ROAD SAFETY AUDIT East Street Rotary Town of Westwood September 2014 Prepared For: On Behalf Of: Westwood Marketplace Holdings, LLC Prepared By: 35 New England Business Center Drive Suite 140 Andover, MA 01810-1066 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description ..............................................................................................2 Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements............................................................ 6 Summary of Road Safety Audit................................................................................................. 10 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 4 East Street Rotary Existing Conditions.................................................................................. 5 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary.............................................................................. 11 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Background The East Street Rotary, which is the convergence of East Street, Canton Street, Allied Drive, and the Interstate 95 (I-95) on- and off-ramps, was identified as a high crash location in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) based on the 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) cluster data. Improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division at the 25% Design Level. The MassDOT Highway Division Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines require a Road Safety Audit (RSA) be performed for all project-related high crash locations to identify safety issues and enhancements that may be implemented in conjunction with the University Station off-site mitigation project, as well as other measures that could be programmed for implementation by others in the mid-term or long-term timeframes. Project Data The RSA for the subject location was conducted on September 8, 2014 at the Westwood Municipal Building. The RSA Meeting Agenda is provided in Appendix A. Participating audit team members and their affiliation are listed in Table 1; team member contact information is provided in Appendix B. For this modified RSA, team members were encouraged to visit the location prior to the meeting to observe operations and evaluate potential safety issues, using MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt list for guidance. At the meeting, team members were provided with an aerial photograph of the location, and a collision diagram, summary table, and various bar charts analyzing motor vehicle crashes reported within the three year review period (2010-2012). This material was reviewed by the team at the meeting in conjunction with street level views afforded by Google Earth. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Paul Sicard William Scoble Jeff Bina Lisa Schletzbaum Corey O’Connor Amitai Lipton Vivek Trivedi Erin Kinahan Scott Thornton Jonathan Rockwell Westwood Police Department Westwood Fire Department Westwood Town Engineer MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division District 6 Traffic MassDOT Highway Division District 6 Permits MassDOT Highway Division District 6 Planning Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Motor vehicle crash data was provided by the Westwood Police Department for the most recent three year review period available (2010-2012). The data provided includes 204 reported crashes, with forty (20%) resulting in personal injury or possible injury, and no reported fatalities. The vast majority (97%) of the crashes were rear-end crashes, three (1.5%) were sideswipe crashes, two (1%) were angle crashes, and one vehicle struck a fixed object. Twenty-two (11%) of the crashes occurred on wet pavement and three (1.5%) in snowy conditions. Most of the crashes occurred during peak commuting hours, with 29% occurring in the morning (6 am to 10 am) and 43% occurring in the afternoon (2 pm to 6 pm). Project Location and Description The East Street Rotary is an oblong single-lane rotary under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction, which provides for vehicle movements between East Street, Canton Street, Allied Drive, and the I-95 onand off-ramps. The overall dimensions of the rotary are approximately 1,000 feet by 500 feet. The circulating roadway is approximately 34 to 44 feet wide, currently striped with 2 foot wide shoulders. Each intersecting roadway enters and exits the rotary at an angle of approximately 30 to 50 degrees. A sidewalk currently traverses the rotary, beginning on the west side of East Street, in the southwest quadrant, then continuing counterclockwise around the rotary to the east side of East Street, in the northeast quadrant. East Street East Street is a two-lane urban minor arterial under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction within approximately 300 to 400 feet of the rotary, which intersects the rotary in the northeast and southwest quadrants. The posted speed limit on East Street approaching the rotary is 30 miles per hour (mph) north of the rotary (in Dedham) and 35 mph south of the rotary (in Westwood); the posted limits are consistent with Special Speed Regulation (SSR) Nos. 1023 and 927, though no SSR exists for the portion within State Highway, including the rotary itself. Canton Street Canton Street, which intersects the rotary in the southeast quadrant, is a two-lane urban collector under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction within approximately 170 feet of the rotary; beyond the rotary, Canton Street is under the Town of Westwood’s jurisdiction. The posted speed limit along Canton Street approaching the rotary is 30 mph, which is consistent with SSR No. 692, though no SSR exists for the portion within State Highway. Allied Drive Allied Drive intersects the rotary in the northwest quadrant, providing access to numerous commercial properties. It is a two-lane local roadway under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction within approximately 250 feet of the rotary, with no speed limit posted. No SSR exists for Allied Drive. Page 2 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. I-95 Ramps The I-95 on- and off-ramps intersect the rotary from the east and west, forming an elongated diamond interchange. The ramps are each single lane ramps, approximately 22 feet wide, with crosswalks across the northbound on- and southbound off-ramps on the eastern side of the rotary. No SSR exists for the I-95 ramps, though the off-ramps are posted with an advisory speed of 30 mph. A locus map and aerial photograph of the existing conditions are provided as Figure 1 and 2, respectively. Page 3 Road Safety Audit - East Street Rotary - Westwood, Massachusetts Source: Google Earth. 0 1000 2000 Scale in Feet Road Safety Audit - East Street Rotary - Westwood, Massachusetts ALLIED DRI VE EA ST STR T E RE ST ST EA CANTON STREET Source: Google Earth. 