, E.B. Roadway: There is a local 2'-0" long by 3 1/2" wide by 1 1/2" deep spall, left lane, adjacent to the median curb near the east end of the span. Span 12, E.B. Roadway: There is a 15'-0" long by 5'-6" wide by 1 1/2" high heave of the concrete repair adjacent to the median at pier L. Additionally, there is a 3'-0" long by 14" wide bituminous concrete patch adjacent to this concrete repair. Span 12, W.B. Roadway: There are two 18" diameter by 3" deep spalls with exposed reinforcing welded wire fabnc and mounded frozen debris in the right lane adjacent to the curb; one spall is located at pier M and the other approximately 12' east of pier M (see photo 5). Span 13, W.B. Roadway: There is local concrete breakup in the left lane, 2'-6" wide by 2'-6" long, along the median curb at pier N. Epoxy coated wire mesh is exposed and protruding into the roadway. Span 15, W.B. Roadway: There is a local 18" long by 12" wide by 1" deep spall in the right lane at midspan. Span 20, E.B. Roadway: There is a 6'-8" long by up to 6 1/2" wide by full depth spall with exposed epoxy coated welded wire fabric, in the left lane adjacent to the median curb (see photo 6). U~_m 5Jic2-,,--lLe_cJL~Qtu:!.i.!:1cm. Underside of Deck: The deck is comprised of concrete filled steel grating. The condition of the stay in place forms vary from minor surface rusting at interior regions (away from deck joints and curb lines) (see photo 7) to complete loss of the stay-in-place forms in many locations; particularly near the deck joints and curb lines. In locations where the stay-in-place forms have rusted away, there is typically some visible salt efflorescence on the bottom surface of the exposed concrete and rust delamination on the bottom surface of the exposed steel grating with some minor section loss (approximately 1/32" loss) (see photo 8). There is typically impacted rust between the top flange of the beams and the underside of the deck which appears to be causing the deck to be bowed upward above the beams in many locations. The worst case is at the westerly end of span 12, eastbound roadway, where the deck is bowed up to 1 3/4" above beams 2 through 5 (see photo 9) from pier M to the 1st interior diaphragm. The maximum upward bow at these beams occurs about 5 feet off pier M. Approximately 1/8" of live load deflection was observed to the deck above beam 5. The remaining intenor beams at the west end of the eastbound roadway exhibit similar but less severe gaps. Similar but less severe gaps occur in scattered areas throughout the underside of deck, most of which appear to be approximately 1/2" or less with pack rust filling the gap between the underside of deck and the beam flange. The concrete along the top exterior flange of the fascia girders typically exhibits scattered loose thin concrete fragments and areas of spalling where concrete fragments have fallen out of place or have been removed (see photo 10). Visible gaps, 1/4" to 9/16", are evident between the top flange of the south exterior girder and the underside of the concrete deck along the south fascia where corner spa lis exists (see photo 11). REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT -NBI 6 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29,2010 REMARKS In span 9, three locations of local delamination were noted along the north fascia of the deck slab at the lower corner (see photo 12). These delaminations occur above the outer edge of the courthouse parking lot. The deck overhangs and concrete parapets have recently been wrapped with fabric netting where they pass over roadways, entranceways to the courthouse parking lot and over the MBTA busways. lt~m_5_8~3_____SJ_ay in pl<l~e forms. The stay-in-place forms for the concrete filled grating have large areas of 100% section loss exposing the underside of deck (see photo 8). See Item 58.2 for additional comments. lt~m_5_8.4 - C_UJ:l:ts The granite curbs are generally in good condition. There are local sections of concrete curb, typically 2' long, at the deck joints. N. several locations the concrete sections of curb are spalling, particularly at piers Q, Rand S. The heaviest spalling occurs at the pier R deck joint in span 16, which has a 2' long by full height by 5" deep spall in the concrete median curb. Just off the bridge, a 10' long section of granite median curb is protruding 1" into the left westbound lane of the west approach (see photo 13). !Jem_5_8~.s - r~'Le_d ian There are hairline to 1/32" wide vertical shrinkage cracks throughout the length of the concrete median. The concrete median on the approach roadways leading up to the bridge have areas of spalling at the east and west abutments. There is a 9' long by 18" wide by 2" deep spall in the east approach concrete median at the east abutment (see photo 14). There is a 4'-0"long by 1'-6" wide by 1" deep spall in the west approach concrete median at west abutment. See Items 58.4 and 58.13 for additional comments . .IJeJJL5Jl.9_____S1djl_waJl5s The concrete sidewalks are generally in good condition (see photo 18). N. the time of this inspection there were 17' long by full width sections of the south and north sidewalks in span 14 that were covered with ice due to ponding as a result of plugged sidewalk scuppers (see photo 15). There is moderate concrete debris accumulation on the south sidewalk in span 16. The deck joints in the sidewalks have heaved upward in several locations. See Item 58.13 for additional comments. lt~m_5_8~_~e.arap_e_ts Fabric wrapping has been installed around the parapets and fascia girders above Washington Street, South Street, the MBTA busway, the courthouse parking lot south entrance and the turnaround for the Arborway (see photo 16). There is a horizontal misalignment of 1 1/2" at the south parapet at the expansion joint between spans 19 and 20 at pier U (see photo 17). U~m_5JUL-_Bai1lng The pedestrian railing has peeling and chipping paint exposing the underlying galvanized coating. There are a few locations of missing fasteners at the locations where the horizontal pipe rails connect to the pipe sleeves at the rail posts. Some tree growth is encroaching through the pickets of the north pedestrian railing in spans 5 and 6 (see photo 18). See Item 36a for comments on the traffic railing. REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 7 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29,2010 REMARKS It.e-')1_5~8. to-,,--Draina~.e_sy_s.t.e~m The roadway scuppers are typically nearly completely plugged (80% to 95% plugged) at the scupper grates however the discharge pipes below generally appear to be unobstructed and functioning properly. There are fully plugged roadway scuppers in the westbound and eastbound lanes of span 2 at pier A (see photo 19), in the westbound and eastbound lanes of span 4 at pier C, in the eastbound lane of span 16 at pier R and in the eastbound lane of span 19 at pier U. The sidewalk scupper gratings are partially full of leaves. There are plugged sidewalk scu ppers with minor vegetation growth in several locations along both sidewalks. Water is ponding on the surface of both sidewalks in span 14 due to plugged scuppers (see photo 15). The drainpipes are heavily rusted, and leaking at some locations (see photo 20). Scattered drainpipe hangers are not properly adjusted leaving gaps between the bottom of the support saddle and the pipe and are not providing active support to the pipes. There are also a number of drainpipe hangers which have become disconnected from the structural supports and are ineffective and are hanging down from the pipes (see photo 21). Jj.e_m_5_a.J.:I-,,--Ljgb.tln~_SJ.an_d_ards Highway lighting standards on concrete poles are in place along the center median. A few of the lighting standard poles exhibit 1/32" to 3/16" wide vertical cracking with surrounding delamination and local spalling along the lower 3' of the pole (see photo 22). The hand hole covers on the lighting standard poles are typically loose and missing a fastener. The bolts are typically missing from the galvanized steel electrical pull box covers for the lighting standards. The original pull box covers had been replaced with temporary plywood covers in spans 1 through 5 and these covers have become heavily weathered (see photo 22). A few of the anchor bolt nuts are not fully tightened leaving slight gaps between the anchor bolt nut and washers. There is an 1/8" gap between the southwest anchor bolt nut and the washer for the lighting standard in span 8. The northeast anchor bolt is missing for the lighting standard in span 10 (see photo 23). The lighting standards in spans 12 and 15 have been removed. There is under-bridge lighting in the spans above the courthouse parking lot and the turnaround for the Arborway. Most of the covers for the under-bridge lighting are missing. The under-bridge lighting attached to beam 8 at pier F in span 7 has a tie wire connection replacing a broken connection clip (see photo 24). This light is loose and District Maintenance has been notified. tt.e.m_S.8~.t2-,,-UJltLtle~s There is a 1" diameter electrical conduit connected to the bottom flange of beam 8 which serves the underbridge lighting in the spans above the courthouse parking lot and the turnaround roadway for the Arborway. There are two consecutive broken connection clips causing an 8" sag to the electrical conduit at the east half of span 5 and ten consecutive broken connection clips causing a 12" sag to the electrical conduit at the east half of span 9 (see photo 25). There are two broken connection clips for the electrical conduit at the under-bridge lighting at pier E in span 6. The electrical conduit at pier G is disconnected. There are scattered areas of heavy rust to the electrical conduit. The electrical conduit junction box on the east face of pier C in span 3 is open with exposed wires (see photo 26). REM.(2)7.95 PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT -NBI 8 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Ltftm_5_8.13-,"-Qe_cJLJ_oiO.tS The deck joints are in poor condition overall. The majority of the deck joints are leaking allowing infiltrating water to pond on many of the pier caps in the center region between the raised pedestal walls and allowing corrosion of the steel superstructure elements below. There is moderate sand and debris accumulation in the deck joints. The joint seals are becoming dislodged from joint angles in several locations and local sections of missing joint seals were noted in a couple locations (see photos 27 & 28). Additionally, the joint seals extend vertically up the face of the curbs at the median and the sidewalks. These vertical sections of joint seal have become dislodged and torn by plows in numerous locations throughout the length of the structure and project upwards at the curb lines at numerous locations (see photo 28). The eastbound deck joint angle at pier L has cracked through in the left lane and the section of angle to the south of the crack has separated from the concrete and rotated inward (see photo 29). The eastbound deck joint at pier U is overly compressed with only a 5/8" opening remaining between the joint angles. The east joint angle of the west abutment deck joint, eastbound roadway, has rotated inward at the south end leaving a 1/4" gap between the joint angle and the concrete wearing surface. In many locations, particularly along the eastbound roadway, the deck joints are set 11/2" to 2" lower than the adjacent wearing surface of the grid deck, creating a bump as traffic passes over the joints. This condition was most noticeable at piers M, Q and U of the eastbound roadway (see photo 2). The joints in the sidewalks consist of 2" compression seals with elastomeric concrete headers. The elastomeric concrete joint headers are delaminating and are heaving upward in several locations, particularly at the west half of the north sidewalk. The joint headers and joint seals project up to 2 1/4" higher than the adjacent sidewalk surface where the headers have heaved (see photo 30). ARPLO_a_~b.!ts_a-,,-ARR.r:._R.aVeme_I1Lc_ondltloo There are 3/16" wide longitudinal cracks with some surrounding break-up of the east approach bituminous concrete pavement. There are 1/4" wide longitudinal and transverse cracks with surrounding break-up, rutting and settlement of the eastbound west approach pavement. ARRroa_c_he_s-'>-"...ARRr. Roadway~S_eJ.tJ.!tment There is 2" deep settlement in the west approach for the eastbound roadway along the west abutment deck joint. See "Approaches a" for additional comments. ARPLoa_clHtS_c-"...ARPL._SJde'KalIL5e_tlLerneo.t The previously reported puddling at the northeast, southeast and southwest sidewalk approaches was not observed during the current inspection and appears to have been rectified. No significant settlement of the approach sidewalks was observed. Ltftrn~5_a.·L:_SJting~m; Median Stringers: There is extensive water infiltration from the median curb line above the median stringers. This water infiltration is causing severe rusting and section loss to the north median stringer. There is up to 3/16" web loss to the north median stringer ends and up to 5/16" flange loss to the north median stringer at midspan (see photo 31 and sketch 4). The south face of the north median stringer is encased in concrete. The south median stringer has been replaced in all spans throughout the length of the bridge (see photo 32). The south median stringers are in good condition however gaps were noted between the top flange of the replacement stringers and the original concrete surface due to apparent lack of complete grouting. The REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 9 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS It~J),L5_9. L::JitrJIJ-9I~I.S~(.c_onl'dL shielding in span 18 under the median stringers noted in the previous inspection report has been removed. See Item 59.14 for additional comments. Sidewalk Stringers: There is extensive water infiltration from the sidewalk curb line above the sidewalk stringers. This water infiltration is causing severe deterioration and rusting to the sidewalk stringers. See sketches 3 & 4 and photo 33 for the most severe sidewalk stringer conditions and locations. See Items 59.13 and 59.14 for additional comments. Beams: The beams under the median (beams 7 and 8) and under the sidewalk curb lines (beams 2 and 13) are heavily rusted at the ends with deterioration of the web varying from minor to moderate due to water infiltration from the curb lines (see photos 34 & 35). Beams 2,7, 8 and 13 typically exhibit approximately 1/8" average section loss to the web at the bearings. The beams under the median (beams 7 and 8) typically have rust de-lamination with minor to moderate section loss to the top surface of the flanges and lower web, on the side of the beam facing the median joint, throughout the midspan region (see photo 36). Beams 7 & 8 typically exhibit approximately 1/8" loss to the top flange and 1/4" loss to the bottom flange on the joint side of the flanges. The opposite side of these beams, away from the median joint, typically exhibits no appreciable section loss. Beams 2 and 13 also exhibit areas of flaky rust and minor section loss to the flanges in the midspan region (see photo 37 & 38). These beams typically exhibit approximately 1/8" loss to the top surface of the top flange and 1/16" section loss to the top surface of the bottom flange. See sketches 5, 6 and 7 for field measurements of beams exhibiting the most severe section loss. See Item 59.14 for additional comments. Fascia Girders: There is moderate rusting to the fascia girders, particularly along the bottom flange. There are numerous local bends and dings in the bottom flanges of the fascia girders. Most of these result in 3/8" downward bends over a length of about 6" (see photo 39); the worst case was noted to the north girder in span 5 where the flange is bent 3" downward over a 30" length on the exterior face at the 1/3 point from east. The local bends in cover plates are most prominent in the spans over the court house parking lot and in span 19. The top surface of the bottom flange cover plate typically exhibits areas of rust de-lamination with approximately 1/16" section loss where it is exposed, from the edge of the flange angle to the exterior edge of the cover plate (see photo 40). The bottom flange cover plates are connected to the flange angles with intermittent fillet welds. Some localized pitting (4" long by 3/4" wide by 1/8" deep) often occurs on the top surface of the cover plate, in the region between fillet welds along the interior side of the bottom flange. The north and south fascia girders have numerous bends, dents and gouges in the bottom flange from vehicle impact damage in span 3, over the turnaround roadway. Both fascia girders have been recently wrapped with fabric wrapping over the turnaround roadway which prevents hands-on access in this region. The impact damage has been noted in previous inspections and there was no sign of recent impact damage. The turnaround roadway is posted for 9'-10" vertical clearance; a minimum vertical clearance of 9'11" was measured beneath the north girder at the east curb line. ltem_5.9 J - C_QlJn.