ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle Town of Norwood September 2014 Prepared For: On Behalf Of: Westwood Marketplace Holdings LLC Prepared By: 35 New England Business Center Drive Suite 140 Andover, MA 01810-1066 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description ...............................................................................................2 Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements............................................................ 5 Summary of Road Safety Audit..................................................................................................10 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Locus Map .............................................................................................................................. 3 Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle Existing Conditions....................................................... 4 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancements Summary .............................................................................. 11 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Background The Neponset Street Rotary, also known as Pendergast Circle, which is the convergence of Neponset Street, Nahatan Street, and the US Route 1 on- and off-ramps, was identified as a high crash location in the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) based on the 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) cluster data. Improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division at the 25% Design Level. The MassDOT Highway Division Traffic and Safety Engineering 25% Design Submission Guidelines require a Road Safety Audit (RSA) be performed for all project-related high crash locations to identify safety issues and enhancements that may be implemented in conjunction with the University Station off-site mitigation project, as well as other measures that could be programmed for implementation by others in the mid-term or long-term timeframes. Project Data The RSA for the subject location was conducted on September 8, 2014 at the Westwood Municipal Building. The RSA Meeting Agenda is provided in Appendix A. Participating audit team members and their affiliation are listed in Table 1; team member contact information is provided in Appendix B. For this modified RSA, team members were encouraged to visit the location prior to the meeting to observe operations and evaluate potential safety issues, using MassDOT’s Safety Review Prompt list for guidance. At the meeting, team members were provided with an aerial photograph of the location, and a collision diagram, summary table, and various bar charts analyzing motor vehicle crashes reported within the three year review period (2010-2012). This material was reviewed by the team at the meeting in conjunction with street level views afforded by Google Earth. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Mark Ryan Paul Sicard Lisa Schletzbaum Corey O’Connor Thomas Rebello Alex Duggan Erin Kinahan Scott Thornton Steve Boudreau Jonathan Rockwell Norwood DPW Westwood Police Department MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Traffic MassDOT Highway Division District 5 Projects MassDOT Highway Division District 6 Planning Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Motor vehicle crash data was provided by the Norwood Police Department for the most recent three year review period available (2010-2012). The data provided includes 68 reported crashes, with three (4%) resulting in personal injury, and no reported fatalities. The vast majority (87%) of the crashes were rear-end crashes, with 74% of those occurring on the Route 1 off-ramps; five (7%) were crashes with fixed objects, three (4%) were sideswipe crashes, and one (1.5%) was an angle crash. Fifteen (22%) of the crashes occurred on wet pavement and two (3%) in icy conditions. Most of the crashes (47%) occurred during peak evening commuting hours (2 pm to 6 pm). Project Location and Description The Neponset Street Rotary is a single-lane rotary under MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction, which provides for vehicle movements between Neponset Street, Nahatan Street, and the Route 1 on- and offramps. The overall diameter of the rotary is approximately 500 feet and the circulating roadway is typically about 40 feet wide, currently striped with a 2 foot inside shoulder and approximate 28 foot circulating lane. Each intersecting roadway enters and exits the rotary at an angle of approximately 20 to 40 degrees. A sidewalk currently traverses the rotary, beginning on the