ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Washington Street (Route 1) and Como Drive Attleboro, MA March 7, 2016 Prepared For: MassDOT On Behalf Of: Vanasse & Associates, Inc. 35 New England Business Center Drive, Suite 140 Andover, MA 01810 Prepared By: Bayside Engineering, Inc. 600 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn, MA 01801 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Table of Contents Contents Background .................................................................................................................................1 Project Data .................................................................................................................................1 Project Location and Description..............................................................................................2 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements........................................................6 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................13 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Additional Information Road Safety Audit References List of Figures Figure 1: Locus Map.................................................................................................................................. 4 Figure 2: Aerial Photo……………………………………………………………………………………..5 List of Tables Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members............................................................................................. 2 Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown........................................................................... 13 Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary................................................................................... 14 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Background The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) has developed a Strategic Highway Safety Plan to maximize safety for users of the roadway system and one of the many strategies of this plan is to conduct a Road Safety Audit (RSA) at high-crash locations. A RSA is defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary audit team. The safety improvements recommended through a RSA typically vary from low cost measures which may be completed as short-term measures to more significant improvements that are more costly, long term measures. The Washington Street (Route 1) at Como Drive intersection is a “T” type intersection under STOP sign control. The intersection has been determined by MassDOT to be among the State’s high crash list for the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD), making a RSA a requirement prior to any new design and development in the area. Como Drive intersects Washington Street from the west at a right angle to form a “T” type intersection. The intersection is approximately 550 feet north of the Washington Street and May Street intersection, which is under traffic signal control. In response to the high incidences of crashes at this intersection, MassDOT requires that this RSA be prepared to identify safety issues and potential enhancements that may be implemented in conjunction with future public or private development projects. Project Data The RSA meeting took place on Monday March 7, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the South Fire Station, 1476 West Street in Attleboro. The audit team Members and their affiliations participating in the RSA meeting are listed in Table 1. The initial step in completing the RSA process is to prepare background material for the audit site. The background material for this RSA included crash data from January 2010 to December 2013, summarized as collision diagrams and in graph format. This information was provided to the audit team as part of the meeting agenda. The audit team was encouraged to review the data and conduct their own site visit of the intersection to become familiar with the safety issues to be discussed. The audit team assembled as scheduled at the South Fire Station conference room and the background information was briefly reviewed. A discussion of some of the intersection concerns was also initiated followed by the audit team visiting the intersection. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. At completion of the of the site visit, the audit team returned to the South Fire Station to continue discussion of the intersection safety concerns as well as possible enhancements. The audit meeting was adjourned with a brief explanation of the remainder of the process and approximate time schedule to complete the audit report. Table 1: Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation John Mastera MassDOT Highway Safety Leah Nesbitt MassDOT Highway Safety Jacqueline Schmidt SRPEDD Luis de Oliveira SRPEDD Lance Hill Attleboro DPW Ron Dubuc Attleboro DPW Jim MacDonald Attleboro Police Department Kyle Heagney Attleboro Police Department Dennis Perkins Attleboro Fire Department Gary Ayrassian Attleboro Department of Planning and Development Bruno Campea Bayside Engineering, Inc. Project Location and Description The Washington Street (Route 1) at Como Drive intersection is located approximately 1.7 miles south of the Route I-295 and Washington Street (Route 1) interchange in Attleboro; refer to Figure 1 for the