ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 113 at Interstate Route 95 interchange City of Newburyport April 26, 2013 Prepared For: Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization Prepared By: Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Location and Description.............................................................................................. 3 Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements......................................................17 Summary of Road Safety Audit...............................................................................................22 List of Figures Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. Site Locus Map (Source: USGS)........................................................................................... 4 Aerial Orthogonal Photo of Storey Avenue at I-95 (Source: Pictometry, 4/04/12) ............... 6 Existing Weekday Morning and Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (Source: VHB) ..... 10 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Traffic Volume Summary ...................................................................................................... 9 Route 113 at Interstate 95 ramps Crash Summary (2008 – 2010)........................................ 11 Route 113 at Interstate Route 95 ramps Intersection Crash Rates ....................................... 13 Storey Av. (Rt. 113) at I-95 SB ramp Operations Analysis Results .................................... 14 Storey Av. (Rt. 113) at I-95 NB ramp Operations Analysis Results .................................... 15 Storey Av. (Rt. 113) at P&R Lot Drive Operations Analysis Results.................................. 15 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 23 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. Appendix D. Appendix E. Appendix F. Appendix G. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data Roadway Speed Data Crash Rate Calculation Intersection Operations Analysis Methodology and Results Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Background A Road Safety Audit (RSA) as defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) is “the formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team.” An RSA qualitatively estimates and reports on all safety issues and identifies opportunities for safety improvements for all roadway users. The “conducting of RSAs at high-crash locations throughout the Commonwealth” is one of the many strategies noted in the state’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, which was developed in an effort to reduce the number of crash-related fatalities and incapacitating injuries on roadways within Massachusetts. The Interstate Route 95 ramps with Storey Avenue (Route 113) were identified by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission as being one of the top locations for crashes within the Merrimack Valley. According to the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO’s) 2011 Regional Transportation Plan, this location experienced a total of 59 crashes over a period of three years from 2006 to 2008. For the approximate 3,462 locations within the Merrimack Valley that experienced crashes, this location is ranked as being number 23 in terms of the overall crash frequency and number 21 in terms of Equivalent Property Damage Only. Because the Interstate Route 95 ramp intersection locations are within the top five percent of crash clusters in the Merrimack Valley region, it is eligible for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). MassDOT incorporated the RSA as a requirement for securing Federal funding (HSIP funds) for safety projects. For these reasons, this intersection was chosen as the site of an RSA by the Merrimack Valley MPO to help identify potential short-term and long-term safety improvements that could be made if HSIP funding is received. Page 1 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Project Data The Road Safety Audit was conducted on November 19, 2012 for Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 ramps. As shown in Table 1, the audit team was comprised of state, regional, and local agencies and included professionals from emergency response, engineering, and planning. Prior to this meeting, MVPC gathered, reviewed, and summarized the most recent pertinent available information, including: crash data, traffic volume data, and traffic speed data. In addition to the crash data summaries obtained from the MassDOT/RMV Statewide database, MVPC also collected the actual crash reports, which show the narratives and crash diagrams, from the Newburyport police and Massachusetts state police departments. With input and assistance from Newburyport officials, MVPC selected the RSA team and chose to meet at the City Hall. At the pre-audit meeting, MVPC discussed the process and goals for the RSA, provided handouts of all pertinent information, presented the existing traffic, speed, and crash data, and discussed any known related planned projects to the participants in order to provide an introduction to project. The team then began to provide comments on the safety issues, based on their knowledge of the intersection. MVPC recorded the comments. Following the pre-audit meeting, the team conducted a site visit/audit, during which the previous specific safety issues and concerns were pointed out by the RSA team and MVPC. Additional safety issues were identified at the site and recorded by MVPC. After the site visit, the RSA participants met in a post-audit meeting and the group discussed potential countermeasures that had been identified during the RSA and any new countermeasures that could be thought of during the meeting. The countermeasures, which were recorded by MVPC, included short-term, intermediate-term, and long-term improvements. The State DOT was identified at this meeting as the owner of all roadways in this study area and therefore is the responsible party for the improvements and any necessary designs. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Tony Furnari Newburyport DPS Director Debbie Cheng Newburyport DPS Jon-Eric White Newburyport City Engineer Andrew Port Newburyport Planning Director Geordie Vining Newburyport Planning Project Manager Stephen Bradbury Newburyport Fire Deputy Thomas Howard Newburyport Police Marshall Michael Harvey Massachusetts State Police Officer Constance Raphael MassDOT District 4 Planning Coordinator Sara Timoner MassDOT District 4 Traffic Corey O’Connor MassDOT Safety Engineer Tony Komornick Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Jim Terlizzi Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Page 2 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Project Location and Description MVPC conducted an inventory of the existing ramp intersection geometry in May of 2012. Traffic volumes were collected by Vanasse, Hangen, Brustlin, Inc. (VHB) in April and May of 2010, prior to the increase in volumes along Storey Avenue due to the closing of the Hines Bridge over the Merrimack River for repairs. Below is a detailed discussion of the interchange geometrics and traffic control features, a discussion of the daily and peak hour traffic volumes, a review of the crash data, and an analysis of the existing operations. As of this writing, work is complete on the Hines Bridge. Geometrics and Traffic Control Interstate Route 95 Interstate Route 95 (I-95) is part of the nation’s network of interstate highways and it runs approximately 1,920 miles between Houlton, Maine at the Canadian border to the north and the Coconut Grove neighborhood of Miami, Florida to the south. In the Northeast, the I-95 corridor runs through some of the most densely developed and mature metropolitan areas of the country, of which Boston is one of them. Approximately 92 miles of the highway lies within Massachusetts, traversing the state from Salisbury at the New Hampshire state line to Peabody, then circumferentially around the Boston metropolitan area, and finally from Canton to Attleboro at the Rhode Island state line. North of Boston, the highway, which is owned and maintained by MassDOT, serves interstate travelers as well as commuters traveling from northern suburbs to the Boston and employment centers surrounding the city. The highway provides four lanes of travel per direction that are separated by a center median from its interchange with Route 1 in Peabody, to the south, up to and through its interchange with Storey Avenue (Route 113) in Newburyport, to the north. Approximately 1,500 feet north of the Storey Avenue ramps, the highway’s cross-section narrows. It decreases from eight to six lanes as it is carried on the Whittier Bridge over the Merrimack River and then until it reaches the ramps for Interstate Route 495 in Salisbury to the north. The Whittier Bridge is programmed to be reconstructed (Project #601096) beginning in the summer of 2013 with work expected to be completed by the summer of 2016. The bridge will be replaced with a wider cross-section of eight lanes. The speed limit on Interstate Route 95, in the vicinity of Storey Avenue, is posted at 65 miles per hour (mph). Storey Avenue (Route 113) Storey Avenue (Route 113) is an east/west state owned roadway, 1.8 miles in length, which runs from the West Newbury town line at the Artichoke Reservoir crossing to the west to its intersection with Moseley and High Streets, to the east. Figure 1 presents a USGS map showing the audit site locus along Storey Avenue as it passes over Interstate Route 95, which is located at the approximate mid-point of the roadway. The roadway, which is functionally classified as an urban principal arterial, widens from two lanes to four from the west as it approaches the ramps with Interstate Route 95. East of I-95, the four-lane Storey Avenue (Route 113) is designated as Page 3 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Figure 1. Site Locus Map (Source: USGS) being part of the National Highway System (NHS) of roads. For eastbound travelers on Storey Avenue, west of I-95, the speed limit is posted at 35 mph immediately east of Daniel Lucy Way. East of I-95, it is also posted at 35 mph for eastbound travelers, immediately east of Russell Terrace. The speed limit for eastbound travelers is posted at 30 mph immediately west of Park Circle. For westbound travelers, the speed limit is posted at 35 mph immediately west of Park Circle and at 50 mph immediately west of Hoyts Lane. These speed limits are consistent with the limits that are noted in Special Speed Regulation #578B for the City of Newburyport. A speed limit 35 is not present for eastbound travelers passing by Hoyts Lane. A speed limit 30 mph sign is not present for westbound travelers coming from High Street. Land uses fronting the roadway are primarily residential west of I-95 and are primarily commercial retail east of I-95. Page 4 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 ramps Interstate Route 95 was originally constructed in the early 1950s and it had an interchange with Storey Avenue (Route 113) in Newburyport in a full cloverleaf style ramp system. In the mid 1970s, Interstate Route 95 was reconstructed and its alignment was shifted slightly to the west and a new interchange was constructed with Storey Avenue to its present more compact slip ramp style configuration, as presented in the aerial photograph of Figure 2. The City of Newburyport and the Essex National Heritage Area maintain the “Little River Nature Trail” along the old Interstate Route 95 northbound off-ramp and the old Interstate Route 95 alignment that is partially paved. MassDOT has a driveway to its commuter Park and Ride lot along the old Interstate Route 95 northbound on-ramp. Through the Interstate Route 95 ramp system, Storey Avenue carries two lanes of travel per direction that are separated by a raised center median island. The center median extends to the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway intersection, which is located approximately 485 feet east of the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp intersection. The Interstate Route 95 southbound ramp intersection is located approximately 880 feet west of the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp intersection. The Interstate Route 95 northbound and southbound ramp intersections, as well as the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway intersection, are all signalized and the traffic signal controllers are interconnected with one another along Storey Avenue. The signals run in coordinated operation on a 100 second cycle during the weekday morning commuter peak period and a 90 second cycle during the weekday evening commuter peak period. Clearance intervals between signal phases for all of the signals are 3 seconds of yellow and 2 seconds of all-red time. Of interesting note is the fact that the travel distance along Storey Avenue varies by direction between the northbound ramp intersection and the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway intersection. The distance between STOP lines at the signalized intersections is approximately 455 feet in the westbound direction and approximately 510 feet in the eastbound direction. Therefore, it takes approximately one second more to travel in the eastbound direction and clear the intersection than it does in the westbound direction for vehicles traveling at free flow speeds. Passing the ramps along Storey Avenue, there generally is a distance of approximately eight feet between the solid white travel edge lines and the curbing. Sidewalks, approximately five feet in width, are provided along both sides of Storey Avenue. The sidewalks have a bituminous concrete surface, except for a 300 foot section carried on the bridge over the interstate highway, which has a cement concrete surface. The sidewalks are in good condition. There are no crosswalks painted across the ramps or Storey Avenue. A crosswalk, 7 feet in width, is painted across the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway. Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramps Traffic originating from or destined to the downtown side of Storey Avenue to the east can access or egress Interstate Route 95 southbound by an on- and off-ramp that are opposite one another and offset from one another (by approximately 50 feet). The traffic going onto or off of one of these ramps is under signalized traffic control. There are two 12-foot wide travel lanes in Page 5 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Figure 2. Aerial Orthogonal Photo of Storey Avenue at I-95 (Source: Pictometry, 4/04/12) each direction of Storey Avenue at this intersection and one 12-foot wide exclusive left-turn lane, which is approximately 515 feet in length, on the westbound approach for vehicles wishing to access the on-ramp. The Interstate Route 95 southbound off-ramp splits at its base approximately 130 feet from Storey Avenue by a delta shaped island into one exclusive rightturn off-ramp lane and two exclusive left-turn lanes that meet Storey Avenue perpendicularly. Traffic in the right-turn lane onto Storey Avenue westbound is under YIELD-sign control, while traffic in the two side-by-side left-turn lanes, which are a minimum of 13-feet in width, is under signal control. Lane line extension pavement markings guide the traffic in the two left-turn lanes through the intersection. Traffic heading eastbound on Storey Avenue and destined to Interstate Route 95 southbound is channelized onto the on-ramp approximately 100 feet behind the STOP line (and traffic signal control) by a large delta shaped traffic island. Page 6 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission The traffic signal controller for the intersection operates under full actuation and, as mentioned previously, is interconnected with the controller at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp intersection. During commuter peak periods, this controller operates as part of a coordinated system on a 90- to 100-second signal cycle in three phases with all phases called. Four traffic signal heads are affixed to two 30-foot long mast arms with 20-foot tall supports and seven signal heads are supported on three 10-foot tall signal posts at the intersection; two of which are on the center median island tips. Beacons for emergency vehicle preemption of the signal sit on top of the mast arms. Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps The geometric configuration and traffic control of the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp intersection is nearly identical and a mirror reflection of the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramp intersection. Like the southbound ramp intersection, there are two 12-foot wide travel lanes in each direction of Storey Avenue at this intersection. Because this intersection is a reflection of the southbound ramp intersection, on the eastbound rather than westbound approach, there is also one 12-foot wide exclusive left-turn lane, which is approximately 515 feet in length, and which is provided for vehicles wishing to access the northbound on-ramp. Traffic that enters this onramp or leaves the off-ramp, which is opposite the on-ramp and slightly offset from it, is under signal control. One of the other differences between this ramp intersection and the southbound one is that the portion of the Interstate Route 95 northbound off-ramp for left-turning vehicles has only a single left-turn lane, rather than two. This lane is a minimum of 15-feet wide. Another difference is the traffic in the right-turn lane of the off-ramp is under STOP sign control, rather than YIELDsign control. The traffic islands at the ramps of this intersection are slightly larger than the islands at the southbound ramp intersection. The Interstate Route 95 northbound off-ramp splits at its base approximately 200 feet from Storey Avenue, rather than 130 feet, by its delta shaped island into the exclusive left-turn off-ramp lane and the exclusive right-turn off-ramp lane. Traffic heading westbound on Storey Avenue and destined to Interstate Route 95 northbound is channelized onto the on-ramp approximately 120 feet behind the STOP line, rather than 100 feet, by a large delta shaped traffic island. The traffic signal controller for the intersection is interconnected with the controllers at the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramp intersection and the commuter Park and Ride lot intersection and runs in coordinated operation during commuter peak periods. Like the southbound ramp intersection, four traffic signal heads are affixed to two 30-foot long mast arms with 20-foot tall supports. It should be noted that one of the signal heads for westbound traffic is slightly rotated and does not face through traffic directly. Four more signal heads are supported on three 10-foot tall signal posts at the intersection; two of which are on the center median island tips. Emergency vehicle preemption beacons sit on top of the mast arms. Page 7 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Commuter Park and Ride Lot MassDOT maintains a parking lot with approximately 615 marked parking spaces immediately east of the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp. People will park their vehicles in this lot and use one of two private bus coach carriers to either commute to Boston or travel to Logan Airport. C& J operates the lot and provides approximately 30 inbound and 30 outbound weekday bus trips daily to/from downtown and the airport. The Coach Company provides approximately 6 inbound and 6 outbound daily bus trips to/from downtown Boston. Parking is free and is allowed overnight for a maximum of 21 days. Observations showed that this lot sees good use and on many occasions is over capacity with the staff of one of the coach companies moving the overflow cars in a “valet” style parking to unmarked spaces. The driveway for the parking lot uses the alignment of the old Interstate Route 95 northbound on-ramp and it meets Storey Avenue from the north to form a three-way signalized intersection. Storey Avenue has two 12-foot wide travel lanes per direction and a 130 foot long, 12-foot wide exclusive left-turn lane for vehicles entering the lot from the Interstate 95 ramps and Storey Avenue to the west. The left turn lane is protected from vehicles traveling in the opposite direction by a raised center median strip that is covered in bituminous concrete. The center median island continues on the east side of the intersection for another 200 feet where it terminates and a short center two way left turn lane begins for nearby Russell Terrace and the Mobil gas station. Traffic exiting the lot and using the driveway can use one 12-foot wide exclusive left-turn lane or one 10-foot wide exclusive right-turn lane. Traffic flow direction is separated on the driveway by a 100-foot long, 5-foot wide, raised center median island. A crosswalk is painted across the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway, but not across Storey Avenue. The traffic signal controller for the intersection operates under full actuation and generally rests on green for the Storey Avenue through traffic and will call a phase for Storey Avenue eastbound left-turn lane (entering the parking lot) and for the lot driveway (exiting the parking lot) when traffic is present. This signal controller is interconnected with the controller at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp intersection and during commuter peak periods, it runs in coordinated operation. Four traffic signal heads are affixed to two 35-foot long mast arms with 20-foot tall supports with two facing each direction of travel for through traffic. Two signal heads are supported on two 10-foot tall signal posts on the south side of Storey Avenue opposite the lot driveway and both heads face the driveway. There is one signal head supported on a 10-foot tall signal post that is located at the end of the center median island, east of the driveway, and the head faces the Storey Avenue eastbound left-turn lane. Beacons for emergency vehicle preemption of the signal also sit on top of the mast arms at this intersection. Page 8 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Traffic Volumes Traffic volume data used in this study was gathered in April and May of 2010, by VHB, for the Hines bridge closing study (prior to its closing). Turning movement and vehicle classification counts (TMCs) were conducted at the Storey Avenue signalized intersections, at and near the I95 ramps, during the weekday morning and evening commuter peak periods. Additionally, an automatic traffic recorder (ATR) was placed by VHB on Storey Avenue (Route 113), east of Low Street. Table 2 presents a summary of the daily and peak hour traffic volumes on roadways at the intersection. Table 2. Traffic Volume Summary Location Average Weekday Daily Traffic Volumea Peak Hour Peak Hour Traffic Volumeb KFactorc Directional Distribution Storey Avenue (Route 113), west of I-95 SB ramps NA Morning Evening 1,020 1,332 NA NA 64% eastbound 57% westbound Storey Avenue (Route 113), east of I-95 NB ramps NA Morning Evening 1,964 2,213 NA NA 58% eastbound 56% westbound Storey Avenue (Route 113), east of Low Street 15,800 Morning Evening 1,047 1,407 6.6 8.9 55% eastbound 51% eastbound a Average Weekday Daily Traffic (AWDT) volume in vehicles per day (vpd), as counted by VHB. Peak hour traffic volume in vehicles per hour (vph), as presented in VHB reports. c K-Factor is the percent of daily traffic occurring during the peak hour; expressed as a percentage. b As shown in Table 2, there are approximately 15,800 vehicles per day (vpd) on Route 113, immediately east of Low Street. West of Low Street, the daily volume is much greater, as much of the traffic volume traveling to and from Low Street is originating from or destined to the Storey Avenue and its interchange with Interstate Route 95. Traffic flow on Storey Avenue (Route 113) predominates heavily in the eastbound direction during the weekday morning peak hour and in the westbound direction during the weekday evening peak hour, as shown in Table 2. This directional distribution is a good indication of the importance of downtown Newburyport and the Storey Avenue corridor as an employment center. Figure 3 presents the weekday morning and evening peak hour turning movement volumes. As shown in Figure 3, for the approximate 1,119 vehicle-trips destined to Storey Avenue to the east during the weekday morning peak hour, approximately 20 percent originate from Interstate Route 95 to the south and approximately 46 percent originate from Interstate Route 95 to the north. The inverse is true during the weekday evening peak hour with approximately 46 percent of the 1,241 peak hour westbound trips destined to Interstate Route 95 northbound and approximately 20 percent destined to Interstate Route 95 southbound. Page 9 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Weekday Morning Peak Hour N Not to Scale ______________________________________________________________________________ Weekday Evening Peak Hour N Not to Scale Figure 3. Existing Weekday Morning and Evening Peak Hour Traffic Volumes (Source: VHB) Page 10 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Crash History Historical traffic crash data was obtained for the study intersection from MassDOT’s statewide crash database that was built with crash reports filed by police officers and vehicle operators between 2008 and 2010 and sent to the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV). That data was supplemented with data from the actual crash reports during that same period that were obtained from the Newburyport Police Department and the Massachusetts State Police Department. The data was reviewed over this three-year period to determine crash trends for the intersection. Table 3 presents a summary of the crash report data. Total Table 3. Route 113 at Interstate 95 ramps Crash Summary (2008 – 2010) 66 Typea CM RE Road Conditionc Severityb SV SS Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at Interstate Route 95 ramp system Total 3 46 20 0 53 11 2 44 2 1 11 