ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Coggeshall Street City of New Bedford October 14, 2014 Prepared For: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared By: Toole Design Group 33 Broad Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 2 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 8 Audit Observations and Potential Enhancements ................................................................... 8 Corridor Wide Issues ........................................................................................................................... 9 Coggeshall Street/Ashley Boulevard/Route 18 Southbound ............................................................. 10 Coggeshall Street/North Front Street ................................................................................................ 15 Coggeshall Street/Belleville Avenue ................................................................................................. 18 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 21 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 22 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Background The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division Safety Section has conducted a Road Safety Audit (RSA) for three intersections along Coggeshall Street in New Bedford. An RSA is required to be performed during the design process for any MassDOT project that includes a high crash location. The goal of the RSA is to identify safety issues and provide potential enhancements to improve safety for all roadway users. Additionally, the potential enhancements are categorized by timeframe and cost which allows responsible agencies to determine when to make proposed implementations. Toole Design Group (TDG) conducted an RSA on Wednesday, September 17, 2014. The audit was held at the New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure building. Members of the audit team discussed safety issues, conducted a site visit, and determined countermeasures during the audit on the infrastructure and operating conditions of the three subject intersections. The members of the audit team comprised of representatives from local, regional, and state agencies ranging from emergency responders to transportation planners and engineers. The members and their affiliations are provided in Table 1. Contact information for the audit team members are provided in Appendix B. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Ronald Labelle New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure Manuel Silva New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure Zeb Arruda New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure Sgt. Michael Martin New Bedford Police Department Jill Maclean New Bedford Planning Department Jim Hadfield Southeastern Regional Planning (SRPEDD) Lisa Estrela-Pedro Southeastern Regional Planning (SRPEDD) Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Michelle Deng MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Richard Madsen MassDOT District 5 Pamela Haznar MassDOT District 5 Robert Gregory MassDOT District 5 Barbara Lachance MassDOT District 5 Lisa Sherman CDM Smith Joe Bambara CDM Smith Shana Gare CDM Smith Patrick Baxter Toole Design Group Shannon Brown Toole Design Group Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Project Location Description The study area includes the following three intersections along Coggeshall Street in New Bedford, Massachusetts, as shown in Figure 1: • Coggeshall Street at Ashley Boulevard/Route 18 Southbound; • Coggeshall Street at North Front Street; and • Coggeshall Street at Belleville Avenue. The intersection of Coggeshall Street at Ashley Boulevard/Route 18 Southbound is a recorded 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) high crash location. Upon review of the crash data, it was noted that the intersection of Coggeshall Street at Belleville Avenue is also a high crash location based on crash data for the period between 2011 and 2013. Coggeshall Street is a city-owned roadway classified by the MassDOT Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development as an urban minor arterial east of Ashley Boulevard and an urban collector west of Ashley Boulevard. According to the MassDOT Transportation Data Management System, 2012 traffic volumes on Coggeshall Street to the west of Ashley Boulevard were 3,176 vehicles per day eastbound and 1,763 vehicles per day westbound. East of Belleville Avenue, 1996 traffic volumes were 17,900 vehicles per day in both directions. Coggeshall Street is subject to a prima facie speed limit of 30 miles per hour according to Massachusetts State Law for thickly settled areas, and provides a single travel lane in each direction. On-street parking is permitted on both sides of the roadway east of Ashley Boulevard, however it is restricted at all times west of Ashley Boulevard. No bicycle facilities are provided on Coggeshall Street at the study area intersections. The intersection of Coggeshall Street (Figure 2) at Ashley Boulevard is signalized with post mounted signals on all four corners. Ashley Boulevard is a city-owned roadway classified as an urban principal arterial, and is designated as Route 18 Southbound. The roadway is restricted to one-way traffic flow in the southbound direction beginning at Sawyer Street. North of Coggeshall Street, the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour. Ashley Boulevard terminates at Coggeshall Street. Route 18 Southbound continues south from Coggeshall Street as a state-owned limited access roadway with a 50 mile per hour speed limit. On-street parking is permitted on both sides of Ashley Boulevard north of Bentley Street, however it is restricted at all times south of Bentley Street. The Coggeshall Street approaches each provide a single shared lane, while the southbound Ashley Boulevard approach provides three lanes, including a shared through/left turn lane, an exclusive through lane, and an exclusive right turn lane. The traffic signal provides simple two-phase operation. No pedestrian signals are provided at this intersection, however crosswalks are provided across the north, east, and west legs. No bicycle facilities are provided at the intersection or on Ashley Boulevard. Page 2 18 STREET T BENTLEY STREET ENUE TREET FRONT S 18 STREET BEETLE EET LL STR MITCHE BELLEVILLE AV NORTH STREET BEETLE HOWARD EE JEA N STR RD BOULEVA ASHLEY STREET