north side of Neponset Street, then continuing counterclockwise around the rotary to the north side of Nahatan Street. Neponset Street Neponset Street is a two-lane urban principal arterial under Town of Norwood jurisdiction to a point approximately 300 feet from the rotary, where it becomes MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction. The posted speed limit on Neponset Street is 30 miles per hour (mph). Nahatan Street Nahatan Street, which intersects the west side of the rotary, is a two-lane urban minor arterial under Town of Norwood jurisdiction to a point approximately 200 feet from the rotary, where it becomes MassDOT Highway Division jurisdiction. The posted speed limit along Nahatan Street is 30 mph. Route 1 Ramps The Route 1 on- and off-ramps intersect the rotary from the north and south, forming an elongated diamond interchange. The ramps are each single lane ramps, approximately 22 feet wide, with crosswalks across the northbound on- and southbound off-ramps on the northern side of the rotary. A locus map and aerial photograph of the existing conditions are provided as Figure 1 and 2, respectively. Page 2 Source: Google Earth. 0 1000 2000 Scale in Feet TURN P IKE Road Safety Audit - Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle - Norwood, Massachusetts BOS Source: Google Earth. 0 100 200 Scale in Feet ET ONS NEP EET STR TON PROVID ENCE NA H STR ATAN EET Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Audit Observations & Potential Safety Enhancements Observations: Geometry The acute angle of approach on each leg allows for high entry speeds and requires drivers to look far left over their shoulder for a gap in circulating traffic. Drivers may assume the vehicle in front has entered the rotary and then advance without looking ahead. This condition, combined with peak hour congestion, likely contributes to the high number of rear-end crashes reported. The large radius of the rotary and wide circulating lane also allow for high circulating speeds. This condition decreases the perceived gaps available for entering vehicles. This may contribute to rear-end crashes on entry if drivers are indecisive and stop short after beginning to proceed. An audit member commented that the success of a rotary is dependent on entering speeds similar to circulating traffic, good visibility, and available gaps; none of which exist at this location during peak hours. Queues An audit member commented that the Nahatan Street and Route 1 southbound off-ramp approaches experience queues in the afternoon peak hours. It was also noted that Neponset Street southbound queues during the same period from the I-95 interchange up to one-quarter of the way around the rotary (over a mile). Both of these conditions increase the difficulty of entering the rotary and increases delay and frustration which, in turn, contributes to various crash types. Pedestrian Accommodation Visibility to and recognition of the crosswalk on the Route 1 northbound on-ramp was raised as a concern. The Town emphasized that their priority is safe pedestrian crossings. However, there were no reported pedestrian crashes during the threeyear review period. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. The width of the existing sidewalk on the bridge over Route 1, on the north side of the rotary, was deemed to be too narrow for ease of maintenance by the Town, which hinders winter maintenance. Visibility to/from Route 1 Ramps It was noted that visibility of vehicles entering Route 1 southbound from the rotary on-ramp is poor due to the vertical difference in roadways, the horizontal curve on Route 1 approaching the ramp, and exacerbated by vegetation between the ramp and mainline Route 1. This issue is further exacerbated by the fact that there is not a dedicated acceleration lane for vehicles entering Route 1. It should be noted that any reported crashes in this area may not have been included in the collected data, as the study area focused on the rotary itself and the immediate entry and exit points. Drivers on Route 1 southbound, north of the rotary, were observed to switch lanes at the last minute to access the ramp to the rotary. Advance visibility to the ramp is sometimes restricted by the Nissan auto dealer parking vehicles in the grass shoulder adjacent to Route 1. This condition is exacerbated by limited/confusing guide signs; an existing D6 guide sign reads “Norwood Center/Canton/Next Right” where the next right is actually the Nissan driveway. It should be noted that any reported crashes in this area may not have been included in the collected data, as the study area focused on the rotary itself and