ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street City of Boston January 2016 Prepared For: MassDOT On Behalf Of: City of Boston Department of Public Works Prepared By: HDR Engineering, Inc. 695 Atlantic Avenue Boston, MA 02111 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Table of Contents Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 3 Road Safety Audit Observations ............................................................................................... 6 Potential Safety Enhancements ............................................................................................... 13 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 20 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Traffic Volume and Speed Data List of Figures Figure 1: Locus Map .................................................................................................................................. 4 List of Tables Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members ............................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ........................................................................... 13 Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue ........ 21 Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street ............. 24 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Background A Road Safety Audit (RSA) was conducted as a part of the Commonwealth Avenue Phase 3 & 4 project for the City of Boston Department of Public Works. The study corridor for the Commonwealth Avenue Phase 3 & 4 project is located in the neighborhoods of Allston and Brighton in the City of Boston, Massachusetts and comprises Commonwealth Avenue from Packard’s Corner at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Brighton Avenue to the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue & Warren/Kelton Streets. The purpose of the RSA is to identify safety deficiencies and potential short-, mid-, and long-term safety improvements at the following intersections, shown in Figure 1, which were identified by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) as eligible for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP): 1. Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Avenue – HSIP Bicycle Cluster 2004-2013 2. Commonwealth Avenue and Allston Street – HSIP Cluster 2011-2013 In general, all potential improvements identified as part of the RSA, particularly mid- and long-term solutions, will be evaluated for possible incorporation into the Commonwealth Avenue Phase 3 & 4 project. This project is currently in the pre-25% conceptual design stage and design concepts have been brought before the public and stakeholders, including several members of the RSA audit team. Short-term, low-cost potential improvements for the studied intersections could be considered by the responsible agency for immediate implementation prior to and independent of the Phase 3 & 4 project. Short-term improvements would also be incorporated into the Phase 3 & 4 project as appropriate. Page 1 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Project Data The RSA was conducted for the intersections of Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street on Friday, November 20, 2015. The audit team members are listed in Table 1; detailed contact information is in Appendix A. Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Steve McHugh Boston EMS Mike O'Hara Boston Police Department Selam Engida Boston Public Health Commission Zachary Wassmouth Boston Public Works Engineering Division Chenyuan Wang Boston Region MPO Wilson Aleman Boston Transportation Department Engineering Division Courtney Dwyer MassDOT District 6 Robert Ballasty MassDOT District 6 Traffic John Mastera MassDOT Traffic and Safety David Loutzenheiser Metropolitan Area Planning Council Jessica Mortell Toole Design Group (for Boston Active Transportation) Bob Sloane Walk Boston Einah Pelaez HDR Jerry Friedman HDR Elaine Du HDR Crash data for the two RSA locations were obtained from the MassDOT Crash Portal and Boston Police Department reports for January 2012 to December 2014, the most recent available 3 years of crash data. Prior to the field visit, the audit team thoroughly reviewed pre-audit materials including crash data and summaries, crash diagrams, traffic volumes and turning movement counts, and midblock speeds for both intersections in order to give context to the existing site conditions. After a review of the existing conditions, the audit team visited both intersections to conduct a field review. Following the field visit, a post-audit discussion was held with the audit team to summarize observations and findings. Potential short-, mid-, and long-term safety countermeasures were also identified with the audit team. Page 2 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Project Location and Description The two intersections studied in this RSA are Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street as part of the Commonwealth Avenue Phase 3 & 4 project. The Commonwealth Avenue Phase 3 & 4 project focuses on improvements along Commonwealth Avenue, which is a four-lane urban principal arterial (functional class 3) with one-lane carriage roads immediately to the north and south of the mainline roadway. The width of the mainline roadway ranges between 50 feet and 65 feet, with 10- to 15-foot wide travel lanes. The width of the carriage roads ranges from 22 feet to 57 feet including parking. The varying width of the carriage roads is primarily due to the four different parking configurations found at various locations: parallel parking one side only; angle parking one side only; angle one side and parallel one side; and angle parking both sides. The eastbound and westbound roadways are separated by an 8-foot median, and the eastbound carriage road is generally separated from the mainline road by a 25-foot landscaped median. The westbound carriage road is separated from the mainline road by the MBTA light rail tracks on a 29-foot reservation (wider at station locations). The prima facie speed limit along this segment of Commonwealth Avenue is 30 mph. Commonwealth Avenue is also an existing shared use bicycle route, although there are no designated bicycle facilities. Land use in the area consists of medium density multi-family residential uses with supporting commercial districts. The study area is located within the Allston-Brighton Neighborhood District under the Multifamily Residential Subdistricts (MFR-1). Multiple Neighborhood Business Subdistricts are also included in the study area, including the Packard’s Corner Community Subdistrict (CC-2), Harvard Avenue Community Commercial Subdistrict (CC-1), Gorham Street Neighborhood Shopping Subdistrict (NS-1), and Kelton Street Local Convenience Subdistrict (LC-1). The MBTA Green Line Boston College (B) Branch light rail travels along Commonwealth Avenue atgrade between the westbound carriage road and the westbound mainline travel lanes. The inbound and outbound light rail tracks are separated by a 5-foot fence. Signalized vehicle at-grade crossings are present at Harvard Avenue and Allston Street where the light rail must obey traffic signals at the crossings. There are five light rail stations within the Phase 3 & 4 project area, including the Harvard Avenue station at Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue and the Allston Street station at Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street. Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Avenue is a four-legged signalized intersection. At this intersection, Commonwealth Avenue has two lanes in the eastbound and westbound directions along the mainline road and one lane in each direction along the carriage roads. Harvard Avenue is a two-lane urban principal arterial (functional class 3) with one lane each in the northbound and southbound directions. Left turns from the Commonwealth Avenue carriage roads onto Harvard Avenue are not permitted. Right turns on red are not permitted at this intersection. Pedestrian crosswalks are provided at all approaches. Pedestrian push buttons and pedestrian signal heads are present along the Commonwealth Avenue mainline road and Harvard Avenue, but not present at the crossings of the carriage roads. The signal phasing includes an actuated all-red pedestrian phase that allows pedestrians to cross along all approaches. Designated bicycle lanes are located at the northbound Page 3 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL and southbound approaches along Harvard Avenue. There are no designated or shared bicycle lanes along Commonwealth Avenue at this intersection. Parking is available along the westbound and eastbound carriage roads as angled parking. There are bus stops for the MBTA Route 66 bus located at the northbound and southbound approaches. These are both “near-side” stops. The MBTA Green Line is located between the westbound approach and the westbound carriage road. The Harvard Avenue station for inbound service toward downtown Boston is located at the west approach and the station for outbound service toward Boston College is located at the east approach. These are both “near-side” stops. Crash data for the Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Avenue intersection indicated 46 crashes for the January 2012 to December 2014 period. Sixteen crashes (35%) involved bicyclists or pedestrians, 10 crashes (22%) were left turn crashes, and 8 crashes (17%) were rear-end crashes. Twenty-two crashes (25%) involved drivers between the ages of 21 and 29. Out of all crash types, 10 crashes (22%) were hitand-run crashes. Detailed crash data is provided in Appendix C. Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street Commonwealth Avenue and Allston Street is a four-legged signalized intersection. The signal phasing includes dedicated turn phases for the westbound and eastbound left turning movements. At this intersection, Commonwealth Avenue has two lanes in the eastbound and westbound directions along the mainline road and one lane in each direction along the carriage roads. Allston Street is a two-lane urban minor collector (functional class 6) with one lane each in the northbound and southbound directions. There are no left turn restrictions for vehicles turning from the Commonwealth Avenue carriage roads onto Allston Street. There are no “right turn on red” restrictions at this intersection. Pedestrian crosswalks are provided at all approaches. Pedestrian push buttons and pedestrian signal heads control crossing of the Commonwealth Avenue mainline road, but there are no pedestrian signal heads to control crossing of the carriage roads or Allston Street. The pedestrian phase to cross the Commonwealth Avenue mainline is actuated and concurrent with the northbound/southbound Allston Street phase. There are no designated or shared bicycle lanes at this intersection. Parallel parking is available at the north and south approaches in addition to the carriage roads. The Green Line is located between the westbound mainline and the westbound carriage road. The Allston Street station for inbound service toward downtown Boston is located at the west approach and the station for outbound service toward Boston College is located at the east approach. These are both “near-side” stops. Crash data for the Commonwealth Avenue and Allston Street intersection indicated 36 crashes for the January 2012 to December 2014 period. Nine crashes (25%) involved bicyclists or pedestrians, 10 crashes (28%) were left turn crashes. Twenty-six crashes (35%) involved drivers between the ages of 21 and 29. In contrast to the Harvard Avenue crash data, only 2 crashes (6%) were hit-and-run crashes. Page 4 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Figure 1. Locus Map ↑ N Legend RSA Study Location Not to Scale Page 5 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Road Safety Audit Observations Observations and safety issues were identified by the RSA team during the pre-audit discussion and field visit. Issues identified by the RSA team and discussed in the following sections include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Transit Operations Geometry and Roadway Alignment Clear Zones and Lighting Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue 1. Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings • • • • “Do Not Enter” signs are present at the eastbound carriage road in the southwest corner. However, the “Do Not Enter” signs are missing at the westbound carriage road at the northeast corner to warn vehicles from entering the westbound carriage road approach. A “Keep Right” sign is present on the western Image 1: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard Ave looking side of Harvard Avenue to warn westbound east – missing signage and U-turn restrictions vehicles of the roadway median. However, the “Keep Right” sign is missing on the eastern side of Harvard Avenue for vehicles traveling eastbound. While in the field, it was observed that the pedestrian signals and the traffic signal located on the east side on Harvard Avenue between the eastbound mainline road and carriage road experience glare from the sun, which may obstruct the visibility of the signals for pedestrians and vehicles. These signals are lacking signal head visors. The intersection is very wide along Harvard Avenue due to the extreme (200-foot) width of the Commonwealth Avenue right-of-way. There are no pavement markings in the middle of the intersection, and as a result vehicles turning Image 2: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard from Harvard Avenue were observed to cause Ave looking south - No pavement markings confusion for opposing traffic when queuing in in the middle of the intersection the middle of the intersection. Page 6 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • • • Some vehicles were observed to make U-turns along Commonwealth Avenue onto the carriage roads. These vehicles experience conflicts with vehicles along both the mainline and carriage road. There is no signage restricting U-turns at this intersection. All signal and signage poles are painted black, which can impair the nighttime visibility of the poles. Object markers signs are located in the median of Commonwealth Avenue and are not clear. All signal heads controlling Commonwealth Avenue are post-mounted, except for a single mastarm signal which controls the westbound carriage road. 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations • • • • • • Pedestrian signals are provided to control crossings of the Commonwealth Avenue mainline and of Harvard Avenue. However, there are no pedestrian signals to control crossings of the carriage roads. Pedestrian push buttons to cross Commonwealth Avenue are only present along the mainline road. In order for a pedestrian to activate the push button from the north side of Commonwealth Avenue, the Image 3: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard Ave looking east - Pedestrians crossing during the pedestrian must first cross the carriage road and pedestrian phase MBTA T tracks to reach a pedestrian push button. Pedestrian refuges between the mainline road and the carriage roads are too small and do not provide enough space for pedestrians to queue. In particular, when a Green Line train discharges passengers at the Harvard Avenue station, pedestrians must queue on the refuge and MBTA tracks. The existing traffic signal timing includes an exclusive pedestrian phase that allows enough time for pedestrians to cross only the Commonwealth Avenue mainline road. It does not allow enough time for pedestrians to cross the full width of Commonwealth Avenue from carriage road to carriage road. In addition, the existing pedestrian phasing and timing requires pedestrians to wait up to 98 seconds before crossing, and a number of pedestrians were observed to be crossing outside of the pedestrian phase. Many of the pedestrians crossing against the signal were attempting to reach Green line trains. There were 7 crashes Image 4: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard Ave (15%) involving pedestrians crossing this looking northeast - Pedestrian signals and refuges intersection. There are bicycle lanes present along Harvard Avenue, but no designated bicycle facilities along Commonwealth Avenue. Nine crashes (20%) involved bicyclists being struck by motor vehicles. Bicyclists traveling along Harvard Avenue were observed to get trapped in the intersection due to the short green time on the northbound/southbound movements. Page 7 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL 3. Transit • • • • The MBTA Route 66 bus runs along Harvard Avenue and stops are located at the nearside of the northbound and southbound approaches to the intersection. Currently, the bus lanes also function as right-turn lanes for vehicles traveling along Harvard Avenue. Due to the asymmetrical location of the Green Line within the corridor, the northbound bus stop is located at a considerably greater distance from the Harvard Avenue Station, and transfers require crossing many more lanes of traffic, compared to the southbound bus stop. However, a bus shelter is provided at the northbound bus stop, and not the southbound, due to the available extra sidewalk width south of the intersection. (The Harvard Avenue right-of-way is wider to the south). The MBTA Green Line trains at the Harvard Avenue Station stop directly at the intersection adjacent to Image 5: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard moving traffic. Stopped trains may be causing sight Ave looking east - Green line B branch distance issues for vehicles turning from the train arriving at Harvard Ave station Commonwealth Avenue eastbound mainline roadway due to stopping very close to the intersection. Pedestrian access to the MBTA station is limited to one location for each platform, via the main crosswalks at the intersection. Pedestrians were observed crossing at non-crosswalk locations in order to reach and leave the west end of the inbound platform, a maneuver which involves crossing the four mainline Commonwealth Avenue lanes, the angle parking bays, and the inbound carriage lane. MBTA trains are controlled by their own vehicular-style signal heads at the intersection. Trains operate across the intersection concurrently with Commonwealth Avenue mainline vehicular traffic, including permitted left and right turns across the tracks. There is no transit signal priority. 4. Operations • • There are multiple conflicts between carriage road vehicles and Commonwealth Avenue mainline vehicles, particularly for turning movements. For example, vehicles turning right onto Harvard Avenue from the westbound Commonwealth Avenue mainline conflict with vehicles traveling along the westbound carriage road. Additionally, vehicles turning from Commonwealth Avenue onto Harvard Avenue will queue in and block the intersection. Ten crashes (22%) involved left turning vehicles at the intersection. The northbound departure along Harvard Avenue is highly congested and also mixed use for bicycles, vehicles, and buses. During the field visit, the northbound departure experienced queue spillover from the Harvard Avenue at Image 6: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard Ave Glenville Road intersection. looking east - Vehicle has turned left from Commonwealth Ave onto Harvard before the passing of a train Page 8 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL 5. Geometry and Roadway Alignment • • • • • Observed horizontal alignment issues include geometric inconsistencies at the approaches. Harvard Avenue is narrower on the southbound approach to Commonwealth Avenue as compared to the northbound approach. Vehicles turning left from Harvard Avenue southbound onto Commonwealth Avenue eastbound, or from Harvard Avenue northbound onto Commonwealth Avenue westbound, have a very large turning radius. This is due to the width of Commonwealth Avenue including the mainline, carriage roads, and MBTA tracks. Vehicles turning left from Harvard Avenue northbound onto Commonwealth Avenue westbound do not have enough space to turn left due to oncoming southbound vehicles. Turning vehicles queue in the middle of the intersection while waiting Image 7: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard Ave looking south - Northbound turning vehicles for a gap in southbound vehicles. When there are vehicles turning northbound left and southbound left, these vehicles are almost head-on. Drainage issues were observed for the pedestrian ramp crossing Commonwealth Avenue at the south carriage road at the southwest corner of the intersection. After rain from the previous night, a puddle was observed at the ramp, indicating poor drainage at this location. It was noted that the metered angle parking spaces on the southern carriage road appear to be underutilized during daytime hours. 