SAWYER 18 COGGESHALL STREET 18 Figure 3. Coggeshall St at North Front St Figure 4. Coggeshall St at Belleville Ave TREET Figure 2. Coggeshall St at Ashley Blvd S COTTER 18 195 195 195 Road Safety Audit Figure 1. Locus Map: Coggeshall Street Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 200' radius around intersection N 0 50 100 200 Feet 300 BENTLEY STREET B ASHLEY D OULEVAR COGGESHALL STREET 18 Road Safety Audit Figure 2. Coggeshall St at Ashley Blvd Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community N 0 45 Feet 90 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group The intersection of Coggeshall Street at North Front Street (Figure 3) is a four-leg intersection with oneway stop control provided on North Front Street. North Front Street is a city-owned roadway classified as an urban collector. The roadway is two-way with a single lane in each direction south of Coggeshall Street and one-way in the northbound direction north of Coggeshall Street. North Front Street is subject to a prima facie speed limit of 30 miles per hour according to Massachusetts State Law for thickly settled areas. On-street parking is unrestricted on both roadways approaching the intersection. Coggeshall Street approaches provide a single shared lane in each direction that are uncontrolled. Striped crosswalks are provided across all four legs of the intersection. No bicycle facilities are provided on North Front Street. The intersection of Coggeshall Street at Belleville Avenue (Figure 4) is signalized with mast-arm signals. Belleville Avenue is a city-owned roadway classified as an urban minor arterial, with a single travel lane in each direction. The roadway widens at the intersection with Coggeshall Street to provide additional travel lanes. The eastbound approach on Coggeshall Street has an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. The westbound approach on Coggeshall Street has an exclusive left-turn lane, through lane, and an exclusive right-turn lane. The northbound approach on Belleville Street has a shared left-turn/through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane. The southbound approach has a shared leftturn/through lane and a shared through/right-turn lane. Belleville Avenue is subject to a prima facie speed limit of 30 miles per hour according to Massachusetts State Law for thickly settled areas. On-street parking is unrestricted on both roadways approaching the intersection. The traffic signal provides protected/permissive left turn phasing on the southbound, eastbound, and westbound approaches. Observations indicate that the signal heads include a left-turn arrow indication for the northbound approach as well; however the signal phase did not appear to be in use at the time of the audit. The traffic signal provides an exclusive pedestrian phase with pedestrian signals, push buttons, and crosswalks provided across all four legs of the intersection. No bicycle facilities are provided on Belleville Avenue. Page 5 LD GRANFIE HOWARD STREET STREET COGGESHALL STREET TREET REET S COTTER RONT ST NORTH F Road Safety Audit Figure 3. Coggeshall St at North Front St Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community N 0 45 Feet 90 STREET STREET MITCHELL LD GRANFIE COGGESHALL STREET ENUE TREET V BELLEVILLE A S COTTER Road Safety Audit Figure 4. Coggeshall St at Belleville Ave Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community N 0 45 Feet 90 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Project Data Audit team members received a meeting packet prior to the RSA including a meeting agenda (Appendix A), study area details, and crash data details. The crash data details and collision diagrams, graphical representation of the crash data, are provided in Appendix C. The audit members were asked to review the packet and visit the RSA study area prior to the meeting. Safety issues were identified by the team at the beginning of the RSA, followed by a field visit to the subject intersections. The audit team finished the meeting by determining appropriate countermeasures for the safety issues discussed. The crash data and collision diagrams were based on crashes that were reported by the New Bedford Police Department and occurred between January 2011 and December 2013. According to the data, approximately 81 crashes were reported at the three intersections during the three year time period. During the study period, 31 crashes were reported at the intersection of Coggeshall Street at Ashley Boulevard. Of those crashes, the majority were angle crashes (71 percent – 22 crashes), including 13 crashes involving southbound left turning vehicles colliding with vehicles in the adjacent lane. The remaining crashes included rear-end crashes (19 percent – 6 crashes), sideswipe crashes (6 percent – 2 crashes), and one single vehicle crash. The most common cause for the crashes was “made improper turn” (35 percent – 11 crashes). The intersection of Coggeshall Street at North Front Street had 21 reported crashes during the study period. The majority were angle crashes (52 percent – 11 crashes). The remaining crashes included rearend crashes (33 percent – 7 crashes), one sideswipe, one single vehicle crash, and one crash between a vehicle and bicyclist. The most common cause for the crashes was “inattention” (38 percent – 8 crashes). The intersection of Coggeshall Street at Belleville Avenue experienced 29 reported crashes during the study period. The crashes were fairly evenly split between rear-end (48 percent – 14 crashes) and angle (45 percent – 13 crashes). There were also two reported sideswipe crashes. The most common cause for the crashes was “inattention” (28 percent – 8 crashes). Ice or standing water was noted as a contributing factor in three reported crashes. Audit Observations and Potential Enhancements During the RSA, the audit team identified the safety issues and discussed potential safety enhancements to address the issues. Several of the safety issues identified by the audit team were: • • • • • • Intersection Geometry and Operations; Curb Radii; Confusion Related to One-Way Streets; Traffic Signal Equipment Signage; and Pedestrian and Bicycle Accommodations. The following sections discuss in detail the safety issues and potential enhancements that were identified during the RSA. The safety issues and potential enhancements are separated by location. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Corridor Wide Issues Safety Issue #1. Inattention Observations: The audit team noted that 24 of the crashes at the three intersections included inattention as a factor. Anecdotal observations indicate that many drivers are texting or talking on the phone. Potential Enhancements: 1. Engage in education through variable message signs or permanent signs to encourage drivers to avoid distracted driving throughout the City of New Bedford. 2. Conduct enforcement to target distracted drivers along Coggeshall Street. Safety Issue #2. Red Light Running Observations: The audit team noted that drivers frequently run red lights throughout the Coggeshall Street corridor; audit team members crossing Coggeshall Street encountered a near miss with a driver running a red light during the field visit. This is likely to be a factor in the high number of angle crashes at the signalized intersections. Potential Enhancements: 1. Conduct enforcement to target vehicles running the red light along Coggeshall Street. 2. Review yellow and all-red signal phases to ensure that they meet MassDOT standards. Safety Issue #3. Congestion Observations: The audit team noted that heavy congestion during the morning and afternoon peak hours causes driver frustration, unsafe maneuvers, and poor sight distance for turning vehicles. As previously stated, several crashes along the corridor had contributing factors of making improper turns, which may be the result of “courtesy crashes” where a driver in the queue allows a vehicle to pass through, resulting in a collision with a vehicle going the opposite direction Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider providing closed loop coordination between all signals along the Coggeshall Street corridor. 2. Adjust signal timing and phasing to reflect current traffic at the signalized intersections. 3. Install loop detectors to provide actuated operation, allowing signals to respond to demand and reducing unnecessary delay during off peak periods at signalized intersections. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group 4. Provide budget on an annual basis to maintain signal equipment and update signal timing. Safety Issue #4. Wrong-Way Bicycling Observations: The audit team noted that bicyclists have been observed traveling against traffic on one-way streets and on the left side of two-way streets within the study area. One crash was reported involving a bicyclist, however it is not clear whether the cyclist was riding in the correct direction. Audit team members noted that there are cultural differences that lead to some cyclists riding against traffic due to variances in international cycling laws. Many workers in the area have seasonal positions, and thus turnover is very high. Potential Enhancements: Figure 5 - Cyclist riding against traffic on Coggeshall Street 1. Throughout the City of New Bedford, engage in ongoing educational campaigns to encourage bikes to ride with motor vehicle traffic where dedicated bicycle facilities do not exist. 2. Throughout the City of New Bedford, consider providing dedicated bicycle facilities, including contraflow lanes where appropriate, to develop the bicycle network which may involve low volume bicycle friendly corridors. 3. Throughout the City of New Bedford, consider providing shared lane markings where bicycle lanes are not feasible to encourage bikes to ride on the with traffic. Coggeshall Street/Ashley Boulevard/Route 18 Southbound Safety Issue #1. Speed Observations: The audit team noted that drivers frequently accelerate as they approach Coggeshall Street on Ashley Boulevard Southbound due to the change in character of the roadway south of Coggeshall Street and the associated higher speed limit. Team members noted that drivers frustrated by congestion to the north, including the adjacent Sawyer Street intersection, will often accelerate through the yellow indication at Coggeshall Street, which is the last traffic signal for southbound traffic. Drivers attempting to proceed through the signal may be running the red light, which may contribute to the existing pattern of angle crashes in the intersection. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Potential Enhancements: 1. Add R2-1 SPEED LIMIT 30 signs on Ashley Boulevard south of Sawyer Street to match the current speed regulation. 2. Consider installing a radar speed sign on Ashley Boulevard to warn drivers of their speed. 3. Conduct targeted speed enforcement on Ashley Boulevard to enforce the current 30 mph speed limit. Safety Issue #2. Lane Use Observations: Members of the audit team noted that drivers have frequently been observed turning left on Ashley Boulevard southbound from the incorrect lane. The crash data indicate that there were 13 crashes involving a left turning vehicle colliding with another southbound vehicle. Audit members indicated that drivers may be unaware when Ashley Boulevard transitions from a two-way roadway to a oneway approximately 500 feet to the north at the intersection with Sawyer Street. Drivers that are not aware of the one-way section may not realize they need to move to the left side of Figure 6 - Lane use arrows on Ashley Boulevard the road to make a left turn or may have southbound. difficulty changing lanes once they approach the intersection. Audit members also noted that left turning volumes are typically higher than right turning volumes, which is not reflected by the existing lane arrangement. Members also noted the lack of signage or pavement markings on Ashley Boulevard north of Bentley Street. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install R3-8 Advance Intersection Lane Control signs on Ashley Boulevard adjacent to Bentley Street on both sides of the roadway to provide improved guidance for drivers. 2. Extend lane striping up to the intersection with Sawyer Street to clarify the one-way traffic flow. 3. Consider revising lane striping to provide an exclusive left turn lane in lieu of the existing exclusive right turn lane to be consistent with existing traffic patterns. 4. Install R6-1 ONE-WAY signs on the southwest and southeast corners of Ashley Boulevard at the intersection with Sawyer Street. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #3. Signal Visibility Observations: Audit members noted that the existing post mounted signals are not within the driver’s cone of vision on the southbound approach. Drivers approaching the limited access segment of Route 18 southbound who are unfamiliar with the area may not notice the presence of the side-mounted signals. The team also noted that visibility to the signal head on the northeast corner for eastbound drivers is blocked by the signal head on the northwest corner. Audit members also noted Figure 7 - Pedestal mounted signal heads are not that heavy vehicles occupying the curbside conspicuous for approaching drivers. lanes may block visibility to the signals for vehicles in adjacent lanes. The crash data indicated that there were nine angle crashes at this intersection which may involve red light running as well as six rear-end crashes that may be the result of poor signal visibility. Potential Enhancements: 1. Replace the existing traffic signal equipment with mast-arm mounted signal heads placed over the travel lanes to enhance visibility of the signals on all approaches. Safety Issue #4. On-Street Parking Observations: Audit team members noted that vehicles frequently park in the right turn lane on Ashley Boulevard Southbound, blocking access for turning vehicles. The crash data did not include any reported crashes which may appear to have been related to this issue, however the lane blockage may be a contributing cause to rear end crashes involving frustrated drivers. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install additional R7-1 NO PARKING Figure 8 - Parked vehicles obstruct the right turn lane. signs to clearly delineate the limit of on-street parking. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #5. Pedestrian Signals and Ramps Observations: Audit team members noted that the existing traffic signal does not provide any pedestrian signals and/or push buttons. Pedestrians must cross concurrent with the green traffic signals which are not visible for pedestrians looking to cross in the northbound direction. Team members noted that elementary school students frequently pass through this intersection when walking to the Hayden-McFadden School, located less than ¼ mile to the west. No pedestrian crashes were reported, however audit members noted that crossing this intersection is difficult given the lack of pedestrian signals. Audit team members noted in the field that the existing curb ramps do not meet current ADA standards. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install pedestrian countdown signals and accessible push buttons on all corners. 2. Provide an exclusive pedestrian phase to limit conflicts between pedestrians and the high volumes of turning vehicles. 3. Install ADA compliant curb ramps at all four corners. Safety Issue #6. Signage Observations: Audit team members noted that there is minimal signage on the three intersection approaches. Ashley Boulevard has a single double-sided R6-1 ONE-WAY sign. No turn restriction or DO NOT ENTER signs are provided. A W11-2 Pedestrian Warning sign is provided at the crosswalk on the southbound approach, which is not typical for a signalized intersection. Team members also indicated that street name signs are not conspicuous. The lack of one-way signage may contribute to the pattern of southbound Figure 9 - Pedestrian warning sign conflicts with the left turning crashes, while the pedestrian warning sign may contribute to the pattern of traffic signal. angle crashes within the intersection. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install R5-1 DO NOT ENTER signs on both sides of Ashley Boulevard to warn potential wrong-way drivers. 2. Install R3-1 and R3-2 turn restriction signs on the Coggeshall Street approaches to reduce the potential for drivers to turn onto Ashley Boulevard in the wrong direction. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group 3. Install R3-1 turn restriction signs and R6-1 ONE WAY signs at the adjacent intersections of Bentley Street and Beetle Street to limit the potential for drivers to turn onto Ashley Boulevard in the wrong direction. 4. Remove the existing W11-2 Pedestrian Warning sign, which may mislead drivers into believing that the intersection is not signalized. 5. Install new street name signs in a more conspicuous location. Safety Issue #7. Congestion Observations: Audit team members noted that the Coggeshall Street corridor experiences severe congestion during the morning peak hour on the westbound direction. This congestion may exacerbate crash patterns throughout the corridor due to frustrated drivers and limited sight distance for vehicles crossing through blocked intersections. Observations indicate that one source of the congestion may be the one-lane approach on Coggeshall Street westbound at Ashley Boulevard, which is frequently blocked by vehicles waiting to turn Figure 10 - Vehicles queue on Coggeshall Street. left. Members noted that the lack of actuated signals at this location may cause increased frustration if drivers are required to wait at a red signal when cross-street volumes are low or non-existent. Five rear-end crashes were reported during the study period for the westbound approach; these crashes may be related to the congestion at this location. Potential Enhancements: 1. Perform a capacity analysis to determine if roadway widening would be appropriate to provide an exclusive left turn lane for vehicles turning on to Route 18 Southbound. 2. Install or repair loop detectors to provide fully actuated traffic signal phasing to minimize unnecessary delay. Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #8. Intersection Geometry Observations: Audit team members noted that the narrow roadway width and small corner radii restrict movements for trucks, which frequently cross the centerline or drive over the curb ramps in order to turn. Team members also noted that the offset alignment of Coggeshall Street through the intersection may be unexpected for drivers. The crash data did not include any reported crashes which may appear to have been related to this issue, however turning trucks tracking on the sidewalk represent a safety hazard for pedestrians. Potential Enhancements: Figure 11 - A garbage truck turns from Ashley Boulevard to Coggeshall Street 1. Reconstruct the northwest intersection corner to accommodate a single unit truck as the design vehicle. 2. As a short term measure, consider providing centerline extension skip markings through the intersection along the Coggeshall Street alignment. 