£Jj~s_,_Qu.s_s.eJ~L&"'AngJ~J:; There is heavy rusting to the connection angles below the leaking deck joints and the curb lines for the median and the sidewalks. J ltem_5.9...!I-=-C_O_' There are areas of moderate to heavy rusting to the cover plates on beams below the curb lines for the median (beams 7 and 8) and the sidewalks (beams 2 and 13). There are numerous locations of 3/8" deep by 6" long local bends in the cover plates for the fascia girders. See Items 59.4 and 59.12 for additional comments. REM.(2)7·95 PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 10 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS It~!lL5_9~_9--"Jle_ariJlg_D_evi!:jts Numerous rocker bearings exhibit impacted rust between the curved surface of the rocker and the masonry plate (see photo 41). The impacted rust appears to be jacking the bearings upward with noted gaps of 3/8" to 1/2" occurring very commonly with a maximum gap of 3/4" between the rocker and the masonry plate and exposing the pintels (see photo 42). The rocker bearings are not centered beneath the rolled beams in several locations with up to 1 1/2" of lateral misalignment noted (see photo 43). At some locations where lateral misalignment of the bearings occurs, the 1/4" thick keeper plates in place along the sides of the upper sole plate (to trap top surface of rocker) were noted to have cracked welds or had fallen off and were missing (see photo 44). At several locations the rocker bearings were noted to be overly extended to the west, particularly at piers C, E, Land N (see photo 44). Based upon temperatures in the low 30's (fahrenheit) at time of inspection the rocker bearings would be expected to be retracted in the opposite direction at these piers. There is heavy rusting to the bearings and some section loss to the anchor bolts below the leaking deck joints, particularly beneath the curb lines. One of the anchor bolt nuts for the beam 8 bearing in span 20, at pier U, is backed off and the north anchor bolt for the beam 5 bearing at the east abutment is missing a nut. See Item 59.14 for additional comments. The bearings for beams 8 through 10 at pier Q in span 15 have serious undermining due to spalling of the supporting concrete pedestals. See Item 60.2.a for additional comments. IteJIUi9~.:LO--,,-Djapbn~gm~ The interior diaphragms exhibit surface rusting but are in satisfactory condition overall. The end diaphragms are not encased in concrete and are in poor to serious condition with heavy rusting and section loss due to leaking deck jOints. There are numerous locations of severe deterioration to the end diaphragms including large rust holes in the webs which reduce the effectiveness of the diaphragms (see photos 45 & 46). The diaphragms are cantilevered off of beams 7 and 8 to support the median stringers. The majority of the cantilevered diaphragms which support the north median stringers are in poor to serious condition due to water infiltration from the median curb line. There is advanced deterioration at these diaphragms including rust holes in the webs and major section loss to the flanges; the rust holes in the web typically occur in the lower web near the ends of the cantilevers and occasionally in the upper web along the stringer connection angle (see photo 47). The flanges of the cantilevered diaphragms are typically reduced to a thickness of approximately 1/8" with knife edge flanges and some scattered rust holes noted. The worst case was noted at the 3rd diaphragm bracket from east, in span 12, where the bottom flange is completely missing and the diaphragm is completely ineffective due to rust holes in the web surrounding the sidewalk stringer connection angle (see photo 48). The cantilevered diaphragms which support the south median stringers have been replaced throughout the length of the bridge and are in good condition (see photo 32). It~IJUi!!'j_:L=-Riy_eJs_a,-B_oJts There is heavy rusting and up to 50% section loss to the rivets at connection angles and plates below the leaking deck joints and in areas of similar leakage beneath the curb lines at the median and sidewalks. lt~m_5_!!...:1.2-,,-v.v_eld_s The bottom cover plates for the rolled beams and fascia girders are connected with intermittent welds; there are areas of moderate rusting to the welds near the curb lines. The end diaphragm channels are connected to the connection angles with partial length welds. In span 19, at pier U, there are broken welds at the end diaphragm connections to beams 7, 13 and 14, apparently due to pack rust (see photo 49). REM.{2)7-96 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT-NBI 11 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS lt~t!LS.9.,.t3-,,-M_em_b_en'),Ug.!1IJJJtlJJ There is a 1 1/2" lateral misalignment between the ends of spans 19 and 20 along the south parapet at pier U (see photo 17). The granite curbs at the sidewalk at this location are offset a similar amount. It.!!J1L5.9...:I.4-''...E'.aloJIJ::_Qa.tlag The paint system is generally in fair condition throughout the interior portions of the spans but is in poor condition in areas beneath the deck joints and near the curb lines. The beam ends and bearings at the median (beams 7 and 8) and the sidewalks (beams 2 and 13) exhibit severe paint loss. The sidewalk strtngers and the north median stringer also exhibit severe paint deterioration with minimal paint remaining in many of these areas. There is moderate paint loss to the fascia girders. S_up_eLS.tnlcJJKe_G..oJ.UsLQ!l.lLoJ.!!A The north and south fascia girders have moderate collision damage to the bottom flange between piers B and C across from the court house at the Arborway turnaround. It.!!m_6_0.1 - AbJJtme.llts It.!!m 60.1.b - Brid.Q~LS...!!ats There is typically up to 5" deep debris accumulation on the west abutment bridge seat. There is a vertical jog at the ends of the seats due to the increased depth of the fascia girders. There is up to 16" of pigeon debris accumulating between the north fascia girder and the jog in the west abutment seat which completely covers the bearing and lower portion of the girder web at this location. There is an 11" diameter by 3" deep spall on the west abutment bridge seat adjacent to the south side of the beam 6 beartng. See item 60.1.d for additional information. U.!!.m_6Jl....~.c--=-a.aJ~kllol.aJJA There are a few 1/16" wide vertical cracks in both backwalls. The vertical cracks in the backwalls typically align with vertical cracks in the breastwalls. There is a 3' long by 18" high by 3" deep spall in the north end of the east abutment backwall. There is a 5" wide by full height by 1 1/2" deep spall with some exposed reinforcing steel in the west abutment backwall between the south girder and beam 1. It~m3Jl.1.d-"'-BrEta.sJl"!Lalls There are a few 1/16" wide vertical cracks with rust staining in both breastwalls, typically at weephole locations. Between beams 9 and 10, at the west abutment, there is a full height vertical crack which is 1/16" wide at the base and increases to 1/8" wide at the bridge seat. There is 3/8" of lateral differential movement at the top of this crack with the seat to the south side of the crack showing outward movement relative to the north side (see photo 50). There is extensive debris accumulation adjacent to the east abutment breastwall due to use of space beneath span 1 by homeless people (see photo 51). JJ~m_6.o~j...!!___1Illi.ogw.aIJ5 The wingwalls are faced with brick for the majority of the wall height with the brick supported on granite headers atop a concrete base at ground level. Two sections of granite headers (23" and 3'-4" long sections) are missing at the base of the northwest wingwall, located approximately 100 feet from the breastwall corner (see photo 52). The concrete base for the wingwalls has numerous hairline horizontal and vertical cracks with efflorescence and minor to moderate spalls. There is a 9' long by 5" to 2'-6" high by 3" deep spall with exposed reinforcing steel in the concrete base of the east end of the southwest wingwall. There is also a 7' long by 5" high by 1 1/2" deep spall in the concrete base of the southwest wingwall REM,(2)M6 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 12 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS IijlJ)1_6~0~jJjl___Wingl!\LallJL(.c~ont'dL located approximately 50' from the breastwall corner. There is a 3' long by 2' high by 3" deep spall near the concrete base of the northwest wingwall where it meets the west abutment breastwall (see photo 53). There is a 1/4" wide separation between the brick facing of the northwest wingwall and concrete of the west abutment breastwall at the interface of the wingwall and breastwall, where the brick appears to have heaved slightly outward. There is also a 1/8" wide by 12' long horizontal crack in the mortar joint of the upper brick course of the northwest wing wall , just beneath the granite cap stone, at the east end where it meets the bridge rail. The mortar between the granite headers and the concrete base is typically deteriorated and spalled. Iijlmj;_OJ1.g~ojntlng The mortar joints for the brick facing are generally in satisfactory condition with evidence of repointing throughout. There are scattered areas of minor mortar deterioration in the brick fascia of the wing walls, particularly in the upper courses beneath the granite cap stones. li~m_6_0~2---PieJ:JLQL~nJs .IJEl.!!L6_0J.2.._a~e_cLe_sjals There are raised, variable height, concrete pedestal walls atop the main section of the pier caps which support the bearings for the rolled beams. These pedestal walls appear to be non-reinforced, and in many cases there is little or no edge distance between the masonry plate and the face of the pedestal walls. Water and debris is collected between the pedestal walls at several piers due to the leaking deck joints. The retained water was most severe at piers E, J and N with a maximum water depth of up to 4" noted at pier E (see photo 54). At numerous locations, wide longitudinal cracks/splits (typically 1/4" to 3/8" wide) were observed along the top surface in these pedestal walls. These cracks extend beneath the bearing devices (and often extend behind the anchor bolts near the rear of the masonry plates) and jeopardize the bearing capacity of the beams where this occurs. The raised concrete pedestals for piers K, Q and S are in serious condition due to the formation of the above mentioned longitudinal cracks/splits in the pedestal walls. See sketches 1 & 2 for locations of piers where these conditions exist and sketches 8 through 10 for plan view of the pedestals indicating the widths and locations of these cracks. During this inspection a critical deficiency was discovered at the bearing for beam 8, in span 15, at pier Q. At this location the concrete pedestal exhibited a wide split extending behind the bearing anchor bolts with the concrete at the front face of the pedestal heaving outward resulting in serious undermining and minimal effective bearing remaining (see photos 55 & 56). The large section of delaminated pedestal concrete was situated close to the edge of the pier cap and in danger of potentially falling onto the brick plaza for the Forest Hills Station where there is heavy pedestrian activity due to the adjacent bus stops. 3/8" wide cracks/splits were also observed along the top surface of the pedestal extending the entire length from beam 8 to beam 13 (see sketch 9 and photos 57 through 59). The concrete at the front face of the pedestals for adjacent beams 9 and 10 exhibited a distinct hollow tone when tapped indicating that this concrete was likely not load bearing. At beams 11 through 13 the face of the concrete directly beneath the bearings was not hollow sounding, however the region between the masonry plates was hollow sounding when tapped. MassDOT was immediately notified of the serious undermining of concrete beneath beams 8 to 10 and the left lane for the westbound roadway was closed to traffic and the loose section of concrete pedestal was removed at beam 8. Additionally, timber blocking was installed beneath the ends of the beams, adjacent to all pedestals exhibiting the wide cracks/splits. This timber blocking is intended to remain until the necessary concrete repairs are performed. REM.(2)1-96 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT-NBI 13 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Lt.e~6Jl._2--,,-E'ijlJ~LQLE!.el1tl> !tjlm 6_0.2.~a - Pedes_tals_(C_QIJ.t'-dl Similar but less severe cracks were noted on the top surface and front face of pedestals at beams 2 through 7, in span 16, at pier Q. The cracks were typically 3/16" wide and broke out on the front face of the pedestals approximately 18" each side of the centerline of bearing (see sketch 9 and photos 60 & 61). The face of the concrete pedestal typically emitted a hollow tone when tapped within the limits of the cracks. Major longitudinal cracks/splits also exist along the pedestals for support of the span 18 beams extending nearly the entire length of the pedestal at pier S, from beam 2 through 13. The cracks are typically 1/4" to 3/8" wide on the top surface and most often extend to the anchor bolts at the center of the masonry plate, or just behind the anchor bolts, but were noted to extend to the back edge of the masonry plates for beams 4 and 11 (see sketch 8 and photos 62 through 66). In between the bearing locations the crack migrates to within about 2" to 3" of the face of the pedestal but does break out on the front face. In general the face of the concrete pedestals between the bearings emitted a hollow tone when tapped but the section directly below the bearings emitted a relatively solid tone (apparently due to the thickness of the delaminations and the load from the bearings). Several local spa lis occur along the upper portion of the pedestal wall for support of the span 17 bearings along the east side of pier S. These spalls are typically about 2 feet long by 8" to 12" high and extend to the front edge of the masonry plate but do not undermine the bearings (see photo 67). At pier K there are major cracks/splits (1/2" wide to 1" wide) extending beneath three of the bearings. On the east (span 10) side of the concrete cap these cracks/splits in the pedestal occur at beams 7 and 8. A 1/2" wide crack was noted along the top surface of the concrete pedestal to the south side of the beam 7 bearing and propagated towards the rear end of the masonry plate (see photo 68). The concrete on the front face of the pedestal exhibited a hollow tone and fell off with a light hammer tap. Upon removal of the delaminated section of concrete, the shear plane could be observed extending beneath the bearing of beam 7 and a metal ruler could be readily probed into the shear plane to the full 6" limit of the ruler (see photo 69). The front face of the pedestal exhibits an 8" wide by 5 1/2" deep by 14" high (full height) spall beneath the north edge of the masonry plate for beam 7 which exposes the north anchor bolt which appears to be debonded with a slight void surrounding it. At beam 8 (span 10) there is a major 1" wide split in the top surface of the concrete pedestal along the north side of the bearing, which extends completely through the 12" width of the pedestal and is visible as a 1/4" wide vertical crack on the back surface (see photo 70). On the west (span 11) side of pier K there are 5/8" wide splits extending about 2' each side of the bearing for beam 11. These cracks breakout along the rear face of the pedestal and the section of concrete beneath the bearing has shifted approximated 3/4" to the east (see photo 71). The front face of the concrete pedestal at beam 11 generally appears in satisfactory condition, with some occasional hairline vertical cracks and with no signs of distress. A 7/8" gap is visible between the front edge of the masonry plate for beam 11 and mortar that was originally placed against the masonry plate. This gap corresponds to the lateral movement noted to the back face of the pedestal (see photo 72). This condition was only observed at beam 11 and no other sections of concrete pedestal along the west side of pier K exhibited this pattern of deteri oration. The concrete pedestals at the remaining piers typically exhibit numerous hairline to 3/16" vertical cracks and local spalls along the top edge of the pedestals in scattered locations. REM.