ROAD SAFETY AUDIT Route 20 at Grafton Street Town of Shrewsbury April 2015 Prepared For: MassDOT Prepared By: McMahon Associates 300 Myles Standish Blvd, Suite 201 Taunton, MA 02780 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table of Contents Background ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Data ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Location and Description .............................................................................................. 2 Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements .............................................. 4 Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 7 List of Appendices Appendix A. Appendix B. Appendix C. RSA Meeting Agenda RSA Audit Team Contact List Detailed Crash Data List of Figures Figure 1: Location Map ............................................................................................................................. 3 List of Tables Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Participating Audit Team Members ....................................................................................... 1 Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown ....................................................................... 7 Potential Safety Enhancement Summary ............................................................................... 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Background The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) defines a Road Safety Audit (RSA) as the formal safety examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. The purpose of an RSA is to identify potential safety issues and possible opportunities for safety improvements considering all roadway users. A key objective of the RSA is to identify both short-term and long-term safety improvements that can be made at the subject intersections. This RSA evaluates the intersection of Route 20 and Grafton Street in Shrewsbury, MA, as shown in Figure 1. Project Data A Road Safety Audit was completed for the intersection of Route 20 at Grafton Street in the Town of Shrewsbury on April 2, 2015. The agenda for the RSA meeting held at Shrewsbury Town Hall is provided in Appendix A of this report. As shown below in Table 1, the audit team consisted of a multidisciplinary team with representatives from state, regional and local agencies providing expertise in the engineering, planning, maintenance and emergency response fields. Contact information for the RSA attendees is provided in Appendix B of this report. Table 1. Participating Audit Team Members Audit Team Member Agency/Affiliation Kevin Krasnecky Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Dan Daniska Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission Kevin Chiang MassDOT - Boston Traffic Lola Campbell MassDOT – District 3 Traffic Joe Frawley MassDOT – District 3 Traffic Jeff Howland Shrewsbury – Engineering Matt Sarcione Shrewsbury - Planning Kristen Las Shrewsbury - Planning John Knipe Shrewsbury – Highway Department Kevin Anderson Shrewsbury – Police Department Aaron Roy Shrewsbury – Fire Department Phil Viveiros McMahon Associates Matt Starkey McMahon Associates Within the email invitation sent on March 23, 2015 to each participant in the RSA, background material was provided. This information included turning movement counts, local speed regulations, collision diagrams, and MassDOT crash data summaries. During the RSA meeting, these materials were reviewed as a group before the team discussed potential safety issues and solutions for the intersection. Page 1 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Project Location and Description Study Area Roadways As shown in Figure 1, Route 20 is a four-lane roadway in the vicinity of the Grafton Street intersection that runs in the east-west direction through the Town of Shrewsbury with a posted speed limit of 40 miles per hour in both directions. Route 20 provides direct access to retail and industrial land uses as well as a small interchange with Route 140. The Route 140 interchange is approximately 450 feet east of the Route 20 at Grafton Street intersection. Route 20 is classified as an urban principal arterial under MassDOT jurisdiction. Within the vicinity of the study area intersection, Route 20 is approximately 44 feet wide with 11 foot travel lanes. There are no sidewalks present on Route 20, no bicycle facilities, and minimal shoulder width. Grafton Street is a two-lane local road under Town of Shrewsbury jurisdiction that runs in a north-south direction through Shrewsbury. Grafton Street has a single lane of travel in either direction measuring with a varying width and approximately 11 feet wide at the intersection with Route 20. There is no sidewalk or shoulder present on Grafton Street. Study Area Intersections The intersection of Route 20 at Grafton