ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 135 at Route 30 Town of Westborough January 2016 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: McMahon Associates, Inc. 300 Myles Standish Blvd. Suite 201 Taunton, MA 02780 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 2 Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements .............................................. 6 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 14 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1: Location Map ............................................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: Adjacent Land Use Map ............................................................................................................. 6 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 2 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ..................................................................... 15 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................. 16 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Background The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. This RSA evaluates the intersection of South Street/Milk Street (Route 135) at East Main Street/West Main Street (Route 30)/Brigham Street, as shown in Figure 1. A safety audit was scheduled for this high crash intersection at the request of Town officials. The intersection of South Street/Milk Street (Route 135) at East Main Street/West Main Street (Route 30)/Brigham Street, which is configured as a rotary intersection, was identified as a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) intersection for 2011-2013. A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made at the subject intersection and incorporated in potential improvements of this intersection. Project Data A Road Safety Audit was completed for the intersection of South Street/Milk Street (Route 135) at East Main Street/West Main Street (Route 30)/Brigham Street in the Town of Westborough on November 19, 2015. The agenda for the RSA meeting held at the Forbes Municipal Building is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, planning, maintenance and emergency response fields. Contact information for the RSA attendees is provided in Appendix B of this report. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation John Mastera Joe Frawley Lola Campbell MassDOT Traffic Safety MassDOT District 3 MassDOT District 3 Dan Daniska James Robbins Carl Balduf John Walden CMRPC Town of Westborough Planner Town of Westborough Engineer Town of Westborough DPW Francisco Torres Town of Westborough Dept. of Economic Development Alan Gordon Keith Lermond Brian Bush Charles Diamond Mark Silverberg Bruce Tretter Town of Westborough Police Chief Town of Westborough Fire Department Town of Westborough Planning Board Town of Westborough Planning Board Town of Westborough Planning Board Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Glenn McCleod Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Ellen Gugel Philip Viveiros Westborough Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee McMahon Associates Allison Luff McMahon Associates Within the email invitation sent on October 28, 2015 to each participant in the RSA, background material was provided. This information included a collision diagram and MassDOT crash data summary for the intersection. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group prior to the field visit to the intersection. During the RSA field visit, various safety issues were observed and identified. Following the RSA field visit, the team returned to discuss additional concerns and potential solutions for the existing safety issues. Project Location and Description Study Area Roadways As shown in Figure 1, South Street (Route 135) is a two-way, two-lane roadway that extends in a northsouth direction through the Town of Westborough. South Street (Route 135) is classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of Westborough jurisdiction. At the study area intersection, South Street provides two multi-use lanes entering the rotary. South Street is primarily abutted by commercial land uses adjacent to the study area. Sidewalk is provided on both sides of the roadway and no bicycle amenities are provided. Angled on-street parking is also provided on both sides of South Street. Milk Street (Route 135) is a two-way, two-lane roadway that extends in an east-west direction through the Town of Westborough. Milk Street (Route 135) is classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of Westborough jurisdiction. At the study area intersection, Milk Street is median-divided by the Arcade Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL building plaza and a BP gas station, and is primarily abutted by commercial land uses adjacent to the study area. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of the roadway; no bicycle amenities are provided. Angle parking is provided on a portion of the Milk Street receiving lanes. Parallel on-street parking is provided on the left side of the Milk Street approach to the rotary. Milk Street provides a single lane into the rotary as well as an exclusive right turn lane to West Main Street. East Main Street (Route 30) is a two-way, two-lane roadway that extends in a north-south direction through the Town of Westborough, extending to Route 9 to the north. East Main Street (Route 30) is classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of Westborough jurisdiction. At the study area intersection, East Main Street provides a through lane into the rotary as well as an exclusive right turn lane to Milk Street. Sidewalks are provided on both sides of East Main Street and angle parking is provided on the western side of the roadway. Bicycle amenities are not provided. West Main Street (Route 30) is a two-way, two-lane roadway that extends in a north-south direction through the Town of Westborough. West Main Street (Route 30) is classified as an urban