(2)7.96 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 14 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS IJ~JJL6_Q.2,J;L:_G.ap-s There is evidence of recent concrete repairs at most of the piers. There are some areas of up to 3/8" wide horizontal cracks with surrounding delamination and rust staining in the pier caps of piers M, N, P, Q and R, particularty near the bottom corners of the caps (see photo 73). There are also scattered areas of delaminated and spalled concrete in the faces of the caps. The following are notable locations of pier cap deficiencies: Pier M: There is a 6'-0" long by 15" high by 4" deep corner spall at the seat with exposed reinforcing steel and rust staining, west face, below beam 12 (see photo 74). There is also a 4' high x 5' wide hollow sounding section which is beginning to spall, west face, between beams 12 & 13 at the seat. Pier N: There is a 4'-0" long by 12" high by 3" deep top corner spall with exposed reinforcing steel and rust staining, west face, below beam 7. There is 12" long by 12" wide by 18" high spall with rust staining in the northeast corner of the cap atthe seat. Pier P: There is a 4'-6" long by 6'-0" high delamination, west face, below beam 5 and a 10" long by 5'-0" high delamination, east face, at the south end. Pier Q: There is a 4'-0" long by 12" high by 3 1/2" deep corner spall with exposed reinforcing steel and rust staining in the west face at the bottom of the cap near midspan. Pier R: There is a 4'-0" long by 12" high by 3 1/2" deep spall with exposed reinforcing steel and rust staining, west face, at the north end. The leaking deck joints allow for considerable water infiltration onto the pier caps below. See Item 60.2.j for hammerhead pier cap comments. .c - CQlumn.s tt~!JL6_Q.2 . There are some scattered areas of surface delamination (up to 5' high by 3' wide) with some efflorescence and rust staining in the columns. See Item 60.2.j for hammerhead stem comments. tt~IJL6_Q, There are some hairline to 1/16" wide vertical cracks with surrounding delamination on pierwalls A and B. There is a 5'-0" long by 2'-10" high area of delamination with a 20" long by 4" high by 1 1/2" deep spall on the east face of pierwall B at the south end (see photo 75). There is a 7/16" wide crack on the top surface of the pierwall at this location. There is extensive debris accumulation adjacent to the east face of pier A due to the use of the area beneath span 1 by homeless people. IJ~IJL6_Q.2.j -'tad..Pie.L!; All of the hammerhead piers have had post tensioning repairs made to them (1990 repairs) due to structural shear cracks. These cracks started at the top center of the pier and traveled down diagonally to the base of the cantilevered arms. The post tensioning repairs generally appear to be secure and in satisfactory condition. Galvanized steel plates form a protective cabinet enclosure which completely encloses the post tensioning ducts and anchorages; therefore, these elements were not able to be visually inspected. There are scattered areas of delaminated concrete on the stem, cap and cantilevers of the hammerhead piers. The following are notable locations of hammerhead pier deficiencies: REM.(2J7-96 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 15 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Pier C: There is evidence of previous fire damage on the east face (surface charring & soot) due to homeless people that were living along the base of the pier. Pier D: Some delaminated concrete was noted along the north and south cantilevers, west face, just below the post tensioning cabinet (see sketch 9 and photo 76). Pier G: There is a 12" diameter by 2 1/2" deep spall in the cap on the west face and a 3' long by 12" wide by 3" deep spall with scaling on the top of the pier below the median. Pier J: There is a 5" wide by 14" high by 1 1/2" deep spall with surrounding 4" wide by 19" high delamination on the west face of the cap. There is a 41/2" wide by 41/2" high by 1 112" deep spall with surrounding 3" wide by 16" high delamination in the stem, west face, at the south cantilever. There is a 2' wide by 10" high delamination in the stem on the north face and a full width by 12" high delamination in the stem on the south face. Pier K: There is a 2'-6" wide by 3'-6" high delamination and a full width by 3'-6" high delamination in the stem on the north face. Pier L: See sketch 11. Pier S: There is an 11' long by 4'-6" high delamination in the stem on the east face and a 10' long by 5' high delamination in the stem on the west face. There is a 4' wide by 4' high delamination in the stem on the north face. Pier T: There is a 14" long by 18" high by 1 1/2" deep spall with exposed reinforcing steel and a 3'-9" long by 16" high delamination in the north cantilever on the west face. There is a 10' long by 5' high delamination in the stem on the west face and a 2'-6" long by 5'-6" high delamination and 8' long by 4' high delamination in the stem on the east face. There is an 18" long by 18" high by 3" deep spall with exposed reinforcing steel in the stem on the north face. Pier U: There is a 2' long by 6' high delamination in the stem on the east face. The leaking deck jOints allow for considerable water infiltration onto the pier caps below with water becoming trapped and ponding on the caps between the raised concrete pedestals in several locations. A number of the deficiencies noted in the last inspection (July 2009) have been repaired. tteJJ:L6_Q.2.J5-,,-~a nmeveL/,tEtarn_BJ]u:J5eJs There are heavy rolled steel cantilevered beam brackets (14WF246 or 14WF287) which extend beyond the pier caps to support the fascia girders (see photo 77). Most of these cantilevered beams are surrounded by a heavy build-up of sand and debris which covers the bottom flange and lower web, particularly where raised concrete pedestal walls are in place. There is typically up to 1/4" loss to the lower 6" of the web and up to 1/4" loss to the flanges. The cantilevered beam brackets are held down by a group of six anchor bolts (1 1/2" diameter) at the interior end (see photo 78). There is typically heavy rust delamination to the lower 6" of the anchor bolts and the web stiffeners associated with the hold-down point of the beams. The debris was cleared from the base of numerous anchor bolts and rust delamination chipped away (where accessible to swing of hammer) and the anchor bolts were typically noted to be necking down within the lower region. The majority of the anchor bolts have a remaining diameter between 1 1/32" to 1 3/16" with the minimum remaining anchor bolt REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYITOWN BOSTON B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -N BI 16 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Lte_m_6_Q.2.JL,,-.kantiJ~jLeLB_ean:U:~ra_~~ejlL(kQ!Jj~dl diameter of 7/8" noted to a hold down bolt for span 14 at pier P (see photo 79). The lower 6" of the web stiffeners adjacent to the hold-down anchor bolts are typically reduced to a remaining thickness of 7/16" vs. 3/4" original thickness. Lt~JlL2_6jt.::_BJ:idgfLRaiJjl19 The traffic rail along the outer edges of the roadway consists of a single rail pipe rail on a reinforced concrete wheel guard base which is generally in good condition but does not meet current standards. The concrete base section has random minor vertical cracking. The previously reported collision damage in span 4 has been repaired. The traffic rail at the inside edge of the roadway consist of a raised concrete median which is generally in satisfactory condition but does not meet current standards. Refer to Item 58.5 for additional comments 1!~11L3J~b-=-";ltl(ms The traffic rail and raised concrete median in place on the bridge extend continuously onto the approach roadways. 1!~!JJ-.3Jtc - ApPLoach G_QaLdrail The traffic rail and raised concrete median in place on the bridge continue onto the approach roadways. As noted under Item 36a above, these systems do not meet current standards. At the fourth traffic rail post from the east abutment, south rail, 3 out of the 4 anchor bolts nuts are backed off over 1" from the base plate (see photo 80). Ue!JL3_6_d - App~oji_cJLG_I.ta~dxalLE_!J_dl! Impact attenuators are in place at each approach to the leading ends of the approach traffic rails. The impact attenuators are generally in satisfactory condition. The heavy collision damage previously reported to the attenuator of the east approach has been repaired since the last inspection. S~~_t!:hLel,-oJ(Ll.p-9 Sketch 1: Sketch 2: Sketch 3: Sketch 4: Sketch 5: Sketch 6: Sketch 7: Sketch 8: Sketch 9: Sketch 10: Sketch 11: Photo 1 : Photo 2: Photo 3: Photo 4 : REM.(2)7.95 Framing Plan (1 of 2) Framing Plan (2 of 2) Stringer Condition Details (1 of 2) Stringer Condition Details (2 of 2) Beam Condition Details (1 of 3) Beam Condition Details (2 of 3) Beam Condition Details (3 of 3) Pier K Part Plan View - Beam Pedestal Conditions Pier Q Plan View - Beam Pedestal Conditions Pier S Plan View - Beam Pedestal Conditions Piers D and L Conditions Numerous transverse cracks in concrete wearing surface, spans 8 & 9, eastbound roadway at pier H. Pier Q Deck Joint, EB Roadway, Looking South- Deck joint is approx. 1 1/2" lower than adjacent deck causing uneven surface. 1 1/4" wide gap between median granite curb and wearing surface filled with heaved concrete and/or sand, span 2, eastbound roadway. 1 1/4" wide x 4' long open gap between median granite curb and concrete wearing surface, span 14, eastbound roadway. PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. SR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 17 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Photo 5: Photo 6: Photo 7: Photo 8: Photo 9: Photo 10: Photo 11 : Photo 12: Photo 13: Photo 14: Photo 15: Photo 16: Photo 17: Photo 18: Photo Photo Photo Photo 19: 20: 21 : 22: Photo 23: Photo 24: Photo 25: Photo 26: Photo 27: Photo 28: Photo 29: Photo 30: Photo 31 : Photo 32: Photo 33: Photo 34: REM.(2)7-96 18" diameter x 3" deep spall with exposed wire mesh reinforcement adjacent to north curb, span 12, westbound roadway. 6 1/2" wide x 6'-8" long full depth spall adj. to median granite curb, span 20, eastbound roadway. Typical condition of steel grating away from deck joints and curb lines wi surface rust to grating and paint remaining on SIP forms. Underside of filled steel grating, span 11, between beams 10 & 11 near pier L with 100% loss to SIP forms and some salt efflorescence. Upward bow in filled steel grating at west end of span 12 with up to 1 3/4" gap between underside of deck and beam 3. Scattered loose fragments of concrete noted along top flange of exterior girders (south girder, span 5, shown above). 9/16" gap between concrete deck and top flange of south exterior girder, span 11, at pier L. Delaminated concrete along north fascia, span 9, near pier J Section of granite curb on west approach, westbound roadway, is shifted 1" into roadway at west abutment. 9' long x 2" deep spalling along east approach median, at east abutment. Water ponding on north sidewalk over a 15' length in span 14 at pier N. South elevation at span 3 (turnaround roadway). Note recent fabric wrapping of bridge fascia over roadway areas. 1 1/2" horizontal misalignment of south parapet at pier U expansion joint. General view of north sidewalk looking west from pier E. Note tree branches extending through railing at this location. Plugged scupper, eastbound roadway, adjacent to median curb, span 2, near pier A. Active leakage from drainpipe along the west face of pier C. Disconnected drainpipe hanger below median, span 10, at pier J. 1/32" to 3/16" vertical cracks in lower 3' of median light standard, span 1, with exposed reinforcement from cracks, delamination. Northeast anchor bolt missing at base plate for median light standard, span 10. Light fixture attached to beam 8, in span 7, with fixture loose due to broken clip replaced with tie wire. 1" diameter lighting conduit is sagging down 12", east half of span 9, due to 10 consecutive broken clips to beam 8. Open electrical junction box at base of pier C with exposed wires. Expansion Joint at Pier U, Westbound Roadway- Typical sand covering joint seal wi section of joint seal missing. Expansion Joint at Pier P, Westbound Roadway- Vertical section of joint seal is torn & displaced along median curb. Expansion Joint at Pier L, Eastbound Roadway- Crack in joint armor in the left lane and joint armor rotated inward to south of crack. North Sidewalk Expansion Joint at Pier T- Elastomeric concrete headers heaved up to 2 1/4" above sidewalk surface. North Median Stringer, Span 10, near Pier K- Heavy rust delamination and section loss. General underside view at median, looking east in span 19. Note typical replacement of south median stringers & support brackets. South Sidewalk Stringer, Span 7, at Pier F- Heavy section loss to web with 2 1/2" diameter rust hole in upper web. Beam 2, Span 6, at Pier E- Rust delamination with minor section loss to web over the bearing area. PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT -NBI 18 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Photo 35 : Photo 36: Photo 37 : Photo 38: Photo 39 : Photo 40 : Photo 41: Photo 42: Photo 43: Photo 44 : Photo 45: Photo 46 : Photo 47: Photo 48: Photo 49 : Photo 50 : Photo 51: Photo 52: Photo 53: Photo 54 : Photo 55 : Photo 56: Photo 57: Photo 58: Photo 59: Photo 60 : Photo 61: Photo 62 : REM.(2)7·S6 Beam 2, Span 8, at Pier G- Salt staining and minor section loss to web over the bearing area. Beam 7, Span 16, near Midspan- Heavy rust delamination to lower web and north half of bottom flange (side facing median joint). Beam 2, Span 5, Midspan Region- Close-up view of section loss to top flange. Beam 13, Span 11, @ Cov. PI. Cut-off - Hvy rusting and minor section loss to inside surface of flanges due to deck leakage near curbline. South Exterior Girder, Span 5- Several local bends (typically 3/8" bend over 5" to 6" length) along inside edge of bottom flange. South Exterior Girder, Span 5- Typical rust delamination on top surface of bottom cover plate with minor section loss. Beam 6 Rocker Bearing, Span 17, at Pier R- Rust packing between curved rocker and masonry plate and lifting bearing. Beam 4 Bearing, Span 13, at Pier M- Up to 3/8" uplift of bearing evident at north side. Pack rust surrou nds south pintle. Beam 5 Bearing, Span 16, at Pier R- Upper section of bearing assembly is laterally misaligned 1 1/4" with lower section. Beam 7 Bearing, Span 11, at Pier L- Rocker bearing exhibits excessive tilt to the west (mov't expected in opp. dir. @ 28 deg rees). End Diaphragms, between Beams 1 & 2, at Pier D- Complete loss of section to lower 5" of web for full length of diaphragms. End Diaphragm Bracket at Beam 8, Span 2, at Pier B- Ineffective due to major web loss; member vibrates when struck with hammer. Diaphragm Bracket for North Median Stringer, Span 10, 4th from East- Rust holes in upper & lower web. Diaphragm Bracket for N. Median Stringer, Span 12, 3rd Bracket from East- Bracket ineffect. wlcomplete loss of bot. f1ng. & web holes. End Diaphragm, Span 19, at Pier U- Intermittent welds broken at connection to beam 7. Full height vertical crack in west abutment breastwall and extending into backwall. Crack has 3/8" outward differential movement at seat. Heavy debris accumulation beneath span 1 along the face of the east abutment. Two sections of missing granite headers, northwest wingwall, located approximately 100' from the breastwall corner. 