ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 114 at Interstate I-495 Northbound Ramps City of Lawrence July 30, 2015 Prepared For: Massachusetts Department of Transportation Prepared By: Toole Design Group 33 Broad Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02109 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location Description ..................................................................................................... 2 Audit Observations and Potential Enhancements ................................................................... 4 Summary of Road Safety Audit ............................................................................................... 10 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Background The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Highway Division Safety Section has conducted a Road Safety Audit (RSA) for the intersection of Route 114 (Winthrop Avenue) and the Interstate 495 northbound ramps in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts in support of an ongoing design project. An RSA is required to be performed during the design process for any MassDOT project that includes a high crash location. The goal of the RSA is to identify safety issues and provide potential enhancements to improve safety for all roadway users. Additionally, the potential enhancements are categorized by timeframe and cost which allows the responsible agencies to determine when to make proposed implementations. Toole Design Group (TDG) conducted an RSA on Tuesday, June 30, 2015. The audit was held at the Lawrence Community Development Department in Downtown Lawrence. Members of the audit team discussed safety issues, conducted a site visit, and determined countermeasures during the audit on the infrastructure and operating conditions of the subject intersection. The members of the audit team comprised of representatives from local, regional, and state agencies ranging from emergency responders to transportation planners and engineers. The members and their affiliations are provided in Table 1. Contact information for the audit team members are provided in Appendix B. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Theresa Park City of Lawrence Planning Director Brian Moriarty City of Lawrence Fire Chief Jim Terlizzi Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Anthony Komornick Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Timothy Paris MassDOT District 4 Projects John Gregg MassDOT District 4 Traffic Operations Derek Caldwell MassDOT District 4 Traffic Buu Tran MassDOT Boston Traffic Corey O’Connor MassDOT Boston Traffic Patrick Baxter Toole Design Group Shannon Brown Toole Design Group Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Project Location Description The study area includes the intersection of Route 114 (Winthrop Avenue) and the Interstate 495 northbound ramps, as shown in Figure 1. The intersection is recorded as a Merrimack Valley Planning Commission high crash location. Route 114 is a state-owned roadway classified by the MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning as a principal arterial. According to the MassDOT Transportation Data Management System, 2006 traffic volumes on Route 114 at the interchange were 32,900 vehicles per day east of the interchange and 22,700 vehicles per day west of the interchange. Route 114 is subject to a speed limit of 35 miles per hour according to the recorded Speed Regulations, and provides two travel lanes in each direction plus left turn lanes approaching the on-ramp intersections. No bicycle facilities are provided on Route 114 within the study area. A sidewalk is provided on the south side of Route 114 in the study area, however it terminates at the west edge of the I-495 bridge to the west and at the Gulf gas station to the east. No crosswalks or pedestrian signals are provided at the intersection. Interstate 495 a state-owned roadway classified by the MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning as an interstate. The study area intersection consists of two off-ramps and one on-ramp for Interstate 495 northbound. According to the MassDOT Transportation Data Management System, 2014 traffic volumes on the I-495 northbound off-ramps to Route 114 east and west were 1,420 vehicles per day and 4,700 vehicles per day, respectively. The northbound on-ramp provides a right-turn slip lane from the westbound direction and a left turn lane from the eastbound direction. 