Street is a four-legged signalized intersection maintained by MassDOT. The eastbound and westbound approaches both consist of a shared thru-left and shared thruright travel lane. The northbound and southbound approaches both consist of a single multi-use lane. The traffic signals are mounted on a span wire that stretches from the southeast to northwest corner of the intersection. In the northeast corner of the intersection there is a driveway opening providing access into a gas station (Flynn’s Truck Stop) that at times effectively creates a fifth leg at the intersection. There are no pedestrian crosswalks or signals at the intersection. East of the intersection on Route 20 there are driveways for Flynn’s Truck Stop and a UPS shipping facility which generate a large amount of truck traffic. Crash Data Crash data was received from MassDOT for the three years between 2010 and 2012. Based on this data, there were a total of 49 crashes reported from the beginning of 2010 through the end of 2012 at the intersection of Route 20 and Grafton Street. Of the crashes that occurred, 27 (55%) were angle collisions, including nine crashes in the eastbound direction and 11 crashes in the westbound direction on Route 20. Additionally, there were nine rear-end collisions, eight sideswipe crashes, two single vehicles crashes, one head-on crash, and two “other” crash types reported at the intersection. Of the reported crashes, 39 resulted in property damage and 10 resulted in personal injury; no fatalities were reported at the intersection. Detailed crash diagrams are provided in Appendix C. Page 2 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Road Safety Audit Observations and Potential Improvements During the RSA meeting, a brief introduction of the RSA process and a summary of the study area and crash information were presented to the audit participants. Following this brief presentation, the members of the audit team were asked to discuss the existing issues that may affect safety at the intersection of Route 20 at Grafton Street. Provided below is a list of the safety concerns that were identified during the RSA along with potential enhancements that address these concerns. Safety Issue #1: Access Management Observations: Route 20 near Grafton Street provides direct access to multiple commercial and industrial properties. Observations during the RSA indicate that curb cuts on Route 20 are quite large. There are a number of access points within the functional area of the Grafton Street intersection, and there is direct access into Flynn’s Truck Stop in the northeast corner of the intersection. In addition, many of the industrial land uses generate a high number of heavy vehicles. On the southern side of Route 20, across the street from Flynn’s Truck Stop, there are parking facilities for trucks that creates a desire line across Route 20 for vehicles and pedestrians. Eastbound traffic frequently makes left turns into Flynn’s Truck Stop and the UPS shipping center. During the field visit RSA members observed eastbound trucks slowing to turn in the left lane and forcing vehicles to merge into the right lane, which becomes a right-turn only lane for access to Route 140. At the curb cuts along Route 20, there was no signage observed to direct patrons on where to enter or exit. Enhancements: • Work with the adjacent land owners to consolidate curb cuts within the functional area of the intersection while still providing adequate site access. • Have adjacent land owners install signage to better direct patrons on where to enter and exit their sites. • Close the driveway that creates a fifth leg within the Grafton Street intersection at the northeast corner. • Create a dedicated eastbound left-turn lane and add protected signal phasing to better consolidate eastbound left turn traffic. • Encourage coordination between MassDOT, Town officials, and adjacent property owners, specifically the UPS shipping center, to better understand their future access plans, and collaborate with each other to provide safe and efficient access to sites adjacent to the intersection. • Evaluate the possibility of creating truck access on Route 140 to the UPS shipping center • Evaluate revised signal timing plans that prioritize access on Grafton Street during peak truck periods. Safety Issue #2: Pedestrian Accommodations Observations: The intersection of Route 20 at Grafton Street does not currently provide crosswalks, sidewalks, or pedestrian signals. During the RSA, it was noted that pedestrians cross between Flynn’s Truck Stop, the truck parking lots on the south side of Route 20 and Brody’s Diner. Flynn’s Truck Stop provides a fullservice truck stop with amenities for long-distance truckers. The residential neighborhoods on the north Page 4 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL and south side of Route 20 lack pedestrian