6. Clear Zones and Lighting • • There were several reports of the signal post at the northwest corner between the MBTA T tracks and the westbound carriage road being struck by vehicles. As observed in the field, the base of this signal post is at the same grade as the pavement. An RSA team member stated that in the past, vehicles traveling from Harvard Avenue have struck the signal post. Due to the width of the intersection it may not be clearly lit at night. Commonwealth Avenue has streetlights located in the median of the mainline roadway. There is also street lighting along the Commonwealth Avenue carriage roads adjacent to the sidewalks, as well as along Harvard Avenue adjacent to the sidewalks Image 8: Commonwealth Ave at Harvard approximately 100 feet back from the carriage roads. Ave looking north - Signal post that has been struck by vehicles on a recurring basis Page 9 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street 1. Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings • • • • • • • While in the field, it was observed that the pedestrian signals experience glare from the sun, which may obstruct the visibility of the signals for pedestrians and vehicles. These signals lack signal head visors. All signal heads controlling Commonwealth Avenue Image 9: Commonwealth Ave at Allston St movements are post-mounted. The only mast-arm signals are those which control Allston Street, which looking northeast - Glare on pedestrian signal heads which lack visors are mounted on a single mast-arm at the southern leg of the intersection. In combination with potential sight distance issues noted under “Geometry and Roadway Alignment” below, the lack of mast-arm signals may also contribute to a lack of intersection awareness for eastbound traffic. All signal and signage poles are painted black, which can impair nighttime visibility of the poles. Object markers signs are located in the median of Commonwealth Avenue and are not clear. Pavement markings were observed to be faded and in poor condition along Allston Street. The north and south crosswalks and stop bars are faded. The northbound and southbound approaches along Allston Street are missing yellow center lines, which makes it difficult for drivers to position their vehicles in the correct lane. Some vehicles were observed to make U-turns along Commonwealth Avenue at the intersection onto the carriage roads. These vehicles experience Image 10: Commonwealth Ave at Allston St conflicts with vehicles along both the mainline looking north: Southbound approach is and carriage road. There is no signage restricting missing yellow center line U-turns at this intersection. The “No Turn On Red” sign for southbound Allston Street traffic is located on an MBTA trolley pole, which may not be conspicuous for a stopped driver due to the sign’s offset from the road. It was reported that this sign may have been temporarily located on this pole rather than on a more appropriate traffic signal post which is subject to frequent knock-downs. 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations • Pedestrian signals are provided to control pedestrian crossing of the mainline. However, there are no pedestrian signals to control crossing of Allston Street or the carriage roads. Image 11: Commonwealth Ave at Allston St looking north: Missing pedestrian signal heads and push buttons along the carriage road Page 10 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • • • The existing traffic signal timing includes a push button-actuated pedestrian phase which is concurrent with Allston Street vehicular movements. Pedestrian push buttons to cross Commonwealth Avenue are only present along the mainline road. In order for a pedestrian to activate the push button from the north side of Commonwealth Avenue, the pedestrian must cross the carriage road and MBTA T tracks to reach a pedestrian push button. The current signalization does not allow for pedestrians or bicyclists to cross the full width of Commonwealth Avenue from carriage road to carriage road. In addition, the existing pedestrian phasing and timing requires pedestrians to wait up to 86 seconds before crossing. There were 5 crashes (14%) involving pedestrians crossing this intersection. There are no designated bicycle facilities along Commonwealth Avenue or Allston Street. Four crashes (11%) involved bicyclists being struck by motor vehicles. 3. Transit • • • The MBTA Green Line trains at the Allston Street station stop directly at the intersection adjacent to moving traffic. Both inbound and outbound stops are “near side” relative to Allston Street. The stopped trains may be causing sight distance issues for vehicles turning from the Commonwealth Avenue eastbound mainline roadway due to stopping very close to the Image 12: Commonwealth Ave at Allston intersection. Street looking north: MBTA Green Line Pedestrian access to the MBTA station is limited train passing through the intersection to one location for each platform, via the main crosswalks at the intersection. Pedestrians have been observed crossing at non-crosswalk locations in order to reach and leave the westerly portion of the inbound platform, which does not have a concrete barrier wall for its full length. This pedestrian maneuver involves crossing the four mainline Commonwealth Avenue lanes and the inbound carriage lane. MBTA trains are controlled by their own vehicular-style signal heads at the intersection. Trains operate across the intersection concurrently with Commonwealth Avenue mainline vehicular traffic, with the exception of the Commonwealth Avenue eastbound left-turn phase. There is no transit signal priority. 4. Operations • • • There are multiple conflicts between carriage road vehicles and Commonwealth Avenue mainline vehicles, particularly for turning movements. Vehicles turning from the Commonwealth Avenue mainline experience conflicts with vehicles traveling along the carriage roads. The prevalent crash type is left-turn crashes, of which there were 10 crashes (28%) at the intersection. Four crashes involved westbound vehicles traveling along Commonwealth Avenue turning left onto Allston Street colliding with vehicles traveling eastbound along Commonwealth Avenue. RSA team members observed vehicles traveling along Commonwealth Avenue eastbound and westbound that appeared to be traveling above the posted speed limit. This may be due to Page 11 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL eastbound vehicles from Warren/Kelton Streets traveling downhill. There is a sign located in the Commonwealth Avenue mainline median warning eastbound drivers to slow down. 5. Geometry and Roadway Alignment • • Parallel parking is available along Allston Street and along the Commonwealth Avenue carriage roads. Parking regulations allow vehicles to park close to the intersection along the Commonwealth Avenue eastbound and westbound carriage roads. As a result of the proximity of the parked vehicles to the intersection and crosswalks, drivers may be unable to see crossing pedestrians and bicyclists and other vehicles. Image 13: Commonwealth Ave at Allston St looking west - Parallel parking along the The Commonwealth Avenue alignment on the carriage roads eastbound approach includes a right-hand curve which begins at the Warren/Kelton intersection ends approximately 250 feet west of Allston Street. There is also a landscaped median with a number of large mature trees located on the inside of this curve. It appears as though the combination of curve and tree limbs adjacent to and overhanging the roadway may be interfering with vehicular sightlines and driver awareness of the upcoming Allston Street intersection. As noted above under “Signals, Signs and Pavement Markings”, the lack of mast-arm signals may also contribute to a lack of intersection awareness for eastbound traffic. 6. Clear Zones and Lighting • • • There were several reports of the signal post at the northwest corner between the MBTA tracks and the westbound carriage road being struck by vehicles on a recurring basis. As observed in the field, this signal post is at the same grade as the pavement. The traffic signal located in the northwest corner and north of the westbound carriage road was observed to be obscured by a tree on northwest corner. Due to the width of the intersection of, it may not be properly lit at night. Commonwealth Avenue has streetlights located in the median of Image 14: Commonwealth Ave at Allston St the mainline roadway. There is also street looking north - Signal post that has been struck by vehicles on a recurring basis lighting along the Commonwealth Avenue carriage roads and Allston Street adjacent to the sidewalks. Page 12 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Potential Safety Enhancements Following the field visit, a post-audit discussion was held with the audit team to summarize observations and findings, as well as to identify potential short-, mid-, and long-term safety countermeasures. The suggestions documented herein have been provided by audit team members, and do not necessarily represent those of the report author, HDR Engineering, Inc. Potential safety enhancements are summarized for the following issues as identified in the Road Safety Audit Observations section. The suggested improvements included in this RSA report should not be considered a comprehensive list, as additional or different measures that were not discussed during the RSA, but accomplish the same goals, could be evaluated or considered. Each proposed safety enhancement was classified as a short-term, mid-term, or long-term enhancement and a low, medium, or high cost enhancement, as identified in Table 2. Some recommendations, especially long-term/high-cost suggestions, may require further study and evaluation to determine if the countermeasure can be implemented. In general, as noted earlier in the report, all suggestions will be evaluated as part of the design process for the Commonwealth Avenue Phase 3 & 4 project, while short-term/low-cost solutions can be considered for implementation by the appropriate agency independent of the Phase 3 & 4 project. Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Costs Short-Term <1 Year Low <$10,000 Mid-Term 1-3 Years Medium $10,001-$50,000 Long-Term >3 Years High >$50,000 Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue 1. Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings • • • Add the missing “Do Not Enter” signs at the westbound carriage road at the northeast corner of the intersection near the taxi stand. This will warn drivers of one-way westbound flow from the Commonwealth Avenue westbound carriage road. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. A “Keep Right” sign should be added to the median approach on the eastern side of the intersection for vehicles traveling eastbound. This will help inform drivers unfamiliar with the area of the median in the roadway and may help prevent property damage accidents. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Add visors to all traffic signal and pedestrian signal heads to reduce sun glare. The addition of visors on pedestrian signal heads may help pedestrians to better see the pedestrian signals and Page 13 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • • • • • • potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes at the intersection. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Add pavement markings in the middle of the intersection, including a dashed double yellow centerline, to guide turning vehicles and bicyclists. This will help in defining the intersection and potentially reduce turning crashes by delineating the preferred path for turning movements at the intersection. This may also potentially reduce bicyclist-related crashes. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Consider part-time or full-time prohibition on U-Turns and indicate with appropriate signage. Restricting U-turn movements will reduce conflicts with opposing traffic along the Commonwealth Avenue mainline and carriage roads. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement, but may require further study to evaluate impacts on circulation. Add object markers and/or reflectorized treatment to traffic signal posts to increase visibility and prevent property damage crashes and post knock-downs. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Relocate traffic signal posts so that they are sufficiently offset from curbs, and increase curb reveal to proper height to protect posts. This will prevent property damage crashes and post knock-downs. This is a medium cost and short-term improvement. Provide mast-arm mounted signals for the Commonwealth Avenue mainline approaches to increase signal visibility. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Narrow travel lane widths to current City standards on all approaches. This is a medium-cost and short-term improvement. 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations • • • • • Add pedestrian signal heads and APS push buttons at all corners of the intersection including carriage roads. This may alleviate pedestrian confusion and potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This is a medium-cost and short-term improvement. Create larger pedestrian refuges along Commonwealth Avenue along the median and between the mainline road and the carriage roads. This would create more space for pedestrians to queue when crossing Commonwealth Avenue and potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement and would require participation by the MBTA to make improvements within their right-of-way. Evaluate the feasibility and impacts of providing concurrent pedestrian phases and improve and optimize the signal timings to allow more time for pedestrians to cross. Add a leading pedestrian interval (LPI) to allow additional time for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the full width of Commonwealth Avenue from carriage road to carriage road. This is a low-cost and short-to-mid term improvement requiring detailed technical analysis. Place the signal on pedestrian recall during all hours or when pedestrians are expected. This would allow pedestrians to cross Commonwealth Avenue without utilizing the push buttons and could potentially reduce pedestrian crashes. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Consider implementation of bicycle accommodations along Commonwealth Avenue in advance of the Phase 3 & 4 project. Potential improvements would include pavement markings and signage to indicate recommended bicycle positioning for both through and turning movements, and to promote vehicular awareness of bicycle presence; addition of left-side bicycle lanes along carriage roads; and conversion of head-in angle parking to head-out angle parking to improve driver awareness of cyclists. These are low-to-medium cost and short-to-mid term improvements. Page 14 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • Integrate bicycle improvements at this intersection into a comprehensive bicycle accommodation strategy to be developed for the entire Commonwealth Avenue corridor. Potential improvements include separated bicycle facilities; protected intersection treatments; revised signal timing and phasing to facilitate staged left-turning movements and longer green time to allow bicycles to clear the intersection; elimination of selected vehicular movements; traffic calming; selected elimination of angle-parking; and creation of larger spaces for bicycle queuing. This is a highcost and long-term improvement. 3. Transit • • • Consider relocating the northbound MBTA Route 66 bus stop to the midblock of the northbound departure (far side) of Harvard Avenue. This would facilitate transfers between northbound buses and the Harvard Avenue Green Line Station and would allow for the northbound approach to be utilized as 2 lanes, including a dedicated turn lane. Other potential solutions include implementing off-board fare collection to allow for faster boarding and decreased delays due to bus activity. This would increase the capacity and improve the vehicular level of service of the northbound approach. The relocation of the northbound bus stop is a low-cost and mid-term improvement. Consider relocating the stopping point for MBTA Green Line trains to be at least 50 feet back from the intersection in both directions to increase sight distance for vehicles. This improvement would potentially decrease the number of left and right turning crashes on the north side of the intersection, as well as decrease the number of pedestrian- and bicycle-related crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Consider relocating station platforms to “far-side” of intersection and implement transit signal priority. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. 4. Operations • • • Reduce or remove parking on the north leg of Harvard Avenue from Commonwealth Avenue to Glenville Terrace to allow for more space for vehicles, buses, and bicyclists. This would relieve the existing congestion and alleviate some of the existing multimodal conflicts at the intersection. This is a low-cost and mid-term improvement and would require additional public process due to the proposed parking impacts. Consider closure, change in flow direction, and/or turn prohibitions at the north and south carriage roads. This would help reduce intersection conflicts between Commonwealth Avenue mainline turning vehicles and carriage road vehicles and potentially reduce turning movement crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Along Commonwealth Avenue at Harvard Avenue, allow westbound right turns onto Harvard Avenue only from the carriage lane. By forcing westbound right turning vehicles onto the carriage lane, the turning movement conflict with the Green Line and carriage road vehicles is reduced. This is a medium-cost and mid-term improvement and would require additional analysis to determine feasibility and impact on overall local circulation patterns and other local streets. 5. Geometry and Roadway Alignment Page 15 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • • • • Restripe the northbound Harvard Avenue approach to include a left turn lane to accommodate the northbound left turning traffic. Use minimum lane widths per current City standards, maintain existing bicycle lanes and provide bicycle boxes. The dedicated left turn lane would reduce queuing at the northbound approach and prevent through vehicles from getting trapped behind left turning vehicles in the middle of the intersection. This may require relocating the northbound bus stop as described under “Transit” above. This is a low-cost and mid-term improvement. Widen the carriage lane median at the southeast corner of the intersection and add pedestrian bulb outs to reduce the turning radius for vehicles turning from Harvard Avenue onto Commonwealth Avenue. This would help better define the intersection and potentially reduce turning movement related crashes, as well as add additional pedestrian space and potentially reduce pedestrianrelated crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Perform a field inspection of drainage at the crossings of Commonwealth Avenue and Harvard Avenue to study and potentially alleviate drainage issues at the intersection. This is a mediumcost and mid-term improvement. Consider and evaluate significant revisions to overall intersection geometry, including full or partial closures of carriage roads; restrictions on allowed turns to and from carriage roads; implementation of dedicated left-turn lanes and signal phases along Commonwealth Avenue; leftturn restrictions and/or prohibitions from the Commonwealth Avenue mainline. This is a highcost and long-term improvement. 6. Clear Zones and Lighting • • Add delineation and provide greater curb-reveal to protect the traffic signal post at the northwest corner between the MBTA tracks and the westbound carriage road to prevent it from being struck by vehicles. This is a medium-cost and mid-term improvement. Add 4-way lighting on the east and west mainline median along Commonwealth Avenue to improve lighting and nighttime visibility at the intersection. This is a high-cost and mid-term improvement. Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street 1. Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings • • • A “Keep Right” sign should be added to the median approach on the eastern side of the intersection for vehicles traveling eastbound, and a “Keep Right” sign should replace the existing object marker on the westbound median approach. These signs will help inform drivers unfamiliar with the area of the median in the roadway and may help prevent property damage accidents. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Add visors to all traffic signal and pedestrian signal heads to reduce sun glare. The addition of visors on pedestrian signal heads may help pedestrians to better see the pedestrian signals and potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes at the intersection. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Restripe the intersection to have a double yellow center line on the northbound and southbound approaches to better define lane usage along Allston Street. Restripe crosswalks and stop bars. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Page 16 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • • • • • • Relocate the “No Turn On Red” sign presently located on MBTA trolley pole and mount on traffic signal post facing southbound Allston Street approach. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Add object markers and/or reflectorized treatment to all traffic signal posts to increase visibility and prevent property damage crashes and post knock-downs. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Relocate traffic signal posts so that they are sufficiently offset from curbs, and increase curb reveal to proper height to protect posts. This will prevent property damage crashes and post knock-downs. This is a medium cost and short-term improvement. Provide mast-arm mounted signals for the Commonwealth Avenue mainline approaches. This will increase signal visibility, particularly for eastbound vehicles exiting the horizontal curve, and potentially reduce confusion at the intersection. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Consider part-time or full-time prohibition on U-Turns and indicate with appropriate signage. Restricting U-turn movements will reduce conflicts with opposing traffic along the Commonwealth Avenue mainline and carriage roads. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement, but may require further study to evaluate impacts on circulation. Add or adjust locations of parking regulation signs on all approaches to reinforce that vehicles should not park within 20-feet of the intersection. This will improve sightlines for all users and may reduce crashes of all types. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. 2. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations • • • • • • Add pedestrian signal heads and APS push buttons at all corners of the intersection including carriage roads. This may alleviate pedestrian confusion and potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This is a medium-cost and short-term improvement. Improve and optimize the signal timings to allow more time for pedestrians to cross. Add an LPI to allow additional time for pedestrians and cyclists crossing the full width of Commonwealth Avenue from carriage road to carriage road. This is a low-to-medium cost and short-term improvement. Place the signal on pedestrian recall during all hours or when pedestrians are expected to allow for pedestrians to cross Commonwealth Avenue without utilizing the existing push buttons or waiting for a vehicular call on Allston Street. This could potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Provide passive pedestrian detection for times when signal is not on pedestrian recall. This is a medium-cost and mid-term improvement. Create larger pedestrian refuges along Commonwealth Avenue along the median and between the mainline road and the carriage roads. This would create more space for pedestrians to queue when crossing Commonwealth Avenue and potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement and would require participation by the MBTA to make improvements within their right-of-way. Consider implementation of bicycle accommodations along Commonwealth Avenue in advance of the Phase 3 & 4 project. Potential improvements would include pavement markings and signage to indicate recommended bicycle positioning for both through and turning movements, and to promote vehicular awareness of bicycle presence, and addition of left-side bicycle lanes along carriage roads. This is a low-to-medium cost and short-term improvement. Page 17 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL • Integrate bicycle improvements at this intersection into a comprehensive bicycle accommodation strategy to be developed for the entire Commonwealth Avenue corridor. Potential improvements include separated bicycle facilities; protected intersection treatments; revised signal timing and phasing to facilitate staged left-turning movements; elimination of selected vehicular movements; traffic calming; and creation of larger spaces for bicycle queuing. This is a high-cost and longterm improvement. 3. Transit • • Consider relocating the stopping point for MBTA Green Line trains to be at least 50 feet back from the intersection in both directions to increase sight distance for vehicles. This improvement would potentially decrease the number of left and right turning crashes on the north side of the intersection, as well as decrease the number of pedestrian- and bicycle-related crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Consider relocating station platforms to “far-side” of intersection and implement transit signal priority. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. 4. Operations • • Consider closure, change in flow direction, and/or turn prohibitions at the north and south carriage roads. This would help reduce intersection conflicts between Commonwealth Avenue mainline turning vehicles and carriage road vehicles and potentially reduce turning movement crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Deploy speed feedback signs on the eastbound and westbound mainline approaches to inform drivers of their speed when traveling along the corridor. This is a medium-cost and mid-term improvement. 5. Geometry and Roadway Alignment • • • • Widen the eastbound carriage lane median and add pedestrian bulb outs to reduce the turning radius for vehicles turning from Allston Street. This would help better define the intersection and potentially reduce turning movement related crashes, as well as add additional pedestrian space and potentially reduce pedestrian-related crashes. This is a high-cost and long-term improvement. Perform in-field sight-distance analysis to identify deficiencies related to the horizontal curve and roadway landscaping and other features. Remove or trim tree limbs or other features which impede sight distance. This will improve sightlines for eastbound vehicles and may reduce crashes of all types at the intersection. This is a low-cost and short-term improvement. Consider and evaluate restrictions on allowed turns to and from carriage roads; implementation of dedicated left-turn lanes and signal phases along Commonwealth Avenue; left- turn restrictions and/or prohibitions from the Commonwealth Avenue mainline. This is a high-cost and longterm improvement. Consider implementing road diet to Commonwealth Avenue main line by providing one through lane in each direction with dedicated left turn lane at intersections as required. This is a high-cost Page 18 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL and long-term improvement, and will require a traffic study to evaluate impacts on capacity and level of service. 6. Clear Zones and Lighting • • • Relocate the signal post at the northwest corner so that it is not obscured by the existing tree. This is a medium-cost and mid-term improvement. Add 4-way lighting on the east and west mainline median along Commonwealth Avenue to improve lighting and nighttime visibility at the intersection. This is a high-cost and mid-term improvement. Add delineation and provide greater curb-reveal to protect the traffic signal post at the northwest corner between the MBTA tracks and the westbound carriage road to prevent it from being struck by vehicles. This is a medium-cost and mid-term improvement. Page 19 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Summary of Road Safety Audit Potential safety enhancements as reviewed by the RSA team are summarized in Table 3 for the Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue intersection and Table 4 for the Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street intersection, including the time frame, cost, responsible party, and safety benefit for each potential improvement. The safety benefit is a subjective assessment of the potential effectiveness of each enhancement. Page 20 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add DO NOT ENTER sign for westbound carriage road on the northeast corner near the taxi stand. Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add visors to all signal and pedestrian heads to reduce sun glare Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add pavement markings including dashed double yellow centerline in the middle of the intersection for turning vehicles, bike lanes, etc. Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Consider U-Turn restrictions or prohibitions Medium Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add Keep Right sign on eastern median approach Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add object markers or reflectorized treatments to traffic signal posts Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Relocate signal posts to provide proper curb-offsets; increase curb reveal to protect posts. Medium Short-Term Medium BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Provide mast-arms signals for mainline approaches. Low Long-Term High BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Narrow travel lane widths to current City standards. Low Short-Term Medium BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Consider concurrent pedestrian phases, improve and optimize timings and add leading pedestrian interval to allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross Commonwealth Avenue from carriage road to carriage road. Medium Short-to-MidTerm Low BTD Page 21 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Place signal on pedestrian recall during all hours or when pedestrians are expected. Medium Short-Term Low BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Add pedestrian signal heads and APS pushbuttons at all corners of the intersection including carriage roads Medium Short-Term Medium BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Create larger pedestrian refuges along Commonwealth Ave Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/MBTA/PWD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Implement bicycle accommodations in advance of Phase 3 & 4 project, including pavement markings, signage, angle parking revisions, left-side bicycle lanes on carriage roads. Medium Short to MidTerm Low to Medium BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Integrate bicycle improvements into overall corridor bicycle strategy. Potentially to include separated bicycle facilities; protected intersection treatments; revised signal timing and phasing; revisions to allowed vehicle movements and parking; traffic