0 100 200 Scale in Feet EET Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements Observations: Geometry The acute angle of approach on the side street legs of the rotary requires drivers to look far left over their shoulder for a gap in circulating traffic. It was speculated and confirmed by the police that drivers assume the vehicle in front has entered the rotary and then advance without looking ahead. This condition, combined with driver inattentiveness and frustration, exacerbated by peak hour congestion, contributes to the high number of rear- end crashes reported. The size and shape of the rotary create long straightaways (approximately 500 feet), on the north and south sides, allowing for high speed travel in the vicinity of the East Street, Canton Street, and Allied Drive legs. This condition decreases the perceived gaps available for entering vehicles. It was noted that it can be difficult to judge the speed of an approaching vehicle. This may contribute to rear-end crashes on entry if drivers are indecisive and stop short after beginning to proceed. Congestion It was noted that, during periods of congestion and queuing on the East Street approaches, two vehicles enter the rotary side-by-side and/or stagger-stack for a better view on approach. This could be the cause of reported sideswipe crashes. During peak evening commuting hours, queues often extend onto I-95 southbound from the rotary. It was reported that local drivers often avoid the rotary during peak hours by diverting via Smith Drive to Downey Street. Emergency vehicles use this diversion as well to bypass the rotary. Police reported that enforcement during peak hours causes too much disruption to operations due to the inadequate space to pull a vehicle off to the side. Signing It was noted that there has recently been an increase in the number of wrong-way vehicles observed within the rotary, particularly originating from the I-95 off-ramps. Confusion over the meaning of existing “No Turns” signs at the end of most rotary entrances was cited as a possible cause. However there were no reported crashes attributable to this. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. MassDOT standard D6/D8 guide signs are present on the approach nose of the Allied Drive and East Street legs, indicating “Allied Drive” and “East Street – Dedham” or “East Street – Westwood”, respectively. However, it was suggested that the guide sign text is too small and the signs are located too close to the decision point for which exit to take, given the speed of circulating traffic. It was also noted that drivers sometimes confuse the two East Street exits. Pavement Markings Existing pavement markings on the approach legs and on the circulating roadway provide approximately 2 foot wide shoulders, leaving a single very wide lane for travel with no definition. This allows vehicles to travel side-by-side and may contribute to angle and sideswipe crashes. It was suggested that it is not clear where the desired yield point is on each approach, contributing to drivers creeping into the rotary before committing to entering the circulating traffic. This may increase the likelihood of rear-end crashes on entry and could be the cause of angle crashes within the circulating the roadway if an entering vehicle creeps too far. Truck Access Trucks are currently prohibited on East Street, south of the rotary, to St. Denis Drive; a truck prohibition also exists on the entire length of Canton Street. However, the existing truck exclusion signing within the rotary is not readily visible in advance of the exit points, due to size and/or location, which may contribute to driver indecision and could lead to rear end or sideswipe crashes. This is especially true for the East Street south of the rotary. Pedestrian Accommodation Visibility to and recognition of crosswalks on the I-95 ramps was raised as a concern. Vehicles traveling onto the I-95 southbound on-ramp begin accelerating to high speeds within the rotary, making it difficult to stop in time for a pedestrian at the crosswalk. The lack of pedestrian warning signs and grade of approach make it difficult to recognize either crosswalk in advance. However, there were no reported pedestrian crashes during the three-year review period. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. Realign side street approaches to reduce the angle of approach (MassDOT’s preferred maximum is 70 degrees) to improve visibility of circulating traffic without diverting attention from vehicles immediately in front on entry. 2. Install landscaping or fence to obstruct advance view of traffic approaching from the left. This measure could be implemented, or installed as an experiment, to encourage drivers to pay attention to the vehicle in front of them until that vehicle enters the circulating traffic. 3. Evaluate right-turn bypass lanes on all segments of the rotary and install on approaches determined to be warranted based on evaluation. This could reduce sideswipe crashes between vehicles traveling side by side on entry and somewhat alleviate queues. In evaluating a bypass lane on Canton Street, consider potential increase in traffic on local roads (Smith Drive, Downey Street). 4. Increase education/public outreach efforts via newspaper articles, Facebook, Twitter, driver education classes to inform rotary users of high crash history and reinforce the need to continue to look at the vehicle in front of them until it has completely entered the rotary before accelerating into the rotary. 5. Install signs to reduce speed of circulating traffic within the rotary. However, it should be noted that there is no standard/MUTCD-compliant sign to accomplish this within the rotary itself. 6. Consider installation of traffic signals to improve traffic control by reducing conflicting movements and lowering speeds through the rotary. An evaluation would be required to determine how to realign approach/departure roadways and how best to configure traffic signals to accommodate movements between all six legs of the rotary. 7. Replace “No Turns” signs on approaches with “No Left Turn” and “One-Way” signs to better guide motorists and discourage wrong-way entrance to the rotary. 8. Install standard wrong-way driving countermeasures such as “Wrong Way” or “Do Not Enter” signs within the rotary to discourage wrong-way entry. 9. Install large roundabout directional arrow signs (MUTCD R6-4 series) within the center island at all approaches to reinforce the direction of circulation and discourage wrong-way entry. 10. Install guide signs within the rotary, with advance placement prior to rotary departures, to reduce indecision and abrupt braking at exit points. 11. Install diagrammatic guide signs (MUTCD D1-5 series) on rotary approaches to allow advance decision-making and improve flow around the rotary. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 12. Install gore markings to visually narrow and better define approaches to discourage side by side and stagger-stacked vehicles entering the rotary. 13. Install markings to better define and narrow the circulating roadway, reinforcing the intent of single-lane circulation and reducing sideswipe and angle crashes. If possible, provide space for police enforcement. 