minor arterial under Town of Westborough jurisdiction. At the study area intersection, East Main Street provides a single lane into the rotary. Sidewalks and angle parking are provided on both sides of West Main Street. Bicycle amenities are not provided. Brigham Street is a two-way, two-lane roadway that extends in an east-west direction connecting to Bay State Commons. Brigham Street is classified as a local roadway under Town of Westborough jurisdiction. At the study area intersection, East Main Street provides a single lane into the rotary. Sidewalk and angle parking are provided on both sides of West Main Street. Bicycle amenities are not provided. Study Area Intersections The unsignalized intersection of South Street/Milk Street (Route 135) at East Main Street/West Main Street (Route 30)/Brigham Street is a five-legged rotary in the center of the Town of Westborough. The Brigham Street and Milk Street approaches are under stop control while the remaining three approaches on East Main Street, West Main Street, and South Street are under yield control. South Street approaches from the southeast and provides two lanes entering the rotary. Brigham Street enters from the east, East Main Street enters from the north, Milk Street enters from the west, and West Main Street enters from the south, each providing a single lane of access to the rotary. The rotary has two circulating lanes between South Street and the Milk Street receiving lane, while the remainder of the rotary provides a single circulating lane. There is no signing or striping provided for this lane utilization within the rotary. There are sidewalks and crosswalks available around the rotary as well as two pedestrian crosswalks within the rotary (one adjacent to West Main Street and one adjacent to Brigham Street), as seen in Figure 1. Crash Data Crash data was received from the Town of Westborough Police Department for the years 2012-2014. Based on this data, there were a total of 69 crashes reported from the beginning of 2012 through the end Page 3 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL of 2014 at the intersection of South Street/Milk Street (Route 135) at East Main Street/West Main Street (Route 30)/Brigham Street. Of the 69 crashes that occurred in the time period reviewed, 22 crashes are angle collisions between rotary traffic and vehicles entering from East Main Street (Route 30) from the north. Overall, 54% of the crashes that occurred at this location were angle collisions. A total of seven crashes were sideswipe collisions with parked vehicles adjacent to the intersection. A total of eight crashes were the result of rear-end collisions at various locations within the rotary, one of which occurred as a pedestrian crossed at the marked crossing spanning the rotary adjacent to Brigham Street. The pedestrian was not struck. The most commonly reported driver contributing factors in the reported crashes were either failure to yield the right of way or inattention. A detailed crash diagram is provided in Appendix C. Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements During the RSA meeting prior to the field visit, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of traffic volumes and crash information were presented to the audit participants. Following this brief presentation, the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety at the intersection of South Street/Milk Street (Route 135) at East Main Street/West Main Street (Route 30)/Brigham Street. The audit team then visited the site as a group, at which time observations of various safety concerns and deficiencies were identified and documented. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns that were identified during the RSA for each intersection and for the corridor as a whole and the potential enhancements identified during the RSA. Safety Issue #1: Parking Observations: There are angle parking spaces present in several locations within and adjacent to the Westborough rotary. During the RSA meeting, audit participants noted that the angle spaces in these areas are in conflict with traffic circulating through the rotary and adjacent roadways. The most notable areas of concern were the parking space within the rotary (adjacent to the Arcade building) and the parking spaces along Angle parking adjacent to the Arcade Building South Street. The Arcade building is within the rotary adjacent to six parking spaces on the western side of the rotary, as shown in Figure 2, and restricts the rotary at this point to a single circulating lane. The parking along South Street is also angled parking and is along a horizontal curve, creating a sight distance problem for vehicles exiting the rotary to see vehicles exiting parking spaces. Sight distance was also noted at the Milk Street approach to the rotary and is obstructed by the spaces in front of the Arcade building. Angle parking along South Street In a review of the crash data, seven crashes reported were the result of a vehicle colliding with a parked car adjacent to the rotary. Additionally, two crashes were specifically due to vehicles backing out of angle spaces on South Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Street. Audit team members discussed potential issues with property owners within the rotary and the elimination of parking. It was also noted that the parking adjacent to the rotary helps slow traffic this intersection. Additionally, it was discussed that there is a municipal parking lot on South Street adjacent to the rotary that team members believe is underutilized. Enhancements: • Consider eliminating parking within the rotary to allow for a reduction in conflict points for vehicles circulating though the rotary. • Consider converting existing parking on South Street and West Main Street to parallel parking to eliminate angle parking conflicts between backing vehicles and vehicles in the travel lane. The conversion to parallel parking may allow for right of way to add additional streetscape elements such as wider sidewalks or bike lanes. • Consider converting the parking on South Street to reverse angle parking where vehicles reverse into the parking spaces and then are able to pull out head first when exiting parking spaces. It should be noted that the median on South Street should be extended with the implementation of this improvement to restrict vehicles from pulling into a parking space on the opposite side of the roadway. • Have a formal parking utilization study prepared to determine the parking utilization for on-street parking spaces and the municipal parking lot to determine potential reallocation of parking in the downtown area. Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Observations: Audit team members discussed the existing pedestrian and bicycle facilities and operations around the Westborough rotary. There are crosswalk connections at each rotary approach as well as in two locations within the rotary. It was noted that recently, curb extensions were installed at the crosswalk spanning the rotary to the east of West Main Street as well as at the South Street crosswalk to help protect pedestrians crossing adjacent to the angled on-street parking. Crosswalk within the rotary at West Main Street Audit team members noted major conflicts with pedestrians at the crosswalk within the rotary adjacent to Brigham Street. At this location, traffic from South Street and traffic from Brigham Street are entering the rotary, and there are two lanes of traffic circulating through the rotary. Less frequent conflicts were also noted at the second crosswalk within the rotary, between West Main Street and South Street. Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL The crosswalk spanning the Milk Street receiving lane was also discussed. Currently, traffic from East Main Street has an exclusive right turn lane with a large turning radius into this crossing. The crossing is also very long, extending through angle parking on the northern side of the roadway. At several crosswalks around the rotary, it was also noted that there pedestrian warning signage was missing. Additionally, it was noted that all of the crossings occur at the stop line entering the rotary where vehicles are mainly focused on vehicular traffic and available gaps in traffic to enter the rotary. Providing crossings at these locations may be an additional conflict. Bicycle operations were also discussed by audit team members as members from the Town Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee were present. It was noted that the rotary has little direction for cyclists and that there is not a clear message to motorists that they must share the road with cyclists through the rotary. Vehicle speeds were also discussed as a hazard to cyclists. Cyclist operations through the rotary It was also noted that the two lanes on Milk Street entering the rotary are separated by a striped island measuring approximately five feet in width. While the function of this island may be to delineate the right turning traffic and discourage right turning traffic to enter the rotary, it is not functioning effectively. The inclusion of this striped island creates a longer crossing for pedestrians, and the additional space could be used to more effectively promote and alternative mode of travel, such as a bicycle lane. Enhancements: • Consider eliminating existing crosswalks within the rotary, requiring pedestrians to circulate around the rotary rather than through it to reduce pedestrian conflicts with vehicles. Alternatively, consider eliminating only the crosswalk within the rotary at Brigham Street to reduce conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles while still maintaining the crossing spanning the rotary adjacent to West Main Street to provide access to the center island. • Consider adding additional curb extensions to shorten the crossings around the rotary. This will also act as a traffic calming measure to slow traffic within the rotary, further improving pedestrian safety. • Consider providing appropriate pedestrian crossing signage at all pedestrian crossings around the rotary to provide a clear message to motorists that there are pedestrian crossings within the rotary. Page 9 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL • Consider providing supplemental Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the crossings to alert motorists of a crossing pedestrian. • Evaluate providing a pedestrian curb extension on the northern side of the Milk Street receiving lane to shorten the crossing for pedestrians and reduce the turning radius for the southbound right turn. • Evaluate relocating the crosswalks on each approach leg back from the stop line to allow motorists to focus solely on the crosswalk before entering the rotary. • Consider providing “right turns yield to pedestrians” signage to help protect pedestrians in the crosswalk within the rotary from West Main Street. • Consider widening sidewalks adjacent to the rotary to further encourage pedestrian usage. • Consider providing a sidewalk on the northern side of the Arcade Plaza (Milk Street) to provide a continuous walking path adjacent to the rotary. • Evaluate providing sharrows within the rotary and on adjacent approaches and departure lanes to indicate to motorists and cyclists that the road is shared by both users. Sharrows may be most helpful on West Main Street adjacent to Town Hall, South Street adjacent to Cottage Street, Milk Street exiting the rotary, and East Main Street adjacent to Union Street. • Consider eliminating the striped island on Milk Street entering the rotary and evaluate the addition of a bicycle lane to further protect cyclists entering the rotary. Safety Issue #3: Lane Designation Observations: Audit team members noted that there is currently a lack of lane designation through the rotary. The rotary is supposed to allow two circulating lanes from South Street to the Milk Street receiving lanes. The rightmost lane entering