calming; bike queuing spaces. High Long-Term High MassDOT/BTD/PWD Transit Consider relocating northbound bus stop to mid-block of the northbound departure along Harvard Ave Low Mid-Term Low BTD/MBTA Transit To increase sight distance for vehicles, relocate Green Line stopping point 50 feet back from the intersection in both directions Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/MBTA Page 22 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Transit Consider relocating station platforms to “far-side” and adding transit signal priority Low Long-Term High MBTA/BTD Operations Reduce or remove parking on north leg of Harvard Avenue from Commonwealth Avenue to Glenville Terrace Medium Mid-Term Low BTD Operations Reduce intersection conflicts by closing, changing flow direction, and/or introducing turn prohibitions at carriage roads. High Long-Term High BTD Operations For westbound Comm Ave, allow right turns only from the carriage lane. Medium Mid-term Medium BTD Geometry and Roadway Alignment Restripe northbound Harvard Avenue approach to include left-turn lane. Use minimum City lane widths, retain bike lanes, add bike boxes Medium Mid-Term Low BTD Geometry and Roadway Alignment Review eastbound carriage lane median to possibly widen or add pedestrian bulb outs Medium Long-Term High BTD/PWD Geometry and Roadway Alignment Perform a field inspection and resolve drainage deficiencies Low Mid-Term Medium PWD/BWSC Geometry and Roadway Alignment Consider turn restrictions; mainline left-turn lanes; signal timing and phasing. High Long-Term High BTD/PWD Clear Zones and Lighting Add delineation and greater curb reveal to protect traffic signal post in the northwest corner Medium Mid-Term Medium BTD/PWD Clear Zones and Lighting Add 4-way lighting on the east and west medians along Commonwealth Avenue Medium Mid-Term High PWD Page 23 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add visors to all signal and pedestrian heads to reduce sun glare Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add Keep Right sign on eastern median approach and replace object marker on westbound median approach with Keep Right sign. Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add object markers or reflectorized treatments to traffic signal posts Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Restripe the intersection to have a yellow center line on the northbound and southbound approaches. Restripe crosswalks and stop bars. Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Relocate signal posts to provide proper curb-offsets; increase curb reveal to protect posts. Medium Short-Term Medium BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Relocate “No Turn On Red” sign from MBTA pole to signal post facing Allston southbound approach Low Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Consider U-Turn restrictions or prohibitions Medium Short-Term Low BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Provide mast-arms signals for mainline approaches. Low Long-Term High BTD Signals, Signage, and Pavement Markings Add or adjust parking regulation signs to reinforce corner parking restrictions. Medium Short-Term Low BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Improve and optimize timings and add leading pedestrian interval to allow pedestrians and cyclists to cross Commonwealth Avenue from carriage road to carriage road. Medium Short-to-MidTerm Low BTD Page 24 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Add pedestrian signal heads and APS pushbuttons at all corners of the intersection including carriage roads Medium Short-Term Medium BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Place signal on pedestrian recall (not push button activated) at all times when pedestrians are expected. Low Short-Term Low BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Provide passive pedestrian detection. Low Mid-Term Medium BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Create larger pedestrian refuges along Commonwealth Ave Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/MBTA/PWD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Implement bicycle accommodations in advance of Phase 3 & 4 project, including pavement markings, signage, LPI signal phases, left-side bike lanes at carriage roads. Medium Short-Term Low to Medium BTD Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations Integrate bicycle improvements into overall corridor bicycle strategy. Potentially to include separated bicycle facilities; protected intersection treatments; revised signal timing and phasing; revisions to allowed vehicle movements; traffic calming; bike queuing spaces. High Long-Term High BTD/PWD Transit To increase sight distance for vehicles, relocate Green Line stopping point 50 feet back from the intersection in both directions Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/MBTA Transit Consider relocating station platforms to “far-side” and adding transit signal priority Low Long-Term High MBTA/BTD Page 25 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Operations Deploy speed feedback signs on both the eastbound and westbound approaches Medium Mid-Term Medium BTD Operations Reduce intersection conflicts by closing, changing flow direction, and/or introducing turn prohibitions at carriage roads. High Long-Term High BTD Geometry and Roadway Alignment Review eastbound carriage lane median to possibly widen or add pedestrian bulb outs Medium Long-Term High BTD/PWD Geometry and Roadway Alignment Identify sight-distance deficiencies related to horizontal curvature, and roadside features including landscaping. Remove or trim landscaping as required. Medium Short-Term Low BTD/PWD/Parks Geometry and Roadway Alignment Consider carriage road turn restrictions, dedicated left-turn lanes and signal phases; mainline left-turn restrictions. High Long-Term High BTD/PWD Geometry and Roadway Alignment Consider road diet by reducing main line to one through lane in each direction plus left-turn lanes as needed. Requires traffic study to evaluate impacts. Medium Long-Term High BTD/PWD Clear Zones and Lighting Relocate signal post obscured by tree at northwest corner Medium Mid-Term Medium BTD Clear Zones and Lighting Add delineation and greater curb reveal to protect traffic signal post in the northwest corner Medium Mid-Term Medium BTD/PWD Clear Zones and Lighting Add delineation and increase the grade of the traffic signal pole in the northwest corner Medium Mid-Term High BTD Page 26 Road Safety Audit Commonwealth Avenue/Harvard Avenue and Commonwealth Avenue/Allston Street Prepared by HDR Engineering, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Clear Zones and Lighting Add 4-way lighting on the east and west medians along Commonwealth Avenue Safety Benefit Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Mid-Term High PWD Page 27 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Agenda Project: Subject: Date: Location: RSA for Commonwealth Avenue at Harvard Avenue and Allston Street Friday, November 20, 2015 Brighton Marine Health Center, 77 Warren Street, Boston 9:00 AM Welcome Message and Introductions 9:05 AM Review of Site Conditions 9:15 AM Geometry and traffic control Traffic volumes Crash history Roundtable Discussion Experiences and observations Identification of possible issues 10:00 AM Field Review of Harvard Avenue Intersection 11:00 AM Field Review of Allston Street Intersection 12:00 PM Lunch & Post Field Review Discussion Summarize observations and findings Summarize potential short- and long-term countermeasures Finalize recommendations 12:50 PM Next Step and Schedule 1:00 PM Adjourn Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: November 20, 2015 Location: Boston, MA Audit Team Agency/Affiliation Email Address Members Steve McHugh Boston EMS Boston Police Department Boston Public Health Selam Engida Commission Boston Public Works Zachary Wassmouth Engineering Division Chenyuan Wang Boston Region MPO Mike O'Hara Wilson Aleman Courtney Dwyer Boston Transportation Department Engineering Division MassDOT District 6 Phone Number 617-343-1110 617-343-4376 404-409-1469 617-635-4953 857-702-3698 617-635-4430 857-368-6165 MassDOT District 6 Traffic MassDOT Traffic and John Mastera Safety Metropolitan Area David Loutzenheiser Planning Council Toole Design Group (for Boston Active Jessica Mortell Transportation) Bob Sloane Walk Boston 857-368-6312 Einah Pelaez Robert Ballasty 857-368-9648 617-933-0343 617-619-9910 x-203 617-367-9255 HDR 917-853-7529 Jerry Friedman HDR 617-357-7731 Elaine Du HDR 914-993-2034 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue SYMBOLS TYPE OF CRASH Moving Vehicle SEVERITY Head On Backing Vehicle COLLISION DIAGRAM Non-Involved Vehicle Angle Pedestrian CITY/TOWN: BOSTON REGION: DATE PREPARED 6 10/14/2015 PREPARED BY: Turning Move Parked Vehicle David Petree Fixed Object ROADWAY NAMES: COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, HARVARD AVENUE TIME PERIOD ANALYZED: 01/01/2012 - 12/31/2014 Bicycle Rear End Fatal Accident Sideswipe Animal Out of Control BOSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT 14 24 42 44 12 10 N 21 22 28 35 25 WEALT H AVE 38 39 COMMO N SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Injury Accident 6 13 Crash Data Summary Table Commonwealth Avenue at Harvard Avenue January 2012 – December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # 1 Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Severity January 1, 2012 Sunday 3:31 AM Injury 2 January 13, 2012 Friday 10:25 AM 3 January 13, 2012 Friday 4 January 22, 2012 5 Manner of Collision Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 D2 Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Clear 30 Unk No Injury Single Vehicle - Fixed Object Day Rain 53 Tall vehicle struck traffic signal pole; Right turn to in-bound Comm Ave, NW Right Turn 8:11 AM Injury Pedestrian Day Rain 55 Veh EB struck pedestrian walking bike across the street on far side of intersection. Sunday 1:21 PM Injury Left Turn Approaching Traffic Unk Unk 19 Unk On NB approach, vehicle turning left from Dunkin Donuts hit NB vehicle stopped. March 12, 2012 Monday 12:00 PM Injury Right Angle Day Sunny 25 Unk Apparent Right Angle; WB vehicle struck in passenger side (SB) by motorcycle 6 March 21, 2012 Wednesday 8:20 PM Injury Rear-end Night - Street Lights Clear 28 Unk Hit and Run; WB vehicle turning left struck in rear 7 March 24, 2012 Saturday 5:10 PM No Injury Right Angle Day Sunny 21 Unk Hit and Run; Not stated which direction the vehicles were traveling. 