ROAD SAFETY AUDIT State Road at Look Street/Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road Town of Tisbury March 17, 2015 Prepared For: Prepared By: Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 2 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................ 7 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 17 List of Appendices Appendix A Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Speed Regulations Count Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 5 State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road ............................................... 6 List of Tables Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road ..................................................................................................................................... 18 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements, in consideration of all roadway users. Specific objectives of an RSA include, but are not limited to, minimizing the risk and severity of road crashes that may be affected by the existing or future roadway infrastructure at a specific location or nearby network, and improving the awareness of safe design practices which are likely to result in safety benefits based upon potential safety concerns. The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has embraced the RSA program as a low cost opportunity to make significant safety improvements at any number of stages ranging from project development and planning through existing operation. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for the intersection of State Road at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road/Look Street, which fell within Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) crash clusters in 2009, 2010, and 2011, and therefore is subject to a required RSA. Project Data A Road Safety Audit for the unsignalized intersection of State Road at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road/Look Street was held on Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at the Tisbury Police Department in Tisbury, Massachusetts. Table 1 provides a list of the participating audit team members and their associated affiliations. As shown, the team represents a multidisciplinary group ranging from planning, enforcement, emergency response, and engineering, to local and state officials. Detailed crash history data from the Town of Tisbury Police Department, and associated collision diagrams were reviewed prior to an in-field visit to the intersection. Additionally, traffic volume data, including Turning Movement Counts (TMC), was made available. These data are provided in the Appendix for reference. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Bonnie Polin MassDOT Safety Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Safety Dan Hanavan Tisbury Police John Schilling Tisbury Fire Melina Loberg Tisbury Selectman Bill Veno Martha’s Vineyard Commission Tom Currier MassDOT Project Management Mark London Martha’s Vineyard Commission Eerik Meisner Tisbury Police Ben Robinson Tisbury Planning Board Sandra Serpa MassDOT Pamela Haznar MassDOT Jay Grande Tisbury Town Administrator Richard Clark Steamship Authority Dan Seidman Tisbury Priscilla Leclerc Martha’s Vineyard Commission Joe Johnson Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Nicole Rogers Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Project Location and Description The RSA focused on the unsignalized intersection of State Road at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and Look Street in the Town of Tisbury, Massachusetts located on Martha’s Vineyard, as shown in Figure 1. This intersection is the junction of the following roadways, which are categorized according to MassDOT functional classifications: State Road is a two lane road that runs in an east-west direction connecting West Tisbury to the west and Vineyard Haven to the east. To the west of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, State Road is functionally classified as an ‘Urban Minor Arterial’ and to the east of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road; it is classified as an ‘Urban Principal Arterial’. Within the project limits, State Road is under Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) jurisdiction. A vertical curve is located on State Road, just west of Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, creating a downgrade on the State Road eastbound approach to its intersection with Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. Approximately 250 feet west of the intersection, the speed limit decreases from 30 miles per hour (mph) to 20 mph. Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is a two lane road running in a north-south direction connecting State Road (Vineyard Haven) to the north and Oak Bluffs and Edgartown to the south. It is functionally classified as an ‘Urban Principal Arterial’ and under local (Town of Tisbury) jurisdiction. The speed limit on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is posted at 30 miles per hour (mph). Page 2 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Look Street is a two lane road running in a north-south direction, connecting State Road to the south and Center Street in the north. It is functionally classified as a Local Road under local (Town of Tisbury) jurisdiction. There is no posted speed limit on Look Street. The intersection included in the audit is discussed in detail below. State Road at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road/Look Street State Road at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road/ Look Street is an offset, unsignalized 4-way intersection. The State Road eastbound and westbound approaches each provide a single general purpose travel lane operating under free-flowing conditions. Directional travel along State Road is separated by a doubleyellow centerline with 12 foot travel lanes and 1 foot shoulders on both sides of the roadway. Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, the southeastern leg of the intersection, runs in a north-south direction and is under STOP-sign control. Directional travel is separated by a double-yellow centerline and 1 foot shoulders are present on both sides of the roadway. The Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road northbound approach consists of a 12 foot left turn lane and a 12 foot right turn lane. Those wishing to proceed onto Look Street must use the dedicated left turn lane to turn left onto State Road and then take an immediate right onto Look Street. Look Street, the northwestern leg of the intersection, is separated by a single yellow centerline with 10 foot general purpose travel lanes in each direction and no striped shoulders. It also runs in a north-south direction and is under STOP-sign control. There is a crosswalk provided across Look Street that is extremely faded. Another crosswalk, in good condition, is provided across State Road approximately 30 feet to the west of where Look Street intersects with State Road. It should be noted that there is no crosswalk on State Road east of the intersection even though there are sidewalks leading up to this point. Although a crosswalk at this location may interfere too much with vehicular traffic flow between State Road and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, it does pose a safety concern as some pedestrians now have to cross three roads rather than just one. Sidewalks are present along both sides of State Road west of the intersection and only on the northern side of the roadway, east of the intersection. The concrete sidewalks along State Road are approximately 5 feet in width and are in good condition. Sidewalks are present along both sides of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. The concrete sidewalks along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road vary from 3 to 5 feet and are in fair condition. Sidewalks are available along the western side of Look Street and are in good condition. Currently, pedestrian ramps located on both sides of Look Street, the western side of Edgartown Haven Road, and both ramps for the crosswalk on State Road appear to meet both MassDOT and ADA Standards. However, it should be noted that there is a utility pole within the sidewalk which may make it difficult for wheelchair maneuverability. All five of the previously mentioned pedestrian ramps are equipped with detectable warning panels for those visually impaired. The ramp on the eastern side of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, however, is not ADA compliant and is not equipped with detectable warning panels. There are no bicycle accommodations currently provided at this intersection. Land use within the study area consists mostly of residential homes. However, there are inns located both on Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. Tisbury Elementary School, located less than a quarter mile north of the intersection on West William Street (located off of Look Street) generates most of the pedestrian activity at the intersection. The study intersection is also located about a half mile west of the Steamship Authority which provides year-long ferry service to and from the island. For many people traveling to West Tisbury, Chilmark, and Aquinnah, State Road is a primary route. Figure 2 presents an aerial view of the intersection. Page 3 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Crash Analysis Crash data were provided by the Tisbury Police Department for the most recent complete three-year period (2009-2011) available. A total of 11 collisions were reported at the intersection according to the police crash records. Of these 11 crashes, 5 were rear end collisions, 4 were angle collisions, and 2 were sideswipe crashes. Of the five rear-end collisions, 3 were on the westbound approach of State Road, 2 were along the eastbound approach of State Road and 1 occurred along the northbound approach of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. All four angle collisions involved an eastbound vehicle on State Road; three colliding with exiting northbound vehicles from Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and the last colliding with an exiting southbound vehicle from Look Street. Of the total 11 crashes reported, 10 crashes (approximately 90 percent) had reported severity of being limited to property damage, with the one remaining crash resulting in injury. No fatalities were reported within the Tisbury Police Department records. Eight out of the 11 reported crashes occurred during the summer months (June- September). A majority (7 out of 11) of the crashes occurred during the evening peak. Out of the eleven collisions, 2 involved mopeds with tourists and 5 involved island residents only. Of the remaining four, all of which involved non-islanders, residents were at fault for two of them. In addition to the collision summary, crash occurrence also is compared to the volume of traffic through a particular intersection. Accordingly, the crash rate is compared to the district-wide average crash rate for a signalized intersection. An intersection crash rate is a measure of the frequency of collisions compared to the volume of traffic through an intersection and is presented in crashes per million entering vehicles (c/mev). For unsignalized intersections, the statewide average is 0.60 c/mev and the district-wide (MassDOT District 5) average is 0.58 c/mev. A comparison of the calculated crash rate to this average rate can be used to establish the significance of collision occurrence. The calculated crash rate for State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is 0.61 c/mev, which is above both the statewide and district-wide averages. This rate was determined based on the 11 reported crashes at the unsignalized intersection, over the course of three years, utilizing counts from September 30, 2014. Crash data summaries, a collision diagram and a crash rate worksheet are included in the Appendix of this report. Traffic Counts Manual Turning Movement Counts (TMC) were conducted at the intersection in September 2014 to portray an average month condition. The data show that the morning peak hour occurred from 7:30 AM to 8:30 AM, with the afternoon peak hour from 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM. Complete TMC data are included in the Appendix. Page 4 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Figure 1. Locus Map RSA Study Intersection Source: Google Maps Page 5 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Figure 2. State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Source: Google Earth Page 6 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Audit Observations Following an introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing geometry, intersection operations, and crash and speed data, the audit participants were asked to discuss safety concerns at the subject intersection. Audit team members then walked to the intersection as a team, at which time observations were offered in the field. A summary of the safety observations and potential deficiencies is provided below: State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Intersection Geometry The intersection of State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is an offset four way intersection which makes it difficult for drivers on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to continue onto Look Street or vice versa. In both cases, vehicles trying to execute this “S” turn maneuver must make a left turn onto State Road and then an immediate right onto their destination roads. Since both Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road are under STOP-sign control and heavy volumes are experienced on State Road especially during the summer months, adequate gaps are rare and significant queueing occurs on both roads (although queues on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road are considerably longer). There is a theory that traffic queues at this location are now exacerbated by the roundabout at Barnes Road, located near the airport. This used to be a four way STOP which would create some gaps in traffic, but the roundabout now provides a continuous flow of traffic. Although this is not proven, it could be a reason as to why backups escalate on the Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and as a result, drivers accept less, riskier gaps. The lack of safe gaps in traffic on State Road results in frustration of drivers on the sidelines and therefore, aggressive left turns onto State Road are common. It is normal to see mainline motorists on State Road stop and yield to the cross traffic in order to relieve queues on the sidelines. However, this courtesy often increases backups on State Road and is also a safety hazard for people using the intersection. For example, a vehicle turning left onto State Road westbound from Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road may do so aggressively and then experience a halt in traffic because a westbound vehicle on State Road is stopped to let Operations at the intersection are traffic on Look Street proceed. This unexpected stop in traffic confusing and at times chaotic. may result in angle and rear-end crashes seen at this intersection, especially since this intersection is often traveled by tourists who are unfamiliar with the common tendencies at this location. Referring to the crash data summary and the collision diagram within the Appendix of this RSA, crashes 2, 8 and 9 may be related to this behavior. In crash number 2, vehicle 1 traveling eastbound was stopped for traffic at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road when the vehicle 2 turned left onto State Road from Look Page 7 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Street and collided with the left rear of vehicle 1. This may have been because vehicle 2 accepted an insufficient gap in traffic for the left turn but was not anticipating vehicle 1 to be stopped on the mainline at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. In crash number 8, both vehicle 1 and 2 were traveling westbound on State Road when vehicle 1 stopped for traffic and vehicle 2 collided into the rear of vehicle 1. It was stated that the driver of vehicle 2 was distracted but if the intersection was working as designed (State Road running under free flowing conditions) this collision may not have occurred. Crash 9 is a perfect example of the ‘courtesy’ crash in which vehicle 1 was eastbound on State Road and stopped at Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to allow vehicle 2 to make a left onto State Road. When it seemed as though vehicle 2 was not going to move forward, vehicle 1 began to accelerate as did vehicle 2 and the two collided. It should be noted that the existing geometry results in tight radii and narrow roadways, especially on Look Street. Drivers familiar with the area frequently allow Look Street traffic to exit before trying to turn in. It is also common to see Look Street traffic to stop further back from the STOP bar to allow traffic to turn onto Look Street. Simultaneous two way navigation into and out of Look Street is very difficult. Sight Distance Vehicles exiting Look Street onto State Road struggle with poor intersection sight distance due to the retaining walls located in both the northwest and northeast corners of the intersection, as well as an adjacent overgrown vegetation west of Look Street. There is also a utility pole located in the northwest corner of the intersection that may be contributing to poor sight lines to the west of the intersection. Referring to the crash data summary and the collision diagram within the Appendix of this RSA, crash 11 may be related to this issue. The crash data summary states that crash number 11 occurred when vehicle 1 was making a left turn from Look Street onto State Road when it struck vehicle 2 who was traveling eastbound on State Road. The driver of vehicle 1 claimed that he/she did not notice vehicle 2. Sight distance is also of concern at this location because of the close proximity of the crosswalk on State Road which is offset west of the intersection. Vehicles in queue on Look Street are unable to see pedestrians waiting to cross or within the crosswalk. When vehicles are in both lanes on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, sight distances to the west can be blocked by the leftturning vehicle, especially if it is a large vehicle. The retaining wall and utility pole shown here block sightlines for drivers exiting Look Street. Speeding While speed limits are posted along both approaches on State Road, it was noted by the Tisbury Police Department, as well as other members of the audit team, that many vehicles travel along State Road well Page 8 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. in excess of the posted speed limit of 20 mph in the vicinity of this intersection. Speed Regulation 683, included in the Appendix, shows that the speed limit on State Road changes from 30 mph to 20 mph just 250 feet west of the intersection. Therefore it may be very difficult to enforce speeding on the westbound approach to the intersection as there is very little room for police to stop a vehicle within 250 feet of the intersection. It should be noted that if a speed study were to be conducted, the 85 th percentile of speeds would be higher than 20 mph and result in a faster speed limit at this location. There is a slight vertical curve on State Road which creates a downhill grade for the eastbound approach. When combined with sight distance limitations and heavy opposing volumes, these high travel speeds make it more difficult for vehicles on the stop-controlled Look Street southbound and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road northbound to determine an adequate gap in State Road traffic. Similarly, motorists traveling a prevailing speed on State Road eastbound may have difficulty perceiving and reacting to motorists entering the intersection from Look Street or Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. The posted speed limit on State Road eastbound decreases from 30 mph to 20 mph within a relatively short distance before the intersection (approximately 250 feet) and may