3' long x 2' high x 3" deep spall near base of the northwest wingwall where it meets up with the comer of the breastwall. Up to 4" of standing water collecting between pedestal walls at pier E. Beam 8 Pedestal, Span 15, at Pier Q- Major split and outward movement of front face of pedestal undermining the bearing. Beam 8 Bearing, Span 15, at Pier Q- Major loss of bearing area due to pedestal deterioration. Beam 9 Pedestal, Span 15, Pier Q- 3/8" wide longit. crack extending to rear of mas. plate wi hollow soundi ng concrete at front face. Beam 10 Pedestal, Span 15, Pier Q- 3/8" wide longit. crack leading to rear of the mas. pI. wi hollow sounding conc. at front face. Beam 12 Pedestal, Span 15, Pier Q - 1/4" wide crack extending to rear of masonry plate. Beam 4 Pedestal, Span 16, at Pier Q- 3/16" crack extending beneath center of masonry plate (typical condition at beams 2 through 7). Beam 5 Pedestal, Span 16, at Pier Q- Delaminated concrete at front of pedestal beneath bearing. Beam 4 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/8" wide split in pedestal extending to rear of masonry plate. PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. 80STON 4EX 8-16-367 816367 -4EX-DOT -N81 19 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 REMARKS Photo 63: Beam 5 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/8" split in pedestal extending beneath rear edge of masonry plate. Photo 64: Beam 6 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/8" split extending beneath bearing masonry plate. Photo 65 : Beam 11 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/16" crack extending beh ind the back edge of the masonry plate. Photo 66: Beam 13 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/8" crack extending beneath bearing masonry plate. Photo 67: Beam 4 Pedestal, Span 17, at Pier S- 22" long x 12" high x 3" ave. deep spall extending to front edge of masonry plate. Photo 68: Beam 7 Pedestal, Span 10, Pier K- 1/2" split in pedestal leading to rear of mas. pI. Conc. on front face is loose & dela minated. Photo 69: Beam 7 Pedestal, Span 10, at Pier K- Loose conc. to S. of brg. was lifted out of place reveal ing fracture plane extending beneath brg. Photo 70: Beam 8 Pedestal, Span 10, at Pier K- Major split extending completely through pedestal wall along the north side of the bearing. Photo 71: Beam 11 Pedestal, Span 11, at Pier K- Up to 3/4" wide split in pedestal wall with concrete displaced 3/4" east beneath the bearing. Photo 72 : General view looking south from beam 11 along the front face of the Pier K pedestal for span 11 (no signs of distress on front face). Photo 73 : Pier R, West face- 1/4" horizontal cracks with rust stains along the bottom comers with delaminated concrete. Photo 74: Pier M, West Face, at Beam 12- 6' long x 15" high x up to 4" deep corner spall with exposed rebars. Photo 75 : Pier B, East Face, at South End- 5' wide x 2'-10" high area of surface delamination w/20" wide x4" high x 1 1/2" deep spall. Photo 76 : Pier D, West Face- Some delaminated concrete detected beneath post tensioning enclosure on canti levered arms. Photo 77 : Heavy bird debris atop pier cap, north end of pier U, between beams 13 & 14. Photo 78: South Cantilever Beam, Span 17, at Pier R- Moist debris collecting around beam at hold-down anchor bolts. Photo 79: North Cantilever Beam, Span 14, at Pier P- Section loss to hold down bolts w/ 7/8" remaining diameter. Photo 80: 3 of 4 anchor bolts backed off base plate at east approach traffic rail, south rail, 4th post from the east abutment. REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYffOWN B.l.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT -NBI 20 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 SKETCHES NI ._-~:::~::::~:~ _. '---1.- SPAN 2 TURNAROUND r'-I.t~~F~~~;~~"''''''~:!1.~,(I'' --.~F~~:::~:~~~~,?~;:;;--~~~~.:~~:. ~Q_~£,~~~~R:'~=~~~~~~~,;,J~'A~1."":~-"';;~~~~::J .. ?£"-N.~~~~~··--_}.,..~;:=,,:~r~N..~~- . . 1 ; :)-1 ·1' I]=l L4----i I-P~ ! .' _ W.. ABUL B. ~ PIER C PIER 0 ••• _-- ¥ •• • - PIER E " - PIER F COURTHOUSE PARKING ENTRANCE ···t· . . .----.. ..-.-_.. _ ~J>.-2-~~"~g.,-~! __~_._ .•• -~--::,:~~:.~~.~"--- .. - .. ~:.:~?~~~.::~.-.----- .;..;ll~~_. --- ~SPAN .~-.- _. -._. -~f:~~t::::;:::~~-;;"SP~r:t·8 .-~·~:t"·(~;M".' SPAN (~:.~~_~" l. I .. ""'1C::;::,::-;..-~;.r.c\i"'SPA~ J FRAMING PLAN B-16-367 (4EX) (I OF 2) REM.(2)7-96 _-+---_. --~.~~::~~~~~: ---t--- 'o~~;.-e: SPAN 11 ! G Sketch 1: -_._ ..• Framing Plan (1 of 2) TURN FOR ARBORWAY SEE PIER WCT"" OF WASHINGTON ST. PIER L 70 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX 21 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI JAN 29, 2010 SKETCHES .. .!. ,~~". SPAN , - 13 .,-".~ •• , , , "'".,..-i, SPAN 15, ...., ""(.............. PIER L ." ~ PIER Q SEE PIER SKETCH 19 SEE PIER FRAMING PLAN B-16-367 (4EX) (2 OF 2) E. ABUT. REM.(2)1-96 Framing Plan (2 of 2) SPAN 16 .. .. _'2.L.":-!.!l . . ... , ,'" Sketch 2: '--.~..,'~."'...... ~~.:~ ,PIER R I PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 22 JAN 29, 2010 ~6" LOSS 0.360" REM.1 0.176" REM. CONNECTION ANGLE -$- INDICATES THICKNESS REMAINING PER D-METER SPAN 5, SOUTH FACE OF SOUTH SIDEWALK STRINGER AT PIER D AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (12WF53): d = 12.060" bf = 10.000" tf = 0.576" tw = 0.345" 12WF53 ='Y::::::::._V:2"0 CORR. HOLE li6" LOSS X--X x--~6" LOSS X FULL HEIGHT xx FULL HEIGHT xx (N) (S) SPAN 7, SOUTH SIDEWALK STRINGER AT PIER F Sketch 3: REM,(2)7-% Stringer Condition Details (1 of 2) 70 INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES 12WF53 OF PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI X6" REM. x SURROUNDING 1" .J8"REM. 12WF53 x 1Yz"H CONNECTION ANGLE SPAN 11, SOUTH FACE OF SOUTH SIDEWALK SfRINGER AT PIER K 116" X REM. REM. HEIGHT -+ -+ -+ 0.460" @ 3.5" 0.445" @ 2" 12WF65~ 0.382" @ 1" 0.315" (tj> EDGE (CALIPER) (S) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (N) 7/16" AVG. REM. (CALIPER) SPAN 17, NORTH MEDIAN STRINGER AT MIDSPAN -+ INDICATES THICKNESS REMAINING PER D-METER AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (12WF65): d = 12.120" bf = 12.000" tf = 0.606" tw = 0.390" Sketch 4: REM.(2)H5 Stringer Condition Details (2 of 2) OF 70 INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES 5Yz"L x 1Yz"H CORR. HOLE 23 JAN 29, 2010 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI SKETCHES 0.840" @ 3.5" 0.750" @ 2" 0.547" @ 1" 0.909" @ 2" 0.802" @ 1.5" (N) (S) 36WF150- NO SIG. LOSS TO WEB NO WEB LOSS- 0.880" @ 3.5" 0.791" @ 1.25" NO APPREC. LOSS COVER PLATE 'l§" x 10" NOTE: BEAM 13, SPAN 5, IN SIMILAR CONDITION AT MIDSPAN. ALL REMAINING THICKNESS SHOWN TAKEN WITH D-METER. DISTANCES TO READINGS FROM OUTER EDGE. AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (35WF150): d = 35.840" bf = 11.972" tf = 0.940" tw = 0.525" SPAN S, BEAM 2 AT MIDSPAN (N) ,v,6" LOSS ,v,6" V xx x REM. HEIGHT ~ Ys" (S) x xx xx QQ xx xx xx xx LOSS QQ Ys" Vx xx x 7J:2"H'\!l 35WF150 SPAN 6, BEAM 2 AT PIER E Sketch 5: REM.(2)7-96 LOSS x REM. HEIGHT Beam Condition Details (1 of 3) LOSS 5J:2"H 24 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29,2010 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -N BI X Ji6" x LOSS REM. HEIGHT ~11---36WF150 ~ x x x x x Ja" ~ LOSS x 7"H~x AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (36WF150): d = 35.840" bf = 11.972" SPAN 8, BEAM 2 tf = 0.940" ATPIERG tw = 0.625" (S) (N) 1.184" REM. PER D-METER 36WF245 NO WEB LOSS- COVER PLATE 1}4" x 18" f }4" LOSS x 4"H x 0.990" REM. 1="=~ffiPER D-METER ~ SURFACE WI RUST NO APPREC. LOSS ON COV. PLATE SIMILAR CONDITION: BEAM 8, SOUTH SIDE AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (36WF245): d = 36.060" bf = 16.512" tf = 1.350" tw = 0.802" SPAN 9, BEAM 7 AT MIDSPAN Sketch 6: REM.(2)7·S6 Beam Condition Details (2 of 3) 70 JAN 29, 2010 (S) ~ OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES (N) 25 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B16367 ·4EX·DOT·N BI SKETCHES (S) (N) ~rY,6" AVG. LOSS 36WF150 ~ x x FULL HEIGHT x Ja" LOSS x x x ~ /4" V xx x 4Yz"H ~ LOSS x ~"H BEYOND BEARING ~ AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (36WF150): d = 35.840" bf = 11.972" tf = 0.940" tw = 0.625" SPAN 10, BEAM 2 ATPIERJ (S) (N) 36WF1 50 ---II COVER PLATE ~" x 10" /xJa" LOSS 3"H x xx %" REM. NOTE: THIS CONDITION IS TYPICAL FOR THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE COVER PLATE. AS-BUILT PROPERTIES (36WF150): d = 35.840" bf = 11.972" tf = 0.940" tw = 0.625" SPAN 16, BEAM 7 AT MIDSPAN Sketch 7: REM,(2)7-95 Beam Condition Details (3 of 3) 26 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S,-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI JAN 29, 2010 N (SPAN 11) FRONT EDGE OF 12.1!!"W x ,'-2"H MASONRY PLATE PEDESTAL WALL 12" SHELF if' OFF CONCRETE BEAM 8 I _._.-tr.'" CRACK-TO BAC??-' EDGE OF MASONRY PLATE Jiz" '--;-6P",n;pdr'--'-'-JI" CRACK ~I SPLIT LOOSE DELAM SECTION (REMOVED DURING INSPECTION) ,'-2"H x 8"W x 5l2"D± SPALL; ANCHOR BOLT EXPOSED AND SMALL VOID VISIBLE AT BOLT B"L x 2J2"D± SPALL EXPOSED REBAR WI HOLLOW SOUNDING 10"W x 13"L MASONRY PLATE lYp, EAST SIDE (SPAN 1 0) PIER K - PART PLAN VIEW NOTES: "'BEAMS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY Sketch 8: REM.(2)7·96 Pier K Part Plan View - Beam Pedestal Conditions OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES lO''W x 17"L MASONRY PLATE ]yP. WEST SIDE 27 6" SHELF 12"W x "_2"H PEDESTAL WALL 70 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT -NBI CRACK (lYP.) EA. SIDE OF BEAMS 2-7 CRACK (lYP.) EXTENDS TO CENTER OF (SPAN 16) JAN 29, 2010 BEAM 1 x," BEAM 3 N t MASONRY PLATE BEAM 4 A 'i. j BEAMS A BEAM 6 PIER BEAM 7 lYP. ;" -'«" I' w z ::; -' '[I i BRACKET ~ 'I ~:r: ~l! r~fffi·--·---·~_·_·_·-rb·_·---·-sk·--·=4·_·_·_·4-·---·-Jr-·d.-~ ~ I GIRD , , , (SPAN 15) lfs" , 10"W x 13"L MASONRY PLATE lYP. S'W SHELF CRACK lYP. HOLLOW SOUNDING ON FRONT FACE OF PEDESTAL UNDER BRG. PIER SECTION A-A (SPAN 16) BEAM 14 (SPAN 15) PIER Q PLAN VIEW NOTES: *BEAMS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY 'DELAM FULL HEIGHT OF PEDESTAL Sketch 9: REM.(2)7·00 Pier Q Plan View - Beam Pedestal Conditions OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES If,' 28 6"W SHELF LpEDESTAL WALL 70 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI JAN 29, 2010 l(," CRACK wi PUNKY CONCRETE AND SURFACE D!SINTERATJON (SPAN 18) N -< CONTINUOUS CRACK IN PEDESTAL (TYP.) It PIER BEAM 7 ! l(," CRACK BEAM 6 •••. - ! - ._- . -·-i·- dJ . . w in 1 bl· ,- ------ ;" I 2'-O"L x 7"H x (SPAN 1 7)~ 2"D 2"0 SPALL AT SEAT It y,," CRACK BEAM B BEAM 9 ')f," CRACK 2I x 7"H x 10"W x 17"L MASONRY PLATE TYP. SPALL AT SEAT 2'-O"L x 7"H x (SPAN 18) l"H x 3'-6"L DELAM PIER y,," CRACK 2' -O"L x," 12"H x 3'-6"L CRACK W CRACK, rl'4" BEAM 10 DELAM~ CRACK, 2"0 SPALL AT SEAT f')f, CRACK l(," CRACK BEAM 11 BEAM 12 lI," l f ')f," CRACK CONTINUOUS CRACK IN PEDESTAL (TYP.) CRACK BEAM 13 BEAM 14 -3»" TYP. ~ t-~~=-=-;:~(jE3~~::~~~~~~==~~~~~==;t~E·T-~};:j~~~~~~==~;:~E3~~~===E~}1 i ' ~ ~.--.---1.-.--.-.-- ~ U ~ I I . I -+ -._. ._.__. 5" TYP. 7"H x l' -8"L x 2J;"D SPALL WI EXPOSED REINF. 5"H x 3'-4"L x 3»"D SPALL WI L~"H x 1'-B"L x 2J;"D SPALL EXPOSED REINF. WI EXPOSED REINF. 4J2"H x 1'-B"L 10"W x 17"L x 4"D SPALL MASONRY PLATE (TYP.) wi (SPAN 17) PIER S PLAN VIEW NOTES: "BEAMS NOT SHOWN FOR CLARllY. Sketch 10: REM.(2)M6 Pier S Plan View - Beam Pedestal Conditions OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES BEAM 2 29 L4"H x l'-6"L x 112"0 SPALL EXPOSED REINF. 70 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-DOT -NBI 30 JAN 29, 2010 POST TENSION CABINET 2'_0" 3' -0" PIERD WEST ELEVATION CRACK (TYP.) POST TENSION CABINET 6' -O"L x FULL WIDTH DELAMINATION ON UNDERSIDE 2'-6" SOUTH FACE SECTION A-A 2' -2"L x 8~rH x 1J2"D SPALL WI EXPOSED REINFORCING STEEL WEST FACE: 4' -2"L x 22"H DELAMINATION ON SOUTH CANTILEVER. 20"L x 6"H DELAMINATION ON SOUTHWEST CORNER OF STEM. NORTH FACE: FULL LENGTH x 3'-O"H DELAMINATION. PIERL EAST ELEVATION LEGEND: ~ SPALLED CONCRETE ~ DELAMINATED CONCRETE Sketch 11: REM.(2)7-9S Piers D and L Conditions 70 INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES 18" OF PAGE CITYITOWN S.I. N. SR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 31 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS , " REM.(2)7-00 OF Photo 1: Numerous transverse cracks in concrete wearing surface, spans 8 & 9, eastbound roadway at pier H. Photo 2: Pier Q Deck Joint, EB Roadway, Looking South- Deck joint is approx. 1 1/2" lower than adjacent deck causing uneven surface. PAGE CITYITOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B·16·367 B 16367·4EX·DOT·NBI 32 70 INS PECT ION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .(2)7·96 OF Photo 3: 1 1/4" wide gap between median granite curb and wearing surface filled with heaved concrete and/or sand, span 2, eastbound roadway. Photo 4: 1 1/4" wide x 4' long open gap between median granite curb and concrete wearing surface, span 14, eastbound roadway. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 33 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .(2)7.96 OF Photo 5: 18" diameter x 3" deep spall with exposed wire mesh reinforcement adjacent to north curb, span 12, westbound roadway_ Photo 6: 6 1/2" wide x 6'-8" long full depth spall adj. to median granite curb, span 20, eastbound roadway_ PAG E CITYITOWN B.LN. BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 34 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM_(2)7_96 OF Photo 7: Typical condition of steel grating away from deck joints and curb lines wI surface rust to grating and paint remaining on SIP forms_ Photo 8: Underside of filled steel grating, span 11, between beams 10 & 11 near pier L with 100% loss to SIP forms and some salt efflorescence_ PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B16367·4EX·DOT·NBI 35 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7.96 OF Photo 9: Upward bow in filled steel grating at west end of span 12 with up to 1 3/4" gap between underside of deck and beam 3. Photo 10: Scattered loose fragments of concrete noted along top flange of exterior girders (south girder, span 5, shown above). PAGE CITY/TOWN B. I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-DOT-N BI 9/16" gap between concrete deck and top flange of south exterior girder, span 11, at pier L. • . Photo 12: REM.(2)7_00 . Delaminated concrete along north fascia, span 9, near pier J OF 70 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS Photo 11: 36 JAN 29, 2010 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 37 70 INS PECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .( 2)7·00 OF Photo 13: Section of granite curb on west approach, westbound roadway, is shifted 1" into roadway at west abutment. Photo 14: 9' long x 2" deep spalling along east approach median, at east abutment. PAGE CITY/TOWN B. I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 38 JAN 29, 2010 Water ponding on north sidewalk over a 15' length in span 14 at pier N. Photo 16: REM.