ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MAJOR HIGHWAY MEDIAN CROSS-OVER CRASHES I-495 Chelmsford 495 Prepared for Massachusetts Highway Department Prepared by MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Framingham, Massachusetts February 2009 ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MAJOR HIGHWAY MEDIAN CROSS-OVER CRASHES I-495 CHELMSFORD FINAL REPORT February 2009 Prepared for Massachusetts Highway Department Prepared by MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Consulting Engineers and Planners 300 Howard Street, P.O. Box 967 Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 Tel: (508) 620-2832 Fax: (508) 620-6897 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 RSA PROCESS 3 ANALYSIS 7 SUMMARY OF RSA FINDINGS/POTENTIAL ACTIONS 10 RECOMMENDATIONS 15 APPENDIX 19 MS Transportation Systems, Inc. I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit INTRODUCTION Lane departure crashes are one of the primary fatal crash types in Massachusetts. The Commonwealth exceeds the national average for lane departure crashes and was designated a lead state in lane departure crashes by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). The Massachusetts Highway Department (MHD) conducted a study of the problem and found that during 2002-2004, lane departure crashes accounted for 25 percent of all injury crashes and nearly half, 46 percent, of all fatal crashes. As part of the effort in implementing the safety plan and specifically reducing lane departure crashes, MassHighway is completing a Road Safety Audit (RSA) Review Project specifically focused on median crossing (or median cross-over) crashes on its major highways. Road safety audits are a formal safety performance examination on existing or future roadways by an independent audit team. These specific audits are being conducted in locations where cross-over experience has been or has the potential to be of concern and where the RSA team has judged that factors exist and safety risk could be affected. The team works to identify opportunities for enhancing safety and to recommend specific enhancements that may be implemented to reduce median crossover crashes and improve the overall safety along the highway. An RSA was conducted for the I-495 in Chelmsford as part of this overall effort. The roadway section under study, shown in Figure 1, was essentially between Interchange No. 32 at Boston Road and Interchange No. 34 at Route 110 a distance of approximately 4.2 miles. This section had experienced a fatal cross-median crash. The purpose of this I-495 Chelmsford RSA was to assess current safety characteristics on the highway section under study and to recommend a set of actions to enhance the safe operation of the highway section under study. Recommendations contained in this report reflect the overall consent of the RSA team and do not necessarily reflect the official views of MassHighway. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 1 Lowell Connector Route 3 Interchange 33 Interchange 34 Interchanges 35 & 36 495 Route 4 Route 110 Chelmsford Interchange 32 495 Boston Road Westford N Project Location W S Interstate 495 Road Safety Audit Chelmsford, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. E 1 : 25,000 Framingham, Massachusetts FIGURE 1 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit RSA PROCESS In conducting the RSA, the overall procedures outlined in the Median Cross-Over RSA Guideline Report1 with some modifications given the characteristics of the facility being reviewed. The process included identifying RSA team members; conducting field visits; holding a RSA team meeting and then completing an assessment of the data and findings from the field visits and meetings to render recommended actions for MassHighway to consider. Data including recent traffic volume data, summary crash records for the 2004-2007 period, detailed crash reports of cross-over crashes, and available record highway plans were obtained and reviewed by the RSA consultant. Field visits were conducted by the RSA team members. A video recording of the sections under study was taken by the RSA Consultant. The site visits were completed prior to the RSA team meeting that was held on August 28, 2008 at the MassHighway District 4 offices. At that meeting, the RSA consultant provided a brief overview of the RSA purpose, a summary of the roadway section’s characteristics and results of the review to date. The RSA team provided input and discussed the key items noted in the field and that were listed on the RSA Median Cross-Over Prompt List. Issues and concerns were noted. Following the RSA meeting, the RSA consultant compiled the information, completed the analysis and circulated the draft report. • RSA Team The following were members of the I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit: Alex Normandin, MassHighway Justin Howard, NMCOG James Alexander, MassHighway, Projects Misrak Sultan, MassHighway, Projects Brett Loosian, MassHighway, District 4 Maint. William J. Scully, MS Transportation systems (RSA Consultant) • Erica Grygorcewicz, MassHighway David Tilton, NMCOG Lisa Schletzbaum, MassHighway, Safety John Gregg, MassHighway, Traffic James Bailey, Mass State Police, Concord RSA Team Meeting The RSA team meeting took place on August 28, 2008 at the District 4 offices in Arlington. The team included engineers, planners and a representative from the State Police barrack that has jurisdiction of I-495 in Chelmsford. Represented were MassHighway (Boston and District), staff for Northern Middlesex Council of Governments, as well as the State Police. A list of the team members contact 1 MS Transportation Systems, Inc., Road Safety Audits, Median Cross-Over Crashes, Audit Guidelines, Prepared for MassHighway, October 2007. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 3 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit information are included in the Appendix. As stated previously, overall characteristics and conditions of the study section were presented. The drive-through video and photographs were reviewed and a discussion of the potential safety opportunities for enhancement followed. Highlights of the discussion include the following: • The areas approximately 1,500 feet south of the rest areas are a concern of the State Police due to the medians being more open and potentially crossable – in these areas lane changing occurs as the parking area entrance is in the NB direction and exiting the parking area in the SB direction. • There is a sense that median related crashes may be under reported – not likely so with respect to cross-median crashes. • Excessive travel speeds are not generally the problem, however, high truck volume exists with a combination of lane changing and distractions appear to influence crash activity. • Truck parking demand in the rest areas tend to exceed the supply and this has led to more trucks parking just off the shoulder of the main line – most noticeable in northbound direction. It was also mentioned that it is a relatively dark stretch of road and at times fog near the median. There is limited guidance or information in delineating the median location for motorists and combined with fog can pose a higher risk to motorists related to median entries. • Analysis Procedures As previously indicated, the RSA analysis generally followed the procedure described in the previously referenced Guideline with some variations and also took into consideration the methods published by the Federal Highway Administration2 and those included in training materials3. The basic tasks included: • • 2 3 Obtaining and reviewing crash and other traffic characteristic data and available record plans. Conducting site reconnaissance and collecting a current record of condition via photos and video, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA Road Safety Audit Guidelines, Publication No. FHWA SA-06-06, Washington, D.C., 2006. Federal Highway Administration, Resource Center, Road Safety Audits Mini-Workshop, Jeffrey Shaw, PE, PTOE, presented to New England ITE Section, September 19, 2006. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 4 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit • • Identifying opportunities for enhancement, and Identifying and evaluating potential actions to address the noted issues. In assessing the issues identified by the RSA Team, the relative seriousness and potential risk relative to crash frequency and severity were determined. Using the guidelines of FHWA as input and considering characteristics of this specific RSA, the relative frequency criteria and severity criteria were identified and are presented in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. ESTIMATED Exposure high medium high medium low high Probability high high medium medium high low low medium low medium low low TABLE 1 FREQUENCY RATING EXPECTED CRASH FREQUENCY (PER AUDIT ITEM) 5 or more crashes per year FREQUENCY RATING Frequent 1 to 4 crashes per year Occasional Less that 1 crash per year, but more than 1 crash every 5 years Infrequent Less than 1 crash every 5 years Rare Source: FHWA RSA Training Workshop Typical Crashes Expected (per audit item) High-speed crashes; head on and rollover crashes Moderate-speed crashes; fixed object or off-road crashes Crashes involving medium to low speeds; lane changing or sideswipe crashes Crashes involving low to medium speeds; typical of rear-end or sideswipe crashes TABLE 2 SEVERITY RATING Expected Crash Severity Probable fatality or incapacitating injury Moderate to severe injury Severity Rating Extreme High Minor to moderate injury Moderate Property damage only or minor injury Low Source: FHWA RSA Training Workshop Taking into consideration both frequency and severity, the relative risk of a particular audit item was rated. The risk ratings are shown in Table 3. For each safety issue identified, the potential seriousness of the issue as well as possible mitigation measures have been indicated. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 5 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit TABLE 3 CRASH RISK ASSESSMENT Frequency Rating Frequent Occasional Infrequent Rare Severity Rating Low Moderate High Extreme C B A A D C B A E D C B F E D C Source: FHWA RSA Training Workshop Crash Risk Ratings: A: minimal risk level B: low risk level C: moderate risk level • D: significant risk level E: high risk level F: extreme risk level RSA Field Audit Field audits were conducted by the RSA team members between on or before August 28, 2008. In general, the field visits included “drive-throughs” in each direction of the study section noting physical conditions and the “feel” of the driver. The Prompt List developed as part of the RSA process was used as a guide. The prompt list is included in the appendix for background information. The RSA field audits took place by team members prior to the RSA team meeting and revealed the following: There are three travel lanes per direction. Portions of the median are open while some portions, in particular, the northern area of the study section, had guardrail and/or thick vegetation. Posted speeds were noted at 65 mph. The alignment of the roadway section under study is essentially straight. Inside rumble strips were not consistently incorporated into the shoulder – possibly due to the narrow width of the inside shoulder in certain areas. The inside shoulder ranges from 1 to 3 feet which is less than a minimum desired width of 4 feet. No delineation of the median via markers or flexible reflector posts were in place. The entrance ramps from parking areas are not clearly indicated to oncoming motorists. There was a feeling that the cross-slope on the inside travel lane was steeper than expected giving the driver a sense of “falling off” the road – this was most noticeable in the southbound direction. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 6 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit ANALYSIS In completing the RSA of I-495 in Chelmsford, findings were compiled from the field audits, the review of the data, and input provided by team members. The following paragraphs summarize the results from each of the key components of the assessment. The section of I-495 under study is approximately 4.2 miles in length with three (3) lanes per direction separated by a median. The section includes three interchanges: No. 32 at Boston Road, No. 33 at Route 4 and No. 34 at Route 110. There is less than one mile separation between the Route 4 and Route 110 interchange. The I-495 alignment in the project area is largely straight and level. Speeds are posted at 65 miles per hour. The section of highway in the study area for the most part, has an inside shoulder of approximately 1-3 feet in width. A rumble strip exists in some areas and is missing in others. Recessed reflectors were not in place at the time of this analysis. There was also a noticeable edge drop-off on a number of locations along the study section as well. In addition, this section of I-495 does not have the reflective delineator posts installed alongside the median. The low level of guidance was cited as a potential contributing factor to median related entries particularly during times of low visibility. One RSA team member noted fog as an issue and without some delineation, the chances for median entries is increased. Figure 2 – View of the median in the southbound direction. The width of the median (measured from presumed edge line to edge line) in the project area was between 95 and 110 feet. In total, 1.1 miles of the median is considered “open” not including stretches of trees. There are rest areas located in both directions MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 7 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit just south of Interchange No. 33 (Route 4). Observations by various team members indicate the rest areas are well used. It was noted that truck parking demand often exceeds capacity resulting in trucks parking along the shoulder north of the rest area. Additionally, the acceleration lanes from the rest areas are short. Figure 3 - Tangent section in northbound direction approaching rest area. Based on the recent MassHighway traffic counts north of Route 4, the roadway section carries an average of 109,000 vehicles per day in the study section. Figure 6 illustrates the directional volume over the course of the day for the sections, as can be seen in the diagram. While there are two distinct peak hours (AM and PM commuter periods), there is little difference in volumes by direction. Peak hour volumes are between 8,200 and 9,500 vehicles. The peak direction is experiencing in the range of 4,600 vehicles during the peak hour. Truck volume on this section of I-495 is relatively high with 13% trucks over the course of the day. This equates to more than 13,000 trucks. Figure 4 – Entrance to NB rest area MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Figure 5 – NB exit from rest area Page 8 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit Figure 6 - I-495 Hourly Traffic Volumes North of Route 4 Data available as part of the MassHighway crash records system indicated that between 2004 and 2007, there were 48 reported crashes related to the median. Of the 48, only one crash (2%) was identified as a cross-median crash. The one cross-median crash resulted in a personal injury. A fatal crash did occur in early 2008 in the northern section of the study section but where guardrail exists at the northern fringe of the study section. That crash involved a trailer truck. In most crashes, the cited driver contributing cause for the crash was non-reported. Reasons cited were either driving too fast or failing to stay in proper lane. Weather could have been a contributing factor in sixteen (33%) crashes with wet road surface. Approximately half of the crashes resulted in property damage only. Conversely, nearly half the median related crashes resulted in injury. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 9 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit SUMMARY OF RSA FINDINGS/POTENTIAL ACTIONS Based on the field review, the review of crash data and discussions among the RSA team members, the issues related to the safe operating conditions of the I-495 in the Chelmsford area were identified. In essence, the RSA team determined that only a few factors or issues of concern exist at this time that potentially have an effect on the risk. These factors which also consider the crash type (i.e. cross-over median related), are listed in Table 4 along with the assigned risk rating. TABLE 4 SUMMARY OF FACTORS THAT POTENTIALLY AFFECT THE RISK OF SAFETY RELATED EVENTS Factor or Issue Risk Rating Open median D Inside paved shoulder width narrow and not consistent E1 Rumble strips not in whole section along inside shoulder E1 Median is not delineated with markers D Some recessed markers were missing – most noticed south of Route 3 C Unauthorized truck parking on shoulder north of NB rest area B Visibility of rest area exiting affected by profile approaching the rest areas B Acceleration lanes from the rest areas appear short – particularly NB direction C Cross-slope in high speed lane seems “steep” – particularly in SB direction – gives some level of driver discomfort D Accel-decel lanes at interchanges appear short C High Travel speeds C Level of truck traffic and the effect on passenger driving behavior C 1 High risk level related to median entries not solely cross-overs Although the section of I-495 under study experienced significantly high traffic volumes (>100,000 ADT), the RSA team felt the drive through the section was generally a “comfortable” drive without any substantive difficulties due to the overall geometry. While there is a substantial length of open median (approx. 