not provide motorists with adequate warning that they need to reduce speed before approaching the intersection. Excessive speeds contribute to crashes of all types, and increase the severity of those crashes. Referring to the crash data summary and the collision diagram within the Appendix of this RSA, crash 3 is contributed to driving too fast for conditions as an eastbound motorcyclist lost control due to excessive speed. Signage It is known that Martha’s Vineyard attracts a large amount of tourists year long, especially in the summer months. It is common that some tourists traveling to Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, West Tisbury, Chilmark, and Aquinnah will get off the ferry at the Vineyard Haven Port. Some will then proceed to Water Street, turn right onto Beach Street, and continue onto State Road until they reach the Look Street / Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road intersection at which point travelers will turn left onto Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to reach Edgartown and Oak Bluffs or continue straight onto State Road to reach West Tisbury, Chilmark, and Aquinnah. Currently, there are large directional signs present that direct travelers in the way of different towns on the Vineyard. Most tourists (probably following a map or GPS directions) are looking for street name signs. There is no street name sign for Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and the street name sign for Look Street is not MUTCD compliant and it is very difficult to see from both approaches on State Road. Motorists that are unsure of Existing directional signage located the upcoming intersection side-streets along State Road may at the intersection. approach the intersection and stop abruptly upon realization that they have reached their turn, causing rear-end or even sideswipe crashes. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Approximately 200 feet in advance of the intersection on both the eastbound and westbound approaches are intersection ahead warning signs (W2-1). These signs do not correctly portray the intersection as an offset four way but rather as a typical perpendicular four way intersection, which may be confusing to unfamiliar drivers. The STOP-sign on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is on the right side of the roadway and may be difficult to see for vehicles in the left turn lane especially if there is a large vehicle in the right lane. The post for the STOP-sign on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is slightly slanted which may make it difficult to see. Since mainline drivers on State Road stop to let traffic on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road go frequently, it is a common practice that drivers on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road will disregard the STOP-sign completely and go through the intersection while they have an opportunity. Referring to the crash data summary and the collision diagram within the Appendix of this RSA, crashes 1 and 10 Existing intersection ahead occurred because vehicles traveling northbound on Edgartown warning sign on westbound approach Vineyard Haven Road failed to stop at the stop sign and collided (W2-1). with eastbound vehicles on State Road. It is also possible that their vision of the sign may be blocked or it may just be difficult to see. The STOP-sign on Look Street is defaced and has stickers on it. Pavement Conditions Moderate rutting was noted along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road near the vicinity of the stop bar at the time of the audit. Pavement rutting can promote rear-end crashes as asphalt bleeding usually occurs around the ruts. Additionally the ruts can collect standing water. Pavement Markings Moderate rutting on Markings along State Road were observed to be visible, clear, and Edgartown Vineyard Haven reflective at the time of the audit. Markings along Edgartown Road. Vineyard Haven Road were also observed to be visible, clear, and reflective at the time of the audit; however there was some fading of markings towards the stop bar, especially the double yellow centerline. It was noted in the field that left turning vehicles on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road tend to hug the centerline and in many cases were crossing the double yellow just before executing the left turn maneuver. Markings along Look Street were fading considerably, especially the stop bar and the crosswalk at this approach. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Excessive Queuing Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road is under STOP-sign control and State Road experiences heavy volumes during the peak periods especially during the summer months. Therefore, adequate gaps are rare and significant queueing occurs on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. The lack of safe gaps in traffic on State Road increases the potential for aggressive and distracted driving. This issue could have contributed to the rear-end type crash to occur on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, as well as the angle crash to occur from a left turning vehicle failing to yield the right of way, referred to as crashes 7 and 10 respectively in the crash data summary and collision diagram within the Appendix of this RSA. As previously mentioned, mainline drivers on State Road often stop to help relieve the queues on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. At this time, drivers on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road completely disregard the STOPsign and proceed through the intersection as long as the mainline driver continues to yield. Bicycle Accommodations There are currently no bicycle accommodations along all approaches to the intersection, nor at the intersection itself. Pedestrian Accommodations West of the intersection, sidewalks are provided along both sides of State Road. A recent project completed by MassDOT installed new sidewalks which remain in good condition at the time of the audit. East of the intersection sidewalks are provided only along the north side of State Road. Sidewalks are provided along both sides of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. However, they appeared to be very narrow and in fair condition at the time of the audit. There is a sidewalk provided along the west side of Look Street that appeared to be in good condition at the time of the audit. A crosswalk is located along the Look Street approach but it is significantly worn and almost impossible to see. An additional crosswalk is located on State Road approximately 30 feet west of the intersection with Look Street. The Tisbury Elementary School is located approximately a quarter mile northwest of the intersection on West William Street and this crosswalk is frequently used by those students walking to school. This crosswalk used to be located directly at the intersection but was relocated as part of a MassDOT project due to the constraints posed by the utility pole in the northwest corner of the intersection. Look Street Crosswalk- Faded pavement markings. Although the new location takes pedestrians out of the confusing turning vehicle movements occurring at the intersection, it also puts them outside of the driver’s eye due to poor sight lines on Look Street. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Although there is a fairly low volume of vehicles executing a right turn from Look Street to State Road, drivers in this position have very limited site to the crosswalk due to the existing retaining wall and the overgrown vegetation. The Town indicated that there is typically a crossing guard located at the State Street crosswalk in order to assist children during the start and end of the school day. There is no crosswalk along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, or across State Road east of the intersection. Audit team members suggested that these are both locations where a crosswalk is in demand. Truck Traffic It was noted that trucks and larger vehicles traveling eastbound on State Road have a difficult time executing a right turn onto Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road due to existing geometry. The radius currently provided does not give trucks ample room to safely execute the maneuver. Most times, trucks swing wide and encroach on the northbound left turn lane. It was noted in the field several times that vehicles traveling in that northbound left turn lane will stop a considerable amount of distance away from the stop bar so that a truck can make the turn without having to back up within the intersection. This unexpected stop may cause rear-end collisions along this approach. Potential Safety Enhancements After the intersection in-field visit, audit participants returned to the Tisbury Police Department to discuss the safety issues and consider potential short-term and long-term improvements. Many of the potential enhancements identified during the RSA have already been considered as part of numerous studies undertaken in the past. A summary of potential safety-related enhancements discussed at the RSA is provided below: State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Offset Geometry 1. Evaluate the appropriateness of temporarily making Look Street one-way northbound, to reduce the amount of vehicles entering the intersection and help reduce driver confusion. The Town could implement this on a trial basis to see if positive results are yielding. This will eliminate an approach and reduce the number of conflict points at the intersection. This will also eliminate the need to improve sight lines for Look Street drivers. It was noted that people use Look Street to get to the nearby elementary school and other destinations in order to avoid heavily travelled roadways. Therefore, the Town must consider the safety and operational trade-offs between making Look Street one-way northbound and the potential shift of traffic volumes and safety implications at other adjacent intersections as a result of this change. 