ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Leverett Circle/Charles Circle City of Boston

Leverett Circle/Charles Circle
City of Boston
October 2015
Prepared For:
Prepared By:
McMahon Associates, Inc.
45 Bromfield Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Road Safety Audit—Leverett Circle/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Table of Contents
Background ................................................................................................................................. 1
Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1
Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 3
Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements ............................................ 12
Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 30
List of Appendices
Appendix A.
Appendix B.
Appendix C.
RSA Meeting Agenda
RSA Audit Team Contact List
Detailed Crash Data
List of Figures
Figure 1: Location Map ............................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 2: Leverett Circle Adjacent Land Uses........................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 Charles Circle Adjacent Land Uses ............................................................................................. 8
List of Tables
Table 1.
Table 2.
Table 3.
Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 3
Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 30
Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 31
Road Safety Audit—Leverett Circle/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety
examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The
purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements
considering all roadway users. This RSA evaluates the following intersections adjacent to Charles Street
and Storrow Drive in Boston:
Leverett Circle (O’Brien Highway (Route 28)/Charles Street/Nashua Street/Martha Road/I-93 OffRamp)
Charles Circle (Charles Street/Cambridge Street/Longfellow Bridge/Storrow Drive Ramps)
A review of the Storrow Drive corridor between Leverett Circle and Charles Circle was also conducted as
part of the RSA.
A safety audit was scheduled for these intersections as part of the required MassDOT design process for
the high crash clusters. Leverett Circle is listed as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) high
crash location from 2010-2012 including 21 crashes involving personal injury with an Equivalent Property
Damage Only (EPDO) score of 176. The area around Charles Circle includes multiple HSIP high crash
locations identified from 2010-2012. These clusters, ranging from Storrow Drive south of Charles Circle
and Cambridge Street east of Charles Circle, to Storrow Drive and Charles Street north of Charles Circle,
include 31 crashes involving personal injury and a total EPDO of 356.
A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be
made at the subject intersections.
Project Data
A Road Safety Audit was completed for the two study area intersections on Thursday, June 18, 2015. The
study area is shown in Figure 1. The agenda for the RSA meeting held at the Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary
Starr Center is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted
of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise
in the engineering, planning, maintenance and emergency response fields. Contact information for the RSA
attendees is provided in Appendix B of this report.
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Road Safety Audit—Leverett Circle/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members
Audit Team Member
David Otte
Massachusetts State Police
Joseph Borgomastro
Massachusetts State Police
Lisa Schletzbaum
MassDOT Traffic Safety
Tracy Osimboni
Doug Small
Amitai Lipton
MassDOT District 6
Hameed Pervez
MassDOT District 6
Altaf Mulla
Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
Wendy Landman
Mark Abbott
David Loutzenheiser
Alfredo Vilar
Boston Transportation Department (BTD)
Caitlyn Duffy
Representative Livingstone’s Office
Roch Larochelle
Alexandria Siu
Howard/Stein-Hudson (HSH)
James Barnack
Peter Vasiliou
Phil Viveiros
McMahon Associates
Allison Luff
McMahon Associates
Natalie Raffol
McMahon Associates
Within the email invitation sent on June 12, 2015 to each participant in the RSA, background material was
provided. This information included collision diagrams and crash data summaries for the study area
intersections. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group prior to the field visit to
the intersections. During the RSA field visit, various safety issues were observed and identified. Following
the RSA field visit, the team returned to discuss additional concerns and potential solutions for the existing
safety issues.
Project Location and Description
Study Area Roadways
There are several roadways that service the study area intersections that are described below:
Charles Street
Charles Street (Route 3) is a principal arterial under the Department of Recreation and Conservation (DCR)
jurisdiction. Charles Street is a one-way roadway that generally has two travel lanes within the study area
that provides a connection between Charles Circle to the south and Leverett Circle to the north. Parking on
Charles Street is typically not provided within this segment; however, there are emergency vehicles queued
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
in front of buildings affiliated with the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and on-street parking is
provided approximately 200 feet to the north of Fruit Street. Vehicles are also observed to be parked in
areas where parking is restricted along the southern side of Charles Street. A sidewalk is provided along
the southern side of the roadway and no bicycle amenities are provided on Charles Street.
Storrow Drive/David Mugar Way
Storrow Drive/David Mugar Way (Route 28) is a principal arterial under the Department of Recreation and
Conservation (DCR) jurisdiction. The connection from I-93 to Storrow Drive through the tunnel beneath
Leverett Circle is under MassDOT jurisdiction.
As of the writing of this Final RSA Report, Storrow Drive/David Mugar Way is believed to be a limited
access arterial that generally runs in the east/west direction along the Charles River through the City of
Boston, connecting Leverett Circle to Soldiers Field Road to the west. Between Charles Street in Charles
Circle and Arlington Street to the south, the name of the roadway is officially David Mugar Way. Within
the project study area, the roadway travels in the north/south direction with a speed limit of 40 mph, parallel
to Charles Street. It is believed to be a truck excluded roadway due to the low bridge clearances (10’4”)
within the corridor. Storrow Drive/David Mugar Way provides three lanes of travel in either direction. It is
unclear if pedestrian and bicycle users are restricted from using Storrow Drive; clarification of how the
roadway is regulated regarding access control and pedestrian/bicycle access was not able to be obtained
from DCR prior to the completion of this Final RSA Report.
There are two pedestrian bridges that span the roadway within the study area. The first is the Charles Street
Footbridge immediately south of Longfellow. The other is the Blossom Street Footbridge, which is not in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Along this corridor, the roadways will be
referred to as Storrow Drive throughout the remainder of this report.
Interstate 93
I-93 is an Interstate highway under MassDOT jurisdiction providing the major north/south route through
Boston and eastern Massachusetts. Exit 26 on I-93 provides access to Storrow Drive. To and from the
southern portion of I-93, Storrow Drive is accessed via ramps that tunnel beneath Leverett Circle. To and
from the north on I-93, the ramps exit to the surface roadways and vehicles must navigate through Leverett
Circle to access Storrow Drive. From I-93 to and from the south, ramps are also provided to the surface
roadways to access Route 28 to the north towards Cambridge.
O’Brien Highway
O’Brien Highway (Route 28) is a principal arterial under DCR jurisdiction within the city limits of Boston
and under MassDOT jurisdiction to the north into Cambridge. O’Brien Highway provides a connection
between Cambridge/Somerville and Leverett Circle. Adjacent to the project site, O’Brien Highway
provides two lanes of travel in the northbound direction and three lanes of travel in the southbound direction
with the rightmost lane providing exclusive access to Storrow Drive via a right turn. A sidewalk is provided
on either side of O’Brien Highway, which provides a pedestrian route to the Museum of Science on the
southern side of the roadway. There are signs and pavement markings (“sharrows”) for motorists to share
the road with cyclists provided in either direction.
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Nashua Street
Nashua Street is an urban principal arterial under City of Boston jurisdiction that connects Leverett Circle
to the Suffolk County Courthouse and North Station/Causeway Street to the south. Nashua Street is a twoway roadway that provides one lane of travel in either direction. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of
the roadway. There are no bicycle amenities on Nashua Street and there is no available on-street parking in
the vicinity of the study area.
Martha Road
Martha Road is an urban minor arterial under the City of Boston jurisdiction that provides a connection
between Leverett Circle and North Station/Causeway Street. Martha Road is a one-way roadway exiting
Leverett Circle and travelling south that provides two lanes of travel. Martha Road has a sidewalk provided
on the southern side of the roadway and sharrows provided within travel lanes.
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Street is an urban principal arterial under City of Boston jurisdiction that runs in the east/west
direction through Boston, connecting Tremont Street to the east and Charles Circle/Longfellow Bridge
roadway to the west. Cambridge Street is a two way roadway that provides two travel lanes in either
direction. Cambridge Street is typically median divided and provides a sidewalk on either side of the
roadway, providing additional refuge for crossing pedestrians. Metered on-street parking is provided along
Cambridge Street on either side of the roadway. There are no amenities available on Cambridge Street
dedicated to bicyclists.
