ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Fall River Avenue (Route 114A) at Arcade Avenue and Mill Road Town of Seekonk July 3, 2012 Prepared For: MassDOT Highway Division Prepared By: BETA Group, Inc. Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table of Contents Project Data .................................................................................................................................1 Background .................................................................................................................................2 Project Description .....................................................................................................................2 Audit Observations .....................................................................................................................7 Potential Safety Enhancements ...............................................................................................10 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................14 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Speed Regulations Traffic Count Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Location Map ......................................................................................................................... 3 Location Detail ....................................................................................................................... 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 10 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 15 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Project Data A Road Safety Audit for the intersection of Fall River Avenue (Route 114A), Arcade Avenue and Mill Road was held on June 5, 2012 at the Town Hall in Seekonk, MA. As indicated in Table 1, the audit team consisted of representatives from State, Regional and Local agencies and included a cross-section of engineering, planning and emergency response expertise. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Bonnie Polin MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division – Safety Section Bill Travers MassDOT Highway Division – District 5 Project Development Barbara LaChance MassDOT Highway Division – District 5 Traffic Kyle Costa MassDOT Highway Division – District 5 Project Development Jim Noyes Greenman Pedersen (Design Engineer) Pamela Nolan Town Administrator – Town of Seekonk Bob McLintock Selectman – Town of Seekonk Ron Charron Police Chief – Town of Seekonk David Cabral Town Engineer – Town of Seekonk Robert Lamoureux DPW Superintendent – Town of Seekonk Alan Jack Fire Chief – Town of Seekonk Christopher Cardaci SRPEDD Lisa Estrela-Pedro SRPEDD Lisa Juan MassDOT Highway Division – Traffic Susie Barnes MassDOT Highway Division – Traffic Greg Lucas BETA Group, Inc. Christine Keches BETA Group, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Background The Federal Highway Administration defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. A Road Safety Audit was scheduled for the intersection of Fall River Avenue (Route 114A), Arcade Avenue and Mill Road as required by MassDOT Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) guidelines. The intersection has been identified as a high crash location in the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) and is scheduled to be reconstructed in 2015 by the MassDOT Highway Division potentially using HSIP funds (Project File No. 602615). 25% design plans for the project were submitted to MassDOT in 2010, and the general scope of the proposed improvements was discussed at the audit. The RSA is intended to identify potential short and long term safety improvements that can be made at the intersection, which can then be incorporated into the planned reconstruction project to the greatest extent practicable. The audit was conducted and the draft report prepared prior to a fire on June 24, 2012 that destroyed the Old Grist Mill restaurant on the corner of Fall River Avenue (Route 114A) and Arcade Avenue. Recommendations related to the Old Grist Mill building and property are left intact, with additional remarks added in bold. Future reconstruction or redevelopment of the property should consider and incorporate these recommendations. Project Description The intersection of Fall River Avenue (Route 114A), Arcade Avenue and Mill Road, shown in Figure 1, is located in the southwestern portion of the Town of Seekonk. Fall River Avenue and Arcade Avenue are both functionally classified as an Urban Principal Arterial, while Mill Road is classified as a local road. Fall River Avenue is under MassDOT jurisdiction, while both Arcade Avenue and Mill Road are under local jurisdiction. Fall River Avenue (Route 114A) is generally a north-south roadway running essentially parallel to Route 114, with major intersections Arcade Avenue approaching with US Route 44 and US Route 6, and an Mill Road and Fall River Avenue interchange with I-195. Route 114A also runs essentially parallel with the MassachusettsRhode Island state line; while the majority of Route 114A is in Seekonk, its connections to Route 114 are both in East Providence, RI and the entirety of Route 114 in this area is in Rhode Island. Route 114A and its immediate access to major east-west routes provides access to Providence, RI to the west and Fall River, New Bedford and ultimately Cape Cod to the east. Arcade Avenue is a north-south roadway intersecting with US 44 north of Fall River Avenue and ultimately terminating at Route 152 to the north, Page 2 AR C AD EA VE NU E UE V EN RA ) IVE 11 4A LR E F A L R OU T ( ³ OLD GRIST MILL L R O AD WL ST RE Y T D ET C NT OU E RE ST AN OD TTS SE HU D SAC L AN E IS HO S MA RH FALL RIVE R AVENUE (R OUTE 11 4A ) M IL LEGEND Study Intersection 0 300 600 1,200 Feet Fall River Avenue (Rte 114A) at Arcade Avenue & Mill Road Figure 1 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT SEEKONK, MA Location Map Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. which provides access to Attleboro. Mill Road provides access to residential areas south and east of the study intersection. It was noted during the audit that Mill Road serves as a cut-through for drivers familiar with the area, who use it to bypass the busy intersection of Fall River Avenue and County Street, also known as Luther’s Corner, located approximately ½ mile south of Mill Road. Southbound drivers will turn onto Mill Road and use it to access County Street, then continue west on County Street before turning back onto Fall River Avenue southbound. Some drivers will continue across County Street to Howland Street and cut through a residential development to access Fall River Avenue south of County Street. It was noted that a gate has been provided at this residential development to prevent cut-throughs, but that the gate is typically left open. The intersection of Fall River Avenue and Arcade Avenue is a three-legged intersection with Arcade Avenue under STOP control. Although Route 114A is a north-south roadway, the southbound approach of Fall River Avenue approaches Arcade Avenue in an easterly direction, then sweeps through a horizontal curve to