37 12 17% 56% 18% 3% Ped 2% Un 4% PD 70% PI 30% F 0% Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at Interstate Route 95 southbound ramps 1 4 10 6 0 0 15 6 0 21 19% 48% 29% 0% 0% 4% 71% 29% 57% 21% 7% 0% 7% 82% 18% 72% 0% 0% 8% 0% 50% 50% Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at the Mobil Gas Station Driveway 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 67% 33% 0% 0% 0% 0% 33% 67% 17% Ice 3% Day 67% Dusk Lit AM PM 3 19 23 43 4% 29% 35% 65% 18 2 1 13 1 7 7 14 10% 5% 62% 5% 33% 33% 67% 23 82% 4 14% 1 4% 19 68% 2 7% 7 25% 13 46% 15 54% 9 64% 5 36% 0 0% 9 64% 0 0% 5 36% 3 11 0% 21% 79% 0 0% 3 100% 0 0% 0 0% 3 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 3 0% 100% 0% Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at the MBTA Commuter Park and Ride Lot 3 10 0 0 1 0 7 7 0 14 21% 80% Wet 85% 0% Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps 2 16 6 2 0 2 23 5 0 28 7% Dry Time of Crash Light Conditiond Source: MassDOT/RMV and the Newburyport Police Department. Un = Unknown collision type. aCrash Type: CM = cross movement; RE = rear-end; SV = single vehicle; SS = side swipe; Ped = pedestrian. bSeverity of Crash: PD = Property Damage Only; PI = Personal Injury; F = Fatality. cRoad Condition is the condition of the roadway surface. (Ice = snowy or icy road surface). dLight Condition is the ambient light. Lit = Times of darkness with the roadway lit. According to the review of the data, there were a total of sixty-six (66) crashes over the threeyear period occurring at the Interstate Route 95 ramp system interchange with Storey Avenue (Route 113), or an average of approximately twenty-two (22) per year. Not only was the whole ramp system looked at collectively, but the intersections of the ramp system were looked at discretely. The location where the greatest number of crashes occurred is the signalized intersection of Storey Avenue with the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps, which experienced 28 crashes, followed by the Storey Avenue with the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramp signalized intersection, which experienced 21 crashes, followed by the Storey Avenue signalized intersection with the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway, which experienced 14 crashes. The most predominant types of collisions occurring at the three signalized intersections were rear-end type, which is a collision type typical for signalized intersections. Approximately one half to three quarters of the collisions at those three signalized intersections were rear-end type collisions. Page 11 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission For those rear-end type collisions at the three signalized intersections where the location and direction of travel is known from the police reports, there were a total of twenty-four crashes; twelve occurring on Storey Avenue and twelve occurring on the Interstate Route 95 off-ramps, as shown in the collision diagrams within the Appendix. All but one of the twelve rear-end collisions on Storey Avenue occurred in the westbound direction. Seven of the eleven westbound rear-end collisions occurred at the Park and Ride lot driveway intersection and four occurred at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp intersection. Of the total twelve rear-end type collisions that occurred at the Storey Avenue terminals of the two Interstate Route 95 right turn off-ramp lanes, nine occurred at the northbound ramp and three occurred at the southbound ramp. For ten of the twelve collisions, it is known whether a citation was issued or not. For four of those ten, a citation was issued by the responding police officer for the driver of the trailing vehicle for “failing to use care to stop”. Three citations were issued at the I-95 northbound off-ramp and one at the southbound off-ramp. There appears to be a relatively high percentage of collisions resulting in personal injury, perhaps due to the travel speeds on Storey Avenue. Approximately 50 percent of the crashes at the Park and Ride lot driveway intersection resulted in personal injury for an Equivalent Property Damage Only (EPDO) rating of 42. Approximately 29 percent and 18 percent of the crashes at the Interstate Route 95 southbound and northbound ramp intersections, respectively, resulted in personal injury. The EPDO ratings for the Interstate Route 95 southbound and northbound ramp intersections are 45 and 48, respectively. Referring to the collision diagrams within the Appendix for the three signalized intersections, one will see that for the eighteen collisions that resulted in personal injury, most are the result of rear-end collisions. Only four are the result of angle-type collisions between two vehicles, two are the result of a single vehicle running off of the road, and one is the result of a vehicle striking a pedestrian. More crashes occur after noon than in the morning, especially at the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramp intersection and the Park and Ride lot driveway intersection, however most (approximately 80 percent) occurred during daylight hours. Approximately two-thirds of the crashes involved vehicles traveling on dry roads. There was one collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian at the Storey Avenue (Route 113) intersection with the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway. The collision occurred in the dark at 4:18 in the morning with the pedestrian heading to the commuter lot and being struck by a westbound traveling vehicle. To get an idea of the relative safety of locations, the number of crashes at the intersection locations for the intersections at and near the Interstate Route 95 ramps were also reviewed against traffic volumes using those locations and then compared to the rate of crashes for other similar type facilities. MassDOT reports that for the year 2011, the latest year available, there are a statewide average rate of 0.81 crashes per million entering vehicles (mev) and a MassDOT District 4 average rate of 0.78 crashes per mev for signalized intersections. Table 4 presents a Page 12 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission summary of the crash rates of the Storey Avenue intersections. The Table compares those calculated rates to the statewide and MassDOT District 4 rates. Table 4. Route 113 at Interstate Route 95 ramps Intersection Crash Rates Location Route 113 at I-95 southbound ramps Route 113 at I-95 northbound ramps Route 113 at Park and Ride Lot Dr. Route 113 at Mobil Gas Station 3Yr. Cr.a Avg An. Cr.b Crash Ratec Facility Type State Avg. Rated 21 7.0 0.92 Signalized Intersection 0.81 28 9.3 0.91 Signalized Intersection 14 4.7 0.49 3 1.0 NA D4 Avg. Ratee > State Ratef > Dist.4 Rateg % of State Rate 0.78 Y Y 114% 118% 0.81 0.78 Y Y 112% 117% Signalized Intersection 0.81 0.78 N N 60% 63% Unsignalized Intersection 0.61 0.59 NA NA NA NA a Total number of crashes over the three (3) year study period: 2008 – 2010. bAverage number of crashes per year. cCrash rate is crashes per million entering vehicles (mev) for intersections and crashes per million vehicle miles traveled (vmt) for roadways. d Statewide average crash rate is in crashes per mev for intersections and crashes per million vmt for roads. eMassDOT District 4 wide average crash rate is in crashes per mev for intersections and crashes per million vmt for roads. fCrash rate is greater than statewide average crash rate? Y = Yes, N = No. gCrash rate is greater than MassDOT D4 average crash rate? Y = Yes, N = No. NA = Data not available. As shown in Table 4, the intersection of Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramps has a rate (14 to 18 percent) greater than that of the statewide and District 4 average rate. The intersection of Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps has a rate 12 to 17 percent greater than that of the statewide and District 4 average rate, respectively. Page 13 % of Dist 4 Rate Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Operations Analysis The operation of the signalized intersections of Storey Avenue (Route 113) with the I-95 southbound ramps, with the I-95 northbound ramps, and with the Park and Ride Commuter lot driveway intersection were analyzed by VHB, in its study, with the SYNHRO micro simulation computer model, which follows the methodology presented in the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB’s) latest Highway Capacity Manual1. A summary of the methodology can be found in the Appendix of this study. Existing Conditions Table 5 presents the analysis results for the existing operations of the signalized intersection of Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 southbound ramps. Operations analysis sheets are provided in the Appendix of this study. Table 5. Storey Av. (Rt. 113) at I-95 SB ramp Operations Analysis Results Lane Movement/Totala V/Cb ADc LOSd Queuee Lengthf Weekday Morning Storey Avenue EB TH Storey Avenue EB RT Storey Avenue WB LT Storey Avenue WB TH I-95 SB off-ramp LT I-95 SB off-ramp LT/TH I-95 SB off-ramp RT Intersection 0.48 0.08 0.76 0.13 0.68 0.68 0.08 0.63 22.5 0.1 25.7 3.5 29.8 30.1 0.1 19.6 C A C A C C A B 7.8 0.0 10.4 0.6 7.7 7.8 0.0 195 0 261 16 193 194 0 Weekday Evening Storey Avenue EB TH Storey Avenue EB RT Storey Avenue WB LT Storey Avenue WB TH I-95 SB off-ramp LT I-95 SB off-ramp LT/TH I-95 SB off-ramp RT Intersection 0.33 0.02 0.68 0.24 0.56 0.56 0.11 0.46 14.2 0.0 29.7 2.2 35.4 35.6 0.1 14.6 B A C A D D A B 6.6 0.0 4.4 0.1 6.1 6.2 0.0 164 0 109 1 153 155 0 Peak Hour a SB = Southbound; EB = Eastbound; WB = Westbound; LT = Left-Turn; TH = Through; RT = Right Turn. bVolume to Capacity ratio. cAverage Control Delay is in seconds per vehicle. dLevel of Service. e95th percentile queue is in vehicles. fLength of queue is in feet; assumes 25 feet per vehicle. (Source: VHB) As shown in Table 5, the critical movements at this signalized intersection operate overall well within capacity at level-of-service (LOS) B during both the weekday morning and evening commuter peak hours. Through traffic on the Route 113 approaches operate well at LOS C or better during the weekday morning peak hour and at LOS B or better during the weekday evening peak hour. Traffic turning left onto the on-ramp operates at LOS C during the weekday morning and evening peak hours. Traffic turning left off of the ramps in the double left-turn lane operates at LOS C during the weekday morning peak hour and at LOS D during the weekday evening peak hour. The maximum (95th percentile) vehicle queue for this movement is 1 Highway Capacity Manual; Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; 2010. Page 14 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission approximately eight vehicles long and it occurs during the weekday morning peak hour. Table 6 presents the analysis results for the existing operations of the signalized intersection of Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps. Table 6. Storey Av. (Rt. 113) at I-95 NB ramp Operations Analysis Results Lane Movement/Totala V/Cb ADc LOSd Queuee Lengthf Weekday Morning Storey Avenue EB LT Storey Avenue EB TH Storey Avenue WB TH Storey Avenue WB RT I-95 NB off-ramp LT/TH I-95 NB off-ramp RT Intersection 0.50 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.28 0.17 0.34 45.1 0.3 3.1 0.3 35.0 0.2 4.4 D A A A C A A 4.7 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.9 0.0 118 0 53 0 48 0 Weekday Evening Storey Avenue EB LT Storey Avenue EB TH Storey Avenue WB TH Storey Avenue WB RT I-95 NB off-ramp LT/TH I-95 NB off-ramp RT Intersection 0.63 0.26 0.38 0.35 0.46 0.18 0.45 33.5 1.4 5.9 0.5 36.0 0.2 6.1 C A A A D A A 3.6 0.0 3.8 0.0 4.9 0.0 90 0 94 0 122 0 Peak Hour a NB = Northbound; EB = Eastbound; WB = Westbound; LT = Left-Turn; TH = Through; RT = Right Turn. bVolume to Capacity ratio. cAverage Control Delay is in seconds per vehicle. dLevel of Service. e95th percentile queue is in vehicles. fLength of queue is in feet; assumes 25 feet per vehicle. (Source: VHB) As shown in Table 6, this signalized intersection overall as well as just the through traffic on Storey Avenue operates at LOS A during both the weekday morning and evening commuter peak hours. Traffic turning left onto the on-ramp or from the off-ramp operates at LOS D or better. Table 7 presents the analysis results for the existing operations of the signalized intersection of Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps. Table 7. Storey Av. (Rt. 113) at P&R Lot Drive Operations Analysis Results Lane Movement/Totala V/Cb ADc LOSd Queuee Weekday Morning Storey Avenue EB LT Storey Avenue EB TH Storey Ave. WB TH/RT Park and Ride Lot SB LT Park and Ride Lot SB RT Intersection 0.27 0.41 0.38 0.07 0.02 0.38 31.7 2.0 2.4 35.7 35.4 3.1 C A A D D A 1.9 3.9 3.1 0.5 0.5 47 97 77 13 13 Weekday Evening Storey Avenue EB LT Storey Avenue EB TH Storey Ave. WB TH/RT Park and Ride Lot SB LT Park and Ride Lot SB RT Intersection 0.32 0.36 0.59 0.28 0.08 0.54 50.3 1.5 4.6 37.1 35.8 6.1 D A A D D A 1.7 1.1 11.1 1.6 0.2 43 28 277 40 4 Peak Hour Lengthf a SB = Southbound; EB = Eastbound; WB = Westbound; LT = Left-Turn; TH = Through; RT = Right Turn. bVolume to Capacity ratio. cAverage Control Delay is in seconds per vehicle. dLevel of Service. e95th percentile queue is in vehicles. fLength of queue is in feet; assumes 25 feet per vehicle. (Source: VHB) Page 15 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission As shown in Table 7, this signalized intersection operates overall well within capacity at LOS A during both the weekday morning and evening commuter peak hours. Through traffic on the Route 113 approaches operates with little delay at LOS A during both peak hours as well. However, the maximum (95th percentile) vehicle queue for the two westbound through lanes is approximately eleven vehicles long and it occurs during the weekday evening peak hour. Traffic turning left into the Park and Ride Commuter lot operates at LOS C during the weekday morning peak hour and at LOS D during the weekday evening peak hour. There are no more than two vehicles at one time waiting in the left-turn lane. Traffic turning from the Park and Ride Commuter Lot driveway operates at LOS D during the weekday morning and evening peak hours. The maximum number of vehicles stacked on the driveway is two vehicles. Page 16 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Audit Observations and Potential Safety Enhancements The RSA team identified safety issues at the pre-meeting and also out at the audit site. Potential safety enhancements were discussed out at the site and at the post audit meeting. Following is a summary of the identified safety issues and the potential safety enhancements. Drivers of the trailing vehicles on the Interstate Route 95 off-ramp right-turn lanes are sometimes inattentive to the leading vehicles that are stopped – As shown in the collision diagrams within the Appendix, there were at least a total of twelve rear-end type collisions that occurred at the Storey Avenue terminals of the two Interstate Route 95 right turn offramp lanes, with nine occurring at the northbound ramp and three at the southbound ramp. For ten of the twelve collisions, it is known whether or not a citation was issued. For four of those ten, a citation was issued by the responding police officer for the driver of the trailing vehicle for “failing to use care to stop”. Three citations were issued at the I-95 northbound off-ramp and one at the southbound off-ramp. It was noticed at the audit that some drivers of vehicles on the ramps turn their heads and begin observing traffic on Storey Avenue before the vehicle ahead of them departs the ramp. Some of the vehicles advance without the drivers returning their heads to check on the vehicle in front of them. Should the leading vehicle be stopped, while this is happening, the result may be a rear-end collision. In at least three of the state police crash reports (I-95 northbound ramp crash numbers 11, 14, and 18) within the Appendix, the responding officers reported from their interviews that the trailing vehicle operator had thought that the leading vehicle operator had driven away. While this driver behavior is hard to control, the audit team recommended some safety enhancements to either remind drivers of the existing traffic control in place or to provide alternative measures of traffic control. In the short-term, it was recommended that advance STOP and YIELD ahead (MUTCD W3-1 and W3-2) warning signs be posted just on the portion of the ramps where that traffic control exists. This will let drivers on the ramps know of the upcoming STOP or YIELD signs located at the ramp terminals and remind them of the need to stop or yield at those locations. The placement of the advanced Page 17 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission STOP and YIELD ahead (W3-1 or W3-2) warning signs should be carefully evaluated. Because the primary traffic control of the intersections are the traffic signals, the W3-1 or W3-2 signs must be placed in a way so drivers on the ramps approaching the signals do not get the wrong message. The signs should be placed after the gore striping of the delta island, where the ramp splits, but at least 100 feet prior to the control signs so only the vehicles approaching the STOP or YIELD signs view the W3-1 or W3-2 signs. The signs should be posted on both sides of the ramp to increase attention of the drivers. In the mid-term, it was recommended that MassDOT incorporate the traffic on the ramp right turn lanes into the intersections’ traffic signal control. This will involve the addition of two new signal heads facing each of the right-turn ramps, with the signal heads tied into the traffic signal control boxes. At each of the ramps, there could perhaps be one signal head supported by a post or mast arm assembly on the right side of the ramp at its end and one signal head supported on a post on the Storey Avenue center median island, opposite the ramp. Alternatively, in the long-term, it was recommended that the ramp right-turning vehicles be “squared off” by placing them where the left-turning vehicles presently stack and including them in the traffic signal control. The existing portion of the ramps where the rightturning vehicles currently stack will be removed. Additionally, the portion of the ramp where left-turning vehicles presently stack should be widened to accommodate both a leftturn lane and a right-turn lane. Traffic signal heads with green and yellow right-turn arrow faces should also be added. Drivers of vehicles on the Interstate Route 95 NB off-ramp right-turn lane sometimes treat the STOP signs as YIELD signs and roll through the STOP line – The police officials at the audit noted that some people roll past the STOP sign and over the STOP line on the Interstate Route 95 northbound offramp, while others do not. Should someone who rolls past the STOP sign be behind someone who stops at the STOP sign, then a rear-end collision may result. As noted before, 75 percent of the rearend collisions occurring at the two Interstate Route 95 off-ramp right turn lanes occur at the northbound ramp where the STOP sign is located. Approximately 40 percent of those collisions resulted in the driver of the trailing vehicle being issued a citation by the responding police officer for “failing to use care to stop”. In the short-term it was recommended that MassDOT affix visibility strips on the posts of the STOP signs at the end of the ramp. This should further increase the visibility of the signs. As recommended before, MassDOT should appropriately place advance STOP ahead (MUTCD W3-1) signs on the ramp to give advance notice of the STOP signs. Perhaps the best way to remove this safety issue, as mentioned before, is to incorporate the ramp right turn lane into the intersections’ traffic signal control, which could be done in the mid-term. Two new signal heads will have to be added and face the right-turn ramp. At each of the ramps, there could perhaps be one signal head supported Page 18 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission by a post or mast arm assembly on the right side of the ramp at its end and one signal head supported on a post on the Storey Avenue center median island, opposite the ramp. Alternatively, in the long-term, it was recommended that the ramp right-turning vehicles be “squared off” by placing them where the left-turning vehicles presently stack and including them in the traffic signal control. The existing portion of the ramps where the right-turning vehicles currently stack will be removed. Additionally, the portion of the ramp where leftturning vehicles presently stack should be widened to accommodate both a left-turn lane and a right-turn lane. Traffic signal heads with green and yellow right-turn arrow faces should also be added. Lack of visibility of signal heads facing Storey Avenue traffic, particularly in the westbound direction – It was noticed during the audit that there is older signal equipment at the two Interstate Route 95 ramp intersections. The signal heads are not very conspicuous for a couple of reasons, which may result in some westbound traveling vehicles noticing a green or red signal indication and others not, resulting in rear-end collisions. One of the reasons for westbound travelers not seeing the signal heads in the westbound direction is because of the afternoon sun glare partially washing out the indications on the signal faces. It was also noticed that one of the signal heads at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp is rotated and not directly facing westbound traffic. Firstly, the misaligned signal head should rotated on the mast arm support to properly face westbound traffic. The audit participants recommended placing backplates on the signal heads with retroreflective markings to increase their visibility at the ramp intersections. It was stated that perhaps moment calculations may need to be done to find out whether the existing mast arm supports can handle the additional wind load from these backplates, prior to their installation. It was further recommended that an additional signal head be placed on the existing far side center median post to face westbound traffic at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps. This signal head will supplement the two signal heads that are supported on the mast arm, thereby increasing the visibility of the green and red indications. The City’s engineer recommended in the long-term that the geometry of the I-95 NB ramp intersection be reconfigured to extend the median westward some 20 to 40 feet and move the westbound STOP bar up. This will draw stopped westbound drivers closer to the signal heads for better visibility. Page 19 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Westbound travelers view green light at I-95NB ramp and proceed through a red light at the Park & Ride Lot – Audit participants expressed some concern for the drivers of vehicles heading westbound on Storey Avenue and stopped at a red light at the Park and Ride lot driveway intersection. Some of those drivers will notice a green light at the next intersection downstream (Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp) and proceed while a red light indication still glows for the Park and Ride lot driveway intersection. This has the potential for resulting in some rear-end collisions. To keep drivers from noticing the downstream signal green indications while red indications glow at the Park and Ride lot driveway intersection, audit participants recommended installing some technology so that the signal faces on signal heads will focus green indications on westbound drivers at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp only. The preferential technology mentioned was horizontal louvers on the green signal faces to focus the green on the westbound direction near the ramp. Alternatively, optically programmed signal faces could be used to focus the green indications on the drivers as they near the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp. Lack of pedestrian crossing across Storey Avenue near the Park and Ride lot – During the three-year study period, there was one collision between a vehicle and a pedestrian, who was attempting to cross Storey Avenue to get to the Park and Ride lot early in the morning, before sunrise. The pedestrian was struck by a westbound traveling vehicle shortly after stepping off of the center median island between the Park and Ride lot driveway and the Mobil gas station. The pedestrian sustained injuries. Audit participants noticed that while there is a crosswalk across the Park and Ride lot driveway, there is no marked crosswalk across Storey Avenue for pedestrian use at this location. This Park and Ride lot intersection is a place where pedestrians from nearby residential developments, like Russell Terrace, cross to access the commuter bus service provided at the Park and Ride lot. It is also a location, City officials noted, where a future bike trail, known as the Whittier trail, will come from the Page 20 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission north to meet the existing Little River nature trail to the south, across Storey Avenue. Coupled with this future intersection of walking/biking trails is the future housing that is presently being built on an extension of Russell Terrace. It is therefore anticipated that there will be even more pedestrian crossings in the future. It was recommended that a crosswalk be provided across Storey Avenue with sidewalk ramps at each end that are well lit by nearby street lighting. There should also be new push-button actuated pedestrian signal heads that are located at each ramp and are tied into the traffic signal controller. The crosswalk should be painted across Storey Avenue, east of the Park and Ride lot driveway with a refuge area for pedestrians halfway across on the center median island. This will require that pedestrian ramps are constructed on the median. Friction created by traffic turning into and out of the many corridor driveways – It was noted immediately prior to the site walk that there are many curb cuts for commercial uses along Storey Avenue east of the commuter Park and Ride lot driveway. Traffic turning into and out of these curb cuts causes some friction to traffic traveling through on Storey Avenue. Audit participants thought that the section of the Storey Avenue corridor where these curb cuts exist should be examined in further detail with some possible recommendations for improving safety. The recommendation, therefore, was to place Storey Avenue corridor under study to consider how to manage the vehicular access and egress from the multiple developments between the Park and Ride lot and Low Street. It was further recommended that the Merrimack Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization charge its planning staff with this task. Page 21 Road Safety Audit — Storey Ave. (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Summary of Road Safety Audit All of the safety issues and their potential safety enhancements were discussed in the previous section. Table 8 provides a summary of the potential safety recommendations that were discussed by the audit team. The recommendations are categorized in order of safety payoff with their associated cost, time frame and responsible agency. