ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MAJOR HIGHWAY MEDIAN CROSS-OVER CRASHES I-495 MIDDLEBOROUGH Prepared for Massachusetts Highway Department Prepared by MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Framingham, Massachusetts March 2009 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MAJOR HIGHWAY MEDIAN CROSS-OVER CRASHES I-495 MIDDLEBOROUGH FINAL REPORT March 2009 Prepared for Massachusetts Highway Department Prepared by MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Consulting Engineers and Planners 300 Howard Street, P.O. Box 967 Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 Tel: (508) 620-2832 Fax: (508) 620-6897 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 RSA PROCESS 3 ANALYSIS 8 SUMMARY OF RSA FINDINGS/POTENTIAL ACTIONS 12 RECOMMENDATIONS 19 APPENDIX 24 MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page i I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit INTRODUCTION Lane departure crashes are one of the primary fatal crash types in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth exceeds the national average for lane departure crashes and was designated a lead state in lane departure crashes by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD) conducted a study of the problem and found that during 2002-2004, lane departure crashes accounted for 25 percent of all injury crashes and nearly half, 46 percent, of all fatal crashes. As part of the effort in implementing the safety plan and specifically reducing lane departure crashes, the MassHighway is completing a Road Safety Audit (RSA) Review Project specifically focused on median crossing (or median cross-over) crashes on its major highways. Road safety audits are a formal safety performance examination on existing or future roadways by an independent audit team. These specific audits are being conducted in locations where cross-over experience has been or has the potential to be of concern and where the RSA team has judged that factors exist that could affect the safety risk. During the audit, the RSA team works to identify opportunities for enhancing safety and to recommend specific enhancements intended to reduce median cross-over crashes and improve the overall safety along the highway. An RSA was conducted for the I-495 in Middleborough as part of this overall effort. The roadway section under study, shown in Figure 1, was essentially between Interchange No. 6 and a point approximately 1.5 miles south of Interchange No. 3. This section had experienced a number of median related crashes that included several reported crossover incidents. In November 2006, a quick action project consisting of installing a 4-rope Brifen cable median barrier system on a portion of the road section in the vicinity of Interchange No. 3 in each direction for a total length of approximately 4,500 feet. The purpose of this I-495 Middleborough RSA was to review current safety characteristics on the highway section under study, identify potential risk factors and to recommend a set of actions to enhance the safe operation of the highway section under study. Recommendations contained in this report reflect the overall consent of the RSA team but do not necessarily reflect the official opinions or views of MassHighway. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 1 Middleborough Bedford Street 44 495 Interchange 6 44 Interchange 5 28 Interchange 4 18 105 79 Interchange 3 495 Route 28 N Project Location W S I-495 Road Safety Audit Middleborough, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. E 1 : 25,000 Framingham, Massachusetts FIGURE 1 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit RSA PROCESS In conducting the RSA, the overall procedures outlined in the Median Cross-Over RSA Guideline Report1 with some modifications given the characteristics of the facility being reviewed. The process included identifying RSA team members; conducting field visits; holding a RSA team meeting and then completing an assessment of the data and findings from the field visits and meetings to render recommended actions for MassHighway to consider. Data including recent traffic volume data, summary crash records for the 2004-2007 period, detailed crash reports of cross-over crashes, and available record highway plans were obtained and reviewed by the RSA consultant. In addition, maintenance records related to the cable barrier since late 2006 were provided by the Department. Field visits were conducted by the RSA team members. A video recording of the sections under study was taken by the RSA Consultant. The site visits were completed prior to the RSA team meeting that was held on April 18, 2008 at the MassHighway District 5 offices. At that meeting, the RSA consultant provided a brief overview of the RSA purpose, a summary of the roadway section’s characteristics and results of the review to date. The RSA team provided input and discussed the key items noted in the field and that were listed on the RSA Median Cross-Over Prompt List. Issues and concerns were noted. Following the RSA meeting, the RSA consultant compiled the information, completed the analysis and circulated the draft report. • RSA Team The following were members of the I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit: Donald Pettey, MassHighway District 5 Neil Boudreau, State Traffic Engineer Daniel Mulkern, State Police Troop D Thomas Broderick, MHD Deputy Chief Engineer for Safety & Mobility Hardy Patel, MassHighway Highway Design • Timothy Kochan, MassHighway District 5 Robert Gregory, MassHighway District Traffic Alolade Campbell, MassHighway District 5 James Hadfield, SRPEDD Lisa Schletzbaum, MassHighway Boston William J. Scully, MS Transportation Systems (RSA Consultant) RSA Team Meeting The RSA team meeting took place on April 18, 2008 at the District 5 offices in Taunton. The team included engineers, planners and a representative from the State Police barrack that has jurisdiction of I-495 in Middleborough providing a range of perspectives 1 MS Transportation Systems, Inc., Road Safety Audits, Median Cross-Over Crashes, Audit Guidelines, Prepared for MassHighway, October 2007. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 3 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit and expertise. A list of the team members at the meeting with contact information is included in the Appendix. As stated previously, overall characteristics and conditions of the study section were presented. A video and still photographs were reviewed by the RSA team and a discussion of the potential safety opportunities for enhancement followed. The key items resulting from that meeting included the following: The median is narrow, relatively level and very crossable. The overall alignment of the roadway is fairly straight and level with a few exceptions. Volumes in the corridor and its surrounding area are projected to increase significantly and with that, added concern for safety along this particular roadway. There were other items also raised by RSA members at the meeting. Included were that the acceleration-deceleration lanes were perceived to be shorter than desirable. Also, there are periodically long ramp queues during peak hours, predominantly noted as occurring at the Route 44 (Exit 6) northbound exit ramp. While queues have not been regularly observed to reach the mainline, motorists exiting the highway cannot see long queues on the ramp due to the geometry and vegetation. Staff from the RPA had noted that it appeared the section (or a portion of it) was designated as a “low salt” zone but signs were missing. This was later checked and it was verified that the entire study section is a “low salt use” zone. Lastly, a comment was made as to the corridor section perceived as especially dark and that lighting, possibly focused at the interchanges, could be considered in the evaluation. It was also noted at the meeting that a roadway rehabilitation project was just beginning along the entire section under study. The rehabilitation project is to include a minor widening of the inside shoulder to accommodate a rumble strip, embedded reflective markers along