connectivity due to the lack of pedestrian amenities on Grafton Street and the operations on Route 20 effectively acting as a barrier. Enhancements: • Evaluate the installation of a crosswalk at the intersection of Route 20 and Grafton Street. • Install pedestrian signals and push button actuation at the signalized intersection. • Construct sidewalks adjacent to the intersection to guide pedestrians to the traffic signal. No crosswalks for pedestrians at Route 20 and Grafton Street intersection Safety Issue #3: Roadway Conditions Observations: The RSA team, specifically the members from the Town of Shrewsbury, provided insight on the conditions along Route 20 near Grafton Street. In general, the roadway serves as an overflow route from the Massachusetts Turnpike and was recognized to have a speed issue. Speeding is an issue on this section of roadway, which may be influenced by the significant downgrade heading eastbound. It was noted that the large volumes of truck traffic significantly impact the roadway. The roadway surface shows rutting from the heavy vehicles and first responders noted that they often encounter crashes caused by oily truck residue collected on the roadway. During the past winter, snow storage was a problem at the intersection, but in previous winters, the issue was minimal. Enhancements: • Setup a speed trailer in the eastbound direction to show drivers their current travel speeds and encourage speed limit compliance. • Provide enhanced enforcement along the corridor to slow drivers down. • Evaluate and construct a special pavement surface that can withstand heavy vehicle loading. • Evaluate and implement a high friction pavement surface treatment to counter the reduced friction from truck residue. Rutting created by heavy vehicles on Route 20 Safety Issue #4: Traffic Control Observations: Traffic control at the intersection of Route 20 and Grafton Street is impacted by the traffic signal, access to nearby land uses, and the Route 140 ramps. During the RSA field visit, the team noticed that the signal post in the northeast corner had been knocked down, leaving the northbound approach with only one functioning signal indication. In addition, the overhead signal facing Grafton Street northbound was angled upward and there were no back plates on any of the overhead signals. East of the intersection, the right lane becomes a “right turn only” lane onto the Route 140 ramp without advanced warning signage, although “skip line” lane striping has been installed in advance of the ramp. As mentioned before, the left Page 5 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL lane is often used for left-turn access into Flynn’s Truck Stop and the UPS shipping center, which causes vehicles to merge into the right lane, and then swerve back to the left lane to continue on Route 20 eastbound. The RSA team observed this pattern during the site visit. In addition to these observations, the crash data showed that 55% of reported crashes at the intersection were angle collisions. It was noted by the RSA participants that the Grafton Street signal often doesn’t get adequate time to clear queues during the rush hours. Enhancements: Tilted sign face and missing signal post on • Replace the post-mounted signal head at the Grafton Street northbound northeast corner of the intersection as a shortterm measure. • Re-adjust the position of the overhead signal for Grafton Street northbound to improve visibility. • Check the functionality of signal detection on Grafton Street and repair as needed. • Install backplates with reflective borders for overhead signals facing the Route 20 eastbound and westbound approaches to minimize the effects of solar glare. • Re-evaluate the clearance intervals in consideration of the heavy vehicle traffic and significant grades. • Evaluate a redesign of the signal system at the intersection, which will improve signal head placement and facilitate emergency preemption and dilemma zone detection to improve emergency response and decrease crash risks. • Consider installation of dedicated left turn lane at the signal and/or along the corridor to reduce angle collisions. • Re-evaluate the pavement striping plan and install corresponding lane utilization signage to mitigate the right-lane trap created by the Route 140 on-ramp. • Install lane utilization signage eastbound in advance of the signal to alert drivers of the right turn lane ending. • Consider implementing a left-turn prohibition during peak hours to reduce turn-related crashes. Safety Issue #5: Traffic Operations Observations: The intersection of Route 20 and Grafton Street is impacted by traffic operations on the Route 20 corridor. The RSA team mentioned the variable cross section along Route 20, steep roadway grades, a significant amount of heavy vehicle traffic, and congestion in the afternoon peak hour as operational challenges