14. Install YIELD lines and “YIELD” pavement markings on each approach to emphasize desired yield point on entry. 15. Install supplemental YIELD sign on the left side of approach roadways. 16. Consider extending the existing truck exclusion to apply to the entire length of East Street toward Westwood to reduce the volume of trucks traversing the rotary. 17. Ensure “No Trucks” signs meet MUTCD size requirements and install signs in advance of exit to reduce indecision and abrupt braking at exit points. 18. Restripe crosswalks for greater emphasis (ladder or continental style) to better alert drivers to crossings. 19. Install pedestrian crossing warning signs at I-95 ramp crossings to provide improved visibility/recognition of crossings. 20. Consider installation of pedestrian actuated beacons or rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) to improve visibility of pedestrian crossings. 21. Realign portions of the rotary and approach roadways to increase visibility of pedestrian crossings. 22. Reconstruct existing curb ramps and construct additional curb ramps to provide pedestrian connectivity and improved pedestrian accommodations. 23. As part of future reconstruction efforts, evaluate innovative intersection geometries, such as magic roundabouts. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Potential safety enhancements that were discussed during the RSA meeting and described in the previous section are summarized in Table 2. For each potential enhancement, an estimate of the safety benefit (“payoff”), approximate timeframe to implement, and cost are noted; the responsible party recommended to implement the enhancement is also identified. Safety payoff estimates are qualitative and categorized as low (<30%), medium (31% to 70%), or high (>71%). The time frame to implement each enhancement is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long- term (>3 years). The cost estimates are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Enhancements where the developer is identified as the responsible agency and marked with an asterisk have already been incorporated into the 25% Design Plans for improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, which are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Visibility on entry Potential Safety Enhancement 1. Realign rotary approaches Visibility on entry 2. Install landscaping to obstruct view on approach Congestion Safety Payoff Medium Time Frame Short‐term (East St)/ Mid‐term Cost High Responsible Agency Developer*(East St)/ MassDOT Low Mid‐term Medium MassDOT 3. Install RT bypass lanes on segments where warranted Medium Long‐term High MassDOT Congestion 4. Increase education/public outreach Medium Short‐term Low Town Speed of circulating traffic 5. Install signs to reduce speed within rotary Low Short‐term Low MassDOT Geometry; congestion 6. Install traffic signals Medium Long‐term High MassDOT Low Short‐term Low Developer Low Short‐term Low Developer Low Short‐term Low Developer Low Short‐term Medium Developer Low Mid‐term Medium MassDOT Wrong‐way vehicles Wrong‐way vehicles Wrong‐way vehicles Driver guidance Driver guidance 7. Replace “No Turns” signs on approaches with “No Left Turn” & “One‐Way” signs 8. Install “Wrong Way” or “Do Not Enter” signs within rotary 9. Install large roundabout direction arrow (MUTCD R6‐4 series) signs 10. Install guide signs within the rotary, prior to departures 11. Install diagrammatic signs (MUTCD D1‐5 series) on approaches Page 11 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency 12. Install gore markings on approaches Low Short‐term Low Developer* 13. Install markings to better define circulating roadway Low Short‐term Low Developer* Low Short‐term Low Developer* Low Short‐term Low Developer Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Lane definition Lane definition Lack of definition of desired 14. Install YIELD lines & “YIELD” pavement markings on yield point approaches Lack of definition of desired 15. Install supplemental YIELD sign on left side of approaches yield point Truck access 16. Extend truck exclusion on East St, south of rotary Low Short‐term Low Town Truck access 17. Install appropriately sized “No Trucks” signs in advance of exit Low Short‐term Low Developer Visibility of pedestrian crossings Visibility of pedestrian crossings Visibility of pedestrian crossings 18. Restripe crosswalks for greater emphasis Low Short‐term Low Developer* 19. Install pedestrian warning signs at I‐95 ramps Low Short‐term Low Developer* 20. Install pedestrian actuated beacons or RRFBs Low Mid‐term High Developer Visibility of pedestrian crossings 21. Realign portions of rotary & approaches to increase visibility of crosswalks Low Long‐term High MassDOT Page 12 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Issue Pedestrian accommodation Geometry; congestion Potential Safety Enhancement 22. Replace existing and install new curb ramps 23. Reconfigure rotary, considering innovative intersection geometries Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Low Short‐term Medium Developer* High Long‐term High MassDOT Page 13 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Modified Road Safety Audit Westwood and Norwood MEETING LOCATION: Champagne Meeting Room, Westwood Memorial Building 50 Carby Street, Westwood, MA DATE: 9/8/14 TIME : 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Type of meeting: Modified Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Session I 9:00 - 10:30 East Street Rotary – Westwood/District 6 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans Session II*10:30 – 1:30 Route 1 at Everett Street/University Ave & Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street/Everett Street – Westwood/Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans *Lunch will be provided during this session* Session III 1:30 – 3:00 Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle – Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 1 Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA meeting on 9/8/2014, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 2 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List RSA AUDIT TEAM CONTACT LIST Project: East Street Rotary - Westwood Meeting Date: 9/8/14 Facilitator: VAI Place/Room: Westwood Municipal Building, Champagne Meeting Room Name Title Company Phone E-Mail Scott Thornton Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Jonathan Rockwell Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Corey O’Connor Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT, Boston 857-368-9638 Lisa Schletzbaum Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT Safety 857-368-9634 Vivek Trivedi Permits Engineer MassDOT 857-368-6319 MassDOT 857-368-6313 Westwood 781-251-2591 MassDOT, Dist. 6 857-368-6154 Amitai Lipton Jeff Bina Town Eng./ Westwood Erin Kinahan Paul Sicard Sergeant Westwood PD 781-328-1054 William Scoble Fire Chief Westwood FD 781-320-1066 Road Safety Audit—East Street Rotary, Westwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Functional Design Report- L llil'ef'.