from South Street is not intended to continue though the rotary past Milk Street, but there is no signage or striping to indicate this. Audit team members noted that there have been Existing lane utilization markings on South Street conflicts involving drivers who are unaware that the second circulating lane ends at Milk Street as they continue through the southern portion of the rotary. The missing lane designation signage and striping may be a contributing factor in the number of angle collisions that occurred in the rotary as vehicles entering the rotary are unsure where to go and to which street circulating vehicles are intending to travel. Page 10 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL It was also noted that the South Street approach is often used as three lanes entering the rotary as the rightmost lane provides enough width for right turning vehicles destined to Brigham Street to bypass the two through lanes. Enhancements: • Considers adding lane striping within the rotary to provide guidance for where vehicles should travel. • Consider adding lane utilization pavement markings at each approach in advance of the rotary to provide guidance on lane utilization. • Consider providing lane utilization signage at each approach in advance of the rotary to provide supplemental Typical lane utilization markings that provide direction through a modern roundabout guidance on lane utilization. • Consider decreasing the lane width of the rightmost lane at South Street to prohibit right turning vehicles from bypassing the through movement queue entering the rotary. Safety Issue #4: Signage Observations: It was noted by audit participants that there is insufficient rotary signage approaching the rotary as well as within the rotary. Due to the unique geometry of this rotary, it should be clearly marked that vehicles must circulate to the right. There is also outdated signage for the rotary, specifically on the southbound approach from East Main Street, that does not comply with current standards. It was also noted that there are a significant number of signs that may be unnecessary or not optimally placed around the rotary. Existing signage within the rotary It was also noted that while there is on-street parking widely available in the downtown area surrounding the rotary, there is no direction to the off-street municipal lot located on South Street. Page 11 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: • Reduce sign clutter to provide a clear, concise message to motorists. • Consider updating any outdated signs with signs conforming to current standards to help provide a clear message to motorists. • Consider providing larger rotary signage to indicate to all approaches that they are entering a rotary. • Consider providing advanced W2-6 (Circular Intersection) warning signage in advance of the rotary to provide additional guidance to motorists as they approach the intersection. • Consider providing supplemental chevron signage (R6-4) to guide motorists through the rotary. • Evaluate wayfinding signage to the off-street parking lot to reduce the amount of onstreet parking conflicts downtown. Safety Issue #5: Vehicle Speeds Observations: Vehicle speeds were noted by audit team members to be a major issue contributing to the large volume of crashes that were recorded between the East Main Street approach and rotary traffic. Vehicles entering the rotary are often continuing through to West Main Street and do not yield to rotary traffic. Additionally, there is an issue with the high speeds at which vehicles travel East Main Street approach entering the rotary from the South Street approach to Milk Street, which was noted by audit participants as a contributing factor to the high number of crashes at this location. In a review of the crash data, 24 of the 69 crashes were angle collisions between the East Main Street approach and rotary traffic, and an additional three crashes were due to the operations of the southbound right turn. Enhancements: • Consider providing advanced warning signage for the upcoming rotary to warn motorists to yield at the rotary. Page 12 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL • Consider providing rumble strips on East Main Street to alert motorists that they should be reducing speeds approaching the rotary. • Evaluate relocating the existing yield sign on East Main Street back to increase visibility. • Consider modifying the right turn radius from East Main Street to Milk Street to reduce the vehicle speeds of right turning vehicles. Safety Issue #6: Roadway Geometry Observations: The existing rotary has a unique geometry which differs from a modern roundabout. The center island is off-center and approaches to the rotary do not have the typical deflection that is required in a modern roundabout, which is particularly an issue for the southbound approach from East Main Street where there are no visual cues for motorists due to the lack of deflection. It was also discussed that vehicles use the southbound right turn lane from East Main Street to continue through into the rotary to avoid the queue in the correct lane. This causes additional conflicts and potential for sideswipe collisions as vehicle enter the rotary at this location. Enhancements: • Evaluate retrofitting the existing rotary to comply with existing geometric standards for a roundabout, including the installation of truck aprons at target locations (such as the East Main Street median) to help formalize the rotary travel lane and reduce vehicle speeds. • Consider providing a channelizing island for the right turn from East Main Street to Milk Street to restrict vehicles from continuing into the roundabout. Safety Issue #7: Traffic Control Observations: Audit participants noted that the traffic control entering the rotary is unique to a typical rotary. The Milk Street and Brigham Street approaches are stop controlled while the remaining approaches are yield controlled. This creates confusion on which approach