the immediate entry and exit points. Visibility of the rotary circulating traffic is limited upon approach from Route 1, both northbound and southbound, because of the bridge railing/fence and vegetation. Signing It was noted that the existing merge sign (W4-1L) on the Route 1 northbound off-ramp incorrectly indicates that ramp traffic has priority and may be confusing to drivers, possibly contributing to rearend crashes. In addition to the limited/confusing guide signs on Route 1 southbound approaching the rotary (noted above), advance guide signage approaching the rotary on Route 1 northbound is also inadequate. There is a large sign at the exit point, but the lack of advance signage means that drivers may not know where the off-ramp leads and could cause last minute lane changes. It should be noted that any reported crashes in this area may not have been included in the collected data, as the study area focused on the rotary itself and the immediate entry and exit points. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Pavement Markings It was suggested that it is not clear where the desired yield point is on each approach due to the lack of pavement markings, contributing to drivers creeping into the rotary before committing to entering the circulating traffic. This may increase the likelihood of rear-end crashes on entry and could be the cause of angle crashes within the circulating the roadway if an entering vehicle creeps too far. Route 1 Northbound Ramp Termini A number of concerns were raised concerning the Route 1 northbound on-ramp. MassDOT indicated that the raised gore area was extended at some point to restrict access to a commercial driveway. The remaining merge area appears to be insufficient for acceleration onto Route 1, and the angle of entry makes it appear as though the ramp has a dedicated lane entering Route 1. Also, the desired yield point is not well defined. It should be noted that any reported crashes in this area may not have been included in the collected data, as the study area focused on the rotary itself and the immediate entry and exit points. The Route 1 northbound off-ramp deceleration area was also raised as a possible safety issue. The deceleration taper from Route 1 to the off-ramp is not well defined, given the proximity of the East Cross Street entry to Route 1 and the provision of an acceleration area for that roadway; a short weave conflict is created in this area. This may impact though traffic on Route 1 if vehicles departing to the rotary begin deceleration within the Route 1 through lane. A similar situation is exists between the Route 1 southbound on-ramp and East Cross Street on the west side of Route 1. Again, it should be noted that any reported crashes in these areas may not have been included in the collected data, as the study area focused on the rotary itself and the immediate entry and exit points. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Potential Enhancements: 1. Realign approaches to the rotary to reduce the angle of entry (MassDOT’s preferred maximum is 70 degrees) to improve visibility of circulating traffic without diverting attention from vehicles immediately in front on entry and to reduce the occurrence of rear end crashes. 2. Install gore markings to visually narrow and better define approaches to the rotary, reducing entry speeds. 3. Install pavement markings to better define and narrow the circulating roadway, reinforcing the intent of single-lane circulation and reducing sideswipe and angle crashes. 4. Restripe crosswalks for greater emphasis (ladder or continental style) to better alert drivers to crossings. 5. Install beacons (preferably pushbutton actuated) for the crosswalks on the Route 1 northbound on-ramp and southbound off-ramp to alert drivers and provide improved visibility/recognition of crossings. 6. Widen sidewalk across bridge over Route 1 on the north side of the rotary to improve pedestrian accessibility and maintenance access for the Town. 7. Install merge warning signs on the Route 1 southbound on-ramp (W4-5) and on Route 1 southbound (W4-1R) approaching the ramp to provide advance notice of required merge condition entering Route 1. 8. Clear vegetation between the Route 1 southbound on-ramp and Route 1 mainline to improve visibility of oncoming traffic for vehicles merging onto Route 1 southbound from the rotary. 9. Widen Route 1 southbound to provide additional acceleration lane length for traffic entering from the rotary. 10. Install “State Highway - No Parking” signs in the vicinity of the Nissan dealership on Route 1 southbound. 