the travel lane line, adjustments to drainage and resurfacing. The project is expected to be completed later in 2009 or early 2010. • Analysis Procedures As previously indicated, the RSA analysis generally followed the procedure described in the previously referenced Guideline with some variations and also took into MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 4 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit consideration the methods published by the Federal Highway Administration2 and those included in training materials3. The basic tasks included: • Obtaining and reviewing crash and other traffic characteristic data and available record plans. • Conducting site reconnaissance and collecting a current record of condition via photos and video, • Identifying opportunities for enhancement, and • Identifying and evaluating potential actions to address the noted issues. In assessing the issues identified by the RSA Team, the relative seriousness and potential risk relative to crash frequency and severity were determined. Using the guidelines of FHWA as input and considering characteristics of this specific RSA, the relative frequency criteria and severity criteria were identified and are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. TABLE 1 FREQUENCY RATING ESTIMATED Exposure high medium high medium low high Probability high high medium medium high low low medium low medium low low EXPECTED CRASH FREQUENCY (PER AUDIT ITEM) 5 or more crashes per year FREQUENCY RATING Frequent 1 to 4 crashes per year Occasional Less that 1 crash per year, but more than 1 crash every 5 years Infrequent Less than 1 crash every 5 years Rare Source: FHWA RSA Training Workshop Taking into consideration both frequency and severity, the relative risk of a particular audit item was rated. The risk ratings are shown in Table 3. For each safety issue identified, the potential seriousness of the issue as well as possible mitigation measures have been indicated. 2 3 Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines, Publication No. FHWA SA-06-06, Washington, D.C., 2006. Federal Highway Administration, Resource Center, Road Safety Audits Mini-Workshop, Jeffrey Shaw, PE, PTOE, presented to New England ITE Section, September 19, 2006. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 5 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit TABLE 2 SEVERITY RATING Typical Crashes Expected (per audit item) High-speed crashes; head on and rollover crashes Moderate-speed crashes; fixed object or off-road crashes Crashes involving medium to low speeds; lane changing or sideswipe crashes Crashes involving low to medium speeds; typical of rear-end or sideswipe crashes Expected Crash Severity Probable fatality or incapacitating injury Moderate to severe injury Severity Rating Extreme High Minor to moderate injury Moderate Property damage only or minor injury Low Source: FHWA RSA Training Workshop TABLE 3 CRASH RISK ASSESSMENT Frequency Rating Frequent Occasional Infrequent Rare Severity Rating Low Moderate High Extreme C B A A D C B A E D C B F E D C Source: FHWA RSA Training Workshop Crash Risk Ratings: A: minimal risk level B: low risk level C: moderate risk level • D: significant risk level E: high risk level F: extreme risk level RSA Field Audit Field audits were conducted by the RSA team members between on or before April 18, 2008. In general, the field visits included “drive-throughs” in each direction of the study section noting physical conditions and the “feel” of the driver. The Prompt List developed as part of the RSA process was used as a guide. The prompt list is included in the appendix for background. The field audits showed the following: There are two travel lanes per direction in the section under study. For the most part, the highway consists of long straight segments with a relatively level vertical alignment except for overpasses such as at Interchange No. 4 (Route 105). The southern end of the study section in the vicinity of Interchange No. 3 has cable barrier (4 rope) installed approximately 8 to 10 feet from the northbound pavement edge. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 6 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Except for the one existing run of cable median barrier, the median is open, slightly depressed. It appears relatively narrow – 50 feet or less. Parking areas (“stay awake”) are located in each direction south of Interchange No. 4; two small ones exist on the southbound side within close proximity of each other resulting in multiple diverge-merge points. The inside shoulder is narrow (i.e. 1-2 feet in width). Rumble strips do not exist (expected to be installed during current construction project). Spacing of interchange Nos. 5 and 6 in the southbound direction is very short distance (i.e. ∼300 feet). Speeds were posted at 65 miles per hour. Edge drop-off was noted in some locations (excepted to be addressed in current construction project). There are no reflectors imbedded in the pavement for lane or edge markings. Lack of “Low Salt Area” signs exist on the corridor and it is suspected to be a low salt zone (this was later confirmed). MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 7 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit ANALYSIS In completing the RSA of I-495 in Middleborough, findings were compiled from the field audits, the review of the data input provided by team members. The following sections summarize the results from each of the key components of the assessment. The section of I-495 under study is approximately 8 to 9 miles in length with two lanes per direction separated by a median. A portion (approx. 4 miles) of the study section of the corridor beginning approximately 2,200 feet south of Interchange No. 3 to Interchange No. 2 has a heavily vegetated median with thrie-beam guardrail installed along both sides of the median within a few feet of the paved surface. From the point where the thrie-beam guardrail ends south of Interchange No. 3 to approximately 2,200 feet north of Interchange No. 3 (a distance of 4,400 feet), a 4-rope Brifen system with socketed posts was installed in the median approximately 8 to 10 feet off the northbound edge of pavement and approximately 11 feet off the edge line. This cable barrier was installed in November 2006. The cost for installing the Brifen high tension cable system on I-495 including the end treatments and socketed posts was $170,000. Posts for this installation were set at approximately 10 foot spacing. Between November 2006 and April 2008 (16 months) when the barrier was in place, there were only 4 recorded hits. From the northern end of the cable barrier to the treed median just north of Interchange No. 6, the median is open for the most part and fairly flat. Exceptions are in the vicinity of bridge columns where short section of rail has been installed. Figure 2 - Brifen barrier system installed south of Interchange No. 3 MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 8 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Based on the MassHighway permanent count station data (Station No. 725), the roadway carries on average approximately 55,000 vehicles per day while during the summer the volume exceeds 75,000 vehicles per day. Within the study section there are 4 interchanges. As illustrated in Figure 6, the spacing between Interchange Nos. 5 and 6 in the southbound direction is relatively short (∼300 feet). The spacing in the northbound direction is approximately 2,600 feet from the on-ramp to the off-ramp. Spacing between the other interchanges is at least one mile. The existing unpaved median section ranges in width but is close to 45-50 feet along much of its length. The median is open, grassed with slopes away from the pavement at what appears to be flatter than 6:1 for the most part. A closed drainage system is located in approximately the center of the median with paved waterways periodically located at the pavement edge connecting to the center ditch or catch basin. It should be noted that a rehabilitation project has been underway since the Spring 2008 for the particular section