(2)7-96 70 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS Photo 15: OF South elevation at span 3 (turnaround roadway). Note recent fabric wrapping of bridge fascia over roadway areas. PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 39 70 INS PECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 17: 1 1/2" horizontal misalignment of south parapet at pier U expansion joint. Photo 18: General view of north sidewalk looking west from pier E. Note tree branches extending through railing at this location. PAG E CITYITOWN B. I.N. BOSTON 4EX SR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B 16367-4EX-OOT -NBI PHOTOS Photo 19: Photo 20: REM .(2)7-96 Plugged scupper, eastbound roadway, adjacent to median curb, span 2, near pier A. Active leakage from drainpipe along the west face of pier C. 40 OF 70 INS PECTI ON DATE JAN 29, 2010 PAGE ClTyrrOW N B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI OF 70 IN SPECTION DATE PHOTOS REM .(2)7-00 41 Photo 21: Disconnected drainpipe hanger below median, span 10, at pier J. Photo 22: 1/32" to 3/16" vertical cracks in lower 3' of median light standard, span 1, with exposed reinforcement from cracks, delamination. JAN 29, 2010 PAGE CITYfTOWN B.I.N. SR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 42 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 23: Northeast anchor bolt missing at base plate for median light standard, span 10. Photo 24: Light fixture attached to beam 8, in span 7, with fixture loose due to broken clip replaced with tie wire. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 43 Photo 26: REM.(2)7-96 70 INSPECTION DAT E JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS Photo 25: OF 1" diameter lighting conduit is sagging down 12", east half of span 9, due to 10 consecutive broken clips to beam 8. Open electrical junction box at base of pier C with exposed wires. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX·DOT·NBI 44 JAN 29, 2010 Expansion Joint at Pier U, Westbound Roadway· Typical sand covering joint seal wI section of joint seal missing _ ,./ Photo 28: REM.(2)7·96 70 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS Photo 27: OF ~ .' .. -' ~,: Expansion Joint at Pier P, Westbound Roadway· Vertical section of joint seal is torn & displaced along median curb. PAGE CITYITOWN B. I. N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B 16367·4EX·DOT·N BI 45 70 INS PECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 29: Expansion Joint at Pier L, Eastbound Roadway· Crack in joint armor in the left lane and joint armor rotated inward to south of crack. Photo 30: North Sidewalk Expansion Joint at Pier T· Elastomeric concrete headers heaved up to 2 1/4" above sidewalk surface. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 46 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-00 OF Photo 31: North Median Stringer, Span 10, near Pier K- Heavy rust delamination and section loss. Photo 32: General underside view at median, looking east in span 19. Note typical replacement of south median stringers & support brackets. PAGE CITYITOWN B. I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 47 OF INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .(2)7-96 70 Photo 33: South Sidewalk Stringer, Span 7, at Pier F- Heavy section loss to web with 2 1/2" diameter rust hole in upper web. Photo 34: Beam 2, Span 6, at Pier E- Rust delamination with minor section loss to web over the bearing area. PAGE CITvrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B·16·367 B 16367·4EX·DOT·NBI OF 70 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS REM.{2 )7-96 48 Photo 35: Beam 2, Span 8, at Pier G· Salt staining and minor section loss to web over the bearing area. Photo 36: Beam 7, Span 16, near Midspan· Heavy rust delamination to lower web and north half of bottom flange (side facing median joint). JAN 29, 2010 PAG E CITYfTOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 49 70 IN SPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM_(2)7-96 OF Photo 37: Beam 2, Span 5, Midspan Region- Close-up view of section loss to top flange. Photo 38: Beam 13, Span 11 , @ Cov. PI. Cut-oft - Hvy rusting and minor section loss to inside surface of flanges due to deck leakage near curbline. PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI OF 70 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS REM .(2)7-96 50 Photo 39: South Exterior Girder, Span 5- Several local bends (typically 3/8" bend over 5" to 6" length) along inside edge of bottom flange. Photo 40: South Exterior Girder, Span 5- Typical rust delamination on top surface of bottom cover plate with minor section loss. JAN 29, 2010 PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 51 70 INS PECTION DAT E JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2}7-00 OF Photo 41: Beam 6 Rocker Bearing, Span 17, at Pier R- Rust packing between curved rocker and masonry plate and lifting bearing. Photo 42: Beam 4 Bearing, Span 13, at Pier M- Up to 3/8" uplift of bearing evident at north side. Pack rust surrounds south pintle. PAGE CITvrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-OOT-N BI 52 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 43: Beam 5 Bearing, Span 16, at Pier R- Upper section of bearing assembly is laterally misaligned 1 1/4" with lower section. Photo 44: Beam 7 Bearing, Span 11, at Pier L- Rocker bearing exhibits excessive tilt to the west (mov't expected in opp. dir. @ 28 degrees). PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-DOT-N BI 53 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 45: End Diaphragms, between Beams 1 & 2, at Pier D- Complete loss of section to lower 5" of web for full length of diaphragms. Photo 46: End Diaphragm Bracket at Beam 8, Span 2, at Pier B- Ineffective due to major web loss; member vibrates when struck with hammer. PAGE CITYITOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 54 Photo 48: REM_(2)7_96 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS Photo 47: OF Diaphragm Bracket for North Median Stringer, Span 10, 4th from East- Rust holes in upper & lower web. Diaphragm Bracket for N. Median Stringer, Span 12, 3rd Bracket from East- Bracket ineffect. w/complete loss of bot. flng. & web holes. PAG E CITY/TOWN B. I. N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-DOT-N BI 55 70 IN SPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.{2)7-96 OF Photo 49: End Diaphragm, Span 19, at Pier U- Intermittent welds broken at connection to beam 7. Photo 50: Full height vertical crack in west abutment breastwall and extending into backwall. Crack has 3/8" outward differential movement at seat. PAGE CITY/TOWN B. I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 56 OF 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS Photo 51: Heavy debris accumulation beneath span 1 along the face of the east abutment. Photo 52: Two sections of missing granite headers, northwest wingwall, located approximately 100' from the breastwall corner_ PAG E CITYITOWN S.I.N. BOSTON 4EX SR. DEPT. NO. 8.-ST RUCT URE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 57 70 INSPECT ION DAT E JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 53: 3' long x 2' high x 3" deep spall near base of the northwest wingwall where it meets up with the corner of the breastwall. Photo 54: Up to 4" of standing water collecting between pedestal walls at pier E. PAGE CITY/TOWN B. I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-ST RUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 58 Photo 56: REM.(2}7-00 70 IN SPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS Photo 55: OF Beam 8 Pedestal, Span 15, at Pier Q- Major split and outward movement of front face of pedestal undermining the bearing. Beam 8 Bearing, Span 15, at Pier Q- Major loss of bearing area due to pedestal deterioration. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-OOT-N BI 59 Photo 58: REM_(2)7_00 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS Photo 57: OF Beam 9 Pedestal, Span 15, Pier Q- 3/8" wide longit. crack extending to rear of mas. plate wi hollow sounding concrete at front face. Beam 10 Pedestal, Span 15, Pier Q- 3/8" wide long it. crack leading to rear of the mas. pI. wi hollow sounding conc. at front face. PAGE CITvrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 60 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 59: Beam 12 Pedestal, Span 15, Pier Q - 1/4" wide crack extending to rear of masonry plate. Photo 60: Beam 4 Pedestal, Span 16, at Pier Q- 3/16" crack extending beneath center of masonry plate (typical condition at beams 2 through 7). PAGE CITYfTOWN B. I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 61 Photo 62: JAN 29, 2010 REM .(2)7_% Beam 5 Pedestal, Span 16, at Pier Q- Delaminated concrete at front of pedestal beneath bearing_ Beam 4 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/8" wide split in pedestal extending to rear of masonry plate. 70 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS Photo 61: OF PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 62 70 INS PECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2}7·96 OF Photo 63: Beam 5 Pedestal, Span 1S, at Pier S- 3/S" split in pedestal extending beneath rear edge of masonry plate. Photo 64: Beam 6 Pedestal, Span 1S, at Pier S- 3/S" split extending beneath bearing masonry plate. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 63 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7·00 OF Photo 65: Beam 11 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/16" crack extending behind the back edge of the masonry plate. Photo 66: Beam 13 Pedestal, Span 18, at Pier S- 3/8" crack extending beneath bearing masonry plate. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTUR.E NO. BOSTON 4EX B·16·367 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI 64 70 INSPECTION DAT E JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .(2)7·% OF Photo 67: Beam 4 Pedestal, Span 17, at Pier S- 22" long x 12" high x 3" ave. deep spall extending to front edge of masonry plate. Photo 68: Beam 7 Pedestal, Span 10, Pier K- 1/2" split in pedestal leading to rear of mas. pl. Conc. on front face is loose & delaminated. PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCT URE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 65 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .{2 )7-96 OF Photo 69: Beam 7 Pedestal, Span 10, at Pier K- Loose conc. to S. of brg. was lifted out of place revealing fracture plane extending beneath brg. Photo 70: Beam 8 Pedestal, Span 10, at Pier K- Major split extending completely through pedestal wall along the north side of the bearing. PAGE CITVfTOWN B. I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT NO. S. -STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-OOT-N BI 66 70 INS PECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .(2)7-96 OF Photo 71: Beam 11 Pedestal, Span 11 , at Pier K- Up to 3/4" wide split in pedestal wall with concrete displaced 3/4" east beneath the bearing. Photo 72: General view looking south from beam 11 along the front face of t he Pier K pedestal for span 11 (no signs of distress on front face). PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. S. -STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B16367·4EX·DOT·NBI 67 Photo 74: REM.(2)7-96 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS Photo 73: OF Pier R, West face· 1/4" horizontal cracks with rust stains along the bottom corners with delaminated concrete. Pier M, West Face, at Beam 12· 6'Iong x 15" high x up to 4" deep corner spall with exposed rebars. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B 16367-4EX-DOT-N BI 68 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM .( 2)7-116 OF Photo 75: Pier B, East Face, at South End- 5' wide x 2'-10" high area of surface delamination wi 20" wide x 4" high x 1 1/2" deep spall. Photo 76: Pier D, West Face- Some delaminated concrete detected beneath post tensioning enclosure on cantilevered arms. PAG E CITvrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-OOT-N BI 69 70 INS PECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-00 OF Photo 77: Heavy bird debris atop pier cap, north end of pier U, between beams 13 & 14. Photo 78: South Cantilever Beam, Span 17, at Pier R- Moist debris collecting around beam at hold-down anchor bolts. PAGE CITy rrOWN S.I.N. SR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-OOT-NBI 70 70 INSPECTION DATE JAN 29, 2010 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-00 OF Photo 79: North Cantilever Beam, Span 14, at Pier P- Section loss to hold down bolts wi 7/S" remaining diameter. Photo SO: 3 of 4 anchor bolts backed off base plate at east approach traffic rail, south rail, 4th post from the east abutment. Pontis BMS Element Inspection BDEPT# B.l.N. 4EX Item 8 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI District District Bridge Inspection Eng'r Inspecting 1 Span Group Town Date B-16-367 Agency Boston Team Douglas J. Consentino HNTB Corporation John Carney Leader 4 Team Member(s) EI# Element Name 01129/2010 Benny D'Artista, Michael Beintum Units Env. Total Q. %orQ State I State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 2 Sidewalk, Concrete, No Overlay, Unprotected ENSF 2 31,895.0 D% 31,895.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 29 Deck, Steel, Concrete Filled Grid ENSF 2 100,106.0 D% 0.0 0.0 0.0 100,106.0 0.0 107 Open Girder, Steel, Painted LF 2 29,500.0 D% 0.0 18,600.0 5,000.0 2,950.0 2,950.0 107 Open Girder, Steel, Painted LF 3 3,900.0 D% 0.0 2,120.0 860.0 700.0 220.0 205 Column or Pile Extension, Concrete, Reinforced EA 3 10.0 D% 0.0 8.0 2.0 0.0 210 Pier Wall, Concrete, Reinforced LF 3 384.0 D% 155.0 179.0 50.0 0.0 215 Abutment, Concrete, Reinforced LF 3 200.0 1:8:1% 40.0% 60.0% 0.0% 0.0% 234 Pier Cap, Concrete, Reinforced LF 3 1,238.0 1:8:1% 50.0% 40.0% 10.0% 0.0% 300 Expansion Joint, Strip Seal LF 4 1,680.0 D% 0.0 1,680.0 0.0 311 Bearing, Moveable (Roller, Sliding, etc.) EA 3 320.0 D% 0.0 320.0 0.0 313 Bearing, Fixed EA 3 320.0 D% 240.0 80.0 0.0 333 Bridge Railing, Other LF 2 5,350.0 D% 4,280.0 1,070.0 0.0 Page 1 Pontis BMS Element Inspection BDEPT# B.I.N. 4EX Item 8 B16367-4EX-DOT-NBI Span Group Town District Date B-16-367 01129/2010 District Bridge Inspection Eng'r Douglas J. Consentino Inspecting 1 HNTB Corporation Agency Boston Team Leader 4 John Carney Team Member(s) Benny D'Artista, Michael Beintum Units Env. Total Q. %orQ State I State 2 State 3 362 Smart Flag, Traffic Impact Damage, Superstructure EA 2 1.0 0% 0.0 1.0 0.0 363 Smart Flag, Section Loss EA 2 1.0 D% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 365 Smart Flag, Soffit (Under Surface), Stay-In-Place Fonn EA 2 1.0 0% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 El# Element Name Page 2 State 4 State 5 1.0 !2-DISl !fIUN.l STRUCTURES INSPECTION FIELD REPORT 04 ~ OF 10 PAGE MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT BR. DEPT. NO. SPECIAL MEMBER INSPECTION CITYffOWN S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI II-Kilo. POINT 90-ROUTINE INSP. DATE 001.979 Jan 30, 2008 07-F ACILlTY CARRIED MEMORIAL NAMEILOCAL NAME ST203 MONSGR CASEY 047 CASEY OVERPASS 06-FEATURES INTERSECTED 26-FUNCTIONAL CLASS COMB WASH ST&AMTK&ORNG Urban Arterial 43-STRUCTURE TYPE 22-0WNER 21-MAINTAINER Other State Other State WEATHER TEMP. (air) 302 : Steel Stringer/Girder 107-DECK TYPE 1 : Concrete Cast-in-Place Cloudy B-16-367 27-YR BUlLT 93*-SPEC. MEMB. INSP. DA" Ju127,2009 106-YR REBUILT "'YR REHAB'D (NON 106) 1951 1991 0000 DIST. BRIDGE INSPECTION ENGINEER TEAM LEADER J. O'Connor M. Griffin PROJMGR DCR TEAM MEMBERS J. DAVISON 28°C WEIGHT POSTING Signs In Place Actual Posting (y=Yes,N=No, NR=NotRequired) Legibilityl Visibility Waived Date: RATING Rating Report (YIN) t 58: 6 0 W 00 Request for Rating or Rerating (YIN): Date: PLANS ww E ...J (V.C.R.) TAPE#: 0 If YES please give priority: IHIGH ( ) MEDIUM ( ) LOW { L I_ _ _ _ _ _ REASON: Inspection data at time of existing rating 159: 6 160: 6 162: Date :08/01/1977 MEMBER LOCA110N OF CORROSION, SECTION LOSS (%), CRACKS, COLLISION DAMAGE, STRESS CONCENTRAl10N, ETC. CRACK (YIN): N N Y 4 N N See remarks in comments section. See remarks in comments section. See remarks in comments section. INV. RATING OF MEMBER Deficiencies 3 3 Not Rated S-P 3 3 Not Rated S-A 5 5 22 25 I-58 List of field tests performed: (Overall Previous Condition) (Overall Current Condition) M-P 36 I-59 1-60 1-62 00~D 0000 CATEGORIES OF DEFICIENCIES: M= Minor Deficiency- '~:I~~e~fn~~ ::s~~ ~i~~~\~ ~~~~~~!