Longfellow Bridge
Longfellow Bridge is a principle arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction. It runs into Charles Circle from the
west, connecting Cambridge and Boston. Currently, Longfellow Bridge is undergoing reconstruction and
vehicular traffic is allowed only in the Boston-bound direction; Charles Street, from Charles Circle to
Leverett Circle, is temporarily carrying all Cambridge-bound Longfellow Bridge vehicular traffic.
Typically, vehicles would enter and exit Charles Circle onto the bridge in one of two travel lanes in each
direction. There are also bike lanes in each direction during construction. Travel lanes are separated by the
MBTA Red Line tracks.
Study Area Intersections
Leverett Circle
As shown in Figure 2, there are several roadways that feed into Leverett Circle, including Charles Street
from the south, O’Brien Highway from the west, Nashua Street to the north, and the I-93 off-ramps to the
east. Traffic signals at Leverett Circle are owned by DCR, but operated by the Boston Transportation
Department (BTD). In the center of Leverett Circle, there is Science Park Station, a Massachusetts Bay
Transportation Authority (MBTA) station that accesses the rapid transit Green Line.
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Leverett Circle can be broken down into three clustered intersections. On the western side of Leverett
Circle, O’Brien Highway enters from the west, Nashua Street enters from the north, the northbound left
turn from Charles Street enters from the south, and traffic from the eastern section of Leverett Circle enters
from the east. To the south, there is a one-way southbound ramp to Storrow Drive. O’Brien Highway
provides an exclusive right turn lane for traffic accessing Storrow Drive and two exclusive through lanes
continuing through Leverett Circle. Nashua Street provides an exclusive channelized right turn lane to
O’Brien Highway and two exclusive through lanes to Storrow Drive. The eastbound approach from Leverett
Circle provides two exclusive through lanes to O’Brien Highway for traffic from the I-93 ramps, and
Charles Street provides two exclusive northbound left turn lanes to O’Brien Highway.
On the eastern portion of Leverett Circle, Charles Street enters from the south and provides access to the I93 ramps as well as Martha Road to the west via three unmarked lanes. The I-93 southbound off-ramp
enters from the east and provides two lanes that continue through to O’Brien Highway. Nashua Street enters
from the north and provides two lanes marked as shared through/right turn lanes that access the I-93
southbound on-ramp or Martha Road. The traffic from O’Brien Highway continues through Leverett Circle
to this intersection from the west and accesses the I-93 ramps and Martha Road to the east.
On the northern portion of Leverett Circle, Nashua Street enters from the north and splits to allow traffic to
enter to the eastern and western sections of Leverett Circle, providing one lane to the west and one lane to
the east. The I-93 southbound off-ramp enters the intersection from the south, providing two through lanes
that continue to Nashua Street. The I-93 northbound off-ramp enters the intersection from the east and
provides an exclusive channelized right turn lane and two exclusive through lanes that continue through to
Nashua Street southbound towards O’Brien Highway and Storrow Drive. Beneath Leverett Circle, there
are additional connections between I-93 and Storrow Drive in both directions.
Charles Circle
Figure 3 illustrates the roadways that make up Charles Circle. Cambridge Street leads into Charles Circle
from the east, Longfellow Bridge from the west, and both Charles Street and Storrow Drive run north/south
through the circle. These two roads approach the intersection at different angles, resulting in the lack of a
continuous north to south connection through the intersection. In the center of Charles Circle, there is the
MBTA Charles/MGH Station that accesses the rapid transit Red Line and contributes to a lack of a clear
delineated path east to west. Traffic signals at Charles Circle are owned by DCR, but operated by BTD;
these signals are currently operating in coordination with the ongoing Longfellow Bridge construction
Charles Circle can be viewed as three separate intersections. The first is to the north east of the MBTA
station where Cambridge Street approaches from the east. Cambridge Street contains three travel lanes: one
through lane to the far left, a through/right turn lane in the middle, and a right turn only lane on the far right.
The right turn only lane provides access to Charles Street northbound, which is a three-lane, one way street.
The through/right turn middle lane provides access to Storrow Drive westbound, which is a two-lane, oneway roadway, as well as a small paid parking lot between Storrow Drive and Charles Street. Due to the
construction on Longfellow Bridge, vehicles continuing straight in one of the through
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
lanes are directed to turn left in one of two left-turn only lanes west of this intersection, under Longfellow
Bridge to continue around Charles Circle.
These left turn lanes merge in the next intersection with vehicles approaching the intersection from the
north on an off-ramp from Storrow Drive westbound. Two travel lanes approaching from Storrow Drive
westbound provide traffic through the circle, under Longfellow Bridge. Due to construction on Longfellow
Bridge, two eastbound right turn lanes enter this intersection from what would normally be the westbound
departure lanes toward Cambridge; in addition, the channelized right-turn lane from the Storrow Drive
westbound off-ramp that provide access to Longfellow Bridge westbound is closed. An exit driveway for
the small paid parking lot between Storrow Drive and Charles Street also approaches the intersection from
the north.The southern portion of Charles Circle contains the most traffic movement. Vehicles from the
Storrow Drive westbound off-ramp enter the intersection in one of two southbound lanes under the
Longfellow Bridge. Though now closed for construction, three eastbound lanes from the Longfellow Bridge
also approach the intersection vehicles approaching from two lanes on the Storrow Drive eastbound offramp enter the intersection parallel with the (closed) Longfellow Bridge eastbound approach. Vehicles
approaching from either the Longfellow Bridge or the Storrow Drive eastbound off-ramp may either
continue straight onto Cambridge Street or take left turns onto either the Storrow Drive westbound on-ramp
or Charles Street northbound; both turns go under the Longfellow Bridge with three travel lanes each
separated by a median. Traffic entering Cambridge Street eastbound from either the Longfellow Bridge or
the Storrow Drive westbound off-ramp is separated by a median from traffic entering Cambridge Street
eastbound from the Storrow Drive eastbound off-ramp. All of these lanes merge east of the median as
Cambridge Street forms into a two-lane road to the east of Charles Circle.
Crash Data
Leverett Circle
Crash data was reviewed by Howard/Stein-Hudson Associates, Inc. (HSH) as part of the Leverett Circle
Pedestrian Bridge project. Crash data was obtained from MassDOT for the most recent three year period
available (2010-2012). Based on the crash data and collisions diagrams provided by HSH, there were a total
of 61 crashes that occurred in Leverett Circle over the three year period. Of these crashes, 29 occurred at
the intersection of O’Brien Highway/Nashua Street/Storrow Drive, 26 occurred at the intersection of
Nashua Street/Charles Street/Martha Road, and six occurred at the intersection of Nashua Street and the I93 Ramps.
At the intersection of O’Brien Highway/Nashua Street/Storrow Drive, ten of the crashes that occurred are
sideswipe collisions, and seven crashes that occurred were angle collisions between conflicting movements
of traffic. The majority of the crashes that occurred resulted in property damage only and occurred under
dry and well lit conditions. There is no clear trend that pertains to the time of day or day of the week the
crashes occurred. One crash that occurred at this intersection involved a bicycle as a vehicle attempted to
change lanes improperly. Another crash involved a vehicle that made a right turn on red while this
movement was restricted and struck a pedestrian in the Storrow Drive crosswalk.
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
At the intersection of Nashua Street/Charles Street/Martha Road, 12 crashes that occurred were rear-end
collisions, which is typical for a signalized intersection. The remaining crashes at this location varied in
crash type. The majority of crashes at this location occurred during dry, clear conditions during the daytime.