2014 traffic volumes on the northbound on-ramp were 9,010 vehicles per day. The intersection of Route 114 and the Interstate 495 northbound ramps is signalized with span wire mounted signal heads. The northbound ramps include a single northbound on-ramp with access from both directions on Route 114 at the signalized intersection. The interchange provides separated northbound off-ramps for vehicles heading in each direction on Route 114: the ramp to Route 114 east approaches from the south, intersecting west of the traffic signal, and is restricted to right turns only; the ramp to Route 114 west approaches from the north via a loop ramp, also intersecting west of the signal with a right-turn only restriction. Route 114 westbound provides a right turn slip lane to the northbound on-ramp and two through lanes, the eastbound approach provides two through lanes and one left turn lane. The traffic signal provides two signal phases, including a through phase for Route 114 and a left turn phase for left turns to the northbound on-ramp. Eastbound through traffic operates continuously as the signal provides no conflicting phases. Off-ramp traffic is not controlled by the signal. No pedestrian crosswalks or signals are provided at the intersection. Page 2 TE TA RS TE IN 5 49 TO RT 495 NB ER ST RE NC E NB TO RT 1 495 14 WB RT LA W O D O RT H VE R BR EW ST P- N AN RE ET RT 11 4W B CH ICK ER ING ST RE ET RA M R AM P-RT 114 RA 9 RT 4 M P- 5S B WINTHROP AVENUE TO WINTHROP AVENUE 114 ER TO RAMP-RT 495 NB 11 4E B ON STREET AL VE RA RA CAB O OAD TR EET STR S DI AN T S H M P-RT MP -R T 11 AD RO Road Safety Audit: Lawrence, MA EMERALD AVENUE Figure 1: MA 114/Winthrop @ Interstate 495 MA 114/Winthrop Avenue @Avenue Interstate 495 udit: Lawrence MA ON OL LR IA B 4 95 S D OA 4 TO TO RT RT 495 S RT 114 EB NI LO O C I DR B NI LO CO AL COLONIAL TERRACE 0 COLONIAL TERRACE 50 100 200 Feet 300 PO EW INT A R IV 495 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Project Data Audit team members received a meeting packet prior to the RSA including a meeting agenda (Appendix A), study area details, and crash data details. The crash data details and collision diagrams, graphical representation of the crash data, are provided in Appendix C. The audit members were asked to review the packet and visit the RSA study area prior to the meeting. Safety issues were identified by the team at the beginning of the RSA, followed by a field visit to the subject intersections. The audit team finished the meeting by determining appropriate countermeasures for the safety issues discussed. The crash data and collision diagrams were based on crashes that were reported by Massachusetts State Police and the Lawrence Police Department and occurred between January 2011 and December 2013. According to the data, approximately 27 crashes were reported at the intersection during the three year time period. During the study period, 27 crashes were reported at the intersection of Route 114 at the Interstate 495 ramps. Of those crashes, the majority were rear-end crashes (59 percent – 16 crashes). The remaining crashes included angle crashes (22 percent – 6 crashes), sideswipe crashes (15 percent – 4 crashes), and head on crashes. The most common time period for crashes was the afternoon peak period between 2:00 and 4:00 PM. Audit Observations and Potential Enhancements During the RSA, the audit team identified the safety issues and discussed potential safety enhancements to address the issues. Several of the safety issues identified by the audit team were: • • • • • • • Congestion; Driveway turning conflicts; Traffic signal layout; Pavement markings; Signage; Sight distance and geometry; and Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. The following sections discuss in detail the safety issues and potential enhancements that were identified during the RSA. The safety issues and potential enhancements are separated by location. Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #1. Congestion Observations: The audit team noted that congestion along the Route 114 corridor is heavy and contributes to driver frustration, unsafe maneuvers, and poor sight distance for turning vehicles. The team also noted that queues on Route 114 eastbound back up due to the lane drop and downstream congestion east of the Dunkin Donuts driveway. Additionally, team members noted that they have observed queues on the Interstate 495 northbound off-ramp back up towards the interstate mainline, which is a safety hazard. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider reconfiguring the lane drop to occur west of the traffic signal. 2. Consider providing capacity improvements to the downstream intersections to reduce driver frustration and limit queues on the ramps. Safety Issue #2. Driveway Turn Conflicts Observations: The audit team noted that several of the crashes are related to the driveways for the Dunkin Donuts and businesses at 245 Winthrop Avenue. The close proximity of the driveways to the signalized intersection result in difficult left turn movements into and out of the driveways, which may be blocked by queues and may have limited sight distance to turning traffic. Four crashes, which all occurred at the Dunkin Donuts driveway and were labeled as “courtesy crashes,” occurred between drivers turning left into or out of the driveway and westbound through vehicles. Team members noted that this driveway also serves the Friendly’s and Holiday Inn Express at this location. Additionally, team members noted that the driveways on the south side of Route 114 have wide curb cuts at the traffic signal for Route 114 at I-495 northbound on-ramps but are not incorporated into the signal phasing. Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Potential Enhancements: 1. Work with the property owners to restrict left turns in and out of the unsignalized driveways. 2. Consider continuing the median on Route 114 by installing quick curb to restrict left turn access into and out of the Dunkin Donuts driveway. 3. If it is not possible to restrict left turn access, consider restriping the roadway to provide a left turn lane. 4. Consider adding signal control for the driveway to 235 Winthrop Avenue. Safety Issue #3. Traffic Signal Observations: The audit team noted that at least four of the rear-end crashes occurred at the traffic signal. Team members also noted that the traffic signal acts as a “half signal” because the eastbound through movement is always green. Additionally, team members noted that drivers traveling in the westbound direction may not expect the signal to turn red which may lead to quick stops and rear-end crashes. One of the crashes that occurred at the signal involved a vehicle turning left to the 235 Winthrop Avenue driveway from the Route 114 eastbound approach. Team members noted that the current signal phasing may cause a “yellow trap” in which the left turning vehicle assumes when the signal turns yellow that through vehicles at the opposing approach will stop. During the field visit, team members observed that there are two left turn signals for the single left turn lane to the Interstate 495 northbound on-ramp from Route 114 eastbound approach. This may cause confusion, as typically dual left turn signal heads are only installed in locations with dual left turn lanes. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider modifying the traffic signal to prevent “yellow trap” crashes. This would require removing the median to install a left turn lane and installing flashing yellow arrow signal indications or protected-only left turn phasing for traffic entering 235 Winthrop Avenue. Alternatively, consider restricting left turns into the driveway. 2. Consider removing one of the left turn signal indications and center the remaining signal head over the eastbound left turn lane. Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #4. Pavement Markings Observations: The audit team noted that the striped median extends past the physical median in front of the Dunkin Donuts driveway on Route 114 in the eastbound direction. Team members noted that drivers do make turns across the striped median. During the field visit, team members noted that the broken white lane lines on Route 114 are faded at the intersection. Additionally, team members noted that lane use arrows and legends are not provided in the exclusive left turn lane on the eastbound approach. No crashes were directly attributed to the pavement markings, however they likely contribute to confusion for some drivers at the intersection which may be a contributing factor to other crashes. Potential Enhancements: 1. Reinstall lane line markings and install lane us arrows. 2. Reinstall striping on painted median. Safety Issue #5. Signage Observations: The audit team noted that seven of the recorded rear-end crashes, including three that resulted in injury, occurred on the Interstate 495 off-ramps. During the field visit, team members noted that the Interstate 495 offramps do not provide advance warning signs for the yield indication. Additionally, team members noted that there may not be enough signage for the lane drop on Route 114 eastbound past the intersection. Team members also noted that the existing guide signs obstruct pedestrian access along the north side of Route 114. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider installing W3-2 “YIELD AHEAD” signs on Interstate 495 off-ramps. 2. Consider installing additional warning signs for the lane drop on Route 114 eastbound. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group 3. Consider installing R3-8 Lane Control signs on the eastbound intersection approach. 4. Consider moving guide signs away from roadway to allow for installation of sidewalks. Safety Issue #6. Sight Distance and Geometry Observations: The audit team noted that the sight distance on the Interstate 495 off-ramp to Route 114 eastbound is impeded by the fence and vegetation located west of the ramp, directly within the driver’s sightline. Additionally, team members noted that solar glare may also impede to sight distance at the intersection. These sight distance issues may contribute to the four rear end crashes that took place on the ramp approach. Team members noted that the angle of the approach for the off-ramp to Route 114 westbound is oblique, requiring drivers to look over their shoulder prior to turning onto Route 114. This may be a contributing factor to the three rear-end crashes on this approach. Potential Enhancements: 1. Trim the vegetation at the Interstate 495 northbound off-ramp to Route 114 eastbound to improve sight distance. 