~~~~~Itl:;: ~":!' integrity of Ihe bridGe and could easIly Ill:! repaired. Examples include bul are not limited 10: Spalled concrele. Minor pol S= Scvere/Maj or Deficiency- ~::::~~1:r:,~~n~~ee~~~S!~rlll~~:~¥~~~~~~:~tl~~~~~~n~n~rgu~~~~~?n~~ ~~:m~:~::~:~~i~~:~~~i~~ t~o~l~m~~~lt~e~~~I~~!~~~~~rod~::~~~~~I~~~~~te. Exposed C-S= Critical Structural Deficiency _ ~1~~~yC~~rh~ :~~~UI1lI elemenl of 3 bridge thai poses an exfreme unsafe coml~ion due ta Ihe failure or imminenl failure afthe clement whleh will affed Ihc slructul1Il C-H= Critical Haza rd Deficiency - ~~~~I:~~:U~e~~~~e~!tl~~~~~~~~ ~~~s~~:~~:! ha~~~n~nd:~e~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~:~~riC:nns~j~a~;I~ tl~eaP:!~~~~tt~~t~~;!~~~~~~~:~~:' ~!~~n~~eg~ian of bridge railing, elc. URGENCY OF REPAIR: I "" ImmediateA '" ASAP· P '" Prioritize- [Inspector(s) Immediately contact Distrid Bridge Inspection Engineer (DBIE) to report tha Denclency and 10 receive further instruction from himther]. [AdioniRepair should 1m initiated by District Maintenance Enginceror the Responsible Party Of not a State owned bridge) upon receipt of the Inspection Report]. (Shall be prioritized by District Mnintenance Engineer arthe Responsible Party (if nol a State owned bridge) and repairs made when funds and/or manpower is awilable]. X=UNKNOWN F.C,(I)7-95 N=NOT APPLICABLE H=HIDDEN/INACCESSIBLE R=REMOVED PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 2 OF 10 INSPECTION DATE JUL 27, 2009 REMARKS 6.8IP_QLQBLE~J:AILON Abutment "A" is at the east, The piers are labeled east to west, Piers A to U. Abutment "8" is at the west. .D_e_~~=- The south bound roadway has several holes through the deck at the median longitudinal joint, see photo 6. There is heavy deterioration all along this joint. The south median stringer can be seen from the top throug h the deck. !:'-ENERAL~EJ',1I.AR~S Many of the median stringers have been replaced under the maintenance contract by NEL Corporation and SPS Corporation, from piers "D" to "S". SPS Corporation, under the maintenance contract, is making repairs to the median stringers between piers S to U. They are also repairing spalls and large areas of delamination to the hammerhead piers. Note: The span above South Street has the south median stringer dropping away from the deck at location 14, see sketch 2, Framing Plan. The stringer is down 4" at the cantilevered diaphragm. Dave Lenhardt and Jahan Dehkharghani were notified and SPS Corporation responded and placed timber shielding below this stringer until a repair can be made. Note: Pier cap "R" has heavy spalling to the top of the cap westface, north end. See photo 7. LtEtOL5.!l...:LO-=.Jli.aphra.9lILsLCLQS_s~r.a.IJJ.!ts The cantilevered diaphragms, below the median, support the median stringers. These diaphragms have heavy corrosion and section loss. See Sketch 2, Framing Plan and Sketch 1, Section Through Deck, looking east. A. Repaired. B. Repaired. C. Repaired. D. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in web. F. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in web. G. 80th diaphragms under the median stringers have severe corrosion with 100% section loss, 18 in L x 13 in Hand at top 19 in L x5in H. H. Regular diaphragms over the pier with 100 % section loss. I. Span between piers C and D, the web has 100% section loss, to north diaphragm, 5 in Lx 13 in H. See photo 3. L. Regular diaphragms over the pier with 100 % section loss. Note: Most of the regular diaphragms at the west abutment have 100% section loss, both first interior bays at the north and south are the worst. lti1m_5_9. The median stringers have heavy corrosion with 100% section loss due to the leaking longitudinal jOint. Repairs under the Maintenance Contract have been on going since 2006. Repairs have been made to the stringers from Pier D to Pier S. The spans between piers C and D still need to be repaired. SPS Corporation is currently working on the spans between Piers Sand U. The span above South Street has the south median stringer dropping away from the deck at location 14, see sketch 2, Framing Plan. The stringer is down 4" at the cantilevered diaphragm. Dave Lenhardt and Jahan Dehkharghani were notified and SPS Corporation responded and placed timber shielding below this stringer until a repair can be made. For description of problem areas, see numbered area below. See Sketch 2, Framing Plan, for location of these REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. 80STON 4EX 8-16-367 816367 -4EX-MDC-N81 3 OF 10 INSPECTION DATE JUL 27, 2009 REMARKS lt~oL5_9.1 ~M~tdlan_Stringer~_CC_ont'.dl- areas. The south median stringers have the section loss listed below. The stringers (top flange) appear to be welded to the bottom of the concrete filled steel grid. Note: Shielding has been placed below the median stringers from the west side of Pier "S" to Pier "T" This shielding makes the median stringers inaccessible, see photo 1. Note: An emergency repair was completed, January 2006, to the span between Piers Nand P. The south median stringers and cantilevered diaphragms have been removed and replaced with new galvanized stringers and cantilevered diaphragms due to severe corrosion. An emergency repair was also completed in October 2006 between piers P and Q. Replacement of median stringers above the Bus Stop was needed due to the serious condition of the stringers. A Maintenance Contract in June 2007 to replace some of the median stringers and diaphragms between piers 0 to F. More repairs under the maintenance contract was completed between Piers F to S in 2008. 1.100% section loss, 1-1f' L x 1-1/2" H. 2. Hole in top of web, 100% section loss, 2 in W x 1 in H. 3. 100% section loss, bottom 1-1/2' Lx 2 in H and at the top, 1-1/2 in W x 1-1/2 in H. 4. 100% section loss, bottom 5" W x 2" H and at the top, 2" W x 2" H. 6.Abovepier"T", east side, 100% section loss to upper web, 2in Lx2 in H. See photo 2. 7. The stringer ends, east, 100% section loss, 17 in Lx 9 in H and at the top, 6 in L x 1 in H. The west end also has 100% section loss, 23.5 in L x 3.5 in H, and 5 in Lx 5 in H. 8.100% section loss at the top of the web, 4 in Lx 1.5 in H. The bottom of the web, 9 in Lx 2 in H. 9. At diaphragm connection, west end, 100% section loss, two holes, 21 in Lx 2 in Hand 4.5 in Lx 4.5 in H. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. East side of diaphragm, 100% section loss, two holes, 11.5 in Lx 2 in Hand 3.5 in L x 2.5 in H. The west side of the diaphragm, 100% section loss in web, 28 in Lx 6 in H. Heavy rusting with 50% section loss to the bottom flange. At diaphragm connection, 100% section loss to upper web, 9 in Lx 1.5 in H. Locateded between Piers Sand T. Severe corrosion to stringer end at diaphragm connection, 100% section loss in web, 4 in L x 4 in H. The bottom flange is distorted and bent down in this area. The stringer is dropping down from the deck, 4". 23. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 2-1/2' Lx 3 in H. 24. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top=6 in L x 2 in H, bottom= 3'-8" L x 3 in H, see photo 4. 28. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top=4.5 in Lx 3 in H. 29. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 18 in L x 1.5 in H., repai red. 38. 39. 40. 41. 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % section section section section loss loss loss loss in in in in both stringers above the diaphragm, top of web. stringer web, top. both stringers above the diaphragm, top of web. both stringers above the diaphragm, top of web. Ltj;l11LltO~2.-,:J:~ijmLOLaents IJj;lm_6_0~2A--,,-Hammj;lLI:lj;l_a_dYi EtLS All of the hammerhead piers have had post tensioning repairs made to them due to structural cracks. These cracks started at the top center of the pier and traveled down diagonally to the base of the cantilevered arms. Post tensioning repairs are secure and in good condition. The hammerhead piers have 10 to 20% delamination. Minor cracks (possible structural cracks) now exist with minor to moderate efflorescence and ltj;lm_EiQ.2-=-£'.tEtULOLaEtoJs REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 4 OF 10 INSPECTION DATE JUL 27, 2009 REMARKS Item 6_0~2J_=--!:lamm.eLHEta_dJ~ieLs-lkQ!Jt~dl- some delamination in Piers 0, G, J, K, H, L, Sand U. See photo 5. Some minor deficiencies to the post tensioning and areas of spalling and delamination; Pier C has old fire damage from the homeless that were living along the base of the pier. The pier is chard and soot stained with large areas of delamination that is starting to spall. The west face has delamination 9' Lx 3-1/2' H. Pier D the west face has delamination and cracking along the south arm of the pier, 12' Lx 2' H, see photo 5. Pier F the west face has delamination and rust staining and is starting to spall. The east face has delamination with cracking and rust staining, 10' L x 3' H. Pier G has a spall with scaling concrete at the top below the median, 3' Lx l' W x 3" D. A spall to the column stem with moderate cracking and delamination, 4-1/2' H x 2' W x 3" 0 with exposed rusted rebar. Pier H has a sealing cap and nut cracked at the south end. The west face is starting to spall, 4' W x 4' H. The south face has moderate cracking and delamination. The east face has moderate cracking, delamination and rust staining. Pier J had spalling to the cantilevered arms that has been repaired. The west face has moderate cracking with delamination. Pier K has delamination to the stem, west face 6' L x 3' H with cracking. The east face is 4' Lx 2' H. Pier L has spalling to the stem, south face 6' H x 3' W x 2-1/2" 0 with exposed rusted rebar and surrounding delamination. Pier 5 has a cracked nut and three sealing caps cracked at the south end. Pier T is missing a sealing cap at the south. Minor spalling to the stem with surrounding delamination to the east face. The north face has delamination to the stem with spalling/ deteriorated concrete, 3' W x 2' H x 11/2" 0 with exposed rusted rebar. Concrete repairs to the hammerhead piers and to piers B, M and N are on going, SPS Corporation is making the re pairs. S.k.Ettc.bJ~b~lo_L_O-!l Sketch 1: Sketch 2: Photo 1 : Photo 2 : Photo 3: Photo 4: Photo 5: Photo 6: Photo 7: REM.(2)7·gp Section Through Bridge Deck Framing Plan Screening below median stringers and diaphragms Pier S to Pier T. Location 6, median stringer above pier T, east side. Heavy corrosion with 100% section loss. West side has been repaired. Cantilevered diaphragm with 100% section loss at location I in span between piers C and D. Location 24 between piers C and 0 with 100% section loss to the median stringer web, top and bottom. Pier" 0" west face of hammer head pier. The south bound roadway has several holes through the deck at the median longitudinal joint. Heavy spalling to top of pier cap "R" west face, north end. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.LN. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI JUL 27,2009 J~".!, .... ,.,,~, O<:'.c~""""'-"'·'-"~ ~L'" __ ,;.~"~<:l:.'i_,:':-C:' ""'~?::!::."!.._ ... _ -,.ui,~{:::~---' "-,'t':: .',:;,> c.'''}'·-,"",,' .'·.~"O'C"'· "' .!ii"~"' :.~ -', ",,,;" :J~ ""oC'~~ """~~. ~.: )!;"\~·~; :;;;' ='t]W ~1 • •":L . r mm"1 ID1Eru . . ffi __ Median StringerS- Y r:-----::L E~stlng W12x65 -j' ~'~l r~'lj?. .... , Typical Section Thru Superelevated Roadway Existing Bridge (Looking East) Sketch 1: REM.(2)7-96 Section Through Bridge Deck OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES ___ ...:-": 5 . >. . .".':;,:. . 10 PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI JUL 27, 2009 Entrance to court parking area from Arborway. damage W~hlnltt~n b u t m •n li~, :!='.:__,e, St. U; :z ,_ -' :r 'J 1- I::l.:....--:r.=..::::::: A F H I- " < " 'w J K W.... Wn!Cton St. ! Bus Stop '" '£ f ~ ~ G Ie: t L MBTAStation ::2 1 l-= '£ L M N p i,---f--:::::-Fascia Girder HellVY _pa1Ilng h,p of plo~ c ..p aroW1<1 n"rth bc. .... tna;::. The spans bet\\.'cen piers D and S has had the south median stringers and some of cantilevered diaphragms replaced under the maintenance contract in 2006 to 2008. 'M ~.~ ~ __ " _ ' T - ~ --;J /!::. _ .)..1 /..,"11- -":t ?Y ufJ!1 , Two Column Bents ~ Netting !lUiU Framina Plan Sketch 2: REM.(2)7-!l6 Framing Plan Stringers ! Hammer Head Piers with Post Tensioning - Piers "e" to "L" and Piers "S" to "U" Stringers Under Median W12x65 --------------.--.-First Interior Stringers W12x53 --------------.----Collision Damage X X iD OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES Collision 6 Not To Scale 10 PAGE CITyrrOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B·16·367 B16367·4EX·MDC·NBI 7 10 INS PECTION DATE JUL 27,2009 PHOTOS REM .(2}l-96 OF Photo 1: Screening below median stringers and diaphragms Pier S to Pier T. Photo 2: Location 6, median stringer above pier T, east side. Heavy corrosion with 100% section loss. West side has been repaired . PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I. N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MDC-NBI 8 10 INSPECTION DATE JUL 27, 2009 PHOTOS REM .(2)7-00 OF Photo 3: Cantilevered diaphragm with 100% section loss at location I in span between piers C and D_ Photo 4 : Location 24 between piers C and D with 100% section loss to the median stringer web, top and bottom _ PAGE CITVfTOWN B. IN BR. DEPT. NO. S. -STRUCTU RE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MOC-NBI 9 10 INSPECTI ON DAT E JUL 27, 2009 PHOTOS REM.(2)7-96 OF Photo 5: Pier "0" west face of hammer head pier. Photo 6: The south bound roadway has several holes through the deck at the median longitudinal joint. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B·16·367 B16367·4EX·MDC·NBI PHOTOS Photo 7: REM_ (2)7~96 Heavy spalling to top of pier cap "R" west face, north end. 10 OF 10 INS PECTION DATE JUL 27, 2009 PAGE MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT !2-DISl !JB.I.N.l STRUCTURES INSPECTION FIELD REPORT 04 ~ BR. DEPT. NO. ROUTINE & SPECIAL MEMBER INSPECTION S.-STRUCTURE NO. CITYffOWN BOSTON II-Kilo. POINT B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 07-FACILITY CARRIED MEMORlAL NAMEILOCAL NAME ST203 MONSGR CASEY 047 CASEY OVERPASS 06-FEATURES INTERSECTED 26-FUNCTIONAL CLASS COMB WASHST&AMTK&ORNG Urban Arterial 22-0WNER 21-MAINTAINER Other State Other State WEATHER TEMP. (air) 302 : Steel Stringer/Girder 107-DECK TYPE 1 : Concrete Cast-in-Place 0 Rain B-16-367 41-STATUS 90-ROUTINE INSP. DATE 001.979 R:POSTED 27-YRBUILT 106-YRREBUILT YRREHAB'D(NONI06) 1951 JAN 30, 2008 1991 DIST. BRIDGE INSPECTION ENGINEER 43·STRUCTURE TYPE OF 19 1 TEAM LEADER J. O'Connor 0000 M. Griffin PROJMGR nCR TEAM MEMBERS J. DAVISON 8°C DEF 5 M-P H Sop 3 forms 7 4.Curbs Sop 5.Median 6.Sidewalks N 11.Lighting Standards 4 SoP 4 Sop 4 SoP N N N N 12.Utilities N CURB REVEAL (In millimeters) 1 203 S 1 I «< I APPROACHES DEF a. Appr. pavement condition 5 M-P b. Appr. Roadway Settlement 5 M-P c. Appr. Sidewalk Settlement 6 M-P d. (Attached to bridge) (YIN) I c. Condition of Signs 1'------------------"-----' COLLISION DAMAGE: Please explain Moderate ( X) Severe ( N LOAD DEFLECTION: 0 None ( DEF t~~~~~~=====tjNt=1 x None N OVERHEAD SIGNS IYear Painted _: § ) Minor ( X) LOAD VIBRATION: None ( ) Minor ( Severe ( Please explain ) Severe ( X ) Moderate ( SCOUR: Please explain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~LN_O_ne_(~X~)_M_in_Or~(-==)=M~Od_e_ra_te~(__~)S_e_~_re~(==~ 0 Any Fracture Critical Member: (YIN) Any Cracks: (YIN) ~ ~ /·60 (Dive Report): 0 N X=UNKNOWN 0 5 N 93B-UIW (DIVE) Insp RTN(1)7·96 1·60 (This Report): N=NOT APPLICABLE H=HIDDENIINACCESSIBLE 00/00/00 R=REMOVED I PAGE 80STON B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. 