\i~r .\'wtion De!'e/opment- It 'e\tJ•·votl, .lla.H aclwse/ls ~ ~f, 'b~~ v-s-r 1-95NB ON-RAMP / 1,3,4,5,13,14,15,17,19, 26,29, 30,31 ,39,42, 44, 52,53,57, 76,81,82,83, 87,88,90,96,1 00,102, 104,105,106,107,112, 114,118,120,125,133,139, 143,144,146,153,154,156, 159,160,164,165,167,168, 169,172,176,182,200,201 <:j 0 • 74 ~ 7,86 6,11,18,35,45,58, 60,62,67,75,93 94,95,110,119,1 2.,1....---­ 128, 134,1 87 t~.138 h,9,10,12,16,20,22,23,25 27,28,33,34,36,37,38,40,41, 46,47,48,49,51 ,54,55,56,59, 65,6.6,71,73,77,78,92,97,98, 99,101,103,108,109,116,117, 118,121,124,129,132,135,136, 137,140,141,142,147,148,149, 151,152,155,157,161,162,166, 170,171,173,178,179,181,184, 185,189,191 ,192,193,196,197,202 2 / CRASH TYPE Angle (A) Turn ing Movement (TM) ~' Rear End (RE) Lane Change (LC) =--.7 • Out of Control (OC) -----zlL.-­ Head On (HO) ---­ 1 Fixed Object (FO) Side Swipe (SS) • o ;:;- --=:::::::::::: Pedest./Bicycle (P /B) , 6 Not Reported (U) :. '\A.I Cop)<lgh t @ 2014 by VAl. o~:Sl:,P Vanasse & Associates, Inc. All Rlghto Reserved. Collision Diagram East Street Rotary 1-9558 ON-RAMP East Street Rotary lrown Crash Date Injury Status Event Condition 2 WES1WOOD 4:20PM Rear-End 2:03PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear No Improper driving Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 3 WES1WOOD 4 WES1WOOD 31 22 1:11PM Rear-End 7:06AM Rear-End No Injury Daylight Cloudy Followed too closely 19 44 7:54AM Rear-End 3:35PM Rear-End Possible Motor vehicle in traff Wet Motor vehicle in tra ff Wet Motor vehicle in traff Dry 3/4/2010 Thursday 3/8/2010 Monday SI WES1WOOD 6 WES1WOOD 7 WES1WOOD 3/16/2010 Tuesday 3/21/2010 Sunday No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry 3:36PM Sideswipe, Same direction 5:15PM Rear-End No Injury No Injury Mot or vehicle in traff Dry Motor vehicle in traff! Dry 8 WES1WOOD 3/24/2010 Wednesday 3/25/2010 Thursday 9 WES1WOOD 7:39AM Rear-End 8:02AM Rear-End 3:57PM Rear-End No Injury 10 WES1WOOD 11 WES1WOOD 3/25/2010 Thursday 3/26/2010 Friday No Injury No Injury 12 WES1WOOD 4/11/2010 Sunday 4/12/2010 Monday 4/16/2010 Friday 2:25PM Rear-End 8:38AM Rear-End No Injury 13 WES1WOOD 14 WES1WOOD 15 WES1WOOD 16 WES1WOOD 17 WES1WOOD 4/20/2010 Tuesday 4/27/2010 Tuesday 4/27/2010 Tuesday 18 WES1WOOD 19 WES1WOOD 20 WES1WDOD 5/10/2010 Monday 5/13/2010 Thursday 5/14/2010 Friday 21 WES1WOOD 22 WES1WOOD 5/19/2010 Wednesday 5/19/2010 Wednesday 5/19/2010 Wednesday 5/19/2010 Wednesday 23 WES1WOOD 24 WES1WOOD 5/20/2010 Thursday 6/1/2010 Tuesday 6/3/2010 Thursday 25 WES1WOOD 26 WES1WOOD 27 WES1WOOD 28 WES1WOOD 29 WES1WOOD I 30 WES1WOOD 31 WES1WOOD 33 WES1WOOD 34 WESTWOOD 7/ 19/ 2010 Monday 7/22/2010 Thursday 7/22/2010 Thursday 37 WESTWOOD 38 WES1WOOD 39 WESTWOOD 7/28/2010 Wednesday 7/30/2010 Friday 40 WES1WOOD 41 WES1WOOD 42 WES1WOOD 43 WES1WOOD 44 WES1WOOD 45 WESTWOOD 46 WES1WOOD 47 WES1WOOD 48 WES1WOOD 49 WE STWOOD 50 IWESTWOOD 8/12/2010 Thursday 9/2/ 2010 Thursday 9/9/2010 Thursday 9/ 10/2010 Friday 9/12/2010 Sundav I ~WESTW~D 57} W ESTWOOD I -­ 58 1WESTWOOD 59 WESTWOOD I 10/26/2010 ' Tuesday 60 .WES1WOOD 61 WES1WOOD l I No Injury No Injury No Injury 7:59AM Rear-End 8:54AM Rear-End 2:51PM Rear-End No Injury No Injury No Injury 5:39PM Sideswipe, Same direction 8:37PM Rear-End 6:40AM Rear-End No Injury No Injury No Injury Non-incapacitating No Inj ury No Injury Age of Driver Contribution Cloudy No Impro per drlvingFallure to keep In proper way or run_off the road 48 58 Clear Followed too closely 22 40 Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 27 30 Daylight Clear Failed to yield to right of way 54 Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFallure to keep in proper way or run off the road 55 18 Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Daylight Clear Clear No Improper drivlngFallure to keep In proper way or run off the road No lmprope.r drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 43 Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 26 Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in traff Wet Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in trafl Wet Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Followed too closely No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 53 54 Cloudy Followed too closely Daylight Daylight Clear Cloudy Followed too closely Followed too closely 48 25 Motor vehicle in trafl Wet Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Daylight Daylight Cloudy Clear Followed too closely No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Clear Clear Cloudy Followed too closely Followed too closely No Impr oper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Cloudy Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run ~ ff the road Clear Clear Cloudy Failure to keep in proper way or run off the road No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Daylight Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Motor vehicle in traff Wet Motor vehicle in traff Wet Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight M otor vehicle in traff/ W et Motor vehicle in traffi Dry Dark- lighted roadway Motor vehicle in traff Dry Motor vehicle in traff Wet Daylight Daylight Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in trail Dry Daylight Motor vehicl e in traff 1Dry Daylight Cloudy 41 38 27 No Injury No Inju ry Motor vehicle in t raf~ Dr y Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Daylight Cloudy No Improper drivi ngFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Clear Followed too closely 4:19 PM Rear-End Non-incapacitating Motor vehicle in tr aff Dry Daylight No Improper drlvingFallure t o 4:20 PM ; Rear-End 1Non-incapacitating Dry Daylight Cloudy Clo udy Da ylight Clear No Injury M otor vehicle in t raff Dry IMotor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight No Injury No Injury !Motor vehicle in traff1Dry Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Daylight Clear Clear No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Motor vehicl e in traff Dry Daylight - Motor vehicle in traff Dry No Injury No Injury I 4:36 PM Rear-End No r1 ~1 ,,, apac1tat h1g No Injury No Injury No Injury Possible 7:33PM Rear-End 11:27 AM_lRear-End 9: 00 PM I Rear-E"_d_ 9:00 AM Rear-End Non-incapacitating ! Motor vehicle in trafq Drv M otor vehicle in traffDry Motor vehi cl e in traff Dry Motor vehicle in t raff Dry -­ - - INo Injury No Inju ry INon-incapacitating INon-incapacitating M otor vehicle in traf~ Dry 1M ot or vehicle in t raff Dry _IMot or vehicle in traff Dry !Motor vehicle in traf Dry M otor vehicle In tt'ilf W nt M otor vehicle in tra ff Dry --­ N o Injury M ot or vehicl e in traf f1Wet j No Injury 5:02PM Rear-End 3:41PM Rear-End Possible M otor vehicle in traff, Dry Motor vehicle in tra fi Dry No Injury Motor vehicle in traf1 Dry 5:35PM Rear-End 5:01PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry No Improper drivingFa il ure to keep in proper way or run off the ro ad 60 43 58 48 49 59 45 No Improper drivin gFailure to keep in proper way or run off th e road No Improper drivlngWrong side or wrong way No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off th e road 66 44 36 Clear Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the ro ad No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 33 38 Daylight Clear No Improper drivin gFailure to keep in proper way or run <.