2. Consider making Look Street a dead end by completely closing off the street at State Road. This will mean that vehicles will have to continue on State Road and make the right turn onto Pine Tree Road. This will completely eliminate Look Street as a conflict point and reduce the amount of mainline traffic Page 12 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. unexpectedly stopping to let Look Street traffic go, which has been known to cause rear-end collisions at the intersection. This will also eliminate the potential for an angle crash which may occur due to the dangerous “S” turn executed by drivers wishing to continue from Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to Look Street or vice versa. It should be noted, however, that Look Street provides one of the few access and egress points for the neighborhood north of State Road and therefore well detailed routes should be considered. 3. Should the Town decided to make long-term reconstructive efforts in the future, consideration should be made to installing a modern roundabout or full signal at the intersection to provide a safe, controlled movement through the intersection. A full signal, although not generally well received by the local community, would improve the capacity and safety at the intersection by providing clear, safe gaps for sideline traffic to flow as well as eliminate the need for mainline drivers to unexpectedly stop to let sideline queues empty. A roundabout would eliminate the need for left turns through the intersection and therefore may potentially decrease the amount of angle collisions seen at the intersection. A roundabout would also calm vehicular travel speeds on a continual basis. A roundabout would require significant land takings and easements as well as acceptance from the local community. In the short term, the Town should consider police control to improve traffic flow. Sight Distance 1. Work with the owner of the property on the northwest corner of the intersection to relocate the retaining wall and the tree line to improve sightlines to the west of the intersection. Once an adequate tree line is obtained, maintain that tree line throughout the year. These improvements will eliminate the potential for an angle collision caused by lack of visibility for left turning vehicles on Look Street to see approaching eastbound vehicles on State Road. It is likely that the stone retaining walls may be considered historic at this location. 2. Evaluate the feasibility and appropriateness of relocating the utility pole located in the northwest corner of the intersection to improve sight lines west of the intersection. The relocation of this utility pole will allow Look Street drivers approaching the intersection to potentially have better vision of pedestrians waiting the crosswalk or in the crosswalk and therefore reduce the possibility of a collision with a pedestrian. Speeding 1. Consider re-evaluating the speed limit for the westbound approach of State Road. In the meantime, MassDOT could install the W3-5 Reduced Speed Limit Ahead sign west of the intersection in advance of the 20 mph speed limit sign, since State Road is under MassDOT jurisdiction. This will alert to motorists that the speed limit will drop and perhaps give more time for vehicles to start slowing down prior to the intersection. A speed trailer could also be installed to visually display drivers’ real-time speeds compared to the speed limit. A speed trailer could potentially reduce speeds and increase awareness of the local speed limits. 2. Consider a perceived narrowing of the roadway by installing white edge lines west of the intersection for eastbound drivers. A narrower travel lane provides a constricted feeling which typically Page 13 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. leads to reduced travel speeds and therefore a potential reduction in the number and severity of crashes caused by excessive speeds. 3. Consider installing other traffic calming measures west of the intersection to slow down drivers well in advance of the intersection. This may include some type of change to the roadway geometry which would provide a horizontal deflection in which drivers are forced to slow down to negotiate the slight change in the roadway conditions. Providing a traffic calming measure further from the intersection will reduce speeds in advance of the intersection and provide motorists traveling eastbound on State Road more time to react to entering vehicles from Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. 4. Consider installing a modern roundabout at the intersection as part of long-term reconstruction efforts, as previously mentioned, to calm traffic, eliminate the occurrence of angle crashes and reduce crash severity. Signage 1. Install street name sign for Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road that is clear and easy to see. This measure may potentially reduce rear-end or possibly sideswipe collisions caused by drivers unsure of where they need to go. 2. Evaluate the placement and size of the existing street name at Look Street to improve visibility. 3. Replace the existing intersection warning signs (W2-1) on State Road with a W2-7L on the westbound approach and a W2-7R on the eastbound approach in order to better depict the intersection as a skewed four way intersection. 4. Place street name plaques (W16-8aP) below the intersection warning signs on State Road to increase clarity and awareness of the intersection. This will provide drivers with direction prior to the intersection and therefore reduce confusion and last minute maneuvers at the intersection. 5. Replace STOP-sign and post on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and position so that it is standing upright and is visible to both lanes of traffic. Consider making this STOP sign larger (48” x 48”) to increases visibility. Consider adding BlinkerSign LED signs which are FHWA-MUTCD compliant and provide high-visibility advance warning of potentially dangerous traffic conflicts. By making the STOPsign on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road more visible, perhaps more drivers will adhere to control put in place and reduce the number of angle type collisions. Consideration should be made to install an additional STOP sign on the western side of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road as well so that left turning vehicles may have a better view. Advance Stop warning signs should be installed on the northbound approach of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to provide additional warning of the upcoming STOP control condition. 6. Remove the stickers on Look Street STOP-sign to improve visibility or replace with new sign. Pavement Conditions Page 14 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. 1. Rehabilitate pavement to remove rutting along the Edgartown Vineyard Haven approach. This improvement may decrease the potential number of rear-end crashes in wet or icy roadway conditions. Pavement Markings 1. Refresh pavement markings especially along Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. New pavement markings will increase visibility and assist in the reduction of nighttime and sideswipe crashes. A new enhanced double yellow centerline along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road may discourage drivers in the left turn lane from crossing over double yellow centerline. Although not common, consider the possibility of installing center line rumble strips (or flexible delineator posts) along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to keep vehicles in appropriate lanes. Vehicles commonly cross the double yellow centerline due to the skewed geometry to the intersection. Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road does not approach State Road at a 90 degree angle but rather at an odd angle. Left turning vehicles on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road may frequently cross the double yellow centerline to position themselves more at a right angle to execute an easier maneuver. Excessive Queueing 1. Consider a bypass route that redirects traffic on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road downstream and away from the intersection. A bypass route will lower the volumes on this section of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and therefore decrease the amount of left turns executed at this intersection. This suggestion is in conjunction with the existing “Tisbury Connector Roads” proposal which was designed to reduce traffic on the left turns from Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, right turns from State Road, and through traffic between Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. 2. Consider police detail at this intersection. Although not well received by the local community, police detail, especially during summer months, can increase safety for all modes of traffic at the intersection. 3. Should the Town wish to make long term reconstructive efforts in the future, they may want to consider installing a modern roundabout or full signal at the intersection to provide a safe, controlled movement through the intersection and to reduce the occurrence of angle crashes. This would require significant land takings and easement as well as acceptance from the local community. 