continue southbound. The alignment of Arcade Avenue and the southern leg of Fall River Avenue essentially form a continuous roadway that may create confusion for drivers unfamiliar with the intersection by making it difficult for northbound drivers to differentiate the main road from the minor. Mill Road intersects Arcade Avenue from the east approximately 65 feet north of the stop line for Arcade Avenue at Fall River Avenue, and a short extension of Mill Road connects Arcade Avenue and Fall River Avenue along the edge of the Old Grist Mill restaurant parking area. This Mill Road connector roadway is approximately 85 feet in length and provides access from Fall River Avenue north of the intersection to Mill Road, Arcade Avenue and the Old Grist Mill. The connector roadway forms a 4-way intersection with Mill Road and Arcade Avenue, with Mill Road and the connector under STOP control. A triangular grass island separates Fall River Avenue, the Mill Road connector, and Arcade Avenue. Post-mounted flashing beacons are provided within the island. The intersection geometry is shown in Figure 2 below. Figure 2. Location Detail Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Land use in the area is a mix of commercial and residential. The Old Grist Mill Tavern is located on the northwest corner of the intersection, with two driveway openings along Arcade Avenue and open pavement between the south edge of the parking area and the Mill Road connector roadway. It was noted that drivers cut through the Old Grist Mill parking area when queues exist on Arcade Avenue southbound. Mill Road is exclusively residential, and residential homes are the primary land use along Arcade Avenue north of the intersection and along Fall River Avenue south of the intersection. A culvert carrying the Runnins River crosses under Fall River Avenue immediately north of the intersection, connecting to a large water body behind the Old Grist Mill property. The land adjacent to the Runnins River on the southwest side of Fall River Avenue is conservation land. Pedestrian facilities in the vicinity of the intersection are limited to a sidewalk along the east side of Arcade Avenue north of the intersection. No crosswalks are provided along Fall River Avenue or Mill Road, and no crosswalks are provided at the intersection. Crash data were provided by the Seekonk Police Department and summarized by MassDOT, showing a total of 49 reported and police documented crashes at the intersection(s) within the period from January 2009 to December 2011. Crashes documented by operators only were not reviewed. The crash summary shows that 65% of the crashes were angle crashes. A closer review of the collision diagram shows that 24 angle crashes occurred at the intersection of Arcade Avenue and Mill Road. Seventeen of the 24 crashes occurred between an eastbound vehicle crossing Arcade Avenue and a vehicle traveling north on Arcade Avenue. These crashes may be the result of visibility constraints created by intersection geometry or queued vehicles, or may be the result of excessive speed from northbound vehicles. Drivers crossing Arcade Avenue may also misjudge the intended direction of a northbound vehicle, and assume it is traveling along Fall River Avenue when it instead continues straight along Arcade Avenue. Finally, drivers may be confused over traffic control at the intersection, and may assume that an approaching driver on Arcade Avenue has to stop. The seven additional angle crashes at this intersection may also be the result of visibility constraints created by queued vehicles, confusion over traffic control, or misjudging the speed or intended direction of an approaching vehicle. Five angle crashes occurred at the stop-controlled Arcade Avenue approach to Fall River Avenue. Three of these crashes occurred during the evening peak and may be the result of a frustrated driver taking a chance on an unacceptable gap. Visibility constraints created by the horizontal alignment of Fall River Avenue may be a factor in all five crashes. Four angle crashes occurred where the Mill Road connector intersects Fall River Avenue near the Old Grist Mill driveway. Two of these crashes involved a vehicle exiting the Old Grist Mill and may be caused by visibility constraints created by the curvature of Fall River Avenue and the proximity of the Old Grist Mill building to the roadway. The other two crashes involved a vehicle turning left either into the Old Grist Mill or onto the Mill Road connector, and may also be caused by visibility constraints. 22% of the crashes at the intersection were rear-end crashes. Four of these crashes occurred southbound on Fall River Avenue, and may be the result of vehicles coming upon stopped vehicles unexpectedly. Vehicles are stopped because of queuing and delay spilling back from Luther’s Corner approximately ½ mile to the south, and approaching vehicles cannot see stopped vehicles due to the limited visibility created by the curve and the vegetation along the inside of the curve. Two rear-end crashes occurred along the southbound Arcade Avenue approach, both during peak periods. A crash summary and collision diagram are included in the Appendix. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. The intersection ranks 42nd on SRPEDD’s list of the 100 Most Dangerous Intersections in Southeastern Massachusetts from 2006 to 2008. This ranking is based on the number of crashes which can be georeferenced to a cluster area around the intersection. This cluster area experienced 43 crashes in the three year period. The ranking is based on a weighted system which calculates the Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) rating of the intersection. Fatal crashes are weighted 10 times and injury crashes are weighted 5 times. There were no fatal crashes at the intersection in the period. Speed regulations maintained by MassDOT Highway Division establish a 45 MPH speed limit for Arcade Avenue north of the intersection, with a 25 MPH speed zone on the southbound approach. Complete speed regulations are included in the Appendix. Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) counts and Manual Turning Movement (MTM) counts were provided by SRPEDD and are included in the Appendix. Data were recorded in June 2010 at the intersection. Arcade Avenue carries 11,200 vehicles per day (vpd), while Fall River Avenue carries 14,000 vpd north of Arcade Avenue and 21,500 vpd south of Arcade Avenue and Mill Road, which carries 2,200 vpd. MTM data reveal that the AM peak hour occurred from 7:15 AM to 8:15 AM, and the PM peak hour occurred from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. During the AM peak hour, there were 386 vehicles traveling along Fall River Avenue southbound through the intersection, with 341 vehicles traveling south on Arcade Avenue onto Fall River Avenue southbound. In the northbound direction, there were 499 vehicles following Fall River Avenue northbound and 363 vehicles continuing north along Arcade Avenue. During the PM peak hour, there were 562 vehicles traveling along Fall River Avenue southbound through the intersection, with 290 vehicles traveling south on Arcade Avenue onto Fall River Avenue southbound. In the northbound direction, there were 522 vehicles following Fall River Avenue northbound and 471 vehicles continuing north along Arcade Avenue. Complete traffic count data are included in the Appendix. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Audit Observations Following a brief introduction to the RSA process and a summary of existing geometry, crash and speed regulation information, the audit participants were asked to discuss safety issues at the intersection of Fall River Avenue, Arcade Avenue and Mill Road. Audit participants then conducted a site visit as a group, at which time they offered observations on safety concerns and deficiencies. A summary of those major safety considerations is as follows: Geometry – A number of safety issues related to the unique geometry and control of the intersection were discussed. o Left turns from Fall River Avenue southbound to Mill Road encounter multiple challenges while traveling through the intersection. Visibility of approaching northbound traffic on Fall River Avenue is constrained by the horizontal curvature of the roadway, and may be further constrained by overgrowth of vegetation along the western edge of Fall River Avenue. This may be a factor in angle Southbound visibility restricted by horizontal curve crashes turning from Fall and growth along edge of roadway River Avenue and entering/exiting the Old Grist Mill restaurant. Drivers may also encounter visibility constraints created by queued southbound vehicles when crossing Arcade Avenue, especially during peak periods. It was noted that a stopped southbound vehicle may leave room for a vehicle to cross Arcade Avenue and wave the crossing driver ahead. The crossing driver cuts through the southbound queue only to be struck by a northbound vehicle which was not visible to the crossing driver. This may be a factor in the high number of angle crashes at the intersection of Arcade Avenue and Mill Road. o The configuration of the intersection results in no discernible “turn” from the northbound Fall River Avenue approach to Arcade Avenue. As a result, vehicles navigate this movement with little to no reduction in speed. The vehicle then carries that speed through the intersection with Mill Road, which may be a factor in the high number of angle crashes at that intersection. Vehicles crossing Arcade Avenue may misjudge the speed of approaching vehicles. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. o Vehicles turning from Fall River Avenue southbound as well as vehicles waiting at the Arcade Avenue southbound stop-controlled approach must judge acceptable gaps in northbound traffic. The speed of approaching northbound traffic as well as the unique geometry of the intersection challenges to this task. This may be a factor in crashes involving turning vehicles. It should be noted that on the day of the audit, a significant percentage of traffic continuing north on Arcade Avenue from Fall River Avenue northbound were observed using their right directional signal, even though this movement is essentially straight. Local officials noted that most approaching drivers use their directional, especially when a vehicle is waiting to turn onto Fall River Avenue from Arcade Avenue. o The horizontal curvature and vegetation growth noted above may also be a factor in rear-end crashes between southbound vehicles on Fall River Avenue. It was noted that these types of crashes typically happen during peak periods when southbound traffic is stopped, and an approaching driver is not aware of the stopped condition due to the geometric and vegetation constraints. Visibility – In addition to the visibility constraints created by geometry discussed above, additional safety issues related to visibility were discussed at the audit. o The Old Grist Mill building is located very close to the roadway and may create visibility constraints for vehicles turning to and from the Mill Road connector roadway. Vegetation along the building at the north edge of Route 114A west of the property may compound visibility concerns. This may be a factor in angle crashes turning from Fall River Avenue and entering/exiting the Old Grist Mill driveway. Reconstruction or redevelopment plans should provide additional separation between the building and roadway. Old Grist Mill building and o Landscaping along the edge of the Old landscaping Grist Mill parking area on the west side of Arcade Avenue may create visibility constraints for eastbound vehicles crossing or turning onto Arcade Avenue and the Mill Road connector roadway. o The location of the post-mounted flashing beacon creates an additional visibility constraint for vehicles stopped on the Arcade Avenue approach. This may be a factor in angle crashes at this location. Pavement Markings – The double yellow center line (DYCL) for Fall River Avenue has breaks to allow crossing traffic to/from the Mill Road connector roadway and Arcade Avenue. The straight DYCL on the south end of the curve ends before the curve begins, which potentially adds to confusion regarding traffic control and defined right-of-way. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Signage – The stop sign for the Mill Road connector eastbound approach is faded and may not be visible to approaching vehicles, especially at night. 22% of crashes occurred at night, including angle crashes at the Mill Road/Arcade Avenue intersection. Traffic Congestion – Congestion along the busy Fall River Avenue and Arcade Avenue corridor may contribute to safety issues during peak periods. Faded Stop Sign at o Queuing can spill back to Arcade Avenue from Mill Road eastbound the intersection of Fall River Avenue and County Street, also known as Luther’s Corner, approximately ½ mile to the south. This queuing may be a factor in rear-end crashes at the intersection of Fall River Avenue and Arcade Avenue, in conjunction with visibility restrictions previously discussed. o It was noted that left turns are restricted at Luther’s Corner from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This may cause an increase in turns onto Mill Road from both Fall River Avenue and Arcade Avenue, which may be of concern given the safety issues already discussed related to turns to and from Mill Road. o The Old Grist Mill restaurant driveways and open parking area provide an opportunity for aggressive drivers to enter the north end of the property from Arcade Avenue and use the parking area to bypass queued vehicles on Arcade Avenue southbound. It was noted that queues can extend the length of the Old Grist Mill property during peak periods. Vehicles cut through the parking area then turn left onto the Mill Road connector and continue to their destination, either crossing to Mill Road eastbound or turning onto Arcade Avenue further along in the queue. Especially aggressive drivers may exit the parking lot directly onto Fall River Avenue and continue southbound. This is a potential safety concern given previously stated concerns regarding vehicles entering and exiting Mill Road and the Old Grist Mill parking area. Old Grist Mill Deliveries – It was noted that delivery vehicles stop on Fall River Avenue and deliver to the back side of the building on the west side of the property. This may further exacerbate visibility concerns for vehicles exiting the Old Grist Mill driveway and the Mill Road connector roadway. Although this was not observed on the day of the audit, it is captured in satellite imagery available for this location, as seen at right. Reconstruction or redevelopment plans should provide delivery access via the parking lot. Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodation – Although not specifically cited as a safety concern, it was noted that no pedestrian or bicycle accommodation is presently provided at the study intersection. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements After the site visit, audit participants returned to the meeting location, where the audit team was asked to discuss the safety issues and consider improvements. Audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long term improvements for each issue. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-term <1 year Costs Low Mid-term 1–3 years Medium Long-term >3 years High <$10,000 $10,000–$50,000 >$50,000 The following improvements were suggested by audit participants to improve safety issues associated with the intersection of Fall River Avenue (Route 114A), Arcade Avenue and Mill Road. Reconstruct the intersection with a traffic signal or roundabout. As previously discussed, the intersection is scheduled for reconstruction in 2015, potentially using HSIP funds. The feasibility of both a traffic signal installation and a roundabout were discussed by the audit team. It was noted that a roundabout design was developed at the conceptual level early in the project development process, but that the Town of Seekonk preferred the traffic signal option which was included in the 25% design. The Town may wish to reconsider the roundabout option following the fire at the Old Grist Mill. The proposed design included in the 25% submission creates a T-intersection between Arcade Avenue and Fall River Avenue, with Arcade Avenue intersecting Fall River Avenue essentially in the center of the horizontal curve. This will maximize visibility of Arcade Avenue without significant realignment of Fall River Avenue or impacts to the conservation land west of Fall River Avenue. It was noted that the current design concept restricts left turns from Mill Road onto Arcade Avenue. The design eliminates the connector roadway adjacent to the Old Grist Mill parking area; vehicles turning from Fall River Avenue to Mill Road or the Old Grist Mill will turn onto Arcade Avenue, and then turn for their intended destination. Eliminating the confusing geometry of the existing intersection will address the high number of angle crashes at the intersection. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. Realign Arcade Avenue to create a defined turn between Fall River Avenue northbound and Arcade Avenue. The straight alignment between these two roadways and potential confusion over traffic control and right-of-way was cited as a safety issue. The realignment of Arcade Avenue currently included in the proposed design will eliminate this confusion and force northbound vehicles to reduce speed before turning right onto Arcade Avenue. This is a long-term, high cost improvement that is incorporated into the overall improvements planned at the intersection. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Consider illuminated Red Signal Ahead and/or Stopped Vehicles Ahead signs. Audit participants expressed concern that even with realignment of the Arcade Avenue approach, the horizontal curve which is essentially to be retained still restricts visibility and awareness of the intersection for approaching vehicles. Illuminated Red Signal Ahead signs located on Fall River Avenue would alert drivers both to the presence and current indication of the proposed traffic signal. This, however, does not directly address the occurrence of rear-end crashes where a vehicle unexpectedly encounters queued traffic from the Luther’s Corner intersection ½ mile to the south. The designer may consider dynamic “Stopped Vehicles Ahead” signage activated by a queue detector, which would alert approaching drivers of stopped traffic beyond the horizontal curve. This is a long-term, medium cost improvement. Provide protection against overgrowth along the western edge of Fall River Avenue through the intersection. Town of Seekonk personnel stated that the Town typically submits a request to MassDOT to trim vegetation in this area during peak growth periods. It was suggested that the planned reconstruction project should take steps to control overgrowth. The project includes removal of vegetation and construction of a retaining wall offset 4 feet from the back of curb. The retaining wall should keep weeds and small brush from restricting a driver’s visibility, although tree trimming may still be required. This is a long-term, medium cost improvement that is incorporated into the overall improvements planned at the intersection. Proposed improvements should be reviewed to ensure that the proposed wall does not exacerbate visibility concerns. Trim landscaping along Fall River Avenue west of the Old Grist Mill building. Shrubs and small trees in this area were noted to be a visibility concern for vehicles exiting the Old Grist Mill and the Mill Road connector roadway. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that addresses a safety issue that may be a factor in crashes involving turning vehicles. The location of the building was also cited as a visibility concern, but removal or relocation of the building, which was built in the 1700’s, is unlikely. Relocate post-mounted red flashing beacon. The beacon in the island separating Fall River Avenue, Arcade Avenue and the Mill Road connector is located such that it creates a visibility concern for vehicles attempting to continue onto Fall River Avenue southbound from Arcade Avenue southbound. This beacon should be moved further back on the approach so that it is still clearly visible for approaching traffic but is not in the sight line for a vehicle stopped at the stop line on the Arcade Avenue approach. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Extend the double yellow centerline into the curve on Fall River Avenue and add dotted extensions through the intersection. The existing DYCL ends before the curve begins, which may add to confusion regarding right-of-way and traffic control. This DYCL could be extended into the curved section of the roadway while still maintaining an adequate break in the DYCL for vehicles turning from Arcade Avenue, and both the DYCL and edge line should be extended with dotted extensions through the intersection. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Replace STOP sign on the Mill Road connector eastbound approach, and check other STOP signs for adequate retro-reflectivity. The existing STOP sign is faded and may not be visible at night. Other STOP signs at the intersection should be checked with a retro-reflectivity meter or by a trained expert to determine the need for replacement. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Provide an R10-7 Do Not Block Intersection sign and markings on Arcade Avenue at Mill Road. Queuing of southbound vehicles is a noted issue during peak periods, which creates a visibility issue for vehicles crossing to and from Mill Road. Providing a “Do Not Block Intersection” sign on the Arcade Avenue southbound approach will alert drivers of the need to keep the intersection area clear. The addition of pavement markings in accordance with Figure 3B-18 of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) may provide additional guidance for approaching motorists. If pavement markings are provided, paint is recommended instead of thermoplastic due to concerns over braking friction. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Enforce speed at and in the vicinity of the intersection. Police enforcement carries no additional cost, but will result in decreased enforcement elsewhere in the Town. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Work with the community to close the gate in the residential development on Howland Street southeast of the study intersection. This will prevent cut-through traffic from using Mill Road and other residential streets to bypass the busy Fall River Avenue corridor. This may also reduce the number of vehicles crossing Arcade Avenue at Mill Road, which may in turn reduce crashes at this location. This is a short-term, no cost improvement that requires coordination with the owner and/or management entity responsible for the gate’s operation. Close the driveway opening on the south edge of the Old Grist Mill parking lot. The Old Grist Mill has two driveways along Arcade Avenue that provide adequate access to the property. Closing the driveway on the south edge of the parking lot will eliminate visibility concerns entering and exiting the driveway, while also eliminating the option to cut through the parking area to avoid queued traffic on Arcade Avenue southbound. This is a short-term, low cost improvement that should be implemented in advance of the proposed improvements, but should also be made permanent as part of the proposed improvements. Remove shrubs and vegetation along the western edge of Arcade Avenue bordering the Old Grist Mill property. Removal of vegetation will improve sightlines and will address angle crashes due to visibility at the intersection of Arcade Avenue and Mill Road. This is a short-term, low cost improvement. Provide a sidewalk connection between existing sidewalks on the east side of Fall River Avenue and on the east side of Arcade Avenue. Sidewalk should be included as part of the proposed project to provide a continuous path between these two sections of sidewalk. It should be noted that no additional sidewalk is provided today or is currently proposed as part of planned improvements. This is a long-term, medium cost improvement that should be included in planned improvements. Provide bicycle accommodation along Fall River Avenue within the project limits. Improvements planned at the intersection should include a minimum 4’ shoulder, which meets state standards for bicycle accommodation. This is a long-term, high cost improvement. Consider coordination between the proposed signal at Arcade Avenue and existing signals at Luther’s Corner. The MUTCD suggests that “traffic control signals within 1/2 mile of one another along a major route or in a network of intersecting major routes should be coordinated, preferably with interconnected controller units.” Planned improvements should consider the feasibility of coordination, as it may help control southbound queues along Fall River Avenue. This is a long-term, low cost improvement that should be included in planned improvements. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 3 summarizes potential recommendations discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are categorized based on the potential safety payoff, as well as by time frame and cost. The safety payoff is a qualitative judgment of the effectiveness of the potential safety improvements. Each recommendation has a responsibility assigned to it stating whether MassDOT or the Town of Seekonk would be responsible for implementing the recommended improvement. “Project” refers to improvements that are assumed to be included or could reasonably be accommodated as part of planned improvements at the intersection. Costs provided for “Project” improvements are an order of magnitude estimate which estimates the cost of the improvement if completed independent of the project. Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Geometry, Visibility, Reconstruct the intersection with a traffic signal or Traffic Congestion roundabout. Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Included in 25% Plans? MassDOT High Long-term TBD Yes (signal) Geometry, Visibility Realign Arcade Avenue to create a defined turn between Fall River Avenue northbound and Arcade Avenue. MassDOT High Long-term * Yes Visibility Consider illuminated Red Signal Ahead and/or Stopped Vehicles Ahead signs. MassDOT High Long-term $20,000 No Visibility Provide protection against overgrowth along the western edge of Fall River Avenue through the intersection. The project includes a wall along this section; designer should review to ensure that it does not exacerbate visibility concerns. MassDOT High Long-term * Yes Visibility Trim landscaping along Fall River Avenue west of the Old Grist Mill building. MassDOT Medium Short-term $1,000 N/A Visibility Relocate post-mounted red flashing beacon. MassDOT Medium Short-term $5,000 N/A MassDOT Medium Short-term $2,500 N/A Extend the double yellow center line into the curve on Fall Pavement Markings River Avenue and add dotted extension lines for center line and edge line. Signage Replace the STOP sign on the Mill Road connector eastbound approach, and check other STOP signs for adequate retro-reflectivity. Town Medium Short-term $1,000 N/A Traffic Congestion Provide R10-7 ―Do N ot Block Intersection‖ sign and markings on Arcade Avenue at Mill Road. Town High Short-term $2,500 N/A N/A Speeding Enforce speed at and in the vicinity of the intersection. Town Medium Short-term $0 (Reduced enforcement elsewhere) Traffic Congestion Work with the community to close the gate in the residential development on Howland Street southeast of the study intersection. Town Low Short-term $0 N/A Geometry, Traffic Congestion Close the driveway opening on the south edge of the Old Grist Mill parking lot. Town (Short-term) MassDOT (Long- High Short-term $1,000 Yes term) Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Safety Enhancement Responsibility Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Included in 25% Plans? Town Medium Short-term $2,000 N/A Visibility Remove shrubs and vegetation along the west edge of Arcade Avenue bordering the Old Grist Mill property. Pedestrian Accommodation Provide a sidewalk connection between existing sidewalks on the east side of Fall River Avenue and the east side of Arcade Avenue. MassDOT Low Long-term * Yes Bicycle Accommodation Provide 4’ (min.) shoulders to provide bicycle accommodation along Fall River Avenue within the project limits. MassDOT Medium Long-term * Yes Traffic Congestion Consider coordination between the proposed signal at Arcade Avenue and existing signals at Luther’s Corner. MassDOT Medium Long-term * No * Improvements to be incorporated into the proposed project are assumed to be included as part of the overall project cost. Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data •~;rl!l?l~!QQ[ I ~ghway Division COLLISION DIAGRAM DATE PREPARED: CITYfTOWN: . . ;S. . ;e. .: .e. .: .ko:. ;.n. .: .k"-,' -M'-A'-------­ REGION : SPREDD PREPARED BY: ROADWAY NAMES: TIME PERIOD ANALYZED : May-12 D. Caiazzo Fall River Avenue (Route 114A) and Arcade Avenue January 2009- December 2011 SOURCE OF CRASH REPORTS: Seekonk Police Department North TYPES OF CRASH SYMBOLS Moving Vehicle (((~~o ________ .,. ---+~ ---+1 ............... 1 -+D Backing Vehicle Non-Involved Vehicle Pedestrian Parked Vehicle Fixed Object ---+6><6 Bicycle -+'X:TP Animal SEVERITY Head On ___J ~ ++---­ Ill Turning Move .. =v=: cs cs cs Angle .... Rear End Sideswipe Out of Control 0 Injury Accident 0 Fatal Accident Crash Data Summary Table Intersection Arcade Avenue and Fall River Avenue (Route 114); Seekonk, MA --··--·, ---­ ----···--· -- .. I Craah CraahO., .,,. TlmeofO., Light C - . -ofC- ~ Type -c-. Ra.d Surfaco 1}ope Tl'I>O 1 2 3 4 5 6 1/27/09 2120/09 2121/09 519/09 5/20/09 5/23/09 Tuaodoy Friday Saturday Saturday Wedneoday Saturday 10:55AM 5 :22PM 9 :44AM 11 :11AM 5:29PM 7:40PM Angle Angle Anale Sidesv.;pe, opposite direction Rear-end Anale Daylight Dusk Dayliaht Daylight Daylight DayliQht Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Rain Wet Dry Dry 7 8 9 10 11 6/21/09 6/25/09 7/16/09 7/31/09 10/25109 Sunday Thursday Thursday Friday Sunday 5 :47AM 11:07AM 4 :59PM 12:14PM 3:49PM Single Vehicle Crash AnQie Rain Cloudy Angle Rear-end Da.., Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylloht 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11/17/09 2/1/10 2/7/10 2/8/10 219/10 4/15/10 5/15/10 TU88day Mondov Sunday Monday Tuesday Thursday Saturday 4:24PM 12:20 PM 12:41 PM 8 :19AM 6:01PM 11 :13AM 2:40PM Rear-end AllQie IAngle Angle Angle Angle Angle Dusk Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - lighted roadway 19 20 21 22 23 5/31/10 6/16/10 6/28/10 7/2/10 7/28/10 Monday Wednesday Monday Friday Wedn•day 3:42PM 5 :36PM 4:09PM 3:58PM 9 :07PM 24 8123/10 25 9/22/10 26 10/13/10 Monday Wedneoday Wednosday 27 10/27/10 Clear Cloar Dlv Dt1wr c--..a coc1o No Improper Driving Foiled to yield to right of way lnaHention Driving too fast for conditions Followed too closely Unknown Dl 34 20 40 49 42 17 Dl Daylight Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry An<Jie Rear--end An<Jio Rear-end Angle DayliQht Daylight Daylight Da_yl_ight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Drv Dry Dry Dry Dry Exceeded authorized speed limit lnaHention Unknown lnaHention Other improper action 33 38 61 28 46 10:15AM 7 :09PM 10:31AM Single Vehicle Crash Raar-end Rear-end Daylight Dark - lighted roadway DoyliQht Rain Claar Clear Wet ;Dry 17 Dlv Unknown lnaHention Followod too closely 60 73 61 30 Wedneoday 12:55 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet lnaHention 33 17 28 10/29/10 Friday 7 :16AM Sioole Vehicle Crash DayliQht Clear Dry Over-correcting/over-steering 18 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 11/12/10 11/23/10 12/15/10 1/3/11 1/10/11 2/5111 2/16/11 4/6/11 4/8/11 Friday Tuosday Wednesday Monday Monday Saturday Wedneeday Wednesday Friday 6:51PM 3:18PM 4:53PM 7 :18PM 5 :47PM 5:15PM 2:01AM 1:16PM 7:43PM Angle Angle Angle Angle Rear-end AllQie Sloole Vehicle Crash Angle Rear-end Dark -lighted roadway Daylight Dark - liQhted roadway Daylight Dark • lighted roadway Dark -lighted roadway Dark - lkJhted roadway Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Drv 21 17 26 81 31 21 22 29 19 38 39 40 41 42 516/11 519/11 5112/11 5124/11 5127/11 Friday Monday Thursday Tuesday Friday 8:08PM 2-44 PM 10:52AM 2:30PM 2:50PM Angle Angle Angle Anole Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Daylight Daylight DayliQht Daylight Cloar Clear Cloudy Clear Claar Dry Dry Dry Drv Dry 43 5129/11 44 6/18/11 45 7f7/11 Sunday Saturday Thursday 1:14PM 5:42PM 4:41PM An<Jie Angle Angle Daylight Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Cloudy Drv Dry Dry 46 47 48 49 Thursday Friday Tueeday Thuf&day 6:32PM 6:34PM 8:18PM 3:58PM Angle Head on Anale Angle Daylight Daylight Dark ·.lighted roadway Daylight Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Dry Dry Dry Operating defective equipment Failed to yield to right of way No Improper Driving No lmpropor Driving Other Improper action Unknown Other improper action Failed to yield to right of way UnknD'M'l Disregarded traffte signs, signata, road ma11dnga Failed to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way lnaHention Other improper action Disregarded traffic signa, signals, road mar1dnga Foiled to yield to right of way Visibility Obatructod Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Failed to yield to right of way Failed to ylold to right of way ailed to yield to nght o way 7f7/11 9/2/11 9/13/11 10/6/11 Rear..end D~t OufofArea Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Seekonk Police Department Clear Cloudy Clear Dlv Dlv Dry Dlv 47 62 42 64 56 30 45 19 29 73 58 55 Vehicle slid on wet road surface. Vehicle struck a deer in the roadway. 26 44 17 49 40 53 23 54 55 52 20 63 20 58 35 Motorcycle lost control on SB curve of Fall River Ave. Vehrcle lost control on SB curve of Fall River Ave. possibly due to wet [pavement. 42 81 32 16 30 22 Vehicle 2 pulling out of driveway of #380 Fall River Avenue into traffic. Vehicle lost control on NB curve of Fall River Ave and hit Quardrail. Vehicle 2 pulling out of driveway of #380 Fall River Avenue into traffrc. Vehicle had non-functioning brakes. Hit a snov.1:Jank. 64 19 42 55 56 17 56 19 57 87 65 24 40 34 18 55 22 41 44 24 20 42 18 £)4 81 20 74 62 61 21 56 r oo 55 29 44 35 40 18 No Improper Driving Foiled to yield to right of way Other improper acUon Foiled to yield to right of way Other improper aclion SWVfVing or avoiding due to \Mod, slippety surface, vehk:le, object, non· molorial in roadway, ate. Foiled to yield to right of way Foiled to yield to right of way Olher improper action Foiled to yield to right of way Foiled to yield to right of way Failed to yield to right of way Wet Drv Dry c­ A" r- I Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts CRASH MONTH 25% ~--------------------~~----------------------------------~ 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% J F M A J M J s A 0 N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 0 20% 14% 15% 1z% 8% 10% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday VVednesday Thursday Saturday Friday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 50o/o 40o/o 30°/o 20o/o 10o/o Oo/o 27% O'""'oJz,_---49-o/o /0 6-10AM 10-2PM 2-6PM 10-2AM 6-10PM 2-6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 70o/o .-------------~~--------------------------------. 