11. Install guide sign on Route 1 southbound at exit point to rotary and replace existing advance guide sign to state “Second Right” rather than “Next Right”. 12. Clear vegetation obstructing view of circulating traffic from the Route 1 northbound and southbound off-ramp approaches. 13. Replace merge warning sign on Route 1 northbound off-ramp with sign indicating correct priority to clarify that circulating traffic within the rotary will have the right of way. 14. Install advance guide sign (D6) on Route 1 northbound approaching the rotary. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 15. Install YIELD lines and “YIELD” pavement markings on each approach to the rotary to emphasize desired yield point on entry. However, MassDOT District 5 Traffic Operations has expressed a maintenance concern with the “YIELD” pavement markings and requested that they not be applied. 16. Install larger YIELD sign and YIELD line on the Route 1 northbound on-ramp to better define the desired yield point. However MassDOT District 5 Traffic Operations has indicated that larger signs are not warranted, as the existing sign is of the standard size used on State Highway, and there is an existing “Yield Ahead” sign as well. It should also be noted that a yield line is not allowed at this location per Section 3B.16 of the Massachusetts Amendments to the 2009 MUTCD. 17. Review Route 1 northbound and southbound on-ramp acceleration/merge area and, if warranted, widen to provide adequate transition. 18. Review acceleration/deceleration areas on Route 1 northbound and southbound at East Cross Street and install wide dotted lane lines between East Cross Street and the ramps to/from the rotary per MUTCD Figure 3B-10E. 19. Replace all faded signs within the rotary and on rotary approaches. 20. Evaluate right-turn bypass lanes on all approaches to the rotary and install on approaches determined to be warranted based on evaluation. This could reduce congestion and associated crashes, particularly rear ends. 21. Review alternatives and construct improvements along Neponset Street, south of the rotary, to reduce congestion and associated queues extending into the rotary. 22. As part of future reconstruction efforts, evaluate reconfiguration of rotary for alternative form of traffic control, such as traffic signals or roundabouts. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Summary of Road Safety Audit Potential safety enhancements that were discussed during the RSA meeting and described in the previous section are summarized in Table 2. For each potential enhancement, an estimate of the safety benefit (“payoff”), approximate timeframe to implement, and cost are noted; the responsible party recommended to implement the enhancement is also identified. Safety payoff estimates are qualitative and categorized as low (<30%), medium (31% to 70%), or high (>71%). The time frame to implement each enhancement is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long- term (>3 years). The cost estimates are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Enhancements where the developer is identified as the responsible agency and marked with an asterisk have already been incorporated into the 25% Design Plans for improvements at this intersection, to be constructed as part of the off-site mitigation related to the University Station mixed-use transit-oriented development to be located off of University Avenue in Westwood, which are currently under review by the MassDOT Highway Division. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Payoff Medium Time Frame Long-term Cost High Responsible Agency MassDOT 2. Install gore markings on rotary approaches Low Short-term Low Developer* Lane definition 3. Install markings to better define circulating roadway Low Short-term Low Developer* Visibility of pedestrian crossings 4. Restripe crosswalks for greater emphasis Low Short-term Low Developer* Visibility of pedestrian crossings 5. Install pedestrian actuated beacons for pedestrian crossings of Route 1 ramps Low Short-term Medium Developer Sidewalk maintenance 6. Widen sidewalk on Route 1 bridge 7. Install merge warning signs for Route 1 SB on-ramp 8. Clear vegetation to improve visibility at Route 1 SB on-ramp 9. Widen Route 1 SB to provide additional acceleration lane length from the rotary 10. Install “State Highway-No Parking” signs at Nissan dealer Low Long-term Medium MassDOT Low Short-term Low MassDOT Low Short-term Low MassDOT Medium Long-term High MassDOT Low Short-term Low MassDOT Low Short-term Low MassDOT Safety Issue Visibility on entry Potential Safety Enhancement 1. Realign approaches to rotary Lane definition Visibility Visibility Visibility Visibility Driver guidance 