There was one crash that involved a pedestrian crossing adjacent to the ramps to I-93. Per the crash report,
the pedestrian moved into the roadway unexpectedly and was struck by a vehicle.
At the intersection of Nashua Street/I-93 ramps, six crashes occurred over the three year period analyzed,
the majority of which were rear-end collisions. The majority of crashes at this location occurred during dry,
clear conditions during the daytime.
Charles Circle
Crash data was obtained from MassDOT and reviewed by Jacobs Engineering for the most recent three
year period available (2010-2012). The crash diagrams provided by Jacobs show a total of 32 crashes in
Charles Circle over this time period. Of these crashes, nine occurred at the intersection of the Storrow Drive
westbound off-ramp, Cambridge Street westbound, and Longfellow Bridge; 11 occurred at the intersection
of the Storrow Drive westbound on-ramp, Charles Street northbound, and Cambridge Street; and 12
occurred at the intersection of the Storrow Drive eastbound off-ramp, Longfellow Bridge eastbound,
Charles Street southbound, and Cambridge Street.
At the intersection of the Storrow Drive westbound off-ramp, Cambridge Street, and Longfellow Bridge
westbound, two of the crashes that occurred were rear ends of vehicles coming from the Storrow Drive
westbound off-ramp. Two cars were involved in a crash while entering the right hand lane to continue
toward the Longfellow Bridge, while four cars were involved in a rear end collision while continuing onto
the Storrow Drive westbound off-ramp in a left lane. Both of these crashes resulted in non-fatal injuries.
Seven of the nine crashes were angle collisions between vehicles on the Storrow Drive westbound off-ramp
and Cambridge Street. All of these crashes resulted in property damage only.
At the intersection of the Storrow Drive westbound on-ramp, Charles Street northbound, and Cambridge
Street, four of the 11 crashes that occurred were sideswipes. Three of the crashes were angle collisions
between Charles Street northbound and Cambridge Street. There was one rear end collision at this location
as well. Three were collisions with objects, presumably the median on Cambridge Street, with two of those
resulting in non-fatal injuries.
At the intersection of the Storrow Drive eastbound off-ramp, Longfellow Bridge eastbound, Charles Street
southbound, and Cambridge Street, three of the crashes that occurred were rear ends with vehicles traveling
eastbound off of the Longfellow Bridge. Two crashes on the Longfellow Bridge eastbound were collisions
with the left-hand side of the bridge, with one resulting in a non-fatal injury. There was one angle collision
between a vehicle coming from the Longfellow Bridge eastbound and a vehicle entering Charles Street
northbound within the circle. Of the crashes occurring from the Storrow Drive westbound off-ramp
approach, two were sideswipes, one rear end collision, and one angle collision. Two of these involved nonfatal injuries. There was one sideswipe crash and one rear end crash between vehicles approaching the
Storrow Drive westbound on-ramp from within the intersection.
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
While not included in the crash diagrams, it was noted during the RSA that a pedestrian fatality occurred
at the pedestrian crosswalk in front of the Cambridge Street westbound approach (adjacent to the
Charles/MGH station) in March 2015. Based on discussion during the RSA, the crash involved a pedestrian
who entered the crosswalk against a “Don’t Walk” signal just as the Cambridge Street westbound approach
received its green phase, and was struck by a truck who did not see the pedestrian as the green phase began.
Detailed crash diagrams are provided in Appendix C.
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential
During the RSA meeting prior to the field visit, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of
crash information was presented to the audit participants. Following this brief presentation, the members
of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety at the two study area
intersections and the segment of Storrow Drive between them. The audit team then visited the site as a
group, at which time observations of various safety concerns and deficiencies were identified and
documented. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns that were identified during the RSA for each
intersection and for the corridor as a whole and the potential enhancements identified during the RSA.
Leverett Circle
Safety Issue #1: Pedestrian Crossing and Wayfinding
Pedestrian safety within Leverett Circle was a major discussion point by the RSA team due to the
high volume of pedestrians traveling to the Science Park train station that lies in the middle of the
circle and the adjacent Museum of Science. Along the southern portion of the intersection, in order
to travel east/west through the corridor, pedestrians must cross three separate crossings: one
spanning Storrow Drive, one spanning the Charles Street left turn lanes, and one spanning the
remaining Charles Street lanes. A pedestrian does not have the walk time to cross all three crossings
at once, and therefore must wait several light cycles to fully cross east/west. It was observed that
pedestrians are often not willing to wait this time to cross and cross on a “don’t walk” phase when
there is a gap in traffic. There are also times where a walk phase would be able to be implemented,
but there is a “don’t walk” phase with no vehicular conflicts. Pedestrians cross when they see there
are no conflicting vehicles for that phase, but are not protected with a walk phase.
Many pedestrians were observed
walking from Science Park Station
towards Boston to the east. There is a
pedestrian desire line from the
Drive to the southwest. Pedestrians
who are familiar with the area aren’t
using the crossing that is available
spanning the westbound approach
from Leverett Circle to O’Brien
Pedestrian crossing from Science Park Station towards
Highway and then the crossing
the Charles Street median
spanning the Charles Street left turn
lanes; aside from making two separate crossings, pedestrians crossing the westbound approach
during the “Walk” phase occasionally encounter vehicles turning left from Nashua Street
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
southbound that yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk before completing this turn. Pedestrians are
instead crossing when there is a gap in traffic or when the crossing is protected directly to the island
splitting the Charles Street approaches; this crossing is protected when the Charles Street left turn
is running, through there is no crossing striped for this movement.
Vehicle speeds through the corridor were observed to be high, presenting potential hazards with
the large volumes of pedestrians in this area. The majority of the vehicles through this circle are
either going to or coming from I-93.
For the right turn from O’Brien
Highway onto Storrow Drive, there is
a “No Right Turn on Red” sign that is
illuminated when the crosswalk
spanning Storrow Drive has a walk
phase. This occurs concurrently with
the northbound left turn phase from
Charles Street. Once this phase ends,
the illuminated “No Right Turn on
Red” sign turns off, allowing right
turns on red. The sign is not
illuminated when the walk phase is
Illuminated “No Right Turn on Red” signage for the
right turn from O’Brien Highway onto Storrow Drive
active for the western crosswalk
spanning O’Brien Highway, allowing
potential conflicts between the right on red movement and pedestrians. It was also observed that
many vehicles do not observe the “No Right Turn on Red” signage and made right turns through
the crosswalk onto Storrow Drive during the walk phase. There is also the potential for
pedestrian/vehicle conflict when drivers arrive at the intersection when the sign is not lit. A driver
may be looking left for gaps in vehicular traffic, but then may make a right turn when not having
seen the sign illuminated.
There is signage in the southbound direction from Nashua Street to yield to pedestrians in the
crosswalk for the southbound left turn. The sign is far to the left and in a position that is difficult
for drivers to see, as it is just beyond the bridge abutment. Additionally, there are large volumes of
pedestrians that travel to the Museum of Science via the Science Park MBTA Station, but it was
observed that there is no wayfinding for pedestrians from the train station to the Museum of
Science. The State Police reported encountering many lost pedestrians looking for the Museum of
Science, illustrating confusion in the area.
 Evaluate pedestrian crossing phasing and timings on the southern side of Leverett Circle
to ensure pedestrians are able to cross during all available phases for the maximum possible
time to facilitate pedestrian operations. This evaluation should consider existing
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
preemption of signals when the Craigie Drawbridge opens, as well as the capability of the
existing signal to accommodate additional phases or pedestrian movements.
Considering providing a crossing between the northeastern side of the O’Brien
Highway/Nashua Street/Storrow Drive intersection and the island between the Charles
Street approaches and allow a protected crossing phase when the Charles Street northbound
left turn is active to protect this desired pedestrian route.