8 March 31, 2012 Saturday 12:15 PM No Injury Rear-end Unk Unk 66 Unk Hit and Run; Driver was on Harvard but it is unknown which approach. 9 April 27, 2012 Friday 7:00 PM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Unk Cloudy 17 Unk Hit and Run, Veh EB turning left onto Harvard was struck in the front left bumper causing a dent 10 June 28, 2012 Thursday 12:39 PM Injury Bicycle Day Sunny 22 43 EB bicycle in bike lane struck by EB right turning vehicle; claimed park truck obstructed view 11 Sept 6, 2012 Thursday 10:19 AM Injury Pedestrian Day Sunny 47 Unk Hit and Run; Pedestrian struck in crosswalk 12 Sept 6, 2012 Thursday 11:46 AM No Injury U-Turn Day Sunny 38 21 EB vehicle making u-turn struck by WB vehicle 13 Sept 21, 2012 Friday 11:45 PM No Injury Backing Night - Street Lights Unk 30 Unk Hit and Run, On WB Carriage RD, Taxi backing from taxi stand struck by WB vehicle 14 October 19, 2012 Friday 10:00 AM No Injury Sideswipe Unk Cloudy 53 D3 Comments WB taxi turning left struck EB scooter traveling straight Hit and Run, Veh EB in right lane struck by Veh EB in left lane attempting to change lanes Crash Diagram Ref # Severity Manner of Collision Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 15 October 30, 2012 Tuesday 16 Nov 11, 2012 17 Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 10:00 AM Injury Rear-end Unk Unk 23 Sunday 9:00 PM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Clear 19 24 WB vehicle struck EB vehicle turning to south (right turn) [based on directions, maneuvers, and location of damage; the EB vehicle was likely turning to north (left turn). Dec 11, 2012 Tuesday 5:06 PM No Injury Pedestrian Night - Street Lights Clear 24 Unk Right turning vehicle struck pedestrian in a wheelchair; direction of travel unknown 18 Dec 24, 2012 Monday 2:14 AM No Injury Rear-end Night - Street Lights Cloudy 26 Unk Rear End, Failed Brakes, Not stated which direction the vehicles were traveling. 19 Dec 24, 2012 Monday 2:14 AM Rear-end Night - Street Lights Cloudy 26 Unk Veh rear-ended while stopped on Harvard Ave at Comm Ave. Brakes were not working 20 January 20, 2013 Sunday 2:30 AM No injury Rear-end Unk Unk 40 Unk Hit and run, Veh stopped at on Harvard Ave at Comm Ave when struck from behind causing damage to rear. Other M/V fled on Comm Ave without stopping 21 January 24, 2013 Thursday 12:23 PM No injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Day Other 20 55 Veh traveling WB on Comm Ave turning left onto Harvard Ave struck veh traveling EB on Comm Ave EB Carriage Road between front left tire and rear door area 22 January 25, 2013 Friday 10:43 PM Injury Pedestrian Night - Street Lights Sleet 23 Unk A pedestrian was crossing Comm Ave when vehicle headed NB on Harvard Ave side swiped pedestrian while making a left turn onto Comm Ave WB. Did not see victim crossing street due to blind spot 23 January 26, 2013 Saturday 1:27 PM No injury Single Vehicle - Parked Vehicle Unk Unk 30 Unk Hit and run, parked Veh struck in parking lot of Blanchards Liquor. 24 March 2, 2013 Saturday 6:30 AM No injury Sideswipe Night - Street Lights Clear Unk Unk Police unit with lights and siren activated approaching Comm Ave and Liden St struck vehicle that failed to pull over because of another vehicle (Boston taxi) 25 May 5, 2013 Sunday 3:35 AM No Injury Bicycle Night - Street Lights Clear Unk Unk Taxi traveling WB Comm Ave Carriage Rd turning right onto Harvard Ave struck bicyclist who was turning left onto Harvard Ave from Comm Ave EB 26 May 31, 2013 Friday 8:20 PM Unk Bicycle Day Other 26 34 A bicyclist was traveling along Harvard toward Comm in the bike lane when a vehicle turned right into a driveway and struck the bicyclist. Direction of travel unknown. D2 D3 Comments Vehicle turning right onto Harvard Ave yielded to pedestrian and struck from behind Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Severity 27 October 5, 2013 Saturday 2:58 PM Injury 28 October 17, 2013 Thursday 8:10 PM 29 October 30, 2013 Wednesday 30 Nov 6, 2013 31 Manner of Collision Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 D2 Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Clear 22 Unk Veh traveling WB on Comm Ave was struck in the front when veh traveling EB on Comm Ave took left turn onto Harvard Ave No injury Rear-end Unk Unk 44 Unk Hit and run, Veh traveling SB on Harvard Ave turning left onto Comm Ave was struck from the rear 5:27 PM Injury Pedestrian Night - Street Lights Clear 65 25 A ped crossing Comm Ave heading north was struck by veh headed EB on Comm Ave. Veh was trying to turn left onto Harvard but went straight instead because of a backup and hit ped Wednesday 10:15 AM Injury Bicycle Day Sunny 59 21 A bicyclist traveling EB on Comm Ave Carriage Rd was struck in crosswalk while turning left onto Harvard Ave by veh turning right onto Comm Ave from Harvard Ave. Both say they had green lights Nov 14, 2013 Thursday 12:27 PM No injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Day Sunny 73 41 Veh traveling NB on Harvard Ave struck by veh headed SB on Harvard Ave while making a left turn onto Comm Ave 32 Nov 15, 2013 Friday 8:40 AM No injury Bicycle Day Sunny 21 Unk A bicyclist riding EB on Comm Ave was unable to stop as a veh made a right turn onto Harvard Ave 33 Dec 4, 2013 Wednesday 1:12 PM Injury Bicycle Day Sunny 50 Unk A bicyclist was traveling southbound along Harvard and was struck by a vehicle that was pulling out of a parking spot (direction and street unknown) 34 Dec 31, 2013 Tuesday Unk Unk Unknown Unk Unk Unk 35 February 9, 2014 Sunday 2:40 AM No Injury Right Angle Night - Street Lights Clear 34 28 A vehicle traveling outbound (WB) on Comm Ave crossing Harvard was struck by a vehicle traveling NB along Harvard. 36 March 16, 2014 Sunday 8:50 PM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Clear Unk Unk A vehicle traveling inbound (EB) along Comm Ave was turning left onto Harvard was struck by a vehicle traveling outbound (WB) along Comm Ave. 37 March 29, 2014 Saturday 2:00 PM Injury Bicycle Day Cloudy 26 Unk A bicyclist was traveling on Harvard at the corner of Comm Ave when he was struck by a vehicle. 38 March 31, 2014 Monday 7:38 AM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Day Rain 33 46 A vehicle was traveling EB and turning left onto Harvard from Comm, crossing service road when struck by a vehicle traveling outbound (WB) on the service road. 39 April 17, 2014 Thursday 7:28 AM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Day Sunny Unk 39 A vehicle was driving outbound (WB) on Comm Ave service road at Harvard, was struck by a vehicle traveling inbound on Comm Ave turning left onto Harvard D3 Comments Unk Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Severity 40 July 1, 2014 Tuesday 4:30 PM No Injury 41 July 11, 2014 Friday 8:00 AM 42 August 27, 2014 Wednesday 43 October 1, 2014 44 Manner of Collision Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 D2 Single Vehicle - Parked Vehicle Day Sunny Unk Unk A vehicle drove out of the alleyway and hit the bumper of a truck. Direction of travel unknown. No Injury Bicycle Night - Street Lights Clear 23 26 Parked vehicle opened door and hit by bicyclist 11:26 PM Injury Pedestrian Night - Street Lights Rain 17 Wednesday 8:00 PM Injury Bicycle Unk Unk 21 Unk A bicyclist was traveling in the area of Comm and Harvard and passing a yellow light, when a vehicle struck the driver. October 4, 2014 Saturday 9:50 PM Injury Pedestrian Night - Street Lights Rain Unk 22 A pedestrian running for the T was struck by a vehicle traveling WB along Comm Ave mainline. 45 Nov 5, 2014 Wednesday 5:15 PM Injury Unknown Day Sunny 61 73 46 Nov 10, 2014 Monday 5:00 PM No Injury Rear-end Unk Unk 48 69 Crash included on the collision diagram. D3 Comments A vehicle was traveling WB on Comm Ave at a green light hit a pedestrian who was crossing Harvard Ave. 30 Limited police narrative A school bus traveling along Commonwealth Avenue turned right onto Harvard and was struck by a second vehicle trying to pass the bus - travel directions unknown Crash Data Summary Table Commonwealth Avenue at Harvard Avenue January 2012 – December 2014 Month 25% 20% 17% 17% 15% 15% 13% 11% 10% 7% 4% 5% 4% 4% 2% 2% 2% 0% J (8) F (1) M (8) A (2) M (2) J (1) J (2) A (1) S (3) O (7) N (6) D (5) Day of Week 25% 20% 20% 15% 15% Wednesday (7) Thursday (7) 15% 15% Saturday (7) Sunday (7) 15% 11% 9% 10% 5% 0% Monday (5) Tuesday (4) Friday (9) Time of Day 25% 20% 17% 13% 15% 10% 5% 0% 7% 7% 15% 13% 4% 13% 7% 2% 0% 0% 2% Manner of Collision 30% 25% 20% 22% 20% 17% 15% 15% 10% 7% 4% 5% 7% 2% 4% 2% 0% Rear‐end Sideswipe Left Turn U‐Turn (1) Right Bicycle (9) Ped. (7) (8) (2) (10) Angle (3) Single Veh. (3) Backing Unknown (1) (2) Light Condition 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 39% 37% 24% Day (18) 0% 0% Dawn (0) Dusk (0) Night ‐ Street Lights (17) Unknown (11) Weather Condition 70% 60% 50% 50% 40% 26% 30% 20% 11% 11% 10% 2% 0% Clear/Sunny (23) Cloudy (5) Rain (5) Snow/Sleet (1) Other/Unknown (12) Driver Age 40% 37% 35% 30% 25% 25% 20% 15% 10% 10% 8% 6% 7% 5% 5% 2% 0% 0% 15‐20 (5) 21‐29 (22) 30‐39 (9) 40‐49 (7) 50‐59 (6) 60‐69 (4) 70‐79 (2) 80+ (0) Unk (32) Driver Age (Excluding Unknown Ages) 45% 40% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 16% 13% 9% 11% 7% 4% 5% 0% 0% 15‐20 (5) 21‐29 (22) 30‐39 (9) 40‐49 (7) 50‐59 (6) 60‐69 (4) 70‐79 (2) 80+ (0) Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street ­ 1 SYMBOLS TYPE OF CRASH Moving Vehicle SEVERITY Head On Backing Vehicle COLLISION DIAGRAM Non-Involved Vehicle Angle Pedestrian CITY/TOWN: BOSTON REGION: DATE PREPARED 6 PREPARED BY: 10/14/2015 Richard Storm Turning Move Parked Vehicle Fixed Object ROADWAY NAMES: COMMONWEALTH AVENUE, ALLSTON STREET TIME PERIOD ANALYZED: 01/01/2012 - 12/31/2014 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: BOSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT Injury Accident Bicycle Rear End Fatal Accident Sideswipe Animal Out of Control 2 Crash Data Summary Table Commonwealth Avenue at Allston Street January 2012 – December 2014 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day Severity Manner of Collision 1 March 11, 2012 Sunday 8:40 AM Injury 2 May 19, 2012 Saturday 9:30 PM 3 Sept 11, 2012 Tuesday 4 Sept 20, 2012 5 Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 D2 D3 Rear-end Night - Street Lights Clear 29 Unk A vehicle traveling WB along Comm Ave at Allston St was rear-ended Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Clear 32 33 A vehicle traveling EB along Comm Ave turning left onto Allston NB was struck by a vehicle traveling WB along Comm Ave 11:25 AM Injury Unknown Day Sunny 55 22 Police report narrative insufficient Thursday 8:38 PM No Injury Left Turn Same Direction Night - Street Lights Clear 28 Unk A vehicle traveling EB along Comm Ave in the left lane collided with a vehicle traveling EB in the carriage lane when the vehicle in the carriage lane attempted to turn left onto Allston St (SB) Sept 22, 2012 Saturday 12:15 AM Injury Unknown Night - Street Lights Rain 21 23 Parties involved in crash provided conflicting information about travel direction before and during the incident. 