Locus Map. Washington Street within this area is abutted mostly by commercial and retail land uses with many driveways and curb cuts providing access onto Washington Street. Washington Street is a north to south roadway connecting Interstate Route 295 (I-295) to the north and Interstate Route 95 (I-95) to the south, and has a Federal Functional Classification of Minor Arterial. It is under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). It is essentially a four-lane roadway with designated turn lanes interspersed at major traffic signalized intersections as well as other significant turn locations. In the vicinity of the Como Drive intersection, Washington Street is undivided and posted for 40 MPH in both directions. The four-lane cross-section has no shoulders or bicycle lanes. There are no sidewalks on either side of Washington Street. The Washington Street horizontal alignment is straight north of Como Drive but has a slight curve south of the intersection. Washington Street is intersected by May Street approximately 550 feet south of Como Drive. The Washington Street and May Street intersection is under traffic signal control. A narrow median separates directional traffic on Washington Street beginning approximately 160 feet south of Como Drive and extends to the May Street intersection. The Washington Street vertical profile slopes up to a crest vertical curve north of Como Drive. To the south, the Washington Street vertical profile is relatively flat. Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. A full-access driveway, approximately 30 feet wide, exists on Washington Street immediately north of the Como Drive intersection (approximately 90 feet, centerline to centerline). This driveway services several businesses located in a strip mall at this neighboring parcel of land. Como Drive is an east to west local roadway providing residential access to Washington Street. The “T” type intersection is under STOP sign control at Washington Street. Como Drive is a two way, approximately 30 foot wide roadway, which has no pavement markings to divide directional traffic or at the STOP sign approach to Washington Street. An aerial view of the Washington Street at Como Drive intersection is provided as Figure 2. Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Figure 1: Locus Map Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Figure 2: Aerial Photo – Washington Street at Como Drive Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements After the audit team participated in the RSA site visit on March 7, 2016, the audit team members returned to the conference room at the South Fire Station and the group discussion continued in more detail on the various safety issues that were observed to have an impact on the intersection safety. Additionally, potential enhancements to mitigate the safety issues were discussed. The safety issues that were observed and discussed include: 1. The crest vertical curve along Washington Street restricts visibility of on-coming vehicles for those exiting Como Drive. 2. The ground signs and vegetation along the west side of Washington Street restricts visibility of vehicles exiting Como Drive. 3. No deceleration lane on Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive. 4. Poor location of posted speed limit sign along Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive. 5. The full-access driveway in close proximity to the Como Drive intersection causes confusion and creates increased conflicts. 6. The Como Drive intersection is somewhat camouflaged and not readily visible to southbound vehicles on Washington Street. 7. Vehicles queue from the May Street intersection up to and at times past the Como Drive intersection. 8. Vehicles travelling northbound on Washington Street approaching Como Drive from the south experience restricted visibility. 9. Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations on Washington Street. 10. No shoulders and no bicycle accommodations on Washington Street. 11. Poor visibility of the STOP sign at the Como Drive approach to Washington Street. 12. Lack of pavement markings on Como Drive approaching Washington Street. Each of the safety issues listed above is described in more detail in the following paragraphs along with the potential enhancements discussed during the RSA meeting. Observed Safety Issue #1 - The crest vertical curve along Washington Street restricts visibility of on-coming vehicles for those exiting Como Drive. Washington Street in the vicinity of Como Drive has a straight horizontal alignment. However, the Washington Street vertical profile from Como Drive to the north is on an upslope with a crest curve approximately 400 feet north of Como Drive. Exiting Como Drive looking north along Washington Street is the crest curve. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. This appears to create a visibility restriction for exiting vehicles, especially for those wanting to turn left onto Washington Street northbound. The high percentage of rear-end crashes on Washington Street may be the result of southbound vehicles stopping short due to avoid a collision with vehicles from Como Drive entering the traffic stream but are unable to see on­ coming vehicles from a safe distance. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. Perform Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) and Intersection Sight Distance (ISD) studies to determine if sufficient distance exists based on the actual 85th percentile travel speeds for vehicles to exit left and right from Como Dive. 2. If the sight distance for left turning vehicles onto Washington Street northbound is found deficient, it was suggested Como Drive traffic be restricted to right in and right out only. Vehicles wanting to go northbound on Washington Street would be directed to exit Como Drive in the other direction to Heather Street to May Street and turn left at the Washington Street traffic signal. 3. Investigate the possibility of physically preventing left turns onto Washington Street northbound by extending the median that currently ends south of Como Drive to some point north of Como Drive. This will require Washington Street to be widened. 4. Reconstruct the Washington Street profile to provide a crest curve that provides sufficient sight distances based on the actual 85th percentile travel speeds. Observed Safety Issue #2: The ground signs and vegetation along the west side of Washington Street restricts visibility of vehicles exiting Como Drive. Several large, private signs have been placed along the west side of Washington Street fairly close to the edge of road. These private advertising signs appear to be well within the existing right of way. The signs obstruct the view of drivers exiting Como Drive and looking north for on-coming vehicles. Additionally, the vegetation and trees along this sight line add to this issue. Although not as severe, vegetation and trees along the southwest corner also restrict the sight line looking south. This condition will worsen as the vegetation blooms during the growing season. Signs and vegetation at west edge of Washington Street - looking north (L) and south (R) Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. The private advertising sign should be relocated outside the state layout and onto private property. 2. The vegetation and trees should be examined once it has bloomed and cut back or pruned if it is found to be obstructing the visibility of vehicles exiting Como Drive. Observed Safety Issue #3: No deceleration lane on Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive. The posted speed limit on Washington Street is 40 MPH. Vehicles traveling at this speed or higher in some cases must slow down significantly in order to make a right turn into Como Drive (or the adjacent driveway). Without a deceleration lane vehicles must slowdown in the travel lane. This is a safety issue as evidenced by the high number of rear end type crashes. The crashes occur as a result of vehicles following too close or the vehicle slowing down is an unexpected maneuver. Potential Safety Enhancements: Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive lacks a deceleration lane. 1. Construct a deceleration lane for southbound vehicles approaching and wanting to turn right into Como Drive or the adjacent driveway. Observed Safety Issue #4: Poor location of posted speed limit sign along Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive. It was suggested that the speed limit sign located at the top of the crest curve on Washington Street facing the southbound direction is a poor location as it appears to emphasize the 40 MPH speed limit instead of encouraging and warning vehicles to slow down. Potential Safety Enhancement: 1. Conduct a review of the speed limit zones to determine if the speed limit sign can be relocated to a more appropriate location. 2. Investigate the possibility of installing a warning Speed limit sign at top of crest curve sign such as an advance intersection sign or an approaching Como Drive. advance traffic signal ahead sign in its place. It was suggested such signage may have the more appropriate effect of causing vehicles to slow down as they approach Como Drive. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Observed Safety Issue #5: The full-access driveway in close proximity to the Como Drive intersection causes confusion and creates increased conflicts. A full-access driveway, approximately 30 feet wide, exists on Washington Street to the north of the Como Drive intersection. This driveway services the strip mall adjacent to Como Drive. Vehicles traveling southbound on Washington Street make the same maneuver to turn right into the driveway or into Como Drive. This confuses vehicles following the turning vehicle, especially if it is following too close behind as it slows down. Additionally, exiting vehicles are an issue, especially if there are exiting vehicle both at the driveway and at Como Drive. Potential Safety Enhancements: Como Drive and the adjacent driveway. 1. Investigate the possibility of relocating the strip mall driveway to create more separation from Como Drive and create a safer condition. 2. Redesign the mall driveway as a right turns in and a right turns out only driveway, thus eliminating this as a point of conflict. Vehicles wanting to go Washington Street northbound can access Como Drive and make a left turn for Washington Street northbound. 