11. Install/replace guide signs on Route 1 SB approaching offramp to rotary Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Issue Visibility Safety Payoff Potential Safety Enhancement 12. Clear vegetation at rotary Low approaches from Route 1 NB & SB off-ramps Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Short-term Low Developer Confusing signage 13. Replace merge warning sign on Route 1 NB off-ramp Low Short-term Low Developer Driver guidance 14. Install advance guide sign on Route 1 NB approaching rotary Low Short-term Low MassDOT Low Short-term Low Developer* Low Short-term Low MassDOT Medium Long-term High MassDOT Low Short-term Low MassDOT Low Short-term Low Developer Medium Long-term High MassDOT Lack of definition of desired 15. Install YIELD lines and “YIELD” pavement markings on rotary yield point approaches Lack of definition of desired 16. Install larger YIELD sign and YIELD line on Route 1 NB onyield point ramp Inadequate acceleration/merge area 17. Widen Route 1 NB on-ramp to provide adequate acceleration/merge area Ramp deceleration area not 18. Modify pavement markings on Route 1 between East Cross St well defined and NB off-ramp 19. Replace all faded signs within Driver guidance 20. rotary and on rotary 21. approaches Congestion; queues 20. Install RT bypass lanes on approaches where warranted Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary (continued) Safety Issue Congestion; queues Geometry; visibility Potential Safety Enhancement 21. Construct improvements to Neponset St, south of the rotary, to add capacity and reduce congestion/queues 22. Reconfigure rotary, considering traffic signals or roundabouts Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Medium Long-term High Town/MassDOT High Long-term High MassDOT Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Modified Road Safety Audit Westwood and Norwood MEETING LOCATION: Champagne Meeting Room, Westwood Memorial Building 50 Carby Street, Westwood, MA DATE: 9/8/14 TIME : 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Type of meeting: Modified Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Session I 9:00 - 10:30 East Street Rotary – Westwood/District 6 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans Session II*10:30 – 1:30 Route 1 at Everett Street/University Ave & Route 1A at Everett Street/Clapboardtree Street and Washington Street/Everett Street – Westwood/Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans *Lunch will be provided during this session* Session III 1:30 – 3:00 Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle – Norwood/District 5 Crash Summaries and Diagrams– provided in advance Review aerial and on-the-ground images Design Plans G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 1 Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA meeting on 9/8/2014, participants are encouraged to drive through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. G:\6629 Westwood, MA\RSA Presentation Materials\Westwood‐Norwood\RSA agenda.docx 2 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List RSA AUDIT TEAM CONTACT LIST Project: Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle - Norwood Meeting Date: 9/8/14 Facilitator: VAI Place/Room: Westwood Municipal Building, Champagne Meeting Room Name Title Company Phone E-Mail Scott Thornton Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Jonathan Rockwell Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Corey O’Connor Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT, Boston 857-368-9638 Lisa Schletzbaum Traffic Safety Eng. MassDOT Safety 857-368-9634 MassDOT, Dist. 6 857-368-6154 Erin Kinahan Paul Sicard Sergeant Westwood PD 781-328-1054 Thomas Rebello District 5 Traffic Ops MassDOT Dist. 5 508-884-4247 Mark Ryan Dir. Public Works Norwood 781-760-8341 Alex Duggan Engineer MassDOT 508-884-4396 Steve Boudreau Engineer VAI 978-474-8800 Road Safety Audit—Neponset Street Rotary/Pendergast Circle, Norwood, Massachusetts Prepared by Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Fu11clional De.