Consider introducing traffic calming measures such as bold signage, extra visible
crosswalks, and overhead signs adjacent to signal heads, approaching the intersection to
reduce vehicle speeds and remind drivers that they are in a high pedestrian activity area
despite its proximity to the highway.
Evaluate impacts of restricting eastbound right turn to Storrow Drive to ‘No Right Turn on
Red” permanently to reduce confusion of when drivers are allowed to turn right.
Consider replacing illuminated “No Right Turn on Red” sign with red arrows and
supplemental right turn restriction signage to portray a clearer message regarding the right
turns on red, if impacts are deemed acceptable.
Consider restricting right turns on red when the western crosswalk spanning O’Brien
Highway has a protected crossing to reduce conflicts between right turns and pedestrians.
Consider providing wayfinding signage from Science Park Station to the Museum of
Science to help pedestrians cross at appropriate and safe crossings.
Consider restricting the southbound left turn from Nashua Street at O’Brien Highway and
require all left turns to access Leverett Circle via the Nashua Street connection opposite
Charles Street to reduce conflicts with the crosswalk connecting to Science Park Station.
Evaluate moving pedestrian warning signage to a more optimal location to increase
Evaluate placing a flashing yellow arrow (FYA) indication for vehicles turning right onto
Storrow Drive westbound from Route 28/O’Brien Highway, to indicate to drivers that
while a right turn is permitted, they must yield right-of-way to the concurrent pedestrian
Evaluate options for standard signage at Leverett Circle and consider removing all nonstandard signage, including warning signs related to pedestrian movements.
Consider the proposed Pedestrian Overpass Bridge at Leverett Circle (MassDOT Project
606703) to improve pedestrian circulation.
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Safety Issue #2: Bicycle Operations
It was observed that there are no
bicycle amenities within Leverett
Circle and that bicycles must use the
roadway as a means to navigate
through the circle. This proves
challenging to cyclists due to the
observed speed differentials between
vehicles and bicycles through this
corridor, as well as frequent lane
changes. Several bicyclists opt to use
the adjacent sidewalks to seek refuge
Bicyclist seeking refuge from vehicular traffic on the
through the circle, creating additional
conflicts with the large volumes of
pedestrians in this area.
Poor biking infrastructure also affects the State Police, who could benefit from easier access going
to and from their barracks on O’Brien Highway by bike.
 Consider providing exclusive bicycle lanes to allow cyclists a protected lane of travel.
 Consider providing bike boxes at the traffic signals to allow cyclists a protected queuing
area ahead of queued vehicles to increase cyclist visibility.
 Consider providing safe bicycle connections through the intersection, which may include
on-road bike lanes, a cycle track, or a shared use path.
Safety Issue #3: Lane Usage
The northbound movement from
Charles Street was observed to be an
issue during the RSA field visit. Three
lanes are provided on Charles Street
for the movements to I-93 northbound,
I-93 southbound, and Martha Road
towards North Station, east of Leverett
Circle. Advance overhead guide
signage is provided to the south on
Driver of the white van photographed attempts to
access Martha Road on the right, from the left lane on
destinations, but no specific lane
Charles Street
utilization signage or striping is
provided at the intersection. Therefore, vehicles use any lane to access their destination; east of the
intersection, overhead guide signage identifies each destination directly above the decision points.
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During the field visit, all three lanes were observed attempting to access the I-93 southbound ramp,
causing conflicts with vehicles traveling to the I-93 northbound ramp from the center lane.
Additionally, some vehicles destined for Martha Road were observed to access the intersection
from the left-most lane and cut across the adjacent two lanes to access Martha Road. A similar
movement was observed by a vehicle from the right-most lane accessing I-93 northbound. Driver
confusion may be a contributing factor to these last minute lane changes, and these movements are
likely a contributing factor to the number of sideswipe and angle collisions at this intersection.
Another safety issue is that trees along Charles Street block the advanced warning sign for Martha
Road from view.
At the intersection of O’Brien
Drive, there is an issue in the
eastbound direction of vehicles
continuing through into Leverett
Circle from the right-most lane that is
intended to be a right turn only lane to
Storrow Drive. The issue is generally
due to congestion in the two through
lanes, with vehicles attempting to
bypass by continuing through from the
Vehicle continuing through from westbound right turn
right turn lane. Some vehicles also
lane in conflict with through traffic from the center
enter the right turn lane from the
Museum of Science and cannot move
into the through lanes to access I-93 due to queueing. Additionally, vehicles have been observed to
turn right onto Storrow Drive from the center lane that is intended to continue through to I93/Martha Road. These movements may be contributing factors to the number of sideswipe
collisions as vehicles attempt to make lane changes to be in the appropriate lanes, and a contributing
factor to the number of rear-ends in the eastbound direction as vehicles stop short to make last
minute lane changes.
 Consider providing revised guide signs, which may incorporate diagrammatic lane usage,
in advance of Leverett Circle indicating which lanes are to be used to access the various
destination points from Leverett Circle to reduce driver confusion and conflicts.
 Consider providing route guidance pavement markings indicating the destination and
appropriate usage for each lane in advance of Leverett Circle to reduce driver confusion
and conflicts.
 Consider providing dotted lane extension lines at intersection locations to provide
additional guidance to the appropriate destination lanes.
 Evaluate channelization of the O’Brien Highway eastbound right turn lane to Storrow
Drive by means of plastic delineators to provide a physical barrier keeping vehicles from
continuing through to Leverett Circle.
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Safety Issue #4: Advance Warning Signage
It was noted during the road safety audit that there is “Cars Only” warning signage provided over
the Storrow drive on-ramp from Leverett Circle to restrict truck traffic from entering due to the low
bridge clearances along Storrow
Drive. The “Cars Only” signage is also
provided over the westbound right turn
lane from O’Brien Highway to
Storrow Drive. It was observed during
the field and discussed by the RSA
team that vehicles accessing Storrow
Drive from I-93 northbound do not
have signage in advance of the Storrow
Drive ramp. Additionally, in several
cases, truck traffic will queue on
Truck turning last minute onto O’Brien Highway upon
Nashua Street in the southbound
realizing the Storrow Drive truck restriction
direction to enter Storrow Drive, see
the warning signage at the last minute, and then attempt to turn right onto O’Brien Highway from
the southbound through lane. The signage is also partially obstructed by the Green Line overpass
as vehicles approach from Nashua Street.
It was noted during the RSA that if trucks do enter Storrow Drive, they are able to continue to the
next available exit on the left for Government Center (referred to as a “bail out exit” by one RSA
participant) before encountering any of the low bridges. Signage is provided on Storrow Drive to
make an emergency exit to the left if heavy vehicles that do not meet height requirements travel
onto Storrow Drive.
 Consider providing signage in advance of the Storrow Drive on-ramp to indicate that trucks
are restricted.
 Consider providing wayfinding signage for an alternate truck route to guide heavy vehicles
away from Storrow Drive.
 Consider providing graphic “No Trucks” signage at entrances to Storrow Drive to
supplement existing signage and provide a clear message.
 Consider providing active warning signs concurrently with a “Laser Detection” system on
the Storrow Drive ramps that illuminates when a heavy vehicle enters Storrow Drive to
direct vehicles to exit toward Government Center.
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Safety Issue #5: Construction Impacts
It was noted by an audit team member that there is queueing from the west in Cambridge along
O’Brien Highway that extends into Leverett Circle during the weekday morning peak period. This
congestion is largely due to construction projects, namely the Charles River Dam project
construction, Lomasney construction, and construction from the Northpoint development project
to the west of Leverett Circle. Signal coordination is also poor and traffic from the I-93 southbound
off-ramp blocks the intersection with Nashua Street. This is a problem throughout the day, not just
in the morning peak period.
 Encourage coordination between DCR, MassDOT, and the City of Cambridge to reduce
delay caused by downstream construction projects during peak travel times.
 Review signal coordination and adjust signal timings accordingly.