4EX 8-16-367 816367 -4EX-MDC-N81 OF 19 2 INSPECTION DATE I,jH@ltl TRAFFIC.,IiLr,Cl JAN 30, 2008 (YINIP) ACCESSIBILITY CHANNEL & CHANNEL PROTECTION Not Applicable ~ ~N L!!J ~N 1'NS2 11S"N°" L!!J 1 Recommended Posting ~ [3!J 12510 Waived Date: 1 00100100 1EJDMT Date: 1 00100100 Actual Posting Signs In Place (y=Yes,N=No, NR=NotRequired) TOTAL HOURS LegibilityJ Visibility PLANS Not ApplicablE ~ Actual Field Measurement STREAM FLOW VELOCITY: Tidal ( ) High ( ) Moderate ( ITEM 61 (Dive Report): ~ )low( (YIN): ~ TAPE#: ITEM 61 (This Report) 00100100 93b-UIW INSP. DATE:I Rating Report (YIN) (V.C.R.) Posted Clearance ) None( (YIN): G I List offield tests performed: NR=NotRequired) i (To be filled out by DBIE) ~ Request for Rating or Rerating (YIN): Date: -,:.0:..:4/:..:1::;.9/..:.c19::,:7..:.9-----,J1 Inspection data at time of existing rating 158: - 159: - 160: Date :01102/1979 LI Signs In Place (y=Yes,N=No, If YES lease ive riori 0 HIGH ( ) MEDIUM ( REASON: CONDITION RATING GUIDE CODE C 2 c CONDITION DEFECTS CRITICAL " vertical or horizontal movement affecting structure light service. "IMMINENT' FAILURE o FAilED DEFICIENCY REPORTING GUIDE action, CATEGORIES OF DEFICIENCIES: J\Il= Minor Deficiency- '~:I~~.I1~~~~ ;~;:: :;;i~~~I~ ~~~~~....~!eun~r:~I~~~~~~i~~~~~~~ ~~~c\ural integrity of the bridge and could easily be repaired. Examples include bul are not limited 10: Spa lied concrete, Minor pot S= Severe/MaJ" or Deficiency- )Deficiencies whIch lire more extensive in nulure and need more planning and effort 10 repair. ~amples Include but ure not limited 10: Moderule to majordelerioralion In concrete, Exposed ~nd corroded rebars, Consldernblo settlement. Considerable scouring or undermining. Moderate to extensive corrosion to Slruclural Sleel with measuroble loss of sedioo. elc. c-s= Critical Structural Deficiency _ ~I~~~~yl!~frh~ ~~~~ural elemCllI of a bridge thai poses an extreme unsafe condilion due 10 the failum or imminent failure of the elemenl which will affect the structural CRH= Critical Hazard Deficiency- A deficiency in a componenl or clement of a bridge IMt poses an extreme hazard or unsafe condilion to the public. but does nol impair the structural integrity of the bridge. El<;lmples include but are not limited to: Loose concrete hanging down over traffic or pedestrians, A hole In II sidewalk that may cause injuries 10 pedestrians. Missing section of bridge railing, elc. URGENCY OF REPAIR: I'" Immediate- (Inspector(s) immediately contact Dislrlct Bridge Inspection Engineer (DBIE) to report the Deficiency and 10 receive further instruction from hirnlher]. A = ASAP- (Actian/Rcpalrshould be Initialed by Olstrict Maintenance Engineeror the Responsible Party P "" Prioritize- (Shall be prioritized by Dlslrict Maintenance Engineerorlhc Responsible Party (if not a Slate owned bridge) and repairs madewhcn funds andlor manpower is available]. RTB(2)04-07 Of not a State owned bridge) upon receipt of the Inspection Report]. PAGE MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 2 OIS1 1 - 04 1 jBJ.N.l STRUCTURES INSPECTION FIELD REPORT ~ 8,-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 07-FACILITY CARRIED B-16-367 II-Kilo. POINT 90·ROUTINE INSP. DATE 001.979 Jan 30, 2008 MEMORIAL NAMEILOCAL NAME 27-YRBUILT ST203 MONSGR CASEY 047 CASEY OVERPASS 06·FEATURES INTERSECTED 26-FUNCTIONAL CLASS COMB WASH ST&AMTK&ORNG Urban Arterial 43·STRUCTURE TYPE 22-0WNER 21-MAINTAINER l07-DECK TYPE WEATHER TEMP. (air) 1 : Concrete Cast-in-Place Rain Other State 302 : Steel Stringer/Girder WEIGHT POSTING Actual Posting ~~ Recommended Posting [!!] ~ Other State 1991 0000 RATING M. Griffin PRQJMGR DCR TEAM LEADER TEAM MEMBERS 8°C Signs In Place (y=Yes,N=No, NR=NotRequired) Legibilityl Visibility Waived Date: Jan 30, 2008 I06-YRREBUILT "'YR REHAB'D (NON 106) 1951 J. DAVISON At brid e 3 93*-SPEC.l\.1EMB. INSP. DA' DIST. BRIDGE INSPECTION ENGINEER Not H Advance 881881 0 PLANS (V.C.R.) (Y/N):0 TAPE#: If YES please give priority: Rating Report (YIN) ~ 159: _ 160: _ IHIGH ( Request for Rating or Rerating (YIN): Date: LI_-,04.:../_1.:..9/..:.1.:..97:...9,---" REASON: Inspection data at time of eXisting rating 158: _ BR.DEPT. ROUTINE & SPECIAL MEMBER INSPECTION CITYfTOWN OF 19 3 (YIN): N N I LOCATION OF CORROSION, SECTION LOSS (%). CRACKS, COLLISION DAMAGE, STRESS CONCENTRATION, ETC. CRACK Piers ) lOW ( Date :01/0211979 162: _ Y ) MEDIUM ( 4 See remarks in comments section. See remarks in comments section. See remarks in comments section. INV. RATING OF MEMBER Deficiencies 3 3 Not Rated S-A 3 3 Not Rated S-A 5 5 22 25 I-58 List of field tests performed: (Overall Previous Condition) (Overall Current Condition) M-P 36 I-59 1-60 1-62 00~D 0000 CATEGORIES OF DEFICIENCIES: M= Minor Deficiency- '~:I~~.e~~~~ ::s~~ ~l~~~:~~f~~~~'!~~~~."br~;:~ of tile hridge and could easily be repaired. Examples Include but are not limiled to: Spa lied concrete, Minar pot S= SevcrcfMa j or Deficicncy- ~~~:=~~:r:.~:n:eer::I~s!~~tll~r:::~~.~~g~~:~~I~~~~~an~n~rgu~~~~~?n~~ ~~:~';~:~;;:~~i~~:~~i~~ I~O~t~~~~:~~~t~~!~s~~~;ed~;:~~~~O~i~~~~c~ete, Exposed C-S= Critical Structural Deficiency _ ~t~~~~e~nh~ ~~t;;!~Ural element of II bridge thai poses ~n extreme unsafe eond~ion due to the failure or Imminent failure of the element which will affect the structurnl C-H= Critical Hazard Deficiency- A deficiency In a component or element of a bridge that poses an extreme hazard or unsafe eondnion to the public, but docs not impair the structurallnlegrtly of the blidgc. Exumplcs InclUde bul ~rc nol limite{! to: loose concrete hanging down over trnffic or pedestrians, A hole in ~ sidewalk that may cause Injuries to pedestrians. Missing section of bridge railing. elo. URGENCY OF REPAIR: I = Immediate- [Inspector(s) immlldiutely contact District Bridgo Inspection Engineer (DBIE) to report the Deficiency and to receive further instruction from himiherJ. A = ASAP- [ActiorJiRepair shouki be initiated by District Maintenance Engineeror the Responsible Party (if not II State owned bridge) upon receipt olthe Inspectkln Report]. P = Prioritize- [Shall be prioritized by O',strict Malnten3llce Engineer or the Responsible Party (of not II State owned bl'ldge) and repairs made when funds andlor manpower is awilable). X=UNKNOWN F.C.{1)7·95 N=NOT APPLICABLE H=HIDDEN/INACCESSIBLE R=REMOVED PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. SR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 4 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS BRlDJ:~E_QRIENTATION Abutment "A" is at the east, The piers are labeled east to west, Piers A to U. Abutment "B" is at the west. (tEJ'LEML_REJ\lI~B.J~S Some median stringers have been replaced between Piers "0" and "F" by the maintenance contractor, SPS. ITEM 58 - DECK Ltem 5J1.1 -lI\l..e_aring_surface The concrete wearing surface has moderate concrete patching throughout. The outbound roadway at the east end has moderate transverse cracking on both sides of the deck joints above the piers. Outbound roadway has several potholes; between piers Land M, 2' L x 3' W x 3" 0, with the concrete patch breaking up. Between Piers Q and P a recent concrete patch has cracking at the west end. Between Piers Rand Q a spall! pothole to a recent concrete patch with wire mesh exposed. The inbound roadway at the east end has moderate transverse cracking on both sides of the deck joints above the piers. Some minor potholes! spalls between Piers P to T. Itilm_5_8...3--,,-S_tayJ.n..pJ.ac_eJ_orms The stay in place forms is very thin steel that has 100% section loss throughout. The deck is concrete filled steel grating. The bottom of the steel ribs of the grating is exposed with heavy rusting where the stay in place forms have failed. tt~IJL5_8~5 - MjtdJan The longitudinal joint is leaking water below causing severe corrosion (100% section loss) to the median stringers, see item 59-15 Median Stringers and the cantilevered diaphragms, see 59-10. The west approach median has a concrete spall around the electrical box, 11' Lx 1-1!2' W x 2' H x 3" 0, with the electrical cover plate missing. The east approach median above the abutment joint has scaling concrete, 7' Lx 1-1!2' Wx1-1!2" 0 and another location at the easterly end, 20' L x1-1!2' Wx 2" O. It~m_5_8_.I..:,J~.aI.<!p-«tts The concrete along the top flange of the fascia girders has random horizontal cracking with some areas spalled. This cracking is delaminated with some removed during the inspection as was done in 2006. IJem_5_8~8-'"-Rail1ng ST-2 with pickets, the paint is peeling and chipping. It~m_5Jt.j_0_,,-DrainaglLSy-s_te_m Most of the drains are plugged. The steel downspouts are heavily rusted. The approach sidewalks have heavy puddling blocking the sidewalk at the northeast, southeast and southwest. The puddles are approximately 110' Lx 8' Wx 2" 0 and are not draining. tt~m_!i8..:lL,,-Ligbting_SjaRd_aIds There are two lighting standards missing in the median, one above pier "L" and the other above pier "Q". REM.(2)7-95 PAGE CITYfTOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 5 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS IJeJ)L5_8~:L3-=-Qe_cJLJ_ojnt~ The deck joints have moderate to heavy cracking around all the joints. Moderate road debris inside some of the joints. The joi nt above pier "u" outbound has half of the joint elevated with some of the joint fi lIer dropping, the rubber seal is torn at the north end. This joint is leaking with water pouring through onto the stringer ends and the pier. The longitudinal joint is leaking throughout causing severe section loss to the median stringers and median cantilevered diaphragms. AppI:Qakb.l:1.s_CI - ApPL-pavemenCc_o_RdJtlQtl The approaches have moderate cracking of the bituminous concrete. The approaches have moderate cracking with rutting and has settlement at the southwest and northwest. Approache~ - Appr. Ro-,~_dway_S~Jtlement See Appoach Pavement Condition. App.I:Qa_c_bj!_s_c - Appj~$..iliewCllL&tttle_tlumt The approach sidewalks have heavy puddling blocking the sidewalk at the northeast, southeast and southwest. The puddles are approximately 110' Lx 8' W x 2" D and are not draining. Ufl.IIL5_!!..1 - SJringeLs The steel stringers below the deck joints have random moderate to heavy rusting. See 59-15 Median Stringers for locations of 100% section loss, these stringers are in serious condition due to the leaking longitudinal joint. See sketch 1, Section Through Deck and sketch 3 Framing Plan. Itfl.tlL5Jl..~-=-qll:d.l:1.l:s The steel girders has areas of moderate rusting. The north and south fascia girders have moderate collision damage to the bottom flange between piers Band C across from the court house at the Arborway turnaround . .lt~!IL5_!!..7 - Conn Plt's-o---Gus.-S_ets_~ AngLe_s Heavy rusting below the median to all steel members due to the leaking longitudinal joint. tt.l:1.tlL5_!!..1L.,,_C_OJLeIYlatfl.S The cover plates have tack welds all along the cover plate and bottom flange of the steel stringers, the nose area has a continuous weld. U.l:1.m_!i!!.J_O-=-ULaphr.agms The cantilevered diaphragms below the median support the median stringers, these diaphragms have heavy corrosion and section loss. See Sketch 3, Framing Plan and Sketch 1, Section Through Deck, looking east. A. This diaphragm was removed due to severe corrosion and 100% section loss. B. This diaphragm was removed due to severe corrosion and 100% section loss. C. This diaphragm was removed due to severe corrosion and 100% section loss. D. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in web. E. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in web. F. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in web. REM.(2)7-96 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. 80STON 4EX 8-16-367 816367 -4EX-MDC-N81 6 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS G. Both diaphragms under the median stringers have severe corrosion with 100% section loss, 18 in L x 13 in H and at top 19 in L x 5 in H. H. Regular diaphragms over the pier with 100 % section loss. /. The web has 100% section loss, to north diaphragm, 2.5 in Lx 12 in H. J. The web has 100% section loss, 12 in Lx 2 in H. Replaced L. Regular diaphragms over the pier with 100 % section loss. M. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in lower web, 6" Lx 1-1/4" H. N. Severe corrosion, 100% section loss in web, at stringer locations 44 and 45. The section loss to the lower web is 6" Lx 1-1/4" H. F1 This the location of the median stringer see sketch 3, diaphragm has 100% section loss. ttf1.IIL!i9~_t! - RivQ.ls_&..!3oltJ> Heavy rusting below the median to all steel members due to the leaking longitudinal joint. ttf1.mJjjLt2~1IlLe./.f::lJ> The cover plates have tack welds all along the cover plate and bottom flange of the steel stringers, the nose area has a continuous weld. Areas of moderate to heavy rusting. Item 59.13 - Member AlignmeJ)! The median steel stringers and cantilevered diaphragms have some settlement away from the concrete filled deck, some distortion at locations of severe corrosion and section loss to median stringers. ltf1.IIL5_9..j_5-=--M~_djaILSJrl!lgf1.(s The median stringers have heavy corrosion with 100% section loss due to the leaking longitudinal joint. For description of problem areas, see numbered area below. See Sketch 3 for location of these areas. The south median stringers have the section loss listed below. Some of the median stringers are dropping down from the deck. The stringers appear to be welded to the bottom of the concrete filled steel grid. Note: Shielding has been placed below the median stringers from the West abutment to the west side of Pier "S". This shielding makes the median stringers inaccessible (Visual only). Temporary support has been added to the concrete median above the median stringers which were removed due to their serious condition, see Sketch 2 and see photos 1 and 2. Some stringers have been removed. Note: An emergency repair was completed, January 2006, to the span between Piers Nand P. The south median stringers and cantilevered diaphragms have been removed and replaced with new galvanized stringers and cantilevered diaphragms due to severe corrosion. An emergency repai r was also completed in October 2006 between piers P and Q. Replacement of median stringers above the Bus Stop was needed due to the serious condition of the stringers. A Maintenance Contract in June 2007 to replace some of the median stringers and diaphragms between piers D to F. F1. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 2-1/2" W x 4" H. G1. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 7-1/2" W x 2-1/2" H. M1.100 % section loss in stringer web, 5" W x 1/2" H. M2 Heavy corrosion small hole top of web. M3.100 % section loss in stringer web, 12" W x 8" H. M4. Both stringer ends above the cantilevered diaphragm, east= 16" W x 8" H see photo 10, west= 55" W x 9" H see ph oto 11 . M5. Heavy corrosion with 100% section loss with numerous small holes in web. N1. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 12" W x 1-1/2" H. N2. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top= 9" W x 1" Hand bottom= 17" W x 2" H. 6. Above pier "T", east side, 100% section loss to upper web, 2 in Lx 2 in H. See photo 3. REM.(2J7-% PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 7 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS 7. The stringer ends, east, 100% section loss, 17 in Lx 9 in H and at the top, 6 in L x 1 in H. The west end also has 100% section loss, 23.5 in L x 3.5 in H, and 5 in Lx 5 in H. 8. 100% section loss at the top of the web, 4 in Lx 1.5 in H. The bottom of the web, 9 in Lx 2 in H. 9. At diaphragm connection, west end, 100% section loss, two holes, 21 in Lx 2 in Hand 4.5 in Lx 4.5 in H. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. East side of diaphragm, 100% section loss, two holes, 11.5 in L x 2 in Hand 3.5 in Lx 2.5 in H. The west side of the diaphragm, 100% section loss in web, 28 in Lx 6 in H. Heavy rusting with 50% section loss to the bottom flange. At diaphragm connection, 100% section loss to upper web, 9 in Lx 1.5 in H. Severe corrosion to stringer end at diaphragm connection, 100% section loss in web, 4 in Lx 4 in H. The bottom flange is distorted and bent down in this area. Some separation between the top flange and the deck. 15. Between piers" Hand J", at diaphragm connection, 100% section loss, two holes, 6 in W x 5 in H, 4 in W x 1 in H, with several holes along the lower web. See photo 4. 