4. Should the Town wish to make long term planning efforts in the future, consideration should be made to reduce cut-through traffic at this intersection by implementing traffic improvements network wide. Bike Accommodations 1. This intersection experiences a considerable amount of bicycle activity, especially during the warmer months and therefore enhanced bicycle accommodations should be considered at this location. These accommodations could include bicycle lane pavement markings or sharrows, and associated signage. Sharrows and associated signage alert vehicles that bicyclists are likely to be within the traveled Page 15 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. way as well. The sharrows will also assist bicyclists with a safe lateral positioning in lanes that are too narrow to accommodate both a motor vehicle and a bicycle to travel side by side in the same traffic lane. Pedestrian Accommodations 1. Consider relocating the crosswalk on State Road west of the intersection or relocate the retaining wall and relocate the utility pole, both in the northwest corner, to provide better sight lines for Look Street drivers and pedestrians waiting to cross from the north side of State Road. 2. Consider installing rectangular rapid-flashing beacons for pedestrians at the crosswalk on State Road to further increase visibility and also act as a traffic calming measure for eastbound vehicles on State Road to reduce their speed in advance to the intersection. The U.S. Department of Transportation in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration released an Interim Approval for Optional Use of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons in which it states that a RRFB may be placed for crosswalks across approaches not controlled by YIELD signs, STOP signs, or traffic control. It should be used to supplement a W11-2 Pedestrian crossing sign with diagonal downward arrow plaque, located at or immediately adjacent to a marked crosswalk. Therefore, a RRFB could be placed at this crossing location. 3. Refresh crosswalk markings on Look Street to enhance visibility. 4. Consider providing crosswalks along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and across State Road east of the intersection. Demand is high at these locations according to audit team members. Special consideration as to their location should be made so that pedestrians feel comfortable and safe. The installation of these crosswalks would also require sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, and signage to adhere to MassDOT and ADA Compliance. The locations will require that adequate sight distance is available. 5. Consider implementing high-visibility crosswalk treatments which have been known to significantly increase both driver daytime yielding behavior and the percentage of pedestrians actually using the crosswalk. 6. Should the Town consider long term reconstructive efforts, consider providing suitable sidewalks with ample width along both sides of all approaches for added pedestrian comfort and safety. Truck Traffic 1. As part of long-term reconstructive efforts, consider providing a larger turning radius at the southwest corner of the intersection. This will require land takings and easements but would provide ample room for trucks and heavy vehicles to safely execute the right run onto Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road from the west. This will reduce the potential of a head-on or angle type collision between an eastbound large turning vehicle turning right and a northbound approaching vehicle on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. Page 16 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Steet/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Based on observations and discussions, the RSA team identified the issues and possible enhancements that could improve safety at the intersection of State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road in Tisbury, Massachusetts. Many of the enhancements identified will be studied to determine feasibility as part of the design process for a future intersection improvement project. Table 2 summarizes the existing safety issues, possible enhancements, estimated safety payoff, time frame, cost, and responsible agency for the intersection of State Road at Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and based on engineering judgment and are categorized as low, medium, and high. The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 17 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Offset Geometry Evaluate the appropriateness of temporarily making Look Street one-way northbound to reduce the amount of vehicles Medium entering the intersection and help reduce driver confusion Medium Low MassDOT/ Tisbury Offset Geometry Consider making Look Street a dead end by completely closing off the street at State Road. High Medium Medium MassDOT/ Tisbury Offset Geometry Consider installing a modern roundabout or full signal at the intersection to provide a safe, controlled movement through the intersection and to reduce the occurrence of angle crashes. High Long High MassDOT Sight Distance Work with the owner of the property on the northwest corner of the intersection to relocate the retaining wall to improve sightlines to the west of the intersection. High Medium High MassDOT/ Tisbury Sight Distance Work with the owner of the property on the northwest corner of the intersection to cut back the tree line to improve sight lines west of the intersection. Continue to maintain that cut back line. High Short Low MassDOT/ Tisbury Sight Distance Evaluate the feasibility and appropriateness of relocating the utility pole located in the northwest corner of the intersection to improve sight lines west of the intersection. High Long High MassDOT/ Tisbury Speeding Consider re-evaluating the speed limit for the westbound approach of State Road. In the meantime, MassDOT could install the W3-5 Reduced Speed Limit Ahead sign west of the intersection in advance of the 20 mph speed limit sign. This will alert to motorists that the speed limit will drop and perhaps give more time for vehicles to start slowing down prior to the intersection. A speed trailer could also be installed. High Short Low MassDOT Page 18 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Speeding Consider narrowing the roadway using white edge lines west of the intersection for eastbound drivers. A narrower road Medium will provide a constricted feeling which will reduce driver speed. Medium Low MassDOT Speeding Consider installing a geometric traffic calming measure west of the intersection to start slowing down drivers well in advance of the intersection. Medium Long High MassDOT Speeding Consider installing a modern roundabout at the intersection as part of long-term reconstruction efforts, as previously mentioned, to calm traffic and eliminate the occurrence of angle crashes. High Long High MassDOT Signage Consider the installation of W3-5 Reduced Speed Limit Ahead sign on eastbound approach of State Road. Medium Short Low MassDOT Signage Install street name sign for Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Medium that is clear and easy to see. Short Low MassDOT Signage Evaluate the placement and size of the existing street name at Look Street to improve visibility. Medium Short Low MassDOT Signage Replace the existing intersection warning signs (W2-1) on State Road with a W2-7L on the westbound approach and a W2-7R on the eastbound approach in order to better depict the intersection as a skewed four way intersection. Medium Short Low MassDOT Signage Place street name plaques (W16-8aP) below the intersection warning signs on State Road to increase clarity and awareness of the intersection. Medium Short Low MassDOT Signage Replace STOP-sign and post on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and position so that it is standing upright and is visible to both lanes of traffic. Consider making this STOP sign larger to increases visibility. Consider adding BlinkerSign Medium LED signs which are FHWA-MUTCD compliant and provide high-visibility advance warning of potentially dangerous traffic conflicts. Short Medium MassDOT Page 19 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Signage Consideration should be made to install an additional STOP sign on the western side of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road as well so that left turning vehicles may have a better view. Advance Stop warning signs should be installed on the Medium northbound approach of Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to provide additional warning of the upcoming STOP control condition. Short Low MassDOT Signage Remove the stickers on Look Street STOP-sign. Medium Short Low Tisbury High Long High MassDOT Pavement Markings Refresh pavement markings especially along Look Street and Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road. Consider the possibility of installing center line rumble strips or flexible delineator posts along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road to keep vehicles in appropriate lanes. High Short Low MassDOT Excessive Queuing Consider a bypass route that redirects traffic on Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road downstream and away from the intersection. High Long High MassDOT/ Tisbury Excessive Queuing Consider police detail at this intersection. Medium Short Low Tisbury Police Excessive Queuing Consider installing a modern roundabout or full signal at the intersection to provide a safe, controlled movement through the intersection and to reduce the occurrence of angle crashes. High Long High MassDOT Excessive Queuing As part of long term planning efforts, work to reduce cutthrough traffic at this intersection by implementing traffic improvement network wide. High Long Medium Tisbury Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Rehabilitate pavement to remove rutting along the Edgartown Vinetyard Haven approach. This improvmeent Pavement Conditions may decrease the potential number of rear-end crashes in wet or icy roadway conditions. Safety Payoff Page 20 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Bike Accommodations This intersection experiences a considerable amount of bicycle activity, espcially during the warmer months and therefore enhanced bicycle accommodations should be considered at this location. These accommodations could include bicycle lane pavement markings or sharrows, and associated signage. High Medium Medium MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Consider relocating the crosswalk on State Road west of the intersection or relocate the retaining wall and relocate the utility pole, both in the northwest corner, to provide better sight lines for Look Street drivers and pedestrians waiting to cross from the north side of State Road. High Medium Medium MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Consider installing rectangular rapid-flashing beacons for pedestrians at the crosswalk on Sate