Safety Issue #6: Roadway Geometry
It was noted during the RSA that the
eastbound approach from O’Brien
Highway to Leverett Circle is offset
slightly, requiring vehicles to move to
the right as they continue through to
stay in the appropriate lane. This may
be a contributing factor to sideswipe
crashes at this location.
General observations in terms of the
Leverett Circle roadway geometry
were also made by the project team.
Offset eastbound approach to Leverett Circle
Overall, the intersection has a very
unique layout and may be difficult for unfamiliar visitors to navigate, particularly those visiting the
Museum of Science.
 Evaluate realigning the westbound approach towards O’Brien Highway by narrowing from
two lanes to one lane to allow the shifting of the raised median to the north/east, and thus
realigning the eastbound approach through the intersection.
 Evaluate realigning the eastbound approach from O’Brien Highway through Leverett
Circle to eliminate the offset.
 Consider providing dotted lane extension lines from O’Brien Highway to Leverett Circle
to provide additional guidance for vehicles passing through the intersection.
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Consider providing additional wayfinding signage for vehicles to access points of interest
around Leverett Circle.
Storrow Drive
Safety Issue #1: Roadway Geometry
The geometry of Storrow Drive westbound between Leverett and Charles Circles creates numerous
safety concerns. There were 36 crashes on Storrow Drive westbound, with the majority of crashes
occurring in the weave section between the I-93 Portal and the left exit to Charles Circle. There are
also clusters of crashes on the reverse curves before, after and under Longfellow Bridge, as well as
at the parking lot driveways at the westbound on and off ramps.
Some participants raised concerns about what they characterized as a “double weave” pattern that
is created when vehicles are forced to make decisions quickly with changing lane configurations.
One main cause of this weaving pattern may be the left-side exit ramp on Storrow Drive westbound.
As vehicles enter Storrow Drive westbound from Leverett Circle, vehicles from O’Brien Highway
enter Storrow Drive in an added lane adjacent to two lanes of traffic coming from I-93. Vehicles
have 600 feet of roadway before having to make a decision regarding the lane in which to travel.
This causes vehicles to simultaneously switch lanes in either direction to either stay on Storrow
Drive westbound, or exit left towards Government Center; the ability to use the center lane to either
exit left toward Government Center or continue on Storrow Drive westbound may create higher
demand for this lane and further complicates this issue. Participants agreed that the left side exit
ramp may confuse drivers because they expect exits to be on the right side of the road. Of the 36
crashes in this location, 20 were rear end collisions.
A similar safety concern exists on Storrow Drive eastbound where two lanes of traffic combine
with one added lane of traffic from Charles Street eastbound prior to the development of a double
left turn onto O’Brien Highway. Vehicles must also merge and change lanes at this location to get
onto I-93 from Storrow Drive eastbound, and also travel through Leverett Circle to access O’Brien
Highway. Crashes are primarily clustered in the reverse curves before, after, and under the
Longfellow Bridge. Crashes are also clustered near the Blossom Street Bridge where there is a
merge of parking lot traffic onto Storrow Drive eastbound.
Signage on Storrow Drive may also create confusion for drivers, as the arrows, exit tabs, and “left
lane” designations do not appear to conform to current standards. Audit participants have also noted
the lack of bicycle or pedestrian exclusion signage at Storrow Drive approaches. Discussions during
and after the audit meeting with MassDOT and DCR have not clarified whether the roadway has
bicycle or pedestrian exclusions1.
Clarification from DCR was not able to be obtained concerning existing bicycle and pedestrian exclusions prior to
the completion of this Final RSA Report.
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 Evaluate overall signage and sign placement and positions, with care to avoid sign clutter.
 Evaluate lane configurations along Storrow Drive, including gore points where travel lanes
are added or removed from Storrow Drive.
 Evaluate switching to right side exits and entrances on Storrow Drive to better conform to
driver expectation and to facilitate improved weaving conditions.
 Evaluate creating a Storrow Drive eastbound direct on-ramp from Charles Circle to the I93 access tunnel.
 Evaluate grade separations on Storrow Drive to reduce the need for weaving movements.
 Evaluate the relocation or removal of parking lot ingress/egress points on Storrow Drive
 Evaluate softening the sharp reverse curves for both eastbound and westbound Storrow
Drive by enlarging the radii.
 Include bicycle prohibition signage at Storrow Drive entrances as a short-term measure
until clarification of bicycle and pedestrian access along the Storrow Drive corridor is
provided by DCR.
Safety Issue #2: Storrow Drive Single Vehicle Crashes
From the crash data, participants observed a high percentage of wet weather crashes (60%).
Participants suggested that the reasons behind a large number of crashes in wet weather could be
the pavement type, age, or condition, the presence of narrow lanes, tight curb radii, short curves,
and lack of sight distance. Participants noted that it was unclear from the crash data whether these
crashes occurred at peak or off-peak times, noting that at off-peak times when Storrow Drive is not
congested, vehicles may be traveling as fast as 45 mph, suggesting that speed may be a safety issue
as well.
 Evaluate realigning Storrow Drive with fewer curves and remove/soften sharp radii to
allow vehicles to travel through the corridor more safely and with greater visibility.
 Evaluate use of a high-friction pavement surface to improve vehicle control in inclement
 Evaluate drainage system to determine if improvements are needed to reduce puddling or
other wet roadway conditions.
 Evaluate the feasibility of creating boat sections on Storrow Drive to increase vertical
clearance over bridge structures.
 Evaluate the relocation or removal of parking lot ingress/egress points on Storrow Drive
 Evaluate pavement marking type/condition along Storrow Drive.
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Safety Issue #3: Storrow Drive Sideswipe Collisions
Of the 39 crashes on Storrow Drive eastbound, just under a third of them were sideswipe crashes.
Participants noted this may be due to the geometric issues discussed previously, such as left-side
exit ramps, narrow lanes, and tight radii. Other potential safety issues could be the lack of
wayfinding and guidance as vehicles approach Leverett Circle from Storrow Drive eastbound as
well as the Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary surface parking lot that exits directly onto Storrow Drive.
As vehicles are traveling at high speeds on
Storrow Drive, it may be difficult for those
exiting the parking lot to safely enter
Storrow Drive without disrupting traffic
 Consider guide sign improvements
to provide improved wayfinding.
 Remove/re-evaluate direct access
to Storrow Drive from surface
Vehicles traveling on Charles Street eastbound
parking lots.
where it merges with Storrow Drive
 Evaluate use of a high-friction
pavement surface to improve vehicle control in inclement conditions.
 Consider pavement marking type/condition, possibly revising pavement marking lane lines
to move traffic away from sight distance obstructions on the inside of horizontal curbs, by
“creating” wider shoulders.
 Evaluate drainage system to determine if improvements are needed to reduce puddling or
other wet roadway conditions.
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Safety Issue #4: Vehicle Clearance
Storrow Drive has a low vertical clearance,
which is problematic if trucks enter from
Leverett Circle. Although there are
warnings in advance of the low clearance
conditions, there still may be confusion as
to when the height restriction begins on
Storrow Drive. Participants also displayed
concern over the fact that Storrow Drive is
a numbered route, which typically
encourages truck traffic.
Low clearance warning on Storrow Drive
westbound going south from Leverett Circle
 Evaluate
signage for trucks about the low vertical clearance, possibly using more graphics.
 Evaluate the removal of numbered route designations along Storrow Drive.
 Evaluate the potential to increase roadway clearances along Storrow Drive, which could
include raising the height of overhead structures or depressing Storrow Drive.
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Safety Issue #5: Pedestrian Safety
Participants discussed a recent fatal crash
that occurred in this area not included in the
crash data, which sparked a discussion of
pedestrian safety. Participants found the
crosswalk in the middle of Charles Street
northbound (near Fruit Street) to be difficult
for pedestrians. This crosswalk connects
Fruit Street with the Mass. Eye and Ear
Infirmary parking lot located between
Charles Street and Storrow Drive.