for Route 20 that impact the Grafton Street intersection. Route 20 has a crest in the roadway about 600 feet west of the Grafton Street intersection before sloping downhill eastbound through the intersection and toward the Route 140 interchange. For the Crest on Route 20 west of Grafton Street intersection Page 6 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL eastbound traffic, the crest in the hill could potentially make it difficult to perceive the signal at Grafton Street. Within that section of roadway, the westbound direction (going uphill) transitions from two lanes down to one which doesn’t provide enough space to pass slow moving trucks. The roadway grades and land uses both create merging issues with trucks within the functional area of the intersection; tractor trailers traveling eastbound that are in the right lane prior to the crest need to change lanes east of the intersection unless they are destined for Route 140. Trucks turning out of driveways on Route 20 were often seen crossing the double yellow centerline into oncoming traffic to complete turns, which could indicate insufficient curb radii at the driveways and side streets. Enhancements: • Install a “Lane Ends” sign where the westbound lane drops, west of the Grafton Street signal. • Install a “(Red) Signal Ahead” LED blank-out sign at the crest of the roadway in the eastbound direction that is tied to the signal at Grafton Street. • Evaluate the extension of two westbound receiving lanes up the hill west of the intersection to remove the lane drop on an uphill section of roadway. • Evaluate existing right-of-way restrictions and proposed widening improvements where feasible to create a consistent cross section along Route 20. • Evaluate curb radii along Route 20 at the Grafton Street intersection and at nearby driveways to determine if modifications are needed to facilitate turning movements for heavy vehicles. Recommendations After the discussing the various safety deficiencies within the study area, participants discussed potential solutions. The audit participants were encouraged to consider both short and long-term improvements for each of the existing safety issues. Each improvement considered has been categorized as short-term, midterm, or long-term based on the definitions shown in Table 2. Additionally, a cost category has been assigned to each improvement based on the parameters set forth in Table 2. Table 2. Estimated Time Frame and Costs Breakdown Time Frame Costs Short-Term <1 Year Low <$10,000 Mid-Term 1-3 Years Medium $10,001-$50,000 Long-Term >3 Years High >$50,000 Summary of Road Safety Audit A summary of the potential recommendations discussed by the RSA audit team are summarized in Table 3. The recommendations are summarized based on the potential safety payoff, time frame, approximate cost and responsible agency. The safety payoff is a subjective judgment of the potential effectiveness of the safety recommendations listed below. Page 7 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Table 3. Potential Safety Enhancement Summary Safety Issue Potential Safety Enhancement Safety Payoff Time Frame Cost Responsible Agency Route 20 at Grafton Street Access Management Consolidate curb cuts within functional area of intersection Medium Long-Term High MassDOT/ Property Owners/Town of Shrewsbury Access Management Install signage on sites for improved circulation Low Short-Term Low Town of Shrewsbury/ Property Owners Access Management Close Flynn’s driveway into Route 20 at Grafton Street intersection Access Management Create eastbound exclusive left turn lane and add protected signal phasing Access Management Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT/ Property Owners/Town of Shrewsbury High Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Work with adjacent parcels to provide safe and efficient access Medium Long-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Shrewsbury/ Property Owners Access Management Evaluate possibility of creating truck access on Route 140 to UPS shipping center Medium Long-Term Medium MassDOT/Town of Shrewsbury/ Property Owners Access Management Evaluate revised signal timing plans that prioritize access on Grafton Street during peak truck periods High Short-Term Low MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Install crosswalk at intersection Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Install pedestrian signals and push button actuation Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Pedestrian Accommodations Construct sidewalks adjacent to intersection Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Roadway Conditions Use speed trailer on Route 20 eastbound to encourage speed limit compliance Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Shrewsbury Page 8 Road Safety Audit—Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Roadway