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and may be based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by the enhancement; for example, low (<30%), medium (31% to 70%), and high (>71%). The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or longterm (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 22 Road Safety Audit— Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate Route 95 interchange – Newburyport, MA Prepared by the Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Table 8. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Post advance STOP and YIELD ahead (MUTCD W3-1 and W3-2) Low Short-Term signs on the ramps. (1) Incorporate the ramp right turn lanes into the intersections’ traffic High Mid-Term signal control. (2) “Square off” ramp right-turning vehicles by placing them where the High Long-Term left-turning vehicles presently stack. (Modify signal control). (3) Affix visibility strips on the posts of the STOP signs in the area. Low Short-Term Drivers of vehicles on the Low Short-Term Interstate Route 95 NB off- Post advance STOP ahead (MUTCD W3-1) signs on the ramp. (1) ramp right-turn lane Incorporate the ramp right turn lane into the intersection’s traffic High Mid-Term sometimes treat the STOP signal control. (2) signs as YIELD signs and “Square off” ramp right-turning vehicles by placing them where the High Long-Term roll through the STOP line left-turning vehicles presently stack. (Modify signal control). (3) Rotate misaligned signal head on mast arm support to properly Low Short-Term face westbound traffic. Lack of visibility of signal heads facing Storey Place backplates on the signal heads with retroreflective markings. Low Short-Term Avenue traffic, particularly in the westbound direction Place an additional signal head on the median post to face Low Mid-Term westbound traffic at the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps. (with afternoon sun glare as one of the causes) Reconfigure the I-95 NB ramp intersection geometry to extend the Low Long-Term median and move the westbound STOP bar up. Westbound travelers view Install louvers or opaque signal faces (or some other technology) green light at I-95NB ramp on signal heads to focus green indications on westbound drivers at Low Short-Term and proceed through a red the Interstate Route 95 northbound ramp. light at the Park & Ride Lot Lack of pedestrian crossing Provide a crosswalk across Storey Avenue with sidewalk ramps across Storey Avenue near and street lighting and new push-button actuated pedestrian signal Medium Long-Term the Park and Ride lot heads that are tied into the traffic signal controller. Friction created by traffic Place Storey Avenue corridor under study to consider how to turning into and out of the manage the vehicular access and egress from the multiple Low Short-Term many corridor driveways developments between the Park And Ride lot and Low Street. Drivers of the trailing vehicles on the Interstate Route 95 off-ramp rightturn lanes are sometimes inattentive to the leading vehicles that are stopped Cost Responsible Agency Low MassDOT Medium MassDOT Medium MassDOT Low Low MassDOT MassDOT Medium MassDOT Medium MassDOT Low MassDOT Low MassDOT Low MassDOT Medium MassDOT Low MassDOT Low MassDOT Low MVPC Repeat potential safety improvements include: (1) Post advance STOP and YIELD ahead (MUTCD W3-1 and W3-2) signs on the ramps. (2) Incorporate the ramp right turn lanes into the intersections’ traffic signal control. (3) “Square off” ramp right-turning vehicles by placing them where the left-turning vehicles presently stack. (Modify signal) Page 23 Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit NEWBURYPORT – MERRIMAC STREET AT ROUTE 1 AND STOREY AVENUE (ROUTE 113) AT I-95 RAMPS Meeting Location: Newburyport City Hall, Conference Room, Second Floor 60 Pleasant Street, Newburyport, MA Monday, November 19, 2012 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Type of meeting: High Crash Locations – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 1:00 PM Welcome and Introductions 1:15 PM Review of Site Specific Material Crash, Speed & Volume Summaries – provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 1:45 PM Visit the Sites Walk to Merrimac Street at Rt. 1 and Drive to Storey Avenue (Route 113) at I-95 As a group, identify areas for improvement 3:15 PM Post Visit Discussion / Completion of RSA Discuss observations and finalize findings Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 4:00 pm Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on the 19th, participants are encouraged to drive and/or walk through Merrimac Street at the Route 1 ramps and drive and/or walk through Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the I-95 interchange and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Participating Audit Team Members Date: Nov. 19, 2012 Location: Newburyport City Hall, 60 Pleasant St., Newburyport, MA Audit Team Agency/Affiliation or Title Members Tony Furnari Newburyport DPS Director Debbie Cheng Newburyport DPS Jon-Eric White Newburyport City Engineer Andrew Port Newburyport Planning Director Geordie Vining Newburyport Planning Proj Mgr Stephen Bradbury Newburyport Fire Deputy Thomas Howard Newburyport Police Marshall Michael Harvey Mass. State Police Officer Connie Raphael MassDOT District 4 Planning Sara Timoner MassDOT District 4 Corey O’Connor MassDOT Safety Engineer Tony Komornick MVPC Jim Terlizzi MVPC Email Address Phone Number (978) 465-4463 (978) 465-4464 (978) 417-1969 (978) 465-4400 (978) 465-4400 (978) 465-4427 (978) 465-4444 (978) 462-7478 (781) 641-8468 (781) 641-8435 (857) 368-9638 (978) 374-0519 (978) 374-0519 Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Merrimack Valley MPO 2011 Regional Transp. Plan 2006-2008 Crash List EPDO c ommun ittv METHUEN ANDOVER HAVERHILL ANDOVER METHUEN HAVERHILL METHUEN METHUEN LAWRENCE ANDOVER LAWRENCE NORTH ANDOVER ANDOVER METHUEN HAVERHILL HAVERHILL HAVERHILL METHUEN NORTH ANDOVER GEORGETOWN NEWBURYPORT NORTH ANDOVER METHUEN NORTH ANDOVER LAWRENCE MERRIMAC HAVERHILL HAVERHILL AMESBURY HAVERHILL LAWRENCE METHUEN AMESBURY LAWRENCE AMESBURY GROVELAND AMESBURY HAVERHILL ROWLEY METHUEN LAWRENCE SALISBURY METHUEN AMESBURY AMESBURY HAVERHILL HAVERHILL METHUEN HAVERHILL METHUEN LAWRENCE LAWRENCE c ras hes I n t ersect·IOn INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 495 ROUTE 213 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 93 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 495 INTERSTATE 495 TURNPIKE STREET INTERSTATE 95 INTERSTATE 95 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE PLEASANT STREET TURNPIKE STREET WINTHROP AVENUE INTERSTATE 495 WATER STREET MAIN STREET INTERSTATE 95 WINTER STREET WINTHROP AVENUE ROSEWOOD ROAD INTERSTATE 495 SOUTH BROADWAY INTERSTATE 495 MAIN STREET INTERSTATE 95 LAFAYETTE SQUARE NEWBURYPORT TURNPIKE PARK STREET WATER STREET MERRILL STREET LOWELL STREET MACY STREET MAIN STREET GROVELAND STREET WINTER STREET BROADWAY WASHINGTON STREET PLEASANT VALLEY STREET COMMON STREET PARK STREET @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ HAVERHILL STREET INTERSTATE 495 ROUTE 125 DASCOMB ROAD PELHAM STREET ROUTE 110 MERRIMACK STREET ROUTE 28 ROUTE 28 RIVER ROAD ROUTE 114 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LOWELL STREET ROUTE 213 ROUTE125CONNECTOR ROUTE 110 ROUTE 97 ROUTE 213 ANDOVER BY PASS ROUTE 133 STOREY AVENUE CHICKERING ROAD HOWE STREET ANDOVER STREET SOUTH UNION STREET BROAD STREET BRIDGE STREET GINTY BOULEVARD ROUTE 110 SUMMER STREET PARKER STREET BROADWAY ROUTE 110 ANDOVER STREET ROUTE 150 GROVELAND BRIDGE INTERSTATE 495 LAFAYETTE AVENUE HAVERHILL STREET LAWRENCE STREET BROADWAY ELM STREET HAVERHILL STREET ELM STREET MACY STREET LINCOLN AVENUE WHITE STREET LAWRENCE STREET ESSEX STREET UNNAMED ROAD AMESBURY STREET BRUCE STREET 465 303 215 155 184 135 145 172 142 163 145 114 100 107 93 94 92 68 67 60 59 58 75 54 46 55 73 58 46 59 47 53 44 45 39 40 35 58 49 31 49 39 34 37 36 45 40 54 44 45 23 24 s core 877 657 459 346 333 328 312 304 300 275 270 253 224 214 205 184 173 161 161 154 135 133 126 125 123 121 120 114 105 105 105 104 103 96 94 90 87 86 86 86 84 81 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 70 Collision Diagrams: Summarized from 2008 to 2010 Crash Data and Reports COLLISION DIAGRAM Location· Route 113 (Storey Avenue l at the Mobil Gas Station Driveway Time Period· Jan 1 2008 - Dec 31 2010 1 1 - -~ ~ ~ _., _,. : ~ ~ -I ~ ~ s~ ~ ~ - c=o "iii.· Storey ) A venus l__ _} 2 3 _r;Route 113 9{ I Notto Scale # DATE TIME TYPE K I LIGHf ROAD POLICE DEPT. 1 11/27/08 727PM Turning Move 0 0 Dark Lit Dry Local Police 2 1/26/09 3 35 PM Turning Move 0 2 Daylight Dry Local Police 3 3119(10 3 38PM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Local Police - D Collision Type Head On 5 7 8 Vehicle Pedestrian Fixed Object/Parked -~ 4 6 S!mbol Legend _) Head On I Turning Moves Angle ____r Angle Turning Move 11 ~ Angle Turning Move 12 (* Angle Turning Move 14 ==* Side Swipe Same Direction 15 ~ Side Swipe Opp. Direction J Side Swipe Lane Change 9 10 13 16 17 Rear End 18 19 ~ ((~ Rear End Backing 20 21 22 23 24 25 -+Cl Single Vehicle Hit Fixed Object ~ Single Vehicle Ran Off Road ----4 Single Vehicle Pedestrian I I COLLISION DIAGRAM Location· Route 113 (Storey Avenue l at the Park and Ride Lot Drive Time Period· Jan 1 2008 - Dec 31 2010 1 ----- 1 · !: ~ __, :1';! 11::11=: -= - ~ ~ Storey A venue 13 1...-_J 2 1,3,4,5,7,12,14 crI 8 6 ~ ~ Route 113 9{ I Notto Scale # DATE TIME TYPE K I LIGHf ROAD POLICE DEPT. 1 4/20/08 220PM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Local Police 2 7/29/08 7 20AM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Local Police 3 8111(08 3 58 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Local Police 4 8/19(08 418PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Wet Dry 5 11/15(08 1252PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Wet Local Police 6 3129(09 1109AM Turning Mov e 0 0 Daylight 5/06!09 11 03PM Rear-End 0 0 Dark, Lit Wet Wet Local Police 7 8 7/28!09 4:18AM Pedestrian 0 1 Dark, Lit Dry Local Police 9 11/18!09 627PM Rear-End 0 1 Dark Lit Dry Unknown 10 2/18!10 402PM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Local Police 11 3/17(10 5 35 PM Angle 0 4 Daylight Dry Unknown 12 6/15(10 5 54 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Local Police 13 11/04/10 7:12PM Angle 0 2 Dark Lit Wet Local Police 14 12/15/10 5 08PM Rear-End 0 0 Dark Lit Dry Local Police 15 16 17 - D Collision Type Head On _) Head On Turning Moves I ____r Angle Angle Turning Move ~ Angle Turning Move (* Angle Turning Move ==* Side Swipe Same Direction ~ Side Swipe Opp. Direction J Side Swipe Lane Change Rear End 18 19 Vehicle Pedestrian Fixed Object/Parked --o Local Police Local Police S!mbol Legend ~ ((~ Rear End Backing 20 21 22 23 24 25 -+Cl Single Vehicle Hit Fixed Object ~ Single Vehicle Ran Off Road ~ Single Vehicle Pedestrian I I COLLISION DIAGRAM Location· Route 113 (Storey Avenue l at Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps Time Period· Jan 1 2008 - Dec 31 2010 1 1 ..... ... Clf: ....