1.1 miles), it is approximately 100 feet in width and as evident by the low percentage (2%) of cross-over crashes, appears to be generally sufficient in “retaining” errant motorists that enter the median. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 10 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit Thus, the open median in this section with the infrequent occurrence of a cross-median crash but the likelihood of a fatality or incapacitating injury crash if the cross-median crash occurs, a relatively low level risk rating of (D) was assigned although there does appear to be a high risk factor pertaining to “median entries” themselves. The RSA team identified several factors that pose potentially high risks, more related to median entries and not necessarily cross-over crashes. These include the narrowness of the inside shoulder (‘E’ Rating), an inconsistent application of the rumble strip (‘E’ Rating), and the median not being well delineated (‘D’ Rating). It was also noted that there are some recessed lane line markers missing (‘C’ Rating). Another factor with a relatively high risk rating (‘D’) assigned was the perception of the cross-slope of the inside lane adjacent to the median particularly in the southbound direction. The remaining factors such as the rest area parking condition, the acceleration lanes from the rest areas and the level of truck traffic are anticipated to have less of an effect than the above factors in contributing to median entries or cross-over crashes. However, it is recognized that each of these factors can create additional or “quick” lane changing which can lead to a median related event. These other factors were assigned risk ratings of ‘B’ or ‘C’ as shown in Table 4. The awareness of the parking areas to oncoming motorists is somewhat less than ideal. This affects not only the potential entry into the parking areas but also the reminder that there is exiting from the parking areas. This factor was assigned a rating of ‘B’. There was also the issue of truck parking that occurs off the outside shoulder particularly in the northbound direction. Based on discussions at the RSA meeting, this is largely due to insufficient parking supply at the rest area. While the parked trucks can affect the driver behavior, they are typically beyond part of the outside shoulder. A risk rating of ‘B’ was assigned to this factor. The final two areas relates to markings and guidance through the acceleration and deceleration lanes as well as indicating the location of the median. In general, there is a low level of markings provided resulting in a sense of inadequate lanes, particularly acceleration lanes. A reason for this low level treatment may be due to inadequately wide shoulders carried through the interchange. This could be checked in detail prior to future implementation or maintenance actions. The I-495 Corridor Study4 suggests all of the acceleration and deceleration lanes can be increased through modifying the markings. 4 FST, Inc., I-495 Corridor Transportation Study from Westford to Salisbury, Prepared for EOTPW, June, 2008. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 11 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit Finally, the travel speeds (generally higher than posted) and the high level of truck traffic on I-495 creates a noticeable level of driver discomfort that can also affect lane changing behavior. A risk rating of ‘C’ was assigned to these factors. Suggested actions identified are intended to reduce the number of and consequences resulting from median related crashes and other types of crashes as well. Given that the primary objective of this program focuses on cross-median crashes, the initial action evaluated was the possible installation of a median barrier. All recommended actions intended to enhance safety in the study section are presented in the subsequent report section. • Consideration of a Median Barrier One of the more significant actions that could be considered is to install median barriers in the current “open” areas. Although the RSA team concluded that the open median section did not pose a high risk at this time, the section was evaluated in terms of the median barrier warrants. A barrier can be considered when there is a higher than desirable chance or a greater risk for median cross-over crashes to occur and that have or could result in fatalities and/or a high proportion of injury related crashes. In addition, a barrier could be considered when the consequences or severity of a crash without a barrier are worse than if the barrier were in place. Factors that generally come into play in deciding on whether a median should be installed involve the following: High volumes and speeds Truck volumes and mix Narrow median History of cross-median crashes High risk of catastrophic event These items have been reviewed relative to the I-495 section under study. Figure 7 presents a review of the corridor in relation to the median warrant criteria presented in the AASHTO RDG5. As can be seen in the diagram, with the median (as measured from edge line to edge line) is approximately 95-110 feet and a volume of over 100,000 vehicles on an average day, the intersection of the two items to the right of the chart area where a barrier can be “optional”. With the median approximately 100 feet in width, the point of intersection is off the chart. 