Conditions Provide enhanced enforcement along corridor Medium Mid-Term Low Town of Shrewsbury Roadway Conditions Evaluate and install pavement surface that can withstand heavy vehicles Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Roadway Conditions Evaluate and implement high friction pavement surface treatment Medium Long-Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Control Replace post-mounted signal head at northeast corner of intersection Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Control Re-adjust position of overhead signal for Grafton Street northbound Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Control Install back plates with reflective borders for overhead signals facing Route 20 approaches Medium Mid -Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Control Re-evaluate clearance intervals Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Control Evaluate redesign of the signal system Medium Long-Term High MassDOT Traffic Control Consider installation of dedicated left turn lane at signal and/or along corridor High Long-Term High MassDOT Traffic Control Re-evaluate pavement striping and signage at Route 140 interchange Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Control Install lane utilization signage on Route 20 eastbound in advance of signal Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Control Prohibit eastbound and westbound left turns at Grafton Street signal during peak hours Medium Short-Term Low MassDOT/Town of Shrewsbury Traffic Operations Install “Lane Ends” sign at westbound lane-drop Low Short-Term Low MassDOT Traffic Operations Install “(Red) Signal Ahead” LED blank-out sign at crest of roadway east of Grafton Street Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Operations Extend two westbound travel lanes west of intersection Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT Traffic Operations Evaluate right of way restrictions and propose widening to create a consistent cross section along Route 20 High Long-Term High MassDOT/ Property Owners Traffic Operations Evaluate curb radii along Route 20 at the Grafton Street intersection and at nearby driveways Medium Mid-Term Medium MassDOT/Town of Shrewsbury/ Property Owners Page 9 Road Safety Audit— Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix A. RSA Meeting Agenda Road Safety Audit— Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix B. RSA Audit Team Contact List Road Safety Audit— Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Participating Audit Team Members Date: April 2, 2015 Location: Shrewsbury Town Hall, Shrewsbury, MA Audit Team Members Agency/Affiliation Email Address Phone Number Kevin Krasnecky CMRPC 508-459-3314 Dan Daniska CMRPC 508-459-3331 Kevin Chiang MassDOT - Boston Traffic 857-368-9626 Lola Campbell MassDOT – D3 Traffic 508-929-3887 Joe Frawley MassDOT – D3 Traffic 508-929-3916 Jeff Howland Shrewsbury – Engineering 508-841-8502 Matt Sarcione Shrewsbury - Planning 508-841-8502 Kristen Las Shrewsbury - Planning 508-841-8502 John Knipe Shrewsbury – Highway 508-841-8513 Kevin Anderson Shrewsbury – Police 508-841-8469 Aaron Roy Shrewsbury – Fire 508-841-8522 Phil Viveiros McMahon Associates 508-823-2245 Matt Starkey McMahon Associates 617-556-0020 Road Safety Audit— Route 20 at Grafton Street - Shrewsbury, MA Prepared by McMahon Associates, Inc. FINAL Appendix C. Detailed Crash Data 16 27 40 24 1 8 10 24 26 28 29 41 46 25 31 15 21 45 48 3 38 22 34 43 4 5 7 13 14 17 23 36 39 42 49 30 32 33 9 19 2 20 6 11 12 18 35 47 44 37 Crash Diagram 2010-2012 Route 20 at Grafton Street Shrewsbury, Massachusetts Hartford Turnpike (Route 20) at Grafton Street Number Crash Date Crash Day Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Movement V1 Movement V2 1 1/29/2010 Friday 11:26 PM Property damage only (none Angle EBL WBT 2 3/15/2010 Monday 4:48 PM Non‐fatal injury Rear‐end & Head on EBT WBT 3 3/27/2010 Saturday 9:06 PM Non‐fatal injury Head On WBT EBT 4 4/22/2010 Thursday 5:20 PM 5 4/23/2010 Friday 2:34 PM 6 7/16/2010 Friday 12:31 AM 7 8/17/2010 Tuesday 11:42 AM 8 9/3/2010 Friday 10:27 AM 9 9/4/2010 Saturday 7:36 PM 10 10/1/2010 Friday Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none 5:55 PM Non‐fatal injury 11 10/9/2010 Saturday 4:59PM 12 10/11/2010 Monday 11:45 AM 13 11/25/2010 Thursday 1:48PM 14 12/1/2010 Wednesday 7:04 PM 15 12/10/2010 Friday 6:18 AM 16 12/12/2010 Sunday 17 12/18/2010 Saturday 8:40 AM Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none 10:16 PM Non‐fatal injury Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none 18 12/29/2010 Wednesday 5:43 PM 19 1/13/2011 Thursday 6:28 AM 20 2/2/2011 Wednesday 4:58 PM 21 2/8/2011 Tuesday 5:47 PM 22 2/15/2011 Tuesday 4:30 PM 23 3/7/2011 Monday 5:23 PM Non‐fatal injury 24 3/26/2011 Saturday 25 4/25/2011 Monday 26 6/23/2011 Thursday 9:17 PM Non‐fatal injury Property damage only (none