>ff the road 69 21 24 Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Clear Followed too closely Followed too closely No Improper driving 19 52 Followed too closely 33 49 ! Daylight _ - ~aylight Daylight -­ !o ear l ctoudy 1 Cio~y 1Ciear Clear I Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dark- roa dway not hghted Cloud y iOav~ Clear Daylight Daylight ---­ !Clear JCiear I 60 l No Improper dnvrn gFall ure ro ke ep m proper way or run (lff th e ro ad 1No Improper driv ingFailure to keep 10 proper w ay or run ,J ff the road No Improper drivlngFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road -­ ---­ 30 No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road No Improper driving 56 32 51 49 60 31 39 51 51 34 23 26 38 64 No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road No Improper drivingFai lure to keep in proper w ~ off th ~ _ _ 52 52 36 54 37 Followed too closely 37 40 30 29 65 41 INo 1mpropel drivlngFallure to keep in proper way or run off the road ! No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road --­ No Improper drivingFail ure to ke ep in proper way or ru n off the road i Dark - lighted roadway ! Rain I Cloudy 20 44 No Improper drivi ogFailure to keep i n proper way or run off the road 18 34 Dark - lighted roadway Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 48 43 Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear INo Improper drlvingfallure to keep i n proper way or run off the road 19 36 Clear 54 43 N/A 18 51 43 63 WE51WOOD 11/18/2010 Thursday 64 WE51WOOD 11/22/2010 Monday 65 WE51WOOD 66 WES1WOOD 11/23/2010 Tuesday 11/ 24/2010 Wednesday No Injury Motor vehicle in tra 8:52AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafi Dry Daylight Dry 62 20 ! Daylight Daylight 3:51 PM I Rear-E nd 4:43PM Rear-End 26 49 55 ;Daylight I 51 in proper way or run off the road k~ep Followed too closely No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road M otor vehicle in traff, Dry 11/ 4/2010 jThu rs day 11/10/ 2010 Wednesday 25 Followed too closely ! Motor vehicle in lrallj Dry 4:26 PM : Rear-End I Clear Clear Daylight - 23 19/51 31 Clear Daylight Daylight Daylight - - 63 24 8:16AM Rear-End 6:32PM : Rear-End No Injury No Injury 20 26 54 Other improper action 6:55AM I Rear-End 3:33 PM1Rear-End 5:23 PM Rear-End 10:04 AM Rear-End 42 17 56 Clear 1M otor vehicle in traff1Dry Motor vehicle in traff) Dry so 71 30 Followed too closely Followed too closely Daylight No Injury 34 42 41 30 46 Clear Clear M otor vehicle in traff) Dry 2:50 PM 1Rear-End 56 49 42 52 22 59 47 No Injury 2:21 PM I Rear-End 31 48 46 45 20 No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 10:10 AM Rear-End Motor vehicle in tra ff Dry M otor vehicle in traff Dry 51 40 Clear Motor vehicle in traff) Dry No Injury No Injury Possible so so Cloudy No Injury 12:45 PM Rear-End 2:06PM Rear-End 51 83 Daylight Daylight IM otor vehicle in traf I No Improper drlvlngFallur" to keep In proper way or run off the road No Improper drlvlngFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Motor vehicle in traflj Dry Po ss ible 27 40 18 Wrong side or wrong way No Injury 12:33 PM , Rear-End Age of Driver 1 Drivers 2/3 ss 61 Daylight I 11/ 12/2010 Friday Condition Daylight 10/26/2010 !Tuesday 62 1WE51WOOD Light Condition 5:06PM Rear-End 3:41PM Rear-End I -­ 10{20/201.0 Wednesday 9:36AM Rear-End 2:44PM Rear-End 6:12PM Rear-End 4:03PM Rear-End No Injury No Injury 4:56PM Rear-End 9/22/2010 Wednesday 9/29/2010 Wednesday 10/ 5/2 010 ~es day " No Injury 11:03 AM Rear-End 3:52PM Rear-End 9/21/2010 •Tu esday 9/22/2010 Wednesday 55 WES1WOOD No Injury Possible 8:13AM Rear-End 7:53AM Rear-End 7:51AM Rear-End 4:10PM Rear-End ~ 13/2010 Monday WESTWOO D 53 WES1WOOD 54 WES1WOOD No Injury 7:59AM Rear-End 11:44AM Rear-End 1:11PM Rear-End 3:23PM Rear-End 7/30/ 2010 Friday 8/5/2010 Thursday 8/8/2010 Sunday 8/11/2010 :Wednesday 8/11/2010 Wednesday ~ WESTW OO D G:\6629 West wood, MA\East Street Rotary 6/4/2010 Friday 6/4/2010 Friday 6/21/2010 Monday 7/1/2010 Thursday 7/ 13/2010 :Tu esday 35 i WES1WOOD 36 WESTWOOD No Injury 3:24PM Rear-End 8:37AM Rear-End 4:43PM Rear-End 6/23/2010 Wednesday 6/25/2010 Friday 6/ 29/ 2010 Tu esday 32 WES1WOOD Manner of Collision Weather I Road Surface Time 1/S/2010 Tuesday 2/1/2010 Monday 2/25/2010 Thursday 1 WES1WOOD - Crash Day . First Harmful Crash Dark- roadway not lighted Cloudy Clear Followed too closely Other Improper action 67 WES1WOOD 12/16/2010 Thursday 4:31PM Rear-End No Injury Clear No Improper drivingFallure to keep In proper 12/16/2010 Thursday 5:56PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in t raft Dry Dark - lighted roadway 68 WE51WOOD Daylight Clear Followed too closely way or run off t he road way or run off the road 30 47 39 20 69 WES1WOOD 12/20/2010 Monday 3:50PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Snow Daylight Snow No Improper drivingFallure to keep in proper 17 32 70 WES1WOOD 12/30/2010 Thursday No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Wet Daylight Clear Followed too closely 55 77 71 WES1WOOD 1/6/2011 Thursday 12:00 PM Rear-End 6:04 PM tRear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Dusk Clear Followed too closely 23 25 East Street Rotary Town l I Crash Date 72 WESTWOOD Time 73 WESTWOOD Road Surface Event Condition No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Snow 3/3/2011 Thursday Weather l ught Condition Dark- lighted roadway Possible Motor vehicle in trafl Sand, mud, dirt, oil, g Daylight 6:36AM Single Vehicle Crash Non-incapacitating Tree 4:15PM Rear-End No Injury 10:39AM Rear-End 2/3/2011 Thursday 2/27/2011 Sunday 75 WESTWOOD Manner of Collision 5:42PM Rear-End 1/26/2011 Wednesday 74 WESTWOOD First Harmful Injury Status ! Crash Crash Day Driver Contribution Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Cloudy Driver Iother improper action Daylight Snow No Improper driving Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run Snow ~ff the road Age of 1 Drivers 42 30 28 28 37 - N/A 51 76 WESTWOOD 3/18/2011 Friday 6:15PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Dusk Clear Followed too closely 24 41 77 WESTWOOD 3/19/2011 Saturday 9:02PM Rear-End Possible Motor vehicle in traff Dry Dark - lighted roadway Clear Followed too closely 45 44 78 WESTWOOD 3/22/2011 Tuesday 8:57AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 25 33 79 WESTWOOD 3/22/2011 Tuesday 4:43PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 47 41 80 WESTWOOD 3/30/2011 Wednesday 81 WESTWOOD No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear No Improper driving 63 43 12:43 PM ' Rear-End