3. As a long term measure, consider widening the Coggeshall Street eastbound approach to provide improved alignment through the intersection. Coggeshall Street/North Front Street Safety Issue #1. Intersection Sight Distance Observations: Audit team members noted that sight distance for vehicles turning onto or crossing Coggeshall Street from North Front Street may be limited. This limitation may be contributed by vehicles parked on-street, vehicles parked in the adjacent parking lot on the southwest corner, queued vehicles on Coggeshall Street, and/or private commercial signage on the southeast corner. Limited sight distance may be a factor contributing to the nine angle crashes reported within the intersection. Figure 12 - A driver encroaches into the crosswalk in order to see oncoming traffic. Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Potential Enhancements: 1. Restrict on-street parking 20 feet back from the intersection on the southeast and southwest corners to maintain sight lines for northbound vehicles. 2. Work with the property owner on the southwest corner to remove or relocate the parking space closest to the intersection to maintain sight lines for northbound vehicles looking to the left. 3. Work with the property owner to adjust signage adjacent to the roadway to above eight feet in order to maintain sight lines for northbound vehicles looking to the right. 4. Review signal warrants for potential installation. Any proposed traffic signal should be coordinated with the adjacent intersections in order to minimize congestion and queue blockage of adjacent intersections. 5. Maintain the existing stop sign and associated stop line as close as is feasible to the edge of Coggeshall Street in order to maximize intersection sight distance. Safety Issue #2. Crosswalks and Curb Ramps Observations: Audit team members noted that the existing bar style crosswalks are not high visibility for drivers approaching on the uncontrolled Coggeshall Street approaches. Team members also noted that drivers on North Front Street may confuse the crosswalk bars with stop bars and think that the intersection is an all-way stop-controlled intersection, which could contribute to the angle crashes within the intersection. Audit team members noted in the field that the existing curb ramps do not meet current ADA standards. No crashes Figure 13 - Longitudinal crosswalk markings across were reported that included a pedestrian; Coggeshall Street. however audit members noted that vehicles frequently do not yield to pedestrians in the crosswalks. Potential Enhancements: 1. Restripe existing crosswalks on Coggeshall Street with “Continental” or “ladder” style crosswalks to enhance conspicuity and increase yielding behavior. 2. Install ADA compliant curb ramps on all four corners. 3. Consider installing R1-6 in-street pedestrian crosswalk signs on Coggeshall Street. Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #3. Signage Observations: Audit members indicated that the existing R11 STOP sign may not be conspicuous for northbound drivers approaching the intersection, which may contribute to the five northbound rear-end and nine angle crashes at the intersection. Team members also indicated that street name signs are not conspicuous. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install a left side R1-1 STOP sign to increase visibility and compliance for Figure 14 - Stop sign on the North Front Street northbound approach. northbound vehicles. This will require installing a double yellow centerline for a minimum of 50 feet on the northbound intersection approach to clarify the two-way traffic flow. 2. Install a W3-1 STOP AHEAD warning sign on North Front Street 100 feet south of Coggeshall Street to warn drivers of the approaching intersection. 3. Install new street name signs in a more conspicuous location. Safety Issue #4. Bicycle Accommodations Observations: Audit team members noted that bicycles have been observed traveling through the intersection, including bicyclists approaching the intersection from the north against the flow of one-way traffic on North Front Street. One crash involving a vehicle and a bicycle was reported at the intersection. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider providing a contraflow bicycle lane and northbound shared lane markings on North Front Street if the width permits, as the corridor is more comfortable for bicyclists than the adjacent higher volume roadways. 2. Consider providing bicycle lanes on Coggeshall Street. Page 17 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #5. Corner Radii Observations: Audit team members observed that trucks frequently use North Front Street to access industrial land uses on the waterfront. The curb radii at the intersection are insufficient to accommodate large vehicles. Observations indicated that the sidewalks are damaged by repeated off-tracking by large vehicles turning right to and from North Front Street. No crashes were noted that appeared to involve turning trucks, however they represent a safety concern for adjacent pedestrians and roadway users. Figure 15 - Sidewalks are damaged due to large vehicles tracking over the curb ramps. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider reconstructing the south corners to accommodate the appropriate design vehicle. Coggeshall Street/Belleville Avenue Safety Issue #1. Intersection Geometry Observations: Audit members noted that the southbound intersection approach with two shared through/turn lanes may create weaving and crashes as through drivers in the left lane move right to bypass vehicles stopped waiting to turn left. The additional through lane also creates the need to merge south of the intersection, where the right lane becomes a parking lane. Team members also noted that the eastbound left turn lane is directly aligned with the through lane for vehicles approaching the intersection, which may cause drivers to enter the left turn lane unintentionally, which Figure 16 - Two southbound through lanes on Belleville Avenue. may contribute to the seven eastbound rearend crashes. Field observations indicated that heavy volumes of turning trucks have damaged the sidewalk, pedestrian signal heads, and traffic signal foundations on the southeast corner. Page 18 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider reconfiguring the southbound approach to provide an exclusive left turn lane to reduce weaving and eliminate the need to merge south of the intersection. 