Property damage 7:56 AM only (none 4:18 AM 27 7/8/2011 Friday 28 7/10/2011 Sunday 11:31 AM Non‐fatal injury 3:02 PM 29 7/28/2011 Thursday 11:39 AM 30 8/15/2011 Monday 5:16 PM 31 9/15/2011 Thursday 2:46 PM 32 9/28/2011 Wednesday 2:44 PM 33 10/5/2011 Wednesday 2:05 PM 34 3/12/2012 Monday 7:31 AM 35 4/11/2012 Wednesday 12:17 PM Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Movement V3 EBT Movement V4 Driver Age Striking Veh Ambient Conditions Weather Condition Roadway Condition 27 Dark ‐ lighted roadway Clear Dry Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Unknown Dark ‐ lighted roadway Clear Dry Comments Veh 1 made a left turn in front of Veh 2 and the front end of Veh 2 struck the rear end of Veh 1. Veh 1 struck Veh 3 from behind causing Veh 3 to strike the front of Veh 2 traveling in the opposite direction Veh 1 was traveling westbound and swerved over the center marker into oncoming traffic, striking Veh 2. Angle EBT WBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 attempted to turn left, failed to yield and struck Veh 2 (police car). Angle EBT WBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 attempted to turn onto Grafton Street with obstructucted view and hit Veh 1. Rear‐end EBT EBT Unknown Dark ‐ lighted roadway Clear Dry Veh 1 was traveling eastbound when Veh 2 (Mack truck) pulled into the eastbound travel lane. Veh 1 struck Veh 2 . Angle WBL EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 attempted to turn left, Veh 2 failed to yield and struck Veh 1. Angle WBT EBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 was turning left when Veh 1 struck the rear end of the turning Veh 2. Rear‐End WBT WBT Unknown Dusk Clear Dry Veh 1 was following too close to Veh 2 and rear‐ended and loss control of Veh 1. Angle WBT EBL Unknown Dusk Clear Dry Veh 1 was traveling in eastbound in the right lane while Veh 2 began to make a left hand turn when the vehicles crashed. Rear‐End EBT EBT Unknown Dusk Clear Dry Veh 1 was preparing for a left turn when Veh 2 rear ended Veh 1. Rear‐End EBT EBT 56 Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was stopped for a red traffic signal. Veh 2 failed to stop in time and rear‐ended Veh 1. Angle EBT WBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 was turning left when struck by Veh 1 traveling eastboumd. Angle EBT WBL Unknown Dark Heavy Rain Wet Veh 2 was turning left when struck by Veh 1 traveling eastboumd. Sideswipe EBT EBR Unknown Dark Clear Dry Veh 1 was traveling in the right lane when Veh 2 wanted to make a right‐hand turn from the left lane. Unknown Daylight Freezing Rain Icy Veh 1 was traveling southbound and struck tree due to icy roads Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 attempted to make a left‐hand turn when Veh 2 struck Veh 1. Single vehicle crash SBT Angle WBL EBT Unknown EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 and Veh 2 were stopped at a redlight. Upon Green light, Veh 2 backed into Veh 1. Sideswipe WBT WBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 attempted to pass Veh 1 when Veh 2 struck Veh 1 and continued driving. Single vehicle crash WBT Unknown Daylight Clear Snow Veh 1 was traveling westbound when the driver lost control of the vehicle and rolled over. Sideswipe EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Snow Veh 1 was attempting to pass Veh 2 when the lanes narrowed due to snow on the roadway. Angle EBT SBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Angle WBL EBT 17 Daylight Clear Dry Angle WBT EBL Rear‐End EBL EBT Angle WBT Sideswipe Angle Veh 2 (semi) attempted to turn left and crashed with Veh 1 who was traveling in the eastbound travel lane. Veh 1 was attempting to turn left when it struck Veh 2 which was continuing thru the intersection. Unknown Dark Clear Dry Veh 1 was heading westbound when struck by Veh 1 who was attempting to turn left. Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was stopped to turn left when struck by Veh 2 who was initially struck by Veh 3. EBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry WBT SBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry WBT EBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry EBT Veh 1 was traveling through on Route 20 when Veh 2, traveling eastbound attempted to turn left and struck Veh 1. Veh 2 turned left onto Route 20 when Veh 1 was unable to stop in time and both vehicles collided. Veh 1 was traveling westbound when struck by Veh 2 who was attempting to turn left from the opposing direction. Veh 1 was traveling westbound when Veh 2 (traveling eastbound) attempted to make a left hand turn when Veh 2 struck Veh 1. Veh 1 and Veh 2 were stopped at a red light. Veh 3 was unable to stop for the red light and struck the back of Veh 2 which struck the back of Veh 1. Veh 1 was waiting to turn left, when struck by Veh 3 who was first struck by Veh 2 who was unable to stop. Veh 