~'"" lli! ~ ~ .a Storey 1i ..!;!; A VB nUB _r;3 ( Route 113 .. ~ 9{ .... ~ ~ l'! ~ ..!;!; Notto Scale DATE TIME ~ 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20,26,27,28 ~ c:. I # 12, 17, 21,28 t TYPE K I LIGHf ROAD VIOLATIONS 1 1/14/08 945AM Angle 0 0 Daylight Snow Unknown 2 3/29/08 1245 AM Unknown 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 3 4/27/08 900PM Side swipe 0 0 Dark, Lit Dry Unknown 4 9/06/08 5 58 PM Single Vehicle 0 0 Dark, Lit Wet Unknown 5 11111/08 345PM Side swiQe 0 0 Daylight Dry 6 1103109 240AM Single Vehicle 0 0 Dark Lit Dry Unknown 7 1/13/09 907AM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 8 2117/09 11:30AM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry None 9 2/18/09 709AM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Unknown 10 2/19/09 1012AM Single Vehicle 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 11 5106109 400PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry F aiI care to stop 12 5/06/09 410PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 13 5/07/09 900PM Angle 0 1 Dark Lit Wet Ran red light 14 5/30/09 158 PM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry 15 7/06/09 915AM Unknown 0 1 Dayl!ght 16 7/23/09 6 00AM Rear-End 0 0 Dusk 17 7/28/09 1216PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 18 9/23/09 1255 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Fail care to stop 19 10/26/09 630AM S mgle Vehicle 0 0 Dawn Dry Unknown 20 1/22110 205 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 21 1/27/10 5 53 PM Rear-End 0 0 Dark Lit Dry Unknown - S!mbol Legend Vehicle Pedestrian Fixed Object/Parked -~ Cl Collision Type Head On Unknown _) ---, Head On Turning Moves Angle ____r Angle Turning Move ~ Angle Turning Move (* Angle Turning Move None ==t: Side Swipe Same Direction D_ry Unknown ~ Side Swipe Opp. Direction Dry Fail care to stop J Side Swipe Lane Change 22 3/02110 103AM Rear-End 0 3 Dark Lit Wet Unknown 23 3/14/10 3 08PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Wet Unknown 24 4/26/10 259AM Smgle Vehicle 0 0 Dark, Lit Dry Unknown 25 6/12110 1205 PM Single Vehicle 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown Rear End q (• --+0 ~ Rear End Backing Single Vehicle Hit Fixed Object Single Vehicle Ran Off Road I ' ~ Single Vehicle Pedestrian COLLISION DIAGRAM Location· Route 113 (Storey Avenue l at Interstate Route 95 northbound ramps Time Period· Jan 1 2008 - Dec 31 2010 1 1 ...... lli! ... Clf: ....~'"" ~ ~ .a Storey 1i ..!;!; A venue _r;3 12, 17, 21,28 ( Route 113 ..:- 9{ 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20,26,27,28 ~ ~ .... - I ~ ~ i'! ~ ~ Notto Scale I DATE TIME TYPE K I LIGHT ROAD VIOLATIONS 26 8/22110 1205 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Drv Unknown 27 11/28/10 3 53 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Drv None 28 12/17/10 1025 AM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry None # ~ - Cl Collision Type Head On 30 32 Vehicle Pedestrian Fixed Object/Parked -~ 29 31 S!mbol Legend _} Head On Turning Moves I ____r Angle Angle Turning Move 36 ---"1 Angle Turning Move 37 (* Angle Turning Move 39 =* Side Swipe Same Direction 40 ~ Side Swipe Opp. Direction 41 =:;r Side Swipe Lane Change 33 34 35 38 42 Rear End 43 44 ~ ((~ Rear End Backing 45 46 47 48 49 50 --+0 Single Vehicle Hit Fixed Object ~ Single Vehicle Ran Off Road ' ---4 Single Vehicle Pedestrian I COLLISION DIAGRAM Location· Route 113 (Storey Avenue l at Interstate Route 95 southbound ramps I Time Period· Jan 1 2008 - Dec 31 2010 ' ' .... ~ ~ Q CIQ ri: -1!!1 g ~ 10, 12, ~17 ..!!! ~ 13, 15 A venue Storsy ) L....-: L.r- 19 ____r 18 --... ..... - 9{ ~ ~ Q I CIQ ~ ~ .!!! ~ ~ Notto Scale # DATE ..!!;: TIME TYPE K I LIGHf ROAD VIOLATIONS 1 2115/08 152AM Single Vehicle 0 0 Dark Lit Drv Unknown 2 6/10/08 1200AM Single Vehicle 0 0 Dark Lit Drv Unknown 3 6115108 423PM Unknown 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 4 8/24/08 957AM Single Vehicle 0 1 Daylight Dry Unknown 5 9/01/08 320AM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Unknown 6 9102108 120 PM Rear-End 0 1 Daylight Dry Unknown 7 12/25/08 959PM Single Vehicle 0 1 Daylight Dry Unknown 8 12/30/08 11:30AM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 9 1/07/09 929 PM Rear-End 0 1 Dark Lit Ice Unknown 10 2/20/09 1045PM Rear-End 0 0 Dark Lit Drv None 11 4/21/09 615AM Rear-End 0 0 Dawn Water Unknown 12 6/24/09 429PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Fail use care in stop 13 8/03/09 8:15PM TummgMove 0 0 Dark Lit Dry Unknown 14 10/24/09 5 26 PM Single Vehicle 0 0 Daylight Wet Collision Type Head On _) ---, Head On Turning Moves Angle ~ Angle Turning Move (* Angle Turning Move Unknown ==t: Side Swipe Same Direction ~ Side Swipe Opp. Direction J Side Swipe Lane Change 11/08/09 412PM TummgMove 0 2 Dayl!ght D_ry Unknown 558AM Single Vehicle 0 0 Dark, Lit Dry Unknown 17 3/02/10 3 08PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry None 18 5110/10 9:17PM TummgMove 0 0 Dark Lit Drv Unknown 19 7/26/10 425PM Turning Move 0 0 Daylight Dry None 20 12/14/10 1225 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Dry Unknown 21 12/20/10 257 PM Rear-End 0 0 Daylight Ice Unknown 25 Cl Turning Move 11116109 24 Vehicle Pedestrian Fixed Object/Parked -~ Angle 16 22 - S!mbol Legend ____r 15 23 Route 113 • Rear End q (• --+0 ~ Rear End Backing Single Vehicle Hit Fixed Object Single Vehicle Ran Off Road I ' ~ Single Vehicle Pedestrian MassDOT/RMV Crash Report Summaries: 2008, 2009, and 2010 MassDOT Crash Report for NEWBURYPORT for the year 2008 Crash Crash Crash Number Date Time Crash Severity Number Total Total of Nonfatal Fatal Manner of Vehicle Action Prior to Vehicles Injuries Injuries Collision Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Most Harmful Events Vehicle Configuration Distance from Nearest Roadway Intersection Distance from Nearest Exit Dry Dark roadway not lighted Clear Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S Rte 95 S / Rte 113 Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247789.8 952022.4 Daylight Clear Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247789.8 952022.4 Daylight Clear Rte 95 S / Rte 113 Road Surface Ambient Weather At Roadway Condition Intersection Condition Light Distance from Nearest Landmark X Y Coordinate Coordinate Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 southbound ramps 15-Feb- 1:52 Property damage 2284365 2008 AM only (none injured) 1 10-Jun- 00:00 Property damage 2333922 2008 AM only (none injured) 1 15-Jun- 4:23 Property damage 2337944 2008 PM only (none injured) 2 24-Aug- 9:57 2379430 2008 AM Non-fatal injury 01Sep- 3:20 2484617 2008 AM Non-fatal injury 02- 1:20 2483304 Sep- PM Non-fatal injury 25Dec2421880 2008 302418174 Dec- V1: Collision with other movable V1:Southbound object V1: Passenger car V1:Southbound V1: Collision with animal - deer V1: Passenger car Dry Dark roadway not lighted Clear V1:Not reported V1: Not reported / V2: / V2:Southbound Cargo/equipment loss or shift V1: Passenger car / V2:Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry Daylight Clear V1:Southbound V1: Collision with tree V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight 0 0 0 crash Not 0 reported ahead V1: Not reported / V2:Travelling straight ahead Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight 1 1 2 1 2 9:59 PM Non-fatal injury 1 11:30 Property damage AM only (none injured) 2 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 ramps 12-Aug- 11:45 2 2457555 2008 AM Non-fatal injury 06Sep- 2:00 2511665 2008 AM Non-fatal injury 2 13- 2:00 2478817 Dec- PM Non-fatal injury 2 26Dec- 5:40 2435874 2008 AM Unknown 0 Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight 0 crash ahead 2 0 crash ahead 1 V1: Travelling straight V1:Southbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not 0 Rear-end ahead / V2:Not reported V2:Not reported reported V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Eastbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not 0 Rear-end / V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Eastbound reported 1 Single vehicle 0 crash V1: Travelling straight ahead Dry Rte 113 E / Rte Daylight Clear 113 E / Rte 95 S Dark roadway not Not lighted Reported Rte 95 S Dry Daylight Clear 0 V1: Passenger car V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / 0 Rear-end / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Southbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car 1 0 Rear-end / V2:Travelling straight ahead V1: Not reported / V2:Not reported Dry Daylight Clear V1: Entering traffic lane / 0 Rear-end V2:Entering traffic lane V1: Passenger car / V2:Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry Daylight Clear 1 2 0 V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Eastbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not V2:Eastbound reported 0 Rear-end V1:Eastbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not V2:Eastbound reported V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Westbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not / V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Westbound reported V1: Slowing or stopped in V1:Southbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not V2:Eastbound reported 0 Rear-end traffic / V2:Unknown V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Travelling straight ahead 29-Mar- 12:45 Property damage 2453017 2008 PM only (none injured) 2 V1:Not reported V1: Not reported / V2: Not V1: Slowing or stopped in / V2:Not reported traffic / V2:Turning right reported Property damage only (none injured) 2 Property damage only (none injured) 1 Property damage only (none injured) 2 V1: Passenger car / V2:Not reported Dry V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car Dry V1:Southbound V1: Collision with guardrail Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 northbound ramps 14-Jan- 9:45 Property damage 2277125 2008 AM only (none injured) 2 0 0 Angle 27-Apr- 9:00 2361427 2008 PM 06- 5:58 2391663 Sep- PM 11- 3:45 2482093 Nov- PM Dry 0 0 0 0 Not 0 reported V1: Travelling straight Sideswipe, ahead / V2:Changing 0 same direction lanes Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight 0 crash ahead Sideswipe, V1: Travelling straight 0 same direction ahead / V2:Turning right Storey Avenue (Route 113) at 76 Storey Avenue (Mobil Gas Station) driveways 27- 7:27 V1: Travelling straight 2405298 Nov- PM Unknown 2 0 0 Angle ahead / V2:Turning left V1: Not reported / V2:Not reported Dry V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V2:Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry V1:Northbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Northbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Tractor/semi-trailer V1: Light truck(van, miniV1:Northbound V1: Collision with median barrier van, panel, pickup, sport V1: Tractor/semi-trailer / V1:Northbound / V1: Not reported / V2: Not V2:Northbound reported V2:Not reported V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Eastbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dark lighted roadway Cloudy Snow Daylight Snow V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V2:Passenger car Dry V1:Northbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Northbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Daylight Clear Rte 95 S 247789.1 952031.3 247789.1 952031.3 247790.2 952012.7 Exit 57 on Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247789.8 952022.4 247789.8 952022.4 Rte 95 / Rte 113 AVENUE Rte 95 / Rte 113 247822.8 952028.1 247821.9 STOREY AVENUE Rte 113 / Rte 95 952028 247822.5 952028.7 Exit 57 on Rte 95 247789.8 952022.4 Exit 57 on WHITTIER Rte 95 N Rte 95 N BRIDGE 247822.8 952028.4 Rte 95 Wet Rte 95 N / Rte Daylight Clear 113 E Dark roadway not Cloudy Rte 95 N Dark unknown Rain Rte 95 N Dry Dusk Clear Rte 95 Dry lighted roadway Clear 76 STOREY Dry 247789.8 952022.4 247822.8 952028.1 Exit 57 on Rte 95 N Exit 57 on Rte 95 N Exit 57 on Rte 95 247821.7 952043.4 247821.7 952043.4 247822.2 952024.3 10 feet W from MOBIL ON 248107.6 952183.7 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at the Park and Ride Lot Driveway 20-Apr- 2:20 2315471 2008 PM Non-fatal injury 29-Jul- 7:20 2355185 2008 AM Non-fatal injury 11-Aug- 3:58 2363488 2008 PM Unknown 19-Aug- 4:18 2363463 2008 PM 15- 12:52 2396869 Nov- PM 3 2 2 Property damage only (none injured) 3 Property damage only (none injured) 2 0 Rear-end V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / / V2:Travelling straight ahead / V2:Westbound / V2: Collision with parked motor vehicle / V2:Passenger car / V3:Slowing or stopped in traffic V3:Westbound V3: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V3:Passenger car 0 Rear-end V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Eastbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Single-unit truck (2-axle, V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Eastbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic 6-tire) / V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear/Othe r 0 Rear-end V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / / V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Wet Daylight Clear/Rain 0 0 Rear-end V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic / V2:Westbound / V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V2:Passenger car / V3:Slowing or stopped in traffic V3:Westbound V3: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V3:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear 0 V1: Slowing or stopped in V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / 0 Rear-end traffic / V2:Changing lanes V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car 1 1 0 Dry Wet Daylight Clear Daylight Rain 90 STOREY AVENUE 80 STOREY 80 STOREY 90 STOREY AVENUE 76 STOREY 247548.5 951911.4 247582.5 951927.9 50 feet W from MOBIL