Yarm mouth h Road Safe ety Au udit Unio on Stre eet – Station Avenu ue At U.S. Route 6 Rampss Septem mber 2011 e Cod Commission Prepared by the Cape In cooperration with n of Brewste er The Town And T Highway Division MassDOT Table of Contents Background............................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................ 1 Project Data ............................................................................................................................................ 2 Project Location and Description............................................................................................................ 3 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements ....................................................................... 5 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................................. 12 List of Appendices Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda ................................................................................................................... 14 Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List ........................................................................................................ 16 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data..................................................................................................................... 18 Appendix D. Additional Information ................................................................................................................. 23 Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References ....................................................................................................... 35 List of Figures Figure 1. Locus Map........................................................................................................................ 3 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members .............................................................................. 2 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary..................................................................13 Backgrround All levels of government— — local, regio onal, state, a nd federal— —have been considering ocations wheere crashes are most severe for manyy years. Sevveral years ag go the lo hat there should be goalls to reduce crashes, and d in the national conssensus was th 2005 federal legislation: Safe, Accou untable, Flexxible, Efficien nt Transporttation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFE ETEA-LU), t here was more emphassis on mproving hig ghway safetyy along with a dedicated d funding pro ogram—the Highway im vement Prog gram (HSIP)). Safety Improv n an effort to o reduce the number of crash-related d fatalities and incapaciitating In njuries, Massachusetts developed a Strategic Higghway Safetty Plan in 20 006. The in mission of thee Safety Plan n is to “Deveelop, promotte, implemen nt, and evalu uate datadisciplinary strategies to o maximize s afety for ussers of the ro oadway driven, multid ystem.” Onee of the man ny strategies noted in thee Safety Plan n is to “condu uct Road sy Safety Auditss (RSA) at high-crash loccations throu ughout the Commonweaalth.” MassDOT inccorporated th he RSA as a requiremen nt for securin ng Federal fu unding Highway Saffety Improveement Progrram [HSIP] f unds) for saafety projectts. (H The Federal Highway Adm ministration n (FHWA) deefines a Roaad Safety Aud dit (RSA) ass th he formal safety examina ation of an existing or fu uture road orr intersectio on by an in ndependent,, multidiscip plinary team.. The purposse of an RSA A is to identiffy potential afety issues and possiblee opportunitties for safetyy improvem ments while considering sa alll roadway users. The Cape Cod d Commissio on, serving as the region nal planning agency for the fifteen owns on Cap pe Cod, has reviewed ma any transporrtation locatiions over thee years to us processes,, including the h Regionall Transportaation Plan, th he during variou Transportatio on Improvem ment Progra am, and Deveelopments of Regional Impact, onsidering th he existing safety issues and potentiial improvem ments. In ad ddition, the co CCC began lo ooking at speecific safety locations annually throu ugh safety studies and Road Safety Audits (RSAs). A portion n of the fedeeral HSIP funds are alloccated for mprovementts to the regiion’s highestt crash locatiions. im Introdu uction The Town of Yarmouth has approxim mately 24,00 00 year-roun nd residents and many seeasonal visittors. Yarmou uth has histo oric village a reas, local shops and sh hopping ways— Routee 6A, Route 6, and Routte 28—for ceenters, and all three eastt-west roadw onnections to other Cape Cod townss. Yarmouth h, considereed to be in th he “Midco Cape” has vissitor attractio ons along wiith north sid de beaches on Cape Cod Bay, and warm water south side beeaches on Na antucket Sou und. In add dition the eassterly border of tow wn includes Bass River. Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Yarmouth: Union Streett - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Page 1 The Union Sttreet – Statio on Avenue an nd Route 6 R amp interssections, bassed on Equivalent Prroperty Dam mage Only (E EPDO)1, are t he fifth high hest crash lo ocation on Cape Cod, and were seleccted by the Cape Cod Joiint Transporrtation Comm mittee CCJTC) as a Road Safetyy Audit locattion. The To own of Yarm mouth was co ontacted for (C 011, and the R oad Safety Audit was performed a list of particcipants in Seeptember 20 with MassDO OT and the Town. Projectt Data In n the spring of 2011 CCC C staff requessted crash reeports and in nformation from both he Town of Yarmouth an nd the State Police for th his Road Safe fety Audit. With crashes th on the Route 6 ramps and d also at the ramp interssections with h Union Streeet and Station Avenu ue, the Regisstry of Moto or Vehicles crrash recordss included bo oth the statee nd local poliice as respon nding to crasshes in the v icinity. Alth hough the deetailed crash h an reecords data were not ava ailable at thee time of RSA A, a summarry of crash data in nformation from state reecords was used to devellop a crash diagram at each Route 6 amp intersecction. The ccrash diagram ms and summ mary develo oped were reeviewed by ra he team. Turning movem ment countss (TMCs) to r eview interrsection trafffic volumes th were perform med and also available at the RSA meeeting. The crash diagraams, ummary datta, and the TMC data aree included in n the append dices. su The Road Saffety Audit meeting was held on Mon nday, Septem mber 19, 2011, beginning g att 10:30 a.m., at the Yarm mouth Dispo osal Area Offfice. The mu ultidisciplinaary team he site: Unio on Street – Station Aven nue and Rou ute 6 Ramp in ntersectionss allso visited th — during the RSA meetin ng. T Table 1. Participating Audit Te eam Memberrs Audit Team Member M Agency y/Affiliation George G Allaire Superinttendent, Yarm mouth Department of Publiic Works Robert Angell Yarmoutth DPW Steven Xiarhos s, Deputy Chief Police Department Michael A. Wa alker, Chief Fire Dep partment Promise Otaluka Federal Highway Adm ministration – MA Division Lisa Schletzba aum MassDO OT Highway D ivision – Saffety Pamela Hazna ar MassDO OT Highway D ivision – Disttrict 5 Projectts Barbara Lacha ance MassDO OT Highway D ivision – Disttrict 5 Traffic Priscilla N. Lec clerc Senior Transportation n Planner, Ca ape Cod Com mmission 1 Based Pa age 2 on the CC CC Report: Barrnstable County y Intersectionss of Critical Safeety Concern, Ju uly 2010 Road Sa afety Audit – Yarmouth: Unio on Street - Stattion Avenue att U.S. Route 6 Ramps Projectt Locattion an nd Desscriptio on United Statess Route 6 is the main lim mited access highway on Cape Cod, with nterchange or Exit 8 lead ding to Unio on Street –Sttation Avenu ue area in Yaarmouth. In Union Street and Station Avenue in the Town of Y armouth ru un in a north h-south d connect Ro oute 6A to th he north with h Route 28 in n the southeern part of direction and own. It is alsso a major ju unction from m United Staates Route 6 into Yarmou uth and to to he east into parts of the neighboring g Town of Deennis. th Fiigure 1. Locus Map Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Yarmouth: Union Streett - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Page 3 Figure 2. Pa age 4 Land Use and Environme ental Map Road Sa afety Audit – Yarmouth: Unio on Street - Stattion Avenue att U.S. Route 6 Ramps Audit Observvationss and Potenttial Safety Enhan nceme ents The RSA Team m reviewed the crash diagrams and summary th hat were bassed on the MassDOT cra ash databasee information n, along with h the traffic volumes, an nd the urning moveement count information n. tu Previous obseervations byy the team members weree mentioned d, and includ ded: In app proximately 45 minutes,, five vehiclees were seen as exiting th he eastbo ound ramps,, then taking g a U-turn to o get back on n the EB ram mp Perha aps the signa age on Routee 6 that inclu udes the worrds “Dennis next two g for some off the driverss on Route 6— exits” is confusing —who exit and see the “Welccome to Yarm mouth” sign The arrea is wide open which may encouraage increased d speeds ke a left turn n At thee ramps nortth of Route 6, a car was w aiting for a while to tak onto Union Streett southbound d Driverrs exiting fro om the eastb bound ramp to head norrth are deterrred from taking g a left turn due to the op pposing volu umes and/orr travelling speeds; urn around fu urther down n