3. Evaluate the possibility of closing the driveway on Washington Street and redesign a full access driveway onto Como Drive. This will force all turns be made at the Washington Street at Como Drive intersection. Observed Safety Issue #6: The Como Drive intersection is somewhat camouflaged and not readily visible to southbound vehicles on Washington Street. Approaching Como Drive from Washington Street in the southbound direction, the intersection is not readily visible which may result in drivers not being prepared for conflicting movements to occur. One reason for this has already been discussed; the intersection does not come into view until after reaching the top of the crest vertical curve. Another reason also discussed is the large ground signs placed so close to the edge of road. The intersection blends in and is camouflaged by the surrounding Como Drive intersection is not readily vegetation and also somewhat obstructed from view visible from Washington Street southbound. by the large sign for the strip mall located between the driveway and Como Drive. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. Install a warning sign at the top of the crest curve indicating the intersection ahead. The sign will be visible prior to reaching the crest curve and drivers will be aware to look for the intersection beyond the crest curve. Observed Safety Issue #7: Vehicles queue from the May Street intersection up to and at times past the Como Drive intersection. Washington Street is intersected by May Street approximately 550 feet south of Como Drive. The Washington Street and May Street intersection is under traffic signal control. A narrow median separates directional traffic on Washington Street beginning approximately 160 feet south of Como Drive and extends to the May Street intersection. The Washington Street southbound approach to May Street consists of two through lanes and a designated left turn lane which is approximately 125 feet long (storage capacity for approximately five vehicles). It was reported that the left turn lane capacity during the Vehicles queue from May Street traffic rush hours is often exceeded causing left turn signal up to Como Drive. vehicles to queue and block the inner through lane. Local drivers are aware of this and often try to switch from the inner to the outer through lane to avoid getting blocked. The switching of lanes may be the cause of the side swipe type crashes. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. Collect traffic volume data and analyze traffic signal operations to determine signal phasing is at optimum, especially for the left turn phase. 2. Determine the 95th percentile queue length from the analysis and determine if the existing left turn lane length can be increased to meet the demand. Observed Safety Issue #8: Vehicles travelling northbound on Washington Street approaching Como Drive from the south experience restricted visibility. An audit team member stated that vehicles travelling northbound toward Como Drive do not have sufficient sight distance to see vehicles stopped on Washington Street to allow southbound vehicles who want to turn left into the driveways north of Como Drive. The issues causing the restricted visibility include a crest vertical curve in the Washington Street profile and a curve in the horizontal alignment. Additionally, the east side of Washington Street from May Street past Como Drive includes: large signs placed close to the edge of the road, vegetation growing close Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. to the edge of the road and a large rock outcrop just north of May Street that is also somewhat close to the edge of road. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. Conduct a SSD study for both the horizontal and vertical alignment based on the actual 85th percentile travel speeds. 2. Based on the study results, address the issues and provide sight distances that meet design guidelines. Washington Street looking north from May Street Intersection. 3. Perform clearing and pruning of any vegetation to eliminate visibilities issues. 4. Relocate any roadway mounted private signs to outside the state layout line so they do not hinder visibility. Observed Safety Issue #9: Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations on Washington Street. There are no pedestrian accommodations on either Como Drive or Washington Street. Washington Street has no sidewalk on either side nor are there any cross walk pavement markings or wheel chair ramps to cross Washington Street or Como Drive. The nearest pedestrian accommodations are at the May Street intersection approximately 550 feet to the south or at the Cumberland Avenue intersection approximately 1900 feet to the north. It was noted that this is a high priority location for pedestrian accommodation as there is a connectivity issue between the May Street intersection and the Cumberland Avenue intersection. Both of these signalized intersections have pedestrian signal housings with push buttons, cross walks and wheel chair ramps to cross Washington The intersection lacks pedestrian accommodations. Street. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. As part of any future development and proposed work, the intersection should be evaluated and made to comply with Engineering Directive E-14-001 dated 02/04/14, Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Project for compliance with design criteria relative to pedestrian accommodations. This directive supports the MassDOT Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001 dated 09/09/13. Observed Safety Issue #10: No shoulders and no bicycle accommodations on Washington Street. Washington Street has no shoulders and no bicycle accommodations. The roadway cross section in the vicinity of the intersection consists of two lanes in each direction separated by a double yellow centerline, and a white edge of road line offset approximately one foot from edge of road. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. As part of any future development and proposed work, the intersection should be evaluated and made to comply with Engineering Directive E-14-001 dated 02/04/14, Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Project for compliance with design criteria relative to pedestrian accommodations. This directive supports the MassDOT Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001 dated 09/09/13. Observed Safety Issue #11: Poor visibility of the STOP sign at the Como Drive approach to Washington Street. The Como Drive approach at its intersection with Washington Street is under STOP sign control. The STOP sign is located off the edge of pavement, behind the guard rail and slight around the curved corner. Como Drive has no sidewalk and the roadway is abutted with overgrown vegetation. Audit team member noted that once the vegetation blooms the sign may have limited visibility to approaching vehicles. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. Review sign location and relocate to improve visibility for approaching vehicles. Como Drive approach to Washington Street. 2. Install a stop ahead warning sign (W3-1) in advance of the intersection. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Observed Safety Issue #12: Lack of pavement markings on Como Drive approaching Washington Street. Como Drive is two way, approximately 30 feet wide, but has no pavement markings to divide directional traffic or edge lines to delineate edge of road. Additionally, there is no stop line at the STOP sign approach to Washington Street. Potential Safety Enhancements: 1. Install pavement markings on Como Drive approaching Washington Street. Summary of Road Safety Audit The RSA team identified a number of safety issues and potential safety enhancements for the intersections of Washington Street at Route I-95 Como Drive based on their on-site field observations, the meeting discussion and a review of the available data. The safety improvements, as is typical, vary from low cost quick fixes to significant improvements with higher costs and a long range time frame to implement. A breakdown of the time frame and costs categories is presented in Table 2. Table 2: Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Costs Short-Term <1 Year Low <$10,000 Mid-Term 1-3 Years Medium $10,001-$50,000 Long-Term >3 Years High >$50,000 Table 3 lists each safety issue and potential safety enhancement discussed during the audit. For each safety issue, the potential safety enhancement is described; its potential safety payoff, the estimated time frame for completion, the estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency are noted. Safety payoff estimates, categorized as low, medium or high, are subjective and based on engineering judgment and past experience. The time frame is categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term and the costs are categorized as low, medium, or high as defined in table above. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Table 3: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue The crest vertical curve along Washington Street restricts visibility of on­ coming vehicles for those exiting Como Drive. The signs and vegetation along Washington Street restricts visibility of vehicles exiting Como Drive. Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Perform Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) and Intersection Sight Distance (ISD) studies to determine if sufficient distance exists based on the actual 85th percentile travel speeds for vehicles to exit left and right from Como Dive. High Short-Term Low MassDOT/Developer Restrict Como Drive traffic to right turn in and right turn out only Medium Short-Term Medium MassDOT/City Officials Investigate the possibility of physically preventing left turns onto Washington Street northbound by extending the median that currently ends south of Como Drive to some point north of Como Drive. This will require Washington Street to be widened. High Long-Term High MassDOT Reconstruct the Washington Street profile to provide a crest curve that provides sufficient sight distances based on the actual 85th percentile travel speeds. High Long-Term High MassDOT The private advertising signs should be relocated outside the state layout and onto private property. Low Short-Term Low City Officials/Developer The vegetation and trees should be examined once they have bloomed and cut back or pruned if they are found to be obstructing visibility of vehicles exiting Como Drive. Low Short-Term Low MassDOT/City Officials/Developer Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Table 4: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement No deceleration lane on Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive. Poor location of posted speed limit sign along Washington Street southbound approaching Como Drive. The full-access driveway in close proximity to the Como Drive intersection causes confusion and creates increased conflicts. The Como Drive intersection is somewhat camouflaged and not readily visible to southbound vehicles on Washington Street. Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Construct a deceleration lane for southbound vehicles approaching and wanting to turn right into Como Drive or the adjacent driveway. High Medium High MassDOT Conduct a review of the speed limit zones and relocate the speed limit sign to a more appropriate location. Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Install a warning sign such as an advance intersection sign or an advance traffic signal ahead sign in its place to slow vehicles. Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Relocate the strip mall driveway to create more separation from Como Drive and create a safer condition. Medium Medium High MassDOT/Developer Redesign and make the strip mall driveway a right turn in and a right turn out only driveway Medium Medium Medium MassDOT/Developer Evaluate the possibility of closing the driveway on Washington Street and redesign a full access driveway onto Como Drive. Medium Medium High MassDOT/Developer Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Install a warning sign at the top of the crest curve indicating the intersection ahead. The sign will be visible prior to reaching the crest curve and drivers will be aware to look for the intersection beyond the crest curve. Page 15 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Table 5: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Vehicles queue from the May Street intersection up to and at times past the Como Drive intersection Vehicles travelling northbound on Washington Street approaching Como Drive from the south experience restricted visibility. Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Collect traffic volume data and analyze traffic signal operations to determine signal phasing is at optimum, especially for the left turn phase. Low Short-Term Low MassDOT/Developer Determine the 95th percentile queue length from the analysis and determine if the existing left turn lane length can be increased to meet the demand. Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/Developer Conduct a SSD study for both the horizontal and vertical alignment based on the actual 85th percentile travel speeds. High Short-Term Low MassDOT/Developer Based on the study results, address the issues and provide sight distances that meet design guidelines. High Long-Term High MassDOT/Developer Perform clearing and pruning of any vegetation to eliminate visibilities issues Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Developer Relocate any roadway mounted private signs to outside the state layout line so they do not hinder visibility. Low Short-Term Low City Officials/Developer Page 16 Road Safety Audit—Washington St. at Como Dr., Attleboro Bayside Engineering, Inc. Table 6: Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Lack of proper pedestrian accommodations on Washington Street. The intersection should be evaluated and made to comply with Engineering Directive E-14­ 001 dated 02/04/14, Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Project for compliance with design criteria relative to pedestrian accommodations. This directive supports the MassDOT Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001 dated 09/09/13. High Long-Term High MassDOT/Developer No shoulders and no bicycle accommodations on Washington Street. The intersection should be evaluated and made to comply with Engineering Directive E-14­ 001 dated 02/04/14, Design Criteria for MassDOT Highway Division Project for compliance with design criteria relative to pedestrian accommodations. This directive supports the MassDOT Healthy Transportation Policy Directive P-13-0001 dated 09/09/13. High Long -Term High MassDOT/Developer Review sign location and relocated to improve visibility for approaching vehicles. Low Short-Term Low City Officials/Developer Install stop ahead warning sign (W3-1) in advance of intersection. Low Short-Term Low City Officials/Developer Install pavement markings on Como Drive approaching Washington Street. Low Short-Term Low City Officials/Developer Poor visibility of the STOP sign at the Como Drive approach to Washington Street. Lack of pavement markings on Como Drive approaching Washington Street. Page 17 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: March 7, 2016 Location: Attleboro, MA Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Email Address Name Agency Email John Mastera MassDOT Highway Safety Leah Nesbitt MassDOT Highway Safety --- Jacqueline Schmidt SRPEDD --- Luis de Oliveira SRPEDD --- Lance Hill Attleboro DPW dpwsupervisor@cityofattleboro 508-223-2222 Ext 3154 .us Ron Dubuc Attleboro DPW Jim MacDonald Attleboro Police Department jmacdonald@attleboropolice.or g 508-222-1212 Kyle Heagney Attleboro Police Department 508-222-1212 Dennis Perkins Attleboro Fire Department fireprevention@cityofattleboro. us 774-203-1921 Gary Ayrassian Attleboro Department of Planning and Development Bruno Campea Bayside Engineering, Inc. bcampea@baysideengineering .com Phone Number 857-368-9648 508-223-2222 Ext 3157 508-223-2222 Ext 3141 781-932-3201 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Appendix D. Additional Information Appendix E. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006.