Non-incapacitating Motor vehicle in traff Dry !Daylight Clear Followed too closely 17 43 Daylight Clear Followed too closely 26 21 Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 23 26 No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 54 51 7:32AM Rear-End 4/9/2011 Saturday 82 WESTWOOD 4/10/2011 Sunday 10:38 AM Rear-End No Injury 83 WESTWOOD 4/15/2011 Friday 9:56AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Motor vehicle in traff Dry 84 WESTWOOD 4/19/2011 Tuesday 4:15PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Wet Daylight Rain 85 WESTWOOD 4/20/2011 Wednesday 4/22/2011 Friday 3:35PM Rear-End Non-incapacitating Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 8:47PM Sideswipe, Same direction No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Dark- lighted roadway Clear Followed too closely 7:25AM Rear-End ' No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry IDaylight Cloudy Followed too closely 3:26 PM : Rear-End :No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Wet I Daylight Rain No Improper drivingFailure to keep In proper way or run off the road 32 47 Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Cloudy No Improper driving 76 23 Daylight Clear Followed too closely 36 27 IDaylight Clear Uknown 60 61 I Daylight Clear No Improper driving Cloudy No Improper drlvingFallureto keep In proper wa'yor run off the road 86 WESTWOOD 87 WESTWOOD I 5/4/2011 Wednesday 5/17/2011 Tuesday 89 WESTWOOD 5/19/2011 Thursday 2:08PM I Rear-End Possible 90 WESTWOOD 5/31/2011 Tuesday 6:59 PM I Rear-End No Injury 5:48PM Rear-End 8:51AM Rear-End No Injury No Injury Dry Unknown Motor vehicle in traff Dry I 1:50PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight 2:38PM Rear-End 5:59PM Rear-End 5:32PM Rear-End INo Injury Motor vehicle in traffi Dry Daylight Cloudy I ] No Injury Motor vehicle in traffj Dry Daylight Cloudy No Injury Motor vehicle in tram Dry Daylight 6:19PM Rear-End 3:19PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in tratlj Dry Daylight No Injury Motor vehicle in traffi Dry , Daylight Cloudy 9:06AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear 11:31AM Rear-End 6:03PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drlvingFallure to keep in proper way or run No Injury IMotor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear I 8:43AM IRear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear No Injury I Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight }Clear No Injury Motor vehicle in traff1 Dry Daylight i Ciear 11:26 AM Rear-End Possible Motor vehicle in traff Dry 1oayhght Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep In proper way or run off the road ' 8:34 AM Rear-End Possible Motor 'Jehicle in Dayll&h t Clear No Improper dnvmgfailure to Daylight Clear 91 WESTWOOD 6/4/2011 Saturday 92 WESTWOOD 6/7/2011 Tuesday 6/10/2011 Friday 94 WESTWOOD I 6/13/2011 Monday 95 WESTWOOD 6/14/2011 Tuesday 96 WESTWOOD 6/16/2011 Thursday 97 WESTWOOD 6/17/2011 Friday 98 WESTWOOD 99 WESTWOOD 6/24/ 2011 friday 7/7/2011 Thursday 100 WESTWOOD 7/11/2011 Monday 101 WESTWOOD 7/12/2011 Tuesday 102 WESTWOOD 7/15/2011 Friday 103 WESTWOOD 7/18/2011 ] Monday 104 WESTWOOD 1 105 WESTWOOD 1 I I 1 I I 5:01 PM ' Rear-End 7/19/2011 Tuesday 7/22/2011 Friday 106 WESTWOOD 8/9/2011 Tuesday 1:00 PM Rear-End 1 lr~ff 1 Dry No Improper drlvlngfailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 57 62/27 No Improper drlvlngFallure to keep In proper way or run off the road 42 68 Clear No hT)proper drlvlng.Fallure to keep in proper way or run off the road 32 22 Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 19 40 Other improper action 20 57 No Improper drlvingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 65 62 46 39 Followed too closely 43 53 No Improper drlvlngFallure to keep in proper way or run off the road 22 32 Followed too closely 44 42 60 40 I 9:57AM 1 Rear-End No Injury I 9:15 PM I Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in tra ffj Wet Dark- roadway not lighted Rain 109 WESTWOOD 8/16/2011 Tuesday I 7:56AM Rear-En d I Possible Motor vehicle in traffi Dry Daylight 110 WESTWOOD 8/25/2011 )Thursday 8:43AM 1Rear-End No Injury 111 WESTWOOD 8:32PM Rear-End INo Injury 112 WESTWOOD 9/7/2011 Wednesday 9/11/2011 Sunday 2:17PM Rear-End ] No Injury 10:50 AM Rear-End 9:21AM Rear-End 12:10 PM I Rear-End }Possible 9/16/2011 Friday 9/19/2011 Monday 115 WESTWOOD 115 WESTWOOD 9/21/2011 Wednesday 117 WESTWOOD I I 9/27/2011 Tuesday 9/29/2011 Thursday 118 WESTWOOD 10/7/2011 JFriday 119 WESTWOOD 10/28/2011 Friday 120 WESTWOOD ll/29/20llTuesday c'1 1!1/eSTWOOD -­ 122 WESTWO OD '2 /5/2011 Monday 12/5/2011 Monda y 123 WESTWOOD 41 Clear No Improper driving 26 Rain Driving too fast for conditions 19 Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 30 58 I No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 67 19 INo Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 42 54 Motor vehicle in traffl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 20 65 Daylight Clear No Improper drlvingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road I 41 37 No Improper drivingFailure to keep In proper way or run off the road J 34 52 IDark- lighted roadway IRain I Daylight I Clear IFollowed too closely .Daylight Clear I Followed too closely ' Daylight Daylig'Jt 6:43PM !Rear-End j No Inju ry Possible No Injury IMotor vehicle in tra ffj Wet IMotor vehicle in tra ffi Dry IMotor vehicle in traff. Dry 6:14AM Rear-End No Injury ·Motor vehicle in traf( Dry Q.~ar-End No lnjur-; ~.1o~."r 'Je~icle in traH Drv Clear Motor vehicle in trafltDry Dayfi;:ht 124 WESTWOOD 12/18/2011 J5unday I 4:15PM !Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff.Dry Dusk 125 WESTWOOD 12/28/2011 1Wednesday I 12:05 PM IRear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traffj Dry Daylight Cloudy I Possible IMotor vehicle in tratfj Dry Dark- lighted roadway Clear 8:50AM Rear-End Possible I Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight 1:37PM Rear- End No I!!I'!.'Y No Injury Motor vehicle in tra ff Dry Daylight - Mot;,: vehi de ;;;lr<llfl Dry No Injury Motor vehicle in lrnlf Dry 1/3/2012 Tu esday 1/19/2012 Thursday 129 jWESTWOOD l/26/2012 Thursday ---­ 130 1WESTWOOD 131 IWESTWOOD 132 1WESTWOOD ' ~ 2/3/2012 Friday 2/S/2012 Sunday 2/12/20l2 15unday 7./ 15/2012 , Wedn!'sday I 8:05AM ~r- End 5:15PM Rear-End 4:50PM Angle I Possible Motor vehicle in traff Dry Dark -lighted roadway 1 -­ Daylight - I No Improper drivingFa•lure to keep m proper way or run off the road Clear j No Improper driving Failure to keep in proper way or run off the road No Improper driving_ 1 Clear Clear No Improper drivi ngWrong side or wrong wa y_ -­ 1Foll ~t<:::..:!