Station Aveenue driverrs turn right and then tu Instea ad of using th he eastboun nd ramp to head north, drivers are using anoth her exit to avoid the left turn off the r amp This iss not a very friendly bicyycle or pedesstrian locatio on, but theree were bicyclists observed going thro ough the areaa The team then walked thee site and ob bserved both h the location n and a sample of the trraffic operatiions in the field. fi The safety isssues noted byy the multid disciplinary t eam are: nd resulting d elays Confliicting trafficc volumes an Speed d Signag ge Sight distance mmodation Bicyclle and Pedesstrian accom Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Yarmouth: Union Streett - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Page 5 SAFETY IS SSUE #1. CONFLIC CTING VOLUMES Observation n: T The traffic vo olumes on Sttation Avenu ue av veraged 1,649 vehicles per hour forr the en hours beg ginning at 8 a.m., and th he peak te hour began at 3:00 p.m. with 1,776 ve ehicles in that hour as counted in Au ugust 2009. T The traffic co ount data on Union Stree et north off Route 6 av veraged 862 vehicles perr hour or the same ten hour tim me frame based on fo a June 1996 count. The peak hour was ag gain at 3:00 0 p.m. with 965 vehicles in that hour. Station Aven enue at Route 6 EB Casual observ vations show wed vehicless delayed in ma aking left turns both on xiting and en ntering the ramps. Vehiccles ex trravelling SB and turning right to go on Route 6 EB may hide a ve ehicle that iss trravelling SB from the vie ew of a vehiccle waiting at the e end of the ramp. T Turning Move ement Countts were performed f e Route 6 ramps on att both of the September 12 2, 2011, werre brought to the RSA Team me eeting, and are included d in he appendice es. th amps High traffic vo olumes along with the co onflicting turrning movem ments in and d out e Route 6 ra amp intersecctions off each of the emerged as the primary safety issue.. Angle crashess accounted for 40% of the eported crash hes. Rear-e end 2008-2010 re crrashes comp prised about 28% of the e crrashes at bo oth intersectiions. Itt was noted that most off the crashes were not duriing the summ mer; 85% occurred in th he October to May time frrame. Pa age 6 mps Road Sa afety Audit – Yarmouth: Unio on Street - Stattion Avenue att U.S. Route 6 Ramps Enhancement: Roundabouts were mentiioned as a possible long--term improv vement to re educe confliccts for both of the Route 6 ramp p intersection ns with Union Street and Station Avenue. T The roundabo outs would remove left urns from the intersectio on tu movements and slow trafffic to allow fo or gaps. T Traffic signal systems (no ot discussed at the meeting) may also d for this loccation. be considered eft turn pock kets were mentioned Le o allow for vehicles waitiing to turn to le eft onto the Route 6 ram mps to be out of the north-south flo ow. If warranted, prroviding space for ve ehicles queu ued to make left turns onto either off the ramps would ough vehicless to allow for thro proceed. This treatment was not preferred by those presen nt due to he high volumes and perrceived th sp peeds. Station n Avenue at Rou oute 6 EB Union Street et at Route 6 WB W ramps Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Yarmouth: Union Streett - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Page 7 SAFETY IS SSUE #2. SPEED Observation n: T The posted sp peed limit on n Union Stre eet and Station Avenue in the e vicinity of th he Route 6 ramps is 40 miles per ver, the multtidisciplinary y hour. Howev te eam membe ers reported that vehicless appear to be exceeding the posted peeds. sp T The roadway cross-sectio on is fairly wide, and as vehicles que eue for urning left, a portion of the vehicles tu trravelling thro ough are passsing around d th hose queued d, partly on the shoulderr, to o continue trravelling on the main ro oute. Other vehicles cho oose to waitt behind the left-turning ve ehicle. S Enhancement: eed study off the Union Perform a spe Sttreet and Station Avenue corridors in th he area of th he Route 6 ramps to determine tra avelling spee eds and peak k ng the poste ed times, if any, for exceedin sp peed limits. Fo ollowing the e speed study, focus periodic enforcement to encourage co ompliance with the spee ed limits. S Roundabouts at both ram mp locations would slow speeds in th he area, whiile providing opportunity fo or vehicles to turn safely y and that m ay reduce delays overa all while im mproving saffety. Pa age 8 Road Sa afety Audit – Yarmouth: Unio on Street - Stattion Avenue att U.S. Route 6 Ramps SAFETY IS SSUE #3. SIGNAGE E Observation n: Itt was mentio oned that U--turns had been observe ed at the easstbound ram mp, and that the “Dennis nexxt 2 exits” sig gn on Route 6 prior to this exit may be th he