has the right of way, particularly at the West Main Street/Milk Street approach. West Main Street is under yield control; however, both the Milk Street and West Main Street approaches operate as stop controlled approaches as they must alternate right of way to allow the Milk Street approach into the rotary at peak times. The West Main Street traffic also cannot see that Milk Street is stop controlled as the stop sign is obscured by a “Do Not Enter” sign. Union Street to the north of the rotary connects East Main Street to Bay State Commons. The intersection provides a right turn only from Union Street to East Main Street. However, vehicles are making left turns from this approach to access the rotary instead of using the signalized Bay State Commons driveway to the north or Brigham Street to the south. Page 13 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Enhancements: • Update the signage at the Milk Street approach to allow the stop sign to be seen from the West Main Street approach to convey a clear message of appropriate traffic operations to motorists. • Evaluate changing West Main Street to a stop controlled approach to allow improved operations on Milk Street and reduce confusion between the two approaches. • Evaluate extending the median on East Main Street to continue past the Union Street intersection to provide a physical barrier to restrict left turns from Union Street. Safety Issue #8: Commuter Rail Bridge Operations Observations: Audit participants discussed the impacts on the rotary of the commuter rail bridge to the north on East Main Street. The bridge provides a 12’-6” clearance that is commonly struck by vehicles that do not meet those height requirements. If the bridge is struck, traffic at the roundabout is impacted as vehicles are not able to travel this critical leg. Recently, mitigation was installed in the form of a laser detector system. The laser detectors are installed in advance of the crossing and illuminate signage for vehicles that do not meet height requirements. While it is difficult to determine the effectiveness of this countermeasure, the audit participants generally agree that it has been a benefit, but that additional countermeasures may help deter larger vehicles from using East Main Street. Enhancements: • Consider providing a physical warning obstacle such as chains or bars in advance of the bridge to warn motorists exceeding the height limits of the bridge. • Consider providing additional warning signage in advance of the bridge to warn drivers of the low bridge. Safety Issue #9: Traffic Operations Observations: Audit participants discussed issues with traffic congestion due to the operations of the traffic signal at the intersection of East Main Street and the Bay State Commons driveway during the weekday morning peak hour. Traffic queues from the intersection in the northbound direction extend back to the rotary, creating traffic congestions problems within the rotary. Enhancements: • Evaluate traffic operations at the intersection of East Main Street and the Bay State Commons driveway to provide for improved traffic flow on East Main Street and reduce the likelihood of northbound vehicle queues impacting the rotary. Page 14 Road Safety Audit—Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Recommendations After the site visit, audit participants returned to discuss the safety issues and consider various improvements. The audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, mid-term, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Short-Term Mid-Term Long-Term <1 Year 1-3 Years >3 Years Costs Low Medium High <$10,000 $10,001-$50,000 >$50,000 Summary of Road Safety Audit A summary of the potential recommendations discussed by the RSA audit team are summarized in Table 3. The recommendations are summarized based on the potential safety payoff, time frame, approximate cost and responsible agency. The safety payoff is a subjective judgment of the potential effectiveness of the safety recommendations listed below. Page 15 Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Parking Parking Parking Potential Safety Enhancement Consider eliminating parking within the rotary Consider converting Parking on South Street to parallel parking Consider converting parking on South Street to reverse angle parking Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency High Short-Term Low Town of Westborough High Mid-Term Low Medium Long-Term Medium Parking Conduct a formal parking utilization study Medium Short-Term Low Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Consider eliminating existing crosswalks spanning rotary High Mid-Term Low Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Consider adding additional curb extensions to shorten crossings around the rotary Consider eliminating crosswalk adjacent to Brigham Street in rotary Consider providing appropriate pedestrian crossing signage Low Long-Term Medium High Mid-Term Low Low Short-Term Low Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Consider providing RRFB signage at rotary crossings Evaluate providing a pedestrian curb extension on Milk Street Medium Mid-Term Medium Low Long-Term Medium Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Evaluate relocating crosswalks back from stop lines Consider providing “right turns yield to pedestrians” signage Consider widening sidewalks adjacent to the rotary Low Mid-Term Medium Low Short-Term Low Low Long-Term High Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Consider providing a sidewalk on the northern side of the Arcade Plaza Evaluate providing sharrows in the rotary and adjacent approaches and departure lanes Low Long-Term High Low Short-Term Low Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Page 16 Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Safety Issue Pedestrian/Bicycle Operations Lane Designation Potential Safety Enhancement Consider eliminating the striped island on Milk street and consider adding a bike lane Consider