_os ely )Distracted --­ 90 49 62 47 51 35 -­ 68 I 25 19 46 57 26 17 23 34 45 56 48 ----52 26 55 82 50 - 35 58 41 42 41 134 WESTWOOD 2/19/2012 Sunday 8:19 PM 1Rear-End 2:24PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight 1cloudy Clear Followed too closely 29 135 WESTWOOD 2/28/2012 Tuesday 9:00AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 42 31 136 WESTWOOD 3/4/2012 Sunday 4:09PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traf Dry Daylight Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 44 41 56 133 WESTWOOD No Improper drivingFailure to keep In proper way or run off the road -­ --­ 34 Disregarding traffic signs Dark- lighted roadway - 80 36 27 Followed too closely Motor vehicle in tral( Dry --­ 51 25 Clear No Injury - 37 I No Improper drivingFai lure to keep in proper way or run off the road Clear Motor vehicle in traff Dry -----­ No Improper driving Failure to keep in proper way or run off the road Daylight No Inj ury I IFollowed too closely Dusk 4:26PM Rear-End ---­ -­ No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run 'Jff the road Clear - I J Ciear Cloudy ; Dark- road way not lighted Clear --­ !No Improper driving Clear 1 No lnlutv 127 WESTWOOD 31 Daylight Wet 8:17AM · Rear-End 128 WESTWOOD 62 I Dark -lighted roadway Motor vehicle in lraff; Dry 12:35 PM !Rear-End 2:29 PM Rear-End 5:53 PM Rear-End 35 No Improper driving 12/9/2011 Friday 12/28/2011 IWednesday 43 Cloudy 'i\iotor vehicl e in traf~y I 62 48 :No Injury 126 WESTWOOD 25 in proper way or run off the road 59 Motor vehicle in tr~fijDry - ~eep 48 No Improper drivingFallure to keep in proper way or run off the road 8:47 PM Rear- End I road Followed too closely No Injury ----­ ~ff the I ! Operating defective equipment 3:46PM Rear-End 8 55 O.M 21 34 8/9/2011 ;Tuesday 113 WESTWOOD 67 86/33 8/9/2011 Tuesday 114 WESTWOOD 17 I 24 107 WESTWOOD I Motor vehicle in trafl 2/3 57 108 WESTWOOD ,Motor vehicle in traff: Dry 27 N/A 18 88 WESTWOOD 93 WESTWOOD G:\6629 Westwood, MA\East Street Rotary Age of Condition 137 WESTWOOD 3/5/2012 Monday 1:20PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traffj Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 42 138 WESTWOOD 3/6/2012 Tuesday 1:12PM Angle No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Clear Failed to yield to right of way 20 47 139 WESTWOOD 3/13/2012 Tuesday 7:42AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingfailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 21 51 140 WESTWOOD 3/21/2012 Wednesday 7:55AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle In trafl Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 35 37 141 WESTWOOD 3/23/2012 Friday 5:21PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 53 52 142 WESTWOOD 3/27/2012 Tuesday 8:01AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle In trafl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 62 30 East Street Rotary Town Crash Date 143 WESTWOOD Crash I 3/29/2012 Thursday 144 WESTWOOD 4/6/2012 Friday 145 WESTWOOD 4/18/2012 Wednesday 146 WESTWOOD 5/8/2012 Tuesday 147 WESTWOOD 5/7/2012 Monday 148 WESTWOOD First Harmful Road Surface Injury Status Event Condition 5:56PM Rear-End No Injury 12:22 PM Rear-End No Injury Time crash Day 5/18/2012 friday Manner of Collision Weather Age of Age of Light Condition Condition Driver Contribution Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Cloudy Followed too closely 37 20 Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 21 64 Driver 1 Drivers 2/3 2:48PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Cloudy Followed too closely 48 39 4:23PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Cloudy followed too closely 40 44 1:14PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 25 20 9:57AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 29 33 I 149 WESTWOOD 5/23/2012 Wednesday 4:57PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 60 150 WESTWOOD 4/26/2012 Thursday 9:36AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 44 29 151 WESTWOOD 5/30/2012 Wednesday 10:19 PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Dark- unknown roadway li Clear Followed too closely 20 47 152 WESTWOOD 5/31/2012 Thursday 153 WESTWOOD 6/8/2012 Friday 64 S:26 PM Rear-End I No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 17 61 4:00 PM I Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper driving N/A 35 154 WESTWOOD 6/13/2012 Wednesday 4:30PM Rear-End I No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Wet Daylight Rain No Improper driving 53 66 155 WESTWOOD 6/21/2012 Thursday 4 :12 PM ! Rear-End No Injury Daylight Clear Followed too closely 60 70 156 WESTWOOD Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 32 27 157 WESTWOOD 6/24/2012 Sunday 6/29/2012 Friday Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Clear Followed too closely 31 27 158 WESTWOOD Daylight Daylight Clear Followed too closely 21 I 29 159 WESTWOOD ; Daylight Clear Followed too closely 19 i 42 160 WESTWOOD 12:53 PM Rear-End No Injury 5:44 PM I Rear-End No InJury 6/29/2012 Friday 6:00 PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traf Dry Motor vehicle in trafl Dry 6/30/2012 Saturday 4:50PM Rear-End 8:53AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry No Injury Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 24 5:03PM Rear-End INo Injury \Daylight Clear Followed too closely 18 10:36 AM IRear-End No Injury !Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Motor vehicle in traffi Dry Daylight \ Cloudy No Improper driving 26 3:50PM Rear-End No Injury JM otor vehicle in traffi Dr y Daylight Clear Followed too closely 44 29 9:24AM Rear-End No Injury j Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear IFollowed too closely I 49 48 I 55 7/6/2012 Friday 161 WESTWOOD 7/19/2012 Thursday 162 WESTWOOD 7/20/ 2012 Friday 163 WESTWOOD 7/21/2012 Saturday 164 WESTWOOD 7/24/2012 Tuesday 165 WESTWOOD 7/30/2012 Monday 166 WESTWOOD 167 WESTWOOD 168 WESTWOOD 169 I WESTWOOD i 1:41PM Rear-End No Injury .Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 8/2/ 2012 Thursday 8/3/2012 Friday 5:54PM Rear-End No Injury 1Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear IFollowed too closely 9:32PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Dark- lighted roadway Clear I No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 8/5/2012 Sunday 9:58PM Rear-End No Injury M otor vehicle in traff Dry Dark- lighted roadway Clear j NO Improper drivingO 1:17 PM 1Rear-End 3:26PM Rear-End Possible Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear No Injury ·Motor vehicle in tra ffj Dry Daylight 8:5 6AM Rear-End I No Injury Motor veh icle in trafft Dry !Daylight 5:21 PM Rear-End l No Inj ury Motor vehicle in tr~ff1 D ry 9:23AM : Rear-End No Injury 2:41 PM ' Rear-End No 8/10/2012 I Friday 170 j WESTWOOD I 8/9/2012 I Thursday 171 WESTWOOD 8/21/2012 T uesday 172 WESTWOOD 8/28/2012 Tuesday 173 WESTWOOD 8/ 29/ 2012 174 8/29/2012 >Vedn0!5d• y 1 8/27/2012 Monday WESTWOO~~ I 175 WESTWOOD Wedn~day 176 'WESTWOOD 8/30/2012 Thursday 177 WESTWOOD 8/30/2012 :Th ursday 178 WESTWOOD 8/31/2012 Friday 179 WESTWOOD I -­ 9/8/2012 Saturday - 56 32 58 I 31 I I 19 I 46 N/A No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road I 39 I 19 p ear ' clear 1Followed too closely No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper w ay or run off the road I 33 Daylight ] Clear No Improper dnvmgFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 