5 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Roadside Design Guide, Washington, D.C., 2002, Chapter 6 Update 2006. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 12 median width 95-110 feet ADT - 109,000 80 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (thousands) 70 BARRIER RECOMMENDED 60 BARRIER CONSIDERED 50 40 BARRIER OPTIONAL 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 MEDIAN WIDTH (feet) Median Barrier Warrant Analysis Interstate-495 Road Safety Audit Chelmsford, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. NOT TO SCALE Framingham, Massachusetts Figure 7 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit In addition to the analyzed AASHTO warrant criteria, which is a guideline, further consideration was given to the following: A small proportion (one of 48) of the median entries were cross-median crashes over the four (4) year crash period was experienced. The road geometry results in generally a comfortable drive. Consequently, based on the analysis of the data, the field audit and drive-thru and discussion of the conditions by the RSA team members, it was concluded that a median barrier is not warranted on this section of I-495 at this time but could be considered if a significant cross-median crash history develops. As will be discussed in the next section, however, there are a number of other actions recommended as part of this RSA. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 14 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit Recommendations As a result of the RSA analysis and team input and although it was concluded that a median barrier not be installed at this time, a set of recommendations have been identified and are summarized in Table 7. These actions are intended to eliminate the chance of cross-median crashes as well as reduce the number and severity of all crashes of this section of I-495 in Chelmsford. Identified in the table in addition to the risk factor and recommended action are the estimated costs and potential timeframe (i.e. short (0-1 year), medium (1-3 years) and long (>3 years)). Although it was decided that a median barrier is not needed at this time within section and can be considered a low priority action, it was recommended that improved delineation of the median be implemented via reflectorized, flexible posts. In addition, it was recommended that the inside shoulder be set wide enough to effectively accommodate a rumble strip. Ideally, the inside shoulder would be a minimum of four (4) feet in width as consistent with MassHighway and AASHTO design standards. The widening is proposed as a long term item given its cost. It could be a lower cost if done in conjunction with complete rehabilitation or resurfacing project. Consistent application of the rumble strip is also needed. Although a low cost item, it would most likely be done with the shoulder widening. Another item that is recommended to be addressed when the section comes under reconstruction is the cross-slope that was noted to be “steeper”, particularly in the southbound direction. In addition, it was noted by the RSA team that a number of lane line reflective markers were missing. New markers should be installed where missing, if possible. It has been noted that since the markers were originally installed, MassHighway now uses recessed markers. The replacement, consequently, may need to wait until a new resurfacing project. There are several actions related to the rest/parking areas including additional signage (merge warning, YIELD) in the short term and additional NO PARKING signs north of the rest area. In the longer term, the feasibility of providing an increase in parking capacity at the rest area should be determined. Expanding the capacity may involve additional property acquisition and require environmental permitting. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 15 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Risk Factor Risk Rating Recommended Action Open median D Inside paved shoulder width narrow and not consistent E Rumble strips not in whole section along inside shoulder E Median is not delineated with markers D Some recessed markers were missing – most noticed south of Route 3 C Unauthorized truck parking on shoulder north of NB rest area B Visibility of rest area exiting affected by profile approaching the rest areas B Acceleration lanes from the rest areas appear short – particularly NB direction C Barrier NOT recommended at this time Widen paved shoulder to a minimum of 4 feet Estimated Cost Estimated Timeframe N/A N/A $2M long term Install new rumble strips consistently in section $12,000 long term with shoulder widening Install flexible, reflective delineator posts $7,000 Short to medium term Replace markers where missing TBD Short term Add signage Investigate feasibility of providing more parking $1,500 TBD short term medium term Add warning signs (W4-1) $2,000 short term Verify condition, modify markings if applicable Add YIELD signs for exit ramps $2,000 short term $500 short term TBD long term TBD $1,500 short term short term Verify slope – correct in future rehabilitation project C Modify markings Install YIELD signs if necessary High travel speeds C Increased enforcement TBD short term Level of truck traffic and the effect on passenger car driving behavior C Post driver information signage possibly with temporary VMS units TBD Short to medium term Cross-slope in high speed lane seems “steep” – particularly in SB direction – gives some level of driver discomfort D Accel-decel lanes at interchanges appear short TBD – to be determined It is suggested that improved markings be provided for the acceleration and deceleration lanes including the gore areas. This could be accomplished through a combination of markings and signage. Consistent, high visibility markings using dotted lines such as those shown in Figure 8 should be considered. The current MUTCD depicts options with dotted lines for deceleration lanes and weave sections. The upcoming revised MUTCD is expected to include dotted lines for acceleration lanes as well. The outside shoulder width may be an issue regarding lengthening the lane lines. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 16 a-Parallel deceleration lane b-Tapered deceleration lane Neutral area Optional chevron markings Channelizin g lines Theoretical gore point Channelizing lines Broken lane markings for one-half of full-width deceleration lane Optional dotted extension of lane line Legend Direction of travel Source: Based on MUTCD Figure 3B-8 Note: Conceptual illustration only Potential Pavement Markings Off-Ramp Deceleration Lanes I-495 Road Safety Audit Chelmsford, Massachusetts MS Transportation Systems, Inc. NOT TO SCALE Framingham, Massachusetts FIGURE 8 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit The previously noted I-495 study noted that most acceleration-deceleration lanes were deficient and could be corrected by modifying the markings only. This can be examined in more detail when scheduling pavement marking maintenance activities in the future. Travel speeds and driver behavior has been cited and observed to be a problem on I-495 where volumes are in the range of 110,000 ADT. Increased enforcement presence is essential in addressing this behavior. This will require additional funding. The high volume of truck traffic also affects driver comfort levels and lane changing behavior. This section of I-495 is a major trucking route and the volume is not expected to reduce. A passive action discussed was the use of VMS signage as a way to encourage more positive driver behaviors such as caution, courtesy, etc. The VMS package could also be used to inform motorists of congestion and downstream delays as a way to also encourage some patience and better drive decision. MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Page 18 I-495 Chelmsford Road Safety Audit Appendix • • • • • MS Transportation Systems, Inc. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Attendees List Median Crash Diagram Crash Data Traffic Volume Data Page 19 Road Safety Audit Chelmsford – Interstate 495 Meeting Location: MassHighway District 4 Office 519 Appleton Street, Arlington Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Type of meeting: Cross Median – Road Safety Audit Attendees: Invited Participants to Comprise a Multidisciplinary Team Please bring: Thoughts and Enthusiasm!! 11:00 AM Welcome and Introductions 11:15 AM Introduction to Road Safety Audits and Cross Median Crashes 11:30 AM Review of Site Specific Material • Crash & Volume Summaries– provided in advance • Existing Geometries and Conditions • Video and Images 12:00 PM Completion of RSA • Identification of Safety Concerns – using RSA Prompt List as a guide • Identification of Possible Countermeasures 12:30 PM Adjourn for Lunch – but the RSA has not ended Instructions for Participants: • Before attending the RSA on August 28th participants are encouraged to drive Interstate 495 near interchange 33 and complete/consider elements on the RSA Prompt List with a focus on safety factors affecting cross median crashes. • All participants will be actively involved in the process throughout. Participants are encouraged to come with thoughts and ideas, but are reminded that the synergy that develops and respect for others’ opinions are key elements to the success of the overall RSA process. • After the initial RSA meeting, participants will be asked to comment and respond to the document materials to assure it is reflective of the RSA completed by the multidisciplinary team. ROAD SAFETY AUDIT MEETING I-495 Chelmsford August 28, 2008 MassHighway District 4 Offices, Arlington MA Attendance List Name Agency/Dept. Email Bill Scully MS Transportation Systems, Inc. Lisa Schletzbaum MHD Safety Management Unit Alex Normandin MHD Erica Grygorcewicz MHD Justin Howard NMCOG David Tilton NMCOG James Alexander MHD Projects Misrak Sultan MHD Projects John Gregg MHD Traffic Brett Loosian MHD, District 4, Maintenance James Baily MDP Concord MS Transportation Systems, Inc. ± O ST BO Interstate 495 Median Crashes N RO EET S TR TH AD Crash IDs between 11 - 20 36 33 21 10 EC RN E V RI KR O AD AM S IC A R O KE N U AD PI E RN AV R TU T LE IT T AD LE BR ICK K ILN R 6 AD RO ON BI L OA D CHELMSFORD 7 L 32 D 3 4 9 35 37 34 R OA N CO V E GOL D E 8 5 " ) 33 36 35 34 E R T RE E ST ET T Type of Median Crash 2004 - 2007 * Major Roads BA RT L § ¦ ¨ 495 AD Legend O 2 1 38 " ) " ) " ) E ET CA R L N DMA R NO Crash IDs between 22 - 31 E ET RD ST R WE S T FO T S TR PA RK H E ST R E SWA N IS L E UR ST RO AD £ ¤ D OA NR LD E LOWELL 3 STO BO O W AD RO ITE D OA ER RO A ST E AN GR L V IL FO ST RD AD Cross-Median, Non Fatal Crash Interstate Median, Non Fatal Crash Principal Arterial Municipal Boundary Minor Arterial Collector CON CORD ROAD Local M IL * 2007 crash L BO R OA D ST O N 0 0.2 RO AD file has not yet been closed. 