under study. In addition to resurfacing, the inside shoulder will be widened slightly and a rumble strip installed. The unpaved portion of the median will be regraded so edge drop-offs are expected to be eliminated. The rehabilitation project is progressing and is expected to be substantially complete in 2009. Figure 3 - I-495 section between Interchange Nos. 3 and 4 – No Barriers and Relatively Flat Median MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 9 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Data available as part of the MassHighway crash records system indicated that between 2004 and 2007, there were 79 reported crashes related to the median. Of the 79, 20 percent or 16 were identified as cross-median crashes. The 16 cross-median crashes resulted in personal injuries in 69% of the crashes. There were two fatal crashes that were reported. These were classified as median related but not cross-median crashes. In most crashes, the cited cause for the cross-median crashes were either the driver “swerving” or failing to stay in proper lane. There were a number of crashes related to “falling asleep or fatigue” (23%) as well as weather related (17%) resulting in wet road surface. Eleven of the sixteen (69%) cross-median crashes were initiated in the southbound direction. Conditions that were noted in the crash reports varied. A number of the crashes occurred in the area between Interchange Nos. 4 and 5. There were no predominant factors or causes for the crashes. Included were inattention or equipment problems in addition to the previously noted causes. Figure 4 - Parking “stay awake” area exist in northbound and southbound sections south of Interchange No. 4 As shown in Figure 6 is the section between the Interchange No. 6 southbound on-ramp and Interchange No. 5 southbound off-ramp. There is approximately 300 feet of weave distance in this section with fairly high traffic movements in this area. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 10 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Figure 5 - Northbound curve at Interchange No. 5 off-ramp and on-ramp Figure 6 - Southbound weave section between Interchange Nos. 6 and 5. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 11 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit SUMMARY OF RSA FINDINGS/POTENTIAL ACTIONS Based on the field review, the review of crash data and discussions among the RSA team members, the issues related to the safe operating conditions of the I-495 in the Middleborough area were identified. There were a number of factors or issues of concern that were identified as potentially having an effect on the risk and these are listed in Table 4 along with the assigned risk rating. TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF FACTORS THAT POTENTIALLY AFFECT THE RISK OF SAFETY RELATED EVENTS Factor or Issue Risk Rating Median is “open” from north of Interchange No. 3 (Route 28) to just north of Interchange No. 6 (Route 44) with 6:1 slopes or flatter and considered as easily crossable F Narrow inside shoulder without rumble strip (to be installed as part of rehab project) E Short accel/decel lanes marked D Multiple parking area access/egress points B Close spacing of Interchange Nos. 5 & 6 D Peak period ramp queuing – Interchange Nos. 5 & 6 B Noticeable edge drop-offs – could affect recovery (regrading is expected to occur as part of rehab project) C Dark route perception C Curve in northbound direction at Interchange No. 5 C Low salt area - not signed B Given the high volume, the high number of median entries and judged as easily crossable, the “open” median factor was assigned a high risk factor – ‘F’. In other words, the operational and physical characteristics of the highway section under study is such that once a motorist makes a mistake or becomes “errant” and enters the median, there is a high probability that the motorist will cross the median and enter the opposing direction of flow. The median is relatively narrow and fairly flat in addition to being devoid of any obstruction (i.e. vegetation) that may prevent a crossing. In addition to the median character, the condition of the roadway at the time of the audit included a narrow inside paved shoulder, no rumble strip and no lane delineators (i.e. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 12 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit reflective markers). The ongoing construction project will improve the shoulder and include the installation of the rumble strips in both the inside and outside shoulders and embedded reflectors in the lane line. It was noted by the RSA team that the route is noticeably dark during non-daylight periods and combined with the low level of motorist guidance via markings and signs, there is an increased risk particularly in the vicinity of the interchanges and locations where vehicle merging occurs such as the parking/rest areas. The existing cable barrier posts include reflectors. While lighting was suggested as an option, it was also noted by RSA team members that it is a maintenance concern and cost issue as well. Installation costs aside, maintenance costs for tower system are approximately $2,000 per unit. There was not a consensus of the RSA team on the lighting issue. Improving markings on the acceleration/deceleration lanes including lengthening the markings is an alternative. Signage is another option. The need for greater motorist caution and awareness was particularly noted in the vicinity of Interchange Nos. 4, 5 and 6. These could involve improved notice of merging traffic, considering YIELD signs on the entrance ramps and information relative to the potential vehicle queuing on exit ramps. Finally, much of the road section under study is a LOW SALT AREA and signs are not in place. Suggested actions identified are intended to reduce the injuries and fatalities resulting from cross-median crashes and those related to other types of crashes as well. Given the objective of this specific RSA program is focused on cross-median crashes and safety risk, the initial action considered was whether a median barrier should be installed. Later in the report, additional actions to consider in enhancing safety conditions and addressing the noted factors are outlined. • Consideration of a Median Barrier One of the more significant actions to be considered is to install median barriers in the current “open” areas. A barrier can be considered when there is a higher than desirable chance or a greater risk for median cross-over crashes to occur and that have or could result in fatalities and/or a high proportion of injury related crashes. In addition, a barrier could be considered when the consequences or severity of a crash without a barrier are worse than if the barrier were in place. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 13 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Factors that generally come into play in deciding on whether a median should be installed involve the following: High volumes and speeds Truck volumes and mix Narrow median History of cross-median crashes High risk of catastrophic event These items have been reviewed relative to the I-495 section under study. Figure 7 presents a review of the corridor in relation to the median warrant criteria presented in the AASHTO RDG4. As can be seen in the diagram, with the median (as measured from edge line to edge line) is approximately 47-52 feet and a volume of over 50,000 vehicles on an average day, the intersection of the two items is in the area of the chart where a barrier can be “considered”. With this highway being a major route to the Cape, summer flows exceed 75,000 vehicles per day. In addition to the chart and related warrant criteria, which is a guideline, further consideration was given to the following: The high volume presents a likelihood of greater number of errant vehicles entering the median, A fairly high number of median entries (80) over the three (3) year period and the median appears to be very crossable. Twenty percent (20%) of the median crashes were classified as “cross-median”. The route was perceived as “dark” with a high late night high percent (44%) of report crashes (the nature of travel by tourists and day trippers add to late night traveling). Weather conditions also appear to have an effect (possibly in combination with the dark, late night driving) in the median and cross-median crashes. Consequently, based on the analysis of the data, the field drive-thru and discussion of the conditions by the RSA team members, it was suggested that a median barrier, while impacting maintenance costs along the corridor, be installed in the sections of this route that are currently open. The selection of the barrier is discussed in greater detail in the next section followed by the complete set of I-495 RSA recommendations. 