15a. 100% section loss, two holes, 9 in W x 4 in H at top of web and 9 in W x 3 in H at bottom of web. See photo 4. 16. 100% section loss in stringer web, 8 in L x 7 in H. 17. 100% section loss in stringer web, 12 in W x 8 % in H. See photo 5. 18. 100% section loss in stringer web. 19. 100% section loss in stringer web, heavy corrosion. 20.100 % section loss in stringer web, 13 in Wx 9 in H. See photo 6. 23. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 26 in Lx 2.5 in H. 24.100 % section loss in stringer web, top=5 in L x 1 in H, bottom= 16 in Lx 1 in H. 25. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top=6 in L x 2 in H. 26. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top=5 in L x 3 in H, bottom= 14 in Lx 2 in H. 27.100 % section loss in stringer web, top=4 % in Lx 2 % in H. 28. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top=4.5 in Lx 3 in H. 29.100 % section loss in stringer web, 18 in Lx 1.5 in H. 30. 100 % section loss in stringer web, top = 6 in Lx 2 in H, bottom = 4 in Lx 1 in H. See photo 6. 31.100 % section loss in stringer web, top=7 in L x4 in H. 32. 100 % section loss in stringer web, bottom=5 in Lx 2-1/2 in H. 33. 100 % section loss in stringer web, 8 in L x 7 in H. 34. 100 % section loss in stringer web. 36.100 % 37. 100 % 38. 100 % 39. 100 % 40. 100 % 41. 100 % 42. 100 % 43. 100 % 44. 100 % section loss section loss section loss section loss section loss section loss section loss section loss section loss in stringer web, 8" W x7-1/2" H. in stringer web at the top, 5-1/2" W x 1-1/2" H. in both stringers above the diaphragm, top of web. in stringer web, top. in both stringers above the diaphragm, top of web. in both stringers above the diaphragm, top of web. in stringer, top of web. in stringer, top of web. in stringer web, 8 in W x 7 in H. See photo 7. 52. 100 % 53.100 % 54.100 % 55. 100 % 56. 100 % section section section section section in in in in in REM.(2)7.95 loss loss loss loss loss stringer web, 9 in W x 8 in H. stringer lower web, 31 in Wx 2 in H. stringer lower web, 31 in Wx 2 % in H. stringer web, top=3 in L x 2 in H, bottom= 15 in L x 2 in H. stringer web. PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MDC-NBI 8 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS 57. 100 % section loss in stringer web.,"-e~_Qlllsi Q!Lt~,'-oj~s The north and south fascia girders have moderate collision damage to the bottom flange between piers B and C across from the court house at the Arborway turnaround. ltE!.OLIiO~j - AI:U!tme nts ltem~6jti.c____B-'LcJsy,[al'-s The east backwall at Abutment "A" at the north end has a spall in the first bay, 3' Lx 1-1/2' H x 3" D. The backwalls have random vertical cracks. Item 6.0.1.d_o.J3rE!.ctstwalls The west breastwall at Abutment "B", north end, spall at base, 2-1/2' Lx 2' H x 3" D. ltenL6.0~.:Le - Wlngl!!l.a.tts The northwest wing, concrete base, is spalled with the brick work breaking apart. The spall is 2-1/2' Lx 26" H x 4" D with the granite out at the base of the brick work, 40" Lx 8" H x 6" D. The southwest wing has spalling along the top of the concrete base, 9' Lx 20" H x 3" D. The brick work has some minor random verti cal cracks. IiE!.OL60~.2..oEleJJLQx.B_e.DJs lte.OL6.0~.2,.b - CaRS The concrete caps and columns at Piers M, N, P, Q and R have horizontal cracks some as wide as 3/8" with rust staining and delamination. Both caps and columns have areas of delamination ranging from 10 to 20%. Pier M- The west face has a spall at the bottom of the cap, 15' Lx 8" HIW x 3" D with exposed rusted rebar. The east face has cracking (3/8") with rust staining and delamination. Pier N- The west and east faces has horizontal cracking to the bottom of the cap with rust staining and delamination. Pier P- The west face north end has moderate cracking with rust staining. The bottom of the cap has horizontal cracks with delamination and rust staining. The south column west face has a spall that has been repaired. The east face, bottom of the cap, horizontal cracks with delamination and rust staining. A minor spall at the north end. Pier Q- The east face, bottom of the cap, spall 6' Lx 8" H x 2-1/2" D with cracking and rust staining. Pier R- The west face atthe north end is spalled, 4' Lx l' H x 3-1/2" D with exposed rusted rebar. The north nose has mode rate to heavy cracking. IJeJJL6_o.2 ..c...:..G.oJJlmn_S The concrete caps and columns at Piers M, N, P, Q and R have horizontal cracks some as wide as 3/8" with rust staining and delamination. Both caps and columns have areas of delamination ranging from 10 to 20%. Pier P- The west face north end has moderate cracking with rust staining. The bottom of the cap has horizontal cracks with delamination and rust staining. The south column west face has a spall that has been repaired. lteJJL6_o.2...d.::J:>iE!.lW.alls Pierwalls A and B have some random vertical cracks with delamination. REM.(2J7-96 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI 9 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS ttarn_6_Q,2.•i.. ,:Jiamm..eJ..bsta..(U~.i..e..r..s All of the hammerhead piers have had post tensioning repairs made to them due to structural cracks. These cracks started at the top center of the pier and traveled down diagonally to the base of the cantilevered arms. Post tensioning repairs are secure and in good condition. The hammerhead piers have 10 to 20% delamination. Minor cracks (possible structural cracks) now exist with minor to moderate efflorescence and some delamination in Piers D, G, J, K, H, L, Sand U. See photos 8 and 9. Some minor deficiencies to the post tensioning and areas of spalling and delamination; Pier C has old fire damage from the homeless that were living along the base of the pier. The pier is chard and soot stained with large areas of delamination that is starting to spall. The west face has delamination 9' Lx 3-1/2' H. Pier D the west face has delamination and cracking along the south arm of the pier, 12' Lx 2' H. Pier F the west face has delamination and rust staining and is starting to spall. The east face has delamination with cracking and rust staining, 10' Lx 3' H. Pier G has a spall with scaling concrete at the top below the median, 3' Lx l' W x 3" D. A spall to the column stem with moderate cracking and delamination, 4-1/2' H x 2' W x 3" D with exposed rusted rebar. Pier H has a sealing cap and nut cracked at the south end. The west face is starting to spall, 4' W x 4' H. The south face has moderate cracking and delamination. The east face has moderate cracking, delamination and rust staining. Pier J had spalling to the cantilevered arms that has been repaired. The west face has moderate cracking with delamination. Pier K has delamination to the stem, west face 6' L x 3' H with cracking. The east face is 4' Lx 2' H. Pier S has a cracked nut and three sealing caps cracked at the south end. Pier T is missing a sealing cap at the south. Minor spalling to the stem with surrounding delamination to the east face. ltarn_3Jia.."-ar:.ldgILRaiUng Steel pipe rail (1) on reinforced concrete base, non standard. The paint is fading with some peeling and chipping paint. The concrete base has random vertical cracking. The north rail has collision damage to two sections above the span between piers C and D. The steel pipe rail is missing at this location with one post broken away with spalling concrete, 3' L x 10" W x 4" D.!.IJ..S The steel pipe rail (1) on reinforced concrete base continues past the bridge spans, non standard. Jj:.e..rn_3_6_c~RP..r..QaJ:1LG_I.!..ar_d..r..aiJ The steel pipe rail (1) on reinforced concrete base continues past the bridge spans, non standard. Jj:arn_3_6_d...:..~RP..r..QaJ:JLG_uard..r:aJLE. O..d..s The steel pipe rail (1) on reinforced concrete base continues past the bridge spans, non standard. The collapsible attenuator at the northeast, inbound, has heavy collision damage. 5..l!:atJ:..bLeb..Qt.(LLp..Q Sketch 1: Sketch 2: Sketch 3: Photo 1 : Photo 2 : REM.(2)7-96 Section Through Bridge Deck Temporary Median Support Framing Plan Screening below the median stringers and diaphragms from abutment B to Pier S. These members are inaccessible. Galvanized diaphragm with support column to the median. There are five of these repair supports located between piers U and T. PAGE CITY/TOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MDC-NBI 10 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 REMARKS Photo 3: Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo REM.(2)7-96 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11 : Location 6, median stringer above pier "T", east side. Heavy corrosion with 100% section loss at the top of the stringer web. Location 15 and 15A, 100% section loss to the web with heavy corrosion. Location 17 has 100% section loss to the stringer web, 12" L x 8-1/2" H. Location 20 and 30 just east of pier J. Location 44 at midspan between piers J and H. Pier "0", west face of hammerhead pier. Pier "J", west face of hammerhead pier. Location M4, 100% section loss, 16" W x 8" H. Location M4, 100% section loss, 55" W x 9" H. PAGE CITYffOWN B.LN. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MDC-NBI .: ,~-:.,,_. ::'0'< ~:2\:~"'_ JAN 30, 2008 'l:: - «.,.~~, ..~"- ..<""'- _2-'.:;!::':- '~?"""":.~'-" .,."_i.'''' ."-~?:!.!::L __ _ t"'~"' t;] tt~\1i~ '-'i".'~a,"'-'" 11 ~~\n:j:'~~ i'''-''~'' ! :~~:" ~':-f~;,,~- ~{' Jr ~'.';Y>"_ ,i,- .'r"- - "" I1 /e. V Median Strmgers-' , .. ;:.,\.... ,:;iC Sketch 1: REM.(2J7-96 ,~;'.l I 1 .c ;.r.?c;:::'''·'''} ... ,.< . {, '~~'> ••. \ r····· -.' '1--. .--r Ol~.,(''-''''?- \'"-\.;.(...5 Section Through Bridge Deck ':..':: ./A..'f~.';) ~.J:';\_\")'.'!~'.r OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES ,.1,."',.... \. 11 -1-::;0::3·:-"-1 ,.~, ,~., .. -, ". - -'0"', ".", -"\~ .~;::,~ ,~~:~ 19 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI JAN 30, 2008 Temporary Concrete Median Support (between Piers "U" and "Ttl) IL r- A Existing Girder 15"x1S"xl' E Nota: Angle Varies ~ S:12x65 -- f ~II Existing II I~-. --o t r- c B 0 flO 0. o oj "'!f.(TYP.) ~- CI fl" ± L,.A 1<' o 0 o 0 )0 0 Level 8't ~! L,. C ,_._--_._...... at ~~3' 1& 6' X 6" X ')Jl'.~ ._-' 3" :~u :1 o Section C REM.(2)7-9(i BRIDGE ~M!NTENANCE P.o. Box 33 1 U' "- '1'; 1: ~ 13: o~ 13 __ ._'--, 1. All Bait. to be 7;8' dis. A325 2. Bolt Holes in Horizontal W12x65 Shall Be Short Slot 3, Field Measure to Confirm Dimensions Section 8 Section A Sketch 2: Notes: o flff~ll3' ,- o /w-4' x4' x 'I,' Prall8red Bv: "11 W CONSULTANTS Georgetown, MA. 01833 Reviewed Bve N.H. CORPORATION )I' Boston Casey Overpass (Rt. 203) Temporary Median Support Temporary Median Support OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES I 12 19 PAGE CITYffOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. S.-STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367 -4EX-MDC-NBI JAN 30, 2008 .. r-.:::.:J/ !,q ;~ l~ ,.J - - . '. -. ! ,..... __ . t_ -' ;~ =_T-~_ ~ ,- C~, --' -.C.S':~.l:::'4;'" G .~ _ j-i-"";, _ . S, ~/iOi·I-Uill~~IU~I:~~i-=·;-i~i·~~:'=~ (17 :_"'~ I.~\l @ '!!!j='IJ'. I~M@\hl\ -.- The span between Piers "N" I/,-,---Fascia ' has had the south median stringer and Girder cantilevered diaphragm replaced under the emergency contract in Jan. 2006. ,~! eYe The span betvveen piers 0 and F has had the south median stringers and cantifevered diaphragm replaced under the maintenance contract in I ______ 7-W0 CA ~. ~.I.. ...'", <fty N ! ) .i I \- Stringers ® Fascia Girders Hr\r~\MER HEAD PIERS WITH \leST TENSION.lN6 - STR)NG(RS 0i-II)ER i"lt:DjA N \vi2.,'-t?5 FJR.ST ii'iTi!R./OH .STRINGE'R,5 'Wllx.S_3 ('01...1-! 51"'" bftl'1 A6d:"" C'10 L ANi) $,T, AND x FraminQ Plan Sketch 3: REM.{2J7-9ij I jN 'IV •• ;.. 5L r'=~. , (i't/.-c\--\:,"-,-L~: :'1'&-'-'"ff'l>.4"~. . ~"". I :::; L ~ .~--E:f2..=!IIL~oQ" C w :z }: , :£" 7) K =-I---r . ~~ -~ .... <- .-'::-:: .• - . •.:::1t..' ._ I'\!~ - Framing Plan OF INSPECTION DATE SKETCHES ao, 13 u.. Not To Scale 19 PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. BOSTON 4EX B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MDC-NBI 14 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 PHOTOS REM_(2)7-96 OF Photo 1: Screening below the median stringers and diaphragms from abutment B to Pier S. These members are inaccessible. Photo 2: Galvanized diaphragm with support column to the median. There are five of these repair supports located between piers U and T. PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. B-16-367 B16367-4EX-MDC-NBI PHOTOS REM .(2)7·00 Photo 3: Location 6, median stringer above pier "T", east side. Heavy corrosion with 100% section loss at the top of the stringer web. Photo 4: Location 15 and 15A, 100% section loss to the web with heavy corrosion. 15 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 PAGE CITYfTOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B 16367·4EX·MDC·N BI OF 19 INSPECTION DATE PHOTOS REM .(2)7_96 16 Photo 5: Location 17 has 100% section loss to the stringer web, 12" Lx 8· 1/2" H. Photo 6: Location 20 and 30 just east of pier J. JAN 30, 2008 PAGE CITYITOWN B.I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTU RE NO. B·16·367 B16367·4EX·MOC·NBI PHOTOS REM_(2)7_96 Photo 7: Location 44 at midspan between piers J and H_ Photo 8: Pier "0", west face of hammerhead pier. 17 OF 19 INSPECTI ON DATE JAN 30, 2008 PAGE CITY/TOWN B. I. N. BOSTON 4EX SR. DEPT. NO. 8. -STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B16367·4EX·MDC·NBI PHOTOS Photo 9: Photo 10: REM.(2)7·96 Pier "J", west face of hammerhead pier. Location M4, 100% section loss, 16" W x 8" H. 18 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 PAGE CITYITOWN B. I.N. BOSTON 4EX BR. DEPT. NO. 8.-STRUCTURE NO. B·16·367 B16367·4EX·M DC·N BI PHOTOS Photo 11: REM.(2)7-96 Location M4, 100% section loss, 55" W x 9" H. 19 OF 19 INSPECTION DATE JAN 30, 2008 Pontis BMS Element Inspection BDEPT# B.I.N. 4EX Item 8 BI6367-4EX-DOT-NBI District 01/30/2008 District Bridge Inspection Eng'r Mark Griffin Inspecting Agency 1 Span Group Town Date B-16-367 Boston DCR Team Leader 4 Jerry O'Connor Team Member(s) John Davison Units Euv. Total Q. %orQ State I State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5 Sidewalk, Concrete, No Overlay, Unprotected ENSF 2 28,390.0 D% 0.0 28,390.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Deck, Concrete, Protected with Rigid Overlay ENSF 2 90,180.0 D% 0.0 0.0 0.0 90,180.0 0.0 107 Open Girder, Steel, Painted LF 2 29,500.0 D% 5,700.0 17,100.0 5,000.0 668.0 1,032.0 107 Open Girder, Steel, Painted LF 3 3,900.0 D% 0.0 2,240.0 860.0 700.0 100.0 205 Column or Pile Extension, Concrete, Reinforced EA 3 12.0 D% 2.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 210 Pier Wall, Concrete, Reinforced LF 3 144.0 D% 49.0 60.0 35.0 0.0 234 Pier Cap, Concrete, Reinforced LF 3 1,264.0 D% 324.0 430.0 510.0 0.0 300 Expansion Joint, Strip Seal LF 3 1,080.0 D% 0.0 1,080.0 0.0 311 Bearing, Moveable (Roller, Sliding, etc.) EA 3 220.0 D% 0.0 220.0 0.0 313 Bearing, Fixed EA 2 20.0 D% 0.0 20.0 0.0 313 Bearing, Fixed EA 3 200.0 0% 0.0 200.0 0.0 333 Bridge Railing, Other LF 2 5,350.0 D% 4,264.0 1,070.0 16.0 EI# Element Name 2 22 Page 1 Pontis BMS Element Inspection BDEPT# B.I.N. 4EX Item 8 BI6367-4EX-DOT-NBI Span Group Town District Date B-16-367 01130/2008 District Bridge Inspection Eng'r Inspecting 1 DCR Agency Boston Team Jerry O'Connor Leader 4 Team Member(s) EI# Element Name Mark Griffin John Davison Units Env. Total Q. %orQ State I State 2 State 3 EA 2 1.0 0% 0.0 1.0 0.0 363 Smart Flag, Section Loss EA 2 1.0 0% 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 365 Smart Flag, Soffit (Under Surface), Stay-In-Place Form EA 2 1.0 D% 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 367 Smart Flag, Traffic Impact Damage, Bridge Railing EA 2 1.0 0% 0.0 1.0 0.0 362 Smart Flag, Traffic Impact Damage, Superstructure Page 2 State 4 State 5 1.0