cause of driver confusion. At the e bottom of the e eastbound ramps there e e to Yarmou uth” sign. iss a “Welcome A comment was made that the guide e siign on the Route 6 eastb bound offra amp may be e too close to o the end of th he ramp—too close to th he decision point. Approxima ate location of guide sign Enhancement: Review the Route 6 guide e siign language e and revise acccordingly. Consider revission or emoval of th he sign “Dennis re next 2 exits” from Route 6 EB, prior to Exit 8, Y Yarmouth. Review other sign locatio ons, in ncluding the guide sign on he EB off-ram mp, for th potential improvement. Route 6 EB ramp at Station n Avenue Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Yarmouth: Union Streett - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Page 9 SAFETY IS SSUE #4. SIGHT DISTANCE Observation n: T The vegetatio on in some lo ocations is obscuring visibility. An example iss the Route 6 West sign hown in the photograph hs to the righ ht. sh Enhancement: T Trim vegetation for impro oved visibility. y Sign for Route 6 WB on Union Street Pa age 10 Road Sa afety Audit – Yarmouth: Unio on Street - Stattion Avenue att U.S. Route 6 Ramps SAFETY IS SSUE #5. BICYCLE AND PED DESTRIAN N ACCOMMO ODATION Observation n: The bicyccle and pedestrian acccommodatio ons in this se ection are lim mited. T There is a sid dewalk on on ne side –the westbound side of Station n Avenue that iss not carried over the ramp median d just after the areas, and is discontinued Route 6 overp passes. r on Ave. Enhancement: Consider improved bicycle/pedestrian n acccommodatiion when recconstruction is being conside ered. n Street Ro oad Safety Aud dit – Yarmouth: Union Streett - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Pa age 11 Summa ary of Road Safetyy Auditt n the following table, the e summary list of the Ro oad Safety Audit observations and In enhancementts is provided to assist in n the design n and/or imp plementation n of potential im mprovementts elicited du uring the pro ocess. It is a lso recomm mended that for any more involved d geometric changes, th he design pro ocess include further an nalysis and public input. Safety payofff estimates are subjectiv ve and may b e based on n the relative e percent of uced by the enhancemen nt based on known and crrashes that may be redu documented crash reducction factors, if availablee, or estimatted crash red duction based on a sttated source e [for examp ple, low (<30 0%), medium m (31% to 70%), and high (>71%)]. The time frame is cattegorized ass short-term (<1 year), mediumte erm (1 to 3 years), or long-term (>3 3 years). Th he costs are categorized as low (< <$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50 0,000), or h igh (>$50,0 001). Many of the “Safety Payo off” estimate es in this rep port were based on crash h reduction fa actors in the e Desktop Re eference for Crash Reduc uction Factors, r Report No o. FHWASA A-08-011 by y the U.S. De epartment of Transportaation, Federa al Highway Administration, Septembe er 2008. Pa age 12 Road Sa afety Audit – Yarmouth: Unio on Street - Stattion Avenue att U.S. Route 6 Ramps Table 2. Potential Safe ety Enhanceme ent Summary Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Resp ponsible Ag gency Conssider a roundabout for both ramp intersections. High Long-term High MassDOT Left turn t pockets on Un nion St. and Station n Ave. to delineate area for turnin ng vehicles and allo ow for throu ugh traffic to proceed Low M edium-term Medium MassDOT Conssider traffic signals for both ramp interrsections. Low Long-term High MassDOT Perfo orm a speed study to assess speeds and times of Speed violations Observations werre that many Low M edium-term Medium CCC or MassDOT vehicles are travelling over the posted speed limit Focus enforcement effo orts periodically to encourage e pliance with posted d speed limits comp Low M edium-term Medium State Conssider a roundabout for both ramp intersections. High Long-term High MassDOT ove sign on Route 6 “Dennis next 2 ex xits” Remo Assess directional signa age in terms of deciision points r and relocate Low M edium-term Medium MassDOT g of Maintain sight distancess through trimming etation vege Low Short-term Low MassDOT Medium Long-term High MassDOT Safety Is ssue Conflicting Volu umes n left turns High volumes a nd in and out of Routte 6 ramps in both EB and WB B directions Signage Possible driver co onfusion and/or decision diifficulty Sight Distance onfusion Possible driver c and decision difficculty Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation n, sidewalk on one side discon ntinuous and no separate bicycle b accommodation Potential Sa afety Enhancem ment ycle/pedestrian acco ommodation Conssider improved bicy when n reconstruction is being