4 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Roadside Design Guide, Washington, D.C., 2002, Chapter 6 Update 2006. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 14 80 Summer Daily Volume AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (thousands) 70 BARRIER RECOMMENDED 60 BARRIER CONSIDERED 50 Average Traffic Volume 40 BARRIER OPTIONAL 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 MEDIAN WIDTH (feet) Ref: AASHTO Roadside Design Guide, Chapter 6 Update, 2006 60 70 intersection of volume with median width Median Barrier Warrant Analysis I-495 Road Safety Audit Middleborough, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Framingham, Massachusetts Figure 7 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit A. Barrier Selection Once a decision is made to install a barrier, the type must be determined. There are a number of barrier types that can be considered in addressing the median cross-over crashes. These include the following: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Weak post W-Beam Box Beam Generic Low Tension Cable High Tension Cable Barrier ♦ Strong post W-Beam ♦ Thrie Beam ♦ Concrete (Jersey) In deciding on the type of barrier, there are a number of criteria suggested in the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide5. These criteria used in selecting a barrier type are included in Table 5. Criteria TABLE 5 CRITERIA FOR BARRIER SELECTION Comments 1. Performance Capability 2. Deflection 3. Site Conditions 4. Compatibility 5. Cost 6. Maintenance A. Routine B. Collision C. Material Storage D. Simplicity 7. Aesthetics 8. Field Experience Barrier must be structurally able to contain and redirect design vehicle. Expected deflection of barrier should not exceed available deflection distance. Slope approaching the barrier and distance from traveled way may preclude use of some barrier types. Barrier must be compatible with planned end anchor and capable of transitioning to other barrier systems (such as bridge railings). Standard barrier systems are relatively consistent in cost, but high-performance railings can cost significantly more. Few systems require a significant amount of routine maintenance. Generally, flexible or semi-rigid systems require significantly more maintenance after a collision than rigid or highperformance railings. The fewer different systems used, the fewer inventory items/storage space required. Simpler designs, besides costing less, are more likely to be reconstructed properly by field personnel. Occasionally, barrier aesthetics are an important consideration in selection. The performance and maintenance requirements of existing systems should be monitored to identify problems that could be lessened or eliminated by using a difference barrier type. Source: AASHTO, Roadside Design Guide, 2002, Chapter 5 Roadside Barriers. 5 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Roadside Design Guide, Washington, D.C., 2002, Chapter 6 Update 2006. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 16 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Based on extensive research and trials over the past five years, the high tension cable barrier system has become more prominent in the U.S. The cable (flexible) barrier has its advantages from a cost and aesthetic perspective, over the various guardrail systems or concrete barrier. The median slope and/or recovery area also affects the use and placement of any barrier including guardrail. In addition to the cable barrier systems, the alternative types of guardrail were reviewed for potential application on this route. Considerations included the volume of traffic, relative amount of truck traffic and travel speeds. Based on these, the most applicable types of guardrail for this route include the W-beam with strong post or the strong post thrie-beam. These rails are appropriate for high speed highways and high volumes with a relatively high proportion of truck traffic. Costs for each are somewhat similar though the thrie-beam has a higher cost. The weak post W-beam and box beam can be eliminated due to the slope and type of highway. The concrete barrier would generally be applicable in urban sections or areas with limited median widths available. As a result of this review, it was determined that the median barrier options that are valid for consideration for I-495 in this section are the cable barrier and strong post guard rail. Maintenance issues are also an important consideration in decisions regarding median barrier installations. The maintenance issues that are of concern include: Barrier hits per mile Frequency of hits Cost recovery Cable downtime Repair effect on traffic Maintaining tension with cable system Mowing median Final selection of the barrier type should be based on the costs, physical condition of the median, the ability to maintain a recovery zone, likely maintenance or repair requirements, and compatibility with future planned pavement widening. The key points of the cable barrier or guardrail are summarized below. Cable Barrier While the low tension generic cable system has been in existence for more than 50 years, most of the recent cable system research and installation is focused on the high tension systems. There are currently six (6) manufacturers with systems approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for use under certain conditions. There are 3-rope or 4-rope cable systems as shown in the following two photographs. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 17 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit This barrier type can be installed on slopes of 6:1 or flatter with little constraint on placement. There are certain systems (Brifen and Gibraltor 4 rope) that have been approved for slopes as steep as 4:1 as of this writing. The existing cable is the Brifen 4rope system and appears to be installed sufficiently away from the paved surface so as to maintain a clear zone and to minimize the number of cable ‘hits’. 3 Cable CASS System on Route 213 4 – Rope Brifen System on I-495 Guardrail The guardrail could be placed in the median where slopes are 10:1 or flatter as well as at the edge of a steep slope or where minimal recovery zones exist. With the guardrail placed within several feet of the pavement edge, a clear zone (or recovery area) would be eliminated at least on one side of the median if guardrail is applied on only one side of the median. It may be possible to install a single line of double faced barrier a greater distance from the pavement edge in this specific project area. Per mile costs of the basic types of median barrier treatment to be considered for this route are summarized in Table 6. Shown in the table are estimated per mile costs of installing a cable barrier, a double faced W-beam guardrail and a double faced thriebeam guardrail. As can be seen, the cable barrier is expected to be the lower cost option. The W-beam rail is a lower cost option compared to the thrie-beam, however, there is slightly greater deflection with the W-beam. TABLE 6 COMPARISON PER MILE COSTS Cable vs. Guardrail Costs/Mile Cable W-beam Thrie beam MS Transportation Systems, Inc. $144,000 $171,000 $213,000 Page 18 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Recommendations As a result of the RSA analysis and team input, a set of recommendations have been identified and are summarized in Table 7. These actions are intended to eliminate