ON 247582.5 951927.9 247548.5 951911.4 30 feet E from PARK AND RIDE 248107.6 952183.7 MassDOT Crash Report for NEWBURYPORT for the year 2009 Crash Crash Crash Number Date Time Crash Severity Number Total Total Manner Vehicle Action Prior to of Nonfatal Fatal of Vehicles Injuries Injuries Collision Crash Vehicle Travel Directions Most Harmful Events Vehicle Configuration Surface Conditio n Ambient Light Weather At Roadway Condition Intersection Nearest Roadway Intersection Distance Distance from from Nearest Nearest Exit Landmark X Y Coordinate Coordinate Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 southbound ramps Sleet, hail (freezing 07-Jan- 9:29 2431191 2009 PM Non-fatal injury 2 20-Feb- 10:45 Property damage 2459569 2009 PM only (none injured) 2 21-Apr- 6:15 2456737 2009 AM 24-Jun- 4:29 2492097 2009 PM 03-Aug- 8:15 2509295 2009 PM 24-Oct- 5:26 2530675 2009 PM Property damage only (none injured) 2 Property damage only (none injured) 2 Property damage only (none injured) 2 Property damage only (none injured) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 08-Nov- 4:12 2546679 2009 PM Non-fatal injury 2 2 0 16-Nov- 5:58 2547455 2009 AM Property damage only (none injured) 1 0 0 Rearend Rearend Rearend Rearend Headon V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V2:Parked V1: Not reported / V2:Slowing or stopped in V1: Changing lanes / V2:Travelling straight ahead V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with parked motor vehicle / V1: Passenger car / V2:Northbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Ice V1:Not reported / V1: Not reported / V2: Collision V2:Southbound with motor vehicle in traffic V1: Not reported / V2:Passenger car Dry V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) Water V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / with only four tires / (standing V2:Southbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car , moving) Dawn V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Southbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Turning left Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight crash ahead V1: Entering traffic lane / V2:Travelling straight ahead Angle Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight crash ahead Dark - roadway rain or drizzle) not lighted Dark - roadway not lighted Clear V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Southbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry V1:Northbound V1: Collision with tree V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Wet V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Not reported / V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Not reported Dry Rte 95 S Not Reported Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Daylight Rain Daylight Rte 95 S Clear Clear V1:Southbound V1: Collision with tree V1: Passenger car Dry Dark - roadway not lighted Clear V1: Overturn/rollover V1: Passenger car Dry Dark - roadway not lighted Clear Exit 57 on Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247749.87 952468.75 247749.9 952468.7 Exit 57 on Rte 95 S Rte 95 S RAMP-RT 95 SB TO RT 113 247749.9 952468.7 247622.3 951960.6 STOREY AVENUE / Rte 95 S 247788.9 952031.6 Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247749.9 952468.7 RAMP-RT 95 SB TO RT 113 / STOREY AVENUE Rte 113 W 247668.9 951970.2 Rte 95 S Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247749.9 952468.7 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 northbound ramps 03-Jan- 2:40 2413218 2009 AM 13-Jan- 9:07 2424614 2009 AM Property damage only (none injured) 1 Property damage only (none injured) 2 17-Feb- 11:30 Property damage 2459455 2009 AM only (none injured) 2 18-Feb- 7:09 2459458 2009 AM 19-Feb- 10:12 2459562 2009 AM 06-May- 4:10 2472482 2009 PM 06-May- 4:00 2472156 2009 PM 07-May- 9:00 2467112 2009 PM 30-May- 1:58 2492089 2009 PM Non-fatal injury 2 Property damage only (none injured) 1 Property damage only (none injured) 2 Property damage only (none injured) 2 0 0 Single vehicle crash V1: Turning right Rear- V1: Unknown / end V2:Unknown 0 0 Rearend V1: Not reported / V2:Not reported Rearend V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Travelling straight ahead 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Single vehicle crash Rearend Rearend V1: Travelling straight ahead V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Slowing or V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V2:Slowing or 12-Jun- 7:30 2485954 2009 PM Property damage only (none injured) 2 0 0 V1: Travelling straight Angle ahead / V2:Turning left Rear- V1: Slowing or stopped in end traffic / V2:Slowing or pe, same V1: Leaving traffic lane / direction V2:Not reported 06-Jul- 9:15 2646960 2009 AM Non-fatal injury 1 0 Not V1: Travelling straight reported ahead 23-Jul2501158 2009 28-Jul2500115 2009 Property damage only (none injured) 2 Property damage only (none injured) 2 6:00 PM 12:16 PM Non-fatal injury 2 1 0 Non-fatal injury 2 1 0 1 23-Sep- 12:55 Property damage 2523843 2009 PM only (none injured) 2 26-Oct- 6:30 2538066 2009 AM Property damage only (none injured) 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rearend Rearend V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic 0 Rearend 0 Single vehicle V1: Travelling straight crash ahead 0 0 0 0 Angle Rearend Single vehicle Rearend Cloudy Daylight Not Reported RAMP-RT 95 NB TO RT 113 Daylight Clear Rte 95 V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry Daylight Not Reported V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear V1:Northbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Northbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear V1: Passenger car / V2:Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / pickup, sport utility) V2:Northbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic with only four tires Wet Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy V1:Eastbound / V2:Eastbound Daylight Clear Dry Daylight Clear V1: Not reported Dry V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V2:Light truck(van, Dry Daylight Clear Exit 57 on Rte 95 Rte 95 STOREY RTE 95 ON AVENUE / RAMP RAMP-RT 95 NB TO RT 113 STOREY AVENUE Rte 113 / INTERSTATE 95 RAMP-RT 95 NB TO RT 113 STOREY AVENUE / Rte 95 INTERSTATE 95 Rte 95 / RAMP - RT 113 TO RT 95 NB Rte 113 V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Southbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry V1: Not reported / V2:Light truck(van, V1:Not reported / V1: Not reported / V2: Not mini-van, panel, V2:Not reported reported pickup, sport utility) Dry V1: Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) V1:Northbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / with only four tires / V2:Northbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Truck/ trailer Dry V1:Northbound V1: Collision with guardrail V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry V1:Northbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in V1: Motorcycle / V2:Not reported traffic / V2: Not reported V2:Not reported V1:Northbound V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V1:Eastbound / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Eastbound V1: Not reported V1: Not reported / V2: Not reported V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V1:Eastbound / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Eastbound V1: Passenger car / V2:Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / pickup, sport utility) V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic with only four tires Dry Dusk Cloudy Daylight Clear Daylight Not STOREY AVENUE Reported Rte 113 E Daylight Clear 76 STOREY AVENUE V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V1:Northbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Wet Daylight Cloudy/Rain Daylight Dark - lighted roadway Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Wet V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:Westbound V1: Slowing or stopped in traffic / V1:Eastbound / V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Eastbound V1: Collision with pedestrian V1: Passenger car Dry V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Not reported / V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Not reported Dry 247982 952095.7 Exit 57 on Rte 95 247865.7 951537.3 247865.7 951537.3 248004.5 952120.1 247985.5 952099.8 247790.2 952012.7 247980.7 952094.1 247821.1 952047.6 NEAR 95 NB ON RAMP 248021 952146.7 248004.5 952120.1 V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V1: Passenger car / V2:Westbound V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Dry V1: Passenger car Dry 247783.9 952460.9 RAMP-RT 95 NB TO RT 113 / Clear V1: Collision with animal - deer 951537.285 247934.1 952083.7 STOREY AVENUE Dawn V1:Northbound 247865.709 RAMP-RT 95 NB TO RT 113 / STOREY AVENUE Rte 113 E INTERSTATE 95 Rte 95 N / RAMP-RT 95 NB TO RT 113 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at 76 Storey Avenue (Mobil Gas Station driveways) 26-Jan- 3:35 V1: Entering traffic lane / 2434449 2009 PM Non-fatal injury 2 2 0 Angle V2:Travelling straight Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Park and Ride Lot Drive 29-Mar- 11:09 Property damage 2452944 2009 AM only (none injured) 2 0 06-May- 11:03 Property damage 2471598 2009 PM only (none injured) 2 0 28-Jul- 4:18 2500120 2009 AM Non-fatal injury 1 1 18-Nov- 6:27 2546674 2009 PM Non-fatal injury 2 1 Daylight Exit 57 on Rte 95 N Rte 95 N INTERSTATE 95 Rte 95 / V1:Northbound Clear Clear/Cloudy 90 STOREY AVENUE 90 STOREY AVENUE 76 STOREY AVENUE 80 STOREY AVENUE BEFORE RTE 113 247880.7 951371.8 MOBIL SERVICE 248107.6 952183.7 247548.5 951911.4 247548.6 951911.4 50 feet E from C AND J 248102.7 952191.4 247582.5 951927.9 MassDO T Crash Report for NEWBURYPORT for the year 2010 Number Total Total Manner Crash Crash Crash Crash Vehicle Action Prior to of Nonfatal Fatal of Vehicles Injuries Injuries Collision Crash Number Date Time Severity Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 southbound ramps Property 02-Mar- 3:08 damage only 2575280 2010 PM (none injured) 2 10-May- 9:17 Non-fatal 2600524 2010 PM injury 2 Property 26-Jul- 4:25 damage only 2628478 2010 PM (none injured) 2 Property 20-Dec- 2:57 damage only 2681158 2010 PM (none injured) 2 0 0 Rear- V1: Slowing or stopped in end traffic / V2:Not reported 0 Angle V2:Turning left V1: Slowing or stopped in 0 0 2 3 V2:Southbound V1:Southbound / V2:Westbound 0 Angle traffic / V2:Turning left 0 V1: Slowing or stopped in Rear- traffic / V2:Slowing or stopped V1:Southbound / end in traffic V2:Southbound 0 V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic 0 26-Apr- 2:59 2594093 2010 AM Not Reported 1 0 0 12-Jun- 12:05 Non-fatal 2622741 2010 PM injury 1 0 0 28-Nov- 3:53 Non-fatal 2677734 2010 PM injury 2 Property 14-Dec- 12:25 damage only 2681632 2010 PM (none injured) 2 1 0 0 0 Property 17-Dec- 10:25 damage only 2673682 2010 AM (none injured) 2 0 0 Daylight Clear Rte 95 S Dry Dark lighted roadway Clear 82 STOREY AVENUE V1: Passenger car / V2:Bus (seats for more than 15 people, including driver) Dry Daylight Clear Rte 113 W / Rte 95 V1: Light truck(van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V2:Passenger car V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car Ice Daylight V1: Not reported / V2:Not reported Dry Daylight Clear Dark lighted roadway Clear Dark roadway not lighted Cloudy V1: Light truck(van, miniV1: Collision with motor vehicle van, panel, pickup, sport Rear- V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Northbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with utility) with only four tires / V2:Passenger car end V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Northbound motor vehicle in traffic 0 0 Dry V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger car / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Westbound motor vehicle in traffic V2:Passenger car Property 14-Mar- 3:08 damage only 2577727 2010 PM (none injured) 1 Property 22-Aug- 3:15 damage only 2639693 2010 PM (none injured) 2 At Road Distance from Distance Distance from Surface Ambient Weather Roadway Nearest Roadway from Nearest X Y Condition Light Nearest Exit Landmark Coordinate Coordinate Condition Intersection Intersection Snow/Cloudy Exit 57 on Rte 95 S 247749.9 952468.7 247576.3 951924.9 247788.9 952031.6 ROUTE 95 SOUTH OF RAMP 247788.9 952031.6 STOREY AVENUE / Rte 95 S V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Turning right / V2:Turning V1:Eastbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with right V2:Eastbound motor vehicle in traffic Single vehicl e V1: Collision with highway traffic crash V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:Northbound sign post Single vehicl e crash V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:Northbound V1: Collision with animal - deer Single vehicl e crash V1: Travelling straight ahead V1:Northbound V1: Collision with guardrail 1 Vehicle Configuration V1:Southbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car V2:Not reported in traffic / V2: Not reported