adding lane designation striping within the rotary Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Low Short-Term Low High Short-Term Low Lane Designation Consider adding lane utilization pavement markings Medium Short-Term Low Lane Designation Consider providing lane utilization signage Medium Short-Term Low Lane Designation Consider decreasing the lane width of the rightmost lane at the South Street approach Medium Mid-Term Medium Signage Reduce sign clutter Low Short-Term Low Signage Consider updating any outdated signs with signs conforming to current standards Low Short-Term Low Signage Consider providing larger rotary signage Low Short-Term Low Signage Consider providing advanced W2-6 (Circular Intersection) warning signage Low Short-Term Low Signage Consider providing rotary chevron signage Low Short-Term Low Low Short-Term Low Low Short-Term Low Medium Mid-Term Medium Low Short-Term Low Medium Long-Term Medium High Long-Term High Signage Vehicle Speeds Vehicle Speeds Vehicle Speeds Evaluate wayfinding signage to municipal parking lot Consider providing advanced warning signage for the upcoming rotary Consider providing rumble strips on East Main Street Evaluate relocating the existing yield sign on E. Main Street back Vehicle Speeds Consider modifying right turn radius from E. Main Street to Milk Street Roadway Geometry Evaluate retrofitting roundabout Responsible Agency Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Page 17 Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Roadway Geometry Consider providing a channelizing island for the right turn from E. Main Street to Milk Street Medium Mid-Term Medium Traffic Control Replace signage at Milk Street approach Low Short-Term Low Low Short-Term Low Low Short-Term Low Consider providing a physical warning obstacle in advance of the bridge Low Short-Term Low Consider providing additional warning signage Medium Long-Term Medium Town of Westborough Evaluate traffic operations at the intersection of East Main Street at the Bay State Commons driveway Low Mid-Term Low Town of Westborough Safety Issue Traffic Control Traffic Control Commuter Rail Bridge Operations Commuter Rail Bridge Operations Traffic Operations Evaluate changing West Main Street to a stop controlled approach Evaluate extending median on E. Main Street past Union Street Responsible Agency Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Town of Westborough Page 18 Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Participating Audit Team Members Date: November 19, 2015 Audit Team Members John Mastera Joe Frawley Lola Campbell Dan Daniska James Robbins Carl Balduf John Walden Francisco Torres Alan Gordon Keith Lermond Brian Bush Charles Diamond Mark Silverberg Bruce Tretter Glenn McCleod Ellen Gugel Philip Viveiros Allison Luff Location: Forbes Municipal Building, Westborough, MA Agency/ Affiliation Email Address MassDOT Traffic Safety MassDOT District 3 MassDOT District 3 CMRPC Town of Westborough Planner Town of Westborough Engineer Town of Westborough DPW Town of Westborough Dept. of Economic Development Town of Westborough Police Chief Town of Westborough Fire Department Town of Westborough Planning Board Town of Westborough Planning Board Town of Westborough Planning Board Westborough BPAC Westborough BPAC Westborough BPAC McMahon Associates McMahon Associates John. Phone Number 857-368-9648 508-929-3916 508-929-3887 508-459-3331 508-366-3055 508-366-3076 508-366-3070 508-868-8747 508-366-3060 508-962-6043 978-815-4718 508-366-5284 508-366-7919 508-446-7790 508-294-6618 508-366-5884 508-823-2245 508-823-2245 Road Safety Audit— Route 135 at Route 30 - Westborough, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data Crash Data Summary Table Route 135 at Route 30 - Rotary, Westborough, MA 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 1 1/7/12 Saturday 2:08 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Inattention 20 46 2 2/24/12 Friday 11:39 AM Head on Daylight Cloudy Wet Failed to yield right of way 85 56 3 3/13/12 Tuesday 4:31 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 60 52 4 4/11/12 Wednesday 8:41 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Followed too closely 45 38 5 4/20/12 Friday 11:48 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Visibility Obstructed 28 58 6 7/3/12 Tuesday 7:49 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 59 48 7 9/4/12 Tuesday 4:38 PM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 19 41 8 10/7/12 Sunday 2:36 PM Angle Daylight Cloudy Dry Failed to yield right of way 17 56 9 11/13/12 Tuesday 8:36 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 19 57 10 11 11/15/12 Thursday 12/28/12 Friday 1:45 AM 2:06 PM Single Vehicle Crash Unknown Dark - lighted roadway Clear Daylight Clear Dry Dry Inattention Unknown 75 62 12 12/30/12 Sunday 6:45 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Wet Failed to yield right of way 35 17 13 1/2/13 Wednesday 6:36 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 24 54 14 15 1/20/13 1/23/13 Sunday Wednesday 10:24 AM 12:38 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Daylight Clear Clear Dry Dry Visibility Obstructed Unknown 59 UNK 77 16 2/10/13 Sunday 8:38 AM Angle Daylight Snow Snow Unknown 58 51 17 3/9/13 Saturday 9:57 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Wet Failed to yield right of way 47 20 18 3/12/13 Tuesday 6:20 PM Rear-end Dusk Wet 40 23 19 3/18/13 Monday 4:30 AM Single Vehicle Crash Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 20 4/9/13 Tuesday 1:32 PM Angle Daylight Dry Failed to yield right of way 54 81 44 17 27 53 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Rain Clear Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 60 21 5/18/13 Saturday 4:24 PM Angle Daylight 22 6/7/13 Friday 10:56 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Disregarded traffic signs, signals, road markings Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressiv e manner 23 8/1/13 Thursday 3:05 PM Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 40 32 24 8/7/13 Wednesday 1:37 PM Angle Daylight Other Dry Failed to yield right of way 57 43 25 Thursday Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way Single Vehicle Crash Daylight Clear Dry Other improper action 17 58 49 Wednesday 3:49 PM 8:45 PM Angle 26 8/15/13 9/4/13 27 10/1/13 Tuesday 6:56 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 44 Clear Dry Comments D3 PARKED MV PULLING FROM CURB, STRUCK BY SB MV. PARKED MV FAILED TO YIELD TO SB MV. MV TRAVELLING IN ROTARY NB. WB MV ENTERING ROTARY WITHOUT YIELDING TO ROTARY TRAFFIC, STRIKES MV IN ROTARY. 