Road to further increase visibility and also act as a traffic calming measure for eastbound vehicles on State Road to reduce their speed in advance to the intersection. Medium Medium Medium MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Refresh crosswalk markings on Look Street to enhance visibility. Medium Short Low MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Consider providing crosswalks along Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road and across State Road east of the intersection. Demand is high at these locations according to audit team members. Special consideration as to their location should be made so that pedestrians feel comfortable and safe. The installation of these crosswalks would also require sidewalks and sidewalk ramps to adhere to MassDOT and ADA Compliance. High Medium High MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Consider implementing high-visibility crosswalk treatments which have been known to significantly increase both driver daytime yielding behavior and the percentage of pedestrians actually using the crosswalk. High Medium Medium MassDOT Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Page 21 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary – State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency As part of long-term planning and reconstructive efforts, consider providing suitable sidewalks with ample width along both sides of all approaches for added pedestrian comfort and safety. High Long High MassDOT As part of long-term reconstructive efforts, consider providing a larger turning radius at the southwest corner of the intersection. This will require land takings and easements but would provide ample room for trucks and heavy vehicles to safely execute the right run onto Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road from the west. High Long High MassDOT Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Pedestrian Accommodations Truck Traffic Page 22 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Tisbury – Beach Road at Water Street/Lagoon Pond Road/Beach Road Extension and State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Meeting Location: Tisbury Police Department Police Training Room 32 Water Street, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 Wednesday, December 3, 2014 9:15 AM – 12:15 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 9:15 AM Welcome and Introductions 9:30 AM Review of Site Specific Material Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries– provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:15 AM Visit the Site Drive to Beach Road at Water Street/Lagoon Pond Road/Beach Road Extension and State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:30 AM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:15 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on Wednesday, December 3rd, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Safety Review Prompt List The Safety Review Prompt List provides basic safety-related questions to use when evaluating a given roadway location. The prompt list should be considered when evaluating a roadway to design improvements or conduct a Road Safety Audit. The primary purpose of the prompt list is to identify potential road safety hazards. The list is meant to be general and should be used to prompt an evaluator as to specific matters identified in the field that may have an adverse effect on road safety. The Safety Review Prompt List is not a check of compliance with design standards. This Prompt List represents the minimum that should be considered when exploring safety opportunities and is not intended to address all aspects of safety. A summary of the responses should be prepared to highlight potential safety improvement opportunities. Speed Are posted speed limits consistent with speed regulations; are they adequate? Are design features consistent with the posted speed (passing opportunities, sight distance, warning signs for horizontal and vertical curves, clearance intervals, sign placement, etc.) Are adequate controls in place for driver compliance with speed limits? Multi-modal Have accommodations been provided for safe movement of pedestrians, bicycles, emergency vehicles, public transportation, and commercial vehicles? What design features could be improved, added, or removed to enhance the safe mobility of the various modes? Pavement Markings Are there highly visible and retro reflective edge lines, center lines, and other pavement markings? Do the pavement markings provide sufficient guidance to the road users? Can the placement of the pavement markings be modified to improve guidance to road users? Signs Are all signs retro reflective and visible for all roadway conditions, including placed free from obstructions? Are signs located to maximize perception and reaction while minimizing intrusion in clear zones? Does the signage provide adequate guidance to road users for given road conditions? Are pavement markings and signs consistent in effectively guiding road users? Intersection Control Do all signs (stop signs, lane assignments, street names, etc.) provide visible, clear, non-conflicting messages? Is there clear, non-conflicting visibility of traffic control (signal heads, signs, and markings) from all approach lanes? Has the potential of misrepresentation of intersection control been considered (at closely spaced intersections or through control that is against expectation)? For signalized intersections, have the implications on safety been considered for the signal phasing? Is there a safe means by which all modes can travel through the intersection? Lighting Is lighting (from headlights and/or streetlights) adequate for specific roadway conditions and/or use? If glare exists from sunlight or opposing headlights, are there countermeasures that can be implemented to minimize potentially detrimental effects? Obstructions Are there obstructions to sight lines or roadway guidance (signs, markings, etc.) that can be removed, relocated, or minimized as part of this project? If obstructions or fixed objects exist but cannot be moved, can they be shielded (with guardrails, etc.) or delineated (with reflectors) to improve road user safety? If so, what can be done? Pavement Could the condition of the pavement impact mobility and safety (potholes, edge drop-offs, skid resistance, etc)? What improvements can be made to minimize safety impacts? Access Points and Traffic Generators Is the access control sufficient for the road’s function? Are site access points located to maximize safety while still providing adequate access? Have impacts of site developments been adequately accommodated for safe mobility of all road users? Parking Is parking clearly delineated and in conformance with signs, markings, and regulations? Might parking obstruct mobility/safety of pedestrians and other roadway users? Weather Conditions Have accommodations been made for impacts from adverse weather condition (storage of snow, removal of ponding, adequate drainage, signage of low salt areas, maintenance program for snow removal, and catch basin clearing, etc.)? Auxiliary Lanes Could taper locations and/or alignments contribute to safety challenges? Could lack of climbing lanes or passing zones cause driver frustration? Do acceleration/deceleration lane lengths necessitate additional signage and/or markings? Animals Do animal migrations impact safety? Can measures be taken to reduce animal-vehicle conflicts? Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Participating Audit Team Members Date: December 3, 2014 Location: Audit Team Agency/Affiliation Members Tisbury Police Department, 32 Water Street Email Address Phone Number Bonnie Polin MassDOT Safety 857-368-9636 Lisa Scheltzbaum MassDOT Safety 857-368-9634 Dan Hanavan Tisbury Police 508-696-4240 John Schilling Tisbury Fire 508-696-4246 Melinda Loberg Tisbury Selectman 508-693-9309 Bill Veno Martha’s Vineyard Commission 508-627-3453 x15 Tom Currier MassDOT Project Management 857-368-9348 Mark London Martha’s Vineyard Commission 508-963-3453 Eerik Meisner Tisbury Police 508-696-4240 Ben Robinson Tisbury Planning Board 508-246-0021 Sandra Serpa MassDOT 508-884-4353 Pamela Haznar MassDOT 508-884-4239 Jay Grande Tisbury 508-696-4203 Richard Clark Steamship Authority 508-360-3686 Dan Seidman Tisbury 508-693-0569 Priscilla Leclerc Martha’s Vineyard Commission 508-693-3453 Joe Johnson Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. 978-570-2960 Nicole Rogers Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. 978-570-2985 Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table State Rd - Edgartown Vineyard Haven Rd - Look St, Tisbury, MA March, 2009 - April, 2011 Crash Diagram Ref # Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type 1 3/8/09 Sunday 7:40 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway 2 6/18/09 Thursday 11:10 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 3 7/22/09 Wednesday 9:52 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Driving too fast for conditions 4 8/12/09 Wednesday 2:15 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 5 8/26/09 Wednesday 4:24 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 6 8/29/09 Saturday 4:35 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Followed too closely 7 9/2/09 Wednesday 2:50 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Clear D1 Ages D2 Dry Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 20 35 80 44 Dry Other improper action UNK 30 UNK 23 45 UNK 39 UNK 28 82 Comments D3 V2 failed to stop for the stop sign and crash on V1 which was travelling on EB of State Rd. V1 traveling WB stopped for traffic at Edgartown Rd. intersection , V2 turn left on to WB of State Rd. and coillied left rear of V1. Motorcycle V1 lost control due to the fast speed while turning right onto SB of Edgartown Rd. and hit V2. V1 travelling WB and stopped for the traffic, V2 was just exited from SB turn onto the WB and stopped behind V1, V2 then try to follow the traffic flows infront of V1 and stucked V1 in rear V2 stopped for the stop sign on Edgartown Rd and preparing to turn left on to WB, motorcycle V1 lost control while turning right onto SB and hit V2. Bus vs. Car accident, both Vehicle was travelling WB, V1 stopped for the traffic, Bus V2 was followed too close and stuck V1 in rear, only one passengers was in the bus. V1 stopped in the intersection trying to make a right turn onto EB, V2 stopped behind V1, V3 failed to stop behind V2 and stuck into V2 and 81 propelling into V1. No diagram. 