60 M ot or vehicle in tr<l 11 Dry Daylight Clear No Impro per drllrlngFatlure to keep 1n proper way or run off the road 26 31 l'v10!8( vehicle in ltn(fD ry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper w ay or run off th e road 31 34 j No Injury Poss ible Motor veh icle in trafrJDrL J~yllght Clear M otor vehicle in lraff Dry Daylight Clear - - 80 26 30 I 80 21 No Improper drivi ngFailure to keep in proper Wily or run off th e roa d 64 67 No Improper drlllingfallure to keep tn proper way or run off the road 52 35 I 25 30 I 22 40 IFollowed too closely 4:27 PM Rear-End No Injury IMotor vehicle in t rafi\ Dry Daylight Clear 8:15AM iRear-End Possible Motor veh icle in tra ffl Dry Daylight Clea r No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 8: 11AM Rear-End No Inj ury Motor vehicl e in trafi Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 57 63 Failed to yield to right of way 38 35 180 WESTWOOD 9/14/ 2012 1Friday 9:32AM Rear-End Possible Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Clear 181 WESTWOOD 9/20/2012 jThursday 8:03AM Rear-End Possible Motor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear N/A 27 182 WESTWOOD 9/21/2012 1Friday No Injury M otor vehicle in trafl Dry Daylight Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run ,,ff the road 18 57 183 WESTWOOD 9/24/2012 Monday 5:51PM Rear-End 8:52AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traf Dry Daylight Clear INo Improper drivingFailure to ke ep in proper way or run 'J ffthe road 62 184 WESTWOOD 9/27/2012 . Thursday 12:36 PM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traft Dry Daylight Clear ;No Im proper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 68 61 49 185 WESTWOOD 9/27/2012 Thursday 10/ 4/2012 Thursday Daylight 186 WESTWOOD ' I 5:20 PM Rear-End I No Injury Motor veh icle in traff Dry 7:35 AM I Rear-End Possible Motor veh icle in traff] Wet 5:07 PM I Rear-End !No ln;ury M otor vehicle in l rafn Dry 12:54 Pll.l Rear-End i'lo Injury :83 '!/ESTWOOO 10/9/2012 Tu es d~ 10/24/2012 Wedn;J()oy 189 WESTWOOD 10/25/2012 Thursday 7:30PM Rear-End 190 WESTWOOD 11/5/2012. IVIonday 7:44 A1'Vl Rea r-Ena 187 WESTWOOD 19l' W ESTWOOD 192 I WESTWOOD ! U/~2012 ~~ ~~~~~.'r' ll/5/2012 Montlay - 193 \ W ESTWOOD 11/6/2012 Tu esday 194 \WESTWOOD I 11/12/2012 Monday 195 WESTWOOD I 11/20/2012 !Tuesday 196 WESTWOOD 1 197 WES1WOOD I 198 1WE_STWOOD 11/26/2012 Monday ! · /23/2012 Wedneslll;y r--- ---.­ --­ 12/4/20..!:2 T!!._~dat_ 12/5/2012 Wednesday ----­ 7:17 AIVI Re ar-End Poss ible iNolnJ~ ; Possible - ~- 4:18PM Re ar:-End I I 2:24 PM ! Rear-End ! Possible 3:54 PM !Rear-End INo Injury IPossible L. No Injury 5:38 PMI_Rear-End 1:11 PM Rear-End Possible _No Injury _ _ _ 1 8:5 3 AIVI Rear-End ----­ ---­ 6:43AM Rear-End - --­ .\.1otorvehicle in trurr Dry -­ Clear !No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road I 22 I 22 Daylight ___Daylight Rain ' cloudy No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road I 40 I 41 Daylrght Cloudy IMotor vehicl~ in trafl Dry ! Dark -lighted roadway 1\':owr ve h1cle in traff' Dry , Dayliglu Clear ;Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep In proper way or run off the road - No lmp r o~e r drivingFai lure to keep In proper w ay or run off the road Followed too closely Fo llowed too clo se r ~ Daylig ht Clear Follow ed too closely Daylight Clear Followed too closely M otor vehicle in traff Dry ] Daylight Clear Motor vehicle in traff Dry !Daylight Da rk- lighted roadway Clear i\,lotor vehicle in lrillf Dry lltl otor vehicle in tran Dry .Motor vehicle in t raf Dry ~.;lolJ ; vehi~le in lr:d( Dry No Injury Moto1 vehicle in lta!fl Dry Motor vehicle in traff, Wet --- ­ --~ ---'-- - _Dayllgl_•r_ Daylight - - - rDayl!ght . ____ ----­ Clear IFollowed too closely INo Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run..,ff the road INo Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road Clear ~np r op e r - 48 71 27 60 42 55 63 54 55 44 37 I I 44 I 67 driving 21 22 ,Cloudy Followed too closely 47 18 61 67 so 21 ~ No Injury Motor vehicle in traffjWet Daylight Ooudy Followed too closely No Injury Motor vehicle in rr afl Dry Da ylight Clear Followed too closely 201 1WESTWOOD 12/13/2012 Thursday 9:02AM Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in tra!f Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 202 WESTWOOD 12/ 17/2012 Monday 2: 58 PM Rear-End ! Unknown Motor vehicle in traff Wet Daylight Rain Followed too closely N/A 203 WESTWOOD 12/19/2012 Wednesday 204 WESTWOOD 12/19/2012 Wednesday I 26 51 Followed too closely 2:35PM Rear-En d I 61 ,([ear 12/ 6/ 2012 Thursday 7:41AM Rear-End 51 25 200 · WESTWOOD 199 WESTWOOD - 26 I 38 49 so ' 32 8:56AM I Rear-End Non-incapacitating Motor vehicle in traff Dry Daylight Clear Followed too closely 77 53 5:29 PM I Rear-End No Injury Motor vehicle in traff Dry Dark- lighted roadway Clear No Improper drivingFailure to keep in proper way or run off the road 24 51 •source: Westwood Police Department -Commonwealth of Massachusetts Motor Vehicle Crash Police Reports i I G:\6629 Westwood, MA\East Street Rotary 52 'I 10:23 AM Rear-End 4:30 PM I Rear-End I ~\jury 42 I Count of Month Crashes by Month 12.00% 11.27% 10.78% 10.00% 8.82% 7.84% 7.35% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 11.27% 11.27% 10.29% 8.33% 4.90% 3.92% Total 3.92% 2.00% 0.00% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Count of Crash Day Crashes by Day 25.00% 22.06% 20.10% 20.00% 15.00% 17.65% 17.65% 12.75% Total 10.00% 6.86% 5.00% 2.94% 0.00% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Crash Day Crashes by Time of Day 42.9% 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 29.1% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% Series1 16.7% 15.0% 10.8% 10.0% 5.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 2‐6am S:\Jobs\6629\eas‐rot 6‐10am 10‐2pm 2‐6pm 6‐10pm charts 10‐2am 8/21/2014 Count of Crash Type Crash Type 120.00% 97.06% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% Total 40.00% 20.00% 1.47% 0.49% Sideswipe, Same direction Single Vehicle Crash 0.98% 0.00% Angle Rear‐End Crash Type Count of Light Condition Lighting Conditions 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 86.76% Total 8.82% Daylight Dark ‐ lighted roadway 1.96% 1.96% 0.49% Dark ‐ roadway not lighted Dusk Dark ‐ unknown roadway lighting Light Condition Count of Weather Condition Crash Weather 80.00% 73.04% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% Total 30.00% 21.57% 20.00% 10.00% 4.41% 0.98% 0.00% Clear Cloudy Rain Snow Weather Condition S:\Jobs\6629\eas‐rot charts 8/21/2014 Count of Road Surface Condition Crash Road Surface 100.00% 87.25% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% Total 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.78% 10.00% 1.47% 0.49% Snow Sand, mud, dirt, oil, gravel 0.00% Dry Wet Road Surface Condition Crash Driver Ages 25% 23% 21% 20% 18% 18% 15% 11% Series1 10% 6% 5% 2% 1% 70‐79 80+ 0% 15‐19 S:\Jobs\6629\eas‐rot 20‐29 30‐39 40‐49 50‐59 60‐69 charts 8/21/2014