the chance of cross-median crashes as well as reduce the severity of all crashes and improve the overall safety condition of this section of I-495 in Middleborough. Identified in the table in addition to the risk factor and recommended action are the estimated costs and potential timeframe (i.e. short (0-1 year), medium (1-3 years) and long (>3 years)). A major recommendation is to install a cable barrier in the median locations where it is currently “open”. In total, approximately 6.5 miles of barrier would be installed. While ongoing research would indicate a desire to have the barrier located where a deflection of up to 16 feet can be accommodated without encroaching into an opposing travel lane, the existing cable barrier system is located approximately 8 to 10 feet off the pavement edge. The performance of the existing cable barrier and its placement appears at this time to be satisfactory with a relatively low number of hits and no deflections into the travel way. With the current rehabilitation project, the inside shoulder will be widened by approximately 2 feet in order to accommodate a rumble strip. While field confirmation will be needed, it is thought that the existing barrier could remain in its current location at this time. If the actual distance between the barrier and the travel lane ends up less than 11-12 feet, then relocating the barrier may be a more prudent option. This can be monitored in the future and if its placement becomes an issue as illustrated by the frequency of “hits” or its deflection, it could be relocated. It is suggested that the new cable barrier location, however, be placed approximately in the center of the median which would allow for a balanced amount of recovery zone in each direction as well as provide a greater distance to meet the estimated maximum deflections of the barrier from both direction of a “hit”. Based on the assumed unit cost of $144,000 per mile, the estimated implementation cost for extending the cable barrier is $936,000. There would be additional costs incurred if the existing barrier needs to be relocated. Several short term actions are recommended as well as including short term signage and delineation improvements are included in the recommendation. Several of them such as the widening of the inside shoulder, installing a rumble strip and addressing edge drop-offs through filling and smoothing the grade are being completed as part of the current rehabilitation project. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 19 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Risk Factor Median is “open” from north of Interchange No. 3 (Route 28) to just north of Interchange No. 6 (Route 44) with 6:1 slopes or flatter and considered as easily crossable TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Risk Recommended Rating Action F Install new cable barrier north of the existing barrier for approximately 6.5 miles Estimated Cost Estimated Timeframe Short to medium term $936,000 Narrow inside shoulder without rumble strip E Widen shoulder Install rumble strip n/a1 n/a1 Short accel/decel lanes marked D Improve markings $1,0002 short term Multiple parking area access/egress points B Install supplemental warning signs (3) Install entrance ramp YIELD signs (3) Consider closing one of parking areas in southbound direction $1,500 short term short term Close spacing of Interchange Nos. 5 & 6 D To be determined (TBD) medium term $30,000 short term $1,500 short term $5,000 TBD short term long term n/a1 short term Would be approximately 1-2% of future paving project cost long term $10,3003 See above short term short term TBD long term B Install warning signs (B) see Figure 8 Queue detectors and electronic signs Noticeable edge drop-offs – could affect recovery C Regrade off pavement area Add angled safety edge C $1,000 Install overhead warning signs (A) see Figs. 8 & 9 Install YIELD signs (4) on entrance ramps Peak period ramp queuing – Interchange Nos. 5 & 6 and “merging traffic” Dark route – rural character currently being addressed in on-going construction Add flexible, reflective delineator posts Improve markings at interchanges Consider lighting at major interchanges Curve in northbound direction at Interchange No. 5 C Install flexible delineator posts (assume 2,500 feet) $1,5003 short term Low salt area - not signed B Install new signs (assume 6) $3,000 short term 1 2 3 4 included in ongoing rehabilitation project example of modified marking plans depicted in Appendix could be incorporated as part of future marking maintenance operation. Depending on timing of barrier installation, posts may or may not be needed or desired. Field measurements of acceleration in lane lengths should be done to verify inadequate distance prior to installation. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 20 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Examples of additional motorist information and warning signs and the possible placement to be considered for application are shown in Figures 8 and 9. The RAMP EXPECT OFF – BACKUPS AT EXIT 6 (B) sign should be placed approximately ½ mile prior to the Exit 6 NB off-ramp. The two warning signs (A) of merging traffic would be installed approximately 1,000 feet prior to Exit 6 in the southbound direction and ¾ of a mile prior to Exit 5 in the northbound direction. While the RSA team members agreed that the parking (rest) areas were beneficial, the two areas in the southbound direction are closely spaced with the first one just south of Interchange No. 4. Eliminating one of the areas (preferably the northernmost one to increase spacing between the interchange and rest area) would reduce the numbers of diverge-merge points in this short length. It is recommended that one of the southbound rest areas be closed. Also, the exits from the parking areas should have YIELD signs installed. The factors surrounding the interchanges (i.e. spacing between No. 5 and 6, delineation of acceleration-deceleration lanes, ramp queuing) can be addressed through signage and improved markings. Examples of markings are included in the Appendix. It was noted that the level of markings may be the result of inadequate outside shoulder width maintained though the interchange. On-ramps without adequate acceleration lane lengths should also have YIELD signs installed. The adequacy of the acceleration lanes should be field verified as the accuracy of the available plans was limited. At minimum, this should be reviewed in detail and the extent to which the delineation of both acceleration and deceleration lanes can be enhanced. If the shoulder width is inhibiting better delineation, then long term modifications should be considered as part of future rehabilitation/reconstruction projects. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 21 MERGING TRAFFIC XXXX FEET SIGN A (example) EXPECT OFFRAMP BACKUPS AT EXIT 6 SIGN B Note 1: Sign A in the southbound direction will be installed on a full span truss structure 1,000 feet prior to Exit 6 along with relocating the Exit 6 guide sign. In the northbound direction, it would be a cantilever overhead structure 3/4 mile prior to Exit 5. Note 2: Sign B will be roadside structure. CONCEPTUAL ONLY NOT TO SCALE Potential Sign Legends I-495 Road Safety Audit Middleborough, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Framingham, Massachusetts Figure 8 A Interchange No. 6 B Interchange No. 5 A LEGEND A - (see Figure 8) B - (see Figure 8) CONCEPTUAL ONLY NOT TO SCALE Potential Sign Placement Interchanges 5 & 6 I-495 Road Safety Audit Middleborough, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Framingham, Massachusetts Figure 9 I-495 Middleborough Road Safety Audit Appendix • • • • • • • MS Transportation Systems, Inc. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Team List Median Crash Diagram Crash Summary Data Traffic Volume Data Example of AccelerationDeceleration Lane Markings Low Salt Zone Plan Page 24 Road Safety Audit Middleboro – Interstate 495 Meeting Location: MassHighway District 5 Office 1000 County Street, Taunton Friday, April 18, 2008 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Type of meeting: Cross Median – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 10:30 AM Welcome and Introductions 10:45 AM Introduction to Road Safety Audits and Cross Median Crashes 11:00 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash & Volume Summaries– provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions • Video and Images 11:30 AM Completion of RSA • Identification of Safety Concerns – using RSA Prompt List as a guide • Identification of Possible Countermeasures 12:30 PM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on April 18th participants are encouraged to drive Interstate 495 in Middleboro (Interchanges 2-6) and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety factors affecting cross median crashes. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the initial RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MEETING I-495 - April 18, 2008 MassHighway District 5 Offices, Middleborough MA Attendance List Name Agency/Dept. Email William Scully MS Transportation Systems Jim Hadfield SRPEDD Alolade Campbell MHD District 5 Timothy Kochan MHD District 5 Daniel Mulkern State Police Troop D Donald Pettey MHD District 5 Lisa Scheltzbaum MHD Safety Management Robert Gregory MHD District 5 Traffic Thomas Broderick MHD Safety Management Hardy Patel Neil Boudreau MHD Highway Design MHD Traffic & Safety hasmukh.patel@mhd.state.maus MS Transportation Systems, Inc. R RE E NOR TH S T RE E T T EA ET EE T R TH Crash IDs between 13-25 R WE S TG NO R EE T RD ST BE DF O 9 10 RO V 11 ES TR E 12 N ST T RE AI N RE S OA K S 5 CE N T 78 RE E T 46 T RE E T TT S T 3 M T EE T EE " ) 5 ST R ST TR E EV E R £ ¤ 44 2 ± I-495 Interchange Median Crashes in Middleborough ST AI 6 NT E DS " ) CE O WO 1 D M OL W AR ET 4 ST RE E E CH SA " ) EH AM T MS S HA RC U P ST E RE T NS T RE ET T EE ST RE MIDDLEBOROUGH ET 28 29 MAI Median, Fatal Crash Principal Arterial Median, Non-Fatal Crash Minor Arterial Median, Not Reported Collector Median Barrier ** Local ST R EE T T RE E T RE E Crash IDs between 33-69 T " ) 3 32 70 71 72 75 76 77 ET E RE ST R E ST A ND 74 73 M HA T RD Miles 1.6 O DF BE 1.2 WALN U TS ST 31 E AR W AD ** Cable median barrier installed 11/06. No further reported crossover RO ND section. A crashes in median barrier L H 30 EH AM HIGH L * 2007 crash file has not yet been closed. G HI E MILLER STREET R Interstate 0.8 RO V Major Roads Cross Median, Non-Fatal Crash T 0.4 G W AR Municipal Boundary 0 T ET RE ET E 26 27 ST LAKEVILLE INC EA S E TR G ID N HA ST R EE T Type of Median Crash 2004-2007 * PR E C 495 UG VA D BE DF O R Legend § ¦ ¨ BR DE IS RH O D RO A LA ND T ES 78 R ST T EE MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION CRASH SUMMARY ROADWAY: I-495 STUDY PERIOD: NO. 1/1/2004 CRASH NUMBER TO 12/31/2007 CITY: MIDDLEBOROUGH LOCATION: EXIT#3; EXIT#4; EXIT#5 TRAVEL LIGHT WEATHER ROAD REASON FOR VEHICLE MEDIAN OR CROSS DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CRASH DIRECTION CONDITION CONDITION SURFACE RUNNING OFF ROAD LEFT MOVEMENT MEDIAN CRASHES CAUSE SEVERITY 1 1806565 NB Daylight Clear Dry Crash avoidance with vehicle entering from on-ramp N/B Travel Lane to S/B Travel Lane Cross Median Failure to yield at ramp Property Damage Only 2 2188767 NB Daylight Clear Dry Due to sun blurred vision vehicle struck right guardrail Travel Lane to Right Guardrail to Median Guardrail Median Glare Property Damage Only 3 2283012 NB Daylight Clear Dry Tailgating vehicle caused other vehicle to strike median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to the Right Guardrail Median Swerving or avoiding due to vehicle in roadway Property Damage Only 4 1928196 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Suffered from fatigue and vehicle left tires exit into median Travel Lane to Near Median to Right Guardrail to Near Median to Travel Lane Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 5 1975542 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Unknown reason vehicle veered out of travel lane Travel Lane to Median Median Failure to keep in proper lane Property Damage Only 6 1889195 NB Dark - Not Lighted Rain Wet Crash avoidance with vehicle N/B travel lane to S/B Right Guardrail Cross Median Failure to keep in proper lane Property Damage Only 7 1900060 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Distracted due to cell phone usage and vehicle overturned in the median N/B Travel Lane to S/B Left Breakdown Lane Median Distracted due to cell phone Non-Fatal Injury 8 1961268 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Distracted due to cell phone usage and vehicle veered left off the roadway Travel Lane to Median Crash Attenuator Median Distracted due to cell phone Property Damage Only 9 2114534 NB Dawn Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle run off to the median Travel Lane to Median to Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Right Guardrail to MMedian Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 10 1992605 SB Daylight Clear Dry Tractor tire blew out and flying debris caused windshield to be broken Travel Lane to Median No Improper Driving Property Damage Only 11 1992962 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Vehicle left front tire blew out S/B Travel Lane to N/B Right Guardrail Cross Median No Improper Driving Property Damage Only 12 2264887 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle and overturned S/B Travel Lane to S/B Median to S/B Right Guardrail to N/B Right Guardrail Cross Median Swerving in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 13 2133977 SB Daylight Snow Ice Lost control of vehicle on wet roadway S/B Travel Lane to N/B Travel Lane Cross Median Driving too fast for condition Non-Fatal Injury 14 1805987 SB Daylight Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle drifted into median Travel Lane to Near Median to Right Guardrail to Travel Lane Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury 15 1889198 SB Dark - Not Lighted Rain Water Vehicle hit standing water and spun into right guardrail Travel Lane to Right Guardrail to the Median Guardrail Median Driving too fast for condition Property Damage Only 16 1992917 SB Dark - Lighted Clear Dry After mechanical failure vehicle overturned in the median Travel Lane to Far Median Median No Improper Driving Property Damage Only Median 17 2257532 SB Daylight Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle for unknown reason S/B Travel Lane to N/B Travel Lane and back to Median Cross Median Swerving in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 18 2261063 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Vehicle swerved into travel lane and hit other vehicle S/B Travel Lane to N/B Travel Lane Cross Median Failure to keep in proper lane Non-Fatal Injury 19 2268763 SB Daylight Snow Ice Lost control of vehicle on wet roadway Travel Lane to Median to Right Guardrail Median Swerving in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 20 1815374 NB Daylight Clear Dry Crash avoidance with vehicle from suddenly slowing traffic Travel Lane to Near Median Median Followed too closely Non-Fatal Injury 21 1992949 NB Daylight Rain Ice Due to black ice driver swerved to the left N/B Travel Lane to S/B Right Guardrail Cross Median Swerving due to slippery surface in overpass Property Damage Only 22 1806106 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle drifted into median and overturned Travel Lane to Near Median to Right Dirt Mound Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury 23 1992783 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Suffered from fatigue and vehicle veered into median Travel Lane to Near Median to Right Guardrail to Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury 24 1993235 NB Daylight Snow Snow Vehicle skidded on snow covered surface Travel Lane to Right Guardrail to Middle Median Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway Property Damage Only Swerving or avoiding due to vehicle in roadway Property Damage Only 25 2068477 NB Daylight Clear Dry Crash avoidance with vehicle swerving into travel lane Travel Lane to Median Median 26 1878836 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle Travel Lane to Left Guardrail to the Right Guardrail Median Exceeded Speed Limit & Alcohol 27 2240531 SB Daylight Cloudy Ice Lost control of vehicle on ice roadway N/B Travel Lane to S/B Travel Lane Cross Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway Property Damage Only 28 2051446 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle due to prescription medications N/B Travel Lane to Attenuator to S/B Rest Area Cross Median Prescription Drugs Non-Fatal Injury 29 1927650 SB Dark - Not Lighted Snow Snow Hitting slower moving vehicle rear tires Travel Lane to Median Median Driving too fast for condition Property Damage Only 30 1888471 SB Dark - Not Lighted Cloudy Dry Crash avoidance with unknown animal S/B Travel Lane to N/B Right Shoulder Parking Rest Area Sign Cross Median Swerving or avoiding due to animal in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 31 1884852 SB Dark - Not Lighted Cloudy Dry Distracted due to cell phone usage and vehicle veered to the left striking a mile marker sign S/B Travel Lane to N/B Right Shoulder Tree Line Cross Median Distracted due to cell phone Non-Fatal Injury 32 2015829 SB Dark - Not Lighted Fog, Smog, Smoke Wet Fallen asleep and vehicle overturned Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Right Guardrail Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury 33 1805512 SB Daylight Clear Dry Operator reached for something in the car and vehicle hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Left Guardrail to Right Guardrail to Trees Median Inattention Non-Fatal Injury 34 1806134 SB Dawn Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle drifted into median and fishtailed N/B Travel Lanes to S/B Travel Lanes Cross Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury 35 1927649 SB Dark - Not Lighted Blowing Sand, Snow Snow Lost control of vehicle due to low visibility Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Buried End to Median Trees Median Visibility Obstructed Property Damage Only 36 1928053 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Crash avoidance with deer Left Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Median Swerving or avoiding due to animal in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 37 1928064 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle drifted into median Travel Lane to Center Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 38 1992808 SB Daylight Clear Dry Vehicle struck a piece of metal debris and swerved into median N/B Travel Lanes to S/B Travel Lanes Cross Median No Improper Driving Non-Fatal Injury 39 1993329 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Snow Lost control of vehicle and overturned Travel Lane to Median to Trees in the Median Median Exceeded Speed Limit Property Damage Only 40 1993373 SB Daylight Clear Ice Vehicle skidded on ice covered surface Travel Lane to Median Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway Property Damage Only 41 1993376 SB Daylight Clear Ice Vehicle slowed for an accident and skidded on ice covered surface Travel Lane to Median Median Followed Too Closely Property Damage Only 42 2149183 SB Daylight Cloudy Wet Fallen asleep and vehicle drifted off the road Right Travel Lane to Center Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 43 2166448 SB Daylight Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle, spun around and stroke an another vehicle Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Median Failure to keep in proper lane Non-Fatal Injury 44 2051607 SB Dusk Rain Wet Suffered from fatigue and vehicle hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 45 1993655 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Vehicle changed lanes to an already occupied lane and caused another vehicle to overturn Travel Lane to Median Median Operating vehicle in reckless manner Non-Fatal Injury 46 1884918 NB Daylight Clear Wet Vehicle struck a piece of metal debris Travel Lane to Near Median Median No Improper Driving Property Damage Only 47 1925965 NB Dark - Not Lighted Cloudy Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle overturned Travel Lane to Near Median to Median Guardrail Median Fatigued/Asleep Fatal Injury 48 1927900 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Vehicle tried to avoid deer and overturned in the median Second Travel Lane to Median Median Swerving or avoiding due to animal in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 49 2239510 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle went off to the median Travel Lane to Median Embankment to Trees in the Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 50 2264544 NB Dawn Rain Wet Lost control of vehicle and overturned Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Median Exceeded Speed Limit Property Damage Only 51 1902363 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Unknown vehicle changed lanes and stroked other vehicle on the right Second Travel Lane to Median Median Swerving or avoiding due to vehicle in roadway Property Damage Only 52 1992907 SB Daylight Clear Dry Distracted due to cell phone usage and vehicle went off the roadway N/B Travel Lanes to S/B Travel Lanes Cross Median Distracted due to cell phone Non-Fatal Injury 53 2188741 SB Daylight Clear Dry Crash avoidance with metal object on the roadway Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Median Swerving or avoiding due to object in roadway Property Damage Only 54 2220899 SB Daylight Clear Dry Vehicle tried to avoid tire debris on the roadway and overturned Travel Lane to Median Median Swerving or avoiding due to object in roadway Property Damage Only 55 1806609 NB Dawn Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle for unknown reason Second Travel Lane to Median to Right Wooded Area Median Swerving in roadway Property Damage Only 56 1809088 NB Daylight Clear Dry Reached for cigarettes at the drivers door side packet and vehicle struck right guardrail Travel Lane to Right Guardrail to the Far Wooded Median Median Inattention Fatal Injury 57 1887095 NB Daylight Clear Dry Vehicle changed lanes to an already occupied lane and caused another vehicle to enter median N/B Travel Lanes to S/B Travel Lanes Cross Median Failure to keep in proper lane Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION CRASH SUMMARY ROADWAY: I-495 STUDY PERIOD: NO. 1/1/2004 CRASH NUMBER TO 12/31/2007 CITY: MIDDLEBOROUGH LOCATION: EXIT#3; EXIT#4; EXIT#5 TRAVEL LIGHT WEATHER ROAD REASON FOR VEHICLE MEDIAN OR CROSS DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CRASH DIRECTION CONDITION CONDITION SURFACE RUNNING OFF ROAD LEFT MOVEMENT MEDIAN CRASHES CAUSE SEVERITY 58 1887126 NB Dark - Not Lighted Cloudy Dry Suffered from fatigue and vehicle drifted to the left and overturned Travel Lane to Median to Median Embankment Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 59 1927874 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle traveled into median Travel Lane to Median to Trees in the Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 60 1992773 NB Daylight Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle Travel Lane to Median to Trees in the Right Shoulder Median Swerving in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 61 1992804 NB Daylight Clear Dry Vehicle steering problem Travel Lane to Median to Trees in the Right Shoulder Median Operating defective equipment Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury 62 1993333 NB Dark - Not Lighted Cloudy Ice Vehicle skidded on ice covered surface and overturned First travel lane to Trees in the Median Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway 63 1993340 NB Daylight Clear Ice Vehicle skidded on ice covered surface and overturned First travel lane to Median Embankment to Trees in the Median Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 64 1993379 NB Daylight Blowing Sand, Snow Ice Vehicle skidded on ice covered surface and overturned Travel Lane to the Wooded Median Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 65 2051288 NB Daylight Clear Dry Unknown reason vehicle veered into median and overturned in the right shoulder Travel