8 9/15/09 Tuesday 5:14 PM Rear-end Daylight Cloudy Dry Distracted 58 9 2/24/10 Wednesday 1:50 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 57 UNK V1 and V2 both was travelling on WB on state Rd, V1 stopped for traffic, V2 driver got distracted attention by something in the car, V2 driver looked down of the car, failed to stop and sturck V1 in rear. V1 was on EB of State Rd, stopped on the intersection of Engartown Rd and allow V2 exit and make left turn, but V2 driver did not pull out from the road, then V1 start move forward, at the same time V2 start to turn and sturk the right front of V1. 10 9/21/10 Tuesday 2:52 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 58 V1 was travaling on EB of State Rd, V2 failed to yield at stop sign to the right lane of State Rd's travel way, V2 try to turn left on to State Rd and hit V1. 11 2/24/11 Thursday 3:48 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way UNK 48 67 UNK V1 was make a left turn from Look St. on to EB of State Rd, did not notice on coming V2 on EB of State Rd and stuck into V2 left front. Only provided officer report. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Tisbury Police Department Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts State Rd - Edgartown Vineyard Haven Rd - Look St, Tisbury, MA CRASH MONTH 27% 30% 27% 25% 18% 20% 15% 9% 10% 5% 0% 9% 0% J F 0% 0% A M M 9% J J A S 0% 0% 0% O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 45% 50% 40% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 18% 0% 9% 9% Saturday Sunday 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CRASH TIME OF DAY 36% 40% 27% 30% 20% 10% 0% 9% 9% 9% 9% 0% 0% 6AM8AM 8AM10AM 0% 0% 0% 0% 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM4PM 4PM6PM 6PM8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 12AM2AM 2AM4AM 4AM6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 45% 50% 36% 40% 30% 18% 20% 10% 0% 0% Single Vehicle Crash 0% Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, Sideswipe, same opposite direction direction State Rd Edgarton Rd Look St Crash Date Summary.xlsx 2 of 3 0% 0% 0% Head on Rear to Rear Unknown 8/28/2014 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts State Rd - Edgartown Vineyard Haven Rd - Look St, Tisbury, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 91% Daylight 0% 0% Dawn Dusk 9% Dark Lighted Roadway 0% 0% 0% 0% Dark Roadway not lighted Dark unknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 27% 0% 0% Unknown 0% Other 0% Blowing sand, snow Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain 0% Severe Crosswinds 0% Fog, Smog, Smoke 0% Snow Rain Cloudy 18% Clear 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 55% CRASH ROAD SURFACE 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 82% 18% Dry Wet 19% 20% 0% 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 19% 19% 19% 19% 15% 10% 5% 0% 6% 0% 15-20 0% 21-29 30-39 State Rd Edgarton Rd Look St Crash Date Summary.xlsx 40-49 3 of 3 50-59 60-69 70-79 80+ 8/28/2014 Tisbury, MA STATE ROAD AT LOOK STREET AND EDGARTOWN ROAD REGION: MVCOMMISSION TIME PERIOD ANALYZED, 2009 - APRIL 2011 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORlS, LOCAL POUCE COLLISION DIAGRAM DATE PREPARED, 08/01/2014 PREPARED BY, MICHELLE DENG *NOT TO SCALE ~ Q) Q) L ~ UJ ~ o o ~ State Rood 4,8 6 .. .. I.. .:;0 I.. 1 ~7 _ _.... 1 I c 3': o ~ L o 01 U W SYMBOLS «< • Moving Vehicle ~ Backing Vehicle - - - - . Non-Involved Vehicle ~ ~ Pedestrian Bicycle Animal ~ .-. Parked Vehicle 0 Fixed Object TYPES OF CRASH •• II Head on I J l-~ ~ SEVERITY Rear End 0 Angle Injury Turning Movement Sideswipe Out of Control Night TIme Crash 0 Fatal N MAX-2010020.25 Tisbury RSA Number of Collisions Location Total Average per Year Crash Ratec Severitya PD PI Collision Typeb F CM Percent During RE HO FO Ped Other 5 - - - 2 Commuter Peakd Wet/Icy Conditions Tisbury Police Department (2009-2011) State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road 11 3.67 0.61 10 1 - 4 Source: Tisbury Police Department Records (2009-2011) a PD = property damage only; PI = personal injury; F = fatality. b CM = cross movement/angle; RE = rear end; HO = head on; FO = fixed object; Ped = pedestrian. c Measured in crsahes per million entering vehicles. d Percent of vehicle collisions that occurred during the weekday AM and weekday PM commuter peak periods. Collision Summary (2009-2011) 27% 18% Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Appendix D. Speed Regulations 1 September 14, 1970 TOWN OF TISBURY SPECIAL SPEED REGUALTIONS NO. 561 Highway Location TISBURY Authority in Control: TOWN OF TISBURY Name of Highway: Vineyard Haven- Edgartown Road In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 90, Section 18, of the General Laws (Ter. Ed.) as amended, the following Special Speed Regulation is hereby Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Tisbury That following designated speed limits are established at which motor vehicles may be operated in the areas described: Special Speed Regulations Number 271 dated July 7, 1964, is hereby amended by striking out the Regulations in their entireties and inserting in place thereof the following revision. Vineyard Haven-Edgartown Road- NORTHBOUND Beginning at the Oak Bluffs town line, Thence northerly on Vineyard Haven-Edgartown Road 0.45 miles at 45 miles per hour 0.76 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.19 “ “ 30 “ “ “ ending at Main Street; the total distance being 1.40 miles. Vineyard Haven-Edgartown Road- SOUTHBOUND Beginning at Main Street, Thence southerly on Vineyard Haven-Edgartown Road 0.19 miles at 30 miles per hour 0.76 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.45 “ “ 45 “ “ “ ending at the Oak Bluffs town line; the total distance being 1.40 miles. Operation of a motor vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of these limits shall be prima facie evidence that such speed is greater than is reasonable and proper. The provisions of this regulation shall not, however, abrogate in any sense Chapter 90, Section 14, of the General Laws (Ter. Ed.) 2 Date of Passage ___________________________ Board of Selectmen Attest _______________________________ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL SPEED REGULATION NO. 561 The Department of Public Works and the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, acting jointly do hereby certify that this regulation is consistent with public interest. Standard sign must be erected at the beginning of each zone. Date: September 14, 1970 By: _______________________ EDWARD J. RIBBS COMMISSIONER For Highway Engineering _____________________________ Registrar of Motor Vehicles 1 January 14, 1972 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPECIAL SPEED REGUALTIONS NO. 683 Highway Location GAY HEAD, CHILMARK, WEST TISBURY, TISBURY, OAK BLUFFS AND EDGARTOWN Authority in Control: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Name of Highway: Gay Head – South Road- Misc. St. Hwy. Chilmark “ “ “ “ “ West Tisbury- Vineyard Haven Road-Misc St. Hwy. Edgartown Road- Misc. St. Hwy. Tisbury – Vineyard Haven Road – South Main St. and Beach Road- Misc. St. Hwy. Oak Bluffs-Beach Road, Eastville Avenue, Temahigan Avenue, New York Ave. and Seaview AvenueMisc. St. Hwy. Edgartown-Seaview Avenue and Main Street-Misc. St. Hwy. West Tisbury-Misc. St. Hwy. In accordance with the provisions of Section 18 of Chapter 90 of the General Laws (Ter. Ed.) the following Special Speed Regulation is hereby promulgated: Special Speed Regulations numbered 111, 128, and 128A dated May 31, 1955, July 18, 1956 and January 27, 1965 respectively and hereby amended by striking out the Regulations in their entireties and inserting in place thereof the following revision. The following designated speed limits are established at which motor vehicles may be operated in the areas described. EASTBOUND- South Road, Vineyard Haven Road, South Main Street, Beach Road, Eastville Avenue, Temahigan Avenue, New York Ave., Seaview Avenue and Main Street Beginning in Gay Head at Lighthouse Road Thence easterly, 3.03 miles at 35 miles per hour to Chilmark Town line, Thence easterly 0.31 0.31 1.20 in Chilmark, miles at 35 miles per hour “ “ 30 “ “ “ “ “ 35 “ “ “ 2 0.23 0.81 0.37 1.11 0.93 1.02 miles “ “ “ “ “ at “ “ “ “ “ 25 30 35 40 35 40 miles per “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ hour “ “ “ “ “ to the West Tisbury town line, Thence easterly 0.15 0.84 0.62 0.24 0.54 2.96 in West Tisbury miles at 40 miles per “ “ 25 “ “ “ “ 40 “ “ “ “ 35 “ “ “ “ 30 “ “ “ “ 40 “ “ hour “ “ “ “ “ to the Tisbury town line, Thence easterly 0.80 1.07 0.41 0.44 0.46 in Tisbury miles at 40 “ “ 30 “ “ 20 “ “ 30 “ “ 40 miles per “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ hour “ “ “ “ to the Oak Bluffs town line, Thence easterly 0.09 0.25 0.39 0.23 0.23 0.25 0.43 in Oak Bluffs miles at 40 miles per “ “ 35 “ “ “ “ 20 “ “ “ “ 35 “ “ “ “ 20 “ “ “ “ 35 “ “ “ “ 30 “ “ hour “ “ “ “ “ “ to the end of State Highway. And beginning again in Oak Bluffs at the beginning of the State Highway, thence easterly in Oak Bluffs 0.59 miles at 30 miles per hour 1.18 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 1.19 “ “ 40 “ “ “ to the Edgartown town line, Thence easterly in Edgartown 1.86 miles at 40 miles per hour 0.38 “ “ 30 “ “ “ 0.22 “ “ 25 “ “ “ ending at the end of State Highway; the total distance being 26.64 miles. WESTBOUND – Main Street, Seaview Avenue, New York Avenue, Temahigan Avenue, Eastville Avenue, Beach Road, South Main Street, Vineyard Haven Road and South Road. Beginning in Edgartown at the beginning of State Highway, thence westerly 0.22 miles at 25 miles per hour 0.38 “ “ 30 “ “ “ 3 1.86 miles at 40 miles per hour to the Oak Bluffs line, Thence westerly 1.19 1.18 0.59 in Oak Bluffs miles at 40 miles per hour “ “ 35 “ “ “ “ “ 30 “ “ “ to the end of State Highway. And beginning again at the beginning of State Highway west of town, Thence westerly in Oak Bluffs 0.43 miles at 30 miles per hour 0.25 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.23 “ “ 20 “ “ “ 0.23 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.39 “ “ 20 “ “ “ 0.25 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.09 “ “ 40 “ “ “ to the Tisbury town line, Thence westerly 0.46 0.44 0.41 1.07 0.80 in Tisbury miles at 40 “ “ 30 “ “ 20 “ “ 30 “ “ 40 Thence westerly 2.96 0.54 0.24 0.62 0.84 0.15 in West Tisbury miles at 40 miles per “ “ 30 “ “ “ “ 35 “ “ “ “ 40 “ “ “ “ 25 “ “ “ “ 40 “ “ hour “ “ “ “ “ to the Chilmark town line, Thence westerly 1.02 0.93 1.11 0.87 0.81 0.23 1.20 1.31 0.31 in Chilmark miles at 40 “ “ 35 “ “ 40 “ “ 35 “ “ 30 “ “ 25 “ “ 35 “ “ 30 “ “ 35 hour “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ to the Gay Head town line, miles per “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ miles per “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ hour “ “ “ “ to the West Tisbury town line, Thence westerly in Gay Head 3.03 miles at 35 miles per hour 0.40 “ “ 20 “ “ “ ending at the end of State Highway; the total distance being 27.04 miles. 