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Single Vehicle Crash Rear-end Angle Crash Summary Data Template Seekonk Rte 114 Oo/o 2o/a 2.0/a Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, opposite direction Head on 1 of 2 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 511412012 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% "22% 2°/o Daylight Dawn DarkLighted Roadway Dusk 0% 0% 0% 0% DarkRoadway not lighted Darkunknown roadway lighting Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% ---- - 0% ..... "'C ::J u 100% c: "iii >- ro Q) 5: 0 c: c:t:: 0 u U) 0% =01 Q) E~ U) 0 U5LL. ~U) LL. 0 Q) 5: ..... £; 010 c: ffi "§ U) e > Q) . E "'C ·- 5: Ill • O-c -!Il c: ro Ill Ill u 0% c: c: Ill cii ro c: :r: ·-N ·-c: ..:wca m~o:: Q-% 0% 0% Q) 0 0% c: 5: 0 c: c: :::> ~ Ill CRASH ROAD SURFACE ono;.. ~ 80% 60% I• 40% 1.{!),%. 20% 0% Dry n 0% 0% Wet Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, Water mud, dirt, (standing, oil, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 25% 20% 19% -1'5% , 51)/o 12.%­ 15% 10% 10% 3% 5% 4% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 Crash Summary Data Template Seekonk Rte 114 50-59 40-49 2 of2 60-69 70-79 80+ 5/14/2012 Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix D. Speed Regulations Road Safety Audit—Route 114A at Arcade Avenue—Seekonk, MA Prepared by BETA Group, Inc. Appendix E. Traffic Count Data SRPEDD SE Fall River Ave @ Arcade Ave/Mill Road Kendra/Jackie I I Start Time Right 07:00AM 07:15AM 07:30AM 07:45AM Total 2 1 0 0 3 08:00AM 08:15AM 08:30AM 08:45AM Total 1 1 4 4 10 13 1.8 0.4 Grand Total Apprch% Total% I I Arcade Ave Southbound Thru I Left I Peds 2 82 1 74 0 3 95 6 0 0 80 8 2 331 18 92 325 2 8 10 6 26 0 1 0 0 1 656 91.6 20 44 6.1 1.3 3 0.4 0.1 85 64 84 I Right I Thru I Left IPeds I Groups Printed- Unshlfted MiiiRd Fall River Ave Westbound Northbound I Thru I Left I Peds I AoP. Tolol Right I Thru I Left I Peds I 12 1 0 19 0 86 92 0 0 27 21 1 0 102 107 0 22 0 0 31 86 128 1 0 21 0 0 27 0 93 146 1 76 1 104 1 1 1 367 473 AoP. to"' Right 87 78 101 88 354 6 5 9 6 26 95 95 78 94 362 9 7 7 13 36 18 16 11 21 66 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 62 30 1.9 142 68.6 4.3 2 1 0.1 1 0.5 0 7161 21.9 Arcade Ave Southbound Start Time File Name Site Code Start Date Page No 27 23 19 34 103 2071 6.3 0 1 1 4 6 7 0.4 0.2 82 81 MiiiRd Westbound AoJ>. t - Right I Th~ I Left IPeds I Peak Hour Analysts From 07:00AM to 08:45AM -Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 07:15AM 07:15AM 1 1 07:30AM 0 0 95 6 101 22 9 0 0 07:45AM 80 88 6 21 8 0 0 08:00AM 1 92 18 2 9 95 0 Total Volume 19 0 362 29 82 2 341 1 % App. Total 0.6 94.2 5.2 0 25.9 73.2 0.9 PHF .500 .897 .594 .000 .896 .806 .932 .250 0 0 0 0 .000 178 209 215 240 842 Fall River Ave Eastbound Right I Thru I Left I Peds I 0 54 0 0 103 5 0 0 76 2 0 0 103 2 0 0 336 9 0 0 104 101 107 91 403 5 7 5 3 20 0 1 1 0 2 739 96 22.6 29 3.8 0.9 2 0.3 0.1 AoP to~o~ 71 292 118 107 124 91 440 0 0 0 0 0 200 189 183 166 738 659 41.7 20.1 913 57.8 27.9 1 0.1 0 1580 58 :see fall river@arcade_mill : 00000000 : 6/9/2010 :1 48.3 I Fall River Ave Northbound AoP to~o~ 31 27 27 112 .903 - Right I Thru I Left IPedsl 102 1 0 93 146 1 82 118 0 0 1 363 499 1 42 57.8 0.1 0.1 .250 .890 .854 .250 AoJ>. to~o~ Right I .900 lnl Total 54 108 78 105 345 338 422 425 460 1645 0 0 0 0 0 109 109 113 94 425 431 416 393 388 1628 0 0 0 770 23.5 I Thru J Left IPeds I.,.. t- Int. Total 0 0 108 422 2 103 0 104 14 386 0 96.5 3.5 0 .928 .700 .000 0 105 109 400 460 431 1738 .917 .945 0 0 .000 I 3273 Fall River Ave Eastbound 5 240 200 864 .,..t ­ I File Name Site Code Start Date Page No SRPEDD SE Fall River Ave @ Arcade Ave/Mill Road Kendra/Jackie :see fall river@arcade_mill : 00000000 : 6/9/201 0 :2 Arcade Ave In Total 362 c.:.:ill) 2 341 19 0 left Peds L• Peak Hour Data c;m ~~ 1­ "'> ~c:8 ~- . ... 8~ o~J :!2 ~- CD­ t.J!_.., T .... ::TN North • ·. '"'h o.,.., 2~ Peak Hour Begins at 07:15 A cos: r­ *~- Unshifted .,. . Q. Q. .. 0 ~left Thru T 499 Ri r• 363 Peds 1 I 1592 1 Total ~~ :;! ::5' N ~i SRPEDD SE Fall River Ave@ Arcade Ave/Mill Road Kendra!Jackie File Name Site Code Start Date Page No r Arcade Ave N w ~ ~ w w w ~ N en tO w en il :! tO tO N N I' . 2 r82 : 583 - -----­ - ------­ ,, -~===~= 29~ 112 -82" 1 ' -~nshifted -­ a.. > -- -----· -~ <1> 499 > _____ <( <1> ---~~--- \., s -:::0 ,_ '< 0:: ' ctl u. 07:~5 AM 08:00AM ·, '' -14 -400 c. r­ ' • \ \ 386 co N ,.... tO T"" M M co M tO ' co '• \i ~ en en \' M tO M '' 1,1 ~ T"" T"" I Fall River Ave ' ~ : 19 34 14­ 1 @ :see fall river@areade_mill : 00000000 : 6/912010 :3 File Name Site Code Start Date Page No SRPEDD SE- Fall River Ave @ Arcade Ave/Mill Rd Chris/Will lI StartTnne 04:00PM 04:15PM 04:30PM 04:45PM Total Arcade Ave. Southbound Right I Thru I Left I Peds I 3 73 7 0 6 0 90 22 2 0 65 12 0 84 6 12 17 312 0 53 05:00PM 05:15PM 05:30PM 05:45PM Total Grand Total Apprch% Total% I ""'·To~o~ Rlght 6 Groups Printed- Unsh1fte d Mill Rd Fall River Ave Westbound Northbound I Thru I Left I Peds I ""'·Tolol Right I Thru I Left I Peds I ""'· Toto~ 10 0 16 11 94 109 214 0 0 222 3 0 14 1 98 123 0 0 231 17 0 0 22 2 110 119 0 14 19 232 0 0 1 106 125 0 899 15 408 476 44 0 0 71 0 83 118 79 102 382 11 5 5 27 3 7 6 4 20 8 13 15 9 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 34.6 1.2 89 65.4 2.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 4 12 61 59 74 96 290 7 14 5 10 36 0 0 0 0 0 70 77 81 110 338 29 4 0.7 602 83.6 15.3 89 12.4 2.3 0 0 0 720 18.3 I Arcade Ave. Southbound Start Time - I ,.. I uol -I 11 20 21 13 65 136 1 3.4 2 0 0 1 3 112 128 106 125 471 131 127 147 117 522 0 0 0 0 0 18 0.9 0.5 879 46.4 22.3 998 52.7 25.3 0 0 0 ~. 1*1 RlghtJ Th~l_ I Left Peds 0 0 0 0 0 .000 I - To"' Right 11 20 21 13 65 2 0 3 .774 0.3 .375 0 1 I I Left IPeds I Thru 128 127 0 106 147 0 125 117 0 471 522 0 47.3 52.4 0 .920 .888 .000 :I Fall River Ave Eastbound Rlght I Thru I Left I Peds I_..,.. ToW Int. Total ! 109 422 99 10 0 0 13 155 142 0 0 509 17 153 485 136 0 0 161 514 153 0 0 8 48 530 0 0 578 1930 126 156 137 143 562 9 16 14 13 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 172 151 156 614 461 524 506 522 2013 1895,1092 91 .6 48.1 27.7 100 8.4 2.5 0 0 0 0 0 11921 3943 Fall River Ave Northbound Mill Rd Westbound Peak Hour AnalySis From 04:00 PM to 05:45 PM - Peak 1 of 1 Peak Hour for Entire Intersection Begins at 05:00 PM 2 7 0 70 8 05:00PM 61 0 3 13 0 77 05:15PM 4 59 0 14 7 74 81 0 05:30PM 2 5 6 15 4 4 9 0 10 0 05:45PM 96 110 45 12 200 0 338 20 0 Total Volume 311 3.6 85.8 10.7 30.8 69.2 0 0 'lo APP· Total .768 .71 4 .750 .000 PHF .750 .755 .643 .000 245 255 253 243 996 :see fall river @arcade_mill pm : 00014321 : 6/9/2010 0 30.2 Fall River Ave Eastbound ""'·To"' 255 253 243 990 .976 Right I I Left IPeds I.,.. Thru 0 0 16 156 14 0 0 137 13 0 143 0 52 0 0 002 8.5 0 91.5 0 .901 .813 .000 .000 ToW Int. Total 172 151 156 014 524 506 522 2013 .892 .960 I SRPEDD SE- Fall River Ave@ Arcade Ave/Mill Rd Chris/Will File Name Site Code Start Date Page No : see fall river @arcade_mill pm : 00014321 : 6/9/2010 :2 ca eAve. In Out ClliJ 12 Total ~ 338 36 290 Left 4 0 Peds Peak Hour Data ~~ ~:: o<iJ _, ~2 r=- . N­ cS"' -~ :8-5."1. ir t_~ i :TN -o North • 4Peak Hour Begins at 05:00 P 2 .... .... "' +l\o Unshifted " tl i CL D.. Left 522 ClliJ Out 013" "' ."'o ~~- a,. .l ~~ ;t r• T Rll Peds 3 0 I 1848 1 Total Thru 471 996 In lil" SRPEDD SE- Fall River Ave@ Arcade Ave'Mill Rd Chris/Will File Name Site Code Start Date Page No :see fall river @arcade_mill pm : 00014321 : 6/9/2010 :3 Weather: FAIR Counted by: CC/KW/AL F.C./Counter#: U-5/17227 Town: SEEKONK Start 07-Jun-10 Time EB WB 12:00 AM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 .. 