Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

Development Bureau (BDT)
Geneva, 12 March 2012
J. Ponder, Coordinator for Europe Region
+41 22 730 5467
+41 22 730 5545/730 5484
Communication Administrations, Regulators,
Regional organizations, ITU Sector Members
from Europe and the CIS Region
O. Kaiykov, Head, ITU Area Office for CIS
+7 495 926 60 70
+7 495 926 60 73
ITU Regional Development Forum for Europe and Regional Seminar on Transition to Digital
Terrestrial Television Broadcasting, Borderline Frequency Coordination and Digital Dividend
for Europe and CIS Countries, Warsaw, Republic of Poland, 7 - 9 May 2012.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am pleased to inform you that the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in collaboration with the
Ministry of Administration and Digitization of the Republic of Poland and the Office of Electronic
Communications (UKE) of the Republic of Poland, is organizing the “Regional Development Forum for
Europe and Regional Seminar on Transition to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting, Borderline
Frequency Coordination and Digital Dividend for Europe and CIS Countries” to be held back-to-back from
7 to 9 May 2012 in Warsaw, Poland.
Regional Development Forum (RDF) should provide an opportunity for high level dialogue between the BDT
and decision-makers of ITU Member States as well as Sector Members on key challenges and actions
related to the spectrum management and digital dividend, to better assess strategic orientations that may
have an impact on BDTs regional workplan in between World Telecommunication Development
The Seminar is an integral part of the European Regional Initiative on Digital Broadcasting for Europe that
searches to provide a basis for the exchange of best practices encountered on the path of digital migration,
and the ways to maximize the economic and social benefits of the digital dividend. It will also consider how
to further develop a unified approach in order to enhance the advantages that it will bring to the region of
Central-Eastern Europe. The Seminar will discuss, in particular:
Digital terrestrial television transition;
Legislative issues;
Maximizing the value and benefits of the Digital Dividend;
Harmonization of digital dividend spectrum;
Costs of the transition;
Borderline frequency coordination.
Please note that the meeting is paperless. Documents related to the event, including Agenda, Registration
International Telecommunication Union • Place des Nations • CH-1211 Geneva 20 • Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 730 5111 • Fax: +41 22 730 5545/730 5484 • E-mail: •
form, and Practical information for participants will be posted on the ITU website at Participants are invited to download and print the documents needed for the event.
The Seminar will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation into Russian. It is however,
recommended that participants have an appropriate knowledge of English.
Although there is no participation fee for this meeting, please note that all expenses concerning travel,
accommodation and insurance of you experts should be covered by your Administration / Organization /
To register for this seminar participants are requested to kindly complete the Registration form and send it
to the e-mail addresses indicated in the form by 25 April 2012 at the latest.
Participants requiring an entry visa to Poland should contact their nearest Polish Embassy or Consulate for
assistance well in advance. Information on visa requirements can be found in the Practical information for
Should you have any questions or need clarifications concerning the venue, accommodation, entry visa etc.,
please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Tymoteusz Kurpeta, National Coordinator Tel. +48 22 522 5032,
Fax. +48 22 522 50 45, e-mail:
Yours faithfully,
[Original signed]
Brahima Sanou