Faded crosswalk and road curvature as vehicles
Participants showed concern that the
approach the crossing
crosswalk is not visible to vehicles as there is
a curve in the road before the crossing and a lack of advance warning for drivers. RSA participants
also noted that shade and foliage from trees and cars parked illegally on the street also contribute
to a lack of visibility of the crosswalk and signs in the area.
 Evaluate the placement of a rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB) at the crossing.
 Evaluate the placement of a raised crosswalk and/or curb extension.
 Consider improving visibility through road realignment and street tree placement.
 Enforce existing on-street parking restrictions, which may affect driver visibility of the
 Evaluate relocating the crosswalk to improve sight distance around the adjacent horizontal
curve, while maintaining the pedestrian desire lines.
 Evaluate the feasibility of adding another pedestrian connection over Storrow Drive, north
of Longfellow Bridge and/or improving the Blossom Street footbridge to ADA
Charles Circle
Safety Issue #1: Bicycle Conflicts
As Cambridge Street approaches Charles Circle it divides into three lanes: a right turn only lane, a
middle lane for either through traffic or right turns, and a left lane for through traffic. A sign on
Charles Street before the intersection only depicts two approach lanes and informs drivers that the
right lane is to continue onto Charles Street (Route 3) for access to Route 93 South, and the other
lane is for right turns onto Storrow Drive westbound. Bike traffic travels on the right side of vehicle
lanes to continue straight through the intersection. With double right turning lanes, cyclists are cut
off by right-turning vehicles, especially if those in the center-right lane decide to take a sharp right
onto Charles Street. Participants agreed that there is unclear guidance for vehicles wishing to turn
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right in the intersection onto either Charles Street
or Storrow Drive westbound. There were 11
crashes at this location from 2010-2012 with four
resulting in injury. Of the five crashes occurring
in the two right-most lanes on Cambridge Street,
three were sideswipes, illustrating confusion over
the intended use of the right lanes.
During the field observation, non-standard
signage was found supposedly instructing
vehicles intending to turn right to yield to cyclists
continuing straight onto the Longfellow Bridge,
where bike lanes are in place for Cambridgebound traffic. One sign is placed in a median
between Charles Street and Storrow Drive, and
another placed before the intersection on
Cambridge Street. The signs are prohibited under
federal and state law, as they use unapproved
symbol elements. The signs are also mounted too
low, and may pose a safety hazard to pedestrians.
One participant noted a lack of signs (such as a
“bikes watch for turning vehicles” sign or other
regulatory signs) that clarified current traffic
conditions. However, there was also concern over
“sign-overload” for vehicles entering from
Cambridge Street, which diminishes the
likelihood for drivers to be adequately informed
of potential conditions at the intersection.
Signage on Cambridge Street before the
Lack of sign visibility as vehicles approach
the intersection from Cambridge St.
 Clarify signs and markings within and in
Right turn yield to bikes signage and bike
lane onto Longfellow Bridge northbound
advance of Charles Circle, preferably
with standard, approved signage installed
in the correct manner.
 Evaluate the addition of a bike box in front of all three lanes or bike lanes/shared lanes on
Cambridge Street and through the intersection to improve bicycle accommodations.
 Investigate “innovative” geometric improvements to clarify movements through the
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Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian Operations/Charles/MGH Station Access
Some RSA participants stated that they had
observed approximately 1,000 pedestrians per
hour using the emergency exit doors at the
Charles/MGH MBTA station to exit onto the
northern side of Cambridge Street.
Field observation confirmed that crossing
Cambridge Street at the location where these
doors exit is popular among pedestrians,
creating a clear desired path from the station
over to Massachusetts General Hospital
(MGH). Participants noted that MGH is a major
destination for pedestrians, making it a logical
place for a crossing. With MGH as a central
destination, pedestrians are likely to continue to
cross at this location, rather than walking in the
opposite direction to cross at the crosswalk, as
studies show pedestrians are unlikely to travel
out of the way to reach a destination. Field
observation confirmed the use of the
emergency exit doors and the crossing over
Cambridge Street without a marked crosswalk,
in a space that also lacks adequate room for
pedestrians waiting to cross.
Pedestrians seen crossing Cambridge Street
closest to the emergency exit doors
Two-phase crossing separated by median on
Cambridge Street
RSA participants noted the possible reasons as
to why there is high usage of the emergency
exit doors. Some stated that it was due to a lack
of wayfinding as T-riders come down the
escalators and try to exit the station. The
emergency exit doors are straight ahead, while
the regular exit doors require turning around
and heading in the opposite direction out of the
station. Others stated heavy usage was due to
Pedestrian signal push-button on left side of
the desire lines of regular users who exit via the
crosswalk from Charles/MGH station
emergency exit doors to access their
destinations in the MGH/downtown Boston direction.
For pedestrians exiting the Charles/MGH Station and wishing to cross onto the southern end of
Cambridge Street there is a two-phase crossing separated by a median. This poses a safety issue for
pedestrians, as they are often impatient and wish to reach a destination without waiting for two
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
signal phases. This system also requires pedestrians to wait on a median in the middle of Charles
Circle. With platoons of pedestrians exiting Charles/MGH Station, the median may not have
adequate room for the large volume of pedestrians crossing, and promotes impatient pedestrian
behavior. Requiring pedestrians to wait in the median also confuses drivers, who may think that
they need to stop for pedestrians waiting to cross, which may lead to vehicular rear-end crashes.
The crash data supports this concern, since 33% of the collisions at this location are rear-ends.
Although many participants agreed that the two-phase signal is not ideal for a pedestrian crossing,
one participant noted that there would have to be an exclusive signal for a continuous crossing,
which would be difficult due to the multiple travel lanes merging together within the intersection.
Creating an exclusive pedestrian crossing may impact traffic flow and lead to more congestion
along Storrow Drive, which already is given less priority than Cambridge Street.
 Evaluate placing alarms on the emergency exit doors to restrict pedestrians from using this
 Work with MBTA police to discourage use of the emergency exit doors to restrict
pedestrians from using this exit.
 Investigate station enhancement and design to discourage use of emergency exit doors and
provide a more direct path to the regular doors.
 Investigate the use of a pedestrian bridge from the station to the northern side of Cambridge
Street to facilitate pedestrian operations and minimize conflicts with vehicular traffic.
 Evaluate conversion of the existing Cambridge Street median east of the Charles/MGH
station as a traversable median with pedestrian crossing to allow pedestrians to cross over
to MGH on the east side of the Charles/MGH station.
 Evaluate signal phasing, turning, and timing, and pedestrian recall at the southern crossing.
 Evaluate pedestrian crossing for ADA compliance and feasibility of adding tactile pads
and ramps.
Safety Issue #3: Pedestrian Crossing Infrastructure
The placement of the pedestrian signal push-button is out of the way for people exiting
Charles/MGH Station, dis-incentivizing its use. This signal is also problematic as it is on the left
side of the crosswalk, while pedestrians should remain on the right side of the crosswalk when
crossing. The overall placement of the post is not designed to lead pedestrians to behave properly
within the crosswalk and may even promote pedestrians to cross outside of the crosswalk entirely
and not pay attention to the push button and walk signal, resulting in dangerous behavior.
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Crosswalk and pedestrian signal on Charles Street
Some participants also noted that the
pedestrian signal added at the end of
Charles Street on the south side of Charles
Circle may be encouraging a lack of signal
compliance by pedestrians at this location.
Field observation showed only a small
volume of traffic entering Charles Street
from the circle, leaving pedestrians waiting
an unnecessary amount of time in between
walk signals. Participants observed an
eight second walk time with hardly any
turning traffic at this location.
 Evaluate locations of pedestrian signal push buttons at all signalized crosswalks.