\ign Report- Unil•ersi~l' Station De•·elopmenl- \'orwood, .llu.Hadmsells NAHATAN STREET NEPONSET STREET NEPONSET STREET ROTARY 40 9,30,37,42,44,49,51 ~~ 47t ~ 5 12,13,16,20,22, 26,28,45,46,53 59,64,65 4,18,27,57,61 ,63,67 <>-sz r' tl t 29 CRASH TYPE _! Angle (A) Rear End (RE) Head On (HO) Fixed Object (FO) Side Swipe (SS) ---­ •0 ?" -----:::::: Turning Movement (TM) ___;-­ Lone Change (LC) :=7. Out of Control (OC) -l(5L­ I Pedest./Bicycle (P /B) Not Reported (U) ~~ VanasSe & ASSOCiates, Inc. Copyright @ 2014 by VAl. All Rights Reserved. .b Collision Diagram Neponset Street Rotary Motor Vehicle Crashes Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle Road Crash # Date Day Time Crash typee Injury Statusa b Surface Weatherc Driver Contribution Comments hit inside curb 1 2 3 4 5 1/22/2010 1/26/2010 3/15/2010 3/20/2010 4/7/2010 Friday Tuesday Monday Saturday Wednesday 1:09:00 16:07:00 15:41:00 7:33:00 17:44:00 FIXED OBJECT REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Icy Dry Wet Wet Dry Dry Dry Snowy Dry Dry distracted Inattention 6 4/14/2010 Wednesday 2:41:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Dry other improper action 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5/1/2010 5/5/2010 5/27/2010 5/27/2010 7/15/2010 7/30/2010 8/17/2010 16:42:00 16:22:00 11:00:00 12:23:00 16:45:00 17:52:00 14:33:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END FIXED OBJECT REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry disregarded traffic signs Inattention no improper driving 14 8/29/2010 Sunday 20:10:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Dry Inattention 11:40:00 17:55:00 13:17:00 12:58:00 17:31:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END SIDESWIPE REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY INJURY NO INJURY Wet Wet Wet Dry Dry Snowy Wet Wet Dry Wet other improper action 8:11:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Dry other improper action 15 16 17 18 19 20 9/27/2010 10/1/2010 10/6/2010 10/8/2010 10/14/2010 Saturday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Friday Tuesday Monday Friday Wednesday Friday Thursday 2/11/2011 Friday other improper action Inattention other improper action followed too closely other improper action other improper action followed too closely 21 22 3/6/2011 Sunday 3/3/2011 Thursday 13:45:00 17:07:00 FIXED OBJECT REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Dry Dry Dry Inattention followed too closely 23 3/4/2011 Friday 18:34:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Dry Inattention 24 3/25/2011 Friday 16:03:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Dry Inattention 25 4/22/2011 Friday 12:33:00 REAR‐END INJURY Dry Wet followed too closely 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 4/27/2011 4/28/2011 5/21/2011 6/13/2011 6/14/2011 6/16/2011 6/16/2011 6/20/2011 7/12/2011 17:31:00 16:50:00 16:01:00 17:45:00 12:41:00 23:05:00 17:37:00 6:43:00 18:50:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END SIDESWIPE REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Snowy Dry Dry Dry Dry Clear Clear Clear other improper action other improper action followed too closely other improper action followed too closely followed too closely other improper action other improper action other improper action 35 7/14/2011 Thursday 17:02:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Clear followed too closely 36 37 38 39 8/3/2011 9/7/2011 9/10/2011 9/12/2011 15:08:00 16:50:00 22:55:00 12:20:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Wet Dry Dry Clear Rain Clear Clear followed too closely followed too closely followed too closely Inattention S:\Jobs\6629\nep‐rot Wednesday Thursday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Saturday Monday THE USUAL (LOOKING LEFT AND WENT) Formatted Table mv1 cut off mv2 to take 95 ramp RE crash on ramp due to speeding vehicle on rotary car drove wrong way onto rotary hit and run 3 ‐VEHICLE CRASH (2 WERE FOLLOWING FRONT VEH TOO CLOSELY) 3 car crash moving forward w/o looking mv2 overtook mv1 at approach his foot slipped when trying to hit the breaks and kept going 3‐veh crash Lightingd # of Vehicles Age of Driver 1 Age of Drivers 2/3 Dusk, Rd. not lit Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight 1 2 2 2 2 69 85 30 24 63 ‐‐ 36 50 54 45 Daylight 2 59 36 Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 17 68 25 22 55 27 56 67 35 50 ‐‐ 54 56 27 2 23 53 2 2 2 2 2 39 17 50 43 25 66 22 18 26 25 Daylight 2 30 26 Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight 1 2 17 41 ‐‐ 45 2 18 57 2 27 68 Daylight 3 39 18/78 Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 56 19 19 34 19 28 52 44 41 55 47 52 26/50 39 25 32 45 36 Daylight 2 26 36 Daylight Daylight Dusk, Rd.not lit Daylight 3 2 2 3 57 36 22 NA 85 50 21 7820 8/21/2014 Motor Vehicle Crashes Neponset Rotary/Pendergast Circle Road Crash # Date Day 40 41 42 9/29/2011 Thursday 10/6/2011 Thursday 10/10/2011 Monday 43 10/28/2011 Friday 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 11/3/2011 11/9/2011 12/1/2011 12/20/2011 12/22/2011 1/5/2012 1/22/2012 2/23/2012 52 Thursday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Sunday Thursday 3/31/2012 Saturday Tuesday Saturday Monday Tuesday Thursday Sunday Friday