0.4 0.6 Miles 0.8 MASSHIGHWAY SAFETY DIVISION CRASH SUMMARY ROADWAY: STUDY PERIOD: I-495 1/1/2004 NO. CRASH NUMBER CRASH DATE 1 2 3 4 2083033 5/13/2006 12/29/2007 11/4/2007 6/28/2007 TO TRAVEL DIRECTION NB NB SB NB 5 6 7 8 9 2114992 8/8/2006 5/25/2007 6/5/2005 8/10/2007 5/3/2005 SB NB NB NB NB Daylight Daylight Dark - Not Lighted Daylight Dark- Lighted Clear Clear Cloudy Rain Clear Dry Dry Dry Wet Dry REASON FOR VEHICLE RUNNING OFF ROAD LEFT MOVEMENT Lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail, struck two vehicles, came to rest in median Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Travel Lane to Median Vehicle was cut-off by unknown vehicle Travel Lane to Median Vehicle drifted left onto median, turned right sharply, crossed lanes past right shoulder, and overturned Travel Lane to Median to Right Shoulder Vehicle tire blew out, lost control of vehicle, struck another vehicle, and both ran off road to left Travel Lane to Median Lost control due to stopped traffic, two vehicles collided, one vehicle hit trees in median, one vehicle stopped on grass Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Lost control of vehicle, ran off road to left, and hit highway sign Travel Lane to Median Fallen asleep, vehicle drifted left onto median, and overturned Travel Lane to Median Lost control of vehicle, struck another vehicle, and drifted left onto median Travel Lane to Median Lost control of vehicle, rolled several times, hit trees in median Travel Lane to Trees in the Median 10 11 12 13 14 15 2050469 4/15/2006 9/11/2007 8/16/2007 7/13/2007 6/30/2007 1/27/2005 NB NB NB NB NB NB Daylight Daylight Dark- Lighted Dark- Lighted Daylight Daylight Cloudy Rain Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Ran off road to left, struck trees Vehicle hydroplaned, hit median guardrail, and struck another vehicle Vehicle was cut-off by unknown vehicle, lost control of vehicle, and hit median guardrail Vehicle drifted to the left, hit median guardrail Lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail, and struck another vehicle Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle, hit median guardrail 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1796190 2136814 4/11/2004 12/16/2007 10/1/2007 10/6/2005 5/25/2005 12/16/2005 1/14/2006 1/13/2007 8/8/2005 9/2/2007 8/19/2007 4/4/2007 8/1/2006 3/1/2005 12/18/2007 9/19/2007 7/27/2006 3/2/2006 1/23/2006 11/24/2005 5/26/2004 3/2/2007 8/8/2007 9/20/2004 2/28/2005 9/23/2005 10/5/2005 6/1/2006 9/23/2006 12/5/2006 4/12/2006 SB NB NB NB SB SB SB SB NB NB NB NB SB SB SB SB SB NB NB SB NB SB SB SB SB NB NB SB NB NB NB Dark - Not Lighted Dark Dark - Not Lighted Daylight Dark - Not Lighted Daylight Dark- Lighted Daylight Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark - Not Lighted Dark- Lighted Daylight Daylight Daylight Dark- Lighted Daylight Dark- Lighted Daylight Daylight Dark- Lighted Daylight Daylight Dawn Daylight Dark - Not Lighted Daylight Dark - Not Lighted Daylight Daylight Clear Sleet Clear Clear Rain Sleet Cloudy Rain Clear Clear Clear Snow Clear Snow Clear Clear Clear Clear Sleet Snow Rain Sleet Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Dry Ice Dry Dry Wet Ice Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Snow Dry Slush Wet Dry Dry Dry Wet Snow Wet Ice Wet Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry Dry 47 48 2179487 2256834 4/19/2007 10/19/2007 NB NB Not Reported Dark - Not Lighted Not Reported Rain Not Reported Wet 2318882 2256552 2221999 2211701 2001258 2225869 2001180 2234785 2229137 2238086 2229124 1916153 2266283 2236234 2002284 1916308 2002871 2014891 2148394 2001438 2235522 2228526 2254358 2114965 1916214 2264796 2230089 2114945 2050382 2014824 2049855 1898991 2176757 2225568 1834508 2001017 2002167 2002251 2114732 2115306 2130296 TOTAL NO. 48 100% DAYLIGHT 27 56% DAWN 2 4% 12/31/2007 LIGHT CONDITION Dawn Dark - Not Lighted Daylight Daylight Rain Not Reported Clear Clear Wet Dry Dry Dry LIGHT CONDITION DARK - NOT LIGHTED DARK - LIGHTED 10 8 21% 17% WEATHER CONDITION ROAD SURFACE WET ICE 31 65% 10 21% 3 6% NO IMPROPER DRIVING 7 15% EXCEEDED AUTHORIZED SPEED LIMIT 3 6% SNOW NOT REPORTED 1 2% CLEAR 28 58% CLOUDY 4 8% RAIN 7 15% MEDIAN OR CROSS MEDIAN SLUSH CHELMSFORD EXIT 33 DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CAUSE Driving too fast for conditions, Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Alcohol Not reported Not reported Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Followed too closely, Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Property Damage Only Not reported Property Damage Only Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, Fatigued/asleep Property Damage Only Not reported Non-Fatal Injury Alcohol, Exceeded authorized speed limit, Physical impairment Non-Fatal Injury Exceeded authorized speed limit, Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent o aggressive manner Non-Fatal Injury Not reported Property Damage Only Not reported Property Damage Only Alcohol Property Damage Only Not reported Property Damage Only No improper driving Property Damage Only Cross-Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Median Fatigued/asleep Not reported Not reported No improper driving Driving too fast for conditions No improper driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, Fatigued/asleep Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Exceeded authorized speed limit, Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Not reported Not reported Not reported Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, Fatigued/asleep No improper driving Not reported Not reported Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, Inattention Inattention No improper driving No improper driving Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road Not reported Not reported Visibility obstructed Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, Distracted Failure to keep in proper lane or running off road, Other improper action Operating vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent or aggressive manner Not reported No improper driving Over-correcting/over-steering Not reported Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Median Median Not reported Not reported Not Reported Property