Lane to Median to Right Shoulder Tree Line Median Failure to keep in proper lane Non-Fatal Injury 66 2160073 NB Daylight Sleet, Hail, Freezing Rain Ice Vehicle skidded on ice covered surface and fishtailed Right Travel Lane to Median Cable Safety Fence Median Swerving due to slippery surface in roadway Property Damage Only 67 2220897 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Right Guardrail Median Failure to keep in proper lane Property Damage Only 68 2101480 NB Daylight Cloudy Dry Operator get distracted and ran off road to the left Travel Lane to Median Median Inattention Property Damage Only 69 2228695 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Vehicle tried to avoid trash barrel on the roadway and skidded into the left lane Travel Lane to Median Median Swerving or avoiding due to object in roadway Property Damage Only 70 2015815 NB Daylight Clear Dry Lost control of vehicle and overturned Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Median Failure to keep in proper lane Non-Fatal Injury 71 1899775 NB Dark - Not Lighted Snow Ice Vehicle skidded on snow covered surface Travel Lane to Median to Trees in the Median Median Swerving in roadway Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury 72 1992579 SB Daylight Cloudy Dry Lost control of vehicle Travel Lane to Median to Right Shoulder Embankment Median Swerving in roadway 73 2015698 SB Daylight Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle ran off road to the left Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only 74 2236205 NB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle went off to the median Travel Lane to Beginning of Median Guardrail Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Buried End to Median Embankment to Large Tre Median Exceeded Speed Limit Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury 75 1889267 SB Dark - Not Lighted Cloudy Dry Driver inattentive of roadway and vehicle drifted to the left 76 1900048 SB Dawn Clear Dry Operator looked down in the vehicle and veered into the median and overturned Travel Lane to Median to Median Embankment Median Inattention 77 1928248 NB Daylight Clear Dry Vehicle was cut-off by unknown vehicle and overturned Travel Lane to Median Embankment Median Swerving or avoiding due to vehicle in roadway Non-Fatal Injury 78 1992964 SB Dark - Not Lighted Clear Dry Suffering from fatigue and vehicle drifted to the left and overturned Travel Lane to Median Median Fatigued/Asleep Non-Fatal Injury 79 2051322 NB Daylight Clear Dry Fallen asleep and vehicle drifted into median Travel Lane to Median Terminus in Ditch Median Fatigued/Asleep Property Damage Only LIGHT CONDITION WEATHER CONDITION TOTAL NO. DAYLIGHT DAWN DUSK DARK-LIGHTED DARK-NOT LIGHTED CLEAR CLOUDY RAIN 79 37 5 1 1 35 55 10 5 5 100% 47% 6% 1% 1% 44% 70% 13% 6% 6% WEATHER CONDITION MEDIAN OR CROSS MEDIAN ROAD SURFACE BLOWING SAND, FOG, SMOG, SLEET, HAIL, SNOW SMOKE FREEZING RAIN DRY WET SNOW ICE SNOW WATER MEDIAN CROSS MEDIAN 2 1 1 57 6 4 11 1 63 16 3% 1% 1% 72% 8% 5% 14% 1% 80% 20% SWERVING IN SWERVING DUE TO SLIPPERY ROADWAY SURFACE IN ROADWAY DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CAUSE NO IMPROPER EXCEEDED SPEED FAILURE TO YIELD FOLLOWED TOO DRIVING TOO FAST FAILURE TO KEEP DRIVING LIMIT AT RAMP CLOSELY FOR CONDITION IN PROPER LANE 5 4 1 2 3 8 1 4 7 8 6% 5% 1% 3% 4% 10% 1% 5% 9% 10% SWERVING OR AVOIDING DUE VISIBILITY SWERVING OR AVOIDING PRESCRIPTION OPERATING DEFECTIVE TO ANIMAL IN ROADWAY OBSTRUCTED DUE TO OBJECT IN ROADWAY DRUGS EQUIPMENT OPERATING VEHICLE IN RECKLESS MANNER SWERVING OR AVOIDING DUE TO VEHICLE IN ROADWAY DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CAUSE GLARE VISIBILITY INATTENTION DISTRACTED DUE TO CELL PHONE FATIGUED/ASLEEP OBSTRUCTED 2 1 3 1 1 4 4 18 1 1 3% 1% 4% 1% 1% 5% 5% 23% 1% 1% CRASH SEVERITY PROPERTY DAMAGE NON-FATAL ONLY INJURY FATAL INJURY 41 36 2 52% 46% 3% 2007 CRASH INFORMATION ARE NOT COMPLETE CRASH SUMMARY IS BASED ON CRASH REPORTS WITH STATE POLICE NARRATIVES Directional Traffic Volumes along I-495, North of Route 28, Middleborough Tuesday, September 12, 2006 2,000 1,500 Northbound Direction Southbound Direction 1,000 500 Time of Day PM 10 :0 0 PM 8: 00 PM 6: 00 PM 4: 00 PM 2: 00 PM AM 12 :0 0 10 :0 0 AM 8: 00 AM 6: 00 AM 4: 00 AM 2: 00 AM 0 12 :0 0 Hourly Volume (Number of Vehicles) 2,500 I-495, Between RTE. 28 (Wareham Street) & RT 105 (Main Street) 09/12/2006 Northbound Southbound Direction Direction TOTAL Start time 12:00 AM 54 103 157 1:00 AM 53 77 130 2:00 AM 35 56 91 3:00 AM 91 65 156 4:00 AM 260 103 363 5:00 AM 942 388 1,330 6:00 AM 1,862 902 2,764 7:00 AM 2,424 1,131 3,555 8:00 AM 2,002 1,066 3,068 9:00 AM 1,536 1,022 2,558 10:00 AM 1,282 1,093 2,375 11:00 AM 1,149 1,047 2,196 12:00 PM 1,101 1,080 2,181 1:00 PM 1,204 1,124 2,328 2:00 PM 1,283 1,397 2,680 3:00 PM 1,339 1,810 3,149 4:00 PM 1,430 2,158 3,588 5:00 PM 1,201 2,181 3,382 6:00 PM 868 1,566 2,434 7:00 PM 647 1,052 1,699 8:00 PM 441 774 1,215 9:00 PM 342 575 917 10:00 PM 233 378 611 11:00 PM 118 240 358 Daily Total 21,897 21,388 43,285 Directional Traffic Volumes along I-495, Between Interchanges 4&5, Middleborough Tuesday, September 16, 2007 2,500 2,000 Northbound Direction Southbound Direction 1,500 1,000 500 Time of Day PM 10 :0 0 PM 8: 00 PM 6: 00 PM 4: 00 PM 2: 00 PM AM 12 :0 0 10 :0 0 AM 8: 00 AM 6: 00 AM 4: 00 AM 2: 00 AM 0 12 :0 0 Hourly Volume (Number of Vehicles) 3,000 I-495, Between Interchanges 4 and 5 09/16/2006 Northbound Southbound Direction Direction TOTAL Start time 12:00 AM 54 129 183 1:00 AM 38 97 135 2:00 AM 57 47 104 3:00 AM 88 59 147 4:00 AM 295 118 413 5:00 AM 1,064 366 1,430 6:00 AM 2,029 910 2,939 7:00 AM 2,806 1,133 3,939 8:00 AM 2,315 1,100 3,415 9:00 AM 1,592 1,060 2,652 10:00 AM 1,302 1,030 2,332 11:00 AM 1,156 1,104 2,260 12:00 PM 1,183 1,028 2,211 1:00 PM 1,149 1,160 2,309 2:00 PM 1,269 1,537 2,806 3:00 PM 1,390 1,930 3,320 4:00 PM 1,439 2,389 3,828 5:00 PM 1,347 2,514 3,861 6:00 PM 946 1,709 2,655 7:00 PM 552 1,045 1,597 8:00 PM 429 804 1,233 9:00 PM 276 566 842 10:00 PM 224 372 596 11:00 PM 127 267 394 Daily Total 23,127 22,474 45,601 Example of Channelizing Line Applications for Entrance-Exit Ramp Markings Neutral area Optional chevron markings Theoretical gore point Broken lane line markings for full length of acceleration/deceleration lane Channelizing lines Legend Direction of travel ± ³ EE T EE T ST R ST R T IN RE RE ER ET W C FU ST R H AN OD T R BS GIB OA ENUE D FAY E AVE NU E R O O NS AD RE ST ST § ¦ ¨ RE ET E E AM AS R 495 CH O EH G PU R SH W AR EE T MA I S TR ES ET OD NS T RE E WO T EE RH R ± ³ ET ET ST ST AP L LS NE TS TR E ET S S TR E U IN G IS LA TH OM A CHER T EE K AD E AY U VA ND G AR IP W E RE 5 ID R S T EE RO BR LO N R ST I TA AP 49 ST TIS PA Q TH OR TA TE MIDDLEBOROUGH VE TR E E T TH VE RO WA LNU T S TR E E WA Y RO LAKEVILLE T OL GO W PO ET D ST E US OR D HO EN S R PE RRY ET EET AD N PA S TR RO PIC K TRE ET SM ITH S F BE D DE RE " )3 SH AD EN IN C ER S RO RY S ± ³ N NT O U SO INT 79 AT WO OD AV PE AR OA K S TRE E T LS TR EE T EE T ST R EA ST G H DRIV E PO ND R OA D T ET " )4 CLE A R EE RE ET EE T S OS CR ± ³ RE ST S TR ST RE T EE TR CL AY S TA U ST D VE OA ( ! ST R T T EE 5 RO CK R 49 ( ! ST G NU ST TA TE WE ES T EM TH WE LC 28 RO CH H KE NN E ER S E ET C SA INT S TR WAY S JA N EE T YR TR E HS TR T E AC ST CEN 44 £ ¤ ET RE AV ENUE ANDE RS ON RT T KA ROUTE 44 D OA ST " ) N D AR LE RT NO 5 AI RC O SH 18 M EE OA N RI WAY ST EA R ST DR N RTO R P LE D OA ET ET E AM CI STRE ET PLYM PTON DDE CHA RE RE ST N UN ST ER TT CE NT STRE ET PLYM OUTH D E ER EV ET LL ET OL MA 44 ) "6 £ ¤ PRE C BR YA NT ST ST PR E ET CI NC PL A ± ³ 105 EE T R ST R E CEDA R ST ER DE M D S TR E R PU A CH M SU BE DFOR 18 ET STRE E T TI ER IA N UT R O SH O R E EE T D SO R OA EL RE S N S HO R E L FU L AD RS TR HIGHLAND STREET R AD LE IL SC PR I AN D HL RO HI G TE O 14 AD MA RION RO RO AD LA DR VE IS R MI L RI IV E ID W E ATH IES P SA D 0 Legend ! ( " ) Depot Zone A Exit Zone B Low Salt Road Municipal Boundary Zone II Water : (Commonwealth of Massachusetts ! MassHighway Low Salt Zone 2007 D5-05 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Miles 1 inch equals 0.8 Miles