Saturday Friday Time Crash typee Injury Statusa 21:20:00 17:06:00 13:06:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Wet Dry Dry 4:21:00 FIXED OBJECT NO INJURY 18:33:00 14:42:00 21:28:00 16:20:00 22:16:00 13:03:00 14:53:00 13:20:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END ANGLE REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END 23:01:00 b Weatherc Driver Contribution Comments Rain Clear Clear Inattention no improper driving no improper driving 3‐VEH CRASH Icy Rain no improper driving NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Wet Wet Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear no improper driving other improper action Inattention no improper driving Inattention Inattention followed too closely Inattention FIXED OBJECT NO INJURY Wet Clear no improper driving 17:03:00 12:53:00 15:52:00 17:19:00 9:43:00 13:18:00 15:22:00 11:07:00 14:29:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END SIDESWIPE REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Wet Dry Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry Rain Clear Clear Rain Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear followed too closely followed too closely other improper action other improper action Inattention followed too closely Inattention Inattention followed too closely Surface 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 5/15/2012 5/19/2012 5/21/2012 5/22/2012 6/21/2012 6/24/2012 8/31/2012 10/20/2012 11/9/2012 62 11/13/2012 Tuesday 17:16:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Cloudy failure to yield right of way 63 64 65 11/23/2012 Friday 11/30/2012 Friday 12/5/2012 Wednesday 14:35:00 14:21:00 22:05:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY NO INJURY Dry Dry Dry Clear Clear Clear followed too closely followed too closely followed too closely 66 12/14/2012 Friday 18:20:00 REAR‐END NO INJURY Dry Clear Inattention 67 68 12/17/2012 Monday 12/22/2012 Saturday 10:57:00 10:41:00 REAR‐END REAR‐END NO INJURY NO INJURY Wet Dry Rain Clear Inattention Inattention a hit and run mc lost control mv2 overtook mv1 at approach mv2 hit cruiser as cruiser passed on right Lightingd # of Vehicles Age of Driver 1 Age of Drivers 2/3 Dusk, Rd.not lit Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Dusk, Rd.not lit Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway Daylight Daylight 3 2 2 19 36 89 2737 31 31 1 50 ‐‐ 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 42 25 27 58 39 48 40 47 29 42 2254 NA 26 27 57 50 1 49 ‐‐ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 57 20 39 24 51 57 43 63 49 61 35 64 53 20 17 29 86 68 2 29 71 2 2 2 26 27 47 18 23 42 2 24 44 2 2 78 37 24 31 PD = Property Damage; PI = Personal Injury b RS = Road Surface c W = Weather d L= Lighting; 1 = Daylight; 2 = Dawn; 3 = Dusk; 4 = Dark, Lighted Roadway; 5 = Dusk, Roadway Not Lighted; 6 = Dark, Unknown Roadway Lighting; 7 = Unknown e S:\Jobs\6629\nep‐rot A = Angle; RE = Rear End; FO = Fixed Object; (P/B) = Pedestrian/Biker; SS = Sideswipe; HO = Head‐on Formatted Table 8/21/2014 Count of Month Crashes by Month 13.24% 14.00% 11.76% 12.00% 10.29% 10.29% 10.29% 10.00% 8.82% 6.00% 7.35% 7.35% 8.00% 5.88% 5.88% 5.88% 4.00% Total 2.94% 2.00% 0.00% JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Count of Day Crashes by Day 30.00% 25.00% 25.00% 20.59% 20.00% 15.00% 11.76% 11.76% 13.24% 11.76% 10.00% Total 5.88% 5.00% 0.00% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Day Crashes by Time of Day 50% 47% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 25% Series1 20% 15% 10% 10% 5% 9% 6% 3% 0% 2‐6am S:\Jobs\6629\nep‐rot 6‐10am 10‐2pm 2‐6pm 6‐10pm charts 10‐2am 8/21/2014 Count of Crash typee Crash Type 100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 86.76% Total 7.35% 1.47% ANGLE 4.41% FIXED OBJECT REAR‐END 0.00% SIDESWIPE (blank) Crash typee Count of Lightingd Lighting Conditions 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 85.29% Total 8.82% Daylight Dark, Lighted Roadway 1.47% 4.41% Dusk, Rd. not lit Dusk, Rd.not lit 0.00% (blank) Lightingd Count of Weatherc Crash Weather 45.00% 42.65% 40.00% 35.29% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% Total 20.00% 15.00% 8.82% 10.00% 5.88% 5.00% 4.41% 2.94% 0.00% 0.00% Clear Dry Rain Wet Snowy Cloudy (blank) Weatherc S:\Jobs\6629\nep‐rot charts 8/21/2014 Count of Surfaceb Crash Road Surface 80.00% 75.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% Total 30.00% 22.06% 20.00% 10.00% 2.94% 0.00% Dry Wet Icy Surfaceb Crash Driver Ages 30% 27% 25% 21% 20% 18% 16% 15% 10% Series1 8% 8% 5% 2% 2% 70‐79 80+ 0% 15‐19 S:\Jobs\6629\nep‐rot 20‐29 30‐39 40‐49 50‐59 60‐69 charts 8/21/2014