08:00 09:00 10:00 290 260 11:00 285 292 12:00 PM 01 :00 361 266 02:00 381 339 351 03:00 424 04:00 477 324 05:00 630 367 06:00 409 310 07:00 294 275 08:00 263 221 09:00 245 140 10:00 113 76 ____11;_00_____7'2_ - - ­ 5'1_ 4144 Total 3272 7416 Da~ AM Peak 11:00 11:00 Vol. 290 260 PM Peak 17:00 17:00 Vol. 530 367 .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. . Comb. Total ADT Page 1 SRPEDD 88 BROADWAY TAUNTON, MA 02780 08-Jun-10 EB 09-Jun-10 10-Jun-10 WB EB WB 25 43 14 29 10 9 13 9 37 30 76 107 211 211 407 352 366 356 337 348 314 288 314 297 300 284 319 305 402 366 371 446 325 506 372 624 316 377 303 295 222 253 116 230 79 142 84 - - ­ 28 -­ 6048 5109 11157 07:00 08:00 407 355 17:00 17:00 524 372 53 24 14 12 28 91 213 389 335 280 266 212 38 11 10 17 38 78 204 352 376 329 261 189 7416 ADT 11,157 .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ... .. .. . 1917 1903 3820 07:00 08:00 389 376 11157 AADT 11,157 3820 ... .. EB ... . WB .. ... .. . .. .. .. .. . .. ... .. .. . . * ... .. .. . * * 0 0 0 SEAEFRAV Site Code: Station ID: ARCADE AVENUE East of Fall River Avenue Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined 11-Jun-10 .. .. .. .. ... EB .• .. ... .. .. EB ... .. ... ... ... .. .. ... .. * .. .. .. .. 0 0 0 0 12-Jun-10 ... .. WB . .. WB .. .. .. . . * * * . .. . * 0 * • * * * .. .. .. .. . .. 0 0 0 0 0 EB .. . .. .. ... .. . Week Average .. ... . WB .. .. 0 0 ... .. .. .. . ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. 13-Jun-10 EB 0 ~ . 48 26 12 12 29 99 212 398 346 308 290 272 292 340 392 435 492 627 393 294 258 238 128 78 5919 10939 07:00 398 17:00 527 WB 32 12 10 13 38 77 208 352 366 338 274 249 288 286 352 361 324 370 313 289 222 128 78 40 5020 08:00 366 17:00 370 10939 Weather. FAIR Counted by: CC/KW/AL F.C./Counter#: U-5/19443 Town: SEEKONK Start Time 12:00AM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 PM 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 Total Dall AM Peak Vol. PM Peak Vol. Comb. Total ADT 07-Jun-10 NB - .. .. ... ... . .. ... .. .. .. SB 384 448 442 426 479 497 486 439 458 516 575 507 Page 1 SRPEDD 88 BROADWAY TAUNTON, MA 02780 610 485 458 423 359 344 292 303 191 208 95 118 75 58 4674 5002 9676 11 :00 11:00 448 384 16:00 17:00 507 610 08-Jun-10 09-Jun-10 10-Jun-10 NB SB NB SB 23 18 15 15 29 91 212 514 42 26 7 15 24 67 224 355 379 366 403 47 24 14 13 30 63 33 11 10 23 72 205 324 427 361 401 - 515 407 347 396 396 491 455 525 - - 84 195 508 518 368 384 389 ... .. .. .. .. . 419 441 443 511 519 595 516 667 508 405 489 394 366 301 263 228 164 132 111 59 75 6999 6964 13963 08:00 11 :00 515 419 15:00 17:00 525 667 9676 ADT 13,963 -- .. ... .. .. .. 450 . 2572 2380 4952 08:00 11 :00 516 450 13963 AADT 13,963 4952 .. NB .. SB - .. ... ... .. . .. .. . ... ... ... . .. ... . ... .. • 0 11-Jun-10 .. . NB - .. . .. ... 0 0 0 .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. SB .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . SEFRNAV Site Code: Station 10: FALL RIVER AVENUE North of Arcade Avenue Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined . 0 .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. SB .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... . 0 0 13-Jun-10 .. NB .. 0 0 ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... . 0 0 0 Week Average NB SB ... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 0 0 0 12-Jun-10 NB 0 - - 35 21 14 14 30 88 204 511 516 388 366 390 419 458 467 511 512 496 414 355 302 218 125 58 6912 13885 08:00 516 16:00 512 SB 52 30 9 12 24 70 214 340 403 364 402 439 464 441 484 518 585 638 474 376 278 178 103 75 6973 11 :00 439 17:00 638 13885 • Weather: FAIR Counted by: CC/AUKVV F.C./Counter#: U-5/21897 Town: SEEKONK Start Time 12:00AM 01 :00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11 :00 12:00 PM 01 :00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 -· Total Day AM Peak Vol. PM Peak Vol. Comb. Total ADT Page 1 SRPEDD 88 BROADWAY TAUNTON, MA 02780 07-Jun-10 SB NB - .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... .. . 616 660 702 647 700 656 731 713 832 767 879 788 636 660 724 663 562 555 484 457 410 317 212 166 121 122 7554 7225 14779 11 :00 11:00 615 660 16:00 16:00 879 788 08-Jun-10 NB SB 59 65 44 38 15 23 25 30 62 58 142 197 414 410 785 671 725 641 666 620 603 • 631 637 644 622 682 721 706 644 841 727 721 538 636 725 702 632 589 499 448 420 257 183 259 104 138 10954 10501 21455 07:00 08:00 677 785 15:00 15:00 841 779 14779 ADT21,455 09-Jun-10 NB SB -91 102 48 42 23 26 25 25 61 53 152 188 393 387 787 622 726 714 639 567 596 598 646 642 6n .. .. ... .. .. ns . 4126 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4026 8152 07:00 787 21455 AADT21,455 1Q-Jun-10 NB SB -- .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ... ... . 0 11-Jun-10 NB SB - .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. 0 0 0 SEFRSMV Site Code: Station ID: FALL RIVER AVENUE South of Mill Street Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... 0 0 12-Jun-10 NB SB ... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... .. ... . ... . 0 0 13-Jun-10 NB SB .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .. ... ... .. 0 0 0 0 08:00 725 8152 0 0 0 0 Week Average NB SB 84 75 40 46 19 24 25 28 62 56 147 192 404 398 786 646 701 720 616 640 608 600 648 629 673 634 669 710 710 688 n3 836 803 754 587 648 724 682 594 576 492 452 287 41~ 236 174 130 112 11001 10552 21553 08:00 07:00 786 701 15:00 15:00 836 773 21553 • Weather: FAIR Counted by: CC/AUKW F.C./Counter#: U-0/19442 Town: SEEKONK Start Time .. -­ .. . Total Day AM Peak 07-Jun-10 EB -­ 08-Jun-10 WB - EB -­ WB - -­ •• 5 2 1 1 •• •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 52 59 50 65 70 73 80 79 99 75 108 86 73 69 59 43 43 34 32 31 10 13 5 4 681 631 1312 2 0 0 6 17 24 52 55 0 1 5 16 38 108 112 81 47 57 70 67 60 90 86 99 65 47 33 28 12 5 1133 • Vol. Comb. Total ADT 17:00 108 17:00 86 5 4 68 58 57 56 70 86 99 166 77 63 46 25 17 4 1037 2170 10:00 08:00 58 112 17:00 17:00 155 99 1312 ADT2,170 8 5 SEMEAV Site Code: Station 10: MILL ROAD East of Arcade Avenue Latitude: 0' 0.000 Undefined 11-Jun-10 10-Jun-10 EB -­ Vol. PM Peak 09-Jun-10 WB -­ • Page 1 SRPEDD 88 BROADWAY TAUNTON, MA 02780 12-Jun-10 EB -­ • • • • • • • • 3 • WB - • EB • WB • EB -­ • 0 0 • • • • • 2 1 • • • • • 1 5 • • • • • 2 18 • • • • • 18 34 • • • • • 33 104 • • • • • 68 111 • • • • • 38 84 • • • • • 49 41 • • • • • 36 51 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 246 455 0 0 0 0 0701 0 0 0 08:00 08:00 58 111 2170 701 AADT2,170 Week Average 13-Jun-10 WB - EB -­ 0 0 WB - -­ • EB -­ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 4 18 28 66 46 54 47 54 53 70 83 99 132 75 61 44 28 14 4 980 2087 08:00 55 17:00 132 WB - 4 2 0 1 5 17 36 106 112 82 44 54 64 66 66 84 80 92 67 45 34 30 12 4 1107 08:00 112 17:00 92 2087