V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / 1 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at Interstate 95 northbound ramps Property Rear22-Jan- 2:05 damage only 0 0 end 2571604 2010 PM (none injured) 2 Property Rear27-Jan- 5:53 damage only 0 0 end 2585041 2010 PM (none injured) 2 02-Mar- 1:03 Non-fatal 2571952 2010 AM injury Vehicle Travel Directions Most Harmful Events Dry Wet 82 STOREY AVENUE 247576.3 951924.9 STOREY AVENUE / Rte 95 247822.5 952028.7 Rte 95 N Exit 57 on Rte 95 N 247865.7 951537.3 Rte 95 N Exit 57 on Rte 95 N 247865.7 951537.3 Rte 95 N Exit 57 on Rte 95 N 247865.7 951537.3 V1: Passenger car Wet V1: Light truck(van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry Daylight Rain Dark roadway not Not lighted Reported V1: Light truck(van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry Daylight Clear Rte 95 N / Rte 113 E 247821.9 V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Slowing or stopped in Rear- traffic / V2:Slowing or stopped V1:Northbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Not reported / V2:Not reported end in traffic V2:Northbound motor vehicle in traffic Dry Daylight Clear 88 STOREY AVENUE 247563.5 951897.9 V1: Light truck(van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Slowing or stopped in Rear- traffic / V2:Travelling straight V1:Eastbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with V2:Eastbound motor vehicle in traffic end ahead V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Slowing or stopped in Rear- traffic / V2:Travelling straight V1:Westbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with end ahead V2:Westbound motor vehicle in traffic V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car Dry V1: Light truck(van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V1: Collision with motor vehicle V2:Light truck(van, mini-van, Rear- V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Eastbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires end V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V2:Eastbound motor vehicle in traffic Dry Daylight Clear Rte 95 N / Rte 113 82 STOREY AVENUE / Rte 95 Daylight Clear Rte 95 N Daylight Clear 77 STOREY AVENUE 247821.9 Exit 57 on Rte 95 N RAMP 952028 952028 247865.7 951537.3 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at 76 Storey Avenue (Mobil Gas Station) driveways wipe, Property same V1: Changing lanes / 06-Mar- 1:04 damage only directi V2:Travelling straight ahead 0 0 2587620 2010 PM (none injured) 2 V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car 19-Mar- 3:38 Non-fatal 2581400 2010 PM injury 0 V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1:Eastbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with V2:Eastbound motor vehicle in traffic V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Travelling straight ahead / V2:Slowing or stopped in traffic V1:Westbound / motor vehicle in traffic / V3: V2:Westbound / Collision with motor vehicle in Rear- / V3:Slowing or stopped in V3:Westbound traffic end traffic V1: Single-unit truck (2-axle, 6-tire) / V2:Passenger car / V3:Light truck(van, mini-van, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires Dry Daylight Clear STOREY AVENUE Rte 113 E 0 Rear- V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Passenger car / V2:Not reported end V2:Not reported V2:Not reported in traffic / V2: Not reported Dry Dark lighted roadway Clear 79 STOREY AVENUE 248274.9 952300.1 80 STOREY AVENUE 247582.5 951927.9 76 STOREY AVENUE 248102.7 952191.4 3 Property 22-Nov- 7:16 damage only 2667019 2010 PM (none injured) 2 1 0 Dry 248291.4 952309.4 MOBIL ON THE RUN 248113.6 952197.6 Storey Avenue (Route 113) at 80 Storey Avenue (Park and Ride Lot) driveways Property 15-Jun- 5:54 damage only 2617237 2010 PM (none injured) 3 0 0 04-Nov- 7:12 Non-fatal 2661569 2010 PM injury 2 0 V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1:Westbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with V2:Westbound motor vehicle in traffic V1: Collision with motor vehicle in traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / motor vehicle in traffic / V3: Rear- V2:Travelling straight ahead / V2:Westbound / Collision with motor vehicle in end V3:Travelling straight ahead V3:Westbound traffic V1: Collision with motor vehicle V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with Angle V2:Turning left V2:Southbound motor vehicle in traffic 0 V1: Collision with motor vehicle Rear- V1: Travelling straight ahead / V1:Westbound / in traffic / V2: Collision with V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car end V2:Travelling straight ahead V2:Westbound motor vehicle in traffic 18-Feb- 4:02 Non-fatal 2570833 2010 PM injury 2 2 Property 15-Dec- 5:08 damage only 2681630 2010 PM (none injured) 2 1 0 0 Rear- V1: Slowing or stopped in end traffic / V2:Changing lanes V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car Dry Daylight Clear V1: Light truck(van, minivan, panel, pickup, sport utility) with only four tires / V2:Passenger car / V3:Passenger car Dry V1: Passenger car / V2:Passenger car Wet Daylight Clear Dark lighted roadway Rain/Cloudy Dry Dark lighted roadway Cloudy 80 STOREY AVENUE 76 STOREY AVENUE PKLOT 247582.5 951927.9 248102.7 952191.4 Newburyport Police Department Crash Reports for 2008, 2009, and 2010: Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at the Mobil gas station driveways Newburyport Police Department Crash Reports for 2008, 2009, and 2010: Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at the Commuter Park and Ride Lot Driveway Newburyport & State Police Dept. Crash Reports for 2008, 2009, and 2010: Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at the Interstate 95 northbound ramps Newburyport & State Police Dept. Crash Reports for 2008, 2009, and 2010: Route 113 (Storey Avenue) at the Interstate 95 southbound ramps Appendix D. Roadway Speed Data Appendix E. Crash Rate Calculation ifiaSSDOT ~Highway INTERSECTION CRASH RATE WORKSHEET CITYfTOWN : _N.;,.;e_w....;;b...;_u-'ry.,~;;,p~or...;.t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ DISTRICT: 4 COUNT DATE: UNSIGNALIZED : May, 2010 Yes SIGNALIZED : - INTERSECTION DATA MAJOR STREET : Storey Avenue (Route 113) MINOR STREET(S): Interstate Route 95 southbound off-ramp Interstate Route 95 southbound on-ramp 1-95 SB Off-Ramp n INTERSECTION North N 00 1.0 r-tl rl..--l('t) DIAGRAM Storey Ave (Rte 113J (Label Approaches) .J ~ l. .-ss2 +241 ~3 ~-w~~~~-======= 1.!> 478--+ 34-. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES APPROACH: Storey Ave. DIRECTION: EB WB SB PEAK HOURLY VOLUMES (PM) : 513 826 519 "K" FACTOR: 0.089 TOTAL# OF CRASHES: 21 Total Peak Hourly Approach Volume Storey Ave. 1-95 SB ramp 1,858 INTERSECTION ADT ( V) =TOTAL DAILY APPROACH VOLUME : #OF YEARS: D AVERAGE#OF CRASHES PER YEAR ( A) : 20,876 G 7.00 ·-------------------·-----------------------------------------------------------------· CRASH RATE CALCULATION: 0.92 RATE= (A * 1,000,000) ( v * 365) Comments : Project Title & Date: Newburyport: Route 113 at Interstate Route 95 interchange Road Safety Audit (03/1 3) maSSDOT rll Highway INTERSECTION CRASH RATE WORKSHEET CITY!TOWN : _N,;..;e_w_;,b..;_ur....~..YJ;;..PO~r..;;..t- - - - - - - - - - - DISTRICT: 4 COUNT DATE: UNSIGNALIZED : SIGNALIZED : May, 2010 Yes - INTERSECTION DATA MAJOR STREET : Storey Avenue (Route 113) MINOR STREET(S): Interstate Route 95 northbound off-ramp Interstate Route 95 northbound on-ramp '\ North INTERSECTION Storey Ave (Rte 113) DIAGRAM (Label Approaches) 156-' 644--+ II "Ls77 +--687 l f 1-95 NB Off-Ramp PEAK HOUR VOLUMES APPROACH: Storey Ave. DIRECTION: EB WB NB PEAK HOURLY VOLUMES (PM) : 800 1,264 435 "K" FACTOR: TOTAL# OF CRASHES • 1 0.089 8 Total Peak Hourly Approach Volume Storey Ave. 1-95 NB ramp 1 INTERSECTION ADT ( V) =TOTAL DAILY APPROACH VOLUME: #OF YEARS : I 2,499 CJ AVERAGE# OF CRASHES PER YEAR ( 28,079 G 9.33 A). ·------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· CRASH RATE CALCULATION : 0.91 RATE= (A* 1,000,000) ( v * 365) Comments: Project Title & Date: Newburyport: Route 113 at Interstate Route 95 interchange Road Safety Audit (03/13) massoor Ill Highway INTERSECTION CRASH RATE WORKSHEET COUNT DATE: CITYfTOWN : _N,;..;;e_w..;;,.b,;;,..ur-'-yp!;;_o;_rt"------------DISTRICT: 4 UNSIGNALIZED: SIGNALIZED : May, 2010 Yes - INTERSECTION DATA MAJOR STREET : Storey Avenue (Route 113) MINOR STREET(S): Park and Ride Commuter Lot Driveway J~ Commuter lot 4 INTERSECTION ; North DIAGRAM (Label Approaches) '<:t ~ I"~ "\_18 .J l. +---1241 !W*"""'=·.--·.. ···= Storey Ave (Rte 113) • .v.··· · 24-' 941~ PEAK HOUR VOLUMES APPROACH: Storey Ave. DIRECTION: EB WB SB PEAK HOURLY VOLUMES (PM) : 965 1,259 107 "K" FACTOR : 0.089 TOTAL# OF CRASHES : 14 Total Peak Hourly Approach Volume Storey Ave. Lot Driveway 2,331 INTERSECTION ADT ( V) =TOTAL DAILY APPROACH VOLUME : #OF YEARS : D 3 AVERAGE#OF CRASHES PER YEAR ( 26,191 G 4.67 A). ·----------·"-------------------------------------------------------------------------· (A* 1,000,000) CRASH RATE CALCULATION : 0.49 RATE= (v * 365) Comments: Project Title & Date: Newburyport: Route 113 at Interstate Route 95 interchange Road Safety Audit (03/13) Appendix F. Intersection Operations Analysis Methodology and Results OPERATIONS ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Level of Service A primary result of capacity analyses is the assignment of level of service to traffic facilities under various traffic flow conditions. Level of service is a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream and the perception of these conditions by motorists and/or passengers. A level of service definition provides an index to the quality of traffic flow in terms of such factors as speed, travel time, freedom to maneuver, traffic interruptions, comfort, convenience, and safety. Six levels of service are defined for each type of facility. They are given letter designations from A to F, with level-of-service (LOS) A representing the best operating conditions and LOS F representing the worst. Since the level of service of a traffic facility is a function of the traffic flows placed upon it, such a facility may operate at a wide range of levels of service, depending on the time of day, day of week, or period of year. Signalized Intersections The six levels of service for signalized intersections may be described as follows: LOS A describes operations with very small delay; most vehicles do not stop at all. LOS B describes operations with relatively small delay; however, more vehicles stop than LOS A. LOS C describes operations with higher delays. Individual cycle failures may begin to appear in this level. The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. LOS D describes operations with delay in the range where the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Many vehicles stop and individual cycle failures are noticeable. LOS E describes operations with high delay values. Individual cycle failures are frequent occurrences. LOS F describes operations with high delay values that often occur with oversaturation. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. Evaluation Criteria Evaluation criteria used in the capacity analyses are described below. Signalized Intersections Levels of service for signalized intersections are calculated using the operational analysis methodology of the latest Highway Capacity Manual. The capacity analyses for these facilities measures the average delay to drivers from signal control. This method assesses the effect of signal type, timing, phasing, progression, vehicle mix, and geometrics on delay. Level-ofservice designations are based solely on the criterion of calculated control delay, also known as signal delay. Control delay includes the initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay. Delay can also be a measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and increased travel time. Table A-1 summarizes the relationship between level of service and delay. The tabulated delay criterion may be applied in assigning LOS designations to individual lane groups, intersection approaches, or to entire intersections. Table A-1 LEVEL-OF-SERVICE CRITERIA FOR SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONSa Level of Service A B C D E F a Average Control Delay (seconds per vehicle) <=10 >10 and <=20 >20 and <=35 >35 and <=55 >55 and <=80 >80 Source: Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board; Washington, DC; 2010; Exhibit 16-2, page 16-2. Appendix G. Road Safety Audit References Road Safety Audit References Massachusetts Traffic Safety Toolbox, Massachusetts Highway Department, Road Safety Audits, A Synthesis of Highway Practice. NCHRP Synthesis 336. Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, 2004. Road Safety Audits. Institute of Transportation Engineers and U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines. U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2006. Road Safety Audit, 2nd edition. Austroads, 2000. Road Safety Audits. ITE Technical Council Committee 4S-7. Institute of Transportation Engineers, February 1995.