6 Oct 18, 2012 Thursday 1:41 AM No Injury Single Vehicle Night - Street Lights Clear 28 Unk Insufficient police narrative 7 Nov 6, 2012 Tuesday 10:00 PM No Injury Right Angle Unk Unk 23 Unk A vehicle traveling NB on Allston St ran a red light and drove into the intersection, collided with a vehicle traveling EB on Comm Ave 8 Nov 12, 2012 Monday 1:42 PM Injury Bicycle Day Sunny 22 65 A bicyclist was struck by a motor vehicle. Bicycle failed to yield to red light 9 Dec 4, 2012 Tuesday 8:12 AM Injury Pedestrian Day Sunny 51 72 A pedestrian was crossing EB Comm Ave when struck by a vehicle turning left from Allston onto Comm Ave [likely SB turning left]. 10 Dec 16, 2012 Sunday 1:27 AM Injury Right Angle Night - Street Lights Clear 61 22 A vehicle traveling EB along Comm Ave at Allston St was struck by a vehicle traveling SB along Allston across Comm Ave. SB vehicle fled the scene. 11 March 6, 2013 Wednesday 11:10 AM Injury Pedestrian Day Rain 22 61 A vehicle was traveling along Comm Ave at Allston toward Washington St (WB), struck the MBTA barrier, and a pedestrian. 12 April 2, 2013 Tuesday 10:55 PM No injury Pedestrian Unk Unk 22 60 A pedestrian was crossing Comm Ave to catch the T when struck by a WB vehicle Comments 3 Crash Diagram Ref # Severity Manner of Collision Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 13 April 16, 2013 Tuesday 14 April 18, 2013 15 Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 D2 D3 6:52 PM Injury Unknown Unk Unk Unk Unk Description of accident scene not provided Thursday 11:06 AM No injury Left Turn Unknown Day Sunny 43 24 Veh traveling WB on Comm Ave Carriage was struck in right front and rear door by veh from Comm Ave WB making a left turn onto Allston Ave (directions do not make sense, one has to be going the other way) May 24, 2013 Friday 9:13 PM Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Heavy Rain 78 20 A vehicle was traveling EB along Comm Ave carriage road turning left onto Allston when struck by a vehicle traveling WB along Comm Ave mainline 16 May 30, 2013 Thursday 8:30 AM Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Day Sunny 67 81 A vehicle was traveling inbound (EB) on Comm Ave and was struck by a vehicle traveling outbound (WB) along Comm Ave turning left 17 July 27, 2013 Saturday 10:01 AM Injury Bicycle Day Sunny 22 28 A bicyclist was traveling inbound (EB) along Comm Ave at Allston when struck by a vehicle. 18 August 14, 2013 Wednesday 4:15 PM No injury Rear-end Day Sunny Unk Unk A vehicle was traveling inbound (EB) on Comm Ave was turning left onto Allston when rear-ended by a vehicle. 19 Sept 14, 2013 Saturday 8:11 PM No injury Bicycle Night - Street Lights Clear 27 Unk A vehicle was traveling in the outbound carriage lane near Allston when\ struck by a bicyclist 20 Sept 19, 2013 Thursday 10:53 AM No injury Rear-end Day Sunny Unk Unk A vehicle was traveling along the inbound (EB) carriage lane when struck in the rear end by a vehicle traveling outbound (WB) on Comm turning left onto Allston 21 Oct 29, 2013 Tuesday 2:05 PM No injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Unk Unk 24 54 59 A vehicle was traveling WB on Comm Ave making a left turn onto Allston Street when the vehicle stuck an EB vehicle on Comm Ave 22 Nov 4, 2013 Monday 3:00 PM Injury Bicycle Day Other 26 39 A bicyclist was traveling inbound (EB) in the outbound (WB) carriage lane at the intersection of Allston and Comm when a struck by a vehicle traveling on Allston St toward Kelton St (SB) 23 Dec 19, 2013 Thursday 7:55 PM No Injury Unknown Night - Street Lights Clear 22 59 45 3 vehicles - A vehicle struck a traffic light in the median strip 24 Jan 10, 2014 Friday 10:00 PM No Injury Right Angle Night - Street Lights Cloudy Unk Unk WB vehicle in carriage lane struck by SB vehicle on Allston Street 25 Jan 25, 2014 Saturday 1:38 PM No Injury Train Day Cloudy Unk Unk EB vehicle turning left struck front of EB train 26 March 8, 2014 Saturday 1:38 PM Injury Pedestrian Day Sunny 23 35 Pedestrian in EB carriage lane crossing Allston St struck by vehicle traveling in unknown direction, but appears to be NB. Comments 4 Crash Diagram Ref # Severity Manner of Collision Crash Date Crash Day Time of Day 27 March 23, 2014 Sunday 28 May 12, 2014 29 Ages Light Condition Weather Conditon D1 D2 D3 12:05 AM Injury Pedestrian Unk Clear Unk Unk EB vehicle struck pedestrian in near crosswalk Monday 11:28 AM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Day Sunny 58 49 A vehicle traveling NB along Allston St passing through the intersection with Comm Ave was struck by a vehicle traveling SB on Allston St turning left onto Comm Ave EB May 23, 2014 Friday 6:10 PM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Dusk Cloudy 24 31 EB vehicle struck by WB vehicle turning left 30 May 31, 2014 Saturday 5:15 PM No Injury Single Vehicle - Parked Vehicle Day Sunny 28 Unk Hit and Run; Parked vehicle struck. Location unknown. 31 June 10, 2014 Tuesday 2:45 PM No Injury Single Vehicle - Parked Vehicle Day Sunny Unk Unk NB vehicle struck parked vehicle 32 August 18, 2014 Monday 16:10 Injury Right Angle Day Sunny 21 19 22 33 Sept 3, 2014 Wednesday 6:00 PM No Injury Single Vehicle - Parked Vehicle Unk Unk 43 Unk Hit and Run; Parked vehicle struck. Location unknown. 34 Nov 2, 2014 Sunday 10:08 AM Injury Rear-end Day Snow 36 24 3 WB vehicles stopped at traffic signal rear end/sideswiped by vehicle passing on left between vehicles and barrier 35 Nov 20, 2014 Thursday 10:15 PM No Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Unk 25 24 WB vehicle struck by EB vehicle turning left 36 Dec 1, 2014 Monday 6:01 PM Injury Left Turn Opposing Traffic Night - Street Lights Clear Unk Unk EB vehicle struck by WB vehicle turning left Comments EB vehicle on Comm Ave struck by SB vehicle on Allston St Crash included on the collision diagram. 5 Crash Data Summary Charts Commonwealth Avenue at Allston Street January 2012 – December 2014 Month 25% 20% 17% 17% 14% 15% 11% 11% 8% 10% 6% 6% 5% 3% 3% J (1) J (1) 6% 0% 0% J (2) F (0) M (4) A (3) M (6) A (2) S (6) O (2) N (5) D (4) Day of Week 25% 19% 20% 15% 19% 19% 14% 11% 8% 8% 10% 5% 0% Monday (5) Tuesday (7) Wednesday (3) Thursday (7) Friday (3) Saturday (7) Sunday (4) Time of Day 25% 19% 20% 14% 15% 11% 8% 10% 8% 8% 11% 11% 8% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 6AM ‐ 8AM 8AM ‐ 10AM ‐ 12PM ‐ 2PM ‐ 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 4PM ‐ 6PM 6PM ‐ 8PM 8PM ‐ 10PM ‐ 12AM ‐ 2AM ‐ 10PM 12AM 2AM 4AM 4AM ‐ 6AM 6 Manner of Collision 28% 30% 25% 20% 15% 14% 11% 11% 11% 11% 10% 3% 5% 0% 0% Rear‐end (4) Sideswipe (0) Left Turn (10) Right Angle Bicycle (4) (4) Pedestrian (5) Train (1) Single Vehicle (4) Light Condition 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 47% 33% 17% 0% Day (17) Dawn (0) 3% Dusk (1) Night ‐ Street Lights (12) Unknown (6) Weather Condition 70% 61% 60% 50% 40% 30% 19% 20% 8% 10% 8% 3% 0% Clear/Sunny (22) Cloudy (3) Rain (3) Snow/Sleet (1) Other/Unknown (7) 7 Driver Age (Excluding Unknown Ages) 60% 50% 50% 40% 30% 20% 12% 10% 4% 8% 12% 10% 4% 2% 70‐79 (2) 80+ (1) 0% 15‐20 (2) 21‐29 (26) 30‐39 (6) 40‐49 (4) 50‐59 (6) 60‐69 (5) 8 Appendix D. Traffic Volume and Speed Data n 0 Ke lto ,50 Rd Rd ed sd 11 am ls Al alt Ave 14 hA ve 13 Fo we 30 Com mon 1,0 15 Rd ld Legend - Intersection Number ### - Est 2014 ADT 14,2 t gs S tfie 8 1# am S Grig t ot 12 Ave 18 Gorh 17 lth A ve ard 16 Harv St 70 11,810 wea 19 n 16 St to on on rdh mm 1 10 ght Re St Co Bri ale Linden Rd n re ar W 13,060 Existing 2014 Traffic Volumes ­ Sc 60 N ~ 500 ft ## (##) - AM (PM) 2014 Volume # 12 30 (29) 33 (44) 32 (50) 6 (5) 21(61) 2 (22) 370 (412) 21(17) 227 (363) 8 (13) 175 (230) 51(29) 7 (45) 517 (859) (558) 501 (19) 13 300 (189) 20 (25) 384 (322) 3 (33) 346 (247) 6 (21) 395 (327) 17 (6) North Carriage Road 73 (46) 45 (62) # 32 North Carriage Road 79 (62) 32 (37) 85 (138) (25) 30 # 42 # 92 # 102 # 11 15 2 70 ) 06 (4 30 (77) 12 (10) 11(24) 52 (67) 295 (303) 23 (42) (2) 2 (46)145 (43) 51 16 (552) 498 (6) 3 (406) 702 # 33 27 (23) 30 (38) 517 (859) 301(665) 281(632) Signalized Pedestrain Crossing # 43 322 (369) 15 (13) 14 (44) 46 (54) 166 (302) 18 (33) 38 (68) 16 (28) 174 (230) 11(17) (13) 16 (54) 87 (16) 14 (162) 268 (361) 667 (4) 6 14 (30) 258 (593) 9 (9) South Carriage Road 6 (15) 13 (11) 42 (47) 145 (275) 40 (41) 48 (81) 152 (217) 61(70) Commonwealth Ave (53) 54 (398) 755 (25) 10 17 (24) 531(424) South Carriage Road Signalized Pedestrain Crossing 5 (15) 262 (606) 32 (54) # 21 43 (22) (476) 818 # 63 (17) 66 (70)103 (24) 5 17 355 (725) # 31 24 (21) 38 (22) 11(5) (460) 796 (64) 50 # 41 164 (87) 328 (287) 41(52) 18 22 (16) 25 (35) (4) 9 (53) 47 (14) 14 345 (691) 10 (34) # 73 2 (2) 10 (11) 19 21(12) 50 (35) 11(7) 234 (162) (4) 2 (31) 41 (4)13 12 (9) 204 (220) (0) 1 (13) 32 (16) 13 (511) 825 (11) 5 # 83 # 93 # 103 1 10 (494) 783 (14) 12 21(14) 56 (14) (93)103 (447) 736 (9) 5 357 (711) 13 (15) 371(643) 42 (82) 47 (29) 12 (10) 19 (21) 216 (141) 1(4) 8 (8) 178 (180) 19 (32) (98) 191 (471) 775 (24) 18 33 (34) 316 (568) 34 (51) # 51 # 61 14 Commonwealth Ave 43 (55) 302 (558) 14 (6) # 71 # 81 # 91 # 101 (48) 73 (35)104 13 12 11 Existing 2014 Traffic Volumes Commonwealth Avenue & Harvard Avenue 23 Existing 2014 Traffic Volumes Commonwealth Avenue & Allston Street 11 Existing 2014 ADT ­ Roadway Segment Harvard Ave between Glenville Ave and Commonwealth Ave Harvard Ave between Commonwealth Ave and Brainerd Rd Commonwealth Ave between Fuller St and Thorndike St Commonwealth Ave between Warren/Kelton Sts and Boulevard Terrace Direction NB SB TOTAL NB SB TOTAL EB WB EB CR WB CR TOTAL EB WB EB CR WB CR TOTAL ADT 5840 7220 13060 7230 7030 14260 5630 6240 810 1030 13710 7890 8610 -1200 17700 Existing 2014 Speeds ­ Roadway Peak Hour AM Commonwealth Ave @ Harvard Ave PM OP AM Commonwealth Ave @ Allston St PM OP Direction NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB EB WB Speed (mph) 19.0 18.2 15.9 22.2 17.5 21.3 21.0 21.8 23.5 18.9 20.4 18.4 14.4 19.0 32.9 30.1 23.0 13.3 29.1 25.3 16.3 21.7 20.8 24.8