2 WB MVs APPROACHING ROTARY. MV2 STEPPED ON GAS INSTEAD OF BRAKE. MV2 REAR-ENDED MV1. MV1 AND MV2 TRAVELLING IN ROTARY PASSING BRIGHAM TURN OFF. MV1 STOPPING FOR PEDESTRIAN IN CROSSWALK. MV2 FOLLOWED TOO CLOSE REAR ENDS MV1. MV1 SB ON SOUTH ST. MV2 BACKING OUT OF PARKING SPOT ONTO SOUTH ST. MV2 STRIKES MV1 AS MV1 TRIES TO PASS. MV1 EXITING PARKING LOT TURNING LEFT (WB) ONTO SOUTH ST. MV2 TRAVELING EB ON SOUTH ST. MV1 VISION OBSTRUCTION, STRIKES MV2 WHILE PULLING OUT OF LOT. MV2 AND MV3 SB ON MILK ST STOPPED WAITING TO ENTER ROTARY. MV1, ALSO SB, FAILED TO STOP, REAR-ENDING MV2 35 WHICH REAR-ENDS MV3. MV1 NB IN ROTARY. MV2 WB ON E. MAIN ST. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC, STRIKES MV1. MV1 IN ROTARY EXITING AT MILK ST. MV2 WB ENTERING ROTARY FROM E. MAIN ST. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC, MV TRAVELLING EB STRAIGHT INTO ROTARY. FAILED TO KEEP RIGHT OF TRAFFIC CIRCLE. PARKED MV, DAMAGE TO DRIVER'S SIDE DOOR. MV1 NB IN ROTARY TOWARDS RTE 135. MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST, FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC STRIKING MV1 AND MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST. MV1 YIELDED TO ROTARY TRAFFIC, MV2 FAILED TO STOP, REAR-ENDING MV1. TRAVELLING FROM ROTARY ONTO SOUTH ST. MV1 DID NOT NOTICE MV2. MV1 SB ON MILK ST, SIDESWIPED PARKED MV MV2 TURNING FROM MILK ST ONTO W MAIN ST. MV1 TRAVELLING THROUGH ROTARY, STRIKES MV2. POOR VISIBILITY FROM SNOW MV1 TRAVELLING THROUGH ROTARY ONTO MILK ST, NB. MV2 TRAVELLING WB ON E MAIN ST, ENTERING ROTARY. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY, STRIKING MV1. HEAVY TRAFFIC WHILE MV2 DID NOT PAY ATTENTION, REAR-ENDED MV1. MV TRAVELLING NB ON W MAIN ST TOWARDS ROTARY. MV DRIVES STRAIGHT INTO ROTARY. OUI MV1 IN ROTARY NB EXITING AT MILK ST. MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT TO ROTARY TRAFFIC, STRIKING MV1 MV1 IN PARKING SPACE ON W MAIN ST. MV2 WB ON W MAIN ST, LEFT TURN TO PARK NEXT TO MV1, CRASHED INTO MV1. MV1 WEST ON MILK ST, MV2 EAST ON MILK ST. MV1 CROSSED CENTER YELLOW, HEAD-ON WITH MV2. MV1 EXITING ROTARY ONTO MILK ST. MV2 FAILED TO STOP RESULTING IN CRASH. MV1 TRAVELLING IN ROTARY ATTEMPTING RIGHT TURN ONTO BRIGHAM ST. MV2 TRAVELLING IN ROTARY TRAVELLING STRAIGHT. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO MV2. MV1 ENTERING ROTARY FROM SOUTH ST. MV2 TRAVELLING IN ROTARY FROM MILK ST. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO SIGN. MV1 EB ON W MAIN ST. MV1 STRUCK MV2 WHICH WAS PARKED. Crash Data Summary Table Route 135 at Route 30 - Rotary, Westborough, MA 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 28 10/25/13 Friday 12:15 PM Angle Daylight 29 10/28/13 Monday 8:43 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Cloudy Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 Inattention 51 Dry Failed to yield right of way 17 34 32 41 Dry 10:10 PM Head on Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Operating Vehicle in erratic, reckless, careless, negligent, or aggressive manner 11/16/13 Saturday 11/19/13 Tuesday 11/19/13 Tuesday 9:09 AM 5:52 AM 1:51 PM Angle Sideswipe, same direction Sideswipe, same direction Daylight Dawn Daylight Cloudy Cloudy Clear Dry Dry Dry Failed to yield right of way Inattention No Improper Driving 45 50 92 63 34 11/22/13 Friday 6:11 AM Angle Dawn Rain Wet Inattention 29 71 35 11/28/13 Thursday 8:58 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 59 26 36 12/16/13 Monday 12:18 PM Angle Daylight Clear Wet Failed to yield right of way 51 20 37 12/27/13 Friday 11:28 AM Angle Daylight Cloudy Wet Failed to yield right of way 76 63 38 12/28/13 Saturday 9:27 AM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 31 51 39 12/30/13 Monday 5:00 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 78 20 40 1/8/14 Wednesday 12:57 PM Angle Daylight Dry Inattention 52 60 41 1/8/14 Wednesday 6:03 PM Rear-end Dark - lighted roadway Clear Dry Inattention 54 21 42 1/14/14 Tuesday 5:35 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 50 63 43 1/19/14 Sunday 1:05 PM Rear-end Daylight Other Wet Inattention 48 20 44 2/12/14 Wednesday 4:40 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 16 26 45 2/14/14 Friday 12:01 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Wet Followed too closely 36 35 Clear Dry Failed to yield right of way 32 43 30 11/7/13 31 32 33 Thursday Cloudy 28 46 2/20/14 Thursday 6:13 PM Rear-end Dark - roadway not lighted 47 2/22/14 Saturday 7:30 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Cloudy Dry Inattention 46 17 48 3/13/14 Thursday 4:29 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Followed too closely 76 22 49 4/29/14 Tuesday 6:45 PM Unknown Unknown Cloudy Dry Inattention 32 24 50 5/8/14 Thursday 8:36 AM Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 35 49 51 5/25/14 Sunday 2:52 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 24 35 52 6/6/14 Friday 12:41 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Unknown 83 77 53 6/13/14 Friday 9:07 AM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 67 19 54 6/17/14 Tuesday 12:02 PM Head on Daylight Clear Dry Illness 34 53 55 6/28/14 Saturday 1:07 PM Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 56 31 Comments D3 MV1 IN PARKING SPACE ON MILK ST. MV2 TURN IN FRONT OF MV1 INTO PARKING LOT, TOO SHARP OF TURN. MV1 NB THROUGH ROTARY. MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST, FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY, STRIKES MV1. MV1 STRAGHT THROUGH ROTARY WHEN MV2 ENTERED ROTARY FROM WRONG DIRECTION FROM W MAIN ST. MV2 COLLIDED WITH MV1 HEAD ON MV1 SB IN ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST. MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM W MAIN ST, FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC MV1 SB ON MILK ST, SIDESWIPED PARKED MV MV1 EB ON W MAIN ST, FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC. MV1 AND MV2 TURNING RIGHT ONTO MILK ST FROM E MAIN ST. BOTH OPERATORS CLAIM TO OCCUPY TURN LANE. UNCLEAR OF RIGHT OF WAY MV1 IN ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST TO W MAIN ST. MV2 ENTERED ROTARY FROM MILK ST AFTER STOP, FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF MV1 IN ROTARY. MV2 WB ON E MAIN ST. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD WHEN ENTERING ROTARY MV1 ENTERING ROTARY FROM W MAIN ST. MV2 IN ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO ROTARY TRAFFIC MV1 NB IN ROTARY TOWARDS RTE 135. MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST, FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC STRIKING MV1 IN ROTARY NB TOWARDS MILK ST. MV2 ENTERED ROTARY FROM RIGHT TURN ONLY LANE, FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY MV1 TRAVELLING THROUGH ROTARY ONTO MILK ST, MV1 FAILED TO YIELD RIGHT OF WAY FROM E MAIN ST. MV1 MAKING LEFT TURN OUT OF PARKING LOT. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD TO ONCOMING TRAFFIC AND COLLIDED WITH MV2 TRAVELLING SB ON SOUTH ST. MV1 AND MV2 SB ON MILK ST. APPROACHING W MAIN ST, MV2 FAILED TO STOP BEHIND MV1. REACHING FOR SUNGLASSES, TOOK EYES OFF ROAD, REAR-ENDED MV1. MV1 APPROACHING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST. MV2 IN ROTARY EXITING AT MILK ST. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC. MV1 EB ONTO E MAIN ST SLOWED FOR TRAFFIC. MV2 DID NOT SLOW FOR TRAFFIC FOLLOWING MV1, REAR-ENDED MV1. MV1 IN ROTARY. MV2 WB ON E MAIN ST. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD WHEN ENTERING ROTARY MV1 DID NOT SEE MV2 IN ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST MV1 AND MV2 WB ON E MAIN ST TURNING NB ONTO MILK ST. MV1 STOPPED TO LET OUT PASSENGER AND WAS STRUCK BY MV2 MV1 THROUGH ROTARY STRUCK BY MV2 FROM E MAIN ST. MV2 "MV IN RIGHT LANE CUT HER OFF/DISTRACTED. DIDN'T NOTICE MV1" MV1 THROUGH ROTARY, MV2 MADE RIGHT TURN IN FRONT OF MV1. MV2 CLAIMS RIGHT TURN ONTO BRIGHAM, MV1 HIT MV2 ON BACK MV1 FROM ROTARY TOWARDS 135 WB. MV2 FROM 30 WB INTO ROTARY. MV2 DID NOT YIELD RIGHT OF WAY TO ROTARY TRAFFIC. MV1 WAS SLOWING FOR ROTARY TRAFFIC AS IT ENTERED MILK FROM E MAIN. MV2 REAR-ENDED MV1. MV1TURNED LEFT FROM GROVE TO MILK. MV2 SB ON MILK TOWARDS ROTARY. MV1 DID NOT SEE MV2. MV1 "WHITED OUT" WITH NOT MEMORY. MV1 ON SOUTH ST TOWARDS ROTARY. MV2 ON E MAIN ST TOWARDS ROTARY SAW MV1 AT HIGH RATE OF SPEED. MV1 ENTERING MILK FROM ROTARY. MV2 ENTERING ROTARY CAUSED COLLISION DUE TO NOT YIELDING TO TRAFFIC Crash Data Summary Table Route 135 at Route 30 - Rotary, Westborough, MA 1/1/2012 - 12/31/2014 Crash Date Crash Day m/d/y Time of Day 56 6/29/14 Sunday 2:03 PM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 30 24 57 7/25/14 Friday 1:45 PM Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 18 21 58 7/29/14 7/30/14 Tuesday Daylight Cloudy Dry Failure to keep in proper lane or running Wednesday 2:25 PM 1:50 PM Single Vehicle Crash 59 Angle Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 34 61 46 60 9/9/14 Tuesday 8:17 AM Rear-end Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 48 49 61 9/17/14 Wednesday 12:41 PM Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 37 23 62 10/2/14 Thursday 8:39 AM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 22 23 63 10/16/14 Thursday 5:58 PM Angle Daylight Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 23 25 64 11/3/14 Monday 10:46 AM Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Inattention 71 77 65 11/6/14 Thursday 8:10 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 23 25 66 11/26/14 Wednesday 4:33 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Snow Snow Failed to yield right of way 41 34 67 12/9/14 Tuesday 11:42 AM Rear-end Daylight Rain Wet Inattention 54 18 68 12/9/14 Tuesday 6:17 PM Angle Dark - lighted roadway Rain Wet Failed to yield right of way 33 UNK 69 12/18/14 Thursday 1:28 PM Angle Daylight Dry Inattention 75 Crash Diagram Ref # Manner of Collision Type Summary based on Crash Reports obtained from the Local Police Light Condition Type Weather Condition Type Cloudy Road Surface Type Driver Contributing Code Type D1 Ages D2 19 Comments D3 MV1 STOPPED AT MILK ST BEFORE ROTARY. MV2 FAILED TO STOP, REAR-ENDED V1 MV1 AROUND ROTARY, MV2 FAILED TO YIELD FROM E MAIN ST. MV2 DID NOT NOTICE MV1 IN ROTARY. MV (TTU) AROUND ROTARY DROVE OVER GRASSY AREA SIDESWIPING A TRAFFIC SIGN MV1 SB ON MILK. MV2 EXIT GAS STATION. MV2 DID NOT SEE MV1. MV1 AND MV2 NB ON SOUTH TOWARDS ROTARY. MV1 SLOWING FOR TRAFFIC AND MV2 REAR-ENDED MV1. MV1 STRAIGHT THROUGH ROTARY. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD FROM MILK INTO ROTARY. MV1 IN ROTARY TOWARDS RTE 135. MV2 WB ON RTE 30. MV2 FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC. MV1 WB ON E MAIN ST ENTERING ROTARY. MV2 IN ROTARY TRAFFIC EXITING AT MILK. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC V1 AROUND ROTARY MV2 ENTERING ROTARY FROM SOUTH ST, FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC MV1 WB ON E MAIN ST ENTERING ROTARY. MV2 IN ROTARY TRAFFIC EXITING AT MILK. MV1 FAILED TO YIELD TO ROTARY TRAFFIC MV1 STRAIGHT ON RTE 30 ENTERED ROTARY WITHOUT YIELDING TO MV2 WHO WAS EXITING ROTARY AT MILK ST. MV1 AND MV2 APPROACHING ROTARY FROM W MAIN ST. MV1 SLOWING FOR ROTARY TRAFFIC, MV2 FAILED TO STOP, REARMV1 WB ENTERING ROTARY FROM E MAIN ST. MV2 IN ROTARY, STRUCK BY MV1. MV1 WB ON E MAIN ST ENTERING ROTARY. MV2 IN ROTARY TRAFFIC EXITING AT MILK. MV1 DID NOT SEE MV2 AND ENTERED ROTARY STRIKING MV2