4 EASTBOUND – Edgartown Road and West Tisbury Road Beginning 215 feet east of South Road, Thence easterly in West Tisbury 0.21 miles at 25 miles per hour 0.68 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 2.31 “ “ 45 “ “ “ 0.11 “ “ 35 “ “ “ to the Edgartown town line, Thence easterly in Edgartown 0.11 miles at 25 miles per hour 0.32 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.10 “ “ 45 “ “ “ 3.09 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.87 “ “ 45 “ “ “ 0.29 “ “ 35 “ “ “ ending at the end of State Highway; the total distance being 8.09 miles. WESTBOUND – West Tisbury Road and Edgartown Road Beginning 48 feet west of the beginning of State Highway, Thence westerly in Edgartown 0.28 miles at 20 miles per hour 0.87 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 3.09 “ “ 45 “ “ “ 0.10 “ “ 35 “ “ “ 0.32 “ “ 45 “ “ “ 0.11 “ “ 35 “ “ “ to the West Tisbury town line, Thence westerly in West Tisbury 0.11 miles at 35 miles per 2.31 “ “ 45 “ “ 0.68 “ “ 35 “ “ 0.25 “ “ 25 “ “ total distance being 8.12 miles. hour “ “ “ ending at South Road; the Operation of a motor vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of these limits shall be prima facie evidence that such speed is greater than is reasonable and proper. The Department of Public Works and the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, acting jointly do hereby certify in writing, that this regulation is consistent with the public interest. 5 Standard signs must be erected at the beginning of each zone. FOR THE DEPARTMENT DATE: January 14, 1972 BY: _________________________ BRUCE CAMPBELL COMMISSIONER _________________________ For Highway Engineering _________________________ ___________________________ Registrar of Motor Vehicles 1 October 22, 1975 TOWN OF TISBURY SPECIAL SPEED REGUALTIONS NO. 683-B Highway Location TISBURY Authority in Control: COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Name of Highway: Vineyard Haven Road In accordance with the provisions of Section 18 Chapter 90 of the General Laws (Ter. Ed.) the following Special Speed Regulation is hereby promulgated: Special Speed Regulations Number 683 dated January 14, 1972, is hereby amended in the Town of Tisbury s follows. The following designated speed limits are established at which motor vehicles may be operated in the areas described: TISBURY-EASTBOUND By striking out the clause reading 0.80 miles at 40 miles per hour 1.07 “ “ 30 “ “ “ And inserting in place thereof 0.56 miles at 40 miles per hour 1.31 “ “ 30 “ “ “ TISBURY-WESTBOUND By striking out the clause reading 1.07 miles at 30 miles per hour 0.80 “ “ 40 “ “ “ And inserting in place thereof 1.31 miles at 30 miles per hour 0.56 “ “ 40 “ “ “ Operation of a motor vehicle at a rate of speed in excess of these limits shall be prima facie evidence that such speed is greater than is reasonable and proper. The provisions of this regulation shall not, however, abrogate in any sense Section 14 of Chapter 90. 2 The Department of Public Works and the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, acting jointly do hereby certify that this regulation is consistent with public interest. Standard sign must be erected at the beginning of each zone. Date: October 22, 1975 FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Traffic Engineer _____________________________ Registrar of Motor Vehicles Road Safety Audit—State Road at Look Street/ Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road, Tisbury, MA Prepared by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Appendix E. MassDOT Count Data Intersection: Count Date: Project Name: Subject: State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Job: September 30, 2014 Sheet No: Tisbury RSA Calc. By: 2014 AM Volume Condition Checked By: 70 MAX-2010020.25 2 of 3 NAR Date: 10/8/2014 Date: 60 AM PEAK HOUR: 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM N Look Street % HV PHF 432 0% 3% 462 4% 0.83 0% 1 54 15 PHF 0.85 2% PHF 3 18 290 237 169 152 State Road State Road Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road % HV 0% 194 4% 375 39 0.95 3% 200 4% 433 PHF % HV % HV 22% 0.90 407 4% 0% 505 Intersection: Count Date: Project Name: Subject: State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road September 30, 2014 Tisbury RSA 2014 PM Volume Condition 76 MAX-2010020.25 3 of NAR Date: Date: Job: Sheet No: Calc. By: Checked By: 3 10/8/2014 56 PM PEAK HOUR: 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM N State Road % HV PHF % HV 0% 0% 547 2% 2% 0.73 0% 4 60 12 PHF 0.92 PHF 7 15 313 305 227 153 Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road State Road Look Street 530 0% 221 2% 440 34 0.92 0% 139 4% 394 PHF % HV % HV 0% 0.85 473 1% 1% 464 GPI Turning Movement Count Reduction Form Volumes as Counted Intersection: State Road at Look Street/Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Count Date: September 30, 2014 Project Name: Tisbury RSA Subject: Volumes as Counted NOTE: 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 L 1 1 5 4 2 4 T 16 17 13 15 9 17 Southbound Look Street Truck 15 min Sum to R Count Summary Hours 1 1 18 0 0 18 0 0 18 1 1 20 74 0 0 11 67 0 1 21 70 14:00 14:15 14:30 14:45 15:00 15:15 15:30 15:45 16:00 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 6 5 3 3 2 2 2 6 6 1 7 1 3 3 4 4 15 5 6 19 7 11 6 9 8 20 9 9 22 7 15 8 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 Start Time Sum to Morning Max: Sum to Evening Max: 2 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 23 13 12 23 9 13 8 17 14 22 17 11 26 10 20 13 71 57 57 53 47 52 61 70 64 76 64 67 69 L 25 27 38 44 30 40 40 39 22 30 45 37 33 30 19 33 45 33 42 27 27 21 Job: Sheet No: Calc. By: Checked By: MAX-2010020.25 1 of 3 NAR Date: 10/8/2014 Date: T 40 45 66 67 44 60 Westbound State Road Truck 15 min Sum to R Count Summary Hours 2 1 67 1 0 73 5 5 109 2 1 113 362 5 3 79 374 6 4 106 407 Northbound Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Truck 15 min Sum to L T R Count Summary Hours 32 0 16 3 48 63 3 40 4 106 52 5 50 1 107 49 19 38 3 106 367 44 8 54 8 106 425 49 7 58 5 114 433 L 0 0 1 1 0 1 T 42 63 83 70 48 89 Eastbound Overall State Road Truck 15 min Sum to Sum to R Count Summary Hours Hours 52 4 94 44 2 107 43 2 127 33 1 104 432 1235 47 3 95 433 1299 46 6 136 462 1372 68 82 74 59 68 79 76 79 70 71 72 100 62 42 59 48 3 6 4 3 4 7 5 3 2 3 2 6 4 1 3 6 54 62 55 46 47 54 41 44 41 52 44 63 62 43 44 38 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 1 0 4 83 79 63 96 103 70 80 84 67 72 79 85 77 65 66 42 46 39 42 45 50 75 57 51 42 48 70 48 61 53 55 45 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 3 1 3 0 111 127 100 92 117 123 114 112 91 107 119 139 108 70 89 75 430 436 432 446 466 440 424 429 456 473 436 406 342 8 7 8 5 3 3 1 5 4 11 8 8 7 11 16 10 45 40 48 24 34 39 34 31 21 44 34 35 26 25 17 36 1 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 2 5 1 2 0 3 0 107 109 111 75 84 96 76 80 66 107 86 106 95 79 77 84 402 379 366 331 336 318 329 339 365 394 366 357 335 1 2 0 3 6 5 0 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 3 1 131 119 105 141 153 146 137 135 109 124 149 133 141 119 121 91 496 518 545 577 571 527 505 517 515 547 542 514 472 1399 1390 1400 1407 1420 1337 1319 1355 1400 1490 1408 1344 1218 1372 1490 Morning Peak Hour 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 Total Trucks during Pk Truck % PHF (Approach) L 5 4 2 4 15 0 0% T 13 15 9 17 54 2 4% 0.83 Southbound Look Street Truck 15 min Sum to R Count Summary Hours L 0 0 18 38 1 1 20 44 0 0 11 30 0 1 21 70 40 1 2 152 0 0 0% 0% Westbound State Road Truck 15 min Sum to T R Count Summary Hours 66 5 5 109 67 2 1 113 44 5 3 79 60 6 4 106 407 237 18 13 9 4 4% 22% 0.90 Northbound Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Truck 15 min Sum to L T R Count Summary Hours 52 5 50 1 107 49 19 38 3 106 44 8 54 8 106 49 7 58 5 114 433 194 39 200 17 8 1 8 4% 3% 4% 0.95 L 1 1 0 1 3 0 0% T 83 70 48 89 290 8 3% 0.85 Eastbound Overall State Road Truck 15 min Sum to Sum to R Count Summary Hours Hours 43 2 127 0 33 1 104 0 47 3 95 0 46 6 136 462 1372 169 12 4 2% Evening Peak Hour 16:15 16:30 16:45 17:00 Total Trucks during Pk Truck % PHF (Approach) L 1 7 1 3 12 0 0% T 20 9 9 22 60 1 2% 0.73 Southbound Look Street Truck 15 min Sum to R Count Summary Hours L 1 0 22 33 1 0 17 45 1 1 11 33 1 0 26 76 42 4 1 153 0 2 0% 1% T 71 72 100 62 305 3 1% 0.85 Westbound State Road Truck 15 min Sum to R Count Summary Hours 3 0 107 2 1 119 6 1 139 4 3 108 473 15 5 0 0% Northbound Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Truck 15 min Sum to L T R Count Summary Hours L 52 11 44 2 107 4 44 8 34 5 86 0 63 8 35 1 106 0 62 7 26 2 95 394 3 221 34 139 10 7 5 0 5 0 2% 0% 4% 0% 0.92 T 72 79 85 77 313 1 0% 0.92 Eastbound Overall State Road Truck 15 min Sum to Sum to R Count Summary Hours Hours 48 2 124 0 70 1 149 0 48 2 133 0 61 0 141 547 1490 227 5 4 2%