2. Provide channelizing pavement markings at the opening of the eastbound left turn lane to transition eastbound drivers into the through lane. 3. Provide an additional left turn arrow and ONLY marking for the eastbound approach to enhance conspicuity of the left turn lane for drivers. Safety Issue #2. Signage Observations: Audit team members noted a lack of advance lane control signage on all four approaches to the intersection. The lack of lane control signage may be a contributing factor to the sideswipe and rear-end crashes reported at the intersection. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install R3-8 advance lane control signage at all four approaches to the intersection Safety Issue #3. Signal Phasing Observations: Audit team members noted that the northbound left-turn signal may create the potential for a yellow-trap condition if it operates as a lagging phase. During the field visit, the left-turn signal was not operational. This may have contributed to one crash involving a southbound left turning vehicle and a northbound through vehicle. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install a flashing yellow arrow for southbound traffic in order to eliminate a yellow-trap situation if the signal provides a lagging northbound left-turn phase. Alternatively, consider removing the northbound left-turn signal if capacity does not require it. Safety Issue #4. Pedestrian Signals Observations: Audit team members noted that the pedestrian signals do not include countdown indications and that the push buttons do not provide accessible features. Team members also noted that the exclusive pedestrian signal phasing results in a long wait for a pedestrian crossing signal, which may cause pedestrians to cross against the signals. No crashes were reported involving pedestrians at this location, however improved signals will improve Figure 17 - Pedestrian signals do not provide countdown timers or accessible pushbuttons. Page 19 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group accessibility and safety for pedestrians. Potential Enhancements: 1. Replace pedestrian signal heads with countdown indications. 2. Replace pedestrian push buttons with accessible push buttons. 3. Consider revising signal phasing to provide concurrent pedestrian signals. Safety Issue #5. Sidewalks Observations: Audit team members noted that utility poles and traffic signal equipment reduced the effective width of the sidewalk below the minimum required for ADA accessibility. No pedestrian crashes were reported at this location, however the inaccessible sidewalks represent a safety hazard to wheelchair users, who may be required to use the street to get past the obstacles. Potential Enhancements: 1. Relocate utility poles and/or signal equipment as necessary in order to provide accessible sidewalk facilities. Figure 18 - Utility poles, signal equipment, and traffic signs impact ADA accessibility of sidewalks. Safety Issue #6. Intersection Sight Distance Observations: Audit team members noted that intersection sight distance is restricted looking to the left from the northbound and eastbound approaches by the adjacent buildings, which are located at the back of sidewalk. Drivers attempting to turn right on red do not have sufficient sight distance to make a decision before turning. Potential Enhancements: 1. Install R10-11 NO TURN ON RED signs on the northbound and eastbound approaches. Figure 19 - Buildings obstruct sight distance for vehicles turning right on red. Page 20 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 2 lists each safety issue and the corresponding potential safety enhancements that were discussed at the audit and within the previous section. The safety issues and potential safety enhancements are divided by location. For each observed safety issue and potential safety enhancement, the table includes the safety payoff, estimated time frame for completion, estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and may be based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by the enhancement; for example, low (<30 percent), medium (31 percent to 70 percent), and high (>71 percent). The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 21 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Issue Inattention Red Light Running Corridor-wide Congestion Wrong-Way Bicycling Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Engage in educational campaign. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Targeted enforcement. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Targeted enforcement. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford High Short-term Low New Bedford Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Safety Enhancement Review signal clearance phases Consider installing closed loop coordination. Adjust signal timing and phasing. Install loop detectors. Low Short-term Medium New Bedford Provide annual budget to maintain signals and update timing Medium Short-Term High New Bedford Engage in educational campaign. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Provide dedicated bicycle facilities. Medium Long-term High New Bedford Install shared lane markings Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Low Short-term Low New Bedford Install radar speed sign. Medium Mid-term Low New Bedford Conduct targeted enforcement Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Install R3-8 Advance Intersection Lane Control signs. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford High Short-term Low New Bedford Consider revising lane striping to provide an exclusive left turn lane. Medium Mid-term Low New Bedford Install R6-1 ONE-WAY signs Add R2-1 SPEED LIMIT 30 signs. Speed Coggeshall Street/ Ashley Boulevard/Route 18 Lane Use Southbound Extend lane striping for the twolane section to the north. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Signal Visibility Replace traffic signal equipment with mast-arm mounted signals. High Mid-term High New Bedford On-Street Parking Install R7-1 NO PARKING signs. Low Short-term Low New Bedford Page 22 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table 2 (continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Issue Pedestrian Signals and Ramps Signage Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Install pedestrian signals. High Mid-term Medium New Bedford Provide an exclusive pedestrian phase. High Mid-term Low New Bedford Install ADA complaint curb ramps. Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Install R5-1 DO NOT ENTER sign. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Install R3-1/2 turn restriction signs. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Install R3-1 & R6-1 signs at side streets. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Low Short-term Low New Bedford Install new street name signs. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Perform a capacity analysis to determine if the roadway needs to be widened. Medium Long-term High New Bedford Install or repair loop detectors. Low Short-term Medium New Bedford Reconstruct northwest corner to increase curb radii. Low Mid-term Medium New Bedford Provide centerline extension markings. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Widen to improve alignment. Medium Long-term High New Bedford Restrict on-street parking. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Remove or relocate off-street parking space. Medium Short-term Low Private/ New Bedford Adjust business signage from sight lines. Medium Short-term Low Private/ New Bedford High Long-term High New Bedford Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Remove W11-2 Pedestrian warning sign. Coggeshall Street/ Ashley Boulevard/Route 18 Southbound (cont) Congestion Intersection Geometry Coggeshall Street/ North Front Street Safety Payoff Safety Enhancement Intersection Sight Distance Review signal warrants for potential installation. Maintain stop sign and stop line as close to intersection as possible Page 23 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table 2 (continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Restripe crosswalks with high visibility markings. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Install ADA compliant ramps. Low Mid-term Medium New Bedford Install R1-6 in-street pedestrian sign Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Install left side R1-1 STOP sign and associated pavement markings. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Install W3-1 STOP AHEAD sign. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Low Short-term Low New Bedford Install contraflow bicycle lane on North Front Street. Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Install bicycle lanes on Coggeshall Street. Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Reconstruct south corners to provide larger curb radii. Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Consider reconfiguring the southbound lane assignments. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Provide channelizing markings for the EB approach lane. Low Short-term Low New Bedford Provide additional left turn markings for the EB left turn lane Low Short-term Low New Bedford Signage Install R3-8 Advance Intersection Lane Control signs. Medium Short-term Low New Bedford Signal Phasing Consider installing flashing yellow arrow. High Short-term Medium New Bedford Safety Issue Crosswalks and Ramps Coggeshall Street/ North Front Street (cont) Signage Safety Enhancement Install street name signs. Bicycle Accommodations Corner Radii Intersection Geometry Coggeshall Street/ Belleville Avenue Page 24 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table 2 (continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Issue Pedestrian Signals Coggeshall Street/ Belleville Avenue (cont) Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Replace pedestrian heads with countdown indications. Medium Mid-term Low New Bedford Replace push buttons with accessible push buttons. Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford High Short-term Low New Bedford Safety Enhancement Provide concurrent pedestrian phase. Sidewalks Relocate utility poles and/or signal equipment Medium Mid-term Medium New Bedford Intersection Sight Distance Install R10-11 NO TURN ON RED signs High Short-term Low New Bedford Page 25 Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit New Bedford, MA Coggeshall St at Ashley Blvd, N. Front St and Belleville Ave Meeting Location: Department of Public Infrastructure 1105 Shawmut Avenue, New Bedford, MA Wednesday, September 17, 2014 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Locations – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 9:15 AM Discussion of Safety Issues • Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:00 AM Site Visit • Drive to the intersections of Coggeshall St at Ashley Blvd, N. Front St and Belleville Ave • As a group, identify areas for improvement 11:00 AM Discussion of Potential Improvements • Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas • Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 12:00 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on September 17th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Ronald Labelle Manuel Silva Zeb Arruda New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure New Bedford Department of Public Infrastructure Email Address Sgt. Michael Martin New Bedford Police Department Jill Maclean New Bedford Planning Department Jim Hadfield Southeastern Regional Planning (SRPEDD) Lisa Estrela-Pedro Southeastern Regional Planning (SRPEDD) Lisa Schletzbaum MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Corey O’Connor MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Michelle Deng MassDOT Highway Division Safety Section Richard Madsen MassDOT District 5 Pamela Haznar MassDOT District 5 Robert Gregory MassDOT District 5 Barbara Lachance MassDOT District 5 Lisa Sherman CDM Smith Joe Bambara CDM Smith Shana Gare CDM Smith Patrick Baxter Toole Design Group Shannon Brown Toole Design Group Road Safety Audit—Coggeshall Street – New Bedford, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data 9/15/2014 Collision Diagram - Coggeshall Street at Ashley Blvd 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 21, 22, 25, 28, 31, 32 2 Ashley Blvd (one-way SB) 20, 24, 26, 29 Coggeshall Street 8, 9, 11, 30 4, 10, 19, 23, 27 17 1, 18 3 NORTH NOT TO SCALE Route 18 SB CRASH TYPE INJURY 1 = Property Damage Only 5 = Injury 10 = Fatality ROAD SURFACE (R/S) 1 = Dry 2 = Wet 3 = Snowy 4 = Icy 5 = Unknown 1 of 9 LIGHT CONDITIONS (L/C) 1 = Daylight 2 = Dawn or Dusk 3 = Darkness - Road Lighted 4 = Darkness - Road Unlighted 5 = Unknown Collision Diagram-Coggeshall Street at Ashley Blvd # DATE TIME INJURY COLLISION MANNER Citation Notes Driver Behavior 1 3/12/11 0:16 1 rear end - 2 7/17/11 2:55 1 sideswipe - Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manner Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 3 10/16/11 4 1/26/12 5 2/29/12 6 5/1/12 7 NOT USED 8 7/7/12 13:37 11:30 12:10 20:17 1 1 1 1 sideswipe angle angle angle - Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings No Improper Driving Made improper turn Made improper turn 19:41 5 angle - Other Improper Action 9 7/20/12 15:41 1 angle Failure to stop for a red light accident resulting 10 11 9/10/12 10/28/12 21:14 1:10 5 1 angle angle - 12 13 12/31/12 2/3/13 13:01 10:15 1 1 angle angle 14 2/19/13 17:58 5 angle 15 16 7/26/13 8/14/13 15:51 7:50 5 1 angle angle Inattention Failed to yield right of way Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Unknown Failed to yield right Inattention of way Made improper turn Failure to keep in proper lane or issued, cause unknown Made improper turn running off road Driving without a license - Inattention Inattention Swerving or avoiding due to wind, slippery surface, vehicle, object, non-motorist in roadway, etc... Fatigued/asleep 17 18 10/1/13 12/3/13 6:51 10:50 1 5 single vehicle rear end - 19 20 12/7/13 12/16/13 17:28 13:14 5 1 angle rear end - 2 of 2 Failed to yield right of way Inattention Inattention Hit and run Collision Diagram-Coggeshall Street at Ashley Blvd # 21 22 DATE 5/1/12 3/30/11 TIME 20:17 16:10 23 5/14/11 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 INJURY 1 5 COLLISION MANNER angle angle 1:05 1 angle 5/19/11 12/4/11 4/17/12 4/30/12 6/3/12 16:49 11:34 11:19 18:35 17:58 1 1 1 1 5 rear end angle rear end angle angle 10/30/12 9/29/12 1/15/13 7/25/13 19:40 17:44 9:00 0:00 5 5 1 5 rear end angle angle angle Citation - Driver Behavior Made improper turn Made improper turn Red light violation Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Suspended driver's license Other Improper Action Made improper turn Inattention Inattention Made improper turn Leaving scene of an accident and unlicensed operator Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Made improper turn Made improper turn 2 of 2 Notes Hit and run hit and run hit and run rollover 9/15/2014 Collision Diagram - Coggeshall Street at North Front Street North Front Street (one-way NB) Coggeshall Street 9 Coggeshall Street 10 3 2, 7, 18, 20 11 6 4, 14 1, 5, 13, 17, 21 North Front Street 8, 12, 15, 16, 19 NORTH NOT TO SCALE CRASH TYPE INJURY 1 = Property Damage Only 5 = Injury 10 = Fatality ROAD SURFACE (R/S) 1 = Dry 2 = Wet 3 = Snowy 4 = Icy 5 = Unknown LIGHT CONDITIONS (L/C) 1 = Daylight 2 = Dawn or Dusk 3 = Darkness - Road Lighted 4 = Darkness - Road Unlighted 5 = Unknown *Indicates Alcohol Involvement 4 of 9 WEATHER CONDITIONS (W/C) 1 = Clear 2 = Foggy 3 = Cloudy 4 = Rain 5 = Snow 6 = Sleet 7 = Unknown Collision Diagram-Coggeshall at North Front Street # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 DATE 3/14/11 6/1/11 6/11/11 8/31/11 9/7/11 10/12/11 10/23/11 12/8/11 7/1/12 8/26/12 11/26/12 12/4/12 3/27/13 4/23/13 5/25/13 6/12/13 7/21/13 10/15/13 12/4/12 7/22/11 3/22/12 TIME 15:58 15:15 16:02 15:43 10:53 16:09 17:25 17:21 1:55 13:22 20:15 9:27 15:41 12:25 16:51 19:00 14:12 13:14 9:27 10:17 17:05 INJURY 1 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 1 5 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 COLLISION MANNER angle angle single vehicle rear end angle angle angle rear end angle sideswipe vehicle vs. bicycle rear end angle rear end rear end rear end angle angle rear end angle angle Citation citation issued, cause unknown citation issued, cause unknown citation issued, cause unknown citation issued, revoked license - 2 of 2 Driver Behavior No Improper Driving Inattention Inattention Fatigued/asleep Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Made improper turn Unknown No Improper Driving Wrong side or wrong way Failed to yield right of way Inattention Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Inattention Unknown Inattention No Improper Driving Inattention Inattention No Improper Driving No Improper Driving Inattention Unknown Comments hit and run hit and run hit and run 9/15/2014 Collision Diagram - Coggeshall Street at Belleville Avenue Belleville Avenue 7 14, 21 23 Coggeshall Street Coggeshall Street 6, 11, 12, 24, 27 1, 4, 8, 19 9 22, 25, 29 2 3, 13 5, 10, 15, 17, 18, 20, 26 28 Belleville Avenue 16 NORTH NOT TO SCALE CRASH TYPE INJURY 1 = Property Damage Only 5 = Injury 10 = Fatality ROAD SURFACE (R/S) 1 = Dry 2 = Wet 3 = Snowy 4 = Icy 5 = Unknown LIGHT CONDITIONS (L/C) 1 = Daylight 2 = Dawn or Dusk 3 = Darkness - Road Lighted 4 = Darkness - Road Unlighted 5 = Unknown 6 of 9 WEATHER CONDITIONS (W/C) 1 = Clear 2 = Foggy 3 = Cloudy 4 = Rain 5 = Snow 6 = Sleet 7 = Unknown Collision Diagram-Coggeshall Street at Belleville Avenue # COLLISION MANNER Citation 1 2 3 4 4/23/11 5/17/11 6/6/11 10/13/11 9:55 6:01 21:54 12:59 1 1 5 5 rear end angle angle rear end - - Driver reckless, Behaviorcareless, negligent or Operating vehicle in erratic, aggressive manner Made improper turn Unknown Inattention 5 6 7 8 9 10 3/22/12 5/2/12 6/24/12 7/17/12 10/7/12 11/7/12 15:23 14:56 11:55 9:56 17:34 7:12 1 5 1 5 1 1 rear end angle sideswipe rear end sideswipe rear end - Other Improper Action Inattention Unknown Inattention No Improper Driving Over-correcting/Over-steering Hit and run 11 11/7/12 18:05 1 angle - No Improper Driving 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 11/16/12 12/8/12 1/18/13 9/3/13 9/12/13 12/12/13 12/20/13 1/13/02 10/17/11 6/1/12 10/25/12 11/3/12 8:31 18:32 7:02 6:22 11:16 12:08 11:13 16:16 12:02 15:07 5:52 0:57 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 1 1 1 angle angle rear end rear end rear end rear end rear end - No Improper Driving Other Improper Action No Improper Driving Inattention Inattention Inattention Unknown Inattention Inattention Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manner Unknown Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings hydroplane flashing red/yellow light DATE TIME INJURY rear end rear end rear end angle angle 24 11/11/12 7:29 5 angle - Driving too fast for conditions 25 4/16/13 7:31 1 angle Other Improper Action 26 27 28 29 1/29/11 1/7/12 12/8/12 7/16/13 7:10 22:04 18:32 19:15 1 1 1 1 rear end angle angle angle citation issued - 2 of 2 No Improper Driving Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Other Improper Action Other Improper Action Notes icy road flashing red/yellow light pulled into intersection to let emergency vehicle pass icy road ran red light Hit and run