 Provide more pedestrian way-finding signs and guidance.
 Evaluate signal phasing, timing, and pedestrian recalls, particularly for the crossing at
Charles Street south of Charles Circle.
 Consider eliminating the pedestrian signal and adding a mid-street “Yield to Pedestrians”
sign and informational signs telling pedestrians where to look for approaching vehicles
entering Charles Street.
Safety Issue #4: Visibility
Participants discussed a potential visibility
problem created by the Charles/MGH station
for vehicles approaching Charles Circle
from Cambridge Street. As there is a sharp
turn to the left where Charles Street passes
by the station, drivers may not be able to see
pedestrians exiting out of the station and
intending to cross Cambridge Street.
This visibility issue also affects vehicular
Vehicles approaching intersection from Storrow
operations as eastbound traffic passing
Drive eastbound
through the barrels by Charles/MGH Station
intersects with traffic approaching from Cambridge Street. This may contribute to both angle
collisions and rear-end collisions as westbound vehicles on Cambridge Street or eastbound vehicles
travelling under the station stop short for pedestrians.
Participants also stated concern over the visibility of signals in Charles Circle as vehicles approach
from the Storrow Drive eastbound off-ramp; contributing factors include a sharp curve with no
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Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
overhead signals, the length of the intersection, and observed red light running during turning
movements. These vehicles are approaching the two-stage crosswalk, where participants displayed
concern that drivers may bypass the stop line or run a red light.
 Enforce crosswalk laws and educate pedestrians to obey walk signals.
 Evaluate required signal visibility for all intersection approaches including MUTCD
suggestions for proper placement of one per lane overhead on the far side of the intersection
 Evaluate signal clearance timings to address red light running at the intersection.
Safety Issue #5: Southbound Left Turn Conflicts
There is a potential conflict when
vehicular traffic within Charles Circle
turns left toward the median island south
of the Charles/MGH Red Line station.
Drivers who attempt this maneuver
incorrectly become in conflict with the
two-phase pedestrian signal across
Cambridge Street. These pedestrians
should be protected, but become at risk
when vehicles are in the wrong lanes and
are not under the correct signals for the
View as approaching from Longfellow
turning movements they wish to make,
southbound/Storrow Drive eastbound
putting them at odds with the pedestrian
crossing. It was noted by some audit participants that congestion at the Cambridge Street/Grove
Street intersection to the east, as well as for vehicles attempting to enter an MGH parking garage
on Grove Street, may be spilling back into Charles Circle, resulting in drivers improperly
navigating around the median island south of the Red Line station to avoid vehicle queues.
The circle’s complex geometry, closely spaced intersections, and proximity to multiple destinations
all contribute to make turning in this area difficult for drivers. Through written comments on the
draft of this report, a participant noted that GPS navigation may not be able to provide directions
in a timely manner for drivers to make accurate turning movements.
 Evaluate removal of island and signal operations to provide better clarity of operations.
 Evaluate timing at Cambridge/Grove Street and MGH garage operations to reduce
upstream congestion on Cambridge Street spilling back into Charles Circle.
 Review road design to simplify turning movements within Charles Circle.
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Safety Issue #6: Wayfinding Challenges
There are two northbound lanes within Charles
Circle for one-way travel onto the Storrow
Drive westbound on-ramp and three
northbound lanes within Charles Circle for
one-way travel
onto Charles
northbound. Navigating the intersection may
be challenging for both regular commuters and
out-of-town drivers, due to the intersection
geometries, the three barrels underneath the
MBTA station, and the plethora of destination
points to be made from Charles Circle.
One-way lanes under Longfellow Bridge on the
north side of Charles Circle
Participants observed a lack of lane utilization and confusion over the intended direction among
drivers, for both southbound and northbound traffic. This is also a problem with vehicles entering
Charles Circle from Cambridge Street and turning left onto these one-way approaches against
traffic. Similarly, cars coming off of Storrow Drive westbound do not know if they have an entire
lane under Longfellow Bridge or are merging with Charles Street traffic, resulting in lack of lane
utilization. Unclear markings and signage of one-way travel under the bridge poses an immediate
safety concern. A participant noted that there may also be information overload from the guide
signage. Driver confusion and error not only contributes to vehicle crashes, but crashes with
pedestrians and cyclists.
Another current challenge to wayfinding in Charles Circle is that it is part of the work zone for
the Longfellow Bridge Rehabilitation Project. Traffic signal operation has been temporarily
modified to accommodate bridge construction sequencing, which may present new challenges for
vehicles entering the intersection.
• Evaluate signage and lane markings, such as installing arrows at the stop bar, and the
addition of more “Do Not Enter” signs to better clarify lane operation within Charles
• Evaluate lane re-assignment for Storrow Drive under Longfellow Bridge.
• Consider the implementation of a modern traffic signal system to manage operational
capacity due to new lane assignments.
• Evaluate removal of the middle barrel and merge lanes for Charles Street and Storrow
Drive eastbound.
• Evaluate consolidation of the Storrow Drive right turning lane.
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Safety Issue #7: Emergency Response
Participants were concerned about the
inability to determine the route of
approaching ambulances in the Charles
Circle area. With MGH and other medical
facilities in close proximity this poses a
particular safety concern in this area.
 Evaluate emergency pre-emption
equipment and GPS technology for
the Charles Circle area.
Emergency vehicles entering Charles Circle
After the site visit, audit participants returned to discuss the safety issues and consider various
improvements. The audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements
for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term,
mid-term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been
assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2.
Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown
Time Frame
<1 Year
1-3 Years
>3 Years
Summary of Road Safety Audit
A summary of the potential recommendations discussed by the RSA audit team are summarized in Table
3. The recommendations are summarized based on the potential safety payoff, time frame, approximate
cost and potential responsible agency. The safety payoff is a subjective judgment of the potential
effectiveness of the safety recommendations listed below.