1 was traveling through in the right lane when Veh 2 attempted to turn right from the left lane. Angle WBT EBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Rear‐End WBT WBT WBT Unknown Daylight Clear Wet Rear‐End EBL EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Sideswipe WBT WBR Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Sideswipe WBT WBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was traveling westbound when struck by Veh 2 who was attempting to change lanes. Angle EBT SBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was traveling eastbound when struck by Veh 2 who was attempting to turn left into the eastbound lanes. Rear‐End EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was stopped at a redlight when struck by Veh 2. Hartford Turnpike (Route 20) at Grafton Street Number Crash Date Crash Day Crash Time Crash Severity Manner of Collision Movement V1 Movement V2 36 5/10/2012 Thursday Property damage only (none Property damage 10:46 PM only (none Property damage 5:18 PM only (none 12:16 PM 37 6/7/2012 Thursday 38 6/14/2012 Thursday 39 6/15/2012 Friday 4:55 PM Non‐fatal injury Angle WBL EBT Movement V3 Movement V4 Driver Age Striking Veh Ambient Conditions Weather Condition Roadway Condition Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Angle EBT NBR Unknown Dark Clear Dry Angle SBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Angle WBL EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry 40 6/21/2012 Thursday Property damage 11:02 AM only (none Angle WBT SBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry 41 6/26/2012 Tuesday 3:56 PM Non‐fatal injury Angle WBT EBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry 42 8/17/2012 Friday 2:39 PM Non‐fatal injury Angle EBT WBL Unknown Daylight Clear Dry 43 10/11/2012 Thursday 3:31 PM 44 10/15/2012 Monday 8:28 AM 45 10/19/2012 Friday 1:37 PM 46 10/25/2012 Thursday 2:07 PM 47 11/13/2012 Tuesday 6:50 AM 48 12/12/2012 Wednesday 7:30 AM 49 12/14/2012 Friday 12:14 PM Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Property damage only (none Comments Veh 2 was traveling eastbound when struck by Veh 1 attempting to make a left hand turn from the westbound lane. Veh 1 was traveling eastbound when struck by Veh 2 who was attempting to turn right into the eastbound lane. Veh 1 was traveling southbound when Veh 2 ran a red light, striking Veh 1. Veh 1 was attempting to make a left turn when it struck Veh 2 who was traveling through the intersection. Veh 1 was traveling westbound when struck by Veh 2 who confused the gas and brake coming out of Flynn's truck stop. Veh 2 failed to yield to Veh 1 who had the right of way. Veh 1 was traveling in the right eastbound lane when Veh 2 was encouraged to complete a left hand turn by a driver in the left eastbound lane and struck Veh 1. Veh 1 was attempting to pull right out of the driveway when Veh 2 was turning right into the driveway and they collided. Angle WBR SBR Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Angle EBT NB Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Sideswipe EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 attempted to make a lane change into the right lane and struck the rear of Veh 1. Angle EBL WBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was turning left when Veh 2 and Veh 1 collided. Rear‐End EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 failed to stop in time, striking the rear end of Veh 1. Veh 2 was attempting to pull out of the parking lot when it struck Veh 1 travelling eastbound. Sideswipe EBT EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 2 attempted to pass a turning veh striking Veh 1 who was next to him at the time. Angle WBL EBT Unknown Daylight Clear Dry Veh 1 was attempting to turn left and failed to yield to Veh 2 who was traveling through the intersection. Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Hartford Turnpike (Route 20) at Grafton Street, Shrewsbury, MA CRASH YEARS 40% 37% 35% 33% 31% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 2010 2011 2012 CRASH DAYS 24% 25% 22% 20% 14% 15% 14% 10% 10% 10% 4% 5% 0% CRASH MONTH 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 8% 6% 8% 6% 4% 4% 2% J F M A M J J A S O N D Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Hartford Turnpike (Route 20) at Grafton Street, Shrewsbury, MA CRASH WEATHER CONDITION 96% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CLEAR 2% 2% RAIN FREEZING RAIN CRASH TYPE 60% 55% 50% 40% 30% 18% 20% 16% 10% 4% 2% 0% ANGLE REAR‐END SINGLE VEHICLE SIDESWIPE HEAD‐ON CRASH TIME 30% 24% 25% 18% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 12% 12% 6% 10% 4% 4% 6% 2% 0% 2% Crash Data Summary Tables and Charts Hartford Turnpike (Route 20) at Grafton Street, Shrewsbury, MA CRASH LIGHTING 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 80% 14% 6% 0% 80% CRASH SEVERITY 20% 0%