Damage Only CRASH SEVERITY Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only Non-Fatal Injury Property Damage Only WEATHER CONDITION ROAD SURFACE DRY Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Travel Lane Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Travel Lane Travel Lane to Median Guardrail S/B Travel Lane to Median to N/B Travel Lane to N/B Right Fallen asleep, vehicle drifted left onto median, overturned onto N/B side, driven to N/B right breakdown laneBreakdown Lane Lost control of vehicle, ran off road to left, and overturned Travel Lane to Median Vehicle drifted left onto median, lost control, crossed lanes onto right-hand off-ramp, and overturned Travel Lane to Median to Off-ramp on Right Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle, ran off road to left, lost control of vehicle, and struck trees Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Lost control of vehicle, drifted left onto median, struck trees, and turned onto driver's side Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Vehicle hydroplaned, struck another vehicle, and hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Fallen asleep, lost control of vehicle, and hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle, struck another vehicle, and hit median barrier Travel Lane to Median Barrier Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle, hit median guardrail, and overturned Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Lost control of vehicle, hit median barrier, cross to right breakdown lane, and overturned Travel Lane to Median Barrier to Right Breakdown Lane Fallen asleep, vehicle drifted left onto median, turned right sharply, and hit by another vehicle Travel Lane to Median to Travel Lane Vehicle struck by another vehicle, lost control of vehicle, ran off road to left Travel Lane to Median Fallen asleep, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Lost control of vehicle due to slush, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Lost control of vehicle, crashed into right guardrail, and bounced back into median guardrail Travel Lane to Right Guardrail to Median Guardrail Vehicle tire blew out, lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail, and turned onto passenger side Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Vehicle sideswiped by another vehicle, lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle, hit median guardrail, lost control of vehicle, and hit right guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to Right Guardrail Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Vehicle sideswiped by other vehicle, hit median barrier Travel Lane to Median Barrier Lost control of vehicle, hit median barrier, and overturned Travel Lane to Median Barrier Vehicle sideswiped other vehicle, both spun out and hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Vehicle cut-off by another vehicle avoiding construction barrels on right, hit median barrier Travel Lane to Median Barrier Lost control of vehicle due to plastic bag in roadway, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Swerved left due to stopped traffic, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Lost control of vehicle, drifted left onto median Travel Lane to Median Ran off road to left, lost control of vehicle, struck trees, and overturned Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Ran off road to left, struck trees Travel Lane to Trees in the Median Lost control of vehicle, ran off road to left, and overturned Travel Lane to Median Ran off road to left, hit median guardrail Travel Lane to Median Guardrail Vehicle sideswiped by other vehicle, lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail, and came to rest in right breakdown lane Travel Lane to Median Barrier to Right Breakdown Lane Lost control of vehicle, hit median guardrail, and came to rest in right breakdown lan Travel Lane to Median Guardrail to the Right Breakdown Lane CITY: LOCATION: MEDIAN OR CROSS MEDIAN CRASHES Median Median Median Median NOT REPORTED 2 1 1 4% 2% 2% DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CAUSE FAILURE TO KEEP IN PROPER LANE FOLLOWED DRIVING TOO FAST OR RUNNING OFF TOO CLOSELY FOR CONDITIONS FATIGUED/ASLEEP 11 1 2 4 23% 2% 4% 8% SLEET 4 8% NOT REPORTED 2 4% DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CAUSE NON-FATAL INJURY NOT REPORTED NOT REPORTED 20 42% 1 2% 20 42% PHYSICAL IMPAIRMENT/ALCOHOL 3 6% VISIBILITY OBSTRUCTED 1 2% OTHER IMPROPER ACTION 1 2% CRASH SEVERITY MEDIAN CROSS MEDIAN 47 98% 1 2% PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY 28 58% INATTENTION 2 4% OPERATING VEHICLE IN ERRATIC, RECKLESS, CARELESS, NEGLIGENT, OR AGGRESSIVE MANNER 2 4% OVER-CORRECTING/OVER-STEERING 1 2% 2007 CRASH INFORMATION IS NOT COMPLETE CRASH SUMMARY IS BASED ON CRASH REPORTS WITH STATE POLICE NARRATIVES SNOW 3 6% I-495, North of Route 4 Start Time Northbound Southbound Total 12:00 AM 480 347 827 1:00 AM 328 230 558 2:00 AM 305 238 543 3:00 AM 309 256 565 4:00 AM 526 495 1021 5:00 AM 1306 1273 2579 6:00 AM 2997 3198 6195 7:00 AM 4058 4606 8664 8:00 AM 4577 3758 8335 9:00 AM 3273 3493 6766 10:00 AM 2431 2561 4992 11:00 AM 2480 2507 4987 12:00 PM 2467 2515 4982 1:00 PM 2764 2730 5494 2:00 PM 3093 3154 6247 3:00 PM 4186 3965 8151 4:00 PM 4404 4433 8837 5:00 PM 4534 4798 9332 6:00 PM 3572 3437 7009 7:00 PM 2058 2054 4112 8:00 PM 1536 1541 3077 9:00 PM 1215 1271 2486 10:00 PM 961 909 1870 11:00 PM 780 632 1412 Daily Total 54640 54401 109041 6000 5000 4000 Northbound Southbound 3000 2000 1000 PM PM 10 :0 0 8: 00 PM 6: 00 PM PM Time of Day 4: 00 PM 2: 00 AM 12 :0 0 AM 10 :0 0 AM 8: 00 AM 6: 00 4: 00 AM 2: 00 AM 0 12 :0 0 Hourly Volumes (Number of Vehicles) Directional Traffic Volumes along I-495 Chelmsford Thursday, April 26 2007