2. Consider removing the fence to improve the sight line and reduce the opportunity for further vegetation growth. 3. Consider realigning the Interstate 495 northbound off-ramp to Route 114 westbound to intersect at between 75 and 90 degrees. 4. Consider reconstructing the entire interchange to provide a diamond configuration, which will better match driver expectation, reduce confusion, and require fewer ramps on both sides of the interchange. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Safety Issue #7. Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Observations: The audit team noted that the majority of the study area lacks pedestrian or bicycle facilities. There were no crashes reported involving a bicyclist while there was one crash reported that involved a pedestrian crossing the Interstate 495 northbound on-ramp. Members of the team did not feel safe while crossing the Interstate ramps due to the lack of signals and high speed turning geometry at the slip lanes. As previously mentioned, there is a sidewalk on the south side of Route 114 and none on the north side. During the field visit, team members observed pedestrians walking along the north side of Route 114. Members of the team noted that there is a path worn through the grass along the north side of Route 114 from pedestrians traveling along the corridor. Team members also noted during the field visit that there is a gap in the sidewalk on the south side of Route 114 east of the intersection between the Gulf Station and the bridge over the Shawsheen River. Members of the team also noted that the Holiday Inn Express in the Dunkin Donuts lot and North Andover Mall east of the study area contribute to pedestrian demand in the area. Team members observed cyclists traveling westbound on Route 114. As previously mentioned, there are no bicycle facilities in the study area. Potential Enhancements: 1. Consider installing a sidewalk along the north side of Route 114 between the terminus of the existing sidewalk at the I-495 overpass, west of the study area, and the mall driveway, east of the study area. 2. Consider providing pedestrian handicap ramps, crosswalks and signal equipment at the intersection. 3. Consider installing a sidewalk on the south side of Route 114 between the 235 Winthrop Avenue driveways to the Shawsheen River bridge to connect the existing sidewalks. 4. Consider providing bicycle facilities on Route 114. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 114 at Interstate 495 - Lawrence, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Summary of Road Safety Audit Table 2 lists each safety issue and the corresponding potential safety enhancements that were discussed at the audit and within the previous section. The safety issues and potential safety enhancements are divided by location. For each observed safety issue and potential safety enhancement, the table includes the safety payoff, estimated time frame for completion, estimated construction cost, and the responsible agency. Safety payoff estimates are subjective and may be based on the relative percent of crashes that may be reduced by the enhancement; for example, low (<30 percent), medium (31 percent to 70 percent), and high (>71 percent). The time frame is categorized as short-term (<1 year), mid-term (1 to 3 years), or long-term (>3 years). The costs are categorized as low (<$10,000), medium ($10,001 to $50,000), or high (>$50,001). Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Lower Westfield Road – Holyoke, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table 2. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Issue Congestion Driveway Turn Conflicts Route 114 at Interstate 495 Traffic Signal Northbound Ramps Pavement Markings Signage Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Consider reconfiguring the lane drop Medium Mid-Term Low MassDOT Consider providing capacity improvements to the downstream intersections Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Restrict left-turns in and out of unsignalized driveways High Mid-Term Low MassDOT/ Property Owners Extend the median on Route 114 High Mid-Term Low MassDOT Restripe the roadway to provide a left turn lane Medium Mid-Term Low MassDOT Add signal control for the driveway to 235 Winthrop Avenue Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Modify the signal to remove the “Yellow Trap” condition Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Remove one of the left turn signal indications. Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Reinstall lane line markings and lane use arrows Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Reinstall striping for painted median Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Install W3-2 “YIELD AHEAD” signs on the off-ramp approaches Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Install additional warning signs for the Route 114 eastbound lane drop Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Install R3-8 Lane Control signs Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Move guide signs away from the roadway Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Safety Enhancement Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Lower Westfield Road – Holyoke, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Table 2 (continued). Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Location Safety Issue Sight Distance and Geometry Route 114 at Interstate 495 Northbound Ramps Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Trim the vegetation at the Interstate 495 northbound to Route 114 eastbound off-ramp High Short-Term Low MassDOT Remove the fence at the Interstate 495 northbound to Route 114 eastbound off-ramp High Short-Term Low MassDOT Realign the Interstate 495 northbound off-ramp to Route 114 westbound Medium Mid-Term High MassDOT Reconstruct the interchange to provide a diamond configuration High Long-Term High MassDOT Install a sidewalk along the north side of Route 114 Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Provide pedestrian ramps, crosswalks, and signal equipment at the ramp intersection High Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Install a sidewalk on the south side of Route 114 between the 235 Winthrop Avenue driveway and the Shawsheen River bridge High Mid-Term Low MassDOT Provide bicycle facilities on Route 114 Low Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Lower Westfield Road – Holyoke, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit Lawrence, MA Route 114 (Winthrop Ave) at Interstate 495 Meeting Location: Lawrence Community Development Conference Room 225 Essex Street, 3rd Floor, Lawrence, MA Tuesday, June 30th 2015 9:00 AM – 11:00 noon Type of meeting: High Crash Location – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 9:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 9:15 AM Discussion of Safety Issues Crash history, Speed Regulations – provided in advance Existing Geometries and Conditions 10:00 AM Site Visit Drive to the intersection of Route 114 and Interstate 495 As a group, identify areas for improvement 10:30 AM Discussion of Potential Improvements Discuss observations and finalize safety issue areas Discuss potential improvements and finalize recommendations 11:00 AM Adjourn for the Day – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: Before attending the RSA on June 30th, participants are encouraged to drive/walk through the intersection and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety. All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. After the RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. Road Safety Audit—Lower Westfield Road – Holyoke, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit—Lower Westfield Road – Holyoke, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Email Address Theresa Park City of Lawrence Planning Director Brian Moriarty City of Lawrence Fire Chief Jim Terlizzi Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Anthony Komornick Merrimack Valley Planning Commission Timothy Paris MassDOT District 4 Projects John Gregg MassDOT District 4 Traffic Operations Derek Caldwell MassDOT District 4 Traffic Buu Tran MassDOT Boston Traffic Corey O’Connor MassDOT Boston Traffic Patrick Baxter Toole Design Group Shannon Brown Toole Design Group Road Safety Audit—Lower Westfield Road – Holyoke, Massachusetts Prepared by Toole Design Group Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table I-495 NB Ramps at Rt 114, Lawrence, MA January 1, 2011- December 31, 2013 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 1/31/11 Monday 3:00 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Unknown Snow Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road 52 21 2 7/4/11 Monday 2:40 PM Rear-end Daylight Unknown Dry Followed too closely 40 53 3 4 7/12/11 8/3/11 Tuesday Wednesday 3:50 PM 11:30 AM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end Daylight Daylight Unknown Clear Unknown Dry 5 6 7 8/20/11 9/11/11 9/19/11 Saturday Sunday Monday 12:45 AM 1:00 PM 11:30 AM Angle Rear-end Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Unknown Daylight Cloudy Dry Dry Dry Unknown 45 42 No Improper Driving 46 33 Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner UNK 21 Failed to yield right of way 41 51 Inattention UNK UNK 8 10/22/11 Saturday 11:20 AM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Clear Dry 9 10 11/23/11 Wednesday 11/30/11 Wednesday 8:25 AM 7:30 AM Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Wet Dry 11 2/24/12 Friday 3:00 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear 12 13 2/26/12 3/25/12 Sunday Sunday 3:30 AM 12:50 PM Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Clear Rain 14 15 4/18/12 7/2/12 Wednesday Monday 11:45 PM 5:45 PM Sideswipe, same direction Rear-end 16 17 7/18/12 9/10/12 Wednesday Monday 2:45 PM 11:20 AM 18 19 20 10/2/12 11/1/12 11/2/12 Tuesday Thursday Friday 21 22 23 24 25 3/6/13 4/23/13 6/9/13 8/23/13 8/26/13 Wednesday Tuesday Sunday Friday Monday 26 27 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 16 21 No Improper Driving Inattention 29 28 47 31 Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings 50 23 Dry Wet Followed too closely Inattention 41 55 33 59 Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road No Improper Driving 22 23 44 UNK Angle Rear-end Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Wet Dry No Improper Driving Followed too closely 38 52 43 45 3:10 PM 12:45 PM 7:55 AM Rear-end Rear-end Head on Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Clear Wet Dry Dry Inattention Inattention 38 19 60 49 29 16 12:50 PM 9:00 AM 3:47 PM 6:15 PM 1:45 PM Rear-end Angle Rear-end Rear-end Rear-end Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Rain Clear Clear Clear Wet Wet Dry Dry Dry Followed too closely No Improper Driving Followed too closely Followed too closely Failed to yield right of way 36 20 52 31 44 20 51 38 36 UNK 10/18/13 Friday 12:00 PM Angle Daylight Unknown Unknown No Improper Driving 18 37 12/30/13 Monday 2:55 PM Angle Daylight Unknown Unknown Unknown 72 22 Comments D3 MV 2 attempted to pass MV 1 by driving onto snowbank. Weather condition not identified. MV 3 turning onto 495 NB onramp and rear ends MV 2 who rear ends MV1. 32 Weather condition not identified. Sideswipe while changing lanes due to a lane closure. Weather and road conditions not identified. 44 MV 1 turning left into 235 Winthrop and rear ended by MV 2, MV 3 fails to MV 2 OUI, tried to cross from Gulf Station directly onto 495 on-ramp, hit by MV 1 coming north on Rt 114. Rear end at end of off-ramp. MV2 attempted to enter 230 Winthrop from wrong lane, sideswiped MV1. Courtesy Crash. MV 1 turning left from Dunkin Donuts, unknown veh in nearside lane stops to allow MV 1 to turn, MV 2 in adjacent lane does not stop and hits MV 1. 45 MV 2 and 3 stopped at signal, rear ended by MV 1. MV 1 heading toward on-ramp with signal on when MV 2 pulls out. MV 1 hits MV 2. MV 1 rear ended by MV2 at end of off-ramp. Light condition listed as daylight despite crash reported at 3:30. Rear end in front of Dunkin Donuts MV 1 turned into Gulf station (to the right) from left turn lane, sideswiping MV 2. 52 Rear end at signal. Courtesy Crash, MV 1 turning left into Dunkin Donuts hit by MV 2 (construction truck had stopped for MV1 and blocked MV 2's view) MV 1 rear ends MV 2 at end of off-ramp. Unknown vehicle stops abruptly in road resulting in MV 1 rear ending MV 2. MV 1 rear ended by MV 2 at end of off-ramp. MV 1 turns left and hits pedestrian crossing 495 on ramp Rear end at merge point between right and left turning vehicles on on-ramp. Weather condition not identified. Collision recorded as angle, but described as sideswipe. MV 1 rear ended by MV2 at end of off-ramp. MV 1 rear ended while turning onto on ramp. MV 1 rear ended by MV2 at end of off-ramp. Courtesy Crash. MV 1 turning left into Dunkin Donuts hit by MV 2 whose view is obstructed by stopped vehicles. Weather and road conditions not provided. Courtesy Crash. MV 2 turning left into Dunkin Donuts hit by MV 1 whose view is obstructed by stopped vehicles. Weather and road conditions not provided. *Courtesy Crash - A term used to describe a crash that occurs subsequent to a non-involved mainline driver who gives the right of way, contrary to the rules of the road, to another driver. Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the RMV for both Local and State Police. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts I-495 NB Ramps at Rt 114, Lawrence, MA 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% CRASH MONTH 15% 15% 15% 11% 7% 7% 11% 7% 4% 4% 4% 0% J F M A M J J A S O N D CRASH DAY OF WEEK 30% 26% 25% 22% 20% 15% 15% 15% 11% 7% 10% 4% 5% 0% Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CRASH TIME OF DAY 35% 30% 30% 25% 22% 20% 15% 15% 10% 5% 7% 7% 4% 4% 4% 4% 0% 4% 0% 0% 6AM- 8AM 8AM10AM 10AM12PM 12PM2PM 2PM- 4PM 4PM- 6PM 6PM- 8PM 8PM10PM 10PM12AM 12AM2AM 2AM- 4AM 4AM- 6AM CRASH MANNER OF COLLISION 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 59% 22% 15% 0% Single Vehicle Crash 0% Rear-end Angle Sideswipe, same direction ash Data Spreadsheet_Rt 114 @ I-495_05_28_2015FINAL.xlsx 2 of 3 Sideswipe, opposite direction 4% Head on 0% 0% Rear to Rear Unknown 5/28/2015 Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts I-495 NB Ramps at Rt 114, Lawrence, MA CRASH LIGHT CONDITION 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 93% Daylight 7% 0% 0% Dawn Dusk 0% 0% Dark Dark Dark Lighted Roadway not unknown Roadway lighted roadway lighting 0% 0% Other Unknown CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 60% 54% 50% 40% 30% 23% 19% 20% 10% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Clear Cloudy Rain Severe Blowing Sleet, Hail, Fog, Smog, Smoke Crosswinds sand, snow Freezing Rain Snow Other Unknown CRASH ROAD SURFACE 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 62% 23% 4% Dry Wet 0% Snow Ice 0% 0% Sand, mud, Water dirt, oil, (standing, gravel moving) 0% 0% 0% Slush Other Unknown CRASH DRIVER AGES 30% 25% 25% 22% 20% 18% 20% 15% 11% 10% 5% 2% 2% 60-69 70-79 0% 0% 15-20 21-29 30-39 40-49 ash Data Spreadsheet_Rt 114 @ I-495_05_28_2015FINAL.xlsx 3 of 3 50-59 80+ 5/28/2015