considered Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Stattion Avenue at U..S. Route 6 Ramp ps Page 13 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Page 14 Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 15 Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Page 16 Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps Participating Audit Team Members Date: September 19, 2011 Location: Yarmouth Disposal Area Office Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation George Allaire Superintendent, Yarmouth Department gallaire@yarmouth.ma.us of Public Works 508-744-5003 Robert Angell Yarmouth DPW rangell@yarmouth.ma.us 508-394-0141 Steven Xiarhos Deputy Chief, Police Department sxiarhos@yarmouth.ma.us 508-775-0445 ext. 2150 Michael A. Walker Chief, Fire Department Federal Highway Administration – MA Division mwalker@yarmouth.ma.us 508-398-2122 Promise.Otaluka@DOT.gov 617-494-2528 Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division– Safety Lisa.Schletzbaum@state.ma.us 617-973-7685 Pamela Haznar, P.E. MassDOT Highway Division-District 5, Projects Pamela.Haznar@state.ma.us 508-884-4239 Barbara Lachance MassDOT Highway Division-District 5, Traffic Barbara.Lachance@state.ma.us 508-884-4260 Priscilla N. Leclerc Senior Transportation Planner, Cape Cod Commission pleclerc@capecodcommission.org 508-362-3828 Promise Otaluka Email Address Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps Phone Number Page 17 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Page 18 Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps Source: MassDOT Highw way Division Cra ash Reports forr the location, 2 008-2010. Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 19 Source: MassDOT Highw way Division Cra ash Reports forr the location, 2 008-2010. Page 20 Ro oad Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Crash Number Crash Diagram Reference Number Crash Time # of injuries 1 Crash Date 2273337 1/19/2008 9:10 PM 0 #r of Vehicle s 1 V1: Travelling straight ahead Single vehicle crash V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:W V1:(Ran off road right),(Collision with curb) 45-54 45-54 Dry Clear Rte 6 W V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Turning left V1:S / V2:S V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 16-20 35-44 Dry Clear UNION STREET / MID CAPE HIGHWAY / V1: Turning left / V2:Travelling straight ahead V1:S / V2:N V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2: 65-74 75-84 Dry Clear UNION STREET Rte 6 V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:W V1:(Ran off road left),(Collision with embankment),(Collision with ditch),(Collision with tree) 45-54 45-54 Snow Sleet, hail (freezing rain or drizzle) MID CAPE HIGHWAY Rte 6 V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:S / V2:S V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 75-84 75-84 Dry Clear UNION STREET Rearend V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V2:Travelling straight ahead V1:S / V2:S V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 16-20 35-44 Dry Clear UNION STREET 2 Angle V1: Turning left / V2:Travelling straight ahead V1:W / V2:N V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 25-34 35-44 Ice Cloudy STATION AVENUE 1 Single vehicle crash V1:W V1:(Collision with guardrail) 25-34 25-34 Snow Snow RAMP-UNION ST TO RT 6 WB 3 Rearend V1:S / V2:S / V3:S V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V3:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 25-34 55-64 Dry Clear UNION STREET 2/21/2008 11:21 AM 1 2 5 2491501 12/13/2008 2:00 PM 0 2 12/31/2008 8 2574361 9 2575071 10 A 2678576 2402683 7/10/2009 1/8/2010 12/26/2010 10/6/2008 12:13 PM 4:16 PM 7:00 PM 2:14 PM 0 0 0 0 3 Roadway Rte 6 W 2293214 9:02 PM Weather Clear 4 1/27/2009 Road Surface Dry 1 2437916 Age of Driver Oldest Known 21-24 0 7 Age of Driver Youngest Known 21-24 7:30 AM 0 Vehicle Sequence of Events V1:W 1/22/2008 12:10 PM Vehicle Travel Directions V1:(Collision with other fixed object(wall, building, tunnel, etc.)),(Collision with tree) 2273372 2437795 Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Single vehicle crash 2 3* 6 Manner of Collisio n 1 2 2 Rearend Not reporte d ANGLE Single vehicle crash Sideswi pe, same directio n V1: Travelling straight ahead V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic / V3:Slowing or stopped in traffic * During the RSA Team meeting it was noted that crash diagram numbers 2 and 3 are the same crash. Source: MassDOT Highway Division Crash Reports for the location; 2008-2010 Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps Page 21 Crash Diagram Reference Number 1E Crash Number 2301788 Crash Date 3/26/2008 Crash Time 4:25 PM # of injuries 0 #r of Vehicle s Manner of Collisio n Vehicle Action Prior to Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Vehicle Sequence of Events Age of Driver Youngest Known Age of Driver Oldest Known Road Surface Weather Roadway 2 Angle V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V1: Entering traffic lane / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:S / V2:S V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 35-44 55-64 Not reported Clear UNION STREET / Rte 6 V1:E / V2:E V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 55-64 55-64 Dry Clear MID CAPE HIGHWAY Rte 6 E 2E 2378415 8/2/2008 11:00 AM 1 2 Rearend 3E 2403414 11/18/2008 8:01 AM 0 2 Angle V1: Turning right / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:S / V2:S V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 35-44 55-64 Dry Clear UNION STREET / Rte 6 2 Rearend V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V2:Travelling straight ahead V1:S / V2:S V2: 55-64 55-64 Dry Cloudy UNION STREET Rte 6 / STATION AVENUE 2 Unkno wn ANGLE V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Turning left V1:N / V2:N V1:(Collision with unknown movable object),(Collision with impact attenuator/crash cushion) V2: 65-74 >84 Wet Rain / STATION AVENUE Rte 6 Angle V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Entering traffic lane V1:S / V2:E V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) 16-20 16-20 Dry Clear STATION AVENUE / MID CAPE HIGHWAY V1:W / V2:E V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) Dry Clear/Clou dy STATION AVENUE / RAMP-RT 6 EB TO UNION ST V1:S / V2:E V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) Clear STATION AVENUE / RAMP-RT 6 EBTO UNION ST Clear/Unk nown UNION STREET / RAMP-RT 6 EB TO UNION ST / RAMPUNION ST TO RT 6 EB Clear STATION AVENUE / RAMP - UNION ST TO RT 6 EB / 4E 5E 6E 7E 8E 9E 10E 2443197 2430524 2460316 2465231 2574445 2574931 2663655 11/27/2008 12/1/2008 4/8/2009 4/27/2009 7/24/2009 11/20/2009 11/3/2010 11:37 AM 6:00 AM 6:18 PM 6:39 PM 3:57 PM 9:55 PM 11:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Angle V1: Turning left / V2:Entering traffic lane V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Travelling straight ahead 2 Rearend V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V2:Travelling straight ahead 1 Single vehicle crash V1: Travelling straight ahead 2 2 Angle V1:E / V2:E V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V2:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic) V1:E V1:(Collision with motor vehicle in traffic),(Collision with curb) Source: MassDOT Highway Division Crash Reports for the location; 2008-2010. Page 22 Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps 21-24 21-24 25-34 25-34 65-74 35-44 65-74 25-34 Dry Dry Dry Appendix D. Additional Information o Hourly Traffic Volumes Graph o Turning Movement Count: Union Street at the Route 6 WB Ramps Station Avenue at the Route 6 EB Ramps Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps Page 23 Page 24 Road Safety Au udit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Statio on Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps September 12, 201 11 WESTBO OUND RAM MPS TMC CA ARS Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 25 September 12, 201 11 WESTBO OUND RAM MPS TMC TR RUCKS Page 26 Ro oad Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps September 12, 201 11 WESTBO OUND RAM MPS TMC BIIKES Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 27 September 12, 201 11 WESTBO OUND RAM MPS TMC CA ARS and TR RUCKS Page 28 Ro oad Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps 11 WESTBO OUND RAM MPS TMC PE EAK HOUR September 12, 201 Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 29 September 12, 201 11 EASTBO OUND RAMP PS TMC CA ARS Page 30 Ro oad Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps September 12, 201 11 EASTBO OUND RAMP PS TMC TR RUCKS Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 31 September 12, 201 11 EASTBO OUND RAMP PS TMC BIK KES Page 32 Ro oad Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps September 12, 201 11 EASTBO OUND RAMP PS TMC CA ARS and TR RUCKS Road Safety y Audit – Yarmo outh: Union Sttreet - Station Avenue at U.S S. Route 6 Ramps Page 33 September 12, 201 11 EASTBO OUND RAMP PS TMC PEAK HOUR Page 34 Ro oad Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Aven nue at U.S. Rou ute 6 Ramps Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, www.mhd.state.ma.us/safetytoolbox. Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, www.roadwaysafetyaudits.org. FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995. Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors. Report No. FHWA-SA-08-011. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, September 2008 Page 36 Road Safety Audit – Yarmouth: Union Street - Station Avenue at U.S. Route 6 Ramps