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Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Time Frame
Leverett Circle
Pedestrian Crossing and
Evaluate pedestrian crossing phasing and
timings on the southern side of Leverett Circle
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider providing a crossing between the
northeastern side of the O’Brien
Highway/Nashua Street/Storrow Drive
intersection and the island between the Charles
Street approaches
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider introducing traffic calming measures
approaching the intersection
Pedestrian Crossing and
Evaluate impacts of restricting eastbound right
turn to Storrow Drive to ‘No Right Turn on Red”
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider replacing illuminated “No Right Turn
on Red” sign with red arrows and supplemental
right turn restriction signage
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider restricting right turns on red when the
western crosswalk spanning O’Brien Highway
has a protected crossing
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider providing wayfinding signage from
Science Park Station to the Museum of Science
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider restricting the southbound left turn
from Nashua Street at O’Brien Highway and
require all left turns to access Leverett Circle via
the Nashua Street connection opposite Charles
Pedestrian Crossing and
Evaluate moving pedestrian warning signage to
a more optimal location to increase visibility
Pedestrian Crossing and
Evaluate placing a flashing yellow arrow (FYA)
indication for vehicles turning right onto Storrow
Drive westbound from O’Brien Highway
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Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Time Frame
Pedestrian Crossing and
Evaluate options for standard signage at
Leverett Circle and consider removing all nonstandard signage, including warning signs
related to pedestrian movements
Pedestrian Crossing and
Consider the proposed Pedestrian Overpass
Bridge at Leverett Circle (MassDOT Project
606703) to improve pedestrian circulation
Bicycle Operations
Consider providing exclusive bicycle lanes
Bicycle Operations
Consider providing bike boxes at the traffic
Bicycle Operations
Consider providing safe bicycle connections
through the intersection
Lane Usage
Consider providing revised guide signs, which
may incorporate diagrammatic lane usage, in
advance of Leverett Circle
Lane Usage
Consider providing route guidance pavement
markings indicating the destination and
appropriate usage for each lane in advance of
Leverett Circle
Lane Usage
Consider providing dotted lane extension lines
at intersection locations
Lane Usage
Evaluate channelization of the O’Brien Highway
eastbound right turn lane to Storrow Drive by
means of plastic delineators
Advanced Warning
Consider providing signage in advance of the
Storrow Drive ramp
Advanced Warning
Consider providing wayfinding signage for an
alternate truck route to guide heavy vehicles
away from Storrow Drive
Advanced Warning
Consider providing graphics “No Trucks”
signage to supplement existing signage
Advanced Warning
Consider providing active warning signs
concurrently with a “Laser Detection” system on
the Storrow Drive ramps
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Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Time Frame
City of
Construction Impacts
Encourage coordination between DCR,
MassDOT, and the City of Cambridge to reduce
delay caused by downstream construction
projects during peak travel times
Construction Impacts
Review signal coordination and adjust signal
timings accordingly
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate realigning the westbound approach
towards O’Brien Highway by narrowing from two
lanes to one lane to allow the shifting of the
raised median to the north
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate realigning the eastbound approach
from O’Brien Highway through Leverett Circle to
eliminate the offset
Roadway Geometry
Consider providing dotted lane extension lines
from O’Brien Highway to Leverett Circle
Roadway Geometry
Consider providing additional wayfinding
Storrow Drive
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate overall signage and sign placement
and positions
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate lane configurations along Storrow
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate switching to right side exits and
entrances on Storrow Drive
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate creating a Storrow Drive eastbound
direct on-ramp from Charles Circle to the I-93
access tunnel
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate grade separation of Storrow Drive
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate the relocation or removal of parking lot
ingress/egress points on Storrow Drive ramps
Roadway Geometry
Evaluate softening the sharp reverse curves for
both eastbound and westbound Storrow Drive
by enlarging the radii
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Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Time Frame
Roadway Geometry
Include bicycle prohibition signage at Storrow
Drive entrances as a short-term measure until
clarification of bicycle and pedestrian access
along the Storrow Drive corridor is provided by
Single Vehicle Crashes
Evaluate realigning Storrow Drive with fewer
curves and remove/soften sharp radii
Single Vehicle Crashes
Evaluate use of a high-friction pavement surface
Single Vehicle Crashes
Evaluate drainage system
Single Vehicle Crashes
Evaluate the feasibility of creating boat sections
on Storrow Drive to increase vertical clearance
over bridge structures
Single Vehicle Crashes
Evaluate the relocation or removal of parking lot
ingress/egress points on Storrow Drive ramps
DCR/Mass Eye
and Ear
Single Vehicle Crashes
Evaluate pavement marking type/condition
along Storrow Drive
Sideswipe Collisions
Consider guide sign improvements
Sideswipe Collisions
Remove/re-evaluate direct access to Storrow
Drive from surface parking lots
DCR/Mass Eye
and Ear
Sideswipe Collisions
Evaluate use of a high-friction pavement surface
Sideswipe Collisions
Consider pavement marking type/condition,
possibly revising pavement marking lane lines
to move traffic from sight distance obstructions
Sideswipe Collisions
Evaluate drainage system
Vehicle Clearance
Evaluate improved warning signage for low
vertical clearance
Vehicle Clearance
Evaluate removal of numbered route
designations along Storrow Drive
Vehicle Clearance
Evaluate potential to increase roadway
clearances along Storrow Drive
Pedestrian Safety
Evaluate the placement of a rapid rectangular
flashing beacon (RRFB) at the Charles Street
crossing at Fruit Street
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
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Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Time Frame
Pedestrian Safety
Evaluate placement of a raised crosswalk and
/or curb extension
Pedestrian Safety
Consider improving visibility through road
realignment and street tree placement
Pedestrian Safety
Enforce on-street parking restrictions
Boston Police
Pedestrian Safety
Evaluate relocating Fruit Street crosswalk while
maintaining pedestrian desire lines
City of Boston
Pedestrian Safety
Evaluate adding another pedestrian connection
over Storrow Drive, north of Longfellow Bridge
and/or improving the Blossom Street footbridge
to ADA compliance
Charles Circle
Bicycle Conflicts
Clarify signs and markings within and in
advance of Charles Circle
MassDOT/City of
Bicycle Conflicts
Evaluate the addition of a bike box and bike
lanes or shared road bike markings on
Cambridge Street
MassDOT/City of
Bicycle Conflicts
Investigate “innovative” geometric
improvements to clarify traffic movements
MassDOT/City of
Pedestrian Operations
Evaluate placing alarms on emergency exit
doors at Charles/MGH Station
Pedestrian Operations
Work with MBTA police to discourage use of
emergency exit doors
MBTA Police
Pedestrian Operations
Investigate station enhancement and design to
discourage emergency exit use
Pedestrian Operations
Investigate pedestrian bridge from station to
northern side of Cambridge Street
Pedestrian Operations
Evaluate the conversion of existing Cambridge
Street median as a traversable median with
pedestrian crossing to MGH
MassDOT/City of
Pedestrian Operations
Evaluate signal phasing, turning, timing, and
pedestrian recall at the southern crossing
MassDOT/City of
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Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Potential Safety Enhancement
Time Frame
Pedestrian Operations
Improve pedestrian crossing for ADA
MassDOT/City of
Pedestrian Crossing
Evaluate locations of pedestrian signal push
MassDOT/City of
Pedestrian Crossing
Provide more pedestrian way-finding signs and
MassDOT/City of
Pedestrian Crossing
Evaluate signal phasing, timing, and pedestrian
MassDOT/City of
Pedestrian Crossing
Consider eliminating the pedestrian signal and
adding a mid-street “Yield to Pedestrians” sign
and informational signs telling pedestrians
where to look for approaching vehicles
Enforce crosswalk laws and educate
pedestrians to obey walk signals
City of Boston
Evaluate required signal visibility for all
intersection approaches
City of Boston
Evaluate signal clearance timings to address
red light running
City of Boston
Southbound Left Turn
Evaluate removal of island and signal
Southbound Left Turn
Evaluate timing at Cambridge/Grove Street and
MGH garage operations
City of
Southbound Left Turn
Review road design to simplify turning
movements within Charles Circle
Wayfinding Challenges
Evaluate additional signage, lane markings
(such as arrows at the stop bar), and “Do Not
Enter” signs
Wayfinding Challenges
Evaluate lane re-assignment for Storrow Drive
under Longfellow Bridge
Wayfinding Challenges
Consider implementation of a modern traffic
signal system to manage operational capacity
due to new lane assignments.
Safety Issue
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Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Safety Issue
Potential Safety Enhancement
Time Frame
Wayfinding Challenges
Evaluate removal of middle barrel and merge
lanes for Charles Street and Storrow Drive
Wayfinding Challenges
Evaluate consolidation of Storrow Drive right
turning lane
Emergency Response
Evaluate emergency pre-emption equipment
and GPS technology
MassDOT/City of
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Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda
Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List
Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Participating Audit Team Members
June 18, 2015
Starr Center, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Audit Team
Agency/ Affiliation
Email Address
David Otte
Massachusetts State
Massachusetts State
Lisa Schletzbaum
MassDOT Traffic Safety
Tracy Osimboni
Doug Small
Amitai Lipton
MassDOT District 6
Hameed Pervez
MassDOT District 6
Altaf Mulla
Division of Capital Asset
Management and
Maintenance (DCAMM)
Wendy Landman
Mark Abbott
Alfredo Vilar
Boston Transportation
Department (BTD)
Caitlyn Duffy
Roch Larochelle
Alexandria Siu
James Barnack
Peter Vasiliou
Phil Viveiros
McMahon